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Ratings & Reviews

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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Rubber Eva

Rubber Eva

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: No more DRM-ed videos! The site formerly used DRM on all it's videos however they now appear to be free of DRM.
HD Videos
Lots of hot models (some well known) and Eva
Regular updates
HQ Galleries in Zip format
Scenes show some fantastic creativity
Long scenes
Lots of content
No download limits
Cons: Uncommon flash video format (f4v) that is not easily converted to more common video formats (.wmv, .avi, etc.)
Segmented scenes and galleries are spread out over one long page.
Heavy Rubber element may not be to most peoples liking.
Navigation can be tricky on some pages due to number of items available for download.
Bottom Line: The bottom line with RubberEva.com is that this site has improved a lot from what it used to be.

I have been a member of the site several times, and in the past I have found myself being disappointed
by the site due to the use of DRM in videos.

The videos now no longer feature DRM but are still in the uncommon format .f4v which is not easily converted to more common formats for easier viewing which is a slight negative.

This site is similar to Rubber Eva's other site The Rubber Clinic in that all scenes and galleries are segmented and split into multiple parts.

However unlike the aforementioned other site, the sets and scenes share a common title only distinguishable by the fact that it features a suffix which displays the part of the series within. The sets and scenes also feature a date of publishing to further aid identification.

The sets and scenes often show a great degree of creativity in a variety of settings, from outdoors to the clean white tiles of a clinic with many different kinds of latex outfits in a variety of colours.

Although the scenes are segmented once an entire set has been released then the sets can last up to an hour sometimes longer than that.

Overall this site is very good, and maybe a little bit on the expensive side at nearly €30 per month but now that the DRM-ed videos of old are gone the value for money has gone up in my eyes.

Things that this site could improve on are:

1) Changing videos to a more common video format
2) Releasing parts of videos and scenes one after the other instead of being released over course of several months.
3) Improving navigation by making several pages of content split by year/month rather than one long page or by

If all of these improvements I have suggested were implemented then in my opinion this would probably be the perfect site. It's a damn good site as it is but a few improvements would be gladly welcomed.

05-15-12  10:42am

Replies (5)
Visit Rubber Eva

Rubber Eva

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: *Videos are now fully DRM-free
*Vidoes can be viewed by freely available open-source media players
*Choice of resolution for videos (1920x1080/1280x720/640x360)
*Updates every 3 days (appears to alternate between pics and vids for each update)
*Galleries available for download as zip files
*Large variety of latex outfits worn
*Site now includes Boy/Girl content
*Large amount of videos and sets to download
*No download limits
*Site design is much improved compared to past
Cons: *Videos and galleries are split into multiple parts
*The download pages for the multiple parts of each video or gallery do not feature links to other parts of the scene or gallery
Bottom Line: It has been a while since I was last a member of this site, but it would appear that this site is much improved compared to what it was like the last time I was there.

First of all, the site has undergone a complete redesign, with all videos and all photos going into their respective sections, without any subsections as there were previously.

The video and set lists are now spread out over multiple pages compared with the single long page that was there the last time.

I do realise that I have given the site a lower score than I did the last time (I feel now that the figure I gave last time was not what was truly deserved). A score of 89 is fair considering that there are perhaps a few small things that could be improved upon that would boost the sites score into the 90s.

I'll state it again now for everyone, all videos on this site are DRM free, yep, no DRM what so ever. The site even recommends users use VLC media player to watch the videos, and I know that VLC cannot handle DRM encoded videos at all.

The site now also features proper Boy/Girl hardcore content in it's sets and videos, something I found odd considering the sister site The Rubber Clinic featured Boy/Girl for quite some time.

Now as for things that the site could improve upon:

1) I feel that finding different parts of sets and videos would be easier if the download pages for sets and videos also featured links to other parts (and it doesn't even have to be all parts, maybe just a small text link saying 'Next Part' and another saying 'Previous Part') so as to help the user find what they are looking for without having to search through several pages to find what they are looking for.

2) I would personally quite like to see an upload schedule featured somewhere on the site, it doesn't even have to give a specific date, maybe just have the previous 3 updates and a list of the next 3 updates to come so that we can look forward to what is coming.

In short the site is much improved compared to a year ago, and with a few small tweaks this site could realise it's full potential.

08-11-13  06:28pm

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Visit Bianca's Latex Lair

Bianca's Latex Lair

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: Plenty of content to choose from (395 sets available in various categories)

Pics are very good quality and very well shot. Latest sets all feature High Resolution images.

Decent selection of videos.

Sets always show a great deal of creativity.

Frequent updates (3 new set/month, split to 4/5 parts)

Visible update schedule

Good mix of heavy and glamour-type latex shoots

Relatively easy and straightforward to navigate
Cons: Expensive

Only 74 video clips (small when compared to number of sets available)

Videos generally quite short.

No download options for sets
Bottom Line: First off I'd like to say that site is a bit over priced normally, however from time to time there are periods when initial membership fee is lower.

Every time I have joined I have been sure to join during one of these periods. The current period has been ongoing since January at least (last time I signed up, prior to this time).

So when considering singing up for this site, do not be immediately put off by the information provided with regards to the first charge, check the join page and see if there is a reduction in price.

Now as for the actual bottom line, I'll say this, this site is very good, especially when you get cut-price membership, the sets are incredible and often very sexy, very creative and each has a story behind it.

Sets have on average 100 pics, some sets might have more, others less but you will get at least 80 pics with each set.

There are unfortunately no download options for the sets so you are probably going to have to go through each set downloading each pic individually.

There are videos, more than 70 of them, however they are mostly just clips and aren't particularly long. Most of the videos available are about 640x480 in terms of resolution with a small number being bigger or smaller overall resolution. Videos can vary in terms of length with most recent videos rarely being longer than 5 minutes.

With regards to videos there is no apparent standard, and only one file type on offer for each one, with MPG, AVI, WMV and MP4 all making appearances.

So, Bianca's Latex Lair gets a respectable 85.

This is a good site that could be improved upon by reducing the price of membership as it is currently too high for most to consider.

Improvement could also be had with regards to videos, featuring videos more often (every couple of months would be perfect), making those videos at least 5 minutes long and standardising the video format and upgrading them to at least 720p HDV.

I'd also like to see a zip download option for each set as that would mean that users don't have to spend a large amount of time downloading each pic individually or have to rely on programs such as Bulk Image Downloader to do all the leg work instead.

05-17-12  04:51pm

Replies (2)
Visit Rubber Passion

Rubber Passion

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -HD Videos
-Boy/Girl Hardcore Scenes
-Girl/Girl Scenes
-Fantastically beautiful and sexy star in Lucy
-Lots of Latex
-Some light bondage, which works well with the latex theme
-Hi Res Pics
-Generally at least 2 updates per week
-Personal Blog from Model
-Interaction with Lucy via email, always open to suggestions for ideas for updates.
Cons: -DRM Protection (videos only viewable with current subscription)
-Not suitable for Mac users
-No zip downloads for sets
-Site design isn't fantastic, can sometimes be difficult to navigate
-Full head to toe latex can be turn off to those who are not big fans of rubber.
Bottom Line: The bottom line is that this is a fantastic site for any serious latex lover.

There is much that this site has to offer, including some very good HD videos, older videos are often smaller, but still watchable and of a decent standard.

This site is of a surprisingly rare breed within the Latex/Fetish Genre in that it includes full hardcore Boy/Girl scenes.

However there are a number of problems which this site has, which I feel are fairly major.

The first is the DRM protected videos, this is a nightmare for any porn fan, you download the video so that once you are no longer a member you can still enjoy the quality content.

Sadly that is not the case, these videos are DRM protected and the videos can only be viewed with a current subscription to the site, so if you were hoping to have some good videos to enjoy once you left the site, you're gonna have to think again.

Unfortunately the site design isn't overly great either, each page of the members area has links to all sorts of pages, including one dedicated to Lucy's (extensive) wardrobe of latex and another to take you to the first members area page, at the top of each page.

Sadly there is no next page/previous page button at the foot of the page, which would come in handy and would save users having to change the page number manually through the URL or by going back to the front members page.

On said front members page there are links to each of the 15 other pages of content on the site. However they go from page 1 to 15 with page one being the earliest content, so it can be a little confusing.

The galleries are pretty good but sadly there are no zip sets, so you're going to have to save each pic one at a time or get a program like Bulk Image Downloader to do all the legwork instead. The galleries have at least 30 pics but never more than 100 pics.

In my opinion it's a good site, but it sadly has a number of drawbacks, which will put off some, but others won't be.

A solid 85, with some work this site could well be a 90 IMO.

UPDATE: Having been a member for several months now, I've decided to give the site a better score as the updates have been getting better and better with each successive one that passes. The extra 5 is also because Lucy is no actress, she is going at it for real because she enjoys what she does.

02-18-12  05:50pm

Replies (13)
Visit 66 Latex

66 Latex

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -High resolution images
-Regular Updates
-Good looking European models
-Zip download of galleries
-Multiple resolution choices
Cons: -No videos
-Photoshoot backgrounds are rather simple
Bottom Line: This site sets out to give us young, sexy models, wearing a variety of latex outfits, and it delivers and does so well.

The site updates regularly, but I have noticed that the site may not update with new sets for more than 4 days at some point, but this is made up for by having a number of sets posted on consecutive days.

The sets are offered in a couple different resolutions, the highest being 2000x3000, the photos are always crystal clear and are of a very high standard of quality.

The back catalogue isn't the biggest but there are still plenty of updates to be had.

Some sets give a more pornographic edge than others, but for the most part the outfits the models wear are transparent to an extent and when they're not the outfits often barely conceal that most precious of parts.

The sets that are pornographic range from simple pussy showing to playing with toys, with one model, Katja, having a fondness for anal play with said toys.

Things that let this site down are the fact that there are no videos, if they had videos that were even just behind the scenes type shoots, then I'd be pleased.

The backgrounds for photoshoots are often fairly simplistic, a simple monochrome background. I suspect that for most though, that is a minor concern, as the models are what this site is all about.

In short, if you like young, innocent looking girls wearing latex and getting naughty in said latex, then I advise you join this site.

I give this site a solid 80, the site sticks to an idea, runs with it and does it well, it may not have the fanciest settings, but in most cases it is secondary to what the model is doing.

If they offered videos this site would be a good 85, simple but solid.

03-01-12  06:15am

Replies (4)
Visit Saffron Taylor

Saffron Taylor

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: HD Videos in a variety of settings.

Good resolution images, crisp with no blurring, good lighting, looks professionally shot

Variety of latex outfits worn, in different colours

Site is not too difficult to navigate, when you click on a set/vide part you are directed to a page dedicated to that set/video where it is possible to download each individual part and read a small description about each set/video
Cons: All updates are segmented and are often released over the course of several months.

Model is often static or moves very little for extended periods in the videos.

Videos feature no sound, just a music track over the top (so we don't hear the creaking of the latex)

Videos are downloaded in zip files, leading to slight compression within the video

Each video part is barely longer than 5 minutes

Not a very big site in terms of updates compared to some others that have been around similar lengths of time
Bottom Line: Ok then so here is the bottom line

All updates are segmented, both videos and sets, split into 3 parts. Completion of a set or video series can sometimes take a couple of months.

The videos promise a lot but I feel that they fail to deliver as the model does not move very much within the videos, with several minutes often being spent looking at the model from several different angles with nothing really happening.

The videos also do not feature sound from the shoot itself instead a music track is played on top.

People joining this site and hoping for nudity are going to be disappointed, as the model only exposes her breasts.

At some angles and in certain lighting conditions the models face can look angular and a bit plastic.

The pictures are decent sized and are well shot but show limited creativity, featuring standard modelling poses and a variety of simple (although sometimes colourful) latex outfits.

Saffron Taylor has a large collection of latex outfits, however she does not mix and match different items to create new outfits.

I've given this site a 78 as I feel that at first glance as a non-member the site looks as if it could be a very good site.

As a member though, it's a bit different, as mentioned earlier videos have only a music track, and sometimes feature little movement from the model. The videos are the main draw for the site with sets being a lesser draw.


Avoid spreading updates over the course of a couple months.

No music in videos, use sound from shoot instead, also in videos get more movement from the model instead of having her stand still sometimes and move the camera around.

Start mixing and matching on outfits, be a bit more creative.

05-18-12  06:45am

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Visit The Rubber Clinic

The Rubber Clinic

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: HD Quality Content
Lots of Galleries
Large selection of Models, who all seem to enjoy latex.
Several Updates per Week
Lots of Videos
Cons: DRM encoded videos
Videos done in multiple parts
Galleries done in multiple parts
Videos/Galleries not dated
Browsing can be confusing at times
Uncommon video formats
Bottom Line: I have been a member of The Rubber Clinic for at least 3 months on and off and as such feel that I can deliver a fair review.

If you enjoy latex, enjoy the medical theme and don't mind a healthy dose of pissing then you will really enjoy this site.

The galleries and videos are all shot to a high standard and are high quality, with videos coming in HD. Pics are a little on the small side though.

Although the videos are great they are DRM encoded in the very uncommon flash .f4v format, it would be far easier to watch videos if they were in a more common .wmv format.

The DRM can be VERY restrictive, the site claims licenses last for 5 years, and I have read from some people that they do indeed last for that length of time, but I have struggled to watch videos in the past after having left the site.

I have been told that this is due to a problem with Adobe Media Player which was used before to watch the videos and due to the fact that I moved them, so don't move the videos from their original save location or you won't have access unless you rejoin the site.

The site now uses EZDRM AIR Player which is a far better and far simpler player compared to AMP as was used previously.

The videos are split into multiple parts of between 4 and 8 minutes each, these parts are not uploaded together at the same time, instead being uploaded over a period of time, so if you join for a month, you will only have a few parts of newer videos.

Once all parts have been downloaded though, the series can last the best part of an hour, and sometimes more.

The videos are also not dated and do not have visible titles until downloaded (in which case it will be downloaded in the form: Series_Name_Part_X) so finding earlier parts of videos can often be a confusing and time consuming process.

The same applies to the galleries. An entire gallery will have more often than not more than 100 pics, split into parts of between 30-60 pics in each part.

Unlike videos, galleries all have their own names, so always try to download all parts of a gallery available into a folder before extracting the files. Again it can be a long, laborious and confusing process to get all the parts of a gallery.

Despite all the negatives I have outlined here, someone who is patient and who enjoys this type of Porn will like this site. As far as I am aware this site is unique in terms of the content it offers - A mix of Hardcore Porn, Pissing, Latex and Medical Play.

If the site did away with DRM encoded videos, went to a more common format and grouped videos and galleries together as part of a series rather than spread out across several pages along with other series, this site would be damn near perfect.

02-29-12  12:37pm

Replies (3)
Visit Latex Heaven

Latex Heaven

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Large selection of models

- Site is simple and easy to navigate

- Photos appear to be well shot

- Photos come in 3 different sizes - described as Small (800px), Medium (1024px) and Large (2000px)

- One update every 3 days (2 updates per week)

- Members get half price on joining the sister site which deals with videos (Latex Heaven Video)
Cons: - Some models look like they aren't all that into latex.

- No download options for sets

- No videos available, available on a separate sister site (Latex Heaven Video)

- Lack of variety in outfits shown.

- No model biographies
Bottom Line: OK, So I've been a member of this site several times for a total of about 8 months now and when I first joined it (after closure of old Latexotica) I was excited at the opening of a site with apparently similar ethos.

The site continues to stick to those ethos however the site is starting to become a bit tired for a couple of reasons.

Over the last few months a sizeable percentage of sets made available were of one particular model who goes by the name Natalia K.

Whilst Natalia is decent enough model, at times it felt like she was the only model working for the site.

Second is the outfits, whilst all the outfits are very nice, for the most part they all come from the same designer and a lot of the outfits they have are identical in design but differently coloured.

It would appear that there is little originality left when it comes to investment in new outfits, choosing not to take a risk on new kinds of outfits.

With regards to outfits, for the most part it's a top, pair of hotpants and a pair of stockings, sometimes with a pair of capri pants and the odd dress making an appearance.

I am also sometimes a bit baffled by the choice of models, Latex looks best on a girl with curves. There are several models on the site who have virtually no curves, with parts of outfits hanging loose and most certainly not giving a second skin effect.

The site does a few good things though, it offers high resolution images, has 2 updates per week and isn't overly expensive

It's also pretty easy to navigate, featuring a model page (so that one may view all of a certain girls sets) as well as the normal update page. The standard update pages feature 6 updates per page and a bit at the bottom where you can go to the previous/next page.

I originally intended to give this site an 80, but after careful consideration I have instead awarded it a 70.

I am a fan of this site, but if I'm honest, I would only recommend this site to someone who liked latex along with a number of other things.

I would not recommend this site to someone who has a serious latex fetish, as this site does not cater to those who are serious about latex.

05-18-12  06:16pm

Replies (4)
Visit Rubber Models

Rubber Models

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Good looking models
Large galleries
Good quality videos
Hi Res photos
Cons: Promises 720p videos - but fails to deliver, explained in bottom line
No zip sets
Appears to recycle content
Limited back catalogue
Advertises sets/videos that aren't available
Bottom Line: I was a member of this site for 2 months, about 4 months apart, the last time being over Xmas/New Year.

I am disappointed in this site, it promised a lot but often failed to deliver for me.

The site offers galleries with large numbers of photos, but does not give the user the option of zip download, and Bulk Image Downloader is incapable of downloading full sets.

As a consequence, I often had to download more than 200 photos, individually, photo by photo. Whilst doing so I often found numerous photos were broken or only displayed partially.

The site promised HDV (720p) videos, and to an extent it keeps true to that, the videos are 1280x720 in resolution, but are not HD quality and are most likely up-scaled from a smaller size.

The site appears to have a very limited back catalogue only going back at most 18 months, it also appears to recycle sets which are no longer accessible to users, this to me suggests that the site is no longer shooting models.

This site does provide some very good quality content, some with a slight pornographic edge, but for the most part, it's non-nude.

Bottom line is - it appears to offer a lot of quality content given the previews, but often fails to deliver on it's promises.

02-29-12  12:59pm

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