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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Rubber Eva

Rubber Eva

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: *Videos are now fully DRM-free
*Vidoes can be viewed by freely available open-source media players
*Choice of resolution for videos (1920x1080/1280x720/640x360)
*Updates every 3 days (appears to alternate between pics and vids for each update)
*Galleries available for download as zip files
*Large variety of latex outfits worn
*Site now includes Boy/Girl content
*Large amount of videos and sets to download
*No download limits
*Site design is much improved compared to past
Cons: *Videos and galleries are split into multiple parts
*The download pages for the multiple parts of each video or gallery do not feature links to other parts of the scene or gallery
Bottom Line: It has been a while since I was last a member of this site, but it would appear that this site is much improved compared to what it was like the last time I was there.

First of all, the site has undergone a complete redesign, with all videos and all photos going into their respective sections, without any subsections as there were previously.

The video and set lists are now spread out over multiple pages compared with the single long page that was there the last time.

I do realise that I have given the site a lower score than I did the last time (I feel now that the figure I gave last time was not what was truly deserved). A score of 89 is fair considering that there are perhaps a few small things that could be improved upon that would boost the sites score into the 90s.

I'll state it again now for everyone, all videos on this site are DRM free, yep, no DRM what so ever. The site even recommends users use VLC media player to watch the videos, and I know that VLC cannot handle DRM encoded videos at all.

The site now also features proper Boy/Girl hardcore content in it's sets and videos, something I found odd considering the sister site The Rubber Clinic featured Boy/Girl for quite some time.

Now as for things that the site could improve upon:

1) I feel that finding different parts of sets and videos would be easier if the download pages for sets and videos also featured links to other parts (and it doesn't even have to be all parts, maybe just a small text link saying 'Next Part' and another saying 'Previous Part') so as to help the user find what they are looking for without having to search through several pages to find what they are looking for.

2) I would personally quite like to see an upload schedule featured somewhere on the site, it doesn't even have to give a specific date, maybe just have the previous 3 updates and a list of the next 3 updates to come so that we can look forward to what is coming.

In short the site is much improved compared to a year ago, and with a few small tweaks this site could realise it's full potential.

08-11-13  06:28pm

Replies (0)
Visit The Rubber Clinic

The Rubber Clinic
Reply of LatexRyan's Comment

Just rejoined the site, and can confirm that videos are indeed no longer DRM encoded and it is glorious, being able to watch any video and not worry about having to enter any login details.

Hopefully this encourages more of you to join up.

06-29-13  02:18pm

Visit Rubber Eva

Rubber Eva
Reply of RustyJ's Comment

Good news, Eva now does hardcore M/F action on Rubber Eva, and what's more they've done away with DRM and started using VLC Media Player as their recommended media player (as opposed to Adobe Media Player and EZDRM AIR Player - both horrendously clunky and not very user friendly).

The lack of DRM also applies to The Rubber Clinic.

If you're still looking for a site that do M/F hardcore, Rubber Passion is an option, but uses DRM.



05-20-13  01:22pm

Visit The Rubber Clinic

The Rubber Clinic

DRM Update

It would appear that the site no longer uses DRM on latest videos, given that their media player of choice is now VLC Media player (VLC does not support DRM encoding) and given that it's videos are playable on Apple and Android mobile devices.

DRM encoding is obviously still present and active for videos downloaded prior to the change.

Hopefully I can rejoin this site over the next few months and hopefully I am capable of letting everyone know for sure that DRM is no longer present on their videos.



05-20-13  01:16pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Once again as a fan of fetish (latex) I must say that larger cup sizes are better. There is nothing worse than a model with very small breasts wearing latex as it just doesn't look tight like a second skin. Ideally a model should be at least a C cup (B verging on C would also be acceptable). If there is one thing that I don't like it's small breasts, as it can make a model look very young and in some circumstance almost like a boy.

06-05-12  12:52pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Most certainly a case of fantasy fulfilment.

I think that for the most part people subscribe to sites because of the fantasy element.

I could also have gone with other - given the fact that at least for younger guys watching porn has become a rite of passage into adulthood and for me at first it probably was too. Of course now it's all about the fantasy element, and maybe because I'm a perv anyway.

05-30-12  12:22pm

Visit Young Legal Porn

Young Legal Porn
Reply of bibo's Review

Very good review.

The layout and format results in a review that gives great amounts of detail with regards to things such as download speeds, something which some people (including myself) often don't include (and probably should).

You point out bugs and give detail as to each one and what it means in terms of the overall effect on the site experience.

Plenty of solid evidence to back up the score you've given. We need more users like you on this site providing quality reviews.

Bravo, good sir!

05-30-12  12:17pm

Visit Little Niki

Little Niki

Site closed

Looks like this site is closed, going to the address yields a blank page and info about hosting. A pity because I quite enjoyed this site, Niki being quite the kinky little slut.

It's always a shame to see sites close down even more so when they are pretty good sites.



05-30-12  09:54am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Although I voted over-eating, I don't have any real experience of this, but it relates to me in that I used to be incredibly lazy, rarely taking exercise - that is a hard thing to break as my mind still wants to just sit around and do nothing.

Of course I'm still pretty lazy but in a different way, I take a lot more exercise now, and feel far better for it, but given the chance I'd gladly stay in bed most of the day.

05-20-12  05:11pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Voted depends, but by that it means what type of work I'd be doing. In an ideal world, one that means lots of latex, but that ain't ever gonna happen.

05-20-12  05:06pm

Visit Bianca's Latex Lair

Bianca's Latex Lair
Reply of xexbot's Reply

I've actually found that most Latex/Fetish sites are actually quite competitively priced and often you don't pay much more than you would for a standard porn site.

I think that part of the reason for the high prices at Latex Lair are due in part to the fact that Bianca is one of the most well known fetish models. Whilst it's a very good site and the production values are fantastic, I think that paying nearly $40 as an initial price is a bit steep, but I can understand as to why they would put it so high.

As I've said in the review, there are often periods where membership prices are reduced and that it's far better value for money when you join during these periods.

I will admit that it can be rather hard to be subjective when you really enjoy a site or really like a model but of course sometimes it's by not being subjective that we learn the most about a site.

05-20-12  02:40pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've got 4 installed;

Chrome (which is the one I use the most)
Firefox (handy for things that Chrome can't handle - which is very rare)
Internet Explorer (back-up for both Chrome and Firefox)
Opera (back-up for the back-up)

05-20-12  08:54am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have done a couple of times, I've even emailed the model of a certain site to let her know my views of her recent sets after I was ignored by the webmaster. Said model got a bit upset at me saying that as a member I didn't appreciate a couple of her recent sets and thought that they were somewhat poor. That leaves me wondering if there is any point in sending it to either the models or the webmasters as more often than not they ignore what I have to say.

05-20-12  08:41am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

My enjoyment of pissing depends upon the circumstances. My exposure to pissing in porn has mostly come from The Rubber Clinic & Video Eva - both sites courtesy of RE Productions.

I only find that pissing appeals to me when it is combined with latex/rubber with normal pissing leaving me feel indifferent.

05-20-12  08:37am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Strong maybe from me, of course it depends on the girl. If she did H/C at the time, I'd request that she move to only softcore or get me in the adult entertainment industry with her so that I'm the only one doing the dirty deed with her.

05-20-12  08:18am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

As a man who likes latex, I enjoy it most when they start fully dressed and removed as little of the latex as possible,

05-20-12  08:16am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

What captures my attention most of the time is what the model is wearing, as I'm always looking for more good quality Latex content

05-20-12  07:31am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Media Player Classic Home Cinema with the combined community codec pack. I originally used VLC but after having trouble watch some non-porn content I switched to MPC-HC never looked back since.

05-20-12  07:30am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Poll

Got my trusty laptop, couple years old now but still going strong.

05-20-12  07:08am

Visit Latex Heaven

Latex Heaven
Reply of gaypornolover's Reply

I think that the owners understand the latex fetish to an extent, but not to the extent that someone who was serious about latex and latex fetishism. However they haven't really thought some of the decisions through carefully enough and that has resulted in a lack of creativity which is killing the site.

They've chosen to rely on pretty much a single designer and one with a rather limited selection of products, rather than looking around to find a variety of different outfits from a variety of different suppliers/designers.

When it comes to latex fetishism one of the first things people think of is of a catsuit. Whilst I appreciate that people want to showcase that there is a fashion side to latex, to focus completely on that to the detriment of more traditional fetish style outfits.

I have yet to see any negative or constructive feedback on any of the site's social networking pages, I don't know whether this is as a result of admins removing negative comments from the page or simply because no one has spoken up yet.

05-19-12  05:13pm

Visit Latex Heaven

Latex Heaven
Reply of Ergo Proxy's Reply

This site has no affiliation with either the old Latexotica or the new Latexotica. I don't know what the plan was, but I feel that this was an attempt to produce a spiritual successor to Latexotica (of course we now have a true successor with the re-opening later this year).

I personally never got the feeling that it was mass produced nor that it was generic. In fact I feel that it was as far flung from being mass-produced and generic as you can possibly get.

Latexotica was probably the first genuine multi-model latex site and after it's second revamp (the first being the change of name from Amateurlatex to Latexotica) it carved out a very specific niche, non-nude latex photography with a more adult edge, something which Latex Heaven has tried and - in my opinion - failed to do.

Latex Heaven feels far more mass produced than Latexotica ever was.

05-19-12  02:51pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I'm quite open when it comes to this sort of thing and although I identify as straight, I have been curious as to what it would be like to be with another guy and as for what makes a guy sexy, I couldn't honestly say as I haven't ever actively sought a relationship of that kind with another man, yet.

05-18-12  08:00pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

I would say it's getting better. Decent camera equipment is becoming cheaper and cheaper and video editing software can come cheap and some are fairly easy to use too, as a result standards of production increase.

05-18-12  07:56pm

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

I have found that it varies, you get some who chose an alternate name, some who use a variation on their name, some who use their name as is and then there are those who have names asigned to them.

A good example that I can think of was Latexotica, as it had a mixture of all 4. There were girls who had names chosen for them but the majority either used their real first name or a variation of it.

05-18-12  07:53pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Porn will always be stigmatised, I'm 20 and within my generation, porn is seen by most guys as a rite of passage, and that viewing it is perfectly healthy and normal.

With my Parent's generation it's a pretty different story. Both my parents know I look at porn, they accept that and don't really bother me over it, sadly my mother (as much as I love her) has a pre-conceived notion that any woman doing porn must be on drugs or at least attempting to fund a drug habit and that 'normal' people don't do things like oral/anal etc.

So in short, yes whilst there are right wing conservatives and people who have pre-conceived notions, porn will be stigmatised. 10 or 15 years from now, people will be a lot more open when it comes to talking about sex and other important things like that.

05-18-12  07:47pm

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