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Visit Blacked.com


Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: +1080p available for every video with options all the way down to 270p mobile, 4K available as far back as August 2016
+Magical production value, simply magnificent
+Around 370 videos, 20-70 mins length each (35 mins average) excellent quantity considering the quality
+Update schedule at every five days
+Images (avg. 60 per shoot on newer updates) are available in 3000x2000 vice versa, cream of the crop quality but on the small side on quantity
+Good blend of repeat performers and one-off talent from varying backgrounds, ages mostly 22-25 with occasional 30+
+New favourite function, build a collection of your favourite beauties and shoots
+Rate videos and models
+Comment on videos
+Squeaky clean, modern interface that’s easy to navigate
+Upcoming scenes, scroll to the bottom on the main page
+Deals page has discounts for other sites outside Lansky’s umbrella
+Image file sizes are small, usually 100MB
+Good to great download speeds
Cons: -No additional access to other sites
-Large file sizes may be bothersome, 4K sizes range from 4GB to 11GB and 1080p from 2GB to 6GB
-Obtrusive “Blacked.com” watermarks on some pre-scene images
-Poor search engine, no advanced searching available
-After rating a scene or model you can’t rate again, colours don’t change after refreshing so you have no idea what rating you awarded nor know if you rated them
-Site can time out after a period of inactivity
-Solo and sex images have taken a dip in quantity compared to previous years
-Tags aren’t efficient or useful as they could be
-Notification bell cannot be disabled, good thing it’s not intrusive
-Very little info on model profiles, just a short bio no stats available
-Thumbnail previews only work on the main page (latest six updates)
-Image ads below videos you’re watching
-No TBP Discount
-No downloadable trailer previews, would be really useful
Bottom Line: Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)

Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

This is it. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone into porn who hasn’t heard of prestigious, interracial powerhouse Blacked.com. This one transcends beyond the bubble of pornography and for good reason. Teeming with top tier production value and jaw-dropping talent, it’s no surprise to see Lansky establish a large fan base and break into the world of memes and pop culture. For me, that is a testament to how successful they’ve been ever since their conception.

If it wasn’t obvious, I love this site. Hung black men, devastatingly beautiful women sandwiched with razor sharp videography. 4K is more of a normality here, dating back to 2016 so there’s plenty to go around. When it comes to the ladies, Lanksy’s motto seems to be less on eye shadow, nail polish and tattoos. This is a feat I wish more sites shared – though I do like tattoos as long as they’re tasteful and there’s a few models here that have them. When it comes to cumshots, they’re usually a toss-up between a lush facial or a delicious creampie – a great finality either way. Year in, year out the production value escalates to new levels and so does the experience. The best shoots deliver eye candy akin to honey rippling in paradise. A sense of sweet satisfaction like no other. Seriously, I get chills. Tori Black’s “The Big Fight” springs to mind.

Now come the criticisms. In recent years, branding soared to new levels particularly on images. While I appreciate their motives, it can leave a bitter taste when I see enormous “Blacked.com” watermarks plastered on the starting solo images. They vanish once the scene begins, resuming to normal watermarks. Regardless, they weren’t sexy or cool. It’s good to see they have clamped down on this practice looking at the newest material, at least to some extent. However, solo images during scenes have taken a clear dip in quantity compared to previous years which I do not appreciate.

When it comes to plot, I love some good cheating stories, but even I think they play it safe by using this narrative many times over. They aren’t the most scintillating per se. More creative and risky approaches would raise the bar but they seem happy to stay put. The settings are also quite predictable but to their credit they are venturing elsewhere more often nowadays.

Cue the moment to go back on the models’ presentation (slightly). On recent material, the ladies are stark naked throughout the sex and as early as the blowjob all too often. A dash of lingerie, stockings or cute little dresses always spiced things up before but that doesn’t seem to be in their interest nowadays – perhaps a section of their fan base are against it. In fact, I’m sure it is. They often take everything off too early for my taste. I prefer more build up personally or heck some shoots for them not to be stark naked for such a long duration. Ashley Lane’s “Schedule Opened Up” dropped late last year on Blacked Raw and is a good example of a brilliant shoot sweetened with amazing lingerie and stockings to match throughout. Again, this is a matter of taste. I would like the variety back is all.

My final issue concerns the search engine. For such an established site, it’s comical how dreadful their search engine is. There is no advanced search available, the model index has a few bog standard filters, so often I found myself sifting through pages (max 5 at a time) or skipping to the last. They’ve had long enough to improve on this as well. No excuses. While they’ve finally introduced favourites, a fantastic and much needed addition to build collections, they’re the tip of the iceberg on what else they can improve. More info on model profiles also wouldn’t go amiss either. Otherwise the site looks very crisp, sharp, simple and easy to navigate around. The browsing experience is surprisingly subtle in difference versus without a membership. Other than the full streaming and downloading, it very much feels the same. You definitely know what you’re getting and I like that.

To conclude, when all is said and done these issues – sans the search engine - are just mild bumps on an otherwise luxurious ribbon of road. Big names come with big expectations and highly coveted Blacked.com for me are unequivocally, the crème de la crème of interracial pornography. If you like interracial, this place is a no-brainer and even if you aren’t I still highly recommend it. I adore Blacked.com. However, it isn’t perfect. While there are things they’ve improved on, there are also things they were better at before. With a bit more polish, their potential is nigh-on limitless. Offering an all access package along the other sites would itch a scratch that would never need itching again.

06-26-19  07:54am

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Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: +4K available for every video with options all the way down to 270p mobile
+Around 130 videos, 20-70 mins length each (35 mins average)
+Electrifying interracial with the video capture moving more often than Blacked.com
+Update schedule at every five days
+Images (avg. 60 per shoot on newer updates) are available in 3000x2000 vice versa
+More one-off talent here than Blacked.com, which some will be happy about
+New favourite function, create a library of your fave models and videos
+Rate videos and models
+Comment on videos
+Black web interface that’s sleek and easy to navigate
+Future scenes, scroll to the bottom on the main page
+Deals page contains discounts for other sites
+Image file sizes are small, usually 100MB
Cons: -No additional access to other sites
-Big file sizes, 4K are 4GB to 11GB while 1080p are 2GB to 6GB
-Downloading speeds range from great to good, which is important
-Same poor search engine, no advanced searching
-After rating content you can’t rate again, colours don’t change after refreshing so you’ll probably forget what rating you gave or whether you’ve even rated it
-Site can time out after some inactivity
-Tags could be utilised better
-Notification bell cannot be disabled, good thing it’s not intrusive
-Tiny info on model profiles, small bio no stats here
-Thumbnail previews only work on the main page (latest six updates)
-Image ads below videos you’re watching
-No TBP discount
-No downloadable trailer previews, like Blacked.com this would be really useful here
Bottom Line: Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)

Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

From the creators of Blacked.com emerged Blacked Raw. This is their follow up site that arrived a couple of years ago and opts for a different focus as suggested by its title. If you came in thinking they are a Blacked.com copy pasta, you – thankfully – thought wrong. The very rich and airy videography doesn’t follow suit here, instead there’s thrilling action with far more intensity and bite to it. Obviously the ultra-sharp video quality still carries over as you would expect under Lansky’s umbrella, with all clips supporting up to 4K but the film style is pretty different. When it comes to the best shoots they’re incredibly intoxicating, enough to send you over the edge and beyond. You can tell that the talent and production really put their backs into this because damn does it show. It’s professionally brash in the best way.

Talent pool here is very similar so there will be plenty of familiar faces, though repeat performers seem to be a bit sparser. Lansky’s vision continues around there parts as well so no heavy makeup or eyeshadows. Cumshots are indeed usually between the classic facial and creampie.

My issues are not all too dissimilar from Blacked.com. A la repetitive cheating storylines, taking the clothes off too early (though definitely not to the same extent thank goodness) and of course the calamitous search engine where there is no advanced searching available. There is nothing all that different here. The site interface is just a dark rendition, the same easy navigation carries over. Of course the new favourite function has been made readily available here as well. The quantity of images however differ far more here, some scenes pack over a hundred while others a little over a dozen. Weird to say the least, but this isn’t as frequent on recent updates.

On videography, the capture is moving more and engaging the viewer with great spontaneity. You’ll find angles you won’t find on the other site which of course is a great plus, but there also seems to be an increased tendency to miss more convenient, standard positions. This is purely down to the nature of this filming and should be expected. In any case the sex is more steamy and wild. Both the men and women are really into it, nothing masochistic if you’re worried about that. There is some portrait footage too, with some selfie captures that evoke more reality. Additionally, I found that sound plays much more of a key role here as it amplifies everything by a ton. The slapping noises between bodies seem to have a lot more body – excuse the pun – and fullness. Absolutely great stuff, another strength that is worthy of high praise.

One element I haven’t covered yet is the lighting. Grandiosity is not the intention here so of course it’s nothing like Blacked.com. The contrast is much greater, with a lot of brightness shone on the models whereas the background is quite unlit. I think there is more saturation going on too. I suppose this is the image they’re shooting for with the “Raw” moniker after all and I certainly like it, the vast majority of it anyway. Occasionally it contrasts too much and diminishes the experience somewhat. Too dark and too bright essentially and it’s notably apparent on images. The first few scenes had poor lighting, felt like I was watching it through a blurry keyhole but they’ve made large strides since so there won’t be any of that anymore. Good.

The last thing I want to touch on are the images. The first – or last - few images are usually selfies taken by females with males. They are not high definition with a grainy quality so they’re mimicking real scenarios which is great. However, they’ve taken steps to insert small watermarks centrally. There are two sides to this: the first is that it disrupts the fantasy, even if they are small they are hard to ignore. On the flip side they kind of have to do this. The quality isn't distinct like their other images so these precautions I think are necessary to combat idiots passing these pictures off for different purposes. Google Dani Daniels’ if you want an example. Some is better than none I suppose.

All in all Blacked Raw produce super interracial with a visceral kick to it. They are firing at all cylinders here with what they have so far. If you have already have a membership with Blacked.com, you will regularly be met with discounts for Blacked Raw with a horizontal bar near the top of their main page. This option makes things easier if you’re interested in both as there are no bonus sites here. Wait for a $10 flash sale if that’s a deal breaker for you. Very easy recommendation for interracial lovers and certainly recommended for everyone else. Lansky’s genius continues, these guys rule and show no signs of slowing down.

06-26-19  08:07am

Replies (4)
Visit Pure Taboo

Pure Taboo

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: +Access to the Adult Time network
+4K is available for videos dating back to October 2018 last year, 1080p is available for all down to 160p
+196 videos at time of this review, 40-100 mins length each (50 mins average)
+Excellent schedule: two updates per week (5 days, 2 days cycle)
+Sensational production values shot in cinematic, reduced saturation
+Best and most creative porn stories out there that pertain to the taboo theme – stepfamily, cheating, coercion etc
+Revered talent young and MILF who act generally well
+Images are all in 1920x1080
+Download speeds are splendid, you can also download videos from thumbnails (handy)
+Favourite videos, models and channels on the network
+Like or dislike videos, image sets and models
+Comment on videos, image sets, model profiles and even channel profiles
+Adult Time’s black user interface is impressive, simple and easy to filtrate – can blacklist performers and content you don’t enjoy
+Deals page has discounts for other sites
Cons: -No real images, just vidcaps (a fixed rate of 35 per shoot) which is disappointing
-Stories can drag for over 20 minutes, not everyone is patient enough for this no matter how good they are
-Questionable cinematography decisions with their close-ups, inclusions or exclusions, sometimes out of focus
-Believe it or not, some scenes have better stories than sex - trailers can overhype
-Depending on context, the instigator tends to be the better actor - reluctance is a skill talent often overlook
-Not sure about the “twists” lumped at the end of many videos, they distort how I feel about the scene
-Creampies are lacking, there needs to be more variation in finishes
-Thumbnails can be confusing in relation to how many talents are involved/will perform
-No info on model profiles
-No downloadable trailer previews, would be useful with these video lengths
Bottom Line: Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)

Pure Taboo is the centrepiece at the prodigious Adult Time network and a site I’ve been eager to join thanks to their highly dramatic and robust trailers. They operate through a dark, creative, brooding slant on modern pornography that seeks to challenge the audience and push the envelope on society’s customs - no doubt answering many fantasies down the line. These guys have gained quite the following, the volume of engagement through comments and whatnot are telling of how successful their campaign has been. Every shoot warns viewers from the gate with a message advising viewer discretion. A feat followed from Pretty Dirty, its predecessor?

Bree Mills is Chief Creative Officer for Gamma Entertainment, a major player in today’s porn but this site right here is her prize. If I recall, she has dubbed Adult Time as the “Netflix of Porn” so this is the mainstage Netflix series’ equivalent in terms of pulling power. Bree explores a cluster of various taboo themes comprised of: stepfamily, cheating, coercion, pregnancy and futuristic – and she ropes all these ideas down with chunky stories before any explicit action unfolds.

Delving deeper, it’s a two-way street. Bree’s direction and vision only goes as far as the performers allow it, since they can quite literally make or break scenes. There’s an important ingredient that I like to call referential dialogue, often I find it pivotal on whether shoots blow you away or descend into bland, dreary slogfests. If the talent refers to the storyline throughout, even a bit, you’ll enjoy emphatic displays of exceptional pornography. But if it’s all just moaning and “yes”, it feels disenfranchised; story is evidently high on the pecking order at Pure Taboo, so it’s a let-down to see some talent lose track of the plotline during action. There are exceptions however, depending on context. Anyhow, commitment to the storyline should be a top priority here so I’m glad to say the majority fall on the right side of the coin. Bree has set a bar to mitigate these problems, because the stories are the best I’ve seen on any porn site.

On filmography. Stylistically speaking, Pure Taboo are unlike its contemporaries. Despite being a follow-up from Pretty Dirty, their execution has heavier undertones. The visuals here are often grey and bitter, laced with tremendous production value and cinematography. Dialling back on the saturation is effective considering the material. Sound plays a huge role in its faint, tense build-ups in the background. It makes for a more compelling watch, the sex becomes that more gratifying as a result.

Adult Time has adopted this Netflix format well as all the channels are labelled clearly with logos. You can filter through various tags and models across all channels or selected channels, you can even blacklist! It makes navigation a simple task.

Now, a few bones to pick. I’m not overly fond of what is captured onscreen - particularly during points of interest. For instance, sometimes they’d rather zoom in on the male facial expressions over an impressive deepthroat by the female. Or when there’s some dirty talk and they cut to a close-up of genitalia. Impact is lost in spots, close-ups are overdone for me and I’m left unsure of what’s being conveyed. Whole body shots where you see both talents going at it need more screen time, both facial expressions and dirty bits simultaneously - these cuts are way too short for my liking. There are also intermittent focusing issues.

While I praised the stories earlier, there is a downside. Their length: it can take a while before things kick into gear so sometimes it can get to you no matter how well done it is. We can’t all be in for the long haul, but ironically some of them are even better than the sex. Make of that what you will.

Moreover, there’s no dedicated photos - just vidcaps. While fellow folks at PU don’t mind, it’s a bit weak on their part for my liking. Despite their careful selection, vidcaps can’t match the depth and quality in actual photography. The photos could be edited up with the saturation the videos have and provide flavour other sites won’t. Even 30 images of dedicated photography would be much better than their current fixed 35 vidcap image rate.

Trailers are sometimes better than the scene, they’re highly dramatic so the hype can get to you. Plot twists at the end are also a thing here and are hit and miss, usually miss but I can ignore them.

That’s all there is to cover. Pure Taboo commands a lot of respect from me for their dazzling stories. But I’m not overly keen on the cinematography choices - I’m probably in the minority at that though. Regardless, I am a little disappointed. It comes down to taste at the end of the day. If you like porn with story behind it, this place is an automatic by any account.

PS. I got Adult Time through Pure Taboo.

09-09-19  10:41pm

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Visit TS Seduction

TS Seduction

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Substantial catalogue of around 600 videos
+Although filmed in 1280x720 the quality is crisp and more than sufficient
+Great video lengths ranging from 30+ minutes per shoot to sometimes an hour
+Fantastic download speeds
+Images are easily downloadable via zip, fairly good quality, also in folders which make for quick and easy transfers
+Ability to rate and comment on shoots
+Ability to favourite videos, build and browse your own "My Kink" library
+Ability to favourite models and can be notified as soon as they drop a shoot
+Ability to download specific scenes in a shoot, very useful if you’re interested in certain scenes and not others etc
+Search bar on top means you can search from any page quickly
+Shoots contain plenty of tags
+Scenes are well produced with unique, dynamic filming - sound is also great
+Great selection of models that are drop dead gorgeous and can generally act well
+Fills obscure niche where transsexuals dominate and almost always top the male
Cons: -Update rates have slowed down to roughly two updates a month
-Though video lengths are great, a large amount is consumed by the storyline over actual sex anyway
-Low quantity of photos per shoot, 25-40 images which is much less than before, look like vidcaps so some are blurry
-Image zips are sometimes missing photos, look at image previews below the shoot and check if they're in the zip
-Confusing search interface, model index set up differently from search bar
-Site is occasionally glitchy
-Model profiles no longer show any stats like height or penis length as before
-Tagging system can be poor, tags like "creampie" are sometimes not used making fans miss out on rare content
-Doesn't mention bareback or condoms on tags, can't filter through either
-Reuses a lot of the same models
-Latest shoots (last six months) are a bit drab and mild, lacking ideas
-Scene download feature is pointless - more recent updates have two separate downloadable scenes compared to four to six before
Bottom Line: Over the years, legendary TS Seduction have produced some of the best transsexual porn on the internet period, featuring storylines and scenes shot like no other. Elite, entertaining and sexy they’ve made it all. I have enjoyed many videos over the years and still do now. But, and it pains me to say this, it is very apparent right now that they are past their prime. Years ago they were bustling with amazing content left, right and centre but the update rates are beyond slow now. Two shoots a month doesn’t sound disastrous at first but then consider you get around 26 shoots a year then it starts to hit home. Update schedules play a significant role in determining the quality of a porn site and in TS Seduction’s case, this is the main culprit here and it will surely put off some newcomers. All my other issues pale in comparison to that one. There has been a lack of new models over the last year too so returning members won’t be blown away by anything fresh or exciting. I am also not impressed with some of their recent practices such as discontinuing model stats.

To conclude, I do recommend TS Seduction but only if you want to browse through their enormous library and stream/download older shoots. The current rollout isn’t like it was before, so memberships aren’t as appealing especially long term. Keep in mind how expensive the membership is as well, so getting other sites with the subscription is more invaluable than ever.

01-23-19  04:25pm

Replies (5)
Visit Monsters of Cock

Monsters of Cock

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: +Access to the enormous BangBros network that boasts around 8,000 videos in total
+4K available for videos dating back to September 2016 down to 480p, much older videos (pre-2009) 720p to 360p
+Sizeable collection of 725 videos, 20-70 mins length each (35 mins average)
+Very lively interracial, wonderful production value shot gonzo style that’s cheesy but still very sexy
+Hundreds of brilliant photos to go around (200-700 per shoot not counting thumbnails), screenshots rich in quantity as well
+A huge wealth of different talents, from the popular to the relatively unknown, mostly aged 20-26 at time of shooting
+Favourite videos and models and create your own library, you can also like or dislike both
+Plenty of tags to choose from under videos or you can use the search engine
+Good to very good download speeds
Cons: -Updates every two weeks
-Content isn’t entirely interracial, lends to name more than I thought and lacks clear identity
-After logging in, takes you to obnoxious page brimmed with site package deals
-Videos play automatically upon loading
-Extra $5 per month required for 4K access
-Irritating malpractices, more details below
-Rolling watermarks randomly throughout videos across centre
-You can’t comment, they have a feedback utility though I guess
-Search engine misses videos with points of interest due to poor tagging, sometimes they forget to include the model names which is strange
-Site interface in my opinion looks outdated
-Navigation between various sites on the BangBros network is a mess
-Many shoots have huge image file sizes, 500MB is quite common here with some as big as 2.5GB
-4K video file sizes can be as much as 9GB
-Cancelling is cretinous, I had to use their forums to cancel properly
-No downloadable trailer previews
Bottom Line: Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

Buckle up because this is going to be a long one. Had to cover a lot of bases here so for the first time I’m going beyond the limit. This is down to the controversy surrounding them.

BangBros have been in the porn “biz” for a long time and are pretty much a household name these days. If you like porn, you will have at some point almost certainly heard of these guys. I joined in pursuit of Monsters Of Cock as most of the content there is interracial and I’m a sucker for the niche. I have to be honest, I was anxious joining. Reason being these guys have bundled up quite the notoriety over the years, even being dubbed a minefield by people at PU due to their various advertising ploys. However I bit the bullet and tried it out, aware of the potential calamities that lay ahead. I ran into problems alright, but we’ll get on to that soon. Let’s be positive for now.

Monsters Of Cock excel in punching out jovial, ditzy and ultimately sexy eye candy that would satiate many. There’s fantastic interracial. Under the BangBros umbrella, their videography is why they propelled to stardom in the first place. Their capture in my opinion is one of their defining features, similar to a fish eye lens? This style is shared across the board from what I’ve seen. Edges are rounded off in the corners, so the footage bends into the outer reaches. It supplements the action neatly, especially the POV segments which are a sight to behold because well, they’re phenomenal. Not sure if these guys are the only ones who utilise this capture but I know it’s uncommon. The crop of talent here is rich with variety, all the women are from different walks popular or not. Nowadays, the popular talent are more of a commonality.

Quality wise you’ll be in safe hands, the production value keeps ascending. Today the scenes are shot in deliciously crisp, sharp definition. They are diligent here because damn does it come through. On the other hand, sound is an area where they can improve. Some shoots sound very muffled, especially during sex. Unprofessional in my books, usually I am more lenient but it shouldn’t be happening at all considering BangBros’ stature and budgets.

Photos look brilliant, there are hundreds per shoot and they also supply screencaps with similar quantities. I wish more sites did this as having both options are great, makes comparing actual footage with photos much easier. Likewise with their videos, they’re very corny yet undeniably sexy. It can be to their detriment though, whilst browsing videos the photos used as thumbnails on site might not be in the video at all. Clickbait-esque, screencaps would be better. Solo imagery doesn’t appear to be a focus either.

Time we hone in on negatives. Their upload schedule is every two weeks, pretty slow but the network makes up for it. 4K access requires a $5 upgrade per month. A reasonable charge years ago but not now. The site interface here isn’t impressive either, it looks aesthetically deprived. It looks outdated, grey and lifeless to me. If you took a screenshot and told me it was from 2012, I would believe you. Navigation is clunky too especially when browsing sites, no clear designations such as logos or home pages for any of them. Clicking the site links below videos is the easiest way I think. Amateurish qualities if you ask me, this system is crying for an overhaul.

There’s also a lack of identity, is it really an interracial site, has it become one over the years? I see plenty of interracial content for other sites on the network and wonder why they weren’t released here, seeing as their premise isn’t all that different. The name Monsters Of Cock does lend other possibilities, but clarity would be appreciated. There isn’t anything particularly distinct about the way they shoot either, they use the same BangBros formula as everyone else. Story while not a focus can do with some elbow grease on creativity. You’re launched into the action very quickly most times and on occasions it feels like they’re jumping the gun.

Now more familiar problems ensue. Ads, ads, ads. Getting offers after logging in, seeing a long column at either flank on the page while browsing videos saying “unlock” above each site thumbnail. It isn’t as bad as “one wrong click” as I’ve read from some at PU but vigilance is a must. Not what you want at a porn site. They also use a cheap, animated watermark that rolls across the face of videos at times which is obnoxious and serves no purpose. Get rid. Furthermore, there’s a loyalty scheme where every three months of joining lands you a free site. Once I reached the threshold, I expected to choose a site at my own accord, but they chose one at random. Wouldn’t have minded so much if the site didn’t have 10 videos. Tacky moves, amigo.

07-23-19  03:57pm

Replies (4)
Visit Dark X

Dark X

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: +Access to entire XEmpire network
+Around 170 videos
+Updates weekly
+Professionally shot interracial action, cinematography is opting for a premium experience
+All videos in 1080p, recent shoots support 4K, shows size of video downloads and also offers different resolutions as low as 160p
+Generous with images, downloadable in ZIPs in great quality (1920x1280 vice versa), latest shoots consolidated solo and action sets into one ranging from 90 pics to over 200
+Favourite videos and models, can “like” or “dislike” them too
+Comment on model profiles and videos
+Add custom markers on videos for specific moments
+Create custom playlists which you can name
+Impressive search interface for models and videos, dropdown box contains widely used tags and model's names, can also search photo sets
+General interface looks sleek, modern and user-friendly with easy navigation
+Username anonymised automatically, can rename if desired
+Hover over video thumbnails to preview
Cons: -Late on the 4K game, started in September 2018 so not many videos available in 4K
-Download speeds vary from very good to very poor
-Oldest shoots have as little as 10 images in a set
-Videos occasionally have poor lighting
-Some cuts last way too long, particularly facial expressions and random skin during intense moments, can get really grating
-Seeing both bodies in action needs more airtime over close-ups
-All videos have supplementary image sets but “photos” tab under videos link to one image set, won’t affect latest shoots but will affect the older - use model profiles and search interface to circumvent
-“Photos” tab can also link to “screenshots” for no reason (usually only 30 images), “download full gallery” isn’t visible there - use advice above
-Sometimes the page selector breaks for no reason
-Photo sets can disappear on model profiles whilst navigating, especially after refreshing due to the page selector
-Some older shoots look like HardX content
Bottom Line: Extra pros:
+Large selection of models
+View upcoming schedules

Extra cons:
-Some image sets are broken and still haven’t been fixed after over a year
-Images in ZIPs are not in folders, can make transferring a bit slow
-Tags still miss content with points of interest
-No model stats

Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)
Video lengths range from 18 to 40 mins, 25 mins on average

Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

DarkX have now racked a few years under their belt and are beginning to establish themselves as one of the more well-known interracial porn sites, but are they a prime example of one? No, but they are certainly competent in their craft.

I like the premise of their content, well produced and filmed in a professional manner tied with stories that are decent albeit generic. The filming is by no means perfect though. I’m not a fan of how zoomed in some of the cuts are and how much time is dedicated to those moments; I’m well aware they are aiming for a distinct style that is dynamic, but this isn’t the best way to go about it and for me absolutely spoils certain scenes to be brutally honest. Seriously, these (lengthy) close-ups of random bits of skin, faces or genitals do nothing to enhance the experience in my opinion. It's fine if it's for a few seconds but they seem to make it much too emphasised and overwhelming for my taste. I wish I could see both bodies more often rather than seeing the guy or girl partially cropped out of the frame. Some shoots also have dreadful lighting of which I have no idea what they are trying to achieve, it doesn't make things feel more real or intimate – only a select few scenes did the dimmed lighting actually work. Also, to jump back on the distinct style, some of the older shoots look they’ve been produced for HardX but with the DarkX label plastered on it. I can tell as HardX is shot with a rawer approach with rougher edges. Seems to be a conflict of identity but this isn’t so apparent in their recent content so I’ll give them a pass.

In terms of site functionality, this is where I believe DarkX seriously excel at and despite its blemishes I’ve outlined above, they must be praised on what generally appears to be a fantastic user interface many other sites seem to neglect. It is very good, to be able to add markers, create my own playlists and use a dropdown box that contains both model names and tags makes it very comfortable for me to enjoy a service just how I, as the user wants. Having a porn subscription should be a cruise, so it’s good to see a site that caters to the user with no major hassles or bottlenecks – even cancelling was a quick and easy process. I also believe their images deserve praise too, there's plenty of them and I love their take on solo imagery as the girls look gorgeous and are enveloped in great lighting. The action consists of no lazy vidcaps, nor do they mislead you into scenes that never actually happen. There are some issues with what some may think are missing image sets, but they aren't actually missing. That is certainly an element of the user interface they can improve upon as they should make it easier to locate them - to find them just look in the "Cons" box for more details.

To sum up, I do recommend DarkX despite my thoughts on their irritating filming habits as I understand that this is highly subjective, even for a porn review. Regardless, I strongly believe it is not great and has the tendency to leave me unsatisfied. Ah well, at least the images are great. As far as interracial porn sites go, it’s good and can be exciting, but if it weren’t for weekly updates I wouldn’t be so positive. Give this site a go if you like interracial but don’t set your expectations too high or you'll be left disappointed.

PS. personally I would love it if DarkX blended a bit more romance into their stories, perhaps taking a leaf out of EroticaX's book would help?

02-12-19  07:21pm

Replies (12)
Visit Teens Love Black Cocks

Teens Love Black Cocks

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: +1080p available for every video, shows size of video downloads and other resolutions available as low as 360p
+Interracial content that has solid production behind it, delivering an experience in between hardcore and premium
+115 videos, 25-50 mins length each (35 mins average) a decent quantity
+Photos and vidcaps are downloadable in ZIPs which are also small in physical disk space = quick downloads
+Images are available in 1620x1080 which look good
+Decent storylines with effort
+Not many repeat performers means there’s an abundance of models here (though this doesn’t always work towards an advantage IMO)
+Favourite, like or dislike videos - build your own collection
+Comment on videos
+Follow feature for models
+Site has a modern, fresh and clean design
+Tags available are usable and disposable in that you can blacklist out content you don’t want while searching
+Excellent video preview system, pointing at the bottom of thumbnails will preview that part of the video
Cons: -No 4K available at all as of March 2019
-No additional access to other sites
-Update schedule was every two weeks but last three shoots have been every three which is slow
-Misleading figures on the file size of video downloads, see bottom line
-Large watermark on videos, they should make it a bit smaller as it is a bit distracting
-Terrible pagination, they use an autoload feature but even switched off the experience is still shoddy and often I’m all over the place
-Models aren’t really that young and content doesn’t always reflect identity
-Some older image sets contain images only available in 900x600 which is pretty small
-Some videos are not tagged at all so searching will not return those shoots at all except using model names
Bottom Line: Extra pros:
+Downloadable trailer previews
+100-250 images each shoot

Extra cons:
-No creampies?
-Sound can be poor
-Some scenes have too much close-up action and rubbish lighting

Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)

Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

Teens Love Black Cocks is under the TeamSkeet umbrella, one of the more popular networks these days so how has their journey been catering to the interracial niche with this site? Their labour bears fruit, well at least most of the time.

With over 100 videos of juicy interracial ventures, content is by no means scarce here and the production value is unsurprisingly very good. I’m liking the way everything is shot as it looks slick and clean, the storylines are okay and the photography looks sharp – it is clear to me at least that there has been effort gone into this. There are scenes with the usual cheating theme but I still enjoy them anyway. At the end of the day, I want to see hot chicks take black dicks and there’s certainly a decent amount of it here to go around with good quality control.

My issues with the video content are: (1) creampies, (2) sound, (3) no 4K, (4) large watermark, (5) some scenes have too much close-up action and (6) models not really being teens.

(1) I wish there were more creampies, I haven’t found one and if they are around they are too few and far between. I’m not saying there should be as much creampies as facials, but at least some would be nice.

(2) Some shoots are a bit quiet and canny, I had to turn the volume up quite a bit.

(3) A brand like TeamSkeet should have hopped onto the 4K wagon by now but I can’t speak for their other sites as I don’t use them, perhaps they have 4K there already. If they don’t have it, I think they have the facilities to do it, but maybe it’s not worth it for them. Who knows?

(4) An intrusive watermark is never a good sign. It stretches from the bottom right corner almost all the way to the center. Why not stick the TLBC logo on the bottom right instead? “TEENSLOVEBLACKCOCKS.COM” distracts from the experience in my opinion. I understand the importance of having watermarks and branding, but this is surely overkill.

(5) Some scenes on TLBC have too much close-up action, need to see more body than crops. Makes no sense to me why some scenes have these shots take up most of the video because you can’t really see the models all that well, subtracting from the overall experience. I’m not saying there should be no close-up action, the videos just need to be edited better and have different types of shots spread more evenly with one another. There’s also a few videos with rubbish lighting - more parallels with DarkX.

(6) Now onto the teen part and boy this is a long one. I don’t actually have an issue with using models that aren’t teens as they’re all hot but if you’re going to advertise yourself as such why not keep the criteria in check? Scenes like “Hubby Doesn’t Know” doesn’t make sense because that entails that the teen is married and without getting political here, teens don’t really get married at that age here. I have to question whether this “teens love” brand was a good idea because in hindsight perhaps they should have done “Girls Love Black Cocks” instead so they can bring over older talents and not box themselves in with this teen demographic, whilst still poking holes out of that very box like how I’ve mentioned above. They’d have a bigger talent pool to select from as well. Sorry if this is long-winded. I’d just think it would be better this way and yes I know they have other sites with the teen theme and perhaps they too are alike. Maybe I’m being naïve.

Phew, with that over let’s look at other pressing issues at hand. For starters, I’m going to have to dock some points for further slowing down an already slow schedule. It has gone from every two weeks, to every three. This means that long term subscriptions for keeping up with the latest content isn’t feasible and you’re better off downloading all the shoots in one month and returning a year later. Lack of demand or not, they’ve slowed it down even further.

On the site interface, it looks good and simple but there are pagination issues. The autoload feature isn’t great and I found myself stumbling on the same section despite being further down the page referring to the scroll bar on the right of the browser. Perhaps it isn’t Chrome friendly. Some videos also have no tags at all, which is unacceptable.

With wrong file sizes, this is very minor but on a “3.2GB” file what you really get is a 3GB file. I found this happening pretty consistently across the board but it’s nothing to worry about all that much.

Teens Love Black Cocks is a pretty good interracial site and I recommend it, but long term subscriptions not so much.

03-19-19  05:29pm

Replies (3)
Visit Deeper


Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: +4K is available for every video right down to 270p, this is rare
+Fabulous production values captured in a manner entirely separate from its companions, cinema-like standards makes you feel agog
+Light BDSM, male domination focus no extreme kinks/apparatus here straight and lesbian
+100 videos from when I left last month, 20-70 mins length each (35 mins average)
+Update schedule at every five days
+Images (avg. 100 per shoot) available in 3000x2000 vice versa, some of them look wonderful
+Much like the others, Deeper is packed with the most esteemed and celebrated performers
+Scenes are shot in various environments
+Favourite and customise your own collection of talent and content
+Rate videos and models
+Comment on videos
+Similar black interface to Blacked Raw, simple navigation
+Deals page has discounts for other sites
+Very friendly and responsive director, Kayden Kross in the comments
Cons: -No additional access to other sites
-Some scenes have intrusive spotlights, others have tragic lighting which create tedious experiences – generally the videos have dark lighting which I dislike
-Content is bland considering the moniker, stories are paper thin and compared to what I was expecting
-Model aesthetic differs from other Lansky sites
-Some shoots feature music that is too loud or lasts too long, should fade out much earlier
-Sizeable files, 4K range from 4GB to 11GB and 1080p from 2GB to 6GB etc
-Tragic search engine remains, no advanced searching available
-Can’t rerate scenes or models even if you’ve made a mistake
-Site can time out after some inactivity
-Notification bell cannot be disabled
-Little info on model profiles, only a brief bio
-Thumbnail previews only work on the main page (latest six updates)
-Oldest videos have no accompanying image sets
-No TBP Discount
-No downloadable trailer previews, could be handy with these file sizes
Bottom Line: Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)

A preface if you will. One weakness I’ve identified among Lansky’s sites are repetitive stories. While I praise his glam oriented vision, occasionally I felt that his production values would provide leverage. Good, creative stories freshen content up and can help combat the monotony folks at PU identified so I’m unsure why it’s low on the priority list. For me his sites are in the supreme bracket across the entire porn tree, but indeed this is a blemish overlooked.

By bringing Deeper into the fold, my interest was instantaneous as the name alone is possibilities galore, they could fill voids that have long been overdue: content with story behind it. Kayden Kross of TrenchcoatX was identified as an important figure to embark on this new project. She packed her bags to shift here from her old site, replacing the latter site and is thus at the helms of Deeper. I’m unsure of the semantics, but that’s the gist of it. You can search for TrenchcoatX but the link will redirect you here instead.

Deeper is the newest addition to Lansky’s ever-growing glam matrix. As mentioned before, this one is very much unlike its companions. Presentation wise. I would class their videography as a lush, premium blend of cinematic porn, with elements of gonzo through certain cuts and captures. Naturally you’ll think of Sex Art, but not so fast. They shoot material that could be stripped from shows and movies in my opinion. Not that it’s a bad thing by any means. Anyhow, it appears they’re trying the inquisitive and curious approach. All videos are available up to 4K, they aren’t messing around here. The talent pool is also unsurprisingly chock full of the most fabled adult stars kicking.

Let’s crack on. Needless to say, the moniker alone should depict a greater focus on story but I found that the emphasis I’ve been chasing hasn’t really been met. Instead, Kayden is churning out more BDSM material compared to her earlier work which I’m not keen on. It has its appeal, males dominating women through light BDSM but I think Deeper could and should be more. I don’t mind the odd shoot on it but recently it’s become so lopsided on that niche. Yawn, it’s just not my cup of tea - they should mix things up like they did before like with Lesbian content and amp up the dialogue.

Despite the intimate shots, the light-handed stories blot and hollow my curiosity, wasted potential. The natural model presentation Lansky is known for isn’t the same here either. Bright nail polish and lipstick are copiously used on newer material. I can appreciate a new site carving a distinguishable position among its siblings but thematically it’s not very cohesive. Over the years, Lansky’s beauty aesthetic played a major role on cannoning his body of work and name to the pinnacle. It’s off-kilter for this value to not follow suit in these parts.

More issues surface. While videos are exceptionally crisp, I don’t enjoy all aspects of it. The lens flare doesn’t add much and is at times obnoxious, but the lighting is another story altogether. It can get very bad. Some scenes contain a distracting spotlight, others would be disastrously unlit to the extent you see little to nothing of interest. It’s not very provocative if that’s the goal - they verge on unwatchable for me. Generally the videos have dark lighting which I’m not on board with. I also find it bizarre that some supplementary image sets are in settings that do not match with the video. This concerns the action, not solo imagery.

The more videos I watch, the more I’m unsure whether it belongs under the Lansky umbrella. Not because the quality isn’t there (it certainly is) but because it differs so much aesthetically. It hasn’t fit in snugly as I’d hoped. It’s an awkward one because it’s arguable that the Raw sites differ in that aspect as well. Either way, the name “Deeper” is ingenious. In theory it should yield a virtually bottomless pit of ways to get creative. At the moment though, they are not maximising their possibilities and potential to boot. Their content is quite inconsistent, varying from stylishly elegant to basic run of the mill couple porn or light BDSM with little bite to it. The model aesthetic bothers me as well. I don’t mind Deeper switching things up, but for me that’s a Lansky core that should be adhered to. Their older updates were better.

Expectation got the better of me. I have no aspirations of returning in the near future because for all intents and purposes, I found them underwhelming and bland even with regular updates. They need more creativity and dialogue to ascend to something greater. Something “Deeper”. Inside the Lansky fortress, this is the first site I’ve found pretty mediocre honestly. It didn't give me that wow factor. Give it a shot if you’re into these kinks. Perhaps it’s for you.

PS. the search engine is still terrible.

09-09-19  10:41pm

Replies (0)
Visit BCM.xxx


Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Updated: 03-19-19  05:11pm  (Update History)
Reason: Downloading issues and small amount of content
Pros: +4K and 1080p available for every video, shows size of video downloads and other resolutions available as low as 360p and different FPS (1080p only)
+Interracial action with good levels of production, hardcore style (avg. 25-30 mins per shoot)
+3 types of downloadable image sets: “Pretty Girl” (solo females), “Photos” (action) and “Vidcaps” (self-explanatory) – all in ZIPs and in folders = quick and easy transfers
+Image sets also available in 3 different resolutions “Full/High” (5760x3840) “Med” (2000x1333) and “Low” (1024x682) all vice versa
+Action image sets range from 90 to over 200 while solo image sets average out at about 100 each – they look neat
+Good selection of female talent aged early 20s to early 30s
+Favourite and rate videos, build your own collection
+Comment on videos
+Very good model profiles with stats like height, bust measurements and ethnicity
+Pretty good search interface, advanced search has a page brimmed with usable tags
Cons: -Does not provide access to Pimp.XXX network that has other sites
-Update schedule is very slow at once a month, maybe two at most
-Small collection of just 30 videos
-Videos start playing automatically on site
-Large file sizes (4K range 4-8GB, 1080p range 1-4GB depending on which FPS option you select) – quality of content does not always reflect this
-Sometimes downloads fail midway through, irritating when downloading large files while I’m doing other things
-Older shoots (about two thirds of whole site) do not have a separate solo image set, this content is in the action image set but there are less of this content there
-Cumshots in some videos are disappointing due to really tiny loads
-Images contain what I believe to be fake cum finishes – more prevalent in recent shoots and is especially noticeable when I compared the video and images
Bottom Line: Extra pros:
+General interface looks clean, simple and easy to navigate around
+Downloadable trailer previews
+Hover over video thumbnails to preview

Extra cons:
-In some videos, music during intro is too lengthy, needs to be cut before blowjob starts rather than carrying through some of it
-Some older (full/high resolution) image sets are large in size e.g. 1.5GB
-No creampies?

Extra information:
No condoms (my preference)
Vidcaps are 100 images each

Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

BCM.XXX is from Pimp.XXX and features exclusive interracial porn with gorgeous models. From what I’ve seen, it is one of the less known interracial sites and may have slipped through the cracks for some. The videos are shot in crisp, neatly sharp high definition with 4K support though the file sizes are something you’ll have to bargain with more than other sites. Sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes it isn’t. The filmography varies from good to very good, but with these file sizes you’d want very good every time. The lower FPS option for 1080p is a good idea for anyone who wants smaller file sizes but are okay with a slight reduction in the experience. But I’m always pursuing the best definition sites have to offer, so of course I’m scrambling for higher FPS 1080p and 4K. The style they’re shooting for is hardcore, it’s not trying to be cinematic and it certainly is enjoyable to a good extent.

With images, I think they’re mostly very good. Although the female talents are a little too airbrushed for my taste, the quality and system they have in place is very good. Multiple resolutions are available to accommodate your needs. It’s a shame older shoots don’t have solo image sets of the girls but it’s not like they don’t exist, just smaller in number wrapped in the “Photos” image set. Anyhow, I’m very impressed with the model info they have on their profiles; eyes, hair, tattoos, bust measurements, ethnicities, height, weight, age etc all these little nuggets and the good news is most of them are filled out. This kind of stuff is golden, you don’t see many other sites taking this kind of liberty because let me tell you, it’s worth it. Even if some bits might be inaccurate or outdated, the effort is there.

Now the big question: would I recommend this site? Eh, maybe a month at most. Here’s why.

With just 30 videos, it is safe to say that there are barely any videos here and they update very slowly at roughly once a month. I understand other sites may have more demand but this is an immediate red flag when it concerns long term subscriptions. You’re better off downloading it all in the first month, finish up the subscription and return a year later. I know they’ve improved their update schedule slightly over the last year but this site launched mid 2017 – that should tell you everything.

Also, I read from another porn review site that signing up through one of the sites over the network will result in access only to that site and not the others. I tested this by trying to sign in through BCM.XXX afterwards and I couldn’t get in. So I signed up through Pimp.XXX. Not sure if this is the wisest practice when you consider how finite the content is.

On downloading, I had quite a bit of trouble with this site. I use Chrome, in the past I’ve downloaded from other sites with differing issues, some none at all but this site is unique in that I kept getting “Failed Network Error” midway through downloading. This became problematic because when I hit download I’m doing other things as is anyone; time after time again I would come back to see that same message – I would sigh and then click “Resume” to get back on track. Thankfully it didn’t reset the download progress, otherwise I would be a lot more negative! Perhaps it was Chrome, but I find it strange that I’ve only had this particular issue with this particular site.

My final big issue concerns cumshots. Some loads are really small and anticlimactic which isn’t good and from what I’ve seen there isn’t a single creampie. My preference is facial or creampie, so although it’s nice that most of the finishes are facials, not having any creampies at all is disappointing in my opinion. To add insult to injury, prove me wrong, but I believe the images contain fake finishes. The loads look much thicker and plentiful compared to the video, sometimes not even on the same area. This raises questions. On older videos this isn’t the case, so it is worrying that this issue revolves around newer content which is more important.

In short, it’s a small site that is alright with good perks, some excellent tarnished with bad drawbacks. If you decide to give this a site go, ensure you get it through Pimp.XXX so you get access to other sites on the network. Otherwise, you’re not missing anything special in my opinion.

03-19-19  05:07pm

Replies (8)
Visit Black Please

Black Please

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: +Access to the StaXXX network
+1080p to 480p range of resolutions available for every video
+Somewhat okay interracial pornography
+Cool abundance of images, looking surprisingly sharp (avg. 300 per shoot)
+Favourite videos and access your own library
+Tags are consistent with the content on display
+Sometimes there’s two separate scenes with the same performers, a nice touch
+Site interface is nice to navigate around
+Find out about upcoming scenes
Cons: -Content is not exclusive
-Suspected content rotation with no dates available and there’s only 42 videos
-Scenes have amateur production value, they look like older videos that have been upscaled
-Some scenes have poor audio balancing
-Upon loading videos, it is unclear which sites videos are from, not marked as “Black Please” etc so had to use another way
-Pagination is poor, sometimes the page selector doesn’t respond and requires refreshing – have to start from page 1 every time
-Rubbish downloading speeds, it caps at a third of my full maximum speed
-Can’t use more than one tag concurrently
-Cancelling is awkward, requires you to visit the biller’s site to send an email ticket
-No TBP Discount
Bottom Line: Disclaimer: please note that by "interracial" I am referring to black men and not black women, these are industry standard terms not my own.

Black Please is among the StaXXX network and due to its focus on the interracial niche I had to give it a peek.

I am confused. I do not think the content is exclusive. I think they re-release material from several years ago in higher definition (site launched in 2016). Perhaps some new clips thrown in the mix every now and then. It certainly shows when watching the videos, there is an amateurish quality to them that is not reflective of the standards we had in 2016. By no means are they unbearable, but they certainly aren’t good either and it tars the experience. The majority of the content appears to be poor upscaling to 1080p to me but I could be wrong.

The videography is a basic gonzo presentation that favour excitement. Storylines are nigh-on non-existent which is to be expected. There are good scenes here but nothing really to write home about as many are run of the mill. Sound has unprofessional qualities to it or at the very least outdated. Some clips feature audio that hasn’t been compressed correctly so some moans and screams pierce the ears. This isn’t done in an intentional manner as I would be able to tell if it was. Production value is not up to scratch either then.

Site interface is poor. Clicking on scenes do not have any labels or tags entailing it to be from Black Please amid the other sites on the network; the only way to find out is by clicking on the video and reading “Related Videos” below and seeing the site names there. Gets real confusing when I use the “interracial tag” to be returned results from other sites. None of the clips are dated on the site either, so there’s no way to identify their update schedule. Now unlike the sound issue this is clearly intentional as they do not want us to be aware. Carpeting over such information is an alarming indicator of a site that is sketchy. The site also times out surprisingly fast and because they use a pagination system that’s on a single URL, you will be slammed right back on the first page after refreshing. Annoying when you’re browsing but with a bite-sized collection of just 42 videos there aren’t many pages to sift through anyway. Navigation is nice and simple aside from that. Model profiles aren’t here either, no information about them at all.

A few negatives so far, anything to rave about? Well the images look nice and sharp. Even if they have been touched up perhaps too much, most of the videos have hundreds of images with good helpings of solo and action - this is always a good thing in my books. The talent pool here is also obscure with many models I’ve never seen or heard of before, this is also good considering the nature of the site. I don’t think it’s trying to be big budget. The other good thing is that there are a few double clips featuring the same pair of models (male and female). They are not merely one scene split into two because they finish with different cumshots despite wearing the same clothing. This is something I wish more sites did, featuring the same pair across more than one scene definitely adds to the fantasy. However I understand this isn’t very convenient nor viable in terms of demand and more of a matter of personal taste. Alas, credit is where credit’s due and it’s nice. Tagging system aside from the non-existent site labelling is mostly good as well, but using multiple tags isn’t possible. That’s it when it comes to positives.

Images aren’t released alongside videos at the same time vice versa. I couldn’t access the supplementary image set on a recently released video, only to see the photo set labelled with an upcoming date marked on the thumbnail. I also accessed a photo set but couldn’t access the video, you get the picture. My suspicion is that most of the content here was produced years ago and are being cleaned up, upscaled, shelled out and then advertised as new product and/or rotated. On their tour page it says nothing about remastering old content so this is disappointing. They also advertise content on there to only after having joined see that their upcoming releases. What’s the point? Download speeds are also consistently well below normal – they’re capped. Cancelling also required messaging the biller via an external site through tickets.

Unless you want what I believe to be a half-baked attempt at remastering old interracial clips that aren’t even exclusive and rotates content as if they’re new, I would give this site a hard miss. Not many redeemable qualities here, especially if they’re not going to divulge their release dates. I have no intention of returning. Not because I hate it but because I don’t care for it. Black Please is a forgettable, mere blip. Getting access to the rest of the StaXXX network made this subscription barely worth it.

07-23-19  03:32pm

Replies (2)

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