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Visit Private.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: No download limits, DRM, or regional discrimination.
Upmarket glossy settings instead of the usual cum stained casting couch.
Different locations plus professionally produced and lit videos with some good angles, makes the material look different to the usual mass produced porn.
Good speeds on streaming and download.
Access to one of the most well established, and professional porn studios, giving access to a good variety of new and archive material.
HD videos look really good.
Zipped photos.
Consistent updates, albeit of different age and quality.
Very little filler material.
Their representative did take the time to appear at PU and answer concerns about cancellation problems.
Easy login.
Cons: Cancellation not confirmed, took a number of messages and emails to confirm cancellation.
Awful navigation and search facilities.
Old and new, high and low spec videos, all mixed in together.
Clips from same dvd mixed up over different sites.
Some videos don't play.
Only mp4 available for download or streaming.
Too many fake breasts.
A little less material than on big sites.
Bottom Line: This place is a delight and pain in the ass in equal measure, what you get though is quality stuff. Private is yet another dvd site masquerading as a network, so I use the main home page as base, then use the various sites as a filter and search facility. I am still finding some great material, but with no meaningful category search facilities, it is hard work and time consuming being a member. Browsing can be frustrating and no fun, if you spend more time searching than viewing.

On the main home page videos are not listed in chronoligical order of update, although scenes are, and so are the scenes on the individual sites, but updates are a mix of new and old material, so you get old 480 quality, mixed with 720 and 1080 quality, and scenes from each dvd are split up across the network on different sites. This has to be one of the most irritating porn sites to browse on the internet. Everything is mixed up together like an Eton Mess (created when a student dropped his dessert on the floor resulting in everything being mixed up. That sums up navigation).

For instance, if you go to Private Castings you will find a selection of videos with names like Guns And Rough Sex, Sex Auditions, and Cum To Daddy, split up into clips, but you wont find them all on the same site. For example, Cum To Daddy has a clip on Private Castings, but the other scenes from that video are to be found on both Russian Teen Ass, and Tight And Teen.

To me some of the older 480 clips don't look at all good, despite some glamorous and luxurious location filming, directors often can't resist changing from one angle to another, like you're going to get bored watching a beautiful girl getting fucked from the same angle for more than ten seconds, and once again there are far too many gynaecological closeups, and fake breasts.

Things could be so much more enjoyable with a little thought and organisation. Or maybe there is thought and organisation behind it all. Of course you don't think a company like Private just leaves it to chance do you? They've been around since 1965, and don't get to be in business this long by leaving things to chance. You think piracy is putting these guys out of business? I don't think so. They pre date internet porn, they predate video, they nearly predate me, but not quite.

Ah yes, video tapes, remember those? You'd make the effort, to go to one of those video shops, and fork out a lot of money buying the genuine article from some distant relative of the Krays, who'd only recently got the jail bars off his arse, but it was worth it, you finally had the real thing. Then you'd get it home and put it in the video machine, and wait, and wait, and wait...then finally, finally, after half an hour, it got to the good bit, and then it was over. WHAT!? That's as bad as my sex life, that can't be it!

But it was, and you didn't even have a remote control to forward wind. Ah, but they knew how to frame a shot, and they were actors, and it was all produced so well, but you just wasted an hour and a half of your life.

Porn is now vastly improved so I'm being a little harsh in judging Private who has to compete with the number of dvd's on the likes of Video Box or Videos Z, and the number of sites on 21 Sextury or Teen Mega World, and are attempting a sleight of hand at trying to make it look as though there is more than there really is. I think there's enough anyway, without the sleight of hand, even though the older material is far inferior in picture spec, though not in production. Making searching impossible and time consuming means longer memberships.

Same goes for the cancellation problem. It maybe designed that way for a reason. It took a number of emails and messages to get them to confirm my cancellation. One of the problems was their internal service did not recognise my membership password, so it was impossible to cancel using their links. Some of those missed cancellations are going to slip through "accidentally" which means more money.

The newer vids look very impressive, and if I was going to compare them to anything it would be to those early higher budget porn movies shot on film. Picture content is varied. Some clips have only 5-10 pics, some have over 100, and some have none at all, but they are of good quality when they exist, and can be downloaded in zipped form, or browsed through on the same player as the videos.

Private has lasted this long, mainly because they've maintained a high standard, and given people what they want - action, and done it with a style and professionalism that few others have. The videos don't all look the same as they do on some networks, due to a number of different directors working in different locations.

If not for the cancellation problems and navigation I would have stayed longer and scored higher. Just before I was due to post this review, the Private representative appeared on PU to answer the cancellation concerns. If that improves I will join again.

12-06-13  04:16pm

Replies (6)
Visit Devils Film

Devils Film

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: A large collection of professionally shot dvd's.
An unusually good selection of pics for a dvd site.
Excellent variety of download and streaming facilities, including HD, with good download speeds.
No download limits or DRM.
A variety of action across the vanilla porn range.
Discounts available through TBP/PU.
Many attractive girls in a variety of shape, size, age, and colour.
Easy log in, only requires username and password, which is remembered.
Cons: Pre checked cross selling
Not easy to cancel, it took a few emails to get them to confirm my cancellation.
Regional discrimination.
Clicking the back button takes ages to get a response.
Pictures not zipped.
Far too many tats and fake breasts.
Duplication of clips across the network.
Bottom Line: I usually boycott any site that practices regional discrimination or pre checked cross selling, but I joined up because of the special £5/$5 offer by email, and we all know by now the price of my principals is a fiver. What I expected to find was a dvd site along the usual lines, and Devils Film IS mainly a dvd site, but it is more than that, mainly due to some very unexpected high quality pictures.

The mainstay of the site is videos, which are high standard and professional on all fronts, being well photographed, lit, and edited, with fewer really awful bottom of the barrel cheap dvd's you sometimes see on the big dvd sites. The high spec material looks great even on streaming. Older material (by that I mean clips with the ripe old age of two years) are of lower quality, but I still found many to be well worth viewing or collecting.

I found acceptable speeds for both downloading and streaming, apart from the one irritation of the back page button taking ages to respond. As usual I did find things a little slower in the peak UK hours of late afternoon and early evening, but the main default option of Web HD 540, still worked well. Streaming looks great, especially on more recent videos, with a picture box allowing you to move backwards and forwards to any part of the clip almost immediately, with no buffering. For HD 720 and 1080 it was a little more difficult to maintain a constant picture.

Web HD 540 is the default streaming option, with the ability to stream higher spec videos in HD 720 or Full HD 1080. If you are used to HD, and prefer it, you will notice the difference between the older 480, and newer 720 or 1080 videos, but I think there is some worthwhile stuff in the lower 480 spec, and don't forget this is mainly a dvd site, so is therefore limited to that spec. The presence of good quality pictures makes you forget this is mainly a dvd site and should be judged as one, but also makes you wish they would shoot scenes for online, in true HD.

The fantastic photos here caught me entirely by surprise. They are done very professionally, like most things on this network, with some very good softcore posing followed by hardcore, along the same lines as Teen Core Club. What quality of photos you get for each scene however, is hit and miss. Some are great photo shoots with a great selection of photos, some only have a few, some are merely screenshots, and some have no photos or screenshots at all. The one big downside is they have no zipped photos. so you have to capture each one individually.

I quite liked the layout of the home pages, with attractive pictures showing the content of each clip. You can choose to view by clip, or filter to show each dvd, then look at each clip from that dvd. Many dvd's appear more than once on the sites. I found no videos or dvd's which weren't listed on the Fame Digital site, so I used that as my main base, using the individual sites as a kind of filter. Material is not exclusive, but updates are regular, with some of them being shot some time ago.

There's a good variety of material across the network: cream pie, anal, double anal, lesbian, tranny, gang bang, orgy, and many more, so although it is material from a single producer, there is enough variety to keep up interest. There is a good variety of shape, size, age, and colour of women too, although most of them do have that professional look. If there is any tendency here, it's towards anal.

At the time my membership ended they had 3764 dvd's on Fame Digital. Downloads were generally available in wmv or mp4 with older clips coming in at 480 and newer ones at 720 or 1080. I read bad things about their search facilities, but didn't use it. I didn't join for anything particular and was happy flitting about the place. Logging in is easy as it only requires your username and password, which is remembered across the network. I would consider the place to be consumer friendly if not for the dirty tricks. It took quite an effort to get them to confirm my cancellation. They practice pre checked cross selling and regional discrimination, so this is not a place I would normally visit, but for a fiver it was certainly worth it. If not for those dirty tricks I would be happy to pay for several months' membership.

11-28-13  09:32am

Replies (0)
Visit Butt Man

Butt Man

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Excellent camera work, with some very attractive talent, professionally lit and shot. This is the way to do it.
No DRM or download restrictions.
No pre checked cross sales.
Large choice of download and streaming options, with some very high quality offered.
Good offers available either through PU/TBP.
Lack of condoms.
Some unusual and individual content.
Good looking home pages with easy navigation.
Good download speeds.
Access to a number of other Evil Angel sites, which are updating across the network.
Cons: A few too many battle weary, hardened pros, old before their time with, too many tats and fake breasts.
Regional discrimination.
Occasionally the material slips into the internal and over the top gross, and can be samey.
Poor for photo fans.
Very anal oriented, so not good if you have lighter porn taste.
Sometimes over lengthy clips, so file sizes can be large.
Bottom Line: I suppose this should be entitled In Praise Of Buttman. I'm going to disagree with a few on here about the current state of his material, because when compared to Mike Adriano, who I consider to be one of the most infuriating of directors, Buttman shows how it should be done. In fact he still stands head and shoulders above most porn directors. It's the difference between Rambo and all the imitators.

Rambo might be trash, but it's entertaining trash, because it draws you in and entertains. It sells illusion and takes you into another world because it gets the angles, the pacing, the lighting, the performance, and the direction, right. It looks easy until you see how awful all the imitators are in comparison, who get everything completely wrong.

Mike Adriano is infuriating because he wastes some amazing talent. I hope Pat doesn't mind me quoting him in this review, but he gets it spot on when he says "but once you remove the fact that the woman is hot. You are left with a lot of close-ups, very few change in camera angles, a check list of sexual positions he will make the women take and finally more F...king spit and drool than any sane person wants to see in his life." Sums it up perfectly.

So why in earth do some get it wrong while Buttman gets it right? Maybe it's simply because he actually likes what he's doing, or maybe he has a genuine talent for shooting porn. Whatever the reason, and it is just opinion, Buttman is still one of the best directors, allowing the girls taking part in the hardest of mainstream material, to look absolutely stunning.

You mostly see attractive models on this network, but they do, on occasions, slip over into the battle scarred, weary, hardened pros type, old before their time with, too many tats and fake breasts. That's not surprising given the hardness of the material, which sometimes slips into the gross, with too many internal bowel scenes.

Sadly, they don't cater more for pic fans on Evil Angel because the photo facilities are almost non existent. When you see what great angles Buttman obtains in his videos, it's such a shame he doesn't take the time to do the same thing for photos fans.

Buttman moves the camera around just enough to get some great angles, but not so much, you get a headache from a constantly shifting spinning camera. Seems a simple thing to do, but he seems to have an eye for the erotic and for making attractive girls still look attractive no matter how hard the scene.

Although the Buttman and Evil Angel content is original, it is a selection of clips posted from their dvd's, some of which are already available on dvd sites like Video Box. If you count EA as a network, it has has some edgy mainstream scenes, with Buttman's site as the flagship. He gets it mostly right, and considering how hard the material is for mainstream taste, still manages to put out some highly erotic content that shows off the girls' beauty.

Stagliano is still the boss when it comes to ass oriented porn. He makes it look easy, but that's possibly because he enjoys what he does.

10-09-13  01:53pm

Replies (4)
Visit Milk Enema

Milk Enema

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: No DRM or download restrictions.
No pre checked cross sales.
High Quality videos, professionally shot, lit, and performed.
Large choice of mp4 and wmv download options.
Good streaming facilities.
Good offers available either through PU/TBP or if you sign up for their emails.
Great if you're an ass man.
Lack of condoms.
Some very different unusual content.
Cons: Regional discrimination
Sometimes the scenes can be too gross for mainstream taste.
Too many tats and fake breasts.
Too many gynaecological close ups.
Poor for photo fans. Pics from the scenes look like screencaps, and not particularly good ones, with no zips.
Content can be too samey.
Bottom Line: I joined through a $5 offer by mail, which was changed into pounds as I am from the UK. I stay away from those who practice regional discrimination, but at that price I decided it's virtually giving the material away, so I took them up on it.

Even though this is a Milk Enema review because I joined through that site, I am looking at this from the perspective of what the entire network has to offer. In fact it isn't really a genuine network at all, more an Evil Angel dvd site, and so has more in common with VideoBox.

When you first go to the home pages, you see clips spread out by scene from the dvd's they are taken from. Anal Overdose 1 Scene 5, Anal Overdose 1 Scene 4 and so on, with a picture from each, then on to the next dvd split up in the same way. Personally I prefer to choose the dvd option then look at the individual scenes if they appeal, so I pressed "Movies," which shows the dvd cover for each available title. There are pull down menus for series, pornstar, and movies. Unlike others I didn't have much problem with navigation. Scenes are dated, and home pages are inviting. I didn't use the pornstar search, so can't vouch for it.

The 24 site network is divided mostly by individual director. The majority of the material is hardcore anal, although they have some transsexual/shemale, lesbian, and enema content. Models are of the seasoned, professional, glossy, tanned, curvy type, rather than thin, natural, amateur. I would describe it as hard mainstream, bordering on fetish, and may be too much for some people. If you know and are a fan of this type of material, the obvious advantage over other dvd sites like VideoBox or VideosZ, is there is little filler material. You wont have to search far to find plenty of stuff that you like. For me the biggest weakness is the continual presence of tats and fake breasts.

The content focuses on the anal, for me too often literally focussing on the anal, and therefore has the biggest collection of arseholes in one place since the last Republican Convention. It's possible that on occasions you will find the vids too over the top if you have mainstream taste, and at times the scenes have the erotic appeal of an overweight senior citizen having an anal swab. Taking one example, for me, turning the bowel inside out in a swimming pool and letting sperm flow into the water isn't a big turn on. One thing I have heard about and don't want to see is a model licking a prolapsed bowel. I'll pass on that one.

I do have some sympathy with them however, because they are trying to keep ahead by doing something different and exciting with gusto. They are on the border of mainstream taste and getting it right, given the diverse tastes and demands of porn users is very hard, so it doesn't particularly bother me if it isn't occasionally to my taste.

There is a good choice of mp4 streaming resolutions, with a picture box enabling you to instantly jump forwards or backwards and see where you are. On most sites there are a good variety of mp4 and wmv download options. Unfortunately the pictures are a weakness, looking mainly like screencaps, and have no zip facilities available. Here in the UK, I find the site slow to respond and quite often the streaming is slow and jerky, especially at peak hours, but downloads have good speeds, which is just as well as the scenes are generally lengthy, often being over an hour, resulting in the files being large.

When I cancelled, I didn't receive a confirmation mail. I notified them through their system but still didn't a receive a reply. After 24 hours I went to the cancellation page and was able to talk live to a representative who was helpful, and sent me a confirmation mail straight away. Keep your sign up details, otherwise cancelling could be tricky. If you need it, on the support page there is a small live chat box towards the top right of your screen marked "Need Help, We're Online."

For the definitive review of this network take a look at the rearadmiral reviews of Mike Adriano and Milk Enema, which are as informative and accurate as you can get.

For me this place is well worth a visit, but not at full price, where I would boycott anyway due to regional discrimination.

09-28-13  08:55am

Replies (5)
Visit Exploited College Girls

Exploited College Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: No DRM, download limits, or pre checked cross selling.
Beautiful amateur girls in a good variety of shape size and colour.
Genuinely amateur and individual content with its own style.
Exclusive material and most of the girls will not be seen elsewhere.
Good lighting considering the niche.
Good streaming.
Good download speed.
Zipped pics.
Named files.
Girls listed chronological and alphabetically.
Inviting home pages and easy navigation.
Still updating.
Easy log in, site remembers your details, with only an easy to see word to copy.
Good customer oriented feel.
Cons: Poor rip off exchange rate with CCBill sign up.
Male lead can be a bit irritating at times.
One type of material.
No network of bonus sites.
A few too many fake breasts, and especially tattoos.
Condoms becoming more common.
Blurred face of male can sometimes spoil action.
Some bad camerawork and views at times. Can be amateurish.
New pics look like screencaps.
A polarised niche, you either love it or hate it.
Bottom Line: It's just an opinion but Exploited College Girls, takes this niche and nails it brilliantly. The girl next door types are the type you wish really were living next door instead of that rottweiler, but you know you'll never get that lucky.

There is a real amateur feel here and a lack of gloss, but the girls are so beautiful they don't need much gloss, they just need someone competent enough not to fuck up capturing them on video, and merely need to look their natural gorgeous best. This is where ECG scores. It is professionally lit, edited, and photographed well enough to be erotic, with the girls looking stunning. For me it's an excellent blend of professionalism and DIY amateurism, which isn't easy to do, because so many times you see beautiful girls being made to look unbelievably unsexy, by lousy lighting, bad excessive makeup, awful camerawork with awful unflattering angles, shot by morons you wouldn't trust to shoot a rock without blurring the picture.

The recent shoots are dated and I counted 286 girls a few weeks ago. Membership gives bonus access to Backroom Casting Couch, (on a quality par with ECG), and Net Video Girls plus some free movies. This isn't a network, it's a standalone DIY site, with quality material, and beautiful girls. Given the one man and his camera thing, it's done in a professional enough way to show off the girls to maximum effect, plus you get plenty of build up, dressing, undressing, and walking around naked and semi naked.

This is just my opinion, but I think the guy does a great job, even though he may not win any humanitarian, or upstanding church goer of the month awards...or maybe he might, we don't know who he is, as his face is blurred out, something that is annoying and can detract from the action. Backroom Casting Couch is the same.

New video spec is 768x432 at 4000-6000 kbps and slightly older ones are 640x360 at 3000-5000 kbps, with the oldest being 576x324, but this isn't about HD pristine quality with models looking like they've been dipped in bronze, it's about one man and a camera, and at it's most high tech, one man and two cameras, with occasional help from a mate.

Old pictures sometimes look better than the new ones, because the new ones are screencaps rather than genuine photos. Old ones are genuine photos, and some of the bonus video footage was behind the scenes, where you could see these being taken. I love that sort of stuff, but sadly newer updates don't have any of that, although the main videos always have a certain behind the scenes flavour due to the nature of the content.

If you're a pic fan, this is not the strongest side of ECG. Examples of picture spec are 1400x930, 1600x1200, 1280x857, 1280x720, and 1400x788.

Some PU'ers have referred to the male lead as a douch bag, but given the abuse, both verbal and physical, some girls receive on mainstream sites, this is relatively mild by comparison, and there are no dirty tricks on sign up or cancellation, no drm, dl limits, regional discrimination, or pre checked cross selling. What you see and are led to expect is very much what you get. In fact the whole site is easy to use and is customer friendly. You can't say that about many.

The login is easy, and your membership details plus password are remembered, with an easy to see simple word to copy. Models are listed both chronologically and alphabetically and navigation is easy, with quite detailed previews of what an update is like, plus a long written summary about the shoot. You may not like the main man's tone, but you can't say he doesn't put in the effort. Photos are zippped, download speeds are fast, and files are numbered.

I found streaming facilities to be excellent even at peak times, when on other sites (VideoBox for instance) it's impossible to get a picture. A recent addition is the split screen view, where you see both the model's face and the other end at the same time, which is okay, but sometimes the two screens seem to get in the way of one another. There are a few scenes with condoms which are becoming more common.

When I recently visited the sign up page then closed the window, I received a $5 off offer if I joined now. That worked out at £17.44 for 30 days, which I accepted. When I went to cancel my subscription I received another cut price offer, which I was unable to accept as I currently don't have the time to download.

If this is the future of porn, with semi amateur girls, and semi professional shooting, done on a budget, I would be happy with that. I don't think it is, but what he is doing, with the niche, style of shooting, reality behind the scenes feel, lighting, camerawork, number of updates, price, and personalisation of site, works for him, and for me too as a customer. This is very close to how I would want to see reality porn with sexy looking amateur girls, I don't believe for one moment that is easy to do. Even the pros get it wrong more often than not, so hats off to ECG.

06-19-13  06:23pm

Replies (6)
Visit 21Sextury.com


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Beautiful girls, professionally captured on video and photo, making them look at their best.
Girls look sexy and glossy, but natural enough, to not make them look jaded, old, tired, or professional.
Very high spec video and photo.
A good variety of download and streaming options, including zipped photos.
No DRM, download limits, or regional discrimination.
A massive amount of content, that is also exclusive.
New updates across the network, although some sites are no longer doing this.
Given the amount of content, quite good navigation. The home pages look inviting.
Not too much abuse of the models.
The best network for mass produced porn at a bargain price that looks sensational and expensive.
Cons: Sadly, pre checked cross selling means the network cannot be trusted.
Home pages slowed down my computer considerably using internet explorer.
Mass produced homogeneous look. Too many photos and videos look the same.
Little build up, stripping, or teasing.
Too many tattoos and fake breasts.
Not enough ethnic, weight, or age diversity. Some models are painfully thin.
Models appear in my opinion, far too many times across the network, and that has worsened recently.
Some sites have stopped updating.
Not great customer support.
Bottom Line: There was a special $9.95 discount available for a while from PU/TBP, which created a dilemma and even a crisis of conscience. Although I never thought I would subscribe to a site that had pre checked cross selling, I could either steal from them using free download forums, or steal from them legitimately at $9.95, and at that price it certainly is stealing.

I had subscribed to 21 Sextury before, but had not renewed after I had decided not to subscribe to sites using pre checked cross selling. For once I decided to bite the bullet and subscribe for one month, being very careful to cancel early, as renewals were $29.95, a more expensive rate than the usual PU/TBP discount. I must have downloaded about 80gb, and that was a small percentage of new updates since my last time there. I am happy to steal legitimately for this one time.

I have heard members complain of lack of customer support. I had one incident where I was locked out. I contacted customer support and received an automated reply. I was automatically given a new password because the other one was supposedly cracked and being used. This isn't the first site where this has happened. I am getting a lot of this nowadays.

The member pages did seem to slow my computer down a lot. Staying on site meant downloads were slower on IE, so to get higher speeds I left the site, after which download speeds went up. I found it virtually impossible to stream at any time of the day.

To give you an idea of their quality here are some of the picture sizes across the network : 3744x5616 1.5-3mb in size, 3456x5184 around 2mb in size, 3840x5760 2-3mb in size, 2832x4256 1-2mb in size. Videos are 1920x1080 and around 8160 kbps.

The type of model is usually young, white, and slim, with the focus on her for the most part, and there is thankfully not too much abuse, either physically or verbally. The video action starts almost straight away, with no build up or tease, and although you have that mass produced thing where ten photos all look the same, at least you have some glorious shots of the girls, and not too much close up gynaeclogical stuff.

I agree with the view that there are too many samey looking updates, with the same models doing the same thing, from the same angle, in the same lighting, but video and picture dimensions are of very high quality, and it all looks astonishingly professional. Even though there is a large amount of anal and lesbian, there are plenty of other types of vanilla material. One complaint is they seem to be using the same girls many times across the network, possibly just to bump up the number of updates.

For me they are the one network that not only mass produces quality porn that looks sensational, but also gets the balance right between sleaze, eroticism, innocence, and hardcore action. If you could go back four years and show one of these videos or picture sets to a porn fan, they would hardly believe it. You would think the network would charge around $50 for material of this quality. They aren't, so you have to put up with the mass produced look and other negatives. In my opinion they do it better than any other network.

If they didn't have pre checked cross selling I would be a member all the time, and would have little reason to join other sites or download for free. I shouldn't be saying this because I hate them. I hate them because they produce great stuff, but their cross selling means they are not to be trusted.

06-13-13  01:36pm

Replies (4)
Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: No DRM, pre checked cross sells, or download restrictions.
Superb photography and lighting.
Beautiful girls, with few fake breasts or tattoos.
Very little filler material, although older material is lower spec.
Pics are very good, and have much more variety of angles than seen on most networks.
There is a progression from clothed to unclothed, with some great softcore pics.
Streaming in chunks.
The male leads and cameramen mostly keep out of the way. There is occasionally some abuse (choking on Ass Teen Mouth for example), but the focus is nearly always on the models.
No condoms.
Cons: Expensive
Rip off exchange rate from CCBill.
No zipped photos.
No customer service.
Awful log in. Each site needs a new log in plus captcha, you have to log in again every time you leave, and you get timed out of the site very quickly.
Very few new updates.
Video downloads are only in wmv, but for me that is no con, as I prefer wmv.
Very little ethnic or weight diversity. Models are mainly white and slim.
Homogeneous product. Most of it has the same look.
The most customer unfriendly network in the entire universe (even worse than Ewoks customer services at DeathStar.com).
Bottom Line: When I first joined this network three years ago I said it had great material but is let down by lousy management who couldn't care less about their customers. Nothing has changed in that respect. I haven't tried to contact customer support this time. I tried three years ago on a number of occasions but never received a reply. I have no doubt that still holds. If anyone has ever received a reply from this place I would be both pleased and amazed to hear from them.

Pictures are still unzipped, and the log in is still ridiculous. You not only have to enter your name and password for each site, you also have to enter a captcha. Why? You have paid money to join a site, you are unlikely to be some sort of computer bot. Furthermore, none of the sites remember you are logged in, so once you leave the site, even if only for a few seconds, you have to re enter you name, password, and new captcha. It is still the most customer unfriendly network I have ever joined.

So why did I join again after three years? For a number of good reasons. For my taste this has the highest download strike rate of any site. In other words I wish to download a higher percentage of updates from this site than from any other. The girls are stunningly attractive, the videos and pics are beautifully lit and shot, and have very good angles for displaying the models.

One thing that for me does not now seem so bad, is navigation. I don't think it has actually improved, but since I first joined I have visited sites with seriously BAD navigation, and in comparison TCC is not so bad. Home pages give you an accurate preview of the material, and most of the time they are very inviting. Most of the sites in the network have a homogeneous samey look to them, with a few exceptions, Hardcore Youth being one. I have seen comments on PU that it is leased content, unfortunately there are still no zipped photos even on that site. Some of the older content on the network looks a bit different and has lower spec.

The models may be white and slim, but they are very beautiful, and at least not so skinny they look like concentration camp victims. There is an accent on anal, but as well as the softcore photos, there is some good straight action too. The majority of the updates are one on one, but there is some dp, and the Double Teamed Teens site is dedicated to that. It does have an overall homogeneous look across the network. Although produced well, it could do with something a little different on occasion, even if that just means changing the location or furniture.

The softcore pictures are very good, but are not part of the video. On most sites they appear to take a series of softcore pictures, then the model starts back with her clothes on. The video and second section of pictures go from here. The male lead enters, quickly takes of the model's clothes, and the action starts straight away.

With usually over 500 pictures to a set for the new updates, and no zipped photos facility, the time and effort to painstakingly store every single one of them becomes such a pain, that you start to ask yourself questions like "do I really need this photo," or "will the quality of my life really improve if I store this one?" At some point I start to spend more time trying to weed out the few that I don't want, than just going ahead and capturing the lot. After a while this whole place becomes the biggest pain in the ass since Vlad The Impaler was assassinated. Given the amount of material on TeenCoreClub, by the time you have manually captured only a tenth of the photos you want, you will need an ice pack on your arm. So this is what they mean by porn giving you a stiff wrist.

Just because there is no one in customer services doesn't mean there isn't anyone at home (obviously there is someone around to pocket the money), and the lack of a zipped photos facility may well be by design. You are going to need more than one month to capture all the photos you need, so it certainly stops everyone joining for one month only, downloading everything, then putting it all on a free download forum. I would rather pay three times as much, and have zipped photos. However, if this is the price I have to pay for their survival, given the quality of the material they offer, I can live with it. I ended my subscription because I knew I didn't have the time or inclination to store each individual picture. In the end I only downloaded a small part of what is available. What I do have is very good indeed, even though they don't have very high definition material. I may return when I have more time to manually save pictures.

Beautiful girls, great camerawork, and some great material, but a number of other networks outscore it by around ten points, both on PU and TBP. That says a lot about its negatives.

05-15-13  06:10am

Replies (19)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Special discount from TBP/PU $17.87 instead of $24.87. From 21 January also special discount of $9.97 from PU Newsletter.
No DRM, download limits, pre checked cross sells, or regional discrimination. Recently ended pre checked cross selling.
High quality videos and pics, with good lighting and camerawork.
Epoch is billing agent, resulting in easy cancellation.
Easy log in, network remembers password.
Easy navigation and inviting home pages.
Many download and streaming options.
Zipped photos.
Attractive models with a little more body and ethnic diversity than some sites.
Little abuse of models.
Genuine network with each site having its own identity.
Mostly exclusive material, apart from Rub A Teen.
Very customer friendly. I believe a lot of thought has gone into the way the home pages are presented, and appear to customers.
Excellent webmaster Marvin as network representative at PU.
Downloads are named, you don't have to do it yourself.
Cons: Condoms used nearly all the time on "Oye Loca." If you hate condoms it makes the site worthless, and it's one of the biggest sites on the network.
Tats tats tats. Far too many tattoos. There are the usual breast jobs too, but tats are everywhere.
Smaller than the large networks.
Some sites are small, and/or not updating.
A LOT of advertising links/upsells, plus when you first log in for the day you always have to decline the "special offer" upsell before you can access the network.
6 simultaneous download limit.
Slower daytime speeds here in UK.
No choice of WMV for HD. HD videos are mp4.
Bottom Line: The impression I get of this network, is one that is run by people who want to have their satisfied customers keep coming back. For me the two biggest negatives resulted in my cancelling membership after only one month. I intend to come back when I have time to sift through and cherry pick material. The two negatives are tattoos and condoms.

Tats tats tats and more tats, tats everywhere. Nearly every clip I accessed seemed to have a model with a tattoo on some part of her body. I find that a big turn off. That combined with the presence of condoms on most of the Oye Loca scenes, making that site virtually redundant, meant that for me, a large part of the network was a no go area. It's a big shame because they are clearly trying very hard to be customer friendly.

Yes, tats everywhere, but they seem even more prevalent on Innocent High, where the girls look, how shall I put this.....more professional than on any of the other sites. Innocent? Yeah right, about as innocent as Charles Manson at a graduation party. I have this theory about the tattoos. Maybe the site operates in a similar way to the United States Postal Service or Royal Mail. Basically the girls have to be stamped before they can get through the doors. That would explain it all.

Each site has an individual appearance and style. Unlike other "networks" this one really is a collection of individual disparate sites with their own personality. "Oye Loca" has some beautiful little known Latin models. "She's New" goes for the amateurish approach, with young beautiful girls supposedly making their debuts, although many of the scenes are not boy girl hardcore. "Innocent High" has a lot of POV. Titty Attack caters for the fuller figure, and is one of my favourites, as is Her Freshman Year, and the unsung Team Skeet Extras. "Rub A Teen" is the only non exclusive material. Some sites are small and/or not updating. Below in "replies" is a list of sites on the network with scene counts, and last update (as of 24 January).

The home pages are generally good and navigation is easy. There are a number of download, streaming and browsing options. Streaming looks great, and is easy to use, with high medium and low options available. I have variable speeds here in the UK, being generally faster in the evening to night, and slower in the afternoon to early evening. There is a "default viewing option" where you can set your favourite way a scene is displayed, when a page is loaded. You can have Preview, Full Flash Movie, Best Of Movie, Third Clips, One Minute Clips, Pictures, Screencaps, Trailer, and there's an "add to favourites" option.

They really do seem to be making the place customer friendly, and Marvin is an excellent webmaster representative at PU. A lot of thought has gone into design and navigation. For instance, when hovering the mouse over a home page picture, you get a few screencap samplers, just enough and done in just the right way to give you an idea of the material. Unfortunately the one thing that overwhelmingly lets this side of things down, and clutters up the members' areas, is the huge amount of upsells and links. You even have to navigate an upsell when first logging in. You must decline the offer before being able to access the network. Apart from that, logging in is easy, and your password is stored across the network.

Lighting, photography, thoughtful angles, and high spec, means the material looks great. Their greatest strength is the quality of the videos, although the pics look good too. Team Skeet is similar to other sites in taking too many pics all looking the same, but the pics they have, do look good.

Generalising across the network I have come to the conclusion the models have slightly more body shape and ethnic diversity than some networks. There is a lack of anal, with most of the scenes being straight boy/girl, with some solo and lesbian. There is little abuse of models, hair pulling, insulting, ass slapping, or gagging. The male leads and cameramen tend to be low profile, thankfully. In tone I would say it's similar to 18 Eighteen/Score or Karups, a sort of light hardcore.

Newest update video download options are 1080 HD, 720 HD, HI mpg4, LOW mpg4, WMV, IPod. There appears to be a six simultaneous download limit. The HD downloads are mp4, Best WMV nowadays is 960x540 at 1500- 2500 kb/s, or 640x480 at 1500-2500 kbs. Older clips have lower spec. Pictures are mostly 1050x700, sometimes 1050x590. Screencaps mostly 720x405.

If you prefer WMV, they have changed their high spec videos from WMV to mp4. On the latest updates there is no longer a WMV high spec option, only a medium spec 960x540 or 640x480. That means a difference between1280x720 at 7000 kb/s and 960x540 at 1500-2500 kb/s or 640x480 at 1500-2500kb/s.

Overall a worthwhile membership, which I would recommend to any PU'er. A real network with character, and great material, which is customer friendly. I will be back.

01-24-13  07:25am

Replies (11)
Visit 1 Pass For All Sites

1 Pass For All Sites

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: No DRM, pre checked cross selling, regional discrimination, or download limits.
Mostly exclusive material, with attractive girls.
Less gynaecological close ups than some other sites.
Not too many tats, or fake breasts, and not too much choking, slapping and abuse of models, that many of us here hate.
High quality spec vids and pics on newer updates, and professionally shot.
Epoch as billing agent.
$24.31 membership available through Amour Babes instead of $34.95.
Cons: Poor customer service.
Not great membership home pages, with all of them looking the same. Once again, if you want to see what's good to download, the trailer advertising pages that are open to everyone, are far better that the membership home pages.
Only a few sites on the network updating.
Obviously with the majority of sites now defunct, the quality on those sites is below what is expected of modern standard.
Annoying navigation at times.
Irritating advertising links at top of membership pages.
Little build up or stripping in photos.
Another network with very little age, ethnic, or weight, diverstiy. The models are mainly young, white, and slim.
Most of the newer updates now have mp4, but no wmv downloads.
Bottom Line: First night of membership, most of the sites didn't load so any type of viewing or downloading was impossible. I mailed customer services and unsurprisingly, given their record as documented on here, received no reply. Next day the sites were functioning normally

One download later and I received a message that I had been banned for logging in too many times. I mailed them to say that's because I tried to log in at a number of sites several times to see if any were working. I was told by an automated message to apply to them to reset my password. Unbelievably, it was easy to reset my password as it appeared to be automated. Just as well, as no one seems to be in customer service at 1 Pass For All Sites. They should be renamed No Support For Any Site.

The next day I finally heard from them, saying they had temporary hosting problems, but now everything was fixed.

Even though there are 28 individual sites, they have the same appearance, with a number of the same girls appearing on different sites, only with different outfits, different settings, and different situations. To be fair, that means it isn't any different to most of the other "networks." Names like Tricky Old Teacher, 18 Virgin Sex, Creampied Sweeties, Young Anal Tryouts, Horny In Hospital etc, gives you an idea what to expect from each. The material on updating sites is well produced, with good lighting and photography, and appeals to my taste, as it is slightly less gynaecological than some of the other networks. The girls are attractive, and there are enough of them, and enough decent material, to make the membership worthwhile.

Some of the older sites look untended and uncared for. They often have a photo and name for the girl by the video download, then next to that, on the plot synopsis, have a different name for the girl. Some of the pictures are clearly out of sequence in the set. Either no one has bothered to put them into a correct order, or no one has noticed. It leaves a very bad impression of a site about to go down the plughole, and trying to pick up a few last memberships.They have dated updates, and it seems above board, with no bringing in of old stuff and passing it off for new. If they devoted just a few minutes to tidying things up, it would leave a much better impression.

The newer photos are typical of current porn thinking. Eight or ten all looking the same, then a fast forward to the next batch, without much stripping, teasing, or attempt to set out a chronological sequence of pics. Apperance of the models is young and natural, photographed in a professional way, with little airbrushing or retouching that I could see.

It may be just me being awkward as usual, but the older defunct sites like Wild Young Honeys, and Young Models Casting have better photos as far as being in a chronological and natural order, and looking more like a genuine photo set to those of us older porn consumers. Instead of 8-10 pics all looking the same then fast forward to another bunch all with the same pose, they have more of a continual flow, than most of the modern ones. Unfortunately their specs are below average for modern porn. Why the Tatyana set on Wild Young Honeys should have a yellow/orange hue, is beyond me, but it's a shame because they were only taken six years ago, not eighty.

There is wmv or flv streaming in high or low segments, which stop at the end, and do not automatically move on to the next segment. Slide shows, and full or part downloads are also available. The slide shows disconcertingly move from right to left rather that stay still.

Download speeds are on the slow side of average, but not unacceptable, with an unstated limit of six simultaneous downloads. Picture and video quality is good on the sites that are still updating. Pictures are 1200x800 on the newer updates, 1023x680 and 960x640 on the older ones. Examples of wmv video quality are Tricky Old Teacher and I Fucked Her Finally, 1920x1088 at 8447 kbps, Young Anal Tryouts 1920x1088 at 8447 kbps and 1280x720 at 5030 kbps, Young Models Casting 832x468 at about 2000kbps, down to Wild Young Honeys and Young and Banged 520x416 at about 1450 kbps. However most of the updating sites are starting to use mp4 only, instead of wmv, for their downloading and streaming, so now you have no wmv option.

Sites which are still updating - 18 Virgin Sex, Tricky Old Teacher, She Made Us Lesbians, Horny Thief Tales, I Fucked Her Finally, Spoiled Vigins, Young Anal Tryouts, Old Goes Young.

Despite all the faults I am renewing for another month. The older sites lack modern spec, but have an older porn look that appeals to me. It's a lack of gynaecological closeups, and irritating cameramen and male leads that I find refreshing. The new material is pretty good too.

This network appeals to me, but take a look at the TBP, and other PU reviews, before deciding. For me it's a nice little goldmine. They even have a "new site coming soon."

10-03-12  02:31pm

Replies (5)
Visit VideoBox


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Vast quantity of material, at a bargain price.
No DRM, download limits, or pre checked cross selling.
New material each day.
Excellent way the pages are set out, you can see stills from the videos at frequent intervals.
You can cut each video to your own length starting and ending where you please.
Reasonably easy search given the amount of material, in many categories, although some on here say it isn't always entirely accurate.
Good amount of dvd's with models of different age, race, and size.
Cons: Mostly low quality bargain basement porn.
Hard sorting the good quality from the bad because there is so much bad quality.
Slow loading of pages.
Mostly very homogeneous and mainstream, there's still a lack of fetish material.
Still relatively slow downloads, although a vast improvement on my last membership.
Obviously the site is limited by its niche. No original content, no photos, and download picture quality is limited to the original dvd quality, which mostly isn't particularly high def when compared to some modern independent internet porn producers.
Bottom Line: I could have tried to cure cancer or find a way to feed some of the world's starving, but having thought about it, I decided what the world really needs is yet another VideoBox review. Just cut and paste from the hundreds (thousands?) of VideoBox reviews in the last four years all the pros and cons, and you could make up a great VB review without ever visiting the place. So why you then get reviews as bad as Pros - tons of videos, attractive girls, Cons - poor search, Bottom Line - what more do you want, is beyond me.

What truly puzzled me though, after I originally joined was, why did I find download speeds so slow it was impossible to stream most evenings, and downloading even a few clips, was excruciating and made waiting for the grass to grow, seem like a high octane thrill a minute ride. I hadn't heard about that in the reviews. A victim of their success? So many people joining they didn't have the bandwidth to accommodate them, but couldn't give a rat's arse anyway? Absolutely.

One or two reviews and comments did finally start materialising about those slow speeds. USA seemed okay but it looked like Europe and Canada had the worst speeds, though not everyone suffered. Receiving decent speeds seemed very much a lottery, and my speed was so bad first time around, membership was pointless. Maybe they were vicitms of their own success. Too many members? They weren't falling over themselves to help in customer services (unless it was falling over with laughter, as each email of complaint was automatically consigned to "trash") as there appeared to be no one there. VideoBox Customer Services must be an oxymoron, like military intelligence. I strongly suspect VideoBox is run by the British.

Since the sad demise of American Vice I hadn't joined any dvd site but had always been looking. I yearned to check out VideosZ, but on principal would not give my money to any place that tried to con me out of my hard earned money. I'm talking here about pre checked cross selling, and without it I would not have returned to VB. In fact all of the dvd sites have pretty much the same problems: They are either crap, or have pre checked cross selling. The idea of returning to VideoBox, a site in which I had previously found download speeds so slow, they might as well have been delivered one byte at a time by carrier pigeon from VB to my computer, was anathema.

Why on earth I ever returned to VB I don't know, but completely against the odds and defying my disbelief, I was gobsmacked when I did. My god I could download, I could actually stream some videos, even in the daytime! OMG this time I could actually view some videos. Maybe this time it is me being lucky, as I have recently seen a comment on PU about very slow speeds.

It too often becomes a chore sorting out the good quality from the bad because of the vast volume of awful material, and with the site slow to react when changing pages, browsing can become a painful and irritating experience. I took advice from some experienced PU 'ers and often looked by studio. Pink Visual and Lethal Hardcore are two of the better ones.

Although most of the stuff is very homogeneous and mainstream, you do at least find a large model range of ethnicity, age, and size. Many sites nowadays have models that are nearly all white, young, and thin.

Overall, this time around it was a positive rather than negative experience. VideoBox is no longer my least favourite site, so this time I consider 80 rather than 75 to be a fair mark. I may even join again.

08-30-12  07:22pm

Replies (4)
Visit First Anal Quest

First Anal Quest

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: There are no DRM, download limits, regional discrimination, pre checked cross sells, or dirty tricks.
Beautiful girls.
Some very orginal and erotic poses.
Good lighting and overall sense of professionalism.
Good quality videos.
Zipped photos.
Easy log in.
Still updating.
Cons: Same style and angles every time resulting in a mass produced look.
The picture sets contain too many of the same pose and have little continuity.
Very little ethnic, age, or shape diversity. Models are mainly thin, white, and young.
Few picture or download options. Top quality video is now mp4, not wmv. You have to drop lower in quality to obtain wmv.
Navigation not the best.
No teasing or build up in the pics or videos.
Occasionally annoying male leads.
Although you get some bonus sites, it is a relatively small network.
Bottom Line: Video Downloads - Best Quality 1280x720 at 4000kbps (4838), High Quality 800x452 at 2500 kbps, Normal Quality 580x328 at 1000 kbps. Recently, for some reason, they changed their "Best Quality" downloads from wmv to mp4. The 4000 kbps wmv is now unavailable, and has been changed to 4500 kbps mp4, so if you want wmv, you have to download a lower quality video.

Pics 1024x682, 1280x853.

You get four bonus sites, although only FAQ's sister site, Double View Casting, is top class. The other three are Fuck n Drive, Jizz On Teens, and Wanted GFS.

Pics, and sometimes videos, are ridiculously frustrating because although they choose some original and erotic angles to shoot from, they continually miss out the lower legs and feet, and concentrate far too much on the groin, ass, and upper thigh, turning the models into amputees. I have seen criticism elsewhere on PU, concerning the gynaecological focus of their shoots. A great shame because the models are fantastic, and they think up some original angles to shoot from, then they undermine this eroticism by turning the models into amputees 80 per cent of the time. It is particularly annoying in the pics, where it would appear, feet do not exist.

Although they have great and original angles and ways of shooting models, that mould is set, and they rarely stray from doing exactly the same thing on each shoot, making everything look mass produced.

The pics are adequate but a lot of the time there is little continuity or thought put into the sets. You see a girl starting with clothes, but you don't see much of the strip or lead up to sex. It is like watching six frames from a video, forward winding for four minutes, then watching another six frames, then forward winding, and so on. There are four to eight almost identical pictures of a model in one pose, then four to eight in another pose, with little idea of continuity or progression in the shoot.

Sometimes the male leads can be very irritating. Whether this is by direction or not I don't know. Some continually slap the asses of the models, grunt, groan, and paw their female co workers like they were terrorists abusing their hostages. That can be unerotic for some of us.

Okay, let's be honest, let's come out of the closet. Female genitalia just by itself isn't all that attractive, neither is chopped liver, or any type of roadkill. It is what leads up to that genitalia that is attractive. The whole package, the eyes, the face, the breasts, the legs, the everything. It's the genitalia in context, along with the whole package. I so wish some of these sites would realise that. We've got past the shock of penetration about 40 years ago in Europe, 30 years ago in America, amd 10 years ago in Britain. So we don't need closeups of two thrusting groins and nothing else. We know they're having sex, we get to see it all the time.

I know sites have to keep production costs as cheap as possible, but surely it's possible to see two whole people having sex, and give us some idea of the beauty of the whole girl. It's done professionally, but with little love for the subject. This is true of 99% of porn, both today and in the past so I can't complain too much.

Their visitors preview site probably gives a better preview of what's on offer than the members' home page as there you get a better idea of how the girls look, and what the sets are like.

It may just me being stupid again but once I got into browsing a picture set, I couldn't get back to home again without going through my favourites option.

There is a model search option from the home page (in very small print), but when you access the model using this, the video and picture download options are dead links. You therefore have to look at the date, then go back to the home pages and work out where the model is on the chronologically listed update pages in order to download pics and videos.

It seems there is a six simultaneous downloads limit.

Logging in is easy, and you can return to the site without re entering your password.

The lighting, production and photography are mainly very good. If you go back to the first few girls recorded in 2009 you can see how much this has improved. The early ones look very different, with a different style, angles, and lighting.

You would think by the title of "First Anal Quest" its close relative "Double View Casting," and the comments "real teenagers craving to get their cherries popped," and "no fake scenes no bullshit," these are mostly first timers, but not a bit of it. Some of these girls (for example Britney, Stonell, and Kristina) have been around for a long long time, and have appeared on many other sites featuring Eastern European Girls. Some of these girls have pussies more pounded than when a juggernaut lorry crashed into the local Pets At Home.

All in all it is worth a visit, but very few seasoned downloaders will find any need to stay more than a month, or maybe two.

08-20-12  05:35pm

Replies (7)
Visit College Fuck Parties

College Fuck Parties

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Big $15 discount joining through TBP/PU.

No DRM, download restrictions, pre checked cross selling, or dirty tricks.

No regional discrimination.

Join through reputable billing agent (Epoch).

Genuine network, each site has its own identity.

Streaming available.

Original content that is individual and a little outside the usual cookie cutter mass produced porn.
Cons: Little ethnic or size diversity.

Awful photography, camerawork, and lighting.

Videos are so unbelievably long they have to be cut up into 4-6 (sometimes more) 25 minutes or longer segments. That would be okay if it was action all the way, but it is most definitely not. It could simply be edited down to one 30 minute clip. If they did that, they wouldn't get to say they had 398 scenes instead of 80.

When the cameraman finally does focus on someone having sex, it is far too often in gynaeclogical closeups where all you see is two groins. Not only that, there is an inability to keep the camera still.

There is only one download option for WindowsXP and Vista, and one download option for the pics.

Customer sevice was awful. As reported in a forum post, I was locked out of the site for a while due to possible hacking of the membership password. I received no answer to four emails sent over 24 hours asking why, and was only reinstated after Epoch intervened.
Bottom Line: Videos 1024x576 and 768x576
Pics 768x1152 768x1024 768x1039 1066x1600

There are supposed to be various mobile formats available. I don't use them but the following are listed - ipad/ipad2, iphone4, iphone3/ipod, Android.

This is a clone of Student Sex Parties available through Chicki Porn, the difference being you get extra sites through WTF and a $15 discount from joining through TBP/PU.

I found streaming facilities to be reasonable. Here in the UK streaming in the afternoon is often very difficult.

Models are mostly all the same type, namely young and thin. If you are looking for ethnic, size, or age diversity, you'll be out of luck.

Navigation is a little irritating. If you go to "view all scenes from College Fuck Parties," then click on several clips from the same video, there is no way back to the College Fuck Parties home page, without going back to the WTF Pass home page, then clicking on College Fuck Parties. You have to click several back buttons until you get back, or go to WTF Sites. In fact WTF Sites is better than the rather poorly laid out WTF home page.

It's a shame some great models are thrown away due to awful amateur camerawork and photography. You would think being a porn cameraman isn't that hard. It doesn't have to be spot on perfect, as they aren't working for the likes of Terrence Malick, Stanley Kubrick, or Jean Renoir, and never will, mainly because two of them are dead. All you have to do is point the camera in the general direction of the couple, or couples having sex. That's it, that's the job.

Maybe they are trying to make it look like a home movie, but realistically we all know these are professional porn stars. It's a shame because the performers are really good looking, and there is genuine group sex action. I just get the feeling the bits the cameraman has missed out while focussing on the floor, wall, ceiling, or shoes, are all the best bits. Thirty minutes of action with two hours padding, then the cameraman misses all the best bits, or the lighting is so bad, you have to squint to see what is going on.

Lighting seems to be one of the problems across the whole WTF network. For instance there is a video and photo set of one beautiful girl taken outside, where the sun's shadow across railings completely ruins the whole thing. It was like some 9 year old's first video or photo attempt.

The non porn bits take up hours of time. Then finally finally something happens, they are getting their kit off and it's time to wake up. Just as they are about to have sex, for some inexplicable reason the cameraman moves on to show the floor. Very video verite. If there are two or three couples indulging in group sex, the cameraman doesn't know where to go, so focuses on the wall instead, or on another couple who aren't doing anything.

To give you an idea of the padding and rubbish bits, you could watch three episodes of CSI (minus the adverts) in the time it takes to watch all the rubbish. Or to put it another way, think of the padding as the CSI episodes, and the adverts as the quality bits. That's how frustrating and annoying the episodes are.

As a bystander and observer my immediate feelings are to shout at the cameraman "oi you, there are people having sex over there...yes over there....NO, over THERE you fecking idiot, not here!"

Two people having sex, no that's not very interesting, let's have a look at the floor. Even when there is only one couple having sex and nothing else going on, the cameraman cannot keep the camera still, it is beyond his ability. He HAS to move it, he cannot keep his camera pointed in the general direction of two people having sex for more then two seconds. Two seconds, that's it, moving on, nothing to see here, must be something more interesting over there, if not, move camera to side, up and down, jump up and down, or tip diagonally, then back again.

The score of 78 is for basically remembering to remove the lens cap, and for pointing the camera in the right direction some of the time, and for the models.

Every network has its idiosyncracies. One of the annoying ones here is that for some reason the male performers continually pummel and pull the pussies of their female performers as though they were unblocking a sink. Are we supposed to think this is what female partners really find sexy? Only if you're 14, and at that age you're supposed to be too young to view this sort of thing.

Some of the orgies inside are badly lit, but even those on the outside quite often get it wrong. Many times dark shadows across the pics spoil the view. That's okay if you're Ridley Scott.

It's worth a membership for one month, due to the reasonably original, non massed produced material, and for the beautiful, newish porn models. It could have been so so much better.

05-17-12  01:09pm

Replies (6)
Visit Anal Teen Angels

Anal Teen Angels

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: Plenty of young attractive girls, professionally filmed and photographed. The videos are well shot, and well lit, which mostly makes the girls look sensational.

The look on the girls' faces. Hard to explain, but for me it's the perfect balance of innocence, professionalism, and eroticism. For an attempted explanantion see "Bottom Line."

No DRM or DL limits.

The negatives aren't as negative.

Access to 21 Sextury network.

$10 discount using link from TBP/PU.

Exclusive content with a variety of download, streaming and photo options.
Cons: Considering softcore is catered for on this network, it's a big disappointment that the photos here don't have enough strip to nude, where you get the chance to appreciate the girl on her own, before the hardcore starts. Occasionally fewer photos than expected.

Clinically professional at times.

Some girls are already old timers, have appeared many times on other sites, and appear many times across the network.

All shaven.

At times I found download speeds sluggish, with navigation clumsy, awkward and slow to respond.

The look is homogeneous due to mass production.

Too many tats, and fake breasts, and too many thin girls who look the same.

The home page is rather annoying and awkward. You do have options, but finding out how to navigate is a little difficult. When you put your mouse over the picture of the model to find out who she is and what the scene is, a series of flashing pictures kicks in, semi obscuring the information you are looking for. Irritating.
Bottom Line: This for me is the flagship of 21 Sextury. Membership gives access to the entire network, which I could have reviewed, but I spent more time here than any other site. Technically I can't find fault. Here are some of the specs.

Pic resolution and what defines normal or high resolution does vary, but comes as high as 5616x3744, with normal resolution 1280x853. There is also 3888x2592, 4992x3328, and 3000x2000. Screenshots are generally 1280x720.

Downloads come in low, medium, and ultra high H264, and medium, high, and ultra high wmv(960x540 1611kbps, 960x540 3122 kbps). Top new download resolution is 1920x1080 with 8158 kbps, although there are quite a few still at 1280x720 with 3122 kbps. Apologies for being too spec heavy. It does vary, but the quality is usually excellent.

Streaming is at low, medium, and high quality H264.

The models generally look well made up and glossy, bordering on the old glamour mag style, but often have a girl next door rather than porn model look. It's what the girl next door would look like given a paint gloss, some polyfiller, and put under studio lights.

There is some ethnic diversity but most are thin, white, and young. For me, there are too many tats and fake breasts, although not as many as the worst American networks.

However the girls are generally young, beautiful, and have a girl next door innocence, even though the overall look is glossy.

For me, there are not enough new models. One small criticism of 21 Sextury as a whole is they shoot the same model too many times.

Some of the photos go straight from topless into fully nude, or nude oral sex. There is little build up or a teasing strip. Sometimes you get five or ten photos that look exactly the same. It's an awful waste of attractive models. Out of 100 photos for instance, there can be 50 that all look very much the same, or 30 clothed, 30 topless, one or two nude, then fully nude oral sex. There is very little in the way of stripping and a gradual build up to the action.

Having said all that, the photos are highly professional, beautifully lit and beautifully set up. For me the greatest plus for the whole site is something I can hardly explain. It's the look on the girls' faces. This may be entirely subjective, and may or may not turn you on. The only way I can describe it is to say the photographer captures a complete look of innocence, and enjoyment, while at the same time mass producing professional material, from a professional model who is having anal sex. The model looks innocent and enjoying it enough for it not to look as though she is being exploited.

I don't care if they get it right purely by chance, and if they hate or have contempt for their customers. As long as customer service is okay, all I care about is they produce great looking porn - and they do. I haven't had to deal with customer service, which is both good and bad. It's good that I haven't had to contact them, but I can't vouch for how good they are.

Obviously there is a concentration on anal here, but there is vaginal, lesbian, and toys on other sites in the network.

I could have done with more shapes, sizes, and ethnic diversity. Mainly the sex here is one on one only. I like to see group sex but there is little here, and little across the 21 Sextury network.

The negatives aren't as negative as most sites. Yes, there is not enough ethnic or size diversity, but there are still a few girls who go against this mould. Yes, there are some scenes where they choke or slap the girls, but they are not very common. Some have tats and fake breasts, but not too many. Yes, there are too many closeups and gynaecological shots, but there is also plenty of material showing the full girl in all her beauty. Admittedly, at times the professionalism is clinical and produces samey material, but it looks great, and in my opinion is better than their competitors.

I have not seen any other site get it this right. Mass produced porn and innocence, without guilt, or exploitation? An absence of sleaze. Fun porn for the masses, without a lot of the things we hate here at PU.

Despite the faults, for me this is the best network, best teen site, and best anal site (the also excellent Asshole Fever is available on the network). I give it 90 as I consider it to be best in class. That equals the highest mark I have given.

02-09-12  12:03pm

Replies (4)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: No DRM, no download restrictions, and no pre ticked cross selling dirty tricks.
Established company using Epoch as agent.
No regional discrimination.
A number of sites with a wealth of material and many pretty girls.
Not many tats and fake breasts.
$10 discount through TBP/PU.
Good quality high spec videos with the newer updating sites.
Updates are dated.
Model index.
Reasonable easy sign in. Once you have signed in you can go to any site on the network without going through the process again.
Pics are zipped.
Videos can be downloaded complete or in shorter segments.
The HD quality of the newer videos along with the unglamorous way they are shot, gives a real sense of two people having sex.
Cons: Awful, truly dreadful, uninspiring home pages, which all look the same. making it very hard to choose clips.
Surprisingly poor selection of pictures. Some look like video caps. Those that aren't video caps, or aren't badly lit, I find to be unerotic. Personally I think they do not make the most of the model.
Too many skinny girls. Teen does not have to mean anorexic.
Navigation is difficult because everything looks the same.
Some sites don't update at all, and the quality is quite poor on these. Private Teen Video and Home Teen Vids for example. Here you get too many close ups, or angles from a distance where you cannot see anything, and terrible dark lighting.
Too many condoms - mainly on the older sites.
The lighting and camerawork is better on the updating sites but the samey uninspired photography and camerawork makes everything, especially the models, look the same.
Little in the way of stripping, showing off the model's body, or build up of plot.
Bottom Line: It is just a personal thing, but I found this to be the most disappointing network I have visited. The girls are mostly of two types - white blonde and skinny, or white brunette and skinny, with little ethnic diversity. They all look very much alike. The way the videos and pics are shot exacerbates this impression. For some members, the thin girls will be an absolute plus, so I admit this is all about personal taste. I wish I had seen the Exotics4me review before I joined. It is very accurate imo. Add 10 points to the score if you like thin young models but subtract 15 if you don't.
Overall I found the network to be disappointing for photos, They often look like screen caps, and even those that don't do not, imo, capture the full beauty of the model. The one notable exception to this is the sadly defunct Nubiles HD where they have very good high definition photos. I found dimensions of 2048x1360 and 3168x4752 here, were mainly well lit, and made the models look good.

Some sites mostly do high. medium. and low quality videos in wmv, but the specs vary from site to site. High is generally 1280x720, medium is 860x480 and low is 480x270. However sometimes high quality is only 720x576. Some sites do high quality in wmv, medium in FLV and low in MP4 for portable devices, Fuck Studies in addition offers Ipod/Iphone Format and Mobile Format. Photo specs vary. 960x1440, 1024x768, 1280x853, 2048x1360, up to 3168x4752 on Nubiles HD, but once again the quality on the older defunct sites is not so good with specs down to 720x576.

You can download short two minute clips or whole videos. Streaming is available which I found to be good quality and customer friendly.
I think they try to give an impression of individual sites with different content on sites like Tricky Masseur and Beauty Angels, but for me, it is all very much of a muchness. Certainly the newer sites have much better video and picture quality, as well as content. The defunct ones are poor quality by today's standards. Poor in terms of both video and picture spec, poor lighting and poor camera angles. They are also a turn off for me, as they use condoms a lot.

Sites not updating - AT Movs, 18 First Sex, Lolly Hardcore, Teen Stars Only, Home Teen Vids, Solo Teen Girls, Gag-N-Gape, Old-N-Young, Teens 3 Some, They Didn't Know, About Girls Love, Drunken Teen Orgies, Boys Love 18, Coeds Reality, Nubile Girls HD, El Porno Latino.

I have tried to be as objective as possible. Obviously this network was not to my taste. I found the samey homogeneous nature of the videos and pics to be uninspiring and seemingly produced by a company that is using a painting by numbers approach. Despite this, if you are into slim young girls TMW will certainly be of interest, and I recommend you check it out. Despite the relative shortage of quality pictures, the video quality on the updating sites makes this a must see for those into a certain type of model, because there is plenty to see and download.

05-06-11  02:43pm

Replies (11)
Visit 18 Eighteen

18 Eighteen

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: No DRM/DL limits.
A variety of download options with good download speed.
Sites still updating.
Lack of irritating things Porn Users hate like pulling hair, spitting, slapping, insulting the models, mucking about on camera etc.
Good customer service, and no pre checked cross sells.
No regional discrimination.
$10 discount for 18 Eighteen through TBP/PU.
Easy sign in procedure.
Good quality video and zipped pics.
Mostly no contraceptives.
Models are young, attractive, have girl next door looks, and there are mercifully few fake breasts.
Cons: Navigation is difficult, not least because there are far too many links and adverts for trying to sell members material outside the membership.
Far too many tattoos and piercings.
To use a perfect Drooler phrase - "pussy fixated" sums up the photography and camerawork, which is a shame because they are professionally done, with both the videos and pics looking good. It's just there are far too many close up groin shots, and three quarter shots, especially in the videos, where you don't see the whole model.
Very little anal.
Suprisingly few videos compared to some sites, especially long serving ones. Less than half the material on 18 Eighteen is hardcore.
Bottom Line: TNA Tryouts and Picking Up Pussy are included with membership. You get a 10 dollar discount through TPB/PU. I was more interested in TNA and PUP than 18 Eighteen as they specialise more in hardcore, but I joined through 18 because of the discount. Less than half of the 18 Eighteen material is hardcore.

Pics come in downloadable zips or you can watch them as slideshows. Videos can be streamed or downloaded. Specs are as follows-:

Pics 1600 high or 800 medium resolution. TNA only has around 16-30 in each set whereas PUP and 18 Eighteen have 50-80.

Full downloadable videos in HD wmv at 1280x720 and medium HD wmv at 854x480. Medium wmv at 640x360 and mp4 at 640x360. There are also 5 minute segments in wmv at 640x360 and 360x240, or mp4 at 640x360. Unfortunately 18 Eighteen does not have the high 1280x720 downloadable videos. They do have 720 HD streaming. Full videos or 5 minute clips are available for mobile devices.

The videos on TNA Tryouts take the form of a girl coming to the door and pretending to be a newcomer. She takes part in a short interview before doing a strip and having sex. On Picking Up Pussy the build up takes the form of a girl being picked up by a driver or on a street/in a park. On 18 Eighteen the sex starts a little quicker. You see the same girls on all three sites, so the build up is just a bit of acting to get the scene going. Camera work and pics are good quality, but once again there is far to too much groin/pussy oriented and three quarter close ups for my taste.

On TNA Tryouts and Picking Up Pussy the videos and photo sets are dated, so although they are kept separate you can match up the pics to the video. On 18 Eighteen it's horrible. Very little is dated so in most cases you have to find either the photo set or video, then go to the model directory to match up the videos and pics. In fact there are so many bits and pieces, which are usually not great quality, that trying to find anything is very time consuming and annoying, because it's all mixed up with the upsells. Some of the material comes with the membership, some of it doesn't, and it's really tedious trying to sort out which is which. In the end I spent most of my time on the two bonus sites.

As on all sites, the older material is poorer quality. Given how long 18 Eighteen has been going I was surprised at how little high spec material was available. There was not a lot of hardcore avavailable on 18 Eighteen, but the other two sites are purely hardcore. Today I have counted 15 videos and photo sets on TNA, with 5 of them being 2011 updates. On PUP there are 30 videos and photo sets, with 5 being 2011 updates.

On cancellation there was an offer to remain for five pounds. If navigation was not so hard I'd have probably taken the offer.

However, I consider the money well spent, and good value. This is another site that I find to be almost old fashioned, and better for it, because of the lack of those annoying cons that we all hate.

02-01-11  10:24am

Replies (6)
Visit Karup's PC

Karup's PC

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Great customer feel and good reputation. No dirty tricks. You do not find yourself signing up unknowingly for some other site or promotion. Advertising and promotion is mimimal, and they have no download limits or drm.
The proverbial wealth of material is here, going back years, so great value for money.
The girls look for the most part like genuine amateurs rather than porn stars. I would say some have that girl next door look, except she looks and sounds like a rottweiler.
Refreshingly few tattoos, piercings, and fake breasts.
The focus is on the girls. The males are not irritating and do not get in the way. There is no back to front baseball cap, trying to act black, while waving their arms at the camera and yelling "yo" or slapping the girls ass while shouting "whore." Here kid, just hold this pin for a few seconds will you? Oh yeah and the grenade too.
Material is exclusive.
Quality zipped pics.
No choking and spitting, girls treated with respect.
Bonus material from H.A.
Cons: Biggest negative for me is the real scarcity of hardcore.
Beautiful girls but a disappointing small number of girls outside the white slim category. There are only a few latin, black, or asian girls, and not that many full figure girls.
The look of the site is imo really boring and dreary. The index and home sections just look, well...uninspiring and as exciting as a phone directory. Okay, just my opinion and it is a small negative.
I personally found the navigation hard. It's been mentioned before but it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the girls, because of the small photos in the uninispiring index, the way they are named, and my cross referencing problems. Others think the navigation is fine, so maybe it's me.
For girls who do both hard and soft, instead of mixing the softcore shoots together with the hardcore ones they are separate, which is a shame because you cannot get a slow strip to naked, softcore poses, then hardcore.
No build up in hardcore videos.
Bottom Line: Pics are 1001x1500 or 684x1024. Top spec downloadable wmv videos are 960x540 then 640x480.

MP4 streaming.

Regarding navigation, from the index you can choose from categories like "teens, "exotics" "hardcore" or just an A-Z of all the girls in chronological order. You can look up a girl and find the categories they comes under like "teen " or "hardcore" and find all their shoots and videos. I found it really hard to navigate and cross reference, for instance - teen amateur hardcore video.

There are tons of pages but the navigation is a mess with all the material they have.

The naming system and the index are not great and add to the fog of trying to find out what there is, where it is, and who it is. There is a wealth of material but it was a real chore, not a pleasure looking through the site.

The videos and pics have a samey look about them, but are professionally done, with good camerawork and lighting which makes the best of the models.

The videos do not take long to get down to action. There is no real build up, stripping or teasing. Oral is followed by mainly straight sex. Not a lot of anal. The videos show the whole girl as well as the close ups. I hate too many close ups but thankfully the cameraman allows you to see the whole girl while having sex, not just a groin.

The whole style of the photos and the videos is a little old fashioned. I don't mean that in a bad way. It is like it used to be before they started slapping the girl's ass, pulling her face, choking her, and generally doing stuff that made the girl and the porn shoot less attractive. I personally could have done with more anal and more hardcore videos. There is a great shortage of hardcore on the site. Despite that I consider my money well spent. I will probably join Hometown Amateurs at some stage when I can bring myself to brave the navigation problems.

Their videos and pics although not top high res, are still good quality.

The older pics and videos situation is similar to other older sites. They are not up to the quality of the new material and the videos are split into smaller segments. If they had removed all that it would not be noticed as a negative, and some sites do remove it. It cannot be considered a negative because they have so much to see plus you get the old material as bonus. They also update fairly regularly.

For me, the main negative is the scarcity of hardcore material. I have seen other reviews so knew what to expect, but was still a little disappointed. You will notice a lot of my pros are negative negatives along the lines of no download limits and no irritating males, which you would hope most sites wouldn't have anyway. But in the real world a lot of sites get it wrong whereas mostly this site gets it right.

I hope this review stays as the latest review for a while and gets em some customers and isn't replaced by some 3 line newbie review consisting of great videos, great pics, great girls, what more can you ask, 100.

07-31-10  01:28pm

Replies (14)
Visit American Vice

American Vice

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Great customer service.
No Download limit.
No regional discrimination.
Excellent value.
Picture quality is excellent. They get the video perspective and proportions correct, so people look like people.
3 qualities of streaming available.
Best streaming facilites I have experienced. The new MP4 format is superb. In the UK I am sometimes unable to stream from the hours of 5pm-midnight because of poor speeds. AV gives excellent speed and excellent quality for both streaming and downloads.
You can keep track of what you have downloaded. A personal history of what you have viewed or downloaded is stored for you.
Genuine offer of free tokens for 5 scenes available.
No tricks. There are no buttons you can push that sign you up for some mystery site. Cancelling is easy. They do not try to rip you off.
Excellent navigation.
I found the editors choice for each dvd to be spot on. I nearly always agree with that being the best clip.
Cons: The only format available for the newer dvd's is MP4 which means their biggest improvement is also a negative, as some people like a choice, and quite a few like wmv to be available. Lack of choice of download formats has always been a negative here.
No pictures.
There is mostly a lack of fetish or niche material or something that is truly original and outstanding. It is mainly cookie cutter bargain basement porn.
There are, as usual, too many girls with tats and fake breasts and a kilo of makeup, looking like pros that have been doing porn for 45 years. This is symptomatic of current porn and especially for this sort of site.
The editorial comments can annoy some people, as they do seem to cater for the less intelligent porn consumer.
Bottom Line: American Vice is a dvd site, so by it's very nature, the high definition and outstanding original material along with pictures, that a lot of fans crave, is absent here. They can only allow you to access the quality of the original dvd's. This they do, unlike Video Box, which is awful for getting the perspective wrong, so the bodies look distorted.

AV gives a very good speed in the peak hours, here in the UK. On some sites I cannot stream at all from late afternoon onwards. Video Box was impossible to stream, and downloads were the slowest I have ever experienced. It was as though each byte was being individually transported by carrier pigeon, over war torn France.

There are 3 qualities of streaming available, medium, high, and dvd. The dvd quality is very good.

There are 4 qualities of download available, mobile, medium, high, and dvd. Once again the dvd quality is very good.

The customer service is without doubt my favourite on the planet. This is one of the reasons I keep going back. People should not underestimate the good feeling you get from resubscribing to a place, knowing you will get excellent customer service, and not be ripped off.

Like Messmer, I was a little disappointed at the lack of new fetish material or something remarkably different. There has been nothing to match the Black Mirror Productions stuff from a few years ago. There is still some unusual material if you look for it, in fact more than on other dvd sites in my opinion, but like other dvd sites there is relatively little for the fetish fan.

For me the introduction of MP4 has really improved the site. I realise some may not like this format. It gives me great quality. If I join a dvd or video site there is not a lot I will download to keep, so I like a site where I can stream. The ability to stream from AV and the quality of the streaming is vastly improved from when I first joined. I was very impressed when I first saw the quality of the picture compared to before, and also compared to other sites.

At the latest count there are 2527 dvd's available for download. This is less than some dvd sites, but I consider there is a bit more selective quality here. It may be bargain basement material, but some of it is still pretty good. I consider it to have a higher percentage of quality dvd's relative to its stock, than on other dvd sites.

The negatives are inherent to the nature of a dvd site, but are still negatives. Nevertheless, AV gives you the feeling that they care about their customers. They want your money, but they want to earn it fairly by providing the best service they can. This I believe they achieve. For me, this is still by far the best in class, and deserves my highest rating for any site, of 90.

As a late edit I think I have concentrated too much on the negatives. Some of the clips are as good as those from sites making their own material. Lethal Hardcore dvd's appear on here for instance. If you search there is some good stuff.

04-23-10  03:37pm

Replies (5)
Visit Torbe Network

Torbe Network

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Girls seem to be mostly genuine amateurs.
Girls are naturally pretty, shapely and with a refreshing lack of tattoos and fake breasts.
No regional price discrimination.
Good download facilites. No DRM or download
restrictions and downloads are quick.
Good quality on the latest videos of 1280x720
Genuine unusual niche network. A bit different to
the usual cookie cutter sites.
No irritating cameraman or obnoxious male who gets
in the way and is disrespectful to the girls. The
girls are the main focus.
Streaming is available and there is a choice of part or full downloads.
Cons: Very poor for photo fans.
Vid caps are not downloadable. There are some photo files that are faulty and will not download. For hardcore photo fans most of the sites only have softcore photos. There are only a few hardcore photos on the entire network.
Camerawork and lighting is poor in places.
There is too much POV for my taste. In amateur videos if you like to watch the look on the model's face as she has sex on camera for the first or one of the first tines you will be disappointed when all you see is a close up of the two groins, badly lit and out of focus. This is a shame because one moment you get to see the whole girl having sex and the next you get a dark, blurred POV of two groins.
Quite a few of the sites are small and/or dead.
Not many updates even on the more recent sites.
Some material poor quality, especially older stuff.
Minor niggles are the ads at the bottom of the page in the members area, and also the layout, navigation, and model search aren't that brilliant.
Bottom Line: This is an unusual site for those who say they are jaded about porn, and is something a bit different. The sites either feature Torbe like Torbe In Russia or Torbe Cz, or for instance Josito's Will, where a guy in a wheelchair has sex with beautiful girls. Torbe Couples features amateur couples having sex. Some sites are a bonus but the emphasis is on genuine amateur girls, and niche sites.
Videos come in Quick Time, Ipod, MPEG, and the top rate is WMV at 1280x270.
When my membership ended a couple of weeks ago they advertised 620 total scenes, 250 models, 15,000 minutes, and 900,000 mb.
The sites featuring Torbe have their own idiosyncracies. There is usually a short interview involving Torbe talking to the model. With Priest Damian this is simply changed to an acting bit where Torbe as Priest Damian talks to the girl. After a few minute there is the strip followed by a few minutes of oral then down to sex about 7 to 15 minutes in. The clips are generally about 20-30 minutes. The camera work is unusual. Sometimes it is stationary at the back of the room and you get to see the whole model having sex from almost a voyeur's point of view. I like that. There are not too many quick movements or flashy camerawork. What I hate are the POV sequences. It is the POV close ups where the picture is quite often dark, blurred, out of focus, or jumping around without any purpose. That is annoying. With amateur girls it is often good to look at the whole girl and the look on their faces when they first start to have sex on camera for the first, or one of the first times.
With the poor POV camera view you just see two groins coming together. Not erotic. The lighting is sometimes a problem in the whole of some of the videos too.
Maybe surprisingly Torbe doesn't get in the way too much or become irritating. Yes he sometimes dresses up with silly false teeth and tries to look as ugly as possible, but he doesn't seem the
slightest bit threatening. He comes across more like Benny Hill than Max Hardcore Once the short introduction is over, and the action starts the
main focus is on the girls rather than Torbe.
Some of the sites are dead or have very few updates and are quite small. Here are some examples of the sites.
Doctor Schmutz 26 episodes between 5th sept 2008 to 12 december 2008.
Street Bribes 37 episodes between 23 March 2009 to present.
Torbe Cz 21 episodes between 15 january 2009 to present.
Josito's Will 10 episodes between 12 December 2008 to 14 May 2009.
Torbe In Argentina 19 episodes between 19 December 2008 to 20 July 2009.
Possibly the biggest disappointment for me was the lack of picture facilities. Quite a few of the zips did not download properly or not at all. The vidcaps are just one screen of many stills taken from the video but cannot be downloaded. There are very few hardcore pictures.
It's a real curate's egg of a site, but certainly worth checking out, because it is very rare to see so many amateurs with an amateur look having sex.

03-20-10  06:22pm

Replies (8)
Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: Very attractive new models
Good quality pictures and videos
Some good clothed and softcore pictures as well as hardcore
No DRM or download restrictions
Professional non irritating males
Good download speed
No condoms
A lot of action and no talk
Good billing agents. I used CC Bill
but I believe Epoch is also available
Natural girls with very few plastic breasts and
unsightly tattoos
Exclusive content
Cons: Lousy/non existent customer support
Annoying log in and navigation
Few updates
Pictures are not zipped
Relatively few girls with most appearing
on all the main sites of the network.
Bottom Line: Please note that my membership ended in August.
The network contains 15 sites but only a handful that are top rate. However the top rate ones are superb IMO. They have the freshest and newest performers who are either first timers or very new to porn. The girls are generally very attractive.
One of the advantages of these sites is the great pics of the girls starting from fully clothed and slowly stripping down. There are plenty of pictures of girls fully clothed, partially clothed, nude, then then hardcore scenes. The picture sets usually contain around 600 pics so there are around 100 fully clothed to partly clothed then around 100 posing nude followed by the hardcore stuff. I think the softcore fans would love the softcore pics here. Maybe this angle gets overlooked because the hardcore stuff is extremely hardcore.
The videos start with the guy undressing the girl and getting down to oral followed by sex straight away.
Ass Teen Mouth is just that. It contains oral followed by anal. Some of the scenes are choking, but are not particularly nasty or excessive. The picture sets still contain the softcore stripping.
The pictures and videos are nearly all the same style and usually set in the same studio. This could be considered a pro or a con. Personally I like it although it could be considered a little samey. I like it because you know what you are going to get.
Compared to some sites there are relatively few models, with quite a few appearing on different sites.
The male performers do what they are supposed to, and the cameraman keeps out of the way.The males are not irritating.
The material has the freshest faces, captured by professionals with great camerawork and bright lighting which results in high quality videos and photos. Some may consider the results to be clinical but I like that look. There is no plot and no build up in the videos. The model sits on the bed, is stripped by the male and it's straight down to action. No pretence. It's just models being paid to do a job and then getting on with it.
The best quality pictures are 853 by 1280 and the best quality videos are 960 by 540 with bitrate of 3000.
The older material has less high spec.
I think the videos and pictures look great although I understand these specs mean they are not really high definition.
Streaming is available.
Some of the sites have not been updated for a long time, and have low spec material.
Some of the girls are too skinny for my taste.
The bad stuff is that the site is run by people who couldn't care less about their customers. Communication with them is impossible. They never answered any of my emails. The log in procedure is a real pain. There are no zipped pics, which means every one has to be individually downloaded.The whole feel about the place is that it is run by people who have complete and utter contempt for their customers. It has great material let down by typical lousy management.

02-24-10  04:14pm

Replies (3)
Visit Brain Pass

Brain Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Great value for money, a lot of content for a low price with a $10 discount for TBP users, resulting in a $19.95 a month sign up fee.
A lot of exclusive content.
No download limits.
No regional discrimination, meaning those of us in Europe are treated equally and do not get ripped off.
Good download speed.
Newer videos are of good quality and can be downloaded whole, rather than small segments. But you can choose between either whole or segments.
A variety of download speeds and therefore quality.
A good variety of vanilla porn sites.
There are pics which can be zip downloaded, although they are not of great quality.
There are quite a few daily updates overall. It's just some sites are basically dead, with no new updates at all.
Once you sign in you do not have to resign in to each separate site, although there is a series of 5 letters you have to fill in every time you visit the site.
Quite good camerawork in that there aren't too many gynaecological close ups.
Cons: Some really large and irritating watermarks.
The only real amateur site "BrunoB Reloaded" uses condoms for every scene.
Some of the sites are very small.
Some of the sites have little or no updates, nor state when the last update was.
Some of the videos do not have all the scenes available so are not really complete videos.
Some of the older videos do not have complete scene downloads, so they have to be downloaded in 5 minute segments.
Some of the sites are just single model sites.
Some of the sites are just multi sites of the same porn star. For instance Lex Steel.
Some of the material is very samey and there is nothing particularly high class and outstanding.
The photos are low quality, and just vid caps but can be downloaded in zip form. Some of them are very blurred and of low quality. What's more I found some did not unzip totally so I had to download manually. I really do not think the site would appeal to photo fans.
A few too many tattoos and fake breasts.
Bottom Line: IMO, this isn't really a network, more a series of videos, of which there are plenty. According to BrainPass the figure is 8420 videos and 912 photo sets. I haven't counted them personally but have no reason to dispute their figures.
There is a lot to see and download here, but some of the sites can't even be called sites.
For instance, at the count I made today (my last day of membership - 28 May 2009) "Silverstone Video" only has 107 videos,"The Lucky Man" only has 15, and "Doghouse Digital" only has 41. If that constitutes a "site," then I'm a gay Dutchman, and Drooler is my bitch. It's a bit like going to one of those DVD sites, and instead of referring to them as DVD's or videos, they call them sites instead.
There are WMV streaming segments at 700 kb/sec. I tried these and found them to be reasonable quality.
There are low quality WMV videos at 56 or 128 kb/sec, and MPG videos of 350 kb/sec for iphone and ipod. I have not tried these.
High quality WMV downloads are at dimensions of 720x480 and a bit rate of between 2000 and even up to 5000 kb/sec.
High quality MPG downloads are between 600 and 1000 kb/sec, depending on the site.
Pic dimensions are 720x480.
Although there is a lot of content, the standard and look is very much of a muchness. There is no real high class or outstanding content.
There is no real fetish material, but I don't expect it on this sort of site, so I don't put that down as a "con."
For me the outstanding site is "FirstSexVideo." This may not appeal to some, because the review I read by mbaya is totally accurate. There is a lot of talk leading up to the sex scene, which is not particularly high quality given today's standards. But for me it's a really unusual site in that these are genuine first time models being interviewed, and having sex on camera for the first time.
"The Lucky Man" only has 15 videos but they are at least in the "group sex" category. The one drawback is that most of the girls really do look like veteran porn performers.
With most sites it's usually 3 to 5 minutes of build up, then it's clothes off followed by, as expected, oral, then straight sex, and sometimes anal. OutdoorBackdoor obviously specialises more in anal. They have the cum in mouth type sites too. The main thing is, apart from FirstSexVideo, most of the material is what you would expect. Apart from a few videos where the girls start off totally naked, you mostly have the usual 3 to 5 minutes for a build up. It's then down to action. The girls are generally reasonable looking, not necessarily first division, but maybe second.
Even though I have listed a number of negatives, I really quite liked this site overall. The pros and cons are very similar to a number of other networks. Nothing outstanding but nothing really negative. A lot of reasonable and enjoyable porn, which is quite good fun and gives you hours of viewing, and tons to choose from at a bargain basement pric

05-28-09  04:48pm

Replies (4)
Visit Real Spankings

Real Spankings

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: There is a model index.
They have an updates calendar.
Most of the models are attractive girl next door types (or would be if the girl next door ever really looked like that).
A massive catalogue of material to choose from.
Old and experienced site with a good reputation, and reliable billing agents, so you shouldn't be risking your money.
They do have photos.
No download limit.
No regional discrimination for subscribers.
Very good value at $21.95.
The clips are quite often filmed in real time, without too many cuts or unnatural breaks.
There are usually 2 camera angles. One for the girl's ass, and one for the face.
Cons: Poor and confusing navigation, although it has improved in the past year.
The videos are even at the highest 700 kb/sec rate, not great quality by today's standards. Some of the old clips are very poor quality.
No WMV, only a choice of Flash Player or Real Media.
The clips have watermarks that can sometimes be obtrusive and annoying.
The best spankers have disappeared. The more recent productions have been weak.
They went nearly 2 years without new material, relying mostly on what had already been shot, while they waited to move to a new studio.
Not that many models, few new ones recently. So you see the same faces, (or whatever) a lot of the time.
Far too many clothed spankings, especially in recent years.
Being American the cane is hardly ever used, and then only very lightly.
The photos are posed, and not from the actual spanking clip.
Too much talking.
Some of the clips are cut up into ridiculously short segments, sometimes straight down the middle of the action.
Bottom Line: Bottom line - very appropriate given the niche.
I was last a member of this site about a year ago. I rejoined because my computer got a virus and all my files were wiped out. I wouldn't have joined for the more modern clips. The best spankers Lady D left long ago, and Mr M is not to be seen, most of the time.
The recent clips I find far too light and usually with the model partially or fully clothed. I find this boring. The old clips are by far the best, but the drawback is the quality is quite poor on a lot of these. They are redoing some of them in a new bit rate of 700kb/sec.
The picture quality and sound has improved over the years as the content quality has decreased IMO.
Here is roughly the bit rate over the years.

2001 - 75kb/sec
2002 - 150 kb/sec. Some clips redone in 750kb/sec or 350 kb/sec from here onwards.
2003 - 225 or 450kb/sec.
2004 - 225 or 450kb/sec.
2005 - 225 or 450kb/sec
2006 - 350/700 kb/sec mostly from here.

Despite all the negatives I would still recommend this site as the No.1 choice for anyone who is interested in spanking but has never joined a spanking website. Some other sites deliver harder spankings, but here they are usually around moderate severity, which is reasonably safe, and almost old fashioned, for those who have an interest in this sort of thing. It is not my favourite spanking site because of all the negatives, but I still find it good value. It is almost the Video Box of the spanking world. It is like finding a 3 story warehouse of spanking clips. If you are looking for a clip in particular, it is quite hard to find. At least they have a reasonable model directory and calendar of updates. Last year I would have said this site has the worst navigation in the known universe, with the one exception of my girlfriend's map reading, but things have improved a little. The site now looks like something from the 21st century. A lot of faults, but is worth a look given the price.

02-27-09  02:52pm

Replies (6)
Visit Pornstar Tryouts

Pornstar Tryouts

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: A great amount of material because of access to all sorts of bonus sites and bonus videos
Very low price ($9.95) if using The Best Porn link
Pictures which although not zipped, are downloadable
Reasonable download speed
A lot of amateur, casting, and teen/co-ed material
Given the huge amount and diversity of materials they do try to have customer friendly navigation with a models index, separate categories for videos, bonus sites, web cams, my favourites, latest updates, and pictures.
No regional discrimination. We in Europe can still get the discounted $9.95 price
Cons: Video quality only poor, through average, to good
A lot of old material, some dating back to 2001
Some of the content is not downloadable
Some of the pictures are poor quality with low resolution
Pictures not zipped
Some of the videos do not work
Virtually no fetish material
Most of the streaming is with the adobe flash player, or occasionally with the WMV, depending on the site. It is not of the highest quality
Poor customer service. I did not receive a cancellation confirmation, and it took 4 emails to get any sort of reply. There was no reply from the Pornstar Tryouts customer service. Eventually I tried the overall company customer service email (Jettis International) who told me my subscription had been cancelled.
Bottom Line: This is a real mixed bag. The reason I have given it a highish mark is because of the tremendous amount of material that is available. It's like pulling out a handful of sweets or candy from a giant box. Some of it is a really pleasant surprise.

The tech stuff, which like the site itself is a high variety of qualities and standards.
Generally they do 3 standards of video
A portable version for ipod or psp.
A WMV version of 480x360 at 1024 kb/sec (sometimes 480x270)
Xvid high quality AVI at 2048 kb/sec

Pictures can be downloaded with dimensions from anything from 800x535 with a size of over 100kb, to 720x480 with a size of 30kb, right down to 130x87 with a size of 30kb.

Using the link from TBP you can access material that would normally cost 25 dollars for the price of 10 bucks. There is a wonderful array of material although the quality is not high def or for the connoisseurs around here. I find it very entertaining as there is lots of stuff I haven't seen before. Others who love the really high picture qualities of video or photos may not agree.

I did have problems with customer service. I cancelled my subscription, but received no confirmation. After contacting Jettis they have told me that I have succeeded in doing this. Hopefully I will not be rebilled, or you will be hearing about it, and so will they.

Some of the videos are a pleasant surprise. The whole attraction of this site is not from the sign up site Pornstar Tryouts, it is from the bonus material you can get from signing up to the site. You receive a number of bonus sites, and videos which have no connection with the original idea. In fact Pornstar Tryouts only has 23 episodes, and the last one was about 3 years ago.

I stress once again, by today's standards the quality of pictures and videos are not great, and some of the videos cannot be downloaded at all. Some have faults and do not play or download. It's the really low price and great amount and variety of material (although not fetish), that makes this such an entertaining and fun package.

01-24-09  03:19pm

Replies (6)
Visit American Vice

American Vice

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: The perspectives are correct. The video, and therefore bodies of the models, are not distorted due to the video not fitting the screen correctly.
No download restrictions
No regional discrimination
Great customer service
Wonderful navigation. Once you get used to it, it's easy and efficient.
The sound appears to be actually in synch, unlike some sites.
3 qualities of video. The highest is good quality.
Very good value
Genuine no trick download 5 scenes for free offer.
They do a write up of each dvd and have an editors choice for what they consider the best scene.
You can keep a track of what you have downloaded with a personal download history.
Cons: Only one billing agent - Epoch
Only one video format - WMV
Not as many dvd's as some sites
No pictures - apart from a few stills from each dvd.
The layout of the site is not as attractive as some. This doesn't affect the quality of the dvd's, it just looks less glossy and appetising.
Bottom Line: My very first 90, because for me, this is the best in its class.

I have tried to be fair and not let my liking for fetish material weigh too much. For the number of dvd's available, the percentage of fetish is probably better than any equivalent site.

Here are the stats
3 levels of video quality.
480 by 360 with bitrates of 637 kb/sec
480 by 360 with bitrates of 1140 kb/sec
640 by 480 with bitrates of 2147 kb/sec or 740 by 480 with bitrates of 2083 kb/sec.

The customer service is absolutely brilliant. I asked them a question and they answered within the hour. Have you ever joined a site and got that sinking feeling when you realise you've done your money or been conned in some way? Well this gave me the opposite feeling. I consider this to be the best site I have joined. It gives me a warm feeling to spend my money on a site run by people who DO give a shit. Gawd bless yer Toadsith! I joined because of your review.

There are fewer dvd's than on some sites, but this is offset by the quality of what they have. Even after saying that, they still have over 1700. Also there isn't much point having a ton of dvd's with a worthless navigation that makes it impossible to find anything. This allied with the fact they have actually kept the original specifications and perspectives of the pictures. No Video Box situation where quite a few of the videos are distorted because they simply haven't bothered to fit or adapt them properly.

The whole feel about the place is that they DO care. It's those little things (actually for me, they are quite big), like having the correct picture and sound, great customer service, and great value for money.

The only thing is I'm gutted at having to finally award a 90. Ebeneezer Squirrel hates giving high marks, as you all probably have realised. Bah humbug.

01-12-09  03:07pm

Replies (2)
Visit Pure Cherry Girls

Pure Cherry Girls

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: Quite attractive girls, surprisingly young and relatively inexperienced. (I said "relatively")

Great camerawork, as on most of the Pink Visual sites. This means you get to see all of the girl looking attractive rather than too many close up gynaecological shots.

No condoms.


You get pictures, good ones, and lots of them.

No download limits, apart from only a limited amount of episodes being available for download.

The DVD quality is really good, although only the newer clips have that.
Cons: Excruciating navigation. Older clips are cut up into tiny pieces - sometimes 7-9 without any picture clue as to where you are in the clip.

An awful lot of talking followed by a an awful lot of oral, especially on the old clips.

Only a few clips are relesed for download each month. You have to be a member for a month then they release some more. Then you have to stay for another month to have access to the next batch.

Older clips are poor to average quality and not available for download.

The men talk too much, are occasionally irritating, and make some unpleasant comments about the girls or at least treat them a little less than respectfully.

There is the cheap and nasty trick extra site sign up box, so I deduct 5 marks for that.

If you cancel they offer you a discount, plus access to other sites. Shame they don't do that for loyal customers.
Bottom Line: I was a memeber of this site as it was a member of the Pink Visual organisation. I thought it worth doing a review as TBP have just done one.

The site used to be called "Teens For Cash."

My membership lapsed at the end of September.

The TBP review said they were no longer updating, although they were when my membership lapsed, but that was 2 months ago. There are still a lot of episodes to keep you happy.

For me what is the best thing about the site is the attractivenes of the girls (although still too many tattoos - arghhh!) and the camerawork which brings out the best of the models. The whole site gives an appearance of quality.

The older clips are more annoying because with the lousy navigation and shorter clips you can just find yourself continually streaming all the talking and more talking.

Even for the photo enthusiasts the navigation is a pain.

You get a $10 discount if you join through TBP, which is what I did.

The DVD quality on the Pink Visual sites have dimensions of 1068 by 600 with bit rates of around 5000. Below this there is the 852 by 480 dimension with bit rates of around 2500. Toadsith suggested I put in more tech, so I have tried. You tech boffins will know what that all means. Personally I think the top rate is very good, and even the rate below that is quite good.

11-28-08  10:18am

Replies (8)
Visit Enemarotica


Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: Pretty, personable, girl next door types.

No tricks. No sign up to other sites. No automatically renewed subscription. What you see is what you get.

A variety of subscriptions available. You can buy a one week subscription for $15, there is a monthly one, or you can sign on for a whole year.

You can see stills of what you are going to download, so you can decide whether it's worth buying a subscription.

The site contains genuine, not faked enema scenes.

The girls seem to be having fun, which makes for a good atmosphere on the videos. The whole site has an atmosphere of people enjoying what they are doing.
Cons: Not many girls. Most appear a number of times.

Video quality mostly only average, sometimes verging on good, sometimes on poor. (Dimensions 320 by 240).

A lot of the clips are samey, and unimagiative.

Only about 20 per cent of the clips at most have expulsion scenes. (For the uninitiated this is where you see what goes in, coming out.)
Bottom Line: Okay, this site may well not be of interest to most people. It's really hard to mark accurately because it's part of a very small niche. The one I have given - 80 is purely subjective. If you're not interested in this subject matter it will be 0, but I am marking for those people who may be interested in this sort of thing. If you are, I think 80 is fair.

What you get for a one week subscription is a bunch of 6 clips. Each of these is broken down into smaller clips lasting usually about 10-20 minutes each. There can be between 4 to 6 of these smaller clips. Sometimes there can be as many as 9 or 10.

The bunches of clips are posted in rotation with the oldest being replaced each week by a new one. In addition to the 6 bunches, there is an additional bunch of clips posted for one week only. So basically you get 2 new bunches of clips each week if you are a permanent member. But if you wish, you can buy a one week subscription and download all 7 clips, then wait several weeks until there are all new clips and rejoin again for one week.

Yes I know this sort of thing is samey so why did I put this as a "con?" Well, given its subject matter it could still use an awful lot more imagination than it does. For instance Enemageddon (which I believe is down for the year) shows clips that are far more imaginative. The downside is that most of them are censored because they are from Japan.

One of the things I really like about the site though, is the way it does not try to trick you. It has the feel of someone doing something he loves and making some money out of it, but without trying to rip anyone off. No automatic renewals or any tricks to get more money out of you. The one time I couldn't sign in, it was dealt with in under 24 hours. So I like the customer service.

I had better mention as a warning that this is purely a site about the enema fetish. This means no sex scenes. It is why I didn't put this in as a "con." I didn't put the fact that there are no gardening tips in as a "con" either. Sex scenes generally aren't a part of this sort of site, but I thought I had better mention it anyway! Enemas.com does have more in the way of sex scenes and spanking, but I heard on here recently about a customer having trouble ending his subscription to Enemas.com. I do know that site has had trouble with trying to find billing agents. But I have never had any trouble with Enemarotica.

Enemarotica is one of those small niche sites run by someone who clearly cares about what he is doing and enjoys it. A lot of the girls are quite pretty but there are not many of them. Despite this, and despite the quality of the video clips, I find this a fun and enjoyable site.

11-20-08  05:04pm

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