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Visit VideosZ


Fraudulent Charge Part 2

Unsurprisingly I suppose, I didn't receive my refund. It was supposed to have been sent, but of course they can't understand why I haven't received it.

I mailed Segpay with the following message "Dear Customer Service,
This money has still not arrived. If it does not arrive tomorrow I shall presume it has been stolen and notify the bank and Porn Users accordingly. It looks as though you had absolutely no intent of issuing a refund for money that was stolen from me. Stolen because you and your associates gave my details plus password to a separate company which presumably allowed a hacker access to my debit card. Or does this happen all the time because it is good for business, as people are unwilling to complain? Well I certainly am. I shall pursue this to the end one way or another, even if I have to change bank and cancel my cards, just to make a point about your company."

They replied "If the refund is not in your account until now we will make a follow up to our upper management further assistance."

I understand customer service are just flak takers for dishonest and disreputable management so I didn't say "tell "upper management" (sic) to curtail their afternoon blow job, and get off their fucking arses and do something about it." No, I just told them I have contacted my bank and lodged a complaint, which they have noted.

The bank tells me I am unlikely to receive the money if I haven't received it by now, so on Friday I can start the process of trying to get my money back.

How many thousands and tens of thousands does this happen to? Most are not going to do anything about it, so multiply 5-10 dollars times 5000 for a nice yearly little earner. You get the occasional awkward bastard like myself, but generally it pays to do what they are doing.

02-20-19  12:10pm

Replies (2)
Visit VideosZ


Fraudulent Charge Beware

This is my first review or comment for several years, and sadly it isn't to commend brilliant customer service, or outstanding quality, no it is to report a fraudulent charge on my card.

I received one of those emails about congratulations you have signed up to live cams when I hadn't, because I never use them. Whenever I receive one I cancel immediately, even if they are free, because I have heard about very dodgy behaviour before on here. Those free cams sites you don't want to join, end up charging you for services you never use.

Strangely enough when I first went to live chat to close down the account that I never signed up for in the first place, they told me the account was already blocked. Then I found a mail which notified me of a charge for $6.54. I immediately cancelled Videosz, and told both Segpay and Videosz/Bang, why I was cancelling. I insisted on a refund.

Segpay have told me they are sending it to top management (lol) and will have to wait 2 days for it to be settled, but I have also heard from "Alison" at Bang, who told me the cams thing is free but you can only authorize payments yourself, so I wouldn't receive a refund, which is very strange because I never use cams sites, found myself signed up to a free cams site, and then charged for something I had never used.

I contacted my bank who told me the charge was "pending." I can only dispute the charge once it has been processed, and then it looks like I will have to cancel my card, as these people cannot be trusted. I have mailed both Segpay and Videosz/Bang to tell them what I am doing.

Look folks, I know you're in a dirty business, but you are dealing with someone who hates being ripped off or cheated. I'll happily donate $100 to charity for a worthy cause, but try to rip me off, and I don't mind in the least yelling, kicking, screaming, and giving my bank and credit card company all the gory details, purely on principal. Don't fuck with me.

Late edit addition - Now it seems there was an illegal access of my account. They managed to block most of the charges and are going to refund the rest. Alison at Bang ended up helping me, but the problem is being signed up for something you didn't want in the first place. It's one more thing to go wrong, one more organisation with your details. The end result is VideosZ/Bang and Segpay now have one customer less because of greed.

02-07-19  02:39pm

Replies (9)
Visit Anal Educator

Anal Educator

Access to bonus sites?

According to Duke, this site does not come with bonus access to the No Rest Network sites, but according to the preview home page it does. Either way, it's good to see the No Rest Network out of hibernation even though it is under new management.

04-09-14  05:11pm

Replies (11)
Visit Backroom Casting Couch

Backroom Casting Couch

Compare Epoch to CCBill

If you want to compare the difference between Epoch and the rip off charges at CCBill here's an illuminating experience. Tonight I received a special offer from Backroom Casting Couch as a previous member for $19.99. I followed the link and decided to join. The $19.99 worked out at £14.88 using CCBill's extortionate currency conversion system, but hey, I was getting a good bargain so I went ahead. Transaction denied, and a link to join through Epoch. Strange. The Epoch join page came up for £12.82. This time the deal went through.

I looked at a mail from CCBill that said my bank had denied the transaction. However the Epoch membership went through at just over two pounds cheaper. That's a whopping great 13% difference in conversion between CCBill and Epoch. Looks like my bank did me a favour and prevented me from being ripped off. Quite accidentally of course, not sure wtf they stopped the first transaction, but it certainly gives you an idea of the difference in value between Epoch and CCBill.

12-26-13  07:27pm

Replies (4)
Visit Devils Film

Devils Film

Warning - this organisation does not register cancellations

A warning to anyone who may join a site from this organisation - they do not appear to register cancellations. For the second time in as many months, I had to go to live support to cancel my membership. They told me I did not receive a cancellation confirmation, because my cancellation had not been registered. I would suggest you cancel very close to joining, because it may well take some time and effort to cancel once you have joined.

I took up their $5/£5 discount offer even though they have pre checked cross selling and regional discrimination. The renewal is significantly higher, so I'm willing to steal at steal prices, but not willing to pay a fair price for reasonable content from organisations who are going to try and trick or cheat you. I can't argue with the content, and I can't argue with live support, who although it took some time to find someone available, were efficient once I contacted them.

I suppose the lesson is, if you are going to pay for membership to an organisation with questionable practices, you will have to be prepared to put in some time and effort to avoid being ripped off. Buyer beware.

10-20-13  10:28am

Replies (0)
Visit Seymore Butts

Seymore Butts

$24.99 not $9.99.

The $9.99 price no longer applies unless you sign up for a year. The monthly price is now $24.99. Sadly there are no pics available. At the cheaper price I'd have considerd it, but not at $24.99 when there are no pics.

07-30-13  05:38am

Replies (0)
Visit Fantasy HD

Fantasy HD

No cross sells?

This is listed as having pre checked cross sells on the TBP review, which appears to be incorrect. I do not see a ticked box on the sign up page, where they even state "No hidden charges." If it doesn't have cross sells, TBP should amend the listing.

07-17-13  05:45am

Replies (1)
Visit HDV Pass

HDV Pass

Somebody Do The Math

This site looks good and is now available at a discount from TBP/PU. One of the few negatives is video files only come in MP4. You get Seymore Butts as a bonus site, and it looks a tempting offer, but take a look at the sign up page. You can either sign up for one month at a discounted rate of $9.95 instead of the regular $17.95, or sign up for three months at a rate of $19.95 a month, for a total of $59.85, or a two day trial for $1 which renews at $29.95 a month. What!?

It's not that they're being dishonest, as the discount looks great, but the whole point of a three month membership is to give a discount to long term members, which benefits both site and customer. Do they know what they're doing? This is one of my points and gripes about porn sites and networks at the moment. They do not appear to have an overall marketing strategy, sense of coordination, know where they are going, what they are doing, or who they are trying to appeal to. Nothing is streamlined and the bleeding obvious seems to be way over their heads at times.

Having said that, the discounted price looks to be a great deal. If they want long term customers how about a three month membership at a rate of $26.85 for three months, that's $8.95 a month. No criticism of the site, as the discount looks great and so does the material, it just looks like the left hand has decided to put in a discount, and not told the right hand.

06-21-13  05:40pm

Replies (4)
Visit Teens Do Porn

Teens Do Porn

A new site from Team Skeet

This is a new site from Team Skeet. Only a few videos on here, but its existence along with Anal Euro, shows how Skeet are one of the few new networks who are growing, and evolving. Maybe it illustrates their move away from American tattoos and fake breasts towards the more natural European look. I could be wrong, and they were going to do this anyway, but a few on PU were commenting about the lack of euro and lack of anal. I hope this network continues to grow, and we see some more updates from them. I refuse to be jaded and unexcited about porn, when 20 years ago one year's subscription to a network like this would pay for one vhs video with about 25 minutes of action. Stop whingeing and start enjoying.

06-18-13  06:21am

Replies (1)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World now has pre checked cross selling

When I originally reviewed this network it had no pre checked cross selling. I thought I would join again as it looked to have improved since that review. Unfortunately it now has pre checked cross selling. Sad and frustrating to see one more network which previously had a good reputation join the tricky rip off con alliance.

05-23-13  07:11am

Replies (7)
Visit 21Sextury.com


Does anyone realise this?

I joined this network over a year ago. It was my longest membership of any network or site, and I was intending to rejoin shortly, however I find they now have pre checked cross selling. I can't remember them doing this before, but it means I will no longer be a member.

On the plus side (I don't know if anyone here realises this) they run a points system where if you join for more than one month, you can earn enough points to download for free. This means that even after my membership was cancelled, I still had enough points to download six times for free, by simply logging in and using points to purchase downloads.

01-29-13  08:01pm

Replies (4)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet

No more pre checked cross selling

I recently joined this network as they have stopped cross selling from TBP. I said they would have had my money ages ago if not for that practice, so I put my money where my mouth is. I hope this will mean a number of sign ups from TBP/PU. Have to give them credit for listening. Their webmaster Marvin, is often around PU and seems willing to listen. Whether he should be listening to the likes of us, is another matter entirely.

Impressions on the first few days of membership are positive, with pretty girls, great photography, good speeds, good navigation, and excellent streaming facilities. Big negatives for me are the condoms on "Oye Loca," a mass of upsells and links to other sites on member pages, and my favourite site "Her Freshman Year" stopped updating.

Take into consideration this is a much smaller network than larger established ones like Teen Mega World or 21 Sextury, but I hope there will always be a place for smaller individual quality networks. A full review will follow in a few weeks.

Don't forget there is also a $7 discount linked from TBP/PU.

01-10-13  06:49am

Replies (5)
Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network

Warning about this latest PU Newsletter discount site.

The network looks good, and you get a discount from the PU Newsletter, but that discount could turn out to be VERY expensive. On the join up page scroll down to the small print at the bottom and the pre checked cross selling scam "Get access to MofosReel.com with over 40000+ scenes for only £1.00. After 2 days, the membership renews monthly at £35.00."

Why does the PU Newsletter continually promote sites with pre checked cross selling? Okay I already know the answer to this - money. I know they have to make a profit, but this does not make me feel good about TBP/PU generally.

01-04-13  07:42pm

Replies (3)
Visit She's New

She's New

Promoted in PU Newsletter, but watch out for pre checked cross selling.

This site is now available through the Porn Users Newsletter at $9.95. Hooray! They are implementing pre-checked cross selling. Boo!

As one of the sites on the Team Skeet Network I'd have been willing to spend $29.95 to join, but how can you trust a site that tries to trick you? You can't. $29.95 with no trickery and they get my money, $9.95 with trickery and they don't.

Yes I can untick the box, but it's also the principle of the thing. Obviously it pays to try and trick customers, so that's why they do it. Some of us are not going to join because of that trickery, but they can obviously make more money from tricking customers out of their money than they will lose from those of us who refuse to join on principle.

Which brings me to TBP/PU. I don't think they should be promoting this type of site. I know they are in it to make money, but they have a certain goodwill not only from us minority who post and review, but from the silent majority who rely on them for promoting and linking to trustorthy sites.

Ban pre checked cross selling. It should be illegal, and hopefully one day it will be. Until then we need to avoid those shady enough to try and rip off customers.

09-29-12  09:49am

Replies (0)
Visit Boat Girls Gone Wild

Boat Girls Gone Wild

Hidden pre checked cross sales

I'm not sure whether I should give these vermin publicity or not, however here is a warning not to give them your credit card details.

All you have to do is give your credit details for FREE ACCESS. Oh wow what generosity. Just press for free membership. Over on the right hand site of the sign up page are the terms.

"You are joining boatgirlsgonewild at a cost of $0.00 for 2 days. To avoid being charged, simply cancel your membership prior to the end of the trial period. For your convenience, this membership will renew at a cost of $39.28 per month until cancelled. You may cancel at any time"

Below that is a pre checked cross sale. It is noted as hidden on TBP "located under the submit button of the join page (when inputting your credit card info)." It's actually to the right.

"* Sign me up for a one dollar and twenty five cents, one day trial to breastsxxx.com*
* For your convenience all trial memberships to breastsxxx will automatically renew at fifty four dollars and ninety seven cents per month unless cancelled."

So your free membership could cost you a shitload of money. I know it's hard times, but I don't think TBP/PU should be linking to these sort of people.

09-06-12  01:09am

Replies (6)
Visit Amour Babes

Amour Babes

Big discount for no reason.

I was thinking of joining the 1 Pass For All Sites network, and as I always do, decided to check out the prices for joining from each and every site on the network, because quite often they do vary.

If you join through 1 Pass For All Sites you pay $34.95. If you join through some of the sites on the network you pay $29.95, but if you join through Amour Babes you pay $24.31. I don't know why and it seems to be completely bonkers. I know where I'm signing up from though.

09-01-12  03:40pm

Replies (2)
Visit WTF Pass

WTF Pass

My First Membership Of The Year

Thanks to BadMrFrosty, who put me on to this one. Originally my first membership was going to be with VideosZ, but they had pre checked cross selling, so I went to sign up for Team Skeet, but they had pre checked cross selling too. Finally here's a network that doesn't have it.

As Frosty mentioned, this not only has the same sites as Chicki Porn (under slightly different names), it has an extra three sites not available with Chicki, and all that $15 cheaper using the TBP/PU link. Added to that, it doesn't have the pre checked cross selling.

What we get is a lot of attractive female talent often ruined by cameras weilded with all the dexterity and sympathy, of a partially blind epileptic nine year old, with attention deficit disorder. Lighting is hideously bad at times, and even outside, somehow they contrive to get dark shadows running through all the interesting bits. A real shame.

But we do have a network that doesn't all look the same. The individual sites do, for once, all have their own identity. There is some good stuff here, but you do have to search around for it. There is an awful lot of padding which takes up hours of time, and gigabytes of room.

Is the price at $19,95 worth it? I would say yes. If only, if only, they could get the lighting and camerawork right, this could be an amazing network. As it is, I am disappointed, but consider the money worth it. I know I won't have the time to spend wading through all the talk and waffle that leads up to the good bits. Despite all that I would recommend it, if you can overlook the faults.

03-07-12  01:49pm

Replies (7)
Visit 18 Eighteen

18 Eighteen

Thumbs up for this organisation

I have to give the thumbs up for this organisation. I've been downloading for free for the last few months because I refuse to take out a membership with any site that tries to trick potential customers with pre checked cross sales. I have thought of joining this one for several months but was put off by the cross sales. Then yesterday I checked once again but couldn't find the pre checked box. Were they hiding it in an attempt to trick us? I sent the following email.

"I have been thinking about taking out a membership to this site. However I have always been put off joining any site that tries to trick members with pre checked cross sells. There is a warning on Porn Users about pre checked cross sells on 18 Eighteen, but I cannot see any on the join up page. It has a tick besides the discount of $19.95. Is there a hidden pre checked cross sell?

Please let me know if you have stopped trying to trick people. If there is no pre checked cross sell I may well try the site for a month. If there is an attempt to dishonestly steal money I shall be complaining to both my credit card company, the biling agent, and also publishing a warning on Porn Users."

I didn't expect a reply but surprisingly received one. The email read "Thank you for contacting us, I went online to make sure it doesn't have a pre-checked box for another site. And we do offer another site for a discounted rate BUT you must manually check the box to receive the offer."

I mailed back "Thanks for your reply. Having to manually check the box is fine by me. It's the pre checked ones I hate. I think I shall give it a go."

They replied " Thanks for the reply, we used to have it like that and to satisfy the clients we removed it and now you must check the box yourself to receive the discounted rate for the additional site."

Now hats off to any site that responds to demand. I signed on, and so far am pleased that I did. I originally was attracted to TNA Tryouts too. However if you join this site or Picking Up Pussy it costs $29.99 for the three sites - 18 Eighteen, TNA Tryouts, and Picking Up Pussy. However if you join 18 Eighteen through Porn Users you receive the same three sites - for the discounted price of $19.99.

I will be doing a rare review in a few weeks, but at first glance I really like it. Too many tats and piercings for my taste, but not many fake breasts. Attractive girls too, with mainly good quality pics and videos, so I consider it a worthwhile purchase. Finally a site that is worthy of receiving my money.

01-13-11  06:18pm

Replies (3)
Visit Inexperienced Amateurs

Inexperienced Amateurs

Best Deal

This is a new site. Go to TBP and you will see the price is $38.80 with no access mentioned to any other sites.

Go to the Reality Gang (which used to be Adult Reality Pass) review on TBP and you will see the price for joining is a reduced $17.99 from $30.00. Scroll down, click the link, and check out the 34 sites listed as part of the membership and Inexperienced Amateurs isn't listed. However if you go to the Reality Gang site you will see Inexperienced Amateurs listed as part of the membership.

The obvious bottom line is it's better to join Reality Gang and get membership to Inexperienced Amateurs for $17.99 rather than pay $38.80 for Inexperienced Amateurs and get no access to any other site.

At least that's what it looks like. I look forward to a review from some brave soul willing to risk being ripped off, for the benefit of all of us. I wont be joining though. Since they have pre checked cross sells and are going to charge me more for being European they can basically do to themselves what is being done to the porn girls.

09-01-10  03:03pm

Replies (3)
Visit Lethal 18

Lethal 18

This dirty trick should be stopped

I signed up for this site as I like porn.com and the $9.95 is an excellent price. I found the navigation was irritating. For instance I cannot find a dvd section that lists the types of dvd's. To find the ebony dvd's for instance, you have to go to a site that secialises in ebony material, then link to ebony dvd's from there. Same goes for amateur. I had to go to Pornstar Tryouts to link to amateur dvd's. If there is a way around this I haven't found it. Porn.com seems to have a better navigation. Sice they are essentially the same network with the same stuff these idiosyncracies are annoying.

I decided to cancel and then resign up to porn.com for next month. When I linked to the cancel page I found a pre ticked cross sell. It was a free trial and then $34.95 if not cancelled. If I had pressed the cancel membership button without noticing this trick, I would have inadvertently subscribed to a site without knowing it.

It's time sites stopped being dishonest. It is dishonesty because why have the box ticked if it isn't a trick? Why not let the consumer decide for themselves? Network and site management should decide whether they want to be considered honest or dishonest. I feel that this is such a dirty trick that I wont review porn.com because they do not deserve it. I could just give them 50 but that is not solving anything or giving an honest review. It's a shame they have to stoop to being dishonest because they have some good material at a bargain price. For me it's one of the best deals on the internet with the TBP sign up discount.

I say to all you con artist management out there - stop these practices. We are weeding you out gradually. Decide what side you want to be on - the honest or dishonest. The dishonest should be persona non grata around here. It's time sites who have the pre checked cross sales are not linked to, or are placed in their own category - the customer beware category.

I am so disgusted with them trying to rip me off I may not subscribe to them for a second month. I hate people who try to con me.

03-24-10  11:01am

Replies (3)
Visit Wild Young Honeys

Wild Young Honeys

Another site with crap customer service

I originally tried to check out this site. Amongst other things I wanted to find out what they charged, and in what currency I would be paying. I therefore filled in my email address and the prefilled password form. After I did this I immediately received a sign up confirmation for WebCamClub.com. I did not give my email address for this, and alarm bells started ringing immediately. I followed the link to remove my registration from that site. I then tried to get into WildYoungHoneys but found I couldn't do so as my username had already been taken - presumably by me.

I emailed their support, to tell them about the problem. I received no reply. The next day I emailed them again to ask if there was anyone in support. I received a reply from their Longbucks support. I was told they had received no email from me and they asked me what the problem was, and added do not hesitate to contact us via email. I told them what had happened. I received no further communication.

That was the 21 January. Now here I think I am making a good point, and it's this. In these troubled times why on earth doesn't a company just concentrate on getting one thing right i.e. - just getting people to join the websites simply and in an uncomplicated way, without trying to flog them something else the minute they give their email address. They have lost a customer, simply because they seem incompetent and more intent on flogging me something I don't want, than giving good customer service.

02-15-09  03:48pm

Replies (0)
Visit Porn Pass For All

Porn Pass For All

Which sites do you get?

Here's an email I just sent to them. Once again this is a site that almost encourages piracy with its unclear policies. I tried emailing them to find out EXACTLY which sites you receive when you first sign up, but no reply. I have just sent them another email. Maybe they'll get round to answer this one. Probably not:-

"Which sites do I receive if I sign up for either Anal Teen Angels or Porn Pass For All. This is not made clear. I thought I had better have one more try at getting an answer out of you before giving up. It is no wonder piracy is thriving at the moment if your support is so lousy you cannot be bothered to answer emails from potential customers. The sites you receive when you sign up are not made clear. This looks a deliberate policy to keep people subscribing. Customers do not like this. Me included. It should be made clear.
Thank you for your lack of attention in advance."

01-19-09  08:39am

Replies (2)
Visit Hard Caning

Hard Caning

Only one update in 12 months

There has been only one update in 12 months.
Their first site, Caned4Cash, which opened this sister site, has now gone.
They produced possibly the hardest, most consistent spanking/caning vids after Mood Castings. For lack of filler material, and too much talking, this site was excellent.
I wouldn't chance paying money to try and join now, as I am not sure it is even working. Their original customer relations
people were not good, or non existent, so I wouldn't chance it.
Originally there was no DRM, and download speeds were acceptable, which was almost irrelevant, as it was all action and no talk, in roughly 10 minute clips. It was a very good site.

11-05-08  06:33am

Replies (1)

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