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Visit VideosZ

Reply of Tree Rodent's Comment

This has finally been resolved thanks to my bank, who have credited the money back to my account and blacklisted Segpay. I wont be using that payment processor again, but if I ever wanted to, I would have to approach the bank to de-blacklist them! Don't think I'll be doing that.

The two most annoying things from this are, it will be a long time before I hand over credit card details to any porn site again, and I was never informed I was signed up to the cam site in the first place.

Mostly I get informed if I'm signed up to these "free" sites, and cancel the minute I receive the mail, just in case. If I had been notified I could have done the same for this organisation.

02-22-19  05:04am

Visit VideosZ

Reply of elephant's Reply

Exactly. Bad behaviour and questionable policies tarnish and damage the industry, because people become afraid to hand over their credit card details. But at least they eventually sorted it. I have been told the money has been refunded and will take up to 10 days to reach me.

If time is money, they had to spend a disproportionate amount of time on those few dollars, and so did I, but I was not letting it drop.

02-10-19  06:31pm

Visit VideosZ

Reply of mbaya's Reply

Thanks mbaya - yes, and it's not only that they shared my details and VideosZ/Bang password, it's that they also blanked me when I contacted them about the fraudulent charge, like they had never heard of anything like that happening.

From the sound of it this happens a lot, so if they had merely said "yeah this sometimes happens we'll look into it," rather than "only you can authorize a card charge, you must be responsible for the charge, no refund," I'd have been a lot less pissed off.

02-08-19  01:10pm

Visit VideosZ

Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Hiya Ik, howya doing? Yeah at least I am supposed to get my money back, and it's only a small amount, but the whole effort really pissed me off. I had to work two hours to break down a stone wall.

02-08-19  09:38am

Visit VideosZ

Reply of Clement's Reply

I'll tell you what bugged me: when I was first contacted by Alison I got the stone wall. She said accounts are free but only you can authorize payments so you will not get a refund. It took about two hours last night to get it all sorted, and I can tell you I was bloody ANGRY.

Giving personal details to affiliates without consent is a breach of privacy, and runs a risk of something happening, as it did to me. One more thing that can be hacked and accessed. That is unacceptable in my opinion, and it means you have lost a customer. I have been a subscriber for the last three months and was happy to just let it ride for another few.

In the end, after a big continual effort (it always takes a monumental effort to get something like this sorted, and maybe that is by design) I was helped and told I would get a refund, but I should never have had to waste two hours of my life in the first place.

02-08-19  09:35am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Over the line and kept on running - bit like Forrest Gump.

05-01-14  06:25am

Visit Exploited Teens

Exploited Teens
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

^^ Yep I'm with what graymane says. I'm not here much now, but the least I can do is drop by to congratulaute you on yet another very high quality informative review.

This is one that I almost went with over a year ago, but what put me off is the low quality resolutions, and if you get used to that high spec material, you do notice the difference.

04-29-14  11:44am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Another great review admiral, and good investigation into the very cloudy download limit situation. Most if us hate download limits, but they're even worse when you're unclear what the download limit is.

04-10-14  08:53am

Visit Anal Educator

Anal Educator
Reply of Freax Media Gro's Reply

Excellent and informative reply. This is one place I will join. The problem with the industry is scummy behaviour like pre checked cross selling and automatically charging your credit card if you press the wrong link, tarnishes everyone. Here is a very good explanation of why things turned out the way they did, which is just like life. Things don't always go the way you planned, which applies to life, love, industry, anything really.

04-10-14  08:47am

Visit Anal Educator

Anal Educator
Reply of pat362's Reply

Thanks for the info Pat. So it sounds as though this is not under new management after all? Rarely do I stay with a site for more than a month or two, and have never signed up for anything longer than a month originally. The material looks good even though it is old, and they don't seem to use scummy pre checked cross selling. Be interesting to hear if this is a standalone or whether it comes with the rest of the network.

04-09-14  06:41pm

Visit VideosZ

Reply of EverNight's Review

That's an excellent review, especially when comparing VideoBox with VideosZ.

04-08-14  01:36pm

Visit Hard X

Hard X
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Another excellent review. I wasn't aware of this one until I saw your forum post. Question is - will it grow? If they update it looks to be a great site, with professionally shot material, and one that appeals to my taste. Nice find admiral.

03-30-14  05:19pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of Schirm's Reply

"To be frank, pat, I really dont understand your need to raise the score for DDF, a site that in some sense tries to cheat its customers by unsecure billers and a customer support that sucks when their customers ask for help to cancel."

This we both agree on. Not that there's now a shortage of sites out there who are wiling to cheat customers. Nowadays signing up to a pay site and giving your credit card details is a highly risky affair. DDF don't deserve more than that score given the experience you could have with them.

03-23-14  07:10am

Visit Nubiles Casting

Nubiles Casting
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Another great review admiral. This was one they mailed me, and I was tempted, but there were a few negatives so I didn't accept the offer.

I had heard of Nubiles but not Nubiles Casting so for a short time I thought it was spam or something highly dangerous.

02-25-14  09:02am

Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of Roberto281's Comment

Currently NETbilling/psnbilling is the top of the five options. Click the link. Alternatively they do have live support below those options and a "I don't know please help me," link.

Sites are currently not making it easy to cancel, which is not good, because every time I have problems it puts me off ever wanting to join a new site. Currently I cancel about three days after joining, just to make sure I have time dealing with any problems.

The trickery used nowadays is becoming harder to spot, and so nasty it's going to frighten off the porn fans who want quality over quantity and are still willing to pay for it.

02-24-14  06:06pm

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yes but my review had as many words. Thing is you can always sum up sites and networks in a few positives and negatives, while the bottom line is the feel and experience of the place. On any two sites, positives and negatives can be virtually identical, while the experience is very different.

Another accurate review in my opinion. It's such a shame this place is virtually dead, and they never showed any customer service, or need to promote, because this still has some of my favourite material, and a lot of it is 2-4 years old.

02-14-14  05:20pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of Buckhead's Review

Nice review, and in my opinion, very accurate.

02-14-14  05:13pm

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

I wondered what you'd make of this one admiral. Material is rotated and the only clue nowadays to which is newer is the amount of photos. The later updates had more photos. The worst thing about this place for me is the lack of zipped photos. All those negatives - constant logging in, no customer support, no zipped photos, expensive, no updates, do add up. There's still some great stuff here though.

02-13-14  07:30pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I put "other" because for me it's a mix of dimensions and bit rate. I suppose we all know what it looks like, it's a case of how do we define it. I agree with BobA about the original source as well.

02-04-14  06:39pm

Visit Amateur Allure

Amateur Allure
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

You put in a lot of work on this, and this great review deserves at least one reply, so here it is - another great, well thought out, and put together review, admiral.

02-04-14  06:35pm

Visit Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yes great heads up admiral. It looks like a mere rebranding and material is identical to what you would get joining those other sites. For those $5 offers I simply join for the month, then cancel immediately. Once again I did not receive a confirmation of cancellation and had to contact them. It seems they operate a few dodgy practices but given what some of them do it's not dishonest, just a little deceptive. You gotta watch these guys.

01-26-14  11:12am

Visit Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media
Reply of rearadmiral's Comment

I took up the $5/£5 offer, and I think there's a lot of stuff that is duplicated. I realised it was re branding of the same material, but there's so much on there it will take me ages to get through it all, so as long as they keep sending me the five bucks offer I will keep accepting it. I'm not sure how much is duplicated but it doesn't matter to me, whereas some may join two sites and find the same material. It's high quality mass produced porn, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the quality drop given the state of internet and dvd porn.

01-26-14  06:23am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

If the internet stops, internet porn stops. Porn is the third constant like death and taxes, only more popular.

01-26-14  06:16am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll


01-26-14  06:13am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I'm pleased this review pushed you off the fence. Personally I think despite its many many negatives, this network has my favourite mainstream porn. The biggest downside may be that its best material comes from 2-4 years ago, so the HD isn't as high spec as recent HD, you can tell the difference. Despite the negatives I think you'll love the material.

01-25-14  09:23am

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