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Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks for the feedback....

"My only gripe is they photoshopped EVERY SINGLE PICTURE of Holly Hendrix, covered her tattoos. If it was that much of an issue then why even book her??!!"

Because it is near impossible to find models without tattoos any more. If we eliminate all girls with tattoos we further reduce the already small pool of talent to choose from. Consider that we already narrow the model selection to girls with a passport, that want to travel, that have a cooperative agent and that meet our required standards. By survey results most customers prefer girls without tattoos and it is at least something that we can somewhat adjust so we do what we can to cater to that.

02-16-24  04:33pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of Shine's Comment

It's purely coincidence that you haven't seen any for a while. I shot 3 such scenes on my latest trip. The next lesbian scene is going to show up on the coming soon section in just a few days.

01-16-20  02:53pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of skippy's Comment

Something is a bit off about this comment. The user was obviously experiencing an unexpected anomaly or else his account was hacked. The 3D videos average around 1.2 GB per file in the highest resolution, not 10 GB. The download limit will allow for about 25 of these videos per day.

As for the download limits, are they really that restrictive? The 4K plan allows for 2 full length 4K videos per hour which is faster than you can view them, and 7 full length 4K videos per day, and 70 full length 4K videos per month. If you exceed these limits you have bionic stamina. If you go for 1080 versions then these numbers go up immensely. We believe these limits are really quite generous.

The download limits are in place to defeat abusers from ripping the entire site and sharing it and to keep the site running for legitimate customers rather than choking under the load of abusers. Yes the price of the unlimited plan is crazy, and deliberately so. It's just there for abusers and to appease those who have a mental block about download limits. We see plenty of people buying the unlimited plan but almost none of them reach the limits they would have been subject to had they paid $30 less.

-ITC webmaster.

12-18-17  04:35pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of pat362's Reply

This subject touches upon perhaps my biggest pet peeve. I don’t know why truth in advertising has to be such a foreign concept to most people. Any business that claims to be the greatest “this” and have the best “that” has absolutely no credibility with me, particularly when that claim is coming from within. If 10 competing companies all claim to have the best widget then 9 of them are lying. As soon as one of them volunteers information that some aspect of their product is not as good as it could be then I know every other claim they have is probably spot on. It’s obviously not any different with an adult entertainment website. You know if every single scene on some porn site is claimed to be awesome then something doesn’t add up. Any customer that takes the time to read through what is written on our site will certainly be able to take our word as genuine since we have established some pretty solid credibility with our honesty.

As for blow back from models? If there is any I have not heard of it yet. Off the top of my head I can think of 2 or 3 models in the last 16 years that have ever said anything negative about their ITC shoot and they were all because they didn’t like the camera getting up close, not because of anything that was written. I think most girls just love that they are getting some quality images where they are not getting cum on or smacked around or made to look like a ditzy teenager. I can say that there is no “can of worms” that comes from providing an honest website.

01-16-17  05:42pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of Denner's Comment

The regional pricing thing was eliminated a year ago now.

04-13-14  10:52am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of brotherlove's Comment

I would think if people were having this problem we would be hearing about it. There is nothing deliberately set up to curb downloading. Everything is unlimited. With the endless possible configurations on a personal computer it is perhaps not out of the ordinary for one or two people to have an issue.

07-21-11  07:46pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of littlejoe's Review

A few corrections:

Yes there are zipped picture sets.

There are very few fake boobs on the site. Maybe 5%. The ones that do have fake boobs were hired because they make up for it in other ways.

Large file sizes are the trade off for higher resolution videos. Unfortunately you cannot simultaneously have both high res and low file sizes.


12-13-10  07:50pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Review

Addressing some of your cons....

The collections page is now customizable in that you can sort it by release date, model name (alphabetical), model age, nationality, and shoot location.

There's only 2 out of 383 current videos on the site without audio. It was not a conscious decision to shoot them without audio but in fact an audio screw up. We just released them anyway.

Download speeds: See this thread https://www.pornusers.com/replies_view.html?id=44350 There may be something relevant to your issues here.

Your login not remembering your password appears to be a browser issue. We have not been able to duplicate that.

Oddly cropped pictures: We don't see how that is a con. The pictures are cropped according to how they work the best. If a shot is originally 2400x1800 (horizontal) and shows a model standing then there's going to be a lot of useless background on the left and right sides. If we can crop it 2200x2200 then the model is going to be larger in the picture with less pixels waisted on useless background. That's a good thing for everyone is it not? Just curious, if a picture is 2200x2200 that would be a bad thing WHY???

02-11-10  12:38pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of wildstar's Comment

Understand that just because you are getting a slow download speed does not mean the site is slow. If you read the turboshaft review you will see he gets 1.5 MB/sec, as do I. The actual download speed you get at any given moment depends on a large array of variables including your location, time of day, type of connection, peering between providers, route of the signal, and bottlenecks at various routers along the route of the signal.

08-25-09  08:48am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

Note to those who are concerned about Lexa not being hardcore enough.... your assessment could be somewhat accurate based on the 4 sets that are currently on inthecrack. There is some finger masturbation in these sets but it is not her forte. As with many girls any genuine masturbation action requires the right atmosphere and frame of mind to pull it off successfully. As she has become more comfortable with us she has somehow cleared this hurdle with some of our more recent as yet unreleased sets. You may not yet see it in her next few sets but some later ones she does use dildos and even has real orgasms. Additionally her personality really starts to shine in some of these as she gets over being shy about her broken English and she becomes really very charming. We may not see her peeing or using a speculum any time soon and we respect her for knowing her boundaries. You have to admit that the girl has great quality and integrity for not caving to pressure to perform certain acts. We actually like her for this. As for those hardcore sets she had previously done it was only done when she was young and inexperienced with productions telling her this is the only way she can make a decent go of it. She soon found that not to be the case and has regretted doing this ever since. We at inthecrack want no part of pressuring or convincing her that she will need to do certain content. Neither do we consider our most hardcore content to be the ultimate goal. With Lexa she is just plain gorgeous and sometimes just feasting your eyes on that beauty is pleasure enough.

As for the sister site, at this point it is only an idea that we wanted some feedback on. We're only considering it because we'll likely never tire of shooting Lexa and she really deserves to have her own site. It's one way we can shoot as much of her as we like without over saturating inthecrack with one model. However the only way it can happen is if it is financially feasible and inthecrack does not suffer because of it. Early indications are that it is not financially feasible and we'll likely keep adding her sets to inthecrack.

Another note of interest. Survey results indicate that a full 70% of members consider Lexa to be in our top 10 models. 20% consider her to be our number one most beautiful model. She is a goddess! Perhaps most appealing of all, she doesn't seem to know how beautiful she is. With any suggestion of this she will adamantly deny it and think you are oddly disillusioned.

08-23-09  09:22pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of williamj's Reply

There's a lot more factors involved in download speed than just our server and your internet connection. There's a relevant section on our FAQ page http://www.inthecrack.com/faq.php explaining this exact subject. I personally get an average of 1.8 MB/sec from the site. Some people can get as much as 3 MB/sec. The average for most people with cable is between 700 KB to 1 MB/sec. Undoubtedly there are many things that can affect your download speed but if in doubt I'd recommend testing the free sampler first to see what you get.

06-01-08  11:56am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of messmer's Comment

Messmer, as the webmaster of inthecrack I really have to set the record straight on this one. There is NO DOWNLOAD LIMIT on inthecrack.com. You certainly didn't see that on inthecrack. Presumably you saw that on thebestporn. thebestporn is simply wrong on this one.

05-31-08  09:35pm

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