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Ersties (0)

Homegirl (0) 03-22-20  08:16am
Talk Back  Female Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Some pretty girls, but also too many I have no interest in
-Most of the scenes are either girls alone or with another girl
Cons: -You have to give them your email before you see the price.
-Too Expensive. $35 for mostly talking. I could pay less for that on Chaturbate or even from my friends for free.
-Silly colors and graphics. This is a stereotype of what women like and want.
-Too many interviews
-It is not easy to find what I want to see.
-Mostly all white girls. They are ok but I like all kinds of girls.
Bottom Line: I joined this site mostly for the lesbian scenes. The scenes on most porn sites seem to me too fake and not how real lesbians act. I thought this would be the real deal that I could watch with my girlfriend.

On the tour before you join, there is a scene where a queen is shown with her four male slaves. When I got inside, I never found it. It could be there or maybe it is not. The tour is small and near useless, also true for finding scenes once inside.

The tour talks a lot about now natural the women be and their love of sex. I can say from personal experience, they don’t act like no real lesbians. The sex is too perfect and comes across as not any better than the lesbian sites made for guys. I expect them to get excited by being filmed, but they usually seem to not know each other despite the story saying they do.

What I saw was some women who were told to act silly and playful and they do. This all feels fake as there is not much passion. I want to see them go all crazy, but they don’t.

It seems that there are more interviews than anything else. They talk before the sex and then after it. Guys think we all love to talk, but me, I want to see some hot action. The interviews before and after are just dull and boring. I came to the site to get off because it appeals to my imagination. If I want to hear women talk a load of bs I could go to a lesbian bar.

There are a lot of girls I did like, so don’t get me wrong. But really there were too many that I did not find all that. I would not want to even talk to them. Definitely I don’t want to lick their pussies. I am not even fussy, so that is just keeping it real.

I like all kinds of girls, but these girls were mostly white. If any are not, I could not find them. I looked and looked.

Could be other folk would like this better than I did.

If I made any mistakes be nice to me. This is my first review.

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Review Replies (17)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) Excellent first review.
Nice details with real thoughts and reactions.
Hope you stick around, and write more reviews, post comments, whatever you feel like doing.

As far as the raffle is concerned, I believe it's currently being held once a month.
The last raffle was the first one in the once-a-month program.

So the frequency can change, the prize money can change.

But consider the raffle prizes as an extra bonus: the main purpose of the reviews is to give your fellow PU members a heads-up on the value of sites, whether they are worth joining or not.
Of course, a person's interest play a large part in the sites they choose to join.

But welcome to the PU site.

03-22-20  09:19am

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elephant (0) Yeah good review its pretty much ties in with what I thought when I see the preview for the site, makes it look good but quite limited with what there is inside, never joined as the price seemed too high for what it was, I like natural girls and love lesbian content so its a shame they are not passionate real scenes and girls just having sex for the money.

For more real lesbians scenes, Girls Out West a couple of years ago was my fav site but now most of the women don't do it for me much so haven't joined there for a bit, still worth a join if you've never joined before.

03-23-20  06:54am

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - elephant :

Thank you so much. I want to send you a trust vote, but I don't see it as working.

Maybe it needs to be fixed.

03-24-20  09:11am

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rearadmiral (0) Welcome to Pornusers! This is a great first review. Too many people (new and established) don't put much effort into the reviews and therefore they don't have a lot of value for prospective members. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this and it shows.

I've never heard of having to give your email address before you see the price. That seems pretty shady. And $35 is a bit steep too.

I hope you stick around.

03-24-20  12:38pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Homegirl :

Reviews like this are why I come here before joining a site, thank you for a very honest review. Also, check the facts at the best porn, more often than not they have a special discount for the sites listed here. Always good to save some cash.

Fyi, the trust voting does work, you need five points before you can place them.

03-28-20  08:18pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

So do I get your trust vote?
03-29-20  03:22am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Homegirl :

I thought I did last night but I guess I closed the page before hitting submit. The trust votes don't mean much to me, what does is when the old dogs IE the OG"S leave a positive comment on the reviews.

Hope you stick around a long time. It was very interesting to read your review from a different very fresh perspective, usually it's review after review from us grumpy old guys lol.

03-29-20  06:37am

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - Wraith0711 :

Thanks for the trust vote. From what I see and people say they are not giving points anymore. I can never give trust votes as I can never get five or even one point.

I wrote a few more reviews. I will put them up when Tom says when the raffle will happen.

03-29-20  08:40am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #8 - Homegirl :

I don't know why but at first glance when I logged in it showed you already had 3 points. For the two trust votes and site review. Every review should get at least one point if accepted. Fill out your profile too.
03-29-20  01:42pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #9 - Wraith0711 :

Where did you see the points? I will do the profile soon. Thanks.
03-29-20  02:34pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #10 - Homegirl :

My mistake, please forgive me it was a long ass day yesterday. I glanced at the comments and it's the site that has (3) not your name. again, I am sorry.
03-30-20  06:01am

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - Wraith0711 :

This review was approved months ago and now shows a pending. how could that be, Tom?
05-27-20  01:20am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #12 - Homegirl :

I noticed a couple of my reviews from months ago are listed as pending also
05-27-20  06:09am

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #12 - Homegirl :

As I explained yesterday, whenever someone makes a change to an approved review it ends up back in pending status without showing up in my list of reviews to approve.

I will have to find a solution to check for reviews that need to be reapproved because this will be happening to anyone who has made changes after approval.


05-27-20  06:02pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) REPLY TO #14 - Tom D Admin :

Actually I did not change anything. I just looked at it.
05-27-20  06:27pm

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #15 - Homegirl :

If you saved it again with or without actual changes, it appears to do that. I will have to start checking review edits every so often to clear this problem up. That won't help with past ones though.

Don't worry though, I had to approve your other posts first to be able to see any reviews knocked back into pending - but now I should be able to find them easily, so I can fix them. I already did Wraith0711's - though I will double-check again now.

05-27-20  08:02pm

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Tom D Admin
PU Staff
REPLY TO #13 - Wraith0711 :

As I explained to Homegirl - editing reviews or site comments/replies after they were approved puts them back to pending. But they do not automatically show up in the queue to be reapproved.

So I have manually approved any pending reviews or comments for both you and Homegirl by checking your profiles directly on PU.

From now on, I will need to start monitoring the backend's logs for edited reviews/comments, so I can reapprove any changes.

But by all means, please let me know if you notice it happen again - I was happy to be able to fix it once you both brought it to my attention.

05-27-20  08:17pm

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