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Zerp40k (0) 07-02-20  03:47pm
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Can't subscribe through Vendo

I've tried to subscribe to this site for months now. I've tried with two different banks, VISA and Mastercard. Both banks confirm that they are not blocking anything.

Vendo just refers me to my bank, which doesn't help. Can't subscribe to any other site that use Vendo either.

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LKLK (0) I'm a current member of the Wow Girls site.
Not on their staff, just a regular member.

I have no idea why you are being blocked.
My suggestion would be to have a live chat with Vendo.

The Vendo website has live chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Live chat is immediate, you don't have to wait for an email response.
Also, you can get a written record of what they say, if you copy and paste the chat to a text file.

Anyway, the live chat URL is:

Click on the "live chat with support" hot link, and a popup box appears.
Fill in the information, and you should be connected with a live chat operator within a few minutes.
Since you don't have a sub with them yet, just give your name, and your email address you want to use.

Vendo also has email support and telephone support, but I've used their live chat, and you get a fast response, within a few minutes or less.

Explain your problem, and see if they can solve your problem.

Separately, on the join page for Wow Girls, there are 2 pre-checked cross-sales for other sites.
Make sure you uncheck those pre-checked cross-sales, or else you will be signing up for a trial to 2 other different web sites, and the trials turns into very expensive subs that you can get much cheaper elsewhere.

07-03-20  01:54am

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elephant (0) I would do what LKLK says for the quickest response, you might want to try first to use a google chrome incognito browser window first to see if it goes through ok.
07-03-20  05:36am

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Zerp40k (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Thanks LKLK.

Those two cross sales are nasty and they pop back if you change card type.

Tried what you said. no dice. I guess I'll have to accept that any site using Vendo is barred to me...

07-04-20  09:08am

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Wraith0711 (0) When I have this problem I leave the page by going home then clear my browser of everything but passwords then go back and it worked. By chance are you getting text alerts from your card issurer? I get them every once in a while and know which cards do it so I wait for the "did you just make this transaction" text when it declines and confirm I did then try again a few minutes later and it works.
07-04-20  12:26pm

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