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Visit Mastasia

Mastasia (0)

xyzzy (0) 03-02-09  09:43am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - enormous, unreal, comic-book boobs!
- enormous, unreal, comic-book nipples!
- the "added-on" boobs are pretty darn impressive. I can't even tell if it's plastic, CGI, or both
- lots of lactation (albeit fake)
- models are on the whole slender and attractive
- some girl-girl action too (softcore)
- kinky costumes
- clean, well-designed, easy-to-navigate site
- billing using CCBill so easy cancellation etc
- you get what you expect from the preview page, no bait and switch tactics here
Cons: - no full nudity or hardcore, as far as I could tell
- arguably, not even any topless models! since the boobs are all faked...
- lack of real eroticism. Even the lesbian scenes are pretty tame
- not a huge amount of content
- gets a bit repetitive after a while
- the videos get "rotated" off the site. To get ones not currently listed, you have to buy them individually from a different site
Bottom Line: Okay, this is one of those sites where you get pretty much what you expect from the free tour. It has a very simple premise: pretty girls in bright, colourful sets, with bright, colourful clothes, with enormous, added-on boobies.

The content consists mainly of pictures and videos of the girls strutting their enormous udders both solo and with each other, with a healthy dose of lactation and liquids thrown in. There's a small additional area on the site with some token boob-related cartoons and animations too.

The "extra boobage" on the models is very well done and surprisingly realistic, and if you're a bit of a breast fanatic (and let's face it, if you're not, why on earth have you signed up to this site?!?) it is a genuine turn-on.

The problem is, there just isn't enough variety to really keep your interest. Download a few picture sets and videos and you'll realise they're all pretty much the same - same studio setup, same poses, etc. The lack of harder content doesn't help, and also the fact that the models always just look like they're models playing a silly game. If the site had some harder content with a little bit more "mood" I think it would be a lot better.

So, if you're a big boob fanatic, it's definitely worth signing on for a month to see slender young women with the proportions we can only dream of - but I don't think it's worth staying longer. They just need more variety, pure and simple.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Those giant boobies are something I would only dream about in my worst nightmares. Lol.
03-02-09  10:30am

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badandy400 (0) The boobs are real man!!! Real plastic that is. They appear to be attached to a vest the girls are wearing. They are likely silicon shelled air bags, with some sort of milk squirt gun for the lactation effect. In a few of the tour picture you can what looks to be the edge of this "breast vest" if you look in less than obvious places. Also notice that all the girls have shirts on that cover everything but the breast?

They are going to have to keep things the same since they are severely limited by the "breast vest" on what they can do. I guess the site would be cool to look at for the artistic or originality, but I seriously doubt is was meant to erotically interest most people.

05-27-09  07:19pm

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