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What do you think a female porn stars struggle with most ?

Type: General

Submitted by Cybertoad (0)
Religion 2% 1 Votes
A deadline 0% 0 Votes
A too endowed male star 5% 2 Votes
Getting old / being replaced 67% 29 Votes
Money 23% 10 Votes
Coming up with unique material 2% 1 Votes

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43 Votes Total

Oct 9, 2011

Poll Replies (20)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


slutty (0) I sort of figured they didn't have deadlines, but perhaps they do. I would think drugs and alcohol might be up there though.
10-09-11  01:06am

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BadMrFrosty (0) There are lots of reasons a person would end up in porn with each of those reasons bringing its own set of struggles that the person will have to deal with. As slutty said, I would also say drugs and alcohol would be up there for a lot but not because they are pornstars. Find any uneducated young person who is a pornstar, musician, actor etc and give them lots of money for relatively little work. They will find they have lots of disposable income and a lot of time on their hands. Meaning that going out every night of the week, getting pissed / smashed and sleeping all day is a reality which is hard to resist.
10-09-11  01:16am

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RustyJ (Suspended) I really have no idea but I would guess the age and not being attractive enough is what hits their income the most.
10-09-11  02:40am

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Denner (0) My first guess was getting old and being replaced...AND maybe also gaining weight with age.
Have really no idea, but I stick to my first guess.

10-09-11  04:53am

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rearadmiral (0) I suspect that most female stars face the looming prospect of becoming old with a lot of trepidation. And I mean 'old' in both senses - not being young, and not being fresh. But I guess I can't criticize the industry because I'm always on the hunt for young and fresh models so I'm part of the problem.

But... religion seems to be a bit of an issue too. The U.S. is well into one of its 'great awakenings' of religious fervor and that seems to impact every facet of that culture. Let's face it - to hold public office in most places in the U.S. you need to have the right religion. Right-wing fundamentalism is prevalent and it is definitely judgmental and looks down its nose at anyone who doesn't conform. (So much for the social justice and forgiveness messages in the New Testament.) All this to say that it seems that porn is impacted by religion too as several big stars have found Jesus and moved on. I can't think of the name of it now, but there is even a support group for ex-pornstars who turned to Jesus.

10-09-11  05:34am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) Hi guys, I didn't put drugs and alcohol as much as I am sure it can play a part. It was not specific to being in the industry. So I agree, but left it out cause Drugs and Alcohol affect allot of people jobs etc. So was aiming a the porn industry specifically.
10-09-11  06:48am

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anyonebutme (0) Being accepted by others. Having those you surround yourself with every day always inspecting your body for even the slightest hint of imperfection. Never knowing if the job you have today is the last job you will ever have in the business. Needing to question the motives of everyone around you...
10-09-11  08:38am

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lk2fireone (0) I put money as the number one problem. Religion, social disapproval, trying to become and stay popular: those can be serious issues. But with the current economic downturn, I keep reading stories about how porn is making less and less money and porn stars are finding it harder to get work, and they are not making anywhere near the money they used to make. So that would be the biggest problem they are facing, in my opinion.
10-09-11  10:15am

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pat362 (0) I think money as and will always be the biggest struggle for any porn performer. They all need a certain amount to sustain their life style and as long as they earn to satisfy that life style then they are satisfied. The problem is that porn is not the kind of job that's conducive to a healthy and happy person. Some can deal with it better than others but many of them use drug and alcohol to help them cope. These things cost money and they do more porn to earn that money which in return means they ned more drug and alcohol. This becomes a vicious circle where leaving porn is the only solution. Sadly too many of them have left it by dying at a very young age.
10-09-11  12:00pm

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littlejoe (0) aurora snow is now a milf
10-09-11  12:54pm

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BadMrFrosty (0) REPLY TO #10 - littlejoe :

In a time when 11 year olds are barefoot and pregnant I would not be suprised if half the cast of "18 Dreams 73" were quite literally MILFs.
10-09-11  01:12pm

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Wittyguy (0) Money, money, money. That's why most get into it. Most can't make a living doing it. Money is also why you see some former stars suddenly come back. I'm still looking for definitive proof that is does make the world go 'round.
10-09-11  02:27pm

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graymane (Suspended) I haven't a clue.
10-09-11  03:08pm

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Drooler (Disabled) Yes, Aurora Snow is now a MILF. I remember when she was just 19 or so and the most amazing new performer. Damn, I feel so old.

But the question is not about my struggles. I'd think it would be feeling OK about oneself, though that might not be a big issue for some. They're young, they're recognizable in public, and they often have had a tough time as children and teens.

I'd think another one would be getting into a scene. After all, they have to fuck guys they sometimes don't even know or have any feelings for. That's got to be a challenge.

10-09-11  03:13pm

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #5 - rearadmiral :

While I couldn't agree with you more on the insanity of organized religion in American politics and culture in general, I don't think that this is the problem most porn stars struggle with. I'm betting that the majority of those who get into porn, whether they become stars or not, have gotten over any religious conflict that they might have had with the job, though a few still seem to leave and "find" their religious awakening (more of a hypnosis if you ask me), which I still think does more harm than porn.

But what I think gets most true stars is burnout--getting numb to the work and the industry, and finding it just an unfulfilling day job that doesn't exactly meld well with some roles in life. I mean, how exactly do you raise a kid past a certain age while working full time as a porn star or maintain a decent marriage? Add the harsh standards of what passes for "old" and suddenly an exit strategy makes sense (that and a reasonable idea of how to actually save your earnings).

10-10-11  06:50am

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #10 - littlejoe :

Perish the thought! Aurora Snow will never change!

That being said, I would still love to have a baby with her any day... ; - )

10-10-11  06:52am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) I didn't answer this poll because the answer isn't provided in the list. Of the list, money is probably the thing the struggle with - how to manage it.

But really, the thing that pornstars struggle the most with are STDs. Vag warts, herpes, and whatever else, are the boon of the industry.

10-10-11  11:53am

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manholelover (0) Yes, I suppose as the vast majority are in it for the money, when their "product" becomes less marketable, i.e. older, that's when they'd start to be concerned I suppose.
10-11-11  03:53am

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slategrey (0) Out of those options i think maybe religion.
10-17-11  08:19pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) female porn stars get better with age. Works for me too.
05-28-20  05:14am

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