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Do you send feedback to the webmaster(s) of sites you join?

Type: General

Submitted by Khan (0)
Yes, often 5% 2 Votes
Sometimes, but not often 50% 22 Votes
Very rarely 34% 15 Votes
No, never 11% 5 Votes
Other 0% 0 Votes

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44 Votes Total

Nov 2, 2012

Poll Replies (18)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


RagingBuddhist (Disabled) I've congratulated some webmasters on a job well done and, of course, me being me, I've sent criticisms - but only when I've felt there's a chance they might actually be receptive to a critique of their site.
11-02-12  12:16am

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Capn (0) I do the same.

I always try to make my criticisms constructive.

Whether they listen or not is entirely a seperate issue.

Cap'n. :0/

11-02-12  12:34am

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RustyJ (Suspended) Never. I don't believe for a moment they care about something they can forget as well. Call me cynical but I've lost faith in customer service or fair business in this industry. Better give feedback publicly here so others also can notice if they do not bother answering.
11-02-12  03:54am

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Denner (0) Rarely/sometimes - but only/normally when irregularities (NOT fraud) occurs at a site, I sometimes write to the WM. That's our right and the webmasters mostly appreciate the feedback.
11-02-12  06:36am

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BadMrFrosty (0) I used to but never got any response so I eventually gave up, this industry still has a huge way to go with its customer service. You would have thought that they would go out of their way to keep the members they have by responding to questions or comments but it feels like they don't give a crap which in turn hurts their business. Considering how much this industry is worth I am surprised how unprofessional it is.
11-02-12  07:41am

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lk2fireone (0) I very rarely send feedback to a webmaster or customer service.
Part of the problem is that many sites fail to respond to emails. Different reasons for this. Many sites are foreign to US customers, and there is a language barrier. Also, sites have limited personnel, and they don't put a lot of effort into replying to customer emails.

But this is true of non-porn sites as well. I just learned that eBay has no team/workers/division to handle emails sent to customer support. If you want help from customer support, you need to use the telephone. And the waiting time to get a service representative can be long. And if you are transferred to a different agent (higher up in the food chain), you can easily wait 15 to 25 minutes before a human being comes on the line.

It's not clearly written on eBay that emails to customer support are not answered (by a human).

So live and learn. Welcome to the real world, where customer support can be difficult to find.

11-02-12  08:04am

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Marcus (0) Very rarely, ie, when they ask (sometimes when you leave a site, you get an email), or if I'm emailing with regards to something else, if I like the site I'll use that opportunity to tell them.
11-02-12  09:42am

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Toadsith (0) Occasionally, but not too often. Usually it happens when I talk to support about some random bug and it evolves into a greater conversation about the site.
11-02-12  09:52am

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messmer (Disabled) Sometimes, but not often. I developed a tenuous relationship in the past with some webmasters who were especially helpful and polite but even though they made sympathetic noises, and even promises, in connection with some of the suggestions I made, re. their content, nothing was ever done to accommodate my tastes in the slightest so I've given up.
11-02-12  10:31am

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Claypaws (Suspended) I only give feedback to sites I care about. I have probably done this with around ten sites and have had replies from all of them. Sometimes this led to extended correspondence and, on several sites, suggestions were implemented.
11-02-12  10:57am

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Ergo Proxy (0) I sometimes send feedback but mostly to smaller sites where I think it has a chance to be heard and taken a little bit seriously.
11-02-12  12:23pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Capn :

I'm with Capn and the Buddhist on this one. When I like something I try to let the webmaster know - especially if they set up procedures to do it.

Most of the time I don't say anything. I've never complained to a webmaster - I don't get the feeling they would care (they in that sentence being the ones I need to complain to)

11-02-12  01:41pm

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slutty (0) Never have, doubt I ever will. If they are curious what users think of their site they can always come here.
11-03-12  12:04am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) I do pretty often but the responses will vary from thank you to annoyed in responses. Even compliments, maybe they think I being sarcastic ?
11-03-12  06:15am

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pinkerton (0) Usually only feedback with suggestions to improve the site if it's lacking in places, things like navigation, menus etc
11-03-12  04:15pm

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gaypornolover (0) Yes I have occasionally - tend to do it more if they specifically ask for it, like a feedback section on the site.

Some sites have feedback sections but don't reply and there's no evidence they're actually listening. Sometimes they don't reply but you can see suggestions are sometimes taken up.

I prefer sites which encourage constructive feedback and answer constructively.

11-03-12  05:06pm

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tangub (0) The only times I've ever contacted webmasters has been when I've had a problem with the site rather than just providing feedback. I'm probably more likely to provide feedback to webmasters of sites I didn't join to let them know what is stopping me from joining such as regional pricing or some ambiguous terms and conditions. Only last week I wrote to Torrid Art to let them know how ridiculous I felt it was for a site to have 4000px photos and then impose a 1GB daily download limit on zips, I never did get a reply lol.
11-04-12  04:44am

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Ambition (0) I like sites offering direct communication with their members, like a forum, where staff members take part. If a site wants to improve and I see they appreciate feedback, I'm glad to give it. I don't send unasked or automatically asked (sorry to see you go blabla) feedback, though, it's a waste of time, usually.
01-23-13  10:15pm

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