No downloads through site but can download through Playa' app
VRBangers doesn't have downloads through the site despite saying it does. But YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THROUGH THE PLAYA' APP. Now here's the thing, the download loads folder is hidden in your windows files. BUT FEAR NOT! Here is where it is:
Windows 10:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\.PlayaContent\STR\NAMEOFVIDEOVRSYSTEM: Example: VR Vacation\ssv
Windows 11
In windows 11 YOU MUST HAVE HIDDEN FILES ENABLED! if you don't then appData and .PlayaContent will not be seen as they are hidden.
Your welcome
It's a pain to have to wear the vr headset to download stuff but hey at least you get what you want. You can only download one version of the video unless you move and delete it. Also it is much faster to download for me this way for some reason.
I recently signed up for a lifetime $250 membership for this site after being a member two years ago. The quality seems to have dropped right down since then. My biggest annoyance is the site seems to be filled with adverts for other VR sites. There are so many adverts its almost like going to a "free" adult site.
When I sign in there are a stream of adverts for all of the major players in the VR scene with claims of high discounts but really they are just the standard price of them.
I click on a video to watch, there are banners at the top and bottom for other sites to join.
The one that is really annoying me causing me to post this comment is if you see a girl you like and you click to see more videos of her. It won't take you to more of her videos on VRbangers. It will take you to either WankzVR or BadoinkVR at random (you click refresh on the page and it will alternate between the two sites). This would be fine of the girl was actually on either one of those sites. But the girl is not even on those sites. So this whole "click here for more videos of her" you are taken to a competitors VR site and the girl isn't even on them.
VR Bangers has the worst layout of all of the major VR sites and I think it needs to be looked over again as this high score on TBP is definitely undeserving in comparison to the likes of CzechVR, MilfVR or NaughtyAmericaVR
So...My only re-join option is for 3 months or a year? WTF?
This is different... I joined VR Bangers several months ago but somehow, although I've written reviews for 12 other VR sites, I didn't write a review for this one. So I thought I would join again, get caught up and finally write the review. After sitting on the home page for a minute, a message popped up that said "Dilon's Special" offering a month for $14.95. Cool! I'll do that. But when I went to join and entered my email address, it told me I already have an account. So I went to the home page and logged in. Then it said "Account expired. Make a new subscription payment".
When I went to the make a payment page, not only was the $14.95 a month option not there, but there was NO MONTHLY OPTION AT ALL! The only options are for 3 months ($50) or a year ($100). WTF!?
Now, I have to say, this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen and is way up there on the greedy list. They think that by not allowing me to return for just another month, they will get me to sign up for longer?? Apparently, nobody told them how internet mail works! Anyone can get a new email account for free! Anyone can set up mail forwarding so mail from many email accounts ends up in one email account. So if they won't let you in using the original account, it is SO easy to just get another email account. (I personally own several domains and potentially hundreds of email accounts.) Why would they be so greedy as to not let me sign up for another month using my original email?
So I guess I'm being punished for leaving them in the first place. Too bad since leaving and returning in 6 months is an obvious approach to this site since they only update once or twice a week.
Making my only option joining for 3 months or a year simply means I won't be joining least using that original email address. Totally idiotic!
If you go to join, look for or wait for the $14.95 offer. If you go to re-join, just use another email address.
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