Porn Users Forum » Hard drive prices rocketing |
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10-28-11 01:46pm - 4884 days | Original Post - #1 | |
picdude (0)
Active User Posts: 107 Registered: Dec 26, '08 Location: Italy |
Hard drive prices rocketing I was looking to add another 2 TB hard drive to my set up ( i brought one early august this year for £55) when searching through several sites found the cheapest price for a 1 TB was about £80 Very confused I googled. Apparently the thailand floods have hit Western digital and some other manufacturers badly affectly global hard drive supply. Just a heads up. Seems its set to last into next year. ![]() http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/a86771a6-0149-...0.html#axzz1c6xgOWwZ | |
10-28-11 03:50pm - 4884 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I bought a new external hard drive from Western Digital about 1 month ago, 3 TB, for $122. That included shipping. I found it on Ebay. There were other new Western Digital My Book Essential 3 TB External that sold for slightly higher prices. But if you look at Amazon or Ebay, you should be able to find something. £80 is more than I paid for an new external Western Digital My Book Essential 3 TB hard drive, with shipping included. | |
10-28-11 05:23pm - 4884 days | #3 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Thanks for the heads up on this. I might stock up a bit since I've been on a downloading binge lately. I'll also pass this on to a fellow PU who rarely reads this site but is also a big collector. So I think I can safely say thanks twice. | |
10-29-11 11:45am - 4883 days | #4 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Awe, how nice of you to think of me! ![]() PU Interview | |
10-29-11 07:06pm - 4882 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I thought of you too, badandy400. But then I thought, if you can't afford new hard drives, and you have to make space for new material, you could send me your rejects. I don't have the porn collection you have, but with my discerning eye, I could tell which ones you can keep or not. Thus saving even more space on your hard drive collection. | |
10-30-11 01:26am - 4882 days | #6 | |
elephant (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 585 Registered: Jan 11, '07 |
Blimey that's mental pricing, I got a 2tb a couple of months ago for £70 Samsung storystation, now it £135 nearly double and it wasn't much before it used to be £55 I saw someone selling it for. I hope they come down again soon, you feel a bit ripped off when you know it used to be half the price. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE | |
10-30-11 05:22am - 4882 days | #7 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Godamnit! And I was looking into buying another external in the coming weeks! ![]() Now every time I want to buy a computer component I have to check the weather too?! Though this really isn't completely unprecedented. Back in the spring when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, Sony couldn't manufacture certain types of video tape since they produced it in only one factory which was damaged by the quake. Believe it or not, a lot of TV shows and films use these tapes to archive and backup footage (keep in mind they're not cheap blank VHS tapes), and would normally use a lot of it, and Sony has only recently opened the factory again. I also heard that Fujifilm's cinematic film was affected by radiation from damaged nuclear plants. Unfortunately unexposed and undeveloped films can be ruined by the stuff that makes comic book heroes grow strong, but you won't know for sure until you develop it. Same reason I hope "The Big One" earthquake never hits southern California, because I don't want the depraved juggernaut that is the American porn industry to come to a grinding halt (grinding, ha ha... get it ![]() | |
10-30-11 01:28pm - 4882 days | #8 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
Thailand flooding --> hard drive prices going up --> fewer people buying them --> porn subscriptions decline due to lack of squirreling-away-space --> more sites suffer negative returns and "go dark" --> fewer scenes get made --> fewer babes get hired and get stuck working at the local bowling alley or whatever ... Yes, it's not hard to see what a downward spiral this could turn out to be! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
10-30-11 02:35pm - 4882 days | #9 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I was shopping on Amazon when I saw you post, I see some good deals on there. According to a few reviews prices are lower then when they reviewed. I sit with about 2tb of adult material spread over three drives a 1tb and two 500. And a 750 with other stuff too like about 50grand in software for my other life LOL. But i need more drive space I hope this is a temp situation. Since 2007 | |
10-30-11 02:55pm - 4882 days | #10 | |
Capn (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,740 Registered: Sep 05, '09 Location: Near the Beer! |
I think it will be a fairly temporary haitus, CT. You can bet other low cost manufacturing areas will take up the slack in the supply & demand equation. ![]() Cap'n. ![]() Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award ( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/ Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder! | |
10-31-11 09:01am - 4881 days | #11 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I was looking and 2tb are about 150.00 internal one ironically external ones start around 89.00 for the same thing. I guess its just me but I do not see any price increases where I normally buy. I mean 2tb for 89.00 , thats cheap. Since 2007 | |
10-31-11 10:19am - 4881 days | #12 | |
Capn (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,740 Registered: Sep 05, '09 Location: Near the Beer! |
It is, but I suppose that may be old stock? Cap'n. ![]() Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award ( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/ Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder! | |
12-01-11 04:36pm - 4850 days | #13 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I didn't think that picdude or anyone else was making this up, but I guess I never realized how high and fast prices were going to rise. I need a new external (USB powered, not AC powered, 1TB) and have been checking prices with my usual suppliers. Holy crap have prices gone up! But it's either spend the additional money or stop downloading porn for a while so I know which of those won't happen... | |
12-01-11 06:48pm - 4849 days | #14 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
I was at a computer store a few weeks ago and the owner was telling me that he doesn't think the prices are going to drop anytime soon. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
12-02-11 09:27am - 4849 days | #15 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I remember paying 125.00 for a 25mb HD ( no misspelling) back in the very early 80's. I think we became spoiled and used to the vast amount of data. The first nude photos me and my pals would trade on 1.2 and 1.44 floppies. You could fit maybe 5 pics if you were lucky. And they were small. My 386 was the first PC I ever used porn on, all the pc's prior there was nothing really available to look at as the technology had not yet arrived until the eve of windows 3.1 and the 386 made porn usage possible. We were all back then what would be know as silicone geeks. And traded porn like crazy. I still have a old floppy with Ginger Lynn on it. What I was rambling about was there are 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte. A Terabyte is approximately one trillion bytes, or 1,000 Gigabytes. There was a time that I never thought I would see a 1 Terabyte hard drive, now one and two terabyte drives are the normal specs for many new computers. To put it in some perspective, a Terabyte could hold about 3.6 million 300 Kilobyte images or maybe about 300 hours of good quality video. A Terabyte could hold 1,000 copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Ten Terabytes could hold the printed collection of the Library of Congress. That's a lot of data. In 1956 a 5 MB (megabyte) Hard Disk IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored data equal to about 3 floppy disks (our current computers don't even have a floppy drive). Now Ipods hold 32gigs in my pocket. Guess what it boils down to we should be grateful of what we can store today. I have 3.4 TB now myself and over $35,000 in software. About 2500 movies and 10,000 pictures. And about 5000 mp3's. And yet just like my fellow PU'ser I surf for a site to DL more and more. Just putting things in perspective ![]() | |
12-02-11 02:10pm - 4849 days | #16 | |
Micha (0)
Active User Posts: 321 Registered: Jul 04, '10 Location: san jose ca |
My first puter, an Osborne Executive had two floppy drives running the CPM operating system and no one had ever heard of hard drives or Bill Gates. It was the first on my bkock with 2 floppies ( one for software, one for data A while later, I got the first thousand meg internal on my block for $250 (Gigabyte wasn't a word yet) Still only 2 or 3 naked girls on my puter Downloading naked girls at 7.2Kb took longer than I could maintain an erection. It was better at 54kb but still not worth the wait. DSL made naked girls viable but hard drive prices were out of reach so still images were stored on CDs and vids were something you rented from the back room at the local vid-shop. With the advent of the cable modem, videos no longer required gasoline but storage was a still a bit out of reach. Hard drives are now 4 cents a gig Videos are 720 and 1080 lines and I have yet to watch one online. I bought a 3TB Hitachi for $129 last week, bringing my total to 7TB. Still a ways to go to catch my hero, Bad Andy The most useful invention in the history of mankind, the fast forward button. unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck. Edited on Dec 02, 2011, 02:14pm | |
12-02-11 02:19pm - 4849 days | #17 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Boy that brings back some memories. When you mentioned CD's I had forgotten about the two 6 cd servers I made,to attach to my machine was the only way to run everything lol. I had some floppy machines as well, but couldn't do much until I got a 386, even the 8088 and 286 were around technology was not there to get anything worth while. I have an old PS2 in my garage from way back, still works. Just tossed two boxes of 5/14's and a commador too . Since 2007 | |
12-03-11 02:22am - 4848 days | #18 | ||
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
I remember in the mid to late '90s seeing one of the digital cameras that our high school used. It utilized a 3.5" floppy to record and (frequently) transfer photos to a computer. A 3.5" isn't huge but it does require a fairly bulky piece of hardware to fit into and this camera was DSLR-sized apparatus but without the lens. Never mind how hilariously limited you were to the max number of pics you could fit before having to download (and they were fairly lo-res at that). ![]() Now you can buy multi-gig cards that can record a few thousand RAW photo files (and these aren't small file sizes either) for relatively little money. Ah, the future! ![]()
Lol. There's an old Simpsons episode where Apu, the Indian Kwik-E-Mart employee, was remembering how he came to America to study computer science and Professor Frink (the Simpsons' Jerry Lewis parody) is showing his students the school's computer room with its massive hardware and saying, quite seriously, "But I predict that within 100 years computers will be twice as powerful, 10,000 times larger, and so expensive that only the five richest kings in Europe will own them." Fortunately he seems to be way off! (The joke of course plays upon the fact that serious engineers and scientists have for decades predicted and worked towards doing basically the opposite.) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | ||
12-04-11 09:55am - 4847 days | #19 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Found at Tiger Direct Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB Hard Drive The Seagate ST2000DL003 Barracuda Green Hard Drive Only $169.99 Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA6G 3.5" Internal HDD The Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda 3.5" Only $109.99 They have a 1 & 2 TB's from about 119.00 to 159.00 for 2tb not bad for anyone needing more space. Since 2007 | |
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