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06-09-11  08:11pm - 5024 days Original Post - #1
PinkPanther (0)
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Favorite Video Games?

I tried posting this last night - I must have been trying to post just when the site was being shut down for maintenance.

Such is life.

I didn't find a video game thread, surprisingly enough - perhaps Khan will point it out to me.

I'm very enamored lately with Borderlands. A great game that allows people to play with vastly different styles - aggressive to laid back and meandering - more my speed, given how piss-poor I really am at video games. I like the variety of the environments you get to explore, the variety of the weapons and the opponents, the quality of the art-work and the AI of the opponents - they're not entirely predictable and they can kick your ass in the beginning of the game especially - and the game creators have a great sense of humor. I love this video they did to help one Borderlands fan propose to another:


06-09-11  09:09pm - 5024 days #2
slutty (0)
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I find both the Portal games pretty entertaining, although they don't have a whole lot of replay/multiplayer value. The voice work in it is pretty humorous as well, you should check it out, but maybe just as a rental.

Used to play a lot of FPS games, but they got a bit old after a while. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

06-10-11  07:23am - 5024 days #3
BadMrFrosty (0)
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I'm not a big fan of FPS games but did really enjoy Bulletstorm purely for the fact it was so over the top in just about everything it did making it thoroughly good fun.

At the moment I'm playing The Witcher 2 on the PC which is one of (if not the) most gorgeous games I have ever seen. On top of looking good it is also well written and acted, a must for a RPG. Speaking of well written RPG's, anything by Bioware is worth playing just for the story and character interactions alone.

Also worthy of a mention are Obsidian who did Fallout: New Vegas, which is really great story and gameplay wise. I must have sunk a total of 100+ hours into that game getting both the platinum trophy on PS3 and 1000/1000 on 360. Not to say that Obsidian deserves full credit as I also devoted ungodly amounts of my freetime to Fallout 3, Oblivion, Morrowind and even Daggerfall. What we were treated to in New Vegas is the marriage of the absolute masters of the open world RPG, Bethesda, with the masters of storytelling and character design at Obsidian. The results are clearly great

Obsidian's previous game, Alpha Protocol, is another example of where their skills lie. The gameplay itself is utter trash, severely unbalanced, cheap and stupid AI, repetitive levels to name but a few of its problems. The saving grace however was the extremely complex dialog and story systems. It is one of the only games where I have felt that the choices I make when interacting with people actually have a tangible impact on the story and outcome of the game. As long as they are forbidden from designing the gameplay mechanics, Obsidian make great games.

The last couple of years have produced a fair number of games that fulfill the basic principle of what a game should be, namely great fun to play. Of note are Just Cause 2, the free roaming tropical island detsructo fest; Prototype, the free roam NYC destructo fest and Red Dead Redemption the free roam wild west fest. The open world genre has come on leaps and bounds since the early days of likes of Elite.

But those are my current favourite games. In favour of being as breif as possible I will mearly list my fav's, I dont need to justify my choice to you lot anyway

10. Dune (NOT Dune 2)
9. Moonstone
8. It Came From The Desert
7. Grand Theft Auto 3
6. Civiliation 2
5. Deus Ex
4. Ultima 7
3. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
2. Sid Meier's Pirates

Drumroll please....

1. Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

Yes I'm a bit of a games ponce The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
Frank Zappa

06-10-11  07:04pm - 5024 days #4
rearadmiral (0)
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I can't say that I play any 'games,' but since the late 1980s I've logged thousands of hours in every version of Microsoft's Flight Simulator. The last version (MS dumped the line a couple of years ago) is so complex that they obviously are just preaching to thr choir now. If a newbie were to buy the game the learning curve would probably be too steep.

06-10-11  07:10pm - 5023 days #5
PinkPanther (0)
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One thing I find interesting in the world of video games, is the category I'll call Poetic Indie Games.

Machinarium and Braid are examples. They're simple in a certain way, don't take 5 full armies to produce like a "Borderlands". They're beautiful, hand-drawn, unique and very arty - and to my mind there's a lot to learn from them for publishers of poetry trying to figure out how to cope with the whole e-book/digital media thing.

06-10-11  07:48pm - 5023 days #6
pat362 (0)
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I'm old school video game going as far back as text only games played on my old Apple IIc many many years agohe very simplistic Pong. There are some games that I would still like to play with and most of todays gamers wouldn't touch with a 10foot pole. Thew first graphic game I remember playing was a precursor to the Privateer games. The premise was of you inheriting your fathers vessel and you travelled from planets to planets to make money by transporting and trading goods. The one thing that was really cool about this game was that you had a certain number of systems on your ship and each of these systems used parts to work. You could canibalize parts from one system to repair another one. That meant that you would loose long range communication but could repair your weapons system. The problem is that I can't remember the name of the game.

The first game to blow my mind was Ultima 4 and that's because you were finally able to see your characters on screen.

Now here is my list of games.

The Leisure Suit Larry series.
The King's Quest series.
The Space Quest series.
Crusader no Regret.
Crusader No remorse.
Star Trek the Original series.
The Wing Commander series.(super fun to play)
Privateer Series.
Command and Conquer.
System Shock(both amazing and scary like hell)
Deux Ex.
Starfleet Command II and III.
Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy.
Jedi Knight-Outcast.
Masters of Orion.
Star Wars knights of the Old Republic I & II.
Tron 2.0.
Fallout II.
Fallout III.(on the PS3) Fun but I wou,d have prefered a different ending. rather depressing. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-10-11  10:56pm - 5023 days #7
slutty (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

The Leisure Suit Larry series.
The King's Quest series.
The Space Quest series.
Crusader no Regret.
Crusader No remorse.
Star Trek the Original series.
The Wing Commander series.(super fun to play)
Privateer Series.
Command and Conquer.
System Shock(both amazing and scary like hell)
Deux Ex.
Starfleet Command II and III.
Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy.
Jedi Knight-Outcast.
Masters of Orion.
Star Wars knights of the Old Republic I & II.
Tron 2.0.
Fallout II.
Fallout III.(on the PS3) Fun but I wou,d have prefered a different ending. rather depressing.

Ha! Leisure suit larry, those were the days... I didn't even realize they made any of those games after the 90's until looking it up. Agree with you on Command and Conquer, those were fun games although haven't played in a while. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

06-11-11  01:18am - 5023 days #8
BadMrFrosty (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

The Leisure Suit Larry series.
The King's Quest series.
The Space Quest series.
Crusader no Regret.
Crusader No remorse.
Star Trek the Original series.
The Wing Commander series.(super fun to play)
Privateer Series.
Command and Conquer.
System Shock(both amazing and scary like hell)
Deux Ex.
Starfleet Command II and III.
Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy.
Jedi Knight-Outcast.
Masters of Orion.
Star Wars knights of the Old Republic I & II.
Tron 2.0.
Fallout II.
Fallout III.(on the PS3) Fun but I wou,d have prefered a different ending. rather depressing.

Some very good titles in there

With regards to Fallout 3, there are quite a few different endings. None of them are happy, happy, joy, joy but some are a little upbeat at least. Also if you install the addon "Brotherhood of steel" the end of the main game is also very different. The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
Frank Zappa

06-11-11  09:54am - 5023 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

Some very good titles in there

With regards to Fallout 3, there are quite a few different endings. None of them are happy, happy, joy, joy but some are a little upbeat at least. Also if you install the addon "Brotherhood of steel" the end of the main game is also very different.

I was surprised by the ending because the previous 2 games offered a more positive outlook. This is the first game I've ever played where the main character dies to save the world. It's very altruistic but not in no way necessary to the story. I want to play Fallout Las Vegas. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-11-11  10:58am - 5023 days #10
PinkPanther (0)
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The Command & Conquer series is one of my favorites. All the skirmish activity with Command & Conquer 3's add-on, Kane's Wrath is hours of fun.

06-11-11  03:32pm - 5023 days #11
otoh (0)
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Ooh, too many to think of! But I'll try...

* Any version of Resident Evil. The first was groundbreaking - amazing graphics, genuinely scary, hilariously bad dialogue... an amazing combination. Recent ones still have charm in their idiosyncracies (Welcome, stranger!).

* Similarly for Tomb Raider - played the first when it came out and loved the narrative of it. Subsequent versions have faltered a little, but I've still enjoyed them.

* Went through a long JRPG phase, of which Final Fantasy VII was the high point.

* Can't get into FPSs at all. The only exception to this is Half Life, and both Portals - immensely satisfying (albeit in a different way to porn).

* Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I can't quite believe I'd describe any games as such, but they are both exercises in absolute beauty.

* Monkey Island - almost a lifetime ago, playing those on the Amiga, but still the best examples of point-and-click adventures.

* Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - I like the others... but Vice City didn't have quite the personality and IV was a bit too serious. SA had the right level of humour, and lots of things to do.

Am sure I'll think of more

06-11-11  06:48pm - 5023 days #12
messmer (0)
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Okay, now I'll really take you back: Jill of the Jungle, Captain Cosmo, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfenstein (?), Doom, King's Quest (already mentioned), and later on, Diablo and Diablo II .. I am still playing Diablo II btw. I know it so well by now I play it for relaxation!

06-11-11  07:14pm - 5022 days #13
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Okay, now I'll really take you back: Jill of the Jungle, Captain Cosmo, Duke Nukem, Castle Wolfenstein (?), Doom, King's Quest (already mentioned), and later on, Diablo and Diablo II .. I am still playing Diablo II btw. I know it so well by now I play it for relaxation!

Wolfenstein... ahh I remember that. That game gave me more nightmares than living through actual combat. Thankfully the Taliban never really got the crazy weapons those make-believe Germans had!

06-11-11  08:01pm - 5022 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by otoh:

Ooh, too many to think of! But I'll try...

* Similarly for Tomb Raider - played the first when it came out and loved the narrative of it. Subsequent versions have faltered a little, but I've still enjoyed them.

* Can't get into FPSs at all. The only exception to this is Half Life, and both Portals - immensely satisfying (albeit in a different way to porn).

* Monkey Island - almost a lifetime ago, playing those on the Amiga, but still the best examples of point-and-click adventures.

I forgot about those games. I really enjoyed the first Tomb raider.

Half Life and half Life 2 were both super amazinf games. I hope we see another one some day.

Monkey Island with Guybrush threppwood. How can a game with such a colorfull a characters name not be good? Long live the Brown Coats.

06-11-11  08:50pm - 5022 days #15
exotics4me (0)
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Little late on this one since most of the ones I like right now have been mentioned.

I had a lull in gaming when the current generation of consoles came out and played stubborn, going back and playing games on the PS2 that I had missed like Okami and Bully, but still didn't jump into the current generation until a few years ago. I think the first 6 months, all I played was GTA IV and the DLC on the 360, then I picked up Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition and spent nearly 400 hours on 2 different characters. Really enjoyed Red Dead Redemption and the Zombie DLC. I seem to play games differently than a lot of gamers do today. The open world, free roam games work best for me since I like to explore everything instead of just trying to run through the objectives the game company decided on.

I laid back on Borderlands since it came out around the same time the Fallout 3 GotY edition came out, just bought the Borderlands GotY edition just about a month ago. The bad thing with me and games, I have times where I may not play them for 2-3 weeks. Then I'll have times where I can play for a few hours everyday. I enjoyed the Assassins Creed games, the Bioshock ones, liked the Mass Effects, but not as much as most did or as I thought I would.

One I really liked though I thought for sure I wouldn't like it was Alan Wake.

Still unplayed though I have them and plan on playing over the next month, Oblivion GotY edition, Dragon Age Ultimate and Dragon Age II. Have started Fallout: New Vegas and downloaded Dead Money and Honest Hearts, but haven't had much time to play any of it, but should for the rest of the summer. Really looking forward to playing through it and the two more DLCs they have coming out for it.

Oh and on the mention of Half Life, "The Orange Box" for 360 is really good if anyone has missed it, one of the best values in video games. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

06-11-11  10:02pm - 5022 days #16
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

With regards to Fallout 3, there are quite a few different endings. None of them are happy, happy, joy, joy but some are a little upbeat at least. Also if you install the addon "Brotherhood of steel" the end of the main game is also very different.

Originally Posted by pat362:

I was surprised by the ending because the previous 2 games offered a more positive outlook. This is the first game I've ever played where the main character dies to save the world. It's very altruistic but not in no way necessary to the story. I want to play Fallout Las Vegas.

Fallout 3 is the only title of the Fallout series I have played and I had mixed reactions to it. Quite depressing for a video game really, I just never had much hope for the story progression or any of the characters. That and I seem to remember taking the most amoral route through the game possible.

I just hope my choices in that game are not indicative of anything in the future, as I willfully let a lot of other characters get killed, it seems just because I could. (C'mon, that A-bomb in the middle of a settlement wasn't going to detonate itself!) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

06-11-11  10:08pm - 5022 days #17
badandy400 (0)
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I am all about Call of Duty. Have them all, beat most of them on veteran. Can not believe no has mentioned this game yet. Same goes for Halo, although I do not play it. I actually just finished playing Modern Warfare 2 when I got on here.

I used to play a lot of Command and Conquer, I like Generals the best. Anyone remember Worms? That is another classic. I have played a lot of Grand Theft Auto, can not go wrong with those. Daiblo is a another good one. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

06-11-11  10:21pm - 5022 days #18
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by otoh:

* Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - I like the others... but Vice City didn't have quite the personality and IV was a bit too serious. SA had the right level of humour, and lots of things to do.

GTA IV and the Saints Row games--blatant GTA knockoffs, BTW--are some of my favorite moral-free video games out there (uh, in addition to Fallout 3, see above).

They're are part of the reason I like video games. Like much of my porn, they offer a virtual, guilt-free experience of behavior that I wouldn't even think of doing in real life. I mean, really, who would be so cruel as to crash a car into an innocent prostitute? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

06-12-11  02:29am - 5022 days #19
elephant (0)
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My fav games are hitman blood money, Sabateour, Saints Row, Red Dead Redemption and GTA IV.

Older ones, I loved Rik Dangerous, Summer, California Games and World Games, Turrican, Green Beret, Paperboy, Kickstart, Jetpack and Last Ninja I think it was called. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

06-12-11  11:45am - 5022 days #20
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

The open world, free roam games work best for me since I like to explore everything instead of just trying to run through the objectives the game company decided on.

Yeah, roaming, seeing new environments is one of the coolest aspects of video games. Games that don't allow for much exploration or don't give you any reward for your exploration are missing the boat, to a large extent.

06-13-11  04:31pm - 5021 days #21
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Fallout 3 is the only title of the Fallout series I have played and I had mixed reactions to it. Quite depressing for a video game really, I just never had much hope for the story progression or any of the characters. That and I seem to remember taking the most amoral route through the game possible.

I just hope my choices in that game are not indicative of anything in the future, as I willfully let a lot of other characters get killed, it seems just because I could. (C'mon, that A-bomb in the middle of a settlement wasn't going to detonate itself!)

I played the first 2 Fallout games on the PC and I still find those the best but then again I'm an old school PC guy at heart. I guess I could have played Fallout 3 on a PC but it wouldn't have been the same because a console game is made to be played on a console. I really miss days when games were made only for computers.

I tend to always play the good guy so I never get to see what it's like on the other side of tha train track but I must say that it would have been interesting to see what happens to Megaton after that bomb goes off. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-13-11  05:50pm - 5021 days #22
PinkPanther (0)
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I only play on a PC, but I guess Borderlands was a console game first. If a game is available on a PC, I don't see a reason not to play it there.

06-13-11  06:35pm - 5021 days #23
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

Wolfenstein... ahh I remember that. That game gave me more nightmares than living through actual combat. Thankfully the Taliban never really got the crazy weapons those make-believe Germans had!

How do you think I felt, rearadmiral. I was killing my ex-countrymen on a daily basis.

06-13-11  06:44pm - 5021 days #24
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

How do you think I felt, rearadmiral. I was killing my ex-countrymen on a daily basis.

Good point. But surely most of your countrymen aren't big scaly monsters? I haven't used a combat game since that and probably won't again.

06-14-11  11:37pm - 5019 days #25
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I tend to always play the good guy so I never get to see what it's like on the other side of tha train track but I must say that it would have been interesting to see what happens to Megaton after that bomb goes off.

Well, not to give away too much, but as I remember (from playing Fallout 3 last summer) you get to see a big mushroom cloud, and then you can't safely go near the sight for the rest of the game. I figured I at least got rid of a few monsters in the process...while pissing of a lot of potential allies when I didn't play along with the whole "Who could have set off that A bomb?" schtick.

Oops. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

06-20-11  02:02pm - 5014 days #26
Capn (0)
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Well, what with being a history freak, I have been a diehard wargamer ( grognard ) since I was a lad.
It took home computers a long while to reach a level where I moved on from tabletop models to monitors though.

Highspots in video games?

For me, Captive was the first one that really grabbed me.

The first Shogun Total War was awesome at the time.
I had a total epiphany when Rome Total War was released.
Things were never quite the same again.
I am still playing that in a highly modified form today. Later notable offerings in the series were Medieval 2 & Napoleon

Other highspots were Doom,Medal of Honor & Call of Duty & all their descendants.

A recent somewhat belated discovery was Men of War.
That & its progeny are really tough.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

06-20-11  02:51pm - 5014 days #27
badandy400 (0)
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I will be honest I can not wait until MW3 comes out. I know I am not on the forum much any more, but do not expect to see me at all for while after that one. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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06-20-11  03:25pm - 5014 days #28
Capn (0)
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I'm one of the multitude rooting for Rome 2.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

07-01-11  10:15am - 5003 days #29
RustyJ (0)

Posts: 79
Registered: Aug 04, '10
Originally Posted by pat362:

The Leisure Suit Larry series.
The King's Quest series.
The Space Quest series.
Crusader no Regret.
Crusader No remorse.
Star Trek the Original series.
The Wing Commander series.(super fun to play)
Privateer Series.
Command and Conquer.
System Shock(both amazing and scary like hell)
Deux Ex.
Starfleet Command II and III.
Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy.
Jedi Knight-Outcast.
Masters of Orion.
Star Wars knights of the Old Republic I & II.
Tron 2.0.
Fallout II.
Fallout III.(on the PS3) Fun but I wou,d have prefered a different ending. rather depressing.

That's one serious list. Only missing the Ultima series which you mentioned and Sid Meier classics like Civilization and Railroad Tycoon.

I think I have my Arcanum CD somewhere. I wonder if it's easy to get running on Win7...

07-01-11  10:28am - 5003 days #30
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

That's one serious list. Only missing the Ultima series which you mentioned and Sid Meier classics like Civilization and Railroad Tycoon.

I think I have my Arcanum CD somewhere. I wonder if it's easy to get running on Win7...

I have the Ultima series but since the games only started getting really fun to play with 4 and above. Text only games were good for their time but don't much interest once I was able to use a joystick or mouse.

I can't say for certain if Arcanum will work on Windows 7 but I know that you can select to play a game on a Win XP format from Win & so that should work. I've replayed Arcanum a couple of times and that's a really great game. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-01-11  12:29pm - 5003 days #31
RustyJ (0)

Posts: 79
Registered: Aug 04, '10
Originally Posted by pat362:

I can't say for certain if Arcanum will work on Windows 7 but I know that you can select to play a game on a Win XP format from Win & so that should work. I've replayed Arcanum a couple of times and that's a really great game.

I played that one seriously many times. All magic character, all tech character, all charisma character who just had to get all allies at their earliest possible levels to max them out and so on, good, evil, solo sneak, everything. Must have played it like eight times but remember surprisingly little about it.

07-01-11  07:22pm - 5002 days #32
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

I played that one seriously many times. All magic character, all tech character,

The first time I played the game was as a mixture of tech and magic but then I read info on fan site and all my subsequent times I have played it as a magic character. All the schematic look great but most of them aren't as impoartant as a good teleport spell. Thewn there's the energy based spells. Trying to destroy a rock or lava monster with weapons is bad on the weapons since hitting them tends to do damage or bad on the body since it does damage to you and your armour. It's much better to zap them out of existence. It's kind of cheating but quite fun. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-23-12  12:27am - 4584 days #33
PinkPanther (0)
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My favorite video game lately - Saints Row Three - lots of exploring to do, lots of mayhem to cause, the driving is easy even for someone as absolutely TERRIBLE at video game driving as I am and it's got a great sense of humor.

You gotta love a video game where one of the melee weapons is a flacid dildo you can flail at people.

The one down-side - there is co-op but no open-ended multi-player, so you have to have a friend that is interested in it at the same time as you as opposed to just hooking up with a stranger if you want whenever you want to play.

I love the look of the game too.

It gets compared to GTA, which I can understand, but for my tastes, Saints Row Three is WORLDS more fun!

There are previous Saints Row games, but the graphics look rather crappy and I think I'd be disappointed if I tried them.

So I'll look forward to the next one - coming out late 2013, most likely.

ONLY 4/4 MORE WEEKS UNTIL BORDERLANDS 2 COMES OUT!! I'm dying to play that, should have a chance to play it a bit at Pax Prime, a gamer convention I'm going to just after Labor Day - going mainly to see Borderlands 2 before it comes out - and to go to the Gearbox panel.

08-23-12  02:58am - 4584 days #34
elephant (0)
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Yeah I might get Saints Row Three soon, I liked the second one. I always wait till they are around £10-£15 though, hate paying anymore and never would pay £45 like some of them cost when they are released. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

08-23-12  04:50am - 4584 days #35
atrapat (0)
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I wonder if any of you watches replays of pro gamers playing your favorite game. I recently discovered several Starcraft 2 commentators on youtube and I have been checking replay after replay much more than playing the game myself. I must admit it's slowly improving my game.

08-23-12  07:18am - 4584 days #36
BadMrFrosty (0)
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Anyone that cares about storytelling in games needs to go out and play Spec-ops: The Line. The first 2-3 hours is nothing more than a mildly intriguing, slightly above average military third person shooter but when it gets to the "oh fuck moment" everything totally changes. The change is not from a gameplay perspective but rather a emotional one. Then once you reach the end of the game everything changes again, so much so I had to start a new game straight away to try and pick out the subtle clues that I missed from the first playthrough.

There have been very few times, in any type of fictional media, that I have been literally shocked into silence. The "oh fuck moment" in this game was one of those times. All I could do was sit slack jawed for a few moments unable to process what had just happened, I am serious it was that powerful, even more-so when you consider that games are not a passive medium and things happen because of your actions.

This game is all about choice (or the appearance of), consequence and the true reality of war.

A masterpiece. The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
Frank Zappa

08-23-12  08:03am - 4584 days #37
jberryl69 (0)
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Wow, looking at this thread pulls me back to some of those games - Leisure Suit Larry - Wolfenstein - Diablo - Call of Duty. Diablo was my first online gaming experience and I hated D2 since it was so overly hacked.

PS2 time saw titles FIFA, Final Fantasy, & Prince of Persia

For the past five years I've been stuck in WOW. I diverted a bit for one called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and D3 for a couple of weeks. Now just waiting for the new expansion of WOW to drop. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

08-23-12  09:01am - 4584 days #38
Capn (0)
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Mount & Blade Warband is a first class FP Hack & Slash with a fair bit of sandbox RPG thrown in.

Whilst it is not historic it is plausible, no silly dragons, giants & dwarves.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
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08-23-12  10:06am - 4584 days #39
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

There are previous Saints Row games, but the graphics look rather crappy and I think I'd be disappointed if I tried them.

Saints Row 2 is worth the price, it is $15 on Steam right now, though you might be able to get it cheaper if you wait for a sale. I actually liked the storyline better than Saints Row 3 and while the graphics aren't as good, it is pretty damn fun anyways - just as crazy and hilarious. If you liked 3 you'll probably like 2. Gameplay is nearly identical and there aren't any annoying zombies (just friendly ones). "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-23-12  10:10am - 4584 days #40
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

Anyone that cares about storytelling in games needs to go out and play Spec-ops: The Line.


A masterpiece.

I'll have to check it out, I'm not usually a massive FPS fan, but every once in a while there is a stand out game in that category. Ultimate Doom, F.E.A.R., Call of Duty 2... "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-23-12  10:16am - 4584 days #41
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by atrapat:

I wonder if any of you watches replays of pro gamers playing your favorite game. I recently discovered several Starcraft 2 commentators on youtube and I have been checking replay after replay much more than playing the game myself. I must admit it's slowly improving my game.

Usually I find those replays depressing because I know I'm never going to be that fast. On the other hand, I rarely play multiplayer so it doesn't usually matter. So much of multiplayer is athletic skill and reflex, I usually prefer pure tactics designed to infuriate the other players, that's my version of winning. I once sacrificed my entire base in a realtime strategy game just so I could activate my invisible forces within another players base when his units were as far away from his base as possible. I'd put the units in his base prior to him building the protective turrets around his base, he barricaded his base with the enemy already inside. It basically turned into mutually assured destruction, but it was worth it because he was so annoyed by the tactic. I don't play to win, I play to irritate, lol Hence why I'm a fan of the bouncing-betty's in Call of Duty: World at War. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-23-12  06:03pm - 4584 days #42
PinkPanther (0)
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Originally Posted by atrapat:

I wonder if any of you watches replays of pro gamers playing your favorite game. I recently discovered several Starcraft 2 commentators on youtube and I have been checking replay after replay much more than playing the game myself. I must admit it's slowly improving my game.

Yes - I first started watching youtube walkthroughs to find out where to find this or that or how to beat particular enemies or whatever. But with my favorite games, the level of humor in the game leads to complete hilarity when watching co-op walkthroughs - there are video walkthroughs on Youtube - look for any involving Gassy Mexican - of both Borderlands and Saints Row: The Third that are funnier than anything on TV these days.

08-24-12  05:15am - 4583 days #43
atrapat (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Usually I find those replays depressing because I know I'm never going to be that fast.

As for your "infuriating" tactics, they are often referred as "cheese" in Starcraft 2, which I've always wondered why they are called that way.

I approach watching replays of eSports pros like watching sports on TV. I know I'll never bend it like Beckham (I won't either wear a suit while driving a motor boat across the Thames at night nearly as well as he does) but it's still fun, for me, to watch soccer.

In the case of Starcraft 2 I've seen quite professional replays from tournaments. I recently watched a whole bunch of replays from a tournament (Intel Extreme Masters at gamescom in Cologne) where they had two pairs of commentators that alternated in casting the endless amount of games. They even had a guy doing post-game interviews with the winners. Of course, there were also people behind the cameras that were filming all of that.

I don't know if it was the case but there are tournaments where it's not the commentators but someone with "observer" tasks who is in charge of moving the viewpoint around, like a traditional sports producer keeps choosing cameras to capture the best image at all times and the commentators just do the talking.

The winner of that tournament (a 21-year old Korean who was sponsored by LG) got 6,000 USD (someone said he's the top earning player and he's made around 300k throughout his career) and the runner-up (a Polish youngster sponsored by Acer) got 3,000 (USD).

08-24-12  05:37am - 4583 days #44
atrapat (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Yes - I first started watching youtube walkthroughs to find out where to find this or that or how to beat particular enemies or whatever. But with my favorite games, the level of humor in the game leads to complete hilarity when watching co-op walkthroughs - there are video walkthroughs on Youtube - look for any involving Gassy Mexican - of both Borderlands and Saints Row: The Third that are funnier than anything on TV these days.

I honestly don't see the appeal of those replays I accidentally watched a couple Minecraft 2 replays of that sort youtube suggested me a couple days ago and I just watched some of the Gassy Mexican replays and confess they left me quite cold. Maybe it's because I haven't played any of those games myself.

There's a guy named day9 who hosts an almost daily show on Starcraft 2 and he regularly hosts "funday mondays" where he asks people to submit games following constraints he sets (like try to win by just attacking enemy workers, by just using a particular unit, etc.) and that does make for some funny replays. Guess they won't look so funny to someone who hasn't played Starcraft 2

08-24-12  06:57am - 4583 days #45
PinkPanther (0)
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Here's one my favorite co-op Borderlands vids:


I find this just hilarious.

08-24-12  11:57am - 4583 days #46
atrapat (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Here's one my favorite co-op Borderlands vids:


I find this just hilarious.

Sorry but still cold Still don't see the appeal of this kind of replays. I've played my share of FPS (Doom, Quake and, more recently, Quake Live) but not Borderlands.

Just so we are even, here's a SC2 replay that kept me on my toes when I first saw it and that will likely leave non-SC2 players cold


08-24-12  09:11pm - 4582 days #47
PinkPanther (0)
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Yep - I watched it for a few seconds - had to shake my head to wake myself back up. I'll stick to the comical shooters.

08-26-12  03:10pm - 4581 days #48
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

My favorite video game lately - Saints Row Three - lots of exploring to do, lots of mayhem to cause, the driving is easy even for someone as absolutely TERRIBLE at video game driving as I am and it's got a great sense of humor.

Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

It gets compared to GTA, which I can understand, but for my tastes, Saints Row Three is WORLDS more fun!

There are previous Saints Row games, but the graphics look rather crappy and I think I'd be disappointed if I tried them.

I enjoyed the first two, thought they were a lot of fun for a GTA-ripoff, but I haven't played the third one. I agree though: more fun than GTA! Don't get me wrong, the GTA games, especially GTA IV, are amazing, involved, funny games, but Saints Row just lets you loose on a lot of non-story side challenges, whereas GTA still seems tied heavily to the story, especially since they release expansion packs based mostly on plot.

However, I think GTA 5 (or V, or whatever) will be fun since it's going to back to Los Santos, Rockstar's interpretation of Los Angeles that they first did in GTA: San Andreas. That and it will be the first new GTA in four years. (Though I'll still wait to buy it for a third the price used. ) "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-27-12  03:18am - 4580 days #49
elephant (0)
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I agree I prefer games now where you are free to roam at your own free will and not structured to a storyline, I found Saints Row 2 was not amazing graphic wise but heaps of fun and quite funny in places.

Its why I love The Sabateur so much cause there is so much to do just being free and choosing yourself where you want to go and what to do, also love the sneaking up and doing things unnoticed, like all that kind of stealth thing. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

08-27-12  09:13pm - 4579 days #50
PinkPanther (0)
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Saints Row Third is perfect for what you describe, elephant. Especially playing co-op, it's one of the most fun games I've played, for my tastes - if you like sheer mayhem, that is - start a fight and the enemies come in waves, getting increasingly intense.

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