Porn Users Forum » Large Monitors - Are They Worth It? |
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01-16-09 10:22pm - 5898 days | Original Post - #1 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
Large Monitors - Are They Worth It? I'm wondering if I should get a big monitor - like 24" LCD since the prices are so low now. I looked in the forum history and it's been awhile since people were yakking about equipment. I've got a nice 19" Dell CRT, which looks nice, but I'm wondering if I'm missing some real oomph factor when I look at pics on sites such as Babelicious.com, ALS Scan, Met Art and such. | |
01-16-09 10:42pm - 5898 days | #2 | |
Drooler (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 1,831 Registered: Mar 11, '07 Location: USA |
Frankly, I'd like to see Nikky Case's ass displayed on the side of a building in Times Square. But to address the question, I'll bet it would help. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. | |
01-17-09 07:28am - 5898 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've got problems recognizing a model just from her ass. But I wouldn't mind seeing Nikky Case's first photoset for met-art displayed in huge size on my hometown buildings. The photoset was named "Nikky Case", and was posted 2006.08.19, and was the first time I saw the lovely model. Instant love, on my part. Larger screens and higher definition are supposed to improve the experience. But I can't really afford anything better at this time. It's amazing to me how much computer equipment prices keep dropping. I really drool over all the eye candy I'd like to buy. Edited on Jan 17, 2009, 07:37am | |
01-17-09 12:25pm - 5898 days | #4 | |
pat362 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,575 Registered: Jan 23, '07 Location: canada |
A 19" monitor is pretty big for a computer. I'm still using a 17" one, and I don't have too many complaints. I don't know how much more you'll get from an extra 5", but the fact that the prices are so low makes the investment worth it. If you can sell your 19" for a couple of bucks then even better. Long live the Brown Coats. | |
01-17-09 12:53pm - 5898 days | #5 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I usually look at pics with either Irfanview or Compupic once I've downloaded a set and as long as most are in portrait format I can't see where there would be much of a difference between your 19" and my 21.5" monitor because with the better (larger) pictures you have to reduce them anyway in order to fit your screen. Or scroll, in which case the difference would really be minimal because there's not that much difference in height between a 19" and mine. Plus .. I've heard that CRTs do give a better picture, so save the money for some good subscriptions! :-) | |
01-18-09 01:25am - 5897 days | #6 | |
Colm4 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 117 Registered: Sep 22, '07 Location: Holland |
That CRT give better images is no longer true. A few years back yes, but today's TFT's are just as good. For me, I now have a 19 inch and in a few weeks I will be getting a 20 inch. I can get larger for just a bit more, but I think that such a huge screen on your desk is just ugly to look at and also you need to be farther away from your screen to see it all. | |
01-18-09 08:26am - 5897 days | #7 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I guess I haven't kept up with the latest when it comes to monitors, colm4. And I have a 21.5 wide screen monitor and it isn't huge at all that's exactly why I would advise to stick with a 19" one because vertically there's not enough difference to make it worth the expense if one wants to look at portrait style pictures. | |
01-18-09 10:35am - 5897 days | #8 | |
RagingBuddhist (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 893 Registered: Jan 23, '07 |
I have to disagree with the people who say that LCDs - even TFTs - can outperform, or even match, a CRT. I don't have the money to upgrade yet, but I do keep looking at what all's out there and, so far, I'm not too impressed with what I see. Unless you get into the high end models (read that as mucho dinero) there seems to be a tendency for larger monitors to have banding issues or serious viewing angle issues. And I've yet to see any LCD match the color reproduction of my CRT. Right now I have a Samsung 933BW - a 19" TFT - and an ancient Dell 21" CRT. The CRT NEVER ghosts and the colors only remind me of how much of a comprimise LCD monitors are. For me anyway, CRTs just suck up too much power and way too much desk space to be practical to use anymore. There is one advantage to you can get in an LCD that you won't find on a CRT. Some can be rotated 90 degrees, making for better viewing of portrait pictures, documents and web pages. If you really want to go bigger, I'd suggest going to sites that have user reviews to see what the people who've bought 'em have to say about 'em. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. | |
01-18-09 11:37am - 5897 days | #9 | |
Colm4 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 117 Registered: Sep 22, '07 Location: Holland |
RagingBuddhist, the Samsung 933BW has a 1:1000 ratio and 5ms. Newer screens have 1:5000 or even 1:10.000 and 2 ms. That's a big difference. It's true that these screens cost more but as with everything, if you want something good, you have to pay for it... | |
01-19-09 04:29am - 5896 days | #10 | |
TalonIcefire (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 13 Registered: Dec 30, '08 Location: Terra, NAmer, USA, TX |
My 30" LG Widescreen LCD Monitor rocks for most everything I do. With over 16 million displaying colors, you cannot go wrong. Course some of the older pics need replacing or updating, however even that's not a real issue. Resolution I use is 2560 x 1600. Contrast ration is 3000:1. For now this will do. Letum prius Dedecus | |
01-19-09 11:42am - 5896 days | #11 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
RB, I could never see the advantage of a swivel type monitor just so I could see portrait type pictures the way they were meant to be seen because, come the next landscape, I have to swivel again, as well as go to my graphics card to tell it to display in landscape .. and then switch back again to portrait using the same procedure. Unless I'm dead wrong about the way things are done. Maybe those swivel monitors act like an iPhone and adjust automatically? Do you have any idea if they do? In any case I still feel every picture should be landscape even though the model might not necessarily be in a prone position. But that's me! :-) | |
01-19-09 11:49am - 5896 days | #12 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
30"? Wow! That's getting up there, especially if it's on a desktop, but it's still probably weighs a fraction of what a CRT with a screen half that size would. But to PinkPanther, I'd recommend getting a monitor with a lot of connectors -- not just VGA -- so you can use it as a TV too. Most have numerous ways to hook up a DVD player or computer, but it's good just so you can get a little more bang for the buck. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
01-19-09 11:53am - 5896 days | #13 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Love landscape photos -- they are just more pleasing to my eyes. Plus, aren't a lot of photography books (at least the big coffee table tomes) published in this format anyway? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
01-19-09 12:08pm - 5896 days | #14 | |
Wittyguy (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,138 Registered: Feb 04, '08 Location: Left Coast, USA |
My take on it is similar to RagingBuddhists. A lot of the mid to low end lcd's just don't have the same pic quality as a standard crt monitor. I'm still sitting on my old crt simply because it works well and the pic is fine for me. If I had the $$ I'd go for a 25" to 30" hd or high end lcd monitor but there's a lot of things I'd buy before investing in something like that. Going up by only a few inches probably won't change much in terms of viewing pleasure. For me the tipping point will be when you can easily connect and navigate your hard drive from your tv without all the current hassle, cost and hardware. At that point, I'd say keep your standard monitor for everyday use but use your big ass hd tv to view the stuff to soak up the booty in all its grandeur. | |
01-19-09 12:21pm - 5896 days | #15 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Yep, but I think most Porn Users would look at Hustler Or Penthouse or Playboy (portrait style except for centerfolds) before they look at a weighty coffee table tome! That's the only way I can explain their taste for portrait .. they've been infected in their youth by the above magazines! :-) | |
01-19-09 03:21pm - 5896 days | #16 | |
williamj (0)
Active User Posts: 102 Registered: Sep 29, '07 Location: usa |
Yes with out a doubt. If you can't afford watch the pricing when it gets to your comfort level spend away. Oh one other thing; I like a two monitor set up. Upgrade your video card so you can view two monitors. I can't believe how much I use both monitors. People think I'm nuts but I ready for third viewing monitor if possible. Will | |
01-20-09 07:35am - 5895 days | #17 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I don't think you're nuts, but why two monitors? I have a graphics card that would allow me to do that but what would be a practical example of the benefit of using two monitors? Thanks. | |
01-20-09 08:19am - 5895 days | #18 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
Since I'm not very technical and I'm not an expert, for sure: But tried using the big monitors, the really BIG ones (not my own) and the more regular ones. Sitting close to a pc makes a 30" feel crazy, a 24" feels too big too. So no more than a 19" - and at this point I feel good with a 17"....for porn....and other down to earth stuff...just a matter of opinion... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" | |
01-20-09 01:01pm - 5895 days | #19 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
I often browse websites while watching videos on the second monitor. In a work setting it can be even more useful as you don't have to Alt+Tab between two programs you are using. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
01-20-09 04:00pm - 5895 days | #20 | |
WeeWillyWinky (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 243 Registered: Jun 03, '07 Location: Havasu City, AZ USA |
I know next to nothing about photography in a technical or artistic sense, and I've just read a few threads at a photog forum where a person made a good case for portrait style photos. I do know that the landscape format is far and away more pleasing to me personally when it comes to viewing pictures on a computer monitor. With actual, concrete photographs I don't suppose it ever made much difference to me. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on Jan 20, 2009, 04:06pm | |
01-21-09 10:11am - 5894 days | #21 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, Toadsith, in my ignorance I had assumed that if two monitors were hooked up to one computer the same picture would show on both. | |
01-21-09 10:51am - 5894 days | #22 | |
Khan (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 1,737 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: USA |
In Windows, it's a matter of setting your preferences to tell the system you have two monitors. While I've never used two myself, my wife (a TBP Editor) does and swears by it. She can have a site open on one screen with the data entry page on the other. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator Now at: MyPorn.com "To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson | |
01-21-09 01:08pm - 5894 days | #23 | |
DivBZero (0)
Suspended Posts: 1 Registered: Jan 10, '07 Location: UK |
I use 2560 x 1600 and still wish for better resolution. Setting up the gamma helps a lot to get the tones correct. The more resolution the more the compression on images can be detected, which draws away from the art and towards the technology, could do without this kind of distraction ;) | |
01-21-09 01:33pm - 5894 days | #24 | |
TheRizzo (0)
Active User Posts: 44 Registered: Jun 11, '08 |
Wow, thats massive! I have a 22inch samsung that I love, but not sure I need much bigger than that :-) | |
01-21-09 06:51pm - 5893 days | #25 | |
williamj (0)
Active User Posts: 102 Registered: Sep 29, '07 Location: usa |
Two monitors is the cat memo. Once you try it you will kick yourself in the ass for not setting yourself earlier with dual monitors. Trust me it is worth the upgrade on the video card. Just do it, you will thank me for being so direct. Will | |
01-21-09 06:58pm - 5893 days | #26 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
OK - I went back and got a 22" Samsung with 20,000:1 contrast. I'm having trouble getting the damned base connector - the thing between the base and the monitor - to click into the opening at the bottom of the monitor. Am I totally lame or is there some trick to this? I'm about as mechanically inclined, generally, as Barney Fife, which is why my nick-name is that of a world-class klutz. | |
01-21-09 08:28pm - 5893 days | #27 | |
TalonIcefire (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 13 Registered: Dec 30, '08 Location: Terra, NAmer, USA, TX |
I was so used to using three monitors at work that I installed three monitors for my desktop; one 30" and two 24". Having three high res monitors does wonders for geospatial analysis as well as gaming. I'm currently working with some mates to create an algorithm(s) that will allow a portion of the two outer monitors to act as a, sort of, peripheral vision while gaming. Letum prius Dedecus | |
01-22-09 09:37am - 5893 days | #28 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Amazing, I never knew that this could be done. Seeing that I'll never have two monitors can you or someone else explain to me how you can "freeze" a data entry page on one monitor while you switch to use the other? | |
01-22-09 09:51am - 5893 days | #29 | |
moonbyrd (0)
Active User Posts: 17 Registered: Aug 07, '08 |
Uh, if you are using the extended desktop mode you basically have your desktop extend to both displays. You can just drag a program window across the border and as it goes over the right edge of monitor 1 it will start to appear from the left edge on monitor 2. Very easy and intuitive and useful. You don't need to "freeze" anything any more than when you have two windows open side by side on one monitor. | |
01-22-09 10:02am - 5893 days | #30 | |
Khan (0)
Suspended ![]() Posts: 1,737 Registered: Jan 05, '07 Location: USA |
moonbyrd explained it pretty good, imo. Basically, think of the two monitors as one large monitor that just happens to have a seam in the middle. It's very intuitive ... haha ... unless you happen to reverse the left and right. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator Now at: MyPorn.com "To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson | |
01-23-09 03:45am - 5892 days | #31 | |
picdude (0)
Active User Posts: 107 Registered: Dec 26, '08 Location: Italy |
I agree with the messages about dual monitors, for work it rocks, everyone I know who has tried it for a few days has switched permanently. My home computer I like to have as big a screen as possible as I watch a lot of DVD's on my PC and play a fair amount of games to. Just remember if the source quality isn't great then the larger you make it the worse it looks. | |
01-23-09 09:15am - 5892 days | #32 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks to all for the explanations. Now things make sense. :-) | |
01-23-09 09:22am - 5892 days | #33 | |
TalonIcefire (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 13 Registered: Dec 30, '08 Location: Terra, NAmer, USA, TX |
Side thought... I do so enjoy pranking people who leave there computer unsecured to include reversing the monitors and changing the keyboard layout from QWERTY to Dvorak. Letum prius Dedecus | |
01-23-09 01:07pm - 5892 days | #34 | |
Toadsith (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 936 Registered: Dec 07, '07 Location: USA |
hehe, for me that would be Dvorak to QWERTY. I really love the change the mouse orientation prank so it moving up is translated as going down and slightly to the left (or some other random direction you choose) - drives people nuts if they don't know keyboard shortcuts. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!" Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo | |
01-23-09 01:57pm - 5892 days | #35 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Isn't that a little bit of a problem with watching DVDs on a computer monitor, since DVD resolution is something like 720x480, or around there? I find they look nice on a big analog TV, but not quite as good as an HD video (that is, actually shot in HD) looks on a monitor. When I sort through my collection, the older videos tend to get the axe more than photos because they end up looking so tiny compared to photos on bigger monitors. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
01-23-09 06:05pm - 5891 days | #36 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
OK - I got my 22" Samsung set up with the correct resolution. ALS Scan photos have never looked so awesome. I am a happy panther! | |
01-28-09 06:05pm - 5886 days | #37 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
Interesting factoid - I was e-mailing Alex at ALS Scans feedback on his latest blog - a hilarious rip on FTV Girls and their copy-catting of ALS Scans - and mentioned how great his stuff looks on my new monitor. He said they produce their stuff on 30" monitors - damn! No wonder he talks about not being able to stop looking at pics of the hottest models they get! | |
01-29-09 02:14pm - 5886 days | #38 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Yeah, I read this bog too; very funny. He did not actually name FTV Girls, but I had my suspicions since I am a former member and remember their ALS-like content and the multiple models they shared. You just cannot replicate what ALS does, at least not without looking like a copycat, and a weak one at that. If you like nice sets and sports cars, then FTV might interest you...but I thought this was PornUsers! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
01-30-09 08:21pm - 5884 days | #39 | |
PinkPanther (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,136 Registered: Jan 08, '07 Location: Oakland, CA |
Yeah, I've considered joining FTV Girls, because they've got a good rep and are rated highly by many, but then I check out samples and whenever I do I find myself bored very very quickly - especially their vids, which I find utterly devoid of any sexual heat. They even got Amy Reid to be boring, which in my experience has got to be some work. | |
07-25-14 12:22pm - 3883 days | #40 | |
Twotails (0)
Active User Posts: 6 Registered: Jul 24, '14 |
Yes, large monitors are VERY worth it ![]() I'm using a 30' (2560x1600) for about 3 years now. It's attached to the wall behind the table with a pivotable device. And YES, it's VERY worth swiveling the monitor! I sort every album in two directories: One for landscape, the other portrait. So I don't have to turn after every 3 pics. The effect of a big high definition monitor in portrait modus combined with good picture quality is so overwhelming, there are no words, except: TRY ![]() Maybe now the 4K monitors are even better in terms of resolution, but the image ratio is 16:9 and photos come mostly in 3:2. So the 16:10 ratio of a 2560x1600 is likely to still be at an advantage. Upscaling pics and vids is also very very well. | |
07-26-14 08:05am - 3882 days | #41 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
What models are people using and price ? Since 2007 | |
07-26-14 09:26am - 3882 days | #42 | |
Twotails (0)
Active User Posts: 6 Registered: Jul 24, '14 |
I've got the Dell U3011. Don't know why at amazon it is so expensive. Should be below $1000 by now, since there is already the U3014 for $999. However, it seems there are problems with this; you have to watch that it's at least revision A03. Not cheap, but if watching fotos or you make yourself fotos and use it for 5+ years, it's a good investment. As for the 4K-UHD monitors, I just noticed there has been evolution! They're no more expensive and there are even 24' (This seems much too small though, esp. when considering it's 16:9). Maybe with 4K your hardware doesn't work anymore; 2560x1600 might be the limit for most systems - but there I'm not very informed. E.g. Philips 288P6LJEB (is even pivotable) | |
07-27-14 08:29am - 3881 days | #43 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
I need a bigger one, umm screen that is LOL![]() | |
01-06-15 06:05pm - 3717 days | #44 | |
LPee23 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 399 Registered: Jul 14, '13 Location: USA |
My wife just gave me her old 32" LED TV that I am now using as a monitor, and it's a big upgrade from my 18" laptop LCD screen. It's HD, not 4k, but still pretty nice. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off. | |
01-13-15 09:14am - 3711 days | #45 | |
AWpress (0)
Active Webmaster ![]() Posts: 118 Registered: Nov 20, '12 Location: The Netherlands |
Big monitors are so worth it, but I must stress 'monitor'. Using a massive TV as your monitor has novelty value, but the dpi (density of the pixels) is comparatively quite low on a TV (because they're supposed to be viewed at a distance). Up close, the quality of a 1080p HD TV isn't that great (again, a HD computer monitor has the same number of pixels packed into a much smaller screen). This makes the picture much sharper on a purpose built computer monitor. But, yeah, no doubt: if $50k fell out of the sky and into my pocket, I'd grab a meter wide 4k ultra-HD monitor, (and I wouldn't regret a thing). | |
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