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Post History:
messmer (0)
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02-23-21 11:28am - 1415 days | #6 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Are they a Biller who will send you a receipt complete with your account number? As you know I have had my problems with Ech .. something. Can I go to their site and subscribe from there using their listing? I have never done that. Is there such a thing? | |
03-31-19 12:17pm - 2110 days | #2 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
And is there anyone who does the cleaning up if the message is posted twice. It happens when you press submit, no answer, then submit again. | |
03-31-19 12:14pm - 2110 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
This page isn’t working www.pornusers.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 | |
03-31-19 12:12pm - 2110 days | #20 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
LOL. I did something about the grey! I had my head shaved! Mainly because when you are all grey your hair gets stubborn and you start looking like Einstein! | |
03-30-19 12:12pm - 2111 days | #17 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks for the welcome back, Pat! I *am* young at heart. Don't you think most of us are. Does anyone else ever get a shock when they look in the mirror? | |
03-30-19 12:08pm - 2111 days | #16 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Hey, Drooler! I found the worst elder prejudice at the check outs of my grocery stores. Where before I always got a polite smile, those smiles slipped as I got older and the faces now spelled indifference! That was when I still lived in the city. Here in the country (Rural New Brunswick), I get hugs, smiles and respect. Quite a refreshing change! | |
03-30-19 12:02pm - 2111 days | #15 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, rear admiral. Good to see you are still around! | |
03-27-19 01:38pm - 2114 days | #22 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Just a test to see if any of my latest replies show up in this forum. I am being notified every time that something is wrong with the system and that they can't process my post at the time yet when I look my replies are there, but it seems they do that only on my computer. Clues: The number of my posts has not changed from one post to the others, under last replies I only see the name of the person I replied to, no mention of my following reply. If this post should show up, thanks in advance for a reply! P.S. Forget about the embarrassing mention of posts made. Of course the latest number would show up on all posts. Edited on Mar 27, 2019, 01:41pm | |
03-26-19 05:19pm - 2115 days | #21 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Isn't that the truth? I'm Canadian, my best friend is conservative, while I tend to be liberal (with a small l) and we disagree on many things. But this is the Internet, Loki. We hide behind Pseudonyms, that's where all our fears and lack of self esteem are let out and become vile and hurtful insults. What scares me on other sites is how many there are of ill will. Those might be my neighbors! | |
03-26-19 02:14pm - 2115 days | #9 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Yep, I think that's universal but has always astounded me! I never cared for those so-called milestones, like 30, 50 etc. I live each day at a time and aging has been a smooth transition for me.The only times I am aware of my age was when I lost my partner, or any time I look in the mirror. Or, recently, when I notice a certain decline in my libido! Of course, I could always blame Videobox for desensitizing me with all their 1000s of almost identical offerings. And now I am jaded! Yeah, that's it. It's not age. It's porn that is responsible for my reduced libido. But having said that, I must say that I am nervous of the diseases that old age often brings with it. The thought of being in somebodies hands, depending on someone else to cater to all my needs, that DOES scare me. | |
03-26-19 11:09am - 2115 days | #8 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
You should see my reaction, PinkPanther, when I allow myself to contemplate that I have children who are now seniors and grandchildren in their thirties. Nobody ever told me that your body may say 83 but inside you feel like 39! It's always a shock! Talking about shock, despite my ode to the sex life of older people,as I recounted in my original post, that happened last year and I am now gradually starting to wonder where my libido is going! So, let's make 84 an arbitrary cut-off with kudos and envy to those who make it past that age! | |
03-26-19 11:04am - 2115 days | #7 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
You should see my reaction, PinkPanther, when I allow myself to contemplate that I have children who are now seniors and grandchildren in their thirties. Nobody ever told me that your body may say 83 but inside you feel like 39! It's always a shock! Talking about shock, despite my ode to the sex life of older people,as I recounted in my original post, that happened last year and I am now gradually starting to wonder where my libido is going! So, let's make 84 an arbitrary cut-off with kudos and envy to those who make it past that age! | |
03-26-19 10:49am - 2115 days | #18 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
You can't go there (politics)these days, Loki! Not without encountering deep hostility on someone's part! BTW allow me to add a modification to my previous remarks. When I asked if anyone had been castigated for being offensive to another member I was thinking of management, not the users. A user castigating others would just lead to more insults and this forum has been civilised for so long that it has been home to me for many years. And I would like it to stay that way! | |
03-25-19 02:17pm - 2116 days | #11 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Amen to that mbaya. Members of this forum should be mature enough to be accepting of all tastes.I haven't been around for a while so I'll have to ask: was anyone ever castigated for being narrow and mean spirited? LGBTQ everyone welcome! The differences in our personal make up are the spice of life! | |
03-24-19 07:59pm - 2116 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I had to call in a technician from my TV cable company not so long ago because one of my boxes was acting up. After he had finished I asked him: “Look, maybe you can explain this to me. Every time I order a new channel through my remote control it only shows up on one of my TVs. What am I doing wrong?” “I don't know why you don't get the newly acquired channel on all of your TVs,” he looked baffled and continued, “the only exception are our channels with adult contents! Our subscribers like it this way because they don't want their children (looking at me, thinking: or grandchildren) to come across porn when they channel surf while visiting!” “Ah, okay, that explains it, it was a porn channel I had ordered!” The young man burst out, face lit up with the greatest joy I have ever seen in a human: “Oh, thank God,” looking at my 82 year old, slightly worse for wear, features. Then he blushed when he realized that he had inadvertently called me old and over the hill, through his outburst. I guess the thought of getting older and losing his libido must have weighed heavily on him. Yep, youngsters, rejoice! There IS sex after seventy, even eighty! For many of us it is regrettably sex of the solitary kind, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) but life ain't quite done with us yet! Warmest greetings to all my old friends who are still around! | |
03-09-18 12:37pm - 2497 days | #40 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, biker! | |
03-09-18 12:34pm - 2497 days | #6 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks a million for your thorough explanation, Onyx! Since I possess no cell phone (gasp) only a land line I guess a VR tethered to my computer would be the answer. I will take your advice, though, and wait for the Oculus Go unless "stand alone" means I have to have a cell phone. | |
03-08-18 04:50pm - 2497 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I see VR sets for quite a reasonable price at many of my favourite electronics stores. A) Do they have a built in memory that would hold more than one scene? B) How do you transfer a file you downloaded from the site to the VR (and back to the computer)? Is it done through a USB cable and port? Stupid questions, I know but I know nothing about VRs and am a slow learner! I even tried "Second Life" and had to give up at the learning stage after wandering aimless around semi-deserted buildings. A warm thanks in advance! Edited on Mar 08, 2018, 04:54pm | |
03-08-18 04:36pm - 2497 days | #38 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I used to do exactly that when I still collected picture sets. Compupic was very good for adding word/or thought bubbles. It is regrettably no longer available. What programme/app do you use at the moment? | |
03-08-18 04:16pm - 2498 days | #196 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I still don't understand: Stormy? Really? With so many beautiful porn stars to pick from. We get Stormy late night on HBO Adult Movies, meant for couples, where she puts in quite a few appearances and her voice is as grating on my nerves as fingernails on a blackboard. Would she want me? Not likely, I am old and mostly broke! Just saying! | |
03-08-18 04:06pm - 2498 days | #9 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
^I don't like rough stuff either so I am in a bit of a quandary. I keep waiting for someone to rediscover porn with a bit of a story but Gonzo is King. I eliminated (filtered) Gonzo on Video Box which left me with a couple of hundred videos, most of them "classics." Question to whoever is reading this: Are you not slightly bored with Gonzo and if you are not what makes it still attractive to you. Young porn users are excused from this semi-official poll because everything will turn them on at that age! | |
03-07-18 01:59pm - 2499 days | #28 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Sounds like your final word, RA. I just came across this thread and wanted to add that last year during my visit to Best Buy I saw desktops for around CA $ 400 and 26" monitors for approx. CA $350. The cheap computer would certainly meet all your requirements. Have a look if a BestBuy is near you! | |
03-06-18 11:24am - 2500 days | #7 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Just wait until you are in your eighties. The thrill of downloading and watching porn is really rapidly disappearing. Don't think it has anything to do with age (well, it will to some extent) but mostly with how long you have been watching porn. What disturbs me most is the sameness of most material found on sites that feature videos. I think Gonzo is slowly killing porn. Everyone with a handheld camera can now produce videos and because most follow the same formula the novelty factor is disappearing. Gonzo: Minimal story or foreplay, switch directly from fully clothed to naked, start with fellatio, switch to cunnilingus, then vanilla, after that cow girl, taken from behind .. then money shot! Every darned video is the same. I get more excitement out of "Eyes Wide Shut" than the average video from VideoBox. Porn has to return to a story line, foreplay, leisurely stripping, and then the sex act. Either that, or it will have to become harder and harder, skirting the illicit, to appease the tastes of those who used to love Gonzo and are now bored with the same scenes, video after video! | |
01-27-18 02:25pm - 2538 days | #135 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Since I am an occupant of the Great White North it would be imprudent for me to comment on U.S. Politics, but this I can respond to. Stormy Daniels? I thought your President had at least good taste when it came to women, but Stormy? Never could warm up to her! | |
05-17-17 06:10pm - 2792 days | #13 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, Joost. I just came back from a tour of Ersties, a site had never heard of, and I liked it very much! Reminds me a bit of "Girls Out West" an Australian site I used to subscribe to and love. A very good review by you as well. Ersties translated would be "first timers," I still retain most of my German and erst usually means first. | |
05-17-17 03:19pm - 2793 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
It is no secret that I am as old as Methuselah and my secret fear is that my daughters will find a stash of porn after I'm gone. In a moment of rational thinking I got rid of all my treasured porn (well over 4 Terrabytes) but still miss it. The reason was the advent of Windows 10, an O/S that no longer tolerated True Crypt! Can you tell me which is the simplest encryption program available. I would start a mini collection all over again if I could safely partition and encrypt a small section of my hard drive, or an external drive. Thanks, m. | |
05-17-17 03:08pm - 2793 days | #12 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, exotics, that is a very valuable tip! I have never heard of Zishy. I must pay them a visit! | |
05-17-17 03:06pm - 2793 days | #11 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Good for you, rearadmiral. You will never run out of material! One question: Do you find that the standard of beauty has been lowered over the past 3 - 5 years. It sometimes takes weeks for me to find a new face that I like, in two of my favourite porn sites. Or does it simply mean that I have truly become too jaded? | |
05-17-17 03:01pm - 2793 days | #10 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
In the past I downloaded solo TS only because any other scenario left me too confused. | |
05-17-17 02:54pm - 2793 days | #9 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Well, I confess to downloading and even enjoying tranny clips. Yes, it had me confused as well, but some of them were so beautiful that I almost managed to forget until they got undressed. Unless they are too mannish and fall under the category of transvestite I tend to think of them as women who were born into the wrong body. Funny thing, that as a lingerie fetishist, I should see everything I am looking for when it comes to a slow strip from fully clothed to nude in tranny sites. Some of the hetero or lesbian sites should have a good look at how it is done! | |
05-16-17 02:02pm - 2794 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Enjoy your porn while you can, boys and girls because, believe me, there comes a time when you will moan, along with me: IT'S ALL THE SAME! I have seen this scene, this picture set over and over again. What I wouldn't give to see one original picture set or one original scene. I subscribed to Playboy TV recently, unsubscribed shortly after, then to Penthouse TV .. drat .. every time I tune to the channel some gal is giving a bj. How many times can a person watch a blow job? I realize there are only so many variations and positions when it comes to sex, but the producers of porn channels and porn sites seem stuck with a formula that surely must get boring to any long time user. No time is spent on a story leading up to the sex (which might be a blessing given the lack of acting ability by most porn stars), no time spent when it comes to undressing .. that's MY beef. One moment the lady is dressed, the next moment she is nude, on her knees doing you know what! Okay, so I am in my eighties now and testosterone levels tend to drop dramatically at my age. No wonder the repetitions leave me cold. I shouldn't even be in here any more, for Pete's sake. I hear some of you muttering, so why don't you give it up you old fool. Well, just before I move on (you know where) I would like to,just once, subscribe to a truly original site that you might have come across in your years of porn enjoyment! Something that makes one sit up and yell enthusiastically: Well, I never .... !!! Do you know of a site like that? | |
05-16-17 01:30pm - 2794 days | #2 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I am not sure if this will help but "Vintage Flash" have all their models made up and dressed in fifties fashion. They also have a small archive of authentic vintage porn. | |
05-16-17 01:22pm - 2794 days | #19 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I can vouch for that, Pat. I got a very serious virus last year on my old computer from a (phished?) Canada Revenue Page! | |
01-10-17 05:18pm - 2919 days | #27 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I, too, just left a comment with the one and only review "myporn" will ever receive. I am truly saddened by the demise of this site, not only because I found it a valuable source of high quality porn but also because we, the regulars of this site, know and respect the builders and therefore wanted them to succeed beyond their wildest expectations. I feel terrible, guys and girls! I really do! | |
11-03-16 01:20pm - 2988 days | #3 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Yes, that's what I fear as well, lk2fireone! I guess I just became the oldest member of this forum! I will miss the old fellow! | |
11-03-16 02:50am - 2988 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
This is the first time in a long time that I looked in on what once was my internet second home and there are quite a few names I no longer see listed under originators or respondents of posts. The one I am concerned about the most is graymane, seeing that his health was fragile last time we corresponded. Has anyone heard from him? Thanks. M. | |
11-03-16 02:21am - 2988 days | #4 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I have been away for too long. I am terribly shocked and saddened to hear about Khan's illness. He is a true gentleman, moderate and even handed and did a lot to keep this forum one of the most pleasant places to be on the Internet! My heart goes out to him and his family and, for once, it is not just words when I say he will be sorely missed by me! Messmer | |
05-11-16 04:19pm - 3164 days | #3 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thanks, Khan, for your kind words. I realize I should have posted this in MyPorn but this forum has been home to me for so long that I couldn't resist. I think I might find it easier to migrate over if you had the same sort of forum that we have here. All under one roof! | |
05-09-16 06:50pm - 3165 days | Original Post - #1 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
... to the developers of "MyPorn!" I have been browsing and purchasing for the past three days and I am impressed. The site looks elegant and uncluttered. Its best feature is the opportunity for a potential consumer to watch half a clip in beautiful HD. What an advance over the mediocre preview pages of many sites. I am having a grand time checking out all the features, like the ability to vote for a clip, or the ability to choose favorite porn stars and/or sites and then to be informed every time a new clip is being added. Not only that, but once you land on your favorite site, more clips are being offered underneath the one you chose to stream originally. I am able to vote thumbs up or thumbs down on a clip, I can leave comments, I have all kinds of choices when sorting the contents of the site. The forums have potential. Purchases are easy and the price is reasonable. Downloads have been blazing fast for me. I am a happy camper. It is a great site now and will be even better when more pay sites are added to the mix. The categories (tags) are still a bit skimpy but should expand along with more participating sites. I would almost compare this to the music revolution brought about by the iPod. There is really no need for me to subscribe to individual sites if I can browse and purchase the offerings that appeal to me right at MyPorn. I will probably end up paying more than I would by subscribing to individual sites but since I don't download indiscriminately but am very picky in what I choose, the extra few dollars a month will be worth it to me. I am not the gushy type as a rule, but congratulations guys and girls, I think you might have yourself a winner on your hands! Just curious, and there's no need to answer: How much of the purchase of a clip goes to the producer and how much goes to MyPorn? I know that some things are confidential and I don't expect anyone to break that confidentiality just to satisfy an idle mind! | |
03-30-16 02:49pm - 3206 days | #19 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Just dropping in for a moment to say a belated thanks to Pat, Wittyguy, lk2fireone and GCode! It truly warms my heart that you guys remembered and cared. Believe it or not, I have been such a hermit most of my life that the only friends I have are in this Forum. The absolute truth! That's why I will return one of these days soon! Thanks again! m. | |
03-15-16 01:32pm - 3221 days | #14 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Thank you so much, Khan, Amanda and Toadsith for caring! I really appreciate it! m. | |
03-13-16 05:48pm - 3222 days | #10 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Hey, GCode, haven't seen your name in a long time. Thanks for remembering that I used to be a regular participant in this forum. I am afraid that my desire to communicate with my friends here took a dive when my wife passed away in May last year! I am slowly starting to come out of the deepest depths and will most likely be a more active member again down the road. | |
10-25-15 09:52am - 3363 days | #5 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I probably bought some of her books already. What name is she publishing under? If you don't want it to become public knowledge send me an email (address listed in my profile). I am a huge fan of written erotica. Forget about the free sample. Unless your wife writes novellas or short stories, which I despise, I would be happy to buy one or more of her books through Amazon. | |
10-24-15 02:17pm - 3364 days | #2 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I am not sure how successful you would be if you were to create a pay site. There are so many free sites that contain literary erotica with huge archives that you would have to offer something that is spectacularly different, and I am not sure if even the spectactularly different isn't found on sites like Literotica, ASSTR, BDSMLibrary etc. If your wife is a prolific writer there's a good chance of her making decent money as a self-published author on amazon.com. They don't quite match the raunchiness of the sites I mentioned but, still, some pretty decent erotica can be found there. Just a thought, Lpee. | |
07-17-15 11:54am - 3463 days | #12 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
A very warm welcome to Amanda and MikeC! As you will be able to tell by the count of posts made by me, I've had quite a bit to say in the past. But personal, adverse circumstances (and, to a certain degree, porn saturation) made it difficult during the past year to keep participating in this forum. I also want to express my warm appreciation to Khan for being such an involved and even-handed leader during the eight years I have known him in this forum and behind the scenes, and want to let him know that I have the greatest respect for him! m. | |
05-21-15 02:35pm - 3520 days | #5 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Hey, Graymane, my thoughts are with you and I miss you. Get better soon and come back, I hate to be the oldest one in this Forum!! | |
04-29-15 12:50pm - 3542 days | #15 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
I like your prejudice, biker! | |
04-28-15 06:32pm - 3542 days | #13 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Judging by some of the responses maybe I wasn't being clear enough. If you are talking hardcore and porn stars then most likely nothing much has changed. Producers/sites will pick the best looking of the bunch for their videos. That shouldn't be too hard with a reduced number of videos being shot. I was thinking of softcore sites with five updates a day like ATK Natural & Hairy, or Aunt Judy's, or WeAreHairy, or AllOver30 to name four of my former favorite sites. In other words, sites that specialized in picture sets, plus some videos, that featured nudity with a bit of masturbation thrown in? Hardcore has become more noticeable in all of them and by coincidence the models (NOT porn stars) don't appear to be as beautiful and fresh as they used to be! Could it be possible that these sites, after their progression to harder material now find it more difficult to obtain beautiful models who are also willing to do hard stuff along with the soft? Just a thought. | |
04-26-15 06:23pm - 3544 days | #9 | |
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
Hey, Denner, so good to see your name again. And thanks for the remarks. I was beginning to believe it was all in my mind. | |
04-22-15 12:04pm - 3549 days | #37 | ||
messmer (0)
Disabled User Posts: 2,582 Registered: Sep 12, '07 Location: Canada |
That is indeed a disturbing trend and has turned me away from many sites that used to be my favorites.
Very insightful! It's good to have a Psychologist aboard. You have put into words something I couldn't put my finger on. Edited on Apr 22, 2015, 12:08pm | ||
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