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04-07-09  01:40pm - 5738 days #72
messmer (0)
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Nothing to do with Porn DVDs but interesting just the same. I just came across this while I was looking for the article that promoted the view that men like big breasts because they long to return to Mommy's teats! :-)

Breast Implants Don't Solve Underlying Self-esteem Issues
By John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
September 21, 2006

A study conducted among 24,600 women by two University of Laval Faculty of Medicine researchers and their colleagues from the Canadian Public Health Agency and Cancer Care Ontario concludes that having breast implants does not increase mortality risk.

However, the study reveals that the suicide rate among women with breast implants is 73% higher than in the general population. These findings are published in a recent issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology.

This finding is not surprising, since many women seek out breast enhancement surgery for reasons of low self-esteem or because they lack self-confidence. They believe that the surgery will create a new person that they can then build upon. All too often, however, the surgery only highlights the flaws in the person's life, as they cope with the pain and recovery of the surgery on their own.

Previous studies have observed that the psychological profile of women who receive breast implants is characterized by low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and more frequent mental illnesses such as depression.

Ethical doctors should refer women who have such problems to a therapist or psychologist for treatment before undertaking plastic surgery. Plastic surgery cannot treat a lack of self-confidence or depression. Edited on Apr 07, 2009, 01:51pm

04-07-09  01:28pm - 5738 days #71
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

As to return to the actual question of the post about the dvd. Yes, I can see this being quite popular. I am probably still considered a 'youth' amongst a lot of you but I can tell you one thing, I believe a combo of youthful naivness and popular culture as to what is considered hot in the media plays a huge role as to what is found attractive. This can be seen throughout time as different styles of look and fashion change due to popular demand. During my teens and in college, the plastic barbie doll appearance was stunning to me because that's what I saw. This was a true consensus for most of my peers as well. As I got and get older (still young:)) I found this look less and less appealing. I think this is just because I am more of an adult and have a more carefree thought process or maybe I just can think on my own better without much influence. Therefore, I can see a lot of people buying that dvd, it's what people expect a 'dream girl' to look like, huge titties on a smaller frame. Ok, I'm rambling a bit now I think....so I'll stop here.


Hey, GCode, thanks for reminding me that there is an age gap, especially when it comes to tastes in Porn. I could only judge anyone's reaction to that DVD by my own disgust for it, forgetting how age and the likes and dislikes of our peers will shape our tastes, not only in Porn, but in just about everything.

For instance, we've had many of our posters (I'm one of them) express the desire to see pubic hair make a come-back, yet for anyone between the ages of eighteen and, let's say, thirty, it seems to have become almost something "unclean," even disgusting. The remarks on some of the web sites like Videobox, when it comes to "hairy" DVDs make that very clear.

So, thank you again. I keep forgetting that there is a world of difference in taste between folks recently out of their teens and those who've lived a bit longer. I've known it all along, and this gap has existed in every generation, but sadly I don't make enough of an allowance for it in my dealings with others.

I am still wondering if it wouldn't be a wonderful thing to have our age listed next to our nick names. I think that would be one of the best guides when it comes to judging someone's reviews and if a site is suitable for someone over/or under a certain age. I still remember Twisty's with a shudder. Which is another subject altogether. :-) Edited on Apr 07, 2009, 01:53pm

04-06-09  10:28am - 5739 days #7
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Calling it against the grain set it up perfectly for me. So, here I go again... on with my one-man crusade against sites like Brazzer's.

In any business, it's not an assumption of what their consumers enjoy as long as it sells. As much we might like to keep the thought way back in our minds, porn is a business. If it sells, nothing's going to change on a massive scale. I agree with just about everything that's been listed here as being too much - but as long as it sells, it's all here to stay.

I've said it before on here - that's why you'll almost always see me reviewing sites with amateurs. Few, if any, tacked on tits, no gotta-fuck-in-30-positions-in-ten-minutes sex scenes, and no makeup-applied-with-a-putty-knife women dressed in some porn industry's idealized picture of what they think we want women to look like.

Me? I'd like to see a return to the 70's style of things - what's now being called Classic Porn. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that that's what I pulled my way through puberty to (yeah - pun intended), but there was just something more real about it - stupid plots and all. Gimme real tits, full bushes and a little bit of acting, even if it's bad.

P.S. Stop the damn topiary crap! If you have to shave it, ladies, shave it all off. Pubic hair looks stupid when you try to carve your name in it. And a Flying Vee is a guitar...

Clap ... clap ... clap! I have nothing to add because that's exactly how I feel and think about the subject! If WeeWillieWinkie were still with us he would probably have added "and do away with thongs, thongs are for feet!" :-)

04-06-09  08:54am - 5740 days #58
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Messmer. I believe a large part of the reason is that we do not get to meet these women in our beloved porn videos. We only see them for what they are shown as. Many people have admitted that they see a less than stellar looking woman and once they get to know them they begin finding them more attractive, and that is great. This simply does not happen with porn.

Personally I love breast implants. I do not prefer them to the natural ones by any means. Fake breasts can be a great thing and I have absolutely no issue with seeing a lot of them in porn. When the woman chooses a size that is not unnatural they can really compliment her. Many times when the women are clothed the ones with fake breasts look better than those with naturals. Of course those like Amy Reid tend to challenge that.

I know a young woman who has fake breasts and many people she encounters do not realize they are not real. Even at up close and wearing tight revealing clothing they look mostly natural. This is because she have a moderate size put in that was not too much for her body. For her they do nothing but compliment her figure.

In her case she did not believe she was ugly or had self esteem issues. After having them done she was not disappointed with the size or how they looked. To be truthful they do not look overly fake when nude. Someone looking from any distance would be hard pressed to realize they were not real. Of course this all describes one person not the masses. The point being that when used within reason breasts implants can go a long way toward enhancing someones appearance.

Is it degrading to like the natural look of a woman? Of course not!

I believe it is natural for men to be attracted to larger breasts. It is part of the reproductive system and larger breasts signifies a larger ability to reproduce at least subconsciously. It is the ability to reproduce that drives men to women, this is a basic instinct.

We tend to like to see large breasts in porn because we wish we could be with a woman like that in real life. Since most women do not have a tiny waist line and huge breasts we turn to where we know we can find that and that is in porn.

Of course the large breasts are not real but the desire for them is and that is all that matters. Since we can not feel them or use them it does not matter how they got there as long as they are there.

Hi badandy, just a quick reply that doesn't do your post justice but my brain is getting tired of all this unaccustomed thinking. :-) Who knows, just like you, I might like implants, too. I might have thousands of pictures of "implanted" models in my collection without being aware of it. If the surgery was done well, then why not. But those super-sized boobs that look like they were stuck on, unyielding, un-jiggling, scar-marred those are the ones I'm against and with most big name porn stars, those are exactly the ones they ended up with. Some scars are discrete and hardly noticeable but generally there should be a slight sag to every big breast, implants in big breasts are obviously phony at first sight because there is no sag, there is that unnatural roundness and fullness that would make me shudder to touch them and for aficionados of big breasts to buy a whole video full of phoniness is something I don't understand.

But it exists and by the looks of it there are some that don't understand my views on the subject so I'll let it go without getting a clear-cut answer. Yours was a good attempt at one, but I've also read by reputable Psychologists (NOT Porn users)that it is a unconscious wish to return to Mommies' teats and that, because to a baby a breast looms large, they tend to prefer them that way in later life.

Well, it was interesting to get everyone's reaction, but I think I'm talked out! :-) Thanks all!

04-05-09  07:38pm - 5740 days #56
messmer (0)
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Exotics4me wrote:

"Well messmer, you're being quite short-sighted. Are all women natural? No. So by saying about natural women, "We are happy to marry them" means the not natural women, whether tattooed or implants, are screwed because us men say they are not perfect and can't be perfect because they don't fit our image of what perfect is. Not being degrading...except to all women who don't fit your image of what a woman is supposed to be. That's not degrading to not natural women?"

I think that not only are you putting words in my mouth but that you are using strange reasoning as well, exotics4me.

The implanted and tattooed and pierced ones will have plenty of admirers nowadays who will think that they are just perfect, otherwise why have a whole DVD full of enhanced breasts? The producers wouldn't make it if they couldn't sell it.

I think you just wanted to get a good argument going and you did! :-)

It started out with my innocuous question: Who would buy a whole DVD made up of models with breasts that look like over-inflated balloons?

Of course it is my own subjective opinion to find them ugly, after all I cannot judge and see but through the veil of my own personal prejudices, but I suspect that there must be more who can tolerate but not understand this pre- occupation with/and desire for two immovable objects planted high up on the chest.

This has been confirmed in the meantime.

There was only one positive response because there are also many porn users who like the bizarre and that's fine with me and certainly with the top-heavy models and their producers.

If you wish I'll rephrase: who would want a whole DVD with nothing but men who are tattooed from head to toe. Or who have pierced penises. If they want the tattoos or piercing, fine, if they feel that's cool, fine with me, too.

Are they inferior, no!! Are they different to the point of looking grotesque to a large percentage of the population? I would say yes.

I am still trying to find out the mindset of someone who would prefer the artificial to the natural and was quite frankly hoping to get it from you. I was in no way saying that they (men or women) were inferior. Someone might find me of inferior moral fiber for liking porn. (Those who live in glass houses etc.)

I am not making judgments .. I am trying to understand.

People make fun of older women, people make fun of wrinkles, people make fun of sagging breasts .. to me, young and old, smooth skin or wrinkled, all are beautiful.

But I do have a problem with Botox and face lifts and injections into lips and enhanced breasts, or bodies so powdered that every perceived or real blemish is well hidden. Again, if it makes someone feel better, fine, but why not age gracefully. There is beauty to be found in every age group and it doesn't need enhancement.

I am an admirer of women (some of my friends have told me I am not being very realistic for putting them on a pedestal) and I believe the self-esteem of the average woman should not need artificial support. Someone out there will find her beautiful and desirable just as she is, guaranteed.

That's what I would tell an insecure woman if I were a Psychologist: accept yourself as you are, you don't need to spend $ 10.000 for something that only looks good under a blouse or jacket but truly looks plastic the moment you take off that blouse. Not only that, quite frequently, they find to their shock after the operation, that they still don't like their self-image.

But someone else (magazines, fashion editors, catty colleagues, porn producers in our argument, a spurned or bored, or under-sexed boyfriend) has put this notion in her head that in order to be desirable she has to change part of herself when the fault lies with those who cannot accept the little flaws in others.

And yes, in the case of Zafira and quite a few others, they might have even put that into their own head because some folks are never happy with their body image, see above. Just look at Michael Jackson. I do not look down on the celebrities, I simply look at their before and after pictures and keep asking, why?

And in the case of Porn: why would there be those who insist on big breasts even if one has to alter them if they didn't pre-exist(see original post)? BTW, nothing wrong with big natural breasts.

Again, addressed to a Psychologist: why is the cult of big breasts so pre-dominant in North America that people will ignore implants as long as the breasts are huge?

And let's always keep in mind that I am talking Porn here, friend. I am not Seinfeld, I don't have an Elaine going around checking to see if "they" are real or not!

If I meet a nice woman (I've met her already and have been happily married for many years) what attracts me is the whole person, including her character and if "they" should be artificial or real would be the least of my concerns.

In Porn however I am trying to get across, with the help of my friends, to the North American Producers that most of us do prefer natural and that phony body parts are not required to get someone sexually excited.

Pudgy, aging and bald Messmer! Edited on Apr 05, 2009, 07:51pm

04-05-09  11:46am - 5740 days #48
messmer (0)
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exotics4me, looking at this thread and the various replies I don't see where anything degrading is being said about women. If anything, our praise of natural woman (most responses)is a compliment and a clear statement that we are happy to marry them, look at them or whatever, just as they are and that we don't understand this need to "enhance" something that in most eyes is perfect already.

What I cannot understand is that today's liberated woman would feel somehow inferior because she has been given smaller breasts, or that she would get an enhancement because her boyfriend, husband, porn producer is drooling over the thought of super breasts. THAT is degrading.

04-03-09  01:43pm - 5742 days #11
messmer (0)
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Mine would rate between 10 and 20. I just shovel everything into two external 500 GB drives. Videos in one and pictures into the other. But even that isn't a hard and fast rule because the video drive is starting to fill up a lot more quickly than the picture one, so lately I have even slapped some videos into the picture drive.

No organization, no labeling, no folders .. I like to surprise myself when I open my collection and pick something at random: "Gee, she's a doll and there I had forgotten all about her!" :-)

04-03-09  11:35am - 5742 days #29
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

What a lot of funny, great, hillarious, extreme inputs in this thread.
But back to messmers start:
No! "fondling bags of silicone" is NOT the answer to the attraction of fine breasts. Fetish or not - tits are also non-fetish - good breasts on a model has a lot to do with the attraction itself. Fake or natural.
BUT there is a lot of difference between models who do "oversized" and models who make a cute, fine, sensetive change - no matter what size you prefer.
Some of the finest (again euro-models) has made those ok-changes - whereas a lot of US-models seems to have that old "playboy-syndrome": the bigger, the better. It's certainly not all US-models, but guess the "problem" is more outspoken among those models...

I probably have all kinds of models in my collection that have made discrete, small corrections. If one doesn't notice them, that's fine. It's those Barbie super-boobs that tend to give lovers of natural women nightmares! :-)

04-03-09  09:56am - 5743 days #27
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Well, returning to the original topic, I suppose I can say I would. Several things point to this, not least of which is that I'm pretty sure a few of my porn DVDs indeed feature nothing but surgically augmented models. Secondly, I've joined the Brazzers Network and the vast majority of their content features augmented breasts.

I certainly can't say it is my preferred choice of model, but porn produced with said models can still be good fun. I sort of see it as a guilty pleasure - the Cheetos of porn if you will. Sure it is unsatisfying in the long term, but sometimes you have to marvel at sheer ridiculousness of it all.

I certainly have no interest in "fondling bags of silicone" but then again, I'm not exactly fondling these things. I'm at most watching them be fondled or more like watching them not move much while the attached model is being plowed by the woodsman of choice. Everything is overdone, fake and repetitive, but I still occasionally eat at McDonald's because it is fast, easy and gets the job done. Nothing to be proud of, really it is more of a sad fact.

I'm afraid I am not a detached observer when it comes to the ridiculous things porn stars do, like having balloons for breasts. I have never looked at porn as an amusement, something to chuckle over (well, I did in the case of "Deep Throat," but that was an exception and I was younger then), to me porn is serious business!

The moment I see silicone my sexual excitement meter plummets. :-) I don't watch videos with little people or folks completely wrapped in latex either, for the same reason. It's just too grotesque for my taste ... give me natural, un-pierced and free of tattoos any time.

But that's me ... and to add to my anguish, on top of a silicone fetish we now even have a smoking fetish, for Pete's sake!! And I haven't even started on the pantyhose fetish which to me is really incomprehensible because they are entirely too practical and single-handedly destroyed sex as we knew it because they did away with all those wonderful frilly garter belts and stockings and hopes of getting a glimpse of panties when the wind was right.

Okay, I am done now, thank you for letting me rave on and for lending me an ear! :-)

04-02-09  08:43am - 5744 days #15
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Just to continue on the theme of mutilation and alteration, (yes I know I've said this before) but to me those tattoos look like cancerous growths most of the time. So maybe those models with fake breasts and tattoos belong on some weird fetish site. I think I'll start one. Hmm...let's call it..."Brazzers." Brilliant. Sounds good. I bet no one has thought of that yet.

LOL. I'm willing to bet that you would be quite successful with a site like that. Talking about tattoos, man, they are getting bigger by the day: whole arms, whole legs. Body art, arghh, when the natural body of a woman is so beautiful!

04-02-09  08:40am - 5744 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Some people don't care whether the breasts are natural or implants.

Hugh Hefner (Playboy Magazine) likes large breasts, whether they are natural or not. You can infer that from the playmates the magazine chooses, as well as the girlfriends Hefner chooses.

Personally, I prefer natural to implants. Also I don't like huge, over-sized breasts that some people see as a turn-on.

I made the mistake of subscribing to the Playboy Channel once and unsubscribed very quickly because every model seemed to have large, unnatural looking breasts.

I think "Heff" has done a lot of damage because in an interview I watched the other day a porn star said that implants were a must if you wanted to reach the top in the business. Don't those guys who like artificial notice the scars or in the case of really bad jobs the actual outline of the silicone bags under the skin, or the way the porn stars have to hold on to their breasts during heavy action, lest they take flight because of the extra weight? :-)

04-02-09  08:32am - 5744 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

I'm a big fan of the Message Board/Forum at Freeones.com, because it is so heavily traffic'd that there is an immense amount of participation and every fetish under the sun talked about.

One of the most popular forum topics there for a long time has been "Plastic/Barbie Girls" - guys looking for the most man-made babes around. Those guys - and there's a lot of them - would be all over a DVD that advertised that it was all about great-looking fake boobs.

Now that is really disturbing, Pink Panther! Those guys must have played almost exclusively with Barbie Dolls when they were kids. It's the only explanation! :-)

04-01-09  07:42pm - 5744 days #7
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

More and more, it's getting to be a problem. There was a time when
the number of performers with bolt-on's was a tiny minority. That is not the case anymore. What's even worse is that those getting them weren't exactly sporting A & B cups in the first place but I've seen some C cups get bolt-on's.

I prefer small breast, but I've seen some natural C & D cups that were amazing looking. It doesn't matter if the doctor is a genius and the job he does is spotless. Fake breast almost always look like fake breast. Maybe somebody will one day invent an implant that can fool most men, but I rather doubt it. Possibly the biggest problem is that most performers don't get a minor size enlargement but get the equivalent of the Goodyear Blimp of breast implants.

I respect anyone's right to alter their body for whatever reason they may choose, but isn't it funny that once the bolt-ons appear that many other alterations follow. There are some performers that reappear and that I recognize only because of the name.

I think the best thing anyone can do in this situation is let our wallet do all the talking. If you don't like fake breast then do not buy the product. Sooner or later the sales of dvds that contain performers with large fake breast will simply fall off the charts.
As long as we buy the products then the trend will continue.

You said it all, Pat! Trouble is many people like those over-sized breasts and I've seen documentaries where husbands and boyfriends actually talked their loved ones into getting implants. It's THEIR minds I'd like to get into. And into the minds of the girls/women who think that this particular operation actually makes them more desirable.

04-01-09  06:37pm - 5744 days #5
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

For me, fake breast are a total turn off. I would rather no breasts at all than fake ones. If they are fake it is, to me, as though they have been cut off, and are no longer a thing of sexual interest or beauty. That's just me. There's no right or wrong on this. I don't think there's anything wrong with anyone who loves fake breasts, it's just I find them ugly, like a bad mutilation. The model can still be beautiful but, in my eyes, she has a mutilation.

I am starting to get the feeling that we think alike in many respects. Maybe it's my European background, there the big breasts fetish never really caught on. I know that on late night TV I turn off any scene instantly the moment one of those BIG stars starts taking down her top to reveal those artificial balloons. Another reason why I appreciate Anilos is because they will actually list which model has artificial breasts and which model is natural. Saves me a lot of download time.

04-01-09  06:28pm - 5744 days #4
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

To answer the question, I would still rent or watch a video with all fake boobs. The reason, I'm not a boob lover, little, big, fake, doesn't really matter to me.

You know me well enough on here to know that I like all-natural curvy glam models, but the fake boobs wouldn't stop me since I am indifferent to boobs.

A few models that have fake boobs that are in my favorites. One is Sandra Shine, most people do not know or realize that Sandra has implants, her boobs with implants look natural because the rest of her body fits them. Look her up sometime and see if you can tell she has implants.

The other is Heather Vandeven, hers are a bit more noticeable, but her implants only look to be B or C cup, she is slim and I would guess probably had A cups to start with. She is easily one of my favorites, probably my favorite American model.

Heather makes my point better than any implant model. Her newest sets with redhair, can see samples on freeones, she has beautiful hair, a pretty face, great eyes, long nice legs, small but cute butt. Her only con is the fake boobs, and since I'm not a boob lover, that doesn't even rank as a con for me.

Remember, there is more to beauty than boobs!

Edit: Forgot something, a few models, Zafira comes to mind, have recently had implants because of "uneven" breasts. So we could be talking about esteem issues that these women had before they even entered porn.

While I like nice breasts, hopefully with just a bit of a natural sag to them (you can tell I like mature), I don't like a model for her boobs nor am I particularly interested in them except as a part of the whole picture, but those artificial looking cones stuck on the chest practically draw your eyes to them and take away from the beauty of the whole person.

I agree that there might be some who had a marvelous job done with their breasts but this latest release brags about the big breasts on the models and those usually look over-inflated, to a point where the nipples have been completely flattened out. I'd rather have a look at an a-cup than something that bizarre.

04-01-09  03:20pm - 5744 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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I can't believe it, Fifth Element actually offers a DVD called 100% "Made In Beverley Hills" referring to the false breasts of every single one of the models.

Videosz, releasing this abomination today, boldly states: "When you love big boobs this much, who gives a shit if they're real?"

My question is: Is there anyone in this forum who could honestly say they would buy/rent a video where all the models' breasts are fake? And if you would, why would you?

What the heck is the attraction when it comes to watching or fondling bags of silicone implanted under the skin. Is there now a silicone fetish I'm not aware of? :-)

03-31-09  07:14pm - 5745 days #15
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Hi messmer. I found this free application (see link) that will convert "wmv" and other formats to avi(divx). It's not the fastest thing on the planet but it is free. Then as long as you have a divx compatible dvd player than you are home free.

Thanks, Pat. At the moment I am trying out Riffy's suggestion and won't know for some time if I'm going to be successful with burning and playing wmv on my Video Player. Thanks for the link, you gave me an option if things don't work out!

03-31-09  05:57pm - 5745 days #12
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Riffy:

The Windows DVD Maker that comes bundled with Vista is fine with WMV files (and makes a good image too depending on the original of course) but doesn't like MPEG at all. It converts the WMV to a VOB anyways but mine does not like those MPEGs.

Thanks for that info, Riffy. I have tons of WMV files on my hard drive and find that they are generally crisper than AVI
so I would be delighted if my DVD Maker could handle them. Most mpg files I wouldn't burn to a disk because the quality is usually not so great.

03-31-09  05:52pm - 5745 days #11
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by james4096:

I don't know of any DVD players that play wmv or mpg files. Typically they play DVD's, CD's mp3's, divx and jpg. Check the specs on your dvd. I really doubt it.

The disc you recorded with the divx files worked though?

Thanks, James. The DVD worked beautifully on my TV through a Samsung DVD player. I have Vista Premium as an O/S and when I popped in a blank DVD-R disk it opened the WMV player and I thought that, just for the fun of it, I would attempt to burn my first DVD ... ever.

Someone had mentioned (Here?) that AVI (DVX) files played on regular DVD players so that was my format of choice for the test. I am really surprised because the program even created a menu for the clips I had burned.

03-31-09  02:38pm - 5745 days #7
messmer (0)
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I just discovered that you can burn a DVD from files you have downloaded from the Internet. All right, call me stupid but it never occurred to me before for reasons mentioned above: I don't like the idea of porn DVDs kicking around for everyone to find. But it was fascinating nevertheless to be able to look at some of the stuff on my hard drive on a bigger screen TV. Nice picture, too.

One question: the files I combined for my first attempt were all in avi(dvx)format, downloaded from Videosz. If I burn a DVD made up of wmv and mpg files do they work as well with the average DVD Player?

03-21-09  03:03pm - 5755 days #35
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I grew up watching a lot of TV shows and the one thing that was common to most of them was a code that said: We will not kill our charaters.

In Star Trek you always knew it was going to be the new guy who was going to be killed. Didn't they make fun of that in "Galaxy Quest?"

03-17-09  10:55am - 5759 days #21
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Star-Gate was OK. They spent way too many season dealing with the whole Bael thing. I can watch it but it's just OK. The spin offs are just more of the same. Again it's pretty politically correct and you don't see many charred bodies for all the shooting they do. I believe they have a new Star-Gate series coming out this year; can't quite recall on that one.

But that's the attraction of shows like that, wittyguy. No guts and charred bodies. It's cartoon violence, just like most James Bond movies, and allows you to enjoy the action without being disturbed by all the gore. I don't look for emotionally draining (I swear this is the last season I watch "24"), I look for escape FROM the real violence seen on the daily newscasts.

03-16-09  07:58pm - 5760 days #15
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Messmer. The idea of them speaking Earth languages is easily explained with the knowledge that they originated on Earth. The trouble is why do the speak English. It would be more sensible for them to speak Egyptian. Perhaps the "Gods" decided they like the English language better and forced most worlds to learn it. I guess that will have to settle my curiosity for now.

I like these type of shows because they allow us to imagine nearly anything. We can be anywhere at anytime. What true fan has not fantasized about commanding their own ship and battling evil aliens...and of course securing the huge breasted alien babe at the end!?!?

In the original Stargate movie they did have problems communicating with the natives but when the series came out I guess somebody decided that all the subtitles and all the interpreting would take away from the action (and I agree) so they settled on modern English, never mind the incongruity of it all. :-) At first I thought that maybe SG1 should be equipped with little electronic translators but that would have been just as far fetched seeing that the original Egyptian on each planet would have evolved in a different way. There were all kinds of inconsistencies throughout the whole series but I always closed my eyes to them and just enjoyed! Long live fantasy in Porn and SF!

03-16-09  02:31pm - 5760 days #10
messmer (0)
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Is every Porn User an incurable escapist? Is Porn the ultimate escape from stress and therefore attracts so many who enjoy escapist fare?

I enjoyed every version of Star Trek except for Deep Space 9 (which seemed too stationary for my taste). We are fanatics when it comes to Stargate SG-1. We have every episode and have watched them more than once over the years. We always marvel how the team steps through the Gate onto an alien planet and communicates without a problem in modern (North American) English with the "natives" who were dropped off as slaves thousands of years earlier.

Ah, well, just like in Porn you have to suspend disbelief once in a while in order to enjoy!

03-14-09  07:20pm - 5762 days #10
messmer (0)
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I gave up on the usenet recently because it has turned into a mire of spam. But I am grateful to the usenet of old that led me to quite a few pay sites.

Posters (maybe from the sites themselves?) would publish some tempting picture sets and I couldn't resist subscribing in order to get the rest of the sets that contained models I liked. So, it's a mixed bag, technically some of it may be "piracy" but much of it will act as a tempting advertisement for a pay site. Weighing the pros and cons I don't think they have anything to complain about.

03-11-09  04:11pm - 5765 days #11
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

There stuff is still 480 at Videobox. So no, there is nothing at is 1080 or anything in that range. It is still the same as it was coming off the DVD. I will venture to say that the newer stuff does look pretty nice, but they are limited by the origonal quality.

Thanks, badandy!

03-11-09  04:10pm - 5765 days #10
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by user2000:

I'm not sure what your definition of HD is, but Videobox have recently doubled a lot of their 30min stuff to 1 or 1.2Gb, not that I'd say is was especially needed for ordinary viewing.

Thanks for the answer. I think I misunderstood what badandy wrote. When he mentioned files being 1.5 Gigs in size and that he downloaded them at Videobox daily, I automatically assumed they were HD which is, for me, either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 (FTV, ITC quality).

03-10-09  02:11pm - 5766 days #6
messmer (0)
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Just a quick question, badandy, are Videobox now offering videos in HD? I'd rejoin in a minute!

03-07-09  02:25pm - 5769 days #3
messmer (0)
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Since most of us subscribe to different sites I would be willing to bet that the indiscretion lies with a billing company. I've even been getting spam containing my correct middle name, something I only tell the credit card processor.

02-28-09  03:41pm - 5776 days #15
messmer (0)
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I am just happy that after eight teeth gritting, apoplectic, head-shaking years I can once again like the U.S. Hooray!

02-23-09  11:48am - 5781 days #16
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Another take is the situation where the woman is in control. Not BDSM or CFNM but where the women takes the iniator position. Again, sometimes done but rarely done well.

That happens all the time in MILF territory. The poor, over-the-hill forty, fifty year old is so desperate for a bit of sex that she practically rapes the repairman, meter reader, landlord, pizza delivery guy. In this case I wish the younger men would be more in control and the "older" women a bit more reluctant at first. :-)

02-22-09  01:04pm - 5782 days #12
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Originally Posted by Denner:

What I look for is the more "erotic" than the fucking here and now - better foreplay, longer foreplay with strip and tease - and above all the model showing off in full figure for a longer part of the video...before the act...

Okay, Drooler, Denner's is an eminently sensible suggestion. It isn't new but most of us have bemoaned the fact that eroticism has practically disappeared in favor of "the money shot" and I would gladly subscribe to a site that is willing to return to Denner's and my ideal. :-) I would also like to expand your "Shut the fuck up" idea and apply it to all those over the top moans coming from the female models. Was there ever a time where it turned you on to hear all those nasal: Oh, yeah! Oh, God's" coming from those fakers .. me neither. So, to both parties involved: a little moan will do. Don't mind us if we don't come up with any new sensational ideas. Sometimes the old ways are best!

02-21-09  12:11pm - 5783 days #12
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Originally Posted by Khan:

Yes, if they gave a reason, then the no trust rating remains. Anon or not makes absolutely no difference.

We usually encourage users to give *good* reasons when they assign a no trust rating, however, for the most part, we take a "hands off" approach here. To do otherwise would end up with us censoring trust ratings.

Unfortunately, a fair number of users assign a Trust Rating based on a particular review w/out mentioning which review it was.

Fair enough, thanks!

02-21-09  10:40am - 5783 days #6
messmer (0)
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When it comes to hardcore I would suggest we do away with the tattoo covered muscle men and the many scenes where men have to artificially stimulate themselves in order to keep it up and switch to pure lesbian hardcore with only women directing the shoot. :-) One added benefit, no more of that stupid macho talk at the beginning of every scene.

02-21-09  10:31am - 5783 days #10
messmer (0)
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One more question, Khan. Does a comment like "not a good review" count if it is anonymous and does not even refer to the review being questioned?

That one has rankled since I joined this illustrious group because it gave me no way to defend my effort. That particular "no trust" just left me with the impression that someone was being hateful for no good reason except that I had probably panned one of his favorite sites.

02-21-09  10:12am - 5783 days #8
messmer (0)
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Great decision, thanks, Khan!

02-13-09  06:14pm - 5791 days #15
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Whenever the subject of sexual orientation comes up I just tell people that I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body ;)

Isn't it funny, I was tempted to write exactly that a few replies earlier! :-)

02-13-09  06:13pm - 5791 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Too late Messmer - now we all know you're gay. No good denying it.

Don't let my wife see this! :-)

02-13-09  07:00am - 5792 days #10
messmer (0)
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Sorry, guys. Five minutes after I wrote this post I came down with the flu/cold and this is the first time I've been back on the 'puter. Interesting views, all. My views are best reflected in those of turboshaft and, no, jd no latent homosexuality present here. I've lived long enough to be pretty certain of that! Latent lesbianism, definitely because I love women and that's all I want to see! :-)

02-11-09  10:17am - 5793 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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This is asked from curiosity and not from a desire to offend those of you who enjoy b/g hardcore.

Some of you might look incredulous, some might say, is he off his rocker, that's what porn is all about, but I am really serious. I don't understand the love for b/g scenes.

I invariably go for female solo, strip or masturbation, or both. I can be very interested in Lesbian material (unless they are sucking on fake penises) but I honestly, truly, do not understand the liking for boy/girl scenes, seeing that the "boy" has the same equipment I have (well, maybe a bit larger) and most b/g scenes will invariably focus for the larger part of a scene on close-ups of the above mentioned equipment.

Some dislike POV almost as intensely as I do when it comes to b/g scenes but I think POV is a far more rational approach to porn than the other way because it allows you to put yourself into the scene and dream a bit. So I understand that.

Yes, I've read complaints about all the mindless talking in some of the videos and agree. I despise over-acting as well, but my biggest complaint at the moment (seeing that a bargain video site was my only viable financial option this month) is the fact that I have the choice of a never ending supply of videos with "stars" that are all doing the same thing.

So, the question, asked from honest curiosity: what is it that makes b/g videos so attractive to those of you who like them? Is it the fact that you are collecting porn stars and they all do it? Is it a certain act within the genre? BJ, DP etc. and you can't get enough of it?

What makes some of you clamor for more b/g contents in sites? I really would like to know! And I won't make an argument pro or con out of it. I did that already above to a certain degree, didn't I, but basically I just want to know why, if it can be explained at all. Thanks.

02-01-09  10:01am - 5803 days #8
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Originally Posted by pat362:

.... what is needed to film a good scene:

A makeup artist, clothes for all performers (these must include underwear as well as outer wear), dialogue, actual
set (sofa, bed and side of pool don't count), lighting, professional videographer, good director, proper editing and chemistry between the players.

Sigh .. my dream!

01-31-09  12:02pm - 5804 days #4
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

What are your thoughts on the contemporary American porn scene?

I was browsing through TBP's listings, and it seems to me that all American porn has been reduced to what I call Circus Sex. Crazy, fast and nasty. The guys act like sex offenders who escaped from State prison yesterday, the girls like the cheapest street corner hooker. The sex positions are ugly and all exactly the same...like a freak show. Lots of spitting, hands in the girl's mouth, stepping on her face, stretching her butthole so wide that a truck could drive through, the slapping, the gagging, the bile. The endless shots of men playing with themselves furiously like some pervert behind the bushes. Quite frankly, the girls are mostly unnatractive, even ugly, what with their multiple tattoos and piercings and terrible hair styles.

WTF is up with this? Who is demanding the uglification of sex? Why are these companies giving us all this "zoo" sex? To whom is it being targeted?

I've looked at porn for a long time, and American porn used to be the cream of the crop. Now it's just so much bargain bin crap, IMO.

Many people (according to The Squirrel) might agree with you but just as many have complained about the cookie cutter quality of the porn found on most sites and I think that is what is behind the escalation to the brutal, the bizarre, the degrading.

With the average porn user a certain de-sensitization process takes place. At first he is content with sweet and light but after a while that gets boring and he wants something "rawer", the sites oblige until he gets tired of that as well and eventually they end up offering degrading and bizarre.

It is almost like drugs: for the steady user it takes more and more to get the same effect after a while. I have not yet turned to the sites that specialize in the things you mention (I stray into them on occasion because they are part of a net) because I dislike them as much as you do, but I am constantly looking for something, anything, different that is not degrading to the models, because I am tired of glamor and photoshop, eg. five years ago I loved anything published by ATK, now I find the sites ho-hum except for a few favorite models that publish now and then.

I've talked about the "boredom factor" more than once in this forum and in reviews and comments. And I believe it's real.

01-29-09  06:15pm - 5806 days #17
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I think that everything you said about Vivid is so true. If it weren't for the cable rights. I don't think Vivid would be where they are today. I can't completely crap on Vivid because they have produced some good stuff over the years. I just wish that they would better use their talent.

I hadn't even heard of "Vivid" until TMN started to show their movies on late night cable. What a bunch of utter, monotonous, over-acted garbage, showing the same porn actors over and over again. After having sampled a few of their videos I now click my way past the channel as quickly as possible.

01-27-09  01:22pm - 5808 days #4
messmer (0)
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I use a pre-paid credit card with a very low balance that I replenish every month from my checking account if I subscribed to a few sites in the meantime. All my transactions have worked flawlessly. And I feel secure because all a potential crook/hacker would get would be about $ 150.00.

01-26-09  06:49pm - 5809 days #4
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

It seems they are doing the opposite and raising the prices. Not long ago the normal price for a membership was about $20 and not $30 is an everyday thing. Basically what is happening is they are seeing a 20% drop in volume so they raise they raise the price accordingly.

It would be nice to see prices drop but I do not see it happening. Raising is a possibility.

Fortunately I do not believe it will ever go away though. Thee will always be porn being made. After all, food, drugs, and sex are the three things guaranteed to be in demand at all times.

Our food prices have been going through the roof which would support your argument. Also wasn't there someone in this group who said jokingly if it comes to choose between food and porn, he'll pick porn? :-) Maybe the producers of porn know that!

I too was hoping to see reductions and special deals .. ah, well, one can always dream!

01-26-09  06:22pm - 5809 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

I noticed I had not heard much from Cybertoad, but I had no idea about Willy. Damn that sucks, I liked those guys.

Not sure why they would high tail it though, this place is free. Perhaps their "old ladies" found out and were less than approving, but who knows.

Anyway, I hope to see no more casualties from the regulars here.

I keep wondering if it could have been me when it comes to Willy. He highly recommended an amateur site in a comment and, against my better judgment, I subscribed to it even though I had sworn to myself never to do that with a site that didn't zip their pictures. I found the site really bad and he took it to heart, having recommended it so enthusiastically.

I tried to put his mind at ease by telling him not to apologize or feel badly about it, that everyone's taste was different, but who knows .. maybe he realized that reviews or comments by friends whose taste you trust could lead to a loss of money on their part because here was one time where our tastes were really on different tracks.

There were no hard feelings on either part, but, who knows? He does have a kind heart and might have brooded about it. I really hope I am wrong on this.

01-26-09  02:56pm - 5809 days #10
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Originally Posted by Khan:

There is no penalty for re-enabling one's account. It's a simple matter of writing us and having the account switched back to active. All former points, badges, remarks and even Trust Ratings are returned.

Hope that helps.

Sure does help. Thanks, Khan.

01-26-09  12:27pm - 5809 days #7
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Sorry that WeeWillyWinky has disabled his account. Hoping to see him back here soon.

Is there any way to send him an email, just wishing him well?

I just noticed that I misspelled www's handle, but my affection for the guy is real and I hope he'll be back soon. He's a real gentleman.

BTW, (addressed to Khan), if someone should disable their account and then come back would there be any penalty or do they start (point wise) where they left off? Probably somewhere in the FAQs but the question occurred to me only a second ago as I was typing this so forgive me for not digging a bit deeper for more info on prodigal sons (or daughters).

01-26-09  10:56am - 5809 days #3
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

We haven't heard anything from him. He just decided to disable his acc't last Friday. Like you, we're sorry to see him go and hope he'll be back before too long.

Amen to that, Khan, if one can say that in a PU forum!

01-26-09  09:02am - 5810 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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My buddy WeeWillieWinkie is disabled. He and I shared so much when it comes to taste in porn that I will really miss him and his opinions. Nice guy! Come back Willie! Anyone know why he left?

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