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Post History:
LKLK (0)
1551-1583 of 1583 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 9 | 16 | 23 | 31 | Page 32 |
08-23-19 10:09am - 1965 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
FBI takes down Nigerian fraudsters in $46M case The Associated Press STEFANIE DAZIO Aug 23rd 2019 10:38AM LOS ANGELES (AP) — The relationship between a Japanese woman and a U.S. Army captain stationed in Syria started online, through an international social network for digital pen pals. It grew into an internet romance over 10 months of daily emails. It ended with the woman $200,000 poorer and on the verge of bankruptcy after borrowing money from her sister, ex-husband and friends to help Capt. Terry Garcia with his plan to smuggle diamonds out of Syria. In reality, there were no diamonds and there was no Garcia — they were part of an elaborate scam hatched by an international ring of cyber thieves operating mainly out of Los Angeles and Nigeria. Federal authorities cited the case of the Japanese woman, known only as "F.K." in court papers, on Thursday when they announced an indictment charging 80 people with stealing at least $46 million through various schemes that targeted businesses, the elderly and anyone susceptible to a romance scam. Most of the defendants are Nigerians. "We believe this is one of the largest cases of its kind in U.S. history," U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna told a news conference. "We are taking a major step to disrupt these criminal networks." The investigation began in 2016 with a single bank account and one victim, said Paul Delacourt, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office. It grew to encompass victims who were targeted in the U.S. and around the world, some of whom like the Japanese woman lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. "F.K. was and is extremely depressed and angry about these losses," the federal complaint states. "She began crying when discussing the way that these losses have affected her." Her relationship began innocently in March 2016 with an email but soon "Garcia" made "romantic overtures," according to federal authorities. He told her they couldn't talk by phone because he wasn't allowed to use one in Syria. So a stream of emails went back and worth, with her using Google to translate his English into her Japanese. A month into the relationship, Garcia told her he'd found a bag of diamonds in Syria and he began introducing her to his associates, starting with a Red Cross representative who told her Garcia had been injured but had given him the box. F.K. ultimately made 35 to 40 payments, receiving as many as 10 to 15 emails a day directing her to send money to accounts in the U.S., Turkey and the United Kingdom through the captain's many purported associates. The fraudsters even threatened her with arrest if she did not continue to pay and at one point she traveled to Los Angeles because she was told a Russian bank manager had embezzled more than $33,000 of her funds. Authorities arrested 14 defendants Thursday, mostly in the Los Angeles area. FBI agents could be seen processing suspects in a downtown Los Angeles parking lot before they were arraigned in federal court. It was not immediately known if they had attorneys who could speak on their behalf. Two suspects were previously in custody and a few others were arrested earlier this week. Hanna said he hoped to be able to work with foreign governments to extradite the remaining defendants. They all face charges of conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to launder money, and aggravated identity theft, and some are charged with additional offenses for alleged fraud and money laundering. | |
08-22-19 09:13am - 1966 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
I didn't know Tarantino got married. And now he's expecting his first child? Maybe his next movie will be how his wife gives birth and the newborn baby becomes leader of the world at the age of 6. With prominent figures throughout the world singing praises to the new world leader. Will it be Tarantino's first horror movie? Or his next SF movie? Or his next ????? movie? Enquiring minds want to know. | |
08-22-19 05:21am - 1967 days | #96 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
I've got another great suggestion. mbaya was apparently disappointed that I submitted my last review on A Girl Knows less than 6 months after I submitted a review on the same site. The first review was submitted on 02-25-19. The second review was submitted on 08-21-19. Why not withdraw the review, and I can re-submit it on August 27, which should satisfy the 6 month period? Then we can all make nice, and still remain friends. | |
08-22-19 12:54am - 1967 days | #95 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
I've got a great suggestion: How about a new thread, where members and PU staff vote on the best review of the month. The prize could be the first place prize ($100) awarded in the end of the month raffle. Also, to make things even more interesting, members and PU staff could nominate and vote on the the reviews that won a prize, but were not worthwhile entries, in their opinion. Just a thought. | |
08-22-19 12:36am - 1967 days | #94 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the date of my earlier review. If Freddie wants, she can send the next time I win an eligible review raffle prize to some other alias Whatever, is fine with me. My latest review of A Girl Knows, posted 2019-08-21, was posted 4 days short of 6 months from my earlier review. So as I already wrote in a reply to mbaya, Freddie can mark the review as ineligible for this week's raffle, or count it towards next week's raffle. Or, as I suggested, she can take the next time I win an eligible prize, and give it to some other alias. Whatever. On the other hand, if you're invested in applying the rules in iron, you can change the software about the 6-month exclusion. Because on a practical basis, there is no 6-month exclusion, but a 12-month exclusion. The rules state a site is eligible for re-review after 6 months. But the site software does not allow a new review to be posted until 12 months have passed from the earlier review. This applies to members who have tried to post a re-review after 6 months has passed, but failed, because the site brings up a page stating that 6 months are required for a re-review. So it normally takes 12 months before a re-review can be submitted, because of some site software error, which does not recognize that 6 months have passed from the earlier review, until 12 months have passed. | |
08-21-19 03:24pm - 1967 days | #6 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
There have been studies that show that young American adults and teens are having less sex than previous generations. However, that is different from porn viewing. Porn viewing in many coutries throughout the world is still increasing. So less sexual activity of modern young Americans, but they are still interested in porn. (I'm classifying viewing porn as different from engaging in physical sex with a partner). (But some people could throw viewing porn as part of sexual activity.) | |
08-19-19 08:29pm - 1969 days | #3 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Happy 16th Birthday, RabbitsReview! Either that site is down, or your announcement has overloaded the site with too many requests for the site server to handle. LOL. | |
08-19-19 08:24pm - 1969 days | #3 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
If you use a gift card to pay for a porn membership, they discount the value of the card. So if you can use the gift card at the issuer's site/place, you get a better return on the value of the card. Pre-paid cards are fine to avoid false charges from some porn sites. But many pre-paid card have fees that make them expensive to use. But I've read that there are some pre-paid cards that don't have fees, or very low fees. External storage is the way to go, especially with hard drive prices dropping all the time. | |
08-15-19 09:57pm - 1973 days | #1456 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Donald Trump is trying to buy Greenland. The reason: he thinks Greenland is green, his favorite color (US dollars are greenbacks). Also, if Trump is impeached, he thinks he will be safer in Greenland, since the extradition laws are unclear about extraditing criminals from Greenland to the US. (Trump is seriously worried about being impeached, or going to jail or prison: Would Trump be safe in jail or prison: he would prefer living in Greenland, where he plans on opening a huge golf course.) ----- ----- Trump's Green New Deal: President reportedly considering buying Greenland NBC News Dareh Gregorian Aug 15th 2019 7:05PM This land is your land, this land is ... Greenland? President Donald Trump has on multiple occasions discussed trying to buy the country of Greenland, the Wall Street Journal reported. Trump has with "varying degrees of seriousness" expressed an interest in trying to purchase the icy 811,000 square mile island in the North Atlantic, according to the Journal, citing unnamed sources familiar with the deliberations. Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory. Trump reportedly told advisers in one exchange last spring he'd heard that Denmark was having financial problems because of the subsidies it pays to Greenland, and wondered if he should buy it. "What do you guys think about?" Trump asked the room, a source told the Journal. "Do you think it would work?" It's unclear what the price tag for the country would be, or whether Denmark would consider selling it. Officials with the Denmark's Royal House and the Danish embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to the Journal's request for comment on the talks. Trump is scheduled to visit Denmark in September. The United States has previously tried to buy the strategically located country, which has a population of just over 50,000. President Harry S. Truman offered to purchase it for $100 million in 1946, but Denmark declined the offer, the Journal noted, adding the U.S. had also looked into acquiring the country back in 1867. Technically a part of North America, Greenland is located between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, between Canada and Europe. The U.S. has an air base there, which is a part of the country's state-of-the-art ballistic missile early warning system and satellite tracking system. | |
08-15-19 01:58pm - 1973 days | #1455 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Epstein investigation expands, with stakes high for all Yahoo News Alexander Nazaryan Aug 15th 2019 3:43PM WASHINGTON — Just hours after sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein was found hanged in his lower Manhattan prison cell, the federal government began an investigation into how he managed to kill himself after a failed attempt in late July. At the very beginning, that investigation was led by the inspector general of the Department of Justice — which oversees the Bureau of Prisons, in whose custody Epstein died — and the FBI. In the days since, the investigation into Epstein’s death has expanded to include several more federal entities in both Washington and New York, suggesting that Attorney General William Barr is aware his reputation is tethered to the resolution of the Epstein affair. An official at the Department of Justice who spoke only on the condition of anonymity told Yahoo News that aside from the Justice Department inspector general and the FBI, the investigation into Epstein’s suicide now also includes the Southern District of New York (the federal court in which Epstein would have faced trial), Main Justice (that is, the department’s Washington headquarters), a Bureau of Prisons after-actions team and Bureau of Prisons psychiatric staff equipped to deal with suicide. The Department of Justice official would not say how long the investigation would take or whether investigators are under pressure to conclude their work quickly. The outcome of that investigation could have significant implications for both the Epstein case and the federal prison system at large. Epstein’s death is only the latest of a string of abuses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC), which has been troubled as long as it has been open. His death comes only months after the Metropolitan Detention Center — another federal prison in New York, this one in the borough of Brooklyn — lost heat and light in the midst of a brutally cold spell of winter. The outage lasted for days, leading to prisoner protests. So far, much of the blame for Epstein’s death has been focused on two guards at the MCC. Reports have indicated that they may have been sleeping when they were supposed to be monitoring him and other inmates. Eric Young, president of a union for federal prison workers, told Yahoo News that placing the blame on those guards would be misguided. He speculated that they were “probably overworked and fatigued” and said that overall, corrections officers in federal prisons were underpaid and exhausted. Young said that corrections officers were already the “black sheep” of the federal law enforcement apparatus, adding that many of his union members were “very scared” Barr would ultimately blame them for Epstein’s death. Doing so, Young argued, would only betray how little most people understand the difficulties corrections officers face, including psychological duress and fears of assault from inmates. “We were trying to protect him,” said Young, bristling at the criticism that has been leveled at correctional officers since Epstein’s death. “You want to Monday-morning-quarterback us when we fall short?” the union president asked. If he is frustrated, Epstein’s victims — underage women he allegedly trafficked to his friends and associates — are significantly more so. “We’ve worked so hard to get here, and he stole that from us too,” one of those accusers, Virginia Giuffre, told the New York Times. Barr has vowed to pursue any accomplices who helped Epstein in his exploitation of young girls as sex slaves. That accounting will have to come as Barr struggles to explain how Epstein himself managed to evade justice by taking his own life. Among those eager for resolution is Alan Dershowitz, the former Harvard Law School professor who represented Epstein. Giuffre, a prominent Epstein accuser, said she had sex with Dershowitz as well. Dershowitz has forcefully denied any improper involvement with Epstein as well as sexual contact with Giuffre. “I am happy to have the investigation go forward,” Dershowitz told Yahoo News on Wednesday, referring apparently not to Epstein’s death but to the alleged activities that brought him to a lower Manhattan detention center in the first place. Dershowitz said he was confident that such an investigation would exculpate “those who’ve been falsely accused.” Dershowitz, who met Epstein in 1996 and was close to him in the years that followed, said he was surprised that Epstein killed himself. “I’m not surprised that Epstein tried,” Dershowitz elaborated. “I am only surprised that he succeeded.” | |
08-14-19 11:18pm - 1974 days | #2 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
From the article on Bella Thorne directing an adult video: https://avn.com/business/articles/video/...director-842363.html "That Thorne would tackle a sexually explicit production as her directorial debut may not be entirely surprising. Since her Disney Channel days, Thorne has not shied away from controversial revelations, coming out as bisexual three years ago, and earlier this year, disclosing that she had suffered repeated incidences of sexual abuse since she started as a professional child model at the age of six." Is there anyone who has not suffered sexual abuse as a child? That's the most common complaint movie people report, to support their emotional problems. Child abuse, whether sexual or not, seems to be part of the normal human condition. | |
08-13-19 05:29pm - 1975 days | #91 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Thanks to Freddie and the PU staff for my raffle win. I will be looking over Amazon to see what's on sale. Can you send Amazon a note telling them to have Black Thursday made into a weekly event? PU veteran LKLK. Signing off. | |
08-12-19 08:53am - 1976 days | #1454 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Trump stands firm with polluters and big corporations who will destroy the environment in the name of profits. Trump tramples the rights of future generations to preserve America. Trump is a lying piece of shit. ------------- Trump just ripped apart the Endangered Species Act. And the Center will sue to stop him. Your donation now to the Endangered Species Act Protection Fund will help us win. Just minutes ago Trump and his Department of the Interior released their final plan to eviscerate the Act, the law that protects wolves, bears, sea turtles, birds and more than 1,700 species across the country. But now Trump has weakened the law so much that corporate polluters will be able to bulldoze, mine, drill, log and destroy some of the last remaining habitat for polar bears, monarch butterflies, whooping cranes and so many others. It's exactly the kind of giveaway that corporate, anti-wildlife forces have been after for years — and it comes right as the extinction crisis reaches the point of no return. We've been battling right-wingers' attempts to destroy the Endangered Species Act for decades, but we've never seen anything like what Trump's administration did today. | |
08-11-19 01:37pm - 1977 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Also, Bernie promised to reveal the truth about Donald Trump: Trump is an alien who is a false President. Trump was born outside of Earth, so Trump was never qualified to become President. But false documents (Trump is a master of false documents) fooled people into voting for Trump. So foolish people voted for the alien Trump, who became President of the United States. ---------- Rolling Stone August 11, 2019 12:01PM ET If Elected, Bernie Sanders Will Reveal What the Government Knows About Aliens “My wife would demand that I tell you,” the candidate said By Peter Wade Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), during an interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast this week, promised the host that he would expose what the government may know about aliens because his wife Jane would insist he do so. Rogan asked how a possible future President Sanders would handle what some might consider sensitive information: “If you found out something about aliens. If you found out something about UFOs, would you let us know?” “Well, I’ll tell you, my wife would demand that I tell you,” Sanders replied with a laugh. Rogan then asked if Sanders’ wife was a “UFO nut”? Sanders said, “No, she is not a UFO nut.” But, Sanders added, she has raised the topic and has asked, “What is going on? And whether he has “access to records.” Rogan followed up and asked Sanders if he did have access to any UFO-related records and Sanders replied, “I don’t. Honestly, I don’t.” Rogan then asked, “You’ll let us know?” Sanders replied, “Alright.” And then promised, if elected, that he’d “announce [any findings] on [Rogan’s] show.” In May, the subject of UFOs made news when reports surfaced that Navy pilots had relayed information to higher ups about seeing strange objects in the skies in 2014 and 2015. | |
08-10-19 10:34am - 1978 days | #1453 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Donald Trump's administration reveals the truth: Hilary Clinton was behind the suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier who was in prison on sex charges. Everyone knows that Bill Clinton is a sex fiend. And that his wife supports Bill's sex crimes. That's why Donald Trump is such a moral man, who is leading America to become great again, in spite of the hateful, evil legacy of Bill Clinton and Obama that is dragging down many Americans. -------- -------- August 10, 2019 11:50AM ET Trump Official Promotes Clinton Conspiracy Theory About Epstein’s Death Lynne Patton has repeatedly stirred up controversy since joining the federal government By Andy Kroll & Peter Wade Lynne Patton, who works in the Trump administration at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, shared a conspiracy theory on Instagram regarding Jeffrey Epstein's death. WASHINGTON — A Trump administration official and friend of the Trump family promoted a conspiracy theory about the apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier and friend to the powerful who was in jail facing charges of federal sex trafficking. Lynne Patton, who works at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, posted a screenshot of a news story about Epstein’s reported suicide. In the caption Patton wrote, “Hillary’d!!” suggesting that Hillary Clinton had played a role in Epstein’s death. Patton also added the hashtag “#VinceFosterPartTwo” which refers to a long-running and baseless conspiracy theory about the tragic suicide of a former lawyer in Bill Clinton’s White House named Vince Foster. HUD did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Related Jeffrey Epstein & The Clintons A Jeffrey Epstein-Clinton Conspiracy Theory Was Trending — And That's a Problem Who Is British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's Longtime Partner? Here is Patton’s Instagram post: Lynne Patton's Instagram post Patton earned nearly $162,000 in 2017 as an administrator overseeing one of the largest regional offices at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Before joining the Trump administration, she worked as a senior adviser and liaison on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign; before that she worked for eight years as a vice president at Eric Trump’s foundation and as a “senior aide” to the Trump family, according to her LinkedIn profile. Patton has repeatedly stirred up controversy since joining the federal government, where of course her six-figure salary is paid for by American taxpayers. Most recently, in May, Patton said she shared on both her personal and government Twitter accounts a message that was supportive of her boss, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, and critical Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). “Just retweeted this amazing tweet from both of my Twitter accounts – professional and personal,” Patton wrote on Facebook. She said that sharing the tweet from her official government “may be a Hatch Act violation” which prohibits federal employees “from engaging in partisan political activity.” “Either way,” Patton wrote, “I honestly don’t care anymore.” And in 2018, she shared a meme that accused CNN anchor Anderson Cooper of exaggerating the amount of flooding Texas experienced during Hurricane Ike in 2008. “You know it’s sad when even the WEATHER is #FakeNews,” she wrote. “🤬 #StayWokeMyFriends.” Patton gained notoriety when Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had her stand behind him at a congressional hearing to refute former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s testimony that the president “is a racist.” Meadows said, “I asked Lynne to come today in her personal capacity to actually shed some light. She says that as a daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Ala., that there is no way that she would work for an individual who was racist.” The move drew criticism from Democrats including Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) who said Meadows used Patton as “a prop.” She also signed an agreement in March to appear on a reality show about Black Republicans that was in early development, saying she had permission from the Trump family. “Look, they know I tend to put my foot in my mouth,” Patton said. “They were a little concerned that maybe with some alcohol I might be a little too freewheeling on a show like this … But they were very supportive.” Patton posts memes frequently on her Instagram account attacking Democrats and praising Trump. But her most recent post accusing the Clintons of involvement in Epstein’s death is particularly egregious, especially for a Trump administration official. | |
08-09-19 06:11am - 1980 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Does this mean Disney is abandoning one of their biggest money-maker themes of all time? Of course not. Just more misleading advertising shit, to pump up the excitement and get everyone into theaters to pay for the latest episode of Star Wars. Don't worry, suckers. There will be plenty more Star Wars movies coming in the future, as Disney continues to crank out more pieces of commercial junk. Dracula, where are you when we need a hero to save us from Disney's treacle? Was Dracula transformed into a light-emitting creature of love who settled down with Kristen Stewart in marital bliss? | |
08-08-19 10:08am - 1980 days | #1452 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Trump, the man of the people. Stands up for the rights of convicted criminals everywhere. Says he is seriously thinking of pardoning Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor convicted of federal corruption charges that included efforts to sell former President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat. Trump says Rod was treated very unfairly. The ex-governor, who is now in prison for taking bribes, was only trying to make money, which is the same thing Trump tries to do. ----- ----- Trump 'thinking very seriously' about commuting prison sentence for Rod Blagojevich David Jackson 4 hrs ago WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump says he may commute the prison sentence of Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois governor convicted of federal corruption charges that included efforts to sell former President Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat. Noting that Blagojevich was once a guest on his television program, "The Apprentice," Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One late Wednesday that "I think he was treated very, very unfairly, just as others were." Blagojevich, who entered federal prison in 2012, is in the middle of a 14-year sentence after being convicted on federal charges of using his powers as governor to extract campaign money and other political favors. In 2015, a federal appeals court threw out some of the charges related to Blagojevich's attempts to sell an appointment to the Senate job that Obama vacated after he won the 2008 presidential election. The appeals court left the other charges intact. Trump also suggested he might commute Blagojevich's sentence in May of 2018. A month later, Blagojevich filed paperwork with the Justice Department formally requesting a commutation. Click to expand "I am thinking very seriously about commuting his sentence so that he can go home to his family after seven years," Trump said Wednesday. "I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. I thought, from day one — I said, 'Boy, that is really tough stuff.'" In deriding the length of Blagojevich's sentence, Trump criticized "the gang" around former FBI Director James Comey and "all those sleazebags." But Comey, fired by Trump in 2017 during the investigation of Russian election interference, did not take over the FBI until 2013, the year after Blagojevich went to prison. Speaking with reporters after a trip to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, to meet with survivors of mass shootings, Trump cast the prospective commutation of Blagojevich as a bipartisan gesture. "A man who is a Democrat, not a Republican," Trump said. "Who I don’t know very well, but he was on 'The Apprentice' for a couple of weeks." | |
07-30-19 11:14pm - 1989 days | #18 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
The movie version of Flash Gordon (1980), with Ornella Muti as Princess Aura, was played for laughs. But Muti was gorgeous and sexy. | |
07-25-19 04:41pm - 1994 days | #1451 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Trump says the threat from North Korea is over. Says his good buddy North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has stopped the missile development program, so the world is safe for democracy. ------ ------ North Korea fires new type of short-range ballistic missiles By: Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press 1 day ago SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea fired a new type of short-range ballistic missile in two launches into the sea Thursday, South Korean officials said. They were North Korea’s first weapons launches in more than two months and appeared to be a pressuring tactic as Pyongyang and Washington struggle to restart nuclear negotiations. The South's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the missiles were fired from near the eastern coastal town of Wonsan and flew about 430 kilometers (270 miles) and 690 kilometers (430 miles) respectively before landing off the country's east coast. The Joint Chiefs of Staff described both missiles as short-range but didn't elaborate. But after a national security council meeting later Thursday, South Korea's presidential Blue House said the weapons North Korea launched were assessed as "a new kind of short-range ballistic missiles." North Korea is banned by U.N. Security Council resolutions from engaging in any launch using ballistic technology. So North Korea could face international condemnation over the latest launches. But it's still unlikely for the North, already under 11 rounds of U.N. sanctions, to be hit with fresh punitive measures because the U.N. council has typically imposed new sanctions only when the North conducted long-range ballistic launches, not short-range ballistic launches. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the swift resumption of working-level talks between the United States and North Korea following the new missile launches. Gutteres has made it clear "that he views those meetings as a hopeful development — and he's hoped that that will lead to progress towards the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula," said U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq. A South Korean defense official, requesting anonymity because of department rules, said that an initial analysis showed both missiles were fired from mobile launchers and flew at a maximum altitude of 50 kilometers (30 miles). The North is unhappy over planned U.S.-South Korean military drills that it says are preparation for an invasion. The missile tests may be meant as a warning to Washington. They came as many in the United States were focused on testimony before Congress by Robert Mueller, the former special counsel, about his two-year probe into Russian election interference. A day earlier, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton left Seoul after agreeing with South Korean officials to work closely to achieve North Korea's denuclearization. "North Korea appears to be thinking its diplomacy with the U.S. isn't proceeding in a way that they want. So they've fired missiles to get the table to turn in their favor," said analyst Kim Dae-young at the Korea Research Institute for National Strategy. But North Korea doesn’t appear to be pulling away from U.S.-led diplomacy aimed at curbing its nuclear program, analysts say. The relatively short distance traveled by the missiles suggests the launches were not intended as a major provocation, unlike a test of a long-range missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland. North Korea has been urging the U.S. and South Korea to scrap their summertime military drills. Last week, the North said it may lift its 20-month suspension of nuclear and long-range missile tests in response to the drills. Seoul said Wednesday North Korea was refusing to accept its offer to send 50,000 tons of rice through an international agency to protest the drills. Some experts say North Korea is trying to get an upper hand ahead of a possible resumption of talks. Pyongyang wants widespread sanctions relief so it can revive its dilapidated economy. U.S. officials demand North Korea first take significant steps toward disarmament before they will relinquish the leverage provided by the sanctions. A senior U.S. official said the Trump administration was aware of the reported launches. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to provide a response, said the administration had no further comment. South Korean Defense Ministry spokeswoman Choi Hyunsoo urged Pyongyang to stop acts that are "not helpful to efforts to ease military tensions on the Korean Peninsula." "If they were ballistic missiles, they violate the U.N. resolutions, and I find it extremely regrettable," Japan's Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya told reporters in Tokyo. China, the North's last major ally and biggest aid provider, said both Washington and Pyongyang should restart their nuclear diplomacy as soon as possible. "All parties concerned should cherish the hard-won opportunity for dialogue and the easing of tensions, express goodwill, meet each other halfway and jointly make positive efforts to promote denuclearization," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. It was the first missile launch since Seoul said North Korea fired three short-range missiles off its east coast in early May. At the time, many experts said those missiles strongly resembled the Russian-designed Iskander, a short-range, nuclear-capable ballistic missile that has been in the Russian arsenal for more than a decade. Analyst Kim Dong-yub at Seoul's Institute for Far Eastern Studies said the latest missiles could be Scud-C ballistic missiles or KN-23 surface-to-surface missiles, a North Korean version of the Iskander. During a third summit at the Korean border late last month, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to resume nuclear negotiations that had been deadlocked since their second summit in Vietnam in February. It ended in disagreement over U.S.-led sanctions. North Korea leader Kim Jong Un has inspected a newly built submarine and ordered officials to further bolster the country's military capability, state media reported Tuesday, as the North is increasing its pressure on the United States ahead of the possible resumption of nuclear diplomacy. By: Hyung-Jin Kim, The Associated Press On Tuesday, North Korean state media said Kim inspected a newly built submarine and ordered officials to further bolster the country's military capabilities. The Korean Central News Agency said the submarine's operational deployment "is near at hand." After analyzing North Korea-dispatched photos of the submarine, experts said it likely has three or more launch tubes for missiles. South Korean government documents say North Korea has about 70 submarines. Most have only torpedo, not missile launch tubes, except for a test platform with a single launch tube the North has used when it fired ballistic missiles in recent years, according to Kim Dae-young, the analyst. The new submarine suggests North Korea has been increasing its military capability despite nuclear diplomacy that it began with the United States early last year. The latest launches came amid a flaring of tensions in North Asia after South Korean fighter jets on Tuesday fired warning shots to drive away a Russian reconnaissance plane that Seoul says violated its airspace. Before that alleged intrusion, South Korean military jets scrambled after Russian and Chinese warplanes including the reconnaissance aircraft made an extremely unusual joint entrance into South Korea’s air defense identification zone. Associated Press writers Deb Riechmann in Washington, Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo, Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations and researcher Liu Zheng in Beijing contributed to this report. | |
07-23-19 10:34am - 1996 days | #2 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
While not necessarily new to me actress, there are some models that I was sufficiently impressed by to join or re-join some sites because they appeared at the site. There are so many fresh, new models that appear constantly, and some of them are so cute or appealing that I've joined sites, sometimes new, sometimes re-joins, because these models had content there. It's not just one or two of these cuties, but hundreds of them that appear. Maybe I'm fickle. But it's hard to have only one favorite, or even 10 or 20 favorites. My favorites run over 100, easily. | |
07-23-19 03:35am - 1997 days | #2 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Tawnee Stone RIP - Car Accident Views-110,764 Tawnee Stone was a popular young porn model. But her death was a publicity stunt by the owner/operator of the site (not Tawnee Stone herself). I don't remember the details, but I think Tawnee Stone had retired, and the owner/operator of the site decided to create more interest in the site by announcing she had died. Turned out to be fake news. The owner/operator was not embarrased when the truth came out: he explained it was "only" a publicity stunt. A lot of fans were emotionally invested in the girl or their memories of her, and they felt ripped off. Just goes to show you there are all kinds of jerks in the world. | |
07-22-19 02:44pm - 1997 days | #9 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
"Ultimately, porn is for men. It is catered and produced for men. The models, the shots, the direction, the lighting etc is all catered around the male gaze and their desire. From the most softcare stuff (MetArt) to the more aggressive stuff (Facials, bukkake, etc), is all about making the man orgasm. It's interesting because it's pretty much the sole medium that is 100% there for men. Women aren't taken into consideration and you can especially see this when it comes to the more aggressive side of porn where a lot of it can border on sexual violence." Debatable. Here is an article from 2017 that says women watch more porn than men. It's based on 10 years of data from Pornhub. https://www.bustle.com/p/women-actually-...-were-watching-63850 Bustle Women Actually Watch More Porn Than Men — Here's What It Is We're Watching By Lea Rose Emery June 12 2017 Ashley Batz/Bustle Women watch porn. Alright? We watch it. And some of us watch a lot of it. In fact, recent research has shown that women watch more porn than men do— at least when length is considered. Pornhub and their Pornhub Insights have long broken down interesting facts and trends about all things porn. But now we have ten years of Pornhub data at our fingertips and looking at the information as a whole provides a whole new understanding. One things that the research found, according to The Cut, is that women, on average, spend 1:14 more minutes a day on the site than male viewers. Which means you're more likely to walk in on one of us flicking the bean than a guy doing... well, whatever it is they do to socks. Anything that opens us up to discussing women and porn is a huge step forward. Because so many of us do it, but not enough of us talk about it. In fact, a Marie Claire survey found that almost a third of women watched porn every week and nearly 10 percent watch it every day. So it's great to have the conversation and fight the taboo head on. Here are some other interesting tidbits the data found, because women are into some pretty kinky sh*t: The most popular category for women? Lesbians. Straight, gay, or bi — women love women. Interestingly within lesbians searches, women were more likely to search for squirting and strap-ons than men were. 37 Percent Of Gay Male Porn Viewers Are Women That's right, women love themselves some gay porn — it's the second most popular category for women overall. In fact, it was actually the most popular category when for women over 45. Try looking your mother in the eye now. Some Women Really Like Rough Sex Giphy There were some big changes in what women were searching for between 2014 and 2015. Men performing cunnilingus skyrocketed by over 500 percent, but so did "f*cked hard and screaming". Romantic sex, meanwhile, only grew by 125 percent. There's A Valentine's Day Drop Giphy After 6 p.m. on the big V-day, porn searches drop by 17 percent — but more so for women than men. Interestingly, men also show bigger jumps in searches for "love" and "passionate" than women do on Valentine's Day. Women Are More Likely To Look For For Pregnancy Porn They're actually 27 percent more likely to look for pregnancy porn and it's most popular in the 25 to 34 age range. It may be that women going through it are the ones most likely to want to watch. I guess it speaks to them. Women Get Political Giphy The Women's March apparently caused a 20 percent drop in Pornhub traffic to New York, D.C., and L.A.. Interestingly, the drop was in both men and female viewers. Don't worry though, everyone logged back on at 8 pm. Women are 16 percent more likely to watch porn on their phones. In fact, we don't like sitting still— we're 34 percent less likely to use our desktops than men are. As you can see, women and porn go together like — well, women and porn. Ten years of research proves it: we love it and we're not slowing down. | |
07-21-19 06:38pm - 1998 days | #1450 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/po...anors-nadler-861700/ Politics News July 21, 2019 6:16PM ET Trump Is ‘Guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors,’ House Judiciary Chair Says “This is a president who has violated the law six ways from Sunday,” said Rep. Gerry Nadler ahead of Robert Mueller’s testimony By Peter Wade On Sunday, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) spoke with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace about the importance of the much-anticipated testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller slated for Wednesday before both the Judiciary Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The Fox News host started the interview with a question that seemed to infer that Mueller’s coming testimony is either theatrics by the Democrats or simply a waste of time. “Why are you putting Mueller and the country through this?” Wallace asked. But Nadler went right to the crux of the issue by calling out President Donald Trump and his surrogates about how they’ve dishonestly presented the findings of Mueller’s report and expressing the importance of the American people to hear, at length, from Mueller himself. “Well, we want the American people to hear directly from Special Counsel Mueller what his investigation found. The president and the attorney general and others have spent the last few months systematically lying to the American people about what the investigation found, they’ve said that it found no collusion, that it found no obstruction, that it exonerated a president.” Nadler continued, “All three of those statements are absolute lies. [The report] found a great deal of collusion, it found a great deal of obstruction of justice by the president and it pointedly refused to exonerate the president.” Nadler went on to blast the president, saying he broke the law multiple times and is “guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors,” the Constitution’s definition of impeachable offenses. “We think it’s very important for the American people to hear directly what the facts are because this is a president who has violated the law six ways from Sunday. If anyone else had been accused of what the report finds the president had done, they would have been indicted,” Nadler said. The idea of actually consuming some of the details of a lengthy substantive report that most Americans likely have not read is important. And the Trump administration understands this all too well. They proved as much when they sent out Attorney General William Barr, in front of cameras, to misrepresent the report’s findings hours before anyone else could read the redacted version for themselves, and it worked. Now Mueller will have a chance to flip the script with his testimony this week. | |
07-18-19 08:02am - 2001 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
They are no longer supporting the series that made them stars. Once they became famous, swelled-heads and super-egos meant they could poop of their fans, and they have lots of poop coming out. --------- --------- The Wrap Search ‘Game of Thrones’ Creators No Longer Attending HBO Series’ Farewell Comic-Con Panel Iain Glen, Nathalie Emmanuel and director Miguel Sapochnik also out due to scheduling conflicts Tim Baysinger and Jennifer Maas | July 17, 2019 @ 2:57 PM Last Updated: July 18, 2019 @ 7:11 am “Game of Thrones” creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will no longer be attending the HBO series’ panel Friday during Comic-Con. The show sent out an updated list of those attending its final season panel on its Twitter account Wednesday afternoon, which also no longer includes cast members Iain Glen, Nathalie Emmanuel and director Miguel Sapochnik. HBO told TheWrap the five dropped out due to scheduling and production conflicts. The #GoTSDCC panel taking place Friday, 7/19 at 5:30PM in Hall H will now consist of panelists @Maisie_Williams, @RaleighRitchie, @nikolajcw, @isaac_h_wright, @johnbradleywest, @liamcunningham1 & Conleth Hill. | |
07-13-19 09:04am - 2006 days | #1449 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Trump reveals Deep State of America is full of evil, cancerous vermin who are trying to destroy America. Trump reveals that Mueller is a criminal who is using the FBI and the Justice Department to commit illegal acts. Acts that will put Mueller in prison, where he belongs, before Trump can assemble a firing squad to execute this traitor. Trump and America, uber alles. Trump will make America great again, after he cleans out the criminals infiltrating our government. -------- -------- Trump attacks Mueller, accuses him of 'Illegal Deletion' Geobeats Jul 13th 2019 10:35AM President Trump on Saturday accused former special counsel Robert Mueller of illegally deleting texts in the course of his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. The president reacted to a tweet alleging that Mueller’s office may have participated in a cover-up by deleting texts between former FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. “This is one of the most horrible abuses of all,” Trump tweeted. “Those texts between gaga lovers would have told the whole story. Illegal deletion by Mueller. They gave us ‘the insurance policy.’” Trump had made similar claims about the texts that were critical of him in a Fox Business interview last month. “Robert Mueller terminated their text messages together,” Trump said. “He terminated them. They’re gone. And that’s illegal. That’s a crime.” However, CNBC pointed out at the time that Trump did not provide any evidence to back his claim. Mueller is scheduled to testify before Congress on July 24. | |
07-11-19 09:11am - 2008 days | #1448 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Trump stands tall with sex offenders everywhere. It's a man's right to grope a woman by the pussy. And if she happens to be underage, oh my God, I'm just trying to train the bitch so she can learn how to please a real man. ------ ------ With Acosta in crosshairs, Trump unleashes tweet barrage at everything else he can think of Yahoo News Dylan Stableford Jul 11th 2019 10:37AM On the morning after his labor secretary gave a poorly-reviewed explanation of the sweetheart deal struck with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein in Miami 11 years ago — which was immediately disputed by Florida state officials — President Trump began a multi-tweet rant on a host of unrelated subjects that seemed intended to shift attention away from the controversy. Trump began his morning at 6:48 a.m. ET by announcing he would hold a Rose Garden news conference at the conclusion of a “social media summit” with mostly right-wing figures who claim their views are censored by Twitter and Facebook. Multiple news organizations reported that he is planning to announce an executive order to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. That would appear to defy a ruling by the Supreme Court last month that said the administration had failed to provide a good-faith justification for the change. In his tweets, the president predicted that the news media will effectively endorse him for a second term because he’s more entertaining than Democratic alternatives, employing his usual insults to refer to former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg. It wasn’t immediately obvious what he meant by “(1000/24th)” in reference to Warren. The Massachusetts senator has faced questions about her claims to Cherokee descent and released the results of a DNA test that indicated Native American forebears six to 10 generations back. If Trump intended to mock that claim, he appears to have gotten the fraction reversed. Trump has referred to himself as a “stable genius” frequently, and in at least one other tweet in the past paid homage to his own “great” looks. For the second time this week, Trump attempted to give oxygen to a controversy that barely made the local news in St. Louis Park, Minn., where the city council voted to stop saying the pledge at allegiance at meetings. The president’s favorite morning news show, “Fox & Friends,” covered the story Monday. He then relayed positive quotes about his economic policies from the Wall Street Journal and president of BET. Trump moved on to a New York Times story about his real estate career — from May — that asserted “most Wall Street banks had stopped doing business with him.” He pointed out, correctly, that congressional Democrats had displayed an outdated picture of migrant children at a hearing on the border crisis. The photo was taken in 2014, during former President Barack Obama’s second term. The president concluded his Twitter run, at least as of 10:04 a.m, with a misleading attack on Democrats and former special counsel Robert Mueller, who is set to testify before Congress next week. Mueller’s report did not find “no obstruction,” despite Trump’s repeated false claims. In defending the non-prosecution agreement entered into by his office, Acosta laid blame on the Palm Beach attorney’s office for not seeking to charge Epstein with crimes that would result in jail time. But Barry Krischer, the Palm Beach County attorney in 2007, took issue with Acosta’s version of events, telling the Associated Press that Acosta “should not be allowed to rewrite history. “If Mr. Acosta was truly concerned with the state’s case and felt he had to rescue the matter,” Krischer said, “he would have moved forward with the 53-page indictment that his own office drafted.” | |
07-07-19 04:52pm - 2012 days | #1447 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Alexander Graham Bell was an American spy hiding from the Redcoats (British frogmen). He was outed as an American, only after the telephone reached widespread acceptance, and America (the United States) had the money to hire personal security to guard one of America's finest geniuses and inventors. Trump learned the personal history of Bell after reading the Book of Secrets, a hidden manuscript that only acting US Presidents have access to. Neither Canada nor Mexico is part of America, they are shithole countries that are enemies of the Trump regime. Trump, the leader who will make America great again. | |
07-05-19 06:44pm - 2014 days | #1445 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
President Trump claims the American revolutionary army took over airports in 1775. He also mixed up the War of 1812 with the War of Independence. Was Trump guilty of skipping his high school history lessons? Or maybe Trump and his kids can write history books that are used in the public education system, to make our kids brighter and more up-to-date on the real history of the US. ------- ------- 05 Jul 2019 Trump claims army 'took over airports' in 1775 A speech delivered by President Trump at Independence Day celebrations contained historical errors. At the event in Washington DC, for the 4th of July “Salute to America”, he referred to airports existing in 1775. The mistake was attributed by some US media outlets to difficulty reading the teleprompter. The US president also mixed up the War of 1812 with the War of Independence. | |
06-28-19 02:18am - 2022 days | #6 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Thanks. I was only gone a few days. But it's nice to be able to post again. | |
06-27-19 09:26am - 2022 days | #52 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
homegirlsparty.com Hardcore teen site. Looks like a small site, but some cute girls. | |
06-26-19 11:40am - 2023 days | #4 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Freddie, Thanks for the warm and friendly greeting. With a new name, I feel refreshed and like I took a cool shower and I'm ready to appreciate porn with new eyes. | |
06-26-19 09:25am - 2023 days | #2 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
Actually, after thinking it over, I prefer a fresh start. So you can retire the lk2fireone account, and consider me a new member of the site. That works for me. LKLK (my new name/nickname/whatever. | |
06-26-19 09:10am - 2023 days | Original Post - #1 | |
LKLK (0)
Active User Posts: 1,583 Registered: Jun 26, '19 Location: CA |
The site does not accept my login details: username and password. The site server is glitchy: when I use the Forgot Password? hot link at: https://www.pornusers.com/log-in_forgot.html A page comes up that states my new password has been emailed to me. No emailed password is found in my inbox or spam folders. Tried this hot link many times, to get a new password. Tried many times, over several days. Never got a new password. Then, when I click the contact form hot link on the same page, to report my problem, I get no response, after waiting over 4 days. So I'm creating a new account, to be able to post these problems at the PU site: Your server is glitchy. And the staff ignores my attempts to contact you when I hit the hot links to contact you with emails. Frustrated. LKLK (new username name, for a new PU account), formerly known as lk2fireone Can you send me an email with a new password for the username: lk2fireone. Or I can just continue with my new account and username of LKLK. Whatever. But your PU tech team is letting gremlins into the site, if you didn't realize this already. | |
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