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02-24-22  09:10am - 938 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Russia invades Ukraine.

But not to worry.
Trump has declared Russia's invasion is a work of genius.
And if the U.S. or Europe is worried about a war, then Trump will step in and solve the problem: Trump holds the title of General Bone Spurs, which refers to his medical deferment for bone spurs to avoid military service during the Vietnam war.

Also, Putin said he was sending in peace-keeping forces.
So ignore the reports of large explosions, and dead military and civilians.
Putin is only trying to help.
Associated Press
Russia attacks Ukraine; peace in Europe 'shattered'
Wed, February 23, 2022, 9:51 PM

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia launched a wide-ranging attack on Ukraine on Thursday, hitting cities and bases with airstrikes or shelling, as civilians piled into trains and cars to flee. Ukraine's government said Russian tanks and troops rolled across the border in a “full-scale war” that could rewrite the geopolitical order and whose fallout already reverberated around the world.

In unleashing Moscow's most aggressive action since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, President Vladimir Putin deflected global condemnation and cascading new sanctions — and chillingly referred to his country’s nuclear arsenal. He threatened any foreign country attempting to interfere with “consequences you have never seen.”

Ukraine's president said Russian forces were trying to seize the Chernobyl nuclear plant, site of the world's worst nuclear disaster, and Ukrainian forces were battling other troops just miles from Kyiv for control of a strategic airport. Large explosions were heard in the capital there and in other cities, and people massed in train stations and took to roads, as the government said the former Soviet republic was seeing a long-anticipated invasion from the east, north and south.

The chief of the NATO alliance said the “brutal act of war" shattered peace in Europe, joining a chorus of world leaders who decried the attack, which could cause massive casualties, topple Ukraine’s democratically elected government and upend the post-Cold War security order. The conflict was already shaking global financial markets: Stocks plunged and oil prices soared amid concerns that heating bills and food prices would skyrocket.

Condemnation rained down not only from the U.S. and Europe, but from South Korea, Australia and beyond — and many governments readied new sanctions. Even friendly leaders like Hungary’s Viktor Orban sought to distance themselves from Putin.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cut diplomatic ties with Moscow and declared martial law.

“As of today, our countries are on different sides of world history," Zelenskyy tweeted. "Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself and won’t give up its freedom.”

His adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said: “A full-scale war in Europe has begun. ... Russia is not only attacking Ukraine, but the rules of normal life in the modern world.”

While some nervous Europeans speculated about a possible new world war, the U.S. and its NATO partners have so far shown no indication they would join in a war against Russia. They instead mobilized troops and equipment around Ukraine’s western flank — as Ukraine pleaded for defense assistance and help protecting its airspace.

In Washington, President Joe Biden convened a meeting of the National Security Council on Thursday to discuss Ukraine as the U.S. prepares new sanctions. Biden administration officials have signaled that two of the measures they were considering most strongly include hitting Russia’s biggest banks and slapping on new export controls meant to starve Russia’s industries and military of U.S. semiconductors and other high-tech components.

The attacks came first from the air. Later Ukrainian authorities described ground invasions in multiple regions, and border guards released footage showing a line of Russian military vehicles crossing into Ukraine’s government-held territory. European authorities declared the country’s airspace an active conflict zone.

In a worrying development, Zelenskyy said Russian forces were trying to seize the Chernobyl plant, and a Ukrainian official said Russian shelling hit a radioactive waste repository and an increase in radiation levels was reported. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

Other governments did not immediately corroborate or confirm the claims.

The plant was the site of the world’s worst nuclear accident when a nuclear reactor exploded in April 1986, spewing radioactive waste across Europe. The plant lies 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of the capital of Kyiv.

After weeks of denying plans to invade, Putin launched the operation on a country the size of Texas that has increasingly tilted toward the democratic West and away from Moscow's sway. The autocratic leader made clear earlier this week that he sees no reason for Ukraine to exist, raising fears of possible broader conflict in the vast space that the Soviet Union once ruled. Putin denied plans to occupy Ukraine, but his ultimate goals remain hazy.

Ukrainians who had long braced for the prospect of an assault were urged to shelter in place and not to panic despite the dire warnings.

“We are facing a war and horror. What could be worse?” 64-year-old Liudmila Gireyeva said in Kyiv. She planned to flee the city and try to eventually get to Poland to join her daughter. Putin “will be damned by history, and Ukrainians are damning him.”

With social media amplifying a torrent of military claims and counter-claims, it was difficult to determine exactly what was happening on the ground.

Ukraine’s military chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi said his troops were fighting Russian forces just 7 kilometers (4 miles) from the capital — in Hostomel, which is home to the Antonov aircraft maker and has a runway that is long enough to handle even the biggest cargo planes. Russian officials said separatist forces backed by Russia in the east have taken a new strip of territory from Ukrainian forces, but have not acknowledged ground troops elsewhere in the country.

Associated Press reporters saw or confirmed explosions in the capital, in Mariupol on the Azov Sea, Kharkiv in the east and beyond. AP confirmed video showing Russian military vehicles crossing into Ukrainian-held territory in the north from Belarus and from Russian-annexed Crimea in the south.

Russian and Ukrainian authorities made competing claims about damage they had inflicted. Russia’s Defense Ministry said it had destroyed scores of Ukrainian air bases, military facilities and drones, and confirmed the loss of a Su-25 attack jet, blaming it on “pilot error.” It said it was not targeting cities, but using precision weapons and claimed that “there is no threat to civilian population.”

Ukraine’s armed forces They reported at least 40 soldiers dead, and said a military plane carrying 14 people crashed south of Kyiv.

Poland’s military increased its readiness level, and Lithuania and Moldova moved toward doing the same. Border crossings increased from Ukraine to Poland, which has prepared centers for refugees.

Putin justified his actions in an overnight televised address, asserting that the attack was needed to protect civilians in eastern Ukraine — a false claim the U.S. had predicted he would make as a pretext for an invasion. He accused the U.S. and its allies of ignoring Russia’s demands to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and for security guarantees.

The consequences of the conflict and resulting sanctions on Russia reverberated throughout the world.

World stock markets plunged and oil prices on both sides of the Atlantic surged toward or above $100 per barrel, on unease about possible disruption of Russian supplies. The ruble sank.

Anticipating international condemnation and countermeasures, Putin issued a stark warning to other countries not to meddle.

In a reminder of Russia’s nuclear power, he warned that “no one should have any doubts that a direct attack on our country will lead to the destruction and horrible consequences for any potential aggressor.”

Among Putin’s pledges was to “denazify” Ukraine. World War II looms large in Russia, after the Soviet Union suffered more deaths than any country while fighting Adolf Hitler’s forces.

Kremlin propaganda paints members of Ukrainian right-wing groups as neo-Nazis, exploiting their admiration for WWII-era Ukrainian nationalist leaders who sided with the Nazis. Ukraine is now led by a Jewish president who lost relatives in the Holocaust and angrily dismissed the Russian claims.

Putin’s announcement came just hours after the Ukrainian president rejected Moscow’s claims that his country poses a threat to Russia and made a passionate, last-minute plea for peace.

Zelenskyy said he asked to arrange a call with Putin late Wednesday, but the Kremlin did not respond.

The attack began even as the U.N. Security Council was meeting to hold off an invasion. Members still unaware of Putin’s announcement of the operation appealed to him to stand down. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres opened the emergency meeting, telling Putin: “Give peace a chance.”

But hours later, NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg indicated it was too late: “Peace on our continent has been shattered.”

02-23-22  09:18am - 939 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
Russia gives green light to Putin to invade Ukraine.

Russian Parliament on Tuesday gave the green light to Putin to invade Ukraine.
As long as Putin invades Ukraine for peaceful purposes, Putin is a hero that everyone can admire.
Ex-president Trump certainly admires Putin, calling the Russian invasion of Ukraine a genius move.

However, Russia denies it is invading Ukraine.
Instead, Russia is sending peace-keeping forces into Ukraine, to keep the peace, and help their neighbors with love and aid.

Putin gets green light to deploy troops to eastern Ukraine
February 22, 2022, 11:37 AM

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian leader Vladimir Putin got the green light from his upper house of parliament on Tuesday to deploy Russian military forces to two separatist-held regions of eastern Ukraine for what lawmakers said would be a "peacekeeping" mission.

Inflaming a crisis with the West, the upper chamber's lawmakers voted unanimously in favour after Putin asked for permission to deploy forces abroad. That step came after Moscow recognised the independence of the Ukrainian regions on Monday, triggering international condemnation and sanctions.

The decision takes immediate effect, senior lawmaker Andrei Klishas told the chamber.

"By approving the use of the armed forces abroad, we assume they will be peacekeeping forces - forces designed to maintain peace and stability in the (self-proclaimed east Ukrainian) republics," Valentina Matvienko, the upper house's speaker, said before the vote.

As lawmakers met to discuss the idea, the Kremlin announced Putin had ratified friendship treaties with two Moscow-backed Ukrainian breakaway republics.

Russia says that step allows it to build military bases there, deploy troops, agree a joint defence posture and tighten economic integration.

The move comes amid a crisis over a huge Russian military buildup near Ukraine that has fuelled fears of an invasion, which Moscow denies planning.

(Reporting by Andrew Osborn, Polina Devitt, Maria Tsvetkova, Darya Korsunskaya, Maria Kiselyova; Writing by Tom Balmforth; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

02-23-22  07:11am - 939 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

This young woman (around 32 years old) is running for the U.S. House of Representatives.
She attended a party for young girls aged 12 and 13 years old.
She drank wine and got drunk and cursed some of the girls and vomited into a hamper.
Later, when sober, she denied to a TV news station that she was at the party.
Still later, she admitted to the TV news station that she was at the party, but that she drank wine and took pills to help her sleep. Instead, got drunk and hallucinated, and maybe she said some things she shouldn't have said, and vomited into a hamper.
But this woman is sorry if her behavior was not proper.
And that's why she is qualified to be a politician: own up to your mistakes, and keep chugging on.
That's the politicians' way.
The woman is still planning to run for US Congresswoman from Oklahoma.

U.S. House candidate apologizes to girls after sleepover
Associated Press
February 22, 2022, 1:19 PM

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A U.S. House candidate in Oklahoma has apologized after reports that she became intoxicated at a Valentine's Day weekend sleepover for middle-school-aged girls, berated several of the children and vomited in a hamper.

Democrat Abby Broyles, 32, told television station KFOR that she had an adverse reaction after drinking wine and taking sleep medication given to her by a friend.

“Instead of helping me sleep, I hallucinated," Broyles told the station in a televised interview. “And I don’t remember anything until I woke up or came to, and I was throwing up in a hamper."

She said she was invited to the slumber party by a good friend from law school who was the mother of one of the girls.

Parents and at least one of the girls who were at the sleepover told the online news outlet NonDoc, which first reported the story, that Broyles used profanity and berated several of the 12- and 13-year-old girls at the party, commenting on one girl’s acne and another’s Hispanic ethnicity.

The parent of one of the girls, Sarah Matthews, tweeted last week that she was disappointed that Broyles had not reached out to the girls to apologize.

“For someone who pontificates to be undyingly pro woman, I am disgusted by your behavior and find it appalling you couldn’t understand why their parents are angry,” Matthews wrote.

Broyles, who initially denied to NonDoc that she had attended the party, apologized last week during her interview with KFOR, a news channel for which she used to work as a journalist.

“I want to say sorry from the bottom of my heart, I apologize for any hurt or damage or trauma that my behavior, when I didn’t know what I was doing, caused," Broyles said. “I’m deeply sorry."

In a statement provided to The Associated Press on Tuesday, Broyles said she doesn't believe she would have said the things she's accused of saying and that she has no plans to drop out of the race.

“The things I'm accused to have said are not who I am. They're not a reflection of my beliefs at all," Broyles said. “It's clear this media smear campaign is politically backed, and I won't stop fighting for Oklahomans."

Broyles, an attorney who was the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate from Oklahoma in 2020, announced last year she planned to run against Republican U.S. Rep. Stephanie Bice for the 5th Congressional District that includes Oklahoma City.

02-22-22  06:01pm - 940 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Trump says Putin is a genius for invading the Ukraine.
Grabbing parts of the Ukraine will only make Russia stronger.
If Trump was still president, Putin would never have dared invade.
But Biden is weak, with no plans to oppose Putin.
Trump is sad the US has such a weak president.
Vote for Trump, and make America great again.
Trump praises Putin's 'genius' incursion into Ukraine
Yahoo News
Ben Adler
February 22, 2022, 3:40 PM

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to send Russian troops into Ukraine to support Russian-backed separatists in the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces. In an appearance on the right-wing talk radio program "The Buck Sexton Show," Trump broke his conspicuous silence on the crisis to applaud the Russian dictator.

"This is genius," he said of Putin's decision on Monday to officially recognize the breakaway provinces and authorize the use of Russian military personnel to assist them. "So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace, all right."

Trump is a long-standing fan of Putin's. In 2013, he wondered on Twitter if the Russian autocrat would attend his Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and whether the two would become "best friends." Putin did not show up. In the following years, Trump repeatedly spoke highly of Putin's strategic acumen, noted the strongman's intention to "re-build the Russian Empire" and defended Putin's habit of killing dissidents and journalists, arguing that the United States does the same thing.

Putin's recent move is widely considered an assault on Ukraine's sovereignty. As NPR explained, "The announcement is a serious escalation that effectively kills the Minsk accords, which set out a series of military and political steps designed to resolve the status of the two breakaway regions and end the 8-year-old conflict there."

It is unclear exactly what Trump would like the U.S. military to do on the southern U.S. border.

Trump went on to heap more praise on Putin and to claim that Russia would have been less aggressive if he were still in the White House.

"No, but think of it," the former president continued. "Here’s a guy who’s very savvy. I know him very well — very, very well. By the way, this never would have happened with us. Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened. But here’s a guy that says, 'You know, I’m gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent.' He used the word 'independent.' 'And we’re gonna go out, and we’re gonna in, and we’re gonna help keep peace.'”

During the 2016 campaign, Trump publicly encouraged Russia to continue its efforts to hack into the campaign email system of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as part of the enemy nation's effort to help him win. Once in office, he sided with Russia over U.S. intelligence agencies in accepting Russia's claims not to have been involved in election interference.

Trump concluded his comments on Tuesday by asserting that President Biden had not responded to the Russian aggression.

"You gotta say this is pretty savvy," Trump said. "And you know what the response was from Biden? There was no response. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad."

The United States imposed new economic sanctions on Tuesday.

At the White House on Tuesday, press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about Trump's comments.

"We try not to take advice from anyone who praises President Putin and his military strategy," Psaki said, before noting how Trump had sided with Russia when it annexed the Crimean Peninsula, another portion of Ukraine. "There's a bit of a different approach," she said.

In 2019, Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch a scurrilous investigation of Biden because Trump wanted to weaken his likely 2020 Democratic opponent. When Zelensky refused, the Trump administration withheld congressionally approved aid to Ukraine, which is illegal according to the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office. That resulted in Trump's first impeachment.

Trump subsequently claimed — without evidence, and at odds with all the evidence gathered by U.S. intelligence officials — that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that had interfered in the 2016 election. In Trump's elaborate conspiracy theory, Ukraine did this in order to frame Russia. And what was Trump's source for these claims, according to one senior government official who spoke to the Washington Post? “Putin told me.”

02-16-22  12:32am - 946 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
I still see some porn site discounts for Valentine's Day.
Metart for $5 for the first month.
Hegre $20/monthly.
I'm signing up with Hegre for $75 for a year.
It's been years since I was a member of that site.
Lots of lovely models.
Many of them at other porn sites.
But there's never been too many lovelies for me to ignore.
And Hegre has some that are exclusive to that site.
Presidents Day is coming up. So another excuse for more porn site deals.

02-14-22  11:32pm - 948 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

In Pakistan, it's OK to kill a relative because of family honor.

Pakistan appeals court frees brother convicted of 'honour killing' of social media star
Mubasher Bukhari
February 14, 2022, 6:45 PM
FILE PHOTO: Protesters wear masks depicting Qandeel Baloch, a Pakistani social media celebrity who according to police was strangled in what appeared to be an "honour killing" in 2016, in Karachi

By Mubasher Bukhari

LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Pakistani appeals court on Monday acquitted the brother of social media star Qandeel Baloch of her murder, a 2016 killing that sparked national outrage and changes in laws covering so-called "honour killings".

Muhammad Waseem appealed against his 2019 murder conviction and life sentence. A court in the central city of Multan struck down the conviction after major witnesses retracted their testimony, defence lawyer Sardar Mehboob said without elaborating. A government prosecutor confirmed the acquittal.

His mother had also submitted a statement in the court that she had pardoned him, he added. It was not clear whether the court considered the mother's statement in its decision.

The main amendment in laws dealing with "honour killings" in the conservative Muslim country was that no one could be set free based solely on a pardon by a family member.

Waseem had admitted in a 2016 media conference organised by police that he strangled his 26-year-old sister due to her social media activities.

Baloch had posted Facebook posts in which she spoke of trying to change "the typical orthodox mindset" of people in Pakistan. She faced frequent abuse and death threats but continued to post pictures and videos seen as provocative.

She had built a modelling career on the back of her social media fame, but drew ire from many Pakistanis.

Her killing sent shockwaves across Pakistan and triggered an outpouring of grief on social media, spurring the government to tighten laws dealing with men who would kill a close relative in the name of family honour.

Hundreds of women are killed each year in Pakistan by family members over perceived offences to honour, including elopement, fraternization with men outside marriage or other infractions against conservative Muslim values on female modesty.

(Writing by Asif Shahzad; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

02-14-22  10:58pm - 948 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Trump Organization declares victory after accounting firm says Trump financial statements aren't reliable.

Accounting firm: Trump financial statements aren't reliable
Associated Press
February 14, 2022, 3:46 PM

NEW YORK (AP) — The accounting firm that prepared former President Donald Trump’s annual financial statements says the documents, used to secure lucrative loans and burnish Trump's image as a wealthy businessman, “should no longer be relied upon” after New York's attorney general said they regularly misstated the value of assets.

In a letter to the Trump Organization's lawyer Feb. 9, Mazars USA LLP advised the company to inform anyone who had gotten the documents not to use them when assessing the financial health of the company and the former president.

The letter came just weeks after New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office uncovered evidence Trump and the company used “fraudulent or misleading” valuations of its golf clubs, skyscrapers and other property to get loans and tax benefits.

“While we have not concluded that the various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate,” Mazars General Counsel William J. Kelly wrote to his Trump Organization counterpart, Alan Garten.

Kelly said Mazars performed its work on the financial statements “in accordance with professional standards” but that it could no longer stand by the documents in light of James' findings and its own investigation.

Kelly also informed Garten that Mazars could no longer work with Trump because of a conflict of interest and urged him to find another tax preparer.

Mazars said its conclusions applied to Trump's financial statements for 2011 to 2020. Another accounting firm prepared his financial statement for 2021, according to court filings.

James' office included a copy of Kelly's letter in a court filing Monday as she seeks to enforce a subpoena to have Trump and his two eldest children testify in her civil investigation. A state court judge, Arthur Engoron, is scheduled to hear arguments in the dispute on Thursday.

The Manhattan district attorney's office is running a parallel criminal investigation into Trump's business practices.

Trump has given his Statement of Financial Condition — a yearly snapshot of his holdings — to banks to secure hundreds of millions of dollars worth of loans on properties such as a Wall Street office building and a Florida golf course, and to financial magazines to justify his place on the list of the richest people in the world.

In a statement, the Trump Organization said Kelly's letter “confirms that after conducting a subsequent review of all prior statements of financial condition, Mazars’ work was performed in accordance with all applicable accounting standards and principles and that such statements of financial condition do not contain any material discrepancies. This confirmation effectively renders the investigations by the DA and AG moot."

02-12-22  08:20am - 950 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Sat, Feb 12, 2022 8:10 am
Name a Roach (info@em.wcs.org)To:you Details

Bronx Zoo

Name a Roach

Valentine's Day is almost here! — are you scrambling? Don't panic, the Bronx Zoo has you covered! Name a Roach for your loved one and you'll get a digital certificate making it official in time for the big day.

By naming one of our Madagascar hissing cockroaches for that special someone, you're also sharing the love around the world since every gift supports the Bronx Zoo's global conservation work and our NYC parks.

So perk up your antennae and let love crawl into your heart on six tiny legs. Give the most romantic Valentine's Day gift there is, because candlelight fades, roses wilt, but roaches... are forever.

(If you're not in the Valentine's Day spirit, you can Name a Roach for your not-so-special someone. We won't judge.)

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©2022 Wildlife Conservation Society
2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10460

The URL to donate to the Zoo and name a roach after your loved one is:

02-11-22  06:10am - 951 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Do not watch this video if you are offended by people peeing.
Here is a couple of people who peed in the pool when an uninvited guest showed up at their pool party.

Remember: if you have a pool, make sure to post signs that only guests with an invitation are allowed.


02-10-22  05:57am - 952 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Lots of porn sites are offering discounted memberships for Valentines days.
Check to see if there are any sites you like with discounts.
I've seen plenty of discounted ads recently.
PU and Rabbits Review should have a page offering some of the better sites with discounts, for easier access.

02-09-22  03:10pm - 953 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Trump's advisors are telling Trump to move to Russia, where he can ask Putin to send in Russian forces to re-take the White House and make Trump the President of the United States, where he will be honored for Truth, Liberty, and Justice For All.

Also, Russians have been promoting ice skaters at the Olympics.
Is this a ploy to take attention away from Joe Biden's fake Presidency, and to legitimize the shift of power back to Trump?
Putin is a shifty bastard, who understands how to sway crowds.
Will Putin (and Trump) be able to sway US voters to stand behind Trump, and to depose Joe Biden?
Russia at center of another Olympic doping controversy
Yahoo Sports
Dan Wetzel
February 9, 2022, 9:58 AM

Russia ran such a widespread, sophisticated and successful performance-enhancing drug operation at the 2014 Winter Olympics that the country was technically “banned” from the past three Olympic Games, including the current one in Beijing.

Now it appears their masked “replacement” — the Russian Olympic Committee — may be trying to follow the same old script.

Tuesday's medal ceremony for the figure skating team event — won by six Russian skaters competing for the ROC — was delayed due to a legal fight over a positive drug test in the group, the International Olympic Committee said.

The crux of the dispute centers on Kamila Valieva, according to InsideTheGames.biz. The Guardian newspaper reported that “the substance is not a drug that would aid performance” although elite figure skating has been awash in accusations over the use of puberty blockers, weight loss drugs or other tactics that can stunt growth or weight gain and aid in leaping.

“This cannot be true,” legendary Russian coach Tatiana Tarasova said to the Guardian. “We can be pointed fingers at, but we are all clean.”

The 15-year-old sensation is the biggest star in skating despite not making her senior level debut until Oct. 7, 2021, just four months ago. She’s won every event she's entered and has already set nine world records, including recording the three highest scores ever tallied in the sport. Her current record of 272.71 is nearly 10 percent higher than any other woman has ever scored.

Valieva made her Olympic debut Monday by leading Russia to gold in the team event.
Kamila Valieva, of the Russian Olympic Committee, competes in the women's team free skate program during the figure skating competition at the 2022 Winter Olympics, Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)
Kamila Valieva, of the Russian Olympic Committee, competes in the women's team free skate program during the figure skating competition at the 2022 Winter Olympics, Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, in Beijing. (AP)

While, due to her age, she’s neither entered nor won a World or Olympic title (yet), many consider her the greatest skater of all time because of her ability to flawlessly land three or more quad jumps in a single free skate.

Only a few female skaters can hit a single quad, let alone rattle them off like Valieva. As recently as the 2018 Winter Games, no female could, and in 2010 American Evan Lysacek won the men’s individual title without attempting a quad.

Yet Valieva makes them look easy. At age 13 — despite still competing in juniors — she was just the second woman of any age to ever land a quad in competition.

Most of the other skaters who have mastered the quad are also Russians. Teammate Alexandra Trusova, 17, has landed five in a single routine and should attempt four during her free skate next week. Anna Shcherbakova, also 17, will either attempt multiple quads or a quad flip and seven triples. All of this is astounding.

Russians are favored to sweep the ladies’ competition, win gold in the pairs and potentially in the ice dance. This after taking both the gold and silver in the 2018 women's event and gold in 2014.

“[They] are doing things that I can only dream of doing,” American Karen Chen said of the Russians. Chen is a two-time Olympian who finished fourth at the 2021 World Championships but does not attempt a quad in her routines

“I am not capable of doing what they are doing,” Chen said.

All of this is why international skating has greeted Valieva with excitement over her performances but also suspicion of just how someone so young can be so good.

Here’s the issue. Due to being under the age of 16, Valieva is considered by the World Anti-Doping Agency to be a “Protected Person.”

The WADA code treats Protected Persons “differently than other Athletes in certain circumstances based on the understanding that, below a certain age or intellectual capacity [they] may not possess the mental capacity to understand and appreciate the prohibitions against conduct contained in the Code.”

In other words, the code protects young athletes who may have been too naive or unaware that they took a banned substance.

As such, the penalty could be lower than disqualification. There is much that is subjective about that decision — hence the legal battle — but it is possible that even if Valieva tested positive for a banned substance she could maintain her eligibility and just be reprimanded.

That would mean that not only would the Russians keep the gold medal won in the team event (the United States took silver) but Valieva could even remain eligible to compete next week in the individual competition.

We'll see. A ruling should come soon. However, anything that merely reprimands any Russian would be an insult to logic.

Any country throwing PED-charges around is doing it from a glass house, but Russia has taken things to entirely different levels.
An official bus passes by the anti-doping laboratory of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games on February 21, 2014 at the Olympic Park in Sochi, as a German athlete has failed a doping test - the first such case to hit the Sochi Games. The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) said it had been informed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the
An official bus passes by the anti-doping laboratory of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games on February 21, 2014 at the Olympic Park in Sochi. (Loen Neal/AFP via Getty Images)

For the 2014 Winter Games hosted in Sochi, the Russians operated a full-scale doping regime. It went to incredible lengths, including the construction of a building next to the Olympic PED testing lab. A secret hole was cut in a shared wall so at night Russian workers would swap dirty urine samples of Russians with clean samples.

Russia would go on to win the most medals at those Games while not having a single one of its athletes test positive. It then did the same in the Paralympics, cheating the world’s sledge hockey players and visually impaired skiers. Russia won more than three times the amount of both gold and total medals of any other country at the Paralympics.

After the scheme was unearthed (including two of the men who orchestrated it coincidentally turning up dead in Russia), the IOC officially barred Russia from competing at the Olympics. It has, however, allowed Russian athletes to participate under the banner of “Olympic Athletes from Russia” and the current “Russian Olympic Committee."

So Russia isn’t in Beijing but lots of Russians are.

And now it appears like old habits are dying hard.

If the IOC and the International Skating Union don’t view this entire case through the prism of the country involved — and how fortunate it is to still be allowed to send its athletes — then the skating competition should just pack it up and go home.

It hardly matters if this is fair or not to Kamila Valieva, who very well may be an innocent, teenage pawn.

She skates for Russia, even if it's now called the Russian Olympic Committee.

A cheat by any other name would still be Vlad Putin’s favorite team.

02-09-22  02:42pm - 953 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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President Trump, the most glorious President of the United States we've ever had, is forced to tell the truth: Mitch McConnell is a bad person. And a bad Republican. And a traitor to the Republican party, the party that gave us President Abraham Lincoln (may he rest in peace, even while McConnell shits on Lincoln's legacy), and President Trump, the man who made America Great Again.
Trump: 'Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party'
Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford
February 9, 2022, 10:42 AM

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday, a day after McConnell issued a strong rebuke to the Republican National Committee for its attempt to reframe the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol as "legitimate political discourse."

“Let me give you my view on what happened on Jan. 6. We were all here," McConnell said on Tuesday. "It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election.”

The blunt assessment from McConnell, one of the most powerful Republicans in Washington, drew a lengthy statement from Trump.

The former president railed against McConnell and President Biden alike, repeating his false claim that the 2020 election was stolen. Trump’s debunked election conspiracy theories were the basis for the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the assault on the Capitol that day.

"Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party, and does not represent the views of the vast majority of its voters," Trump said. "He did nothing to fight for his constituents and stop the most fraudulent election in American history. And he does nothing to stop the lawless Biden Administration, the invasion of our Borders, rising Inflation, Unconstitutional mandates, the persecution of political opponents, fact finding on the incompentent [sic] Afghanistan withdrawal, the giving away our energy independence, etc., which is all because of the fraudulent election. Instead, he bails out the Radical Left and the RINOs.

"If Mitch would have fought for the election, like the Democrats would have if in the same position, we would not be discussing any of the above today, and our Country would be STRONG and PROUD instead of weak and embarrassed," Trump added.

On Friday, the RNC voted to censure Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., for their participation in the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 mob attack, which attempted to disrupt and overturn Congress’s certification of Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. The RNC measure, however, downplayed the violent events of Jan. 6.

"Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse," the resolution adopted by the RNC reads.

McConnell's criticism of the RNC stood in stark contrast to the response of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who insisted that the term "legitimate political discourse" referred to subpoenas issued by the committee to six RNC members who were not at the Capitol on the day of the assault.

The text of the RNC resolution, though, does not include that detail.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the RNC's statement — and McCarthy's tepid response — is evidence that the GOP has been "hijacked" by Trump loyalists who are too scared to cross him.

"Take back your party from this cult," Pelosi said at her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. "America needs a strong Republican Party."

McConnell is not the only prominent Republican to speak out against the Jan. 6 narrative being pushed by Trump and his supporters.

Last week, former Vice President Mike Pence said Trump was wrong to claim that Pence had the authority to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

“President Trump is wrong,” Pence said in a speech to the conservative Federalist Society in Florida. “I had no right to overturn the election.”
More From Yahoo News:

02-06-22  08:53am - 956 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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As a loyal Republican, Senator Rubio will fight to the death to keep our country free of scummy Democrats.
"Give me liberty or give me death", shouts Rubio, on the steps of the White House, braving bullets from Democratic Allies from Hell who stole the White House from God's Given Ambassador from Heaven, Donald J. Trump.

Also, Rubio states, he does not want a Democrat Vice President to have the ability to overturn an election.
Only Republicans, who are moral and upright, have the power to overturn elections.
Power to the people.
Rubio says January 6 committee is a "complete partisan scam"
CBS News
February 6, 2022, 6:28 AM

Washington — Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida lambasted the House committee examining the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, calling it a "partisan scam" that is harassing people as part of its probe.

"That commission is a scam. I think it's a complete partisan scam. And I think anyone who committed a crime on January 6 should be prosecuted and if convicted, put in jail," Rubio said in an interview with "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "I do not believe that we need a congressional committee to harass Americans that weren't even in Washington on January 6, that were not in favor of what happened on that day, have condemned what happened on that day, but they want to smear them anyway."

Transcript: Senator Marco Rubio on "Face the Nation"

The Florida senator said the House panel has expanded the scope of its investigation beyond the January 6 attack.

"The purpose of that commission is to try to embarrass and smear and harass as many Republicans as they can get their hands on," he said.

Still, Rubio said those who committed crimes on January 6 should be charged.

"If you entered the Capitol and you committed acts of violence and you were there to hurt people, you should be prosecuted and they are being prosecuted," he said. "But the January 6 commission is not the place to do this."

In the course of its investigation into the events surrounding the January 6 attack on the Capitol, committee members have interviewed more than 475 witnesses and received over 60,000 pages of records, according to an aide to the panel. Nearly all House Republicans opposed the creation of the select committee last year, and the Republican National Committee on Friday approved a resolution to censure GOP Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who both sit on the January 6 committee.

The resolution rebuked the two Republicans for "participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse." More than 700 people have been charged by the Justice Department for their alleged actions in the Capitol attack, in which five people died as a result of the violence.

The founder of the Oath Keepers, a right-wing militia group, and 10 others have also been charged with seditious conspiracy for their alleged roles in the January 6 assault, the most serious charges that have been brought related to the riot.

In court documents, federal prosecutors have accused supporters of former President Donald Trump charged for their conduct on January 6 of wielding weapons including Tasers, tomahawk axes, crowbars, flagpoles, baseball bats and fire extinguishers. Others have been accused of spraying police officers defending the building with chemical irritants.

The rioters who breached the Capitol building succeeded in temporarily stopping Congress from tallying state electoral votes and reaffirming President Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, though lawmakers ultimately reconvened to complete the count once the violence subsided.

While the assault was more than a year ago, Trump has continued to claim that Vice President Mike Pence could have rejected electoral votes from key battleground states where he lost, and alleged in a statement last week that the vice president "could have overturned the Election!"

Pence, though, rejected Trump's claim Friday, saying during a speech that "President Trump is wrong."

"The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone," he said. "And frankly, there is no idea more un-American than the notion that any one American could choose the American president. Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election."

Rubio, too, said he does not believe the vice president has the authority to toss out state electoral votes.

"If President Trump runs for reelection, I believe he would defeat Joe Biden, and I don't want Kamala Harris to have the power as vice president to overturn that election, and that's the same thing that I concluded back in January of 2021," he said. "You know, when that issue was raised, I looked at it, had analyzed it and came to the same conclusion that vice presidents can't simply decide not to certify an election."

02-01-22  01:11am - 961 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Dune: Part Two will begin shooting in July 2022, producer confirms

I was disappointed when watching Dune Part 0ne.
I thought the movie ended abruptly.
I knew, beforehand, that the movie was only 1/2 of the book.
But still, I was left hanging, waiting for more.

I've read that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
But still, why didn't the movie stop at step 2, instead of moving to step 1/2 way?
So I was disappointed with Dune Part One, and am more than willing to wait to see Dune Part Two, which will probably come out late 2022 or sometime in 2023.
I might even wait to watch it on cable TV.
I did not think the movie was worth all the hype, after seeing it in a movie theater.

01-31-22  09:57am - 962 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Different countries have different customs.

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - One woman reported a rape every 15 minutes on average in India in 2018, according to government data released on Thursday, underlining its dismal reputation as one of the worst places in the world to be female.

So I guess that women are treated differently in India than in the US or many European countries.
India seems to be more like an Arab country, where women are second-class citizens.
But many men (and women) in India and Arab countries would deny that women are second-class citizens.

01-28-22  09:42am - 965 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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It took 15 years, but a Bollywood star (an actress in India is considered a Bollywood star) has been cleared of obscenity after Richard Gere kissed her in public.
Kissing (or other forms of affection) in public can be considered obscene, in India.
Bollywood star cleared of obscenity 15 years after Richard Gere kiss
NBC Universal
Mithil Aggarwal and Anisha Kukreja
January 28, 2022, 4:32 AM

It started with a kiss from Richard Gere to raise awareness about AIDS. Fifteen years later, Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty has been officially cleared of obscenity charges by an Indian court.

Shetty, 46, was at an event in New Delhi to promote safe sex and the use of condoms in April 2007, when Gere hugged her and planted kisses on both of her cheeks.

Public displays of affection are considered taboo by some in India, and the kiss set off protests by radical Hindu groups at the time. Effigies of the pair were burned in the streets.

Gere, the star of “Pretty Woman” and other films, quickly apologized, saying that he wanted to show that kissing was safe and could not lead to the transmission of HIV.

Shetty was also quick to defend Gere, saying he was enacting a scene from his film “Shall We Dance” to entertain the audience.

An arrest warrant was nonetheless issued for Gere, although the obscenity charges were quickly thrown out by India’s Supreme Court, which dismissed them as “cheap publicity.”

But the case against Shetty had languished in the Indian court system until last week, when Mumbai Metropolitan Magistrate Ketaki Chavan dismissed it as “groundless.”

Describing it as “baseless and frivolous,” in a written submission to the court in 2017, Shetty’s lawyer, Madhukar Dalvi, had argued that the entire case rested on the fact that “she did not protest when she was kissed by the co-accused.”

“This by no stretch of imagination makes her a conspirator or perpetrator of any crime,” he added.

Chavan appeared to agree in the court ruling released Monday.

“Shilpa Shetty is the victim of alleged act of accused No. 1,” she said in a written ruling, referring to Gere.

Shetty has not commented on the ruling.

01-25-22  11:30pm - 968 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Avenatti now representing himself in case vs. Stormy Daniels
Tue, January 25, 2022, 9:03 AM

NEW YORK (AP) — Once-prominent California attorney Michael Avenatti took over representation of himself Tuesday at his latest criminal trial, setting the stage for him to directly confront former client and porn star Stormy Daniels over her claims that he stole some of the money she was owed for her autobiography.

U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman granted Avenatti's request at his Manhattan trial on wire fraud and aggravated identity theft charges after he cited a “breakdown” with his lawyers over trial strategy, particularly on how to question a former longtime office worker for Avenatti who was testifying at the trial by video.

Daniels was expected to take the witness stand at the trial as early as Wednesday.

Avenatti, 50, has vehemently asserted his innocence on the claims that he pocketed nearly $300,000 of the $800,000 advance paid to Daniels for her 2018 book “Full Disclosure.”

As he left the courthouse Tuesday, he said he felt comfortable representing himself.

“I’m a trial lawyer. It’s what I’ve done for two decades. It’s my arena. It’s where I’m most at home. And I think it gives me the best chance at winning,” he told reporters. “I am completely innocent in this case. It should have never been brought. And I’m hopeful that the jury at the end of the case is going to agree.”

Asked if he was ready to cross examine Daniels, Avenatti said: “I’m ready to cross anybody who comes into this courtroom in an effort to try to convict.”

He spent Tuesday afternoon gently cross examining Judy Regnier, his former longtime paralegal and office manager. Avenatti drew dozens of objections from prosecutors concerned he was coloring her testimony in his favor with lengthy questions meant to show how much work he'd done for Daniels in the year he represented her.

“Do you have a recollection of me stating in 2018 to you and others at the firm that we had to be certain that anything that we put out publicly for Ms. Daniels, any filings that were made had to be perfect or near perfect because there were so many eyes watching everything we did?” Avenatti asked.

“Objection. Hearsay,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Sobelman said.

“Overruled,” the judge said.

Regnier said: “I don’t know if you made exactly that statement, but it’s similar to something you probably would have said.”

Avenatti also questioned Regnier about his work for Daniels, recalling lawsuits against then-President Donald Trump in New York and Los Angeles, her former lawyer, a Florida strip club, a Texas horse trainer, and a false arrest lawsuit against authorities in Columbus, Ohio, that led to the dismissal of charges against Daniels.

Avenatti also cited his work for Daniels' divorce proceeding in Texas and to resolve claims against a documentary company and two friends she accused of stealing from her, although some points were negated by objections or Regnier's answers, like when she said of the documentary dispute: “I do not remember that. No, I do not.”

Avenatti also elicited from Regnier that he'd given her a bonus of over $100,000 one year and paid for some of her vacations at a firm where Avenatti said it was not uncommon for tens of millions of dollars to flow through its bank accounts.

Earlier, Regnier had testified for the government that she did not believe Avenatti had sent any of his law firm’s money to Daniels between July 2018 and February 2019, but she acknowledged that money was spent on security guards for Daniels.

Regnier, who worked for Avenatti for about 11 years, said the firm’s finances were in bad shape during that span.

“I was checking bank accounts to see if there were enough funds to make it through the week, or the day,” she said, revealing that she eventually had to work from home when the firm was evicted after failing to pay its $50,000 monthly rent for five months.

A half year ago, Avenatti successfully represented himself at a California trial, garnering a mistrial against criminal charges that he cheated clients of millions of dollars.

In early 2020, Avenatti was convicted of trying to extort up to $25 million from sportswear giant Nike by threatening to tarnish the company's reputation if it didn't meet his demands. He was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison. At that trial, he did not testify and was represented by lawyers.

Avenatti became well known nationally in 2018 as he represented Daniels in lawsuits against Trump. Daniels had received $130,000 shortly before the 2016 presidential election to remain silent about her claims that she'd had a sexual tryst with Trump a decade earlier. Trump has denied it happened.

In opening statements Monday, Avenatti attorney Andrew Dalack said Avenatti had an agreement with Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, to share proceeds of any book deal.

Dalack said Avenatti had loaned Daniels hundreds of thousands of dollars while he represented her.

01-24-22  02:41am - 969 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The bloom is off the romance. Stormy and Michael are no longer a loving couple.
Instead, the former pair are now competing for cash.
Did Michael, a lawyer, try to cheat Stormy out of money she was owed for writing a book?
Can a lawyer lie or cheat?
Are polticians honest?
Most politicians are lawyers.
And I believe in polticians.
That they go into office to make things better.
Especially for themselves.
Are lawyers different from politicians?
Once allies, Stormy Daniels and Avenatti face off at trial
Associated Press
January 23, 2022, 11:00 PM

NEW YORK (AP) — Stormy Daniels, the porn star who catapulted herself and Michael Avenatti to fame with lawsuits against former President Donald Trump, will have a starring role in court beginning Monday when prosecutors try to prove that the California lawyer cheated her of $300,000 in book proceeds.

Her testimony in Manhattan federal court will be pivotal for prosecutors trying to prove Avenatti engaged in wire fraud and aggravated identity theft to keep from giving his client money he had received from her publisher. Opening statements are set for Monday. Daniels is not expected to testify until Tuesday, at the earliest.

Avenatti, 50, has pleaded not guilty to the charges in what will be his third criminal trial in two years.

“I am completely innocent of these charges," Avenatti said in a statement issued through a publicist this weekend. "The government is spending millions of dollars to prosecute me for a case that should have never been filed. Meanwhile, they continue to allow Trump and his co-conspirators to walk free and suffer no consequences for their criminal conduct. That is not justice.”

In early 2020, he was convicted of trying to extort up to $25 million from Nike by threatening to tarnish the sportswear giant's reputation unless it met his demands. He has not yet begun serving a 2 1/2-year prison sentence. Last year, a mistrial resulted in California on charges that he cheated clients there. He awaits retrial.

The attorney-client relationship between Daniels and Avenatti seemed strong in the spring of 2018 when the pair showed up together at a Manhattan court hearing pertaining to raids on the home and office of Michael Cohen, Trump's longtime personal attorney.

Cohen had played a role in a $130,000 hush-money payment to Daniels to buy her silence 11 days before the 2016 presidential election. He eventually pleaded guilty to charges and served a year behind bars before finishing his three-year prison term at home.

With Avenatti's help, Daniels sued Trump to try to win back her freedom to speak openly about what she contended was a brief affair with Trump a decade earlier. As a result of the litigation in 2018, a Los Angeles judge ordered Trump to pay Daniels $44,100 in legal fees. Trump has denied the sexual encounter.

With Daniels as a client and his growing reputation as a Trump critic, Avenatti found himself in demand on cable television news programs. He became so popular in some circles that he considered a run for president.

After Daniels signed a book deal, the pair remained close, and Avenatti was enlisted to write the forward to “Full Disclosure,” which was released in the fall of 2018. In the book, Daniels revealed details about what she described as her sexual encounter with Trump and communications afterward.

But a half-year after the book was published, Avenatti was charged in three criminal cases, including the fraud he was alleged to have carried out against Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford.

After his arrest, Avenatti insisted in Twitter posts that no money related to Daniels was ever misappropriated or mishandled and that he mostly worked unpaid for Daniels with an agreement that he would receive a percentage of any book proceeds. He said he looked “forward to a jury hearing the evidence.”

01-23-22  08:12pm - 970 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Jeff Daniels, who killed spiders in 'Arachnophobia,' gets spider-killing worm named after him

January 19, 2022, 3:57 PM

He's an Emmy-winning actor. A movie star. A singer/songwriter.

Now, Jeff Daniels is the inspiration for the name of a tarantula-killing worm.

Taranarantobelus jeffdanielsi is the moniker of a newly found parasite that infects the scary spiders, according to the University of California Riverside. Research on the parasite was published in the Journal of Parasitology on Monday.

Discovered by a team from UC Riverside, the worm was given the name because of Daniels' role in the 1990 hit movie "Arachnophobia." In it, he's the hero battling a lethal spider attack that's endangering his small town.

“His character in the film is a spider killer, which is exactly what these nematodes are,” UC Riverside parasitologist Adler Dillman and lead researcher said in a news release.

Dillman said once a spider is infected by a jeffdanielsi, the appendages that control its fangs stop working and it will stop eating and eventually die of starvation.
Jeff Daniels accepts the award for outstanding lead actor in a drama series for his role on
Jeff Daniels accepts the award for outstanding lead actor in a drama series for his role on

Daniels' response to the university's decision was, characteristically, wry and good-natured.

“When I first heard a new species of nematode had been named after me, I thought, ‘Why? Is there a resemblance?’" Daniels said.

“Honestly, I was honored by their homage to me and 'Arachnophobia.' Made me smile. And of course, in Hollywood, you haven’t really made it until you’ve been recognized by those in the field of parasitology.”

For those keeping score at home, "Arachnophobia" earned more than $53 million worldwide, according to Box Office Mojo and has a 93% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Contributing: Jordan Mendoza, USA TODAY

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Jeff Daniels now has a spider-killing worm named after him

01-13-22  07:12am - 980 days #5
LKLK (0)
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A new channel in Adult Time I've not seen before.
Good channel, sharp videography.
Them is taboo sex (or perverts having sex?).

I got a promo ad to join the site (and Adult Time) for $5 for the first month.
Streaming only.
But $5 is cheap way to see what the channel (and Adult Time) has to offer, if you've never joined.

I already have access to Adult Time through my 21 Sextury membership.

01-12-22  02:44pm - 981 days #16
LKLK (0)
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Please read the following article.
It breaks down how effective the covid vaccination is for different age groups.
All age groups are strongly protected against Covid by vaccination, in both hospitalization rates and death rates.

Unless you believe the article is a lie, the chances of being hospitalized are minimized if you are fully vaccinated.
And the chances of dying are minimized, as well.

There are other articles that agree that vaccination is a tremendously useful help against the disease.

Mainly, only Republicans argue that vaccination is useless. Or against God's will, or give other reasons why the government is evil and forcing the vaccine on the US population.


01-10-22  07:40am - 983 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Part of the Dirty Flix network, which is already listed at PU.
Debt sex is a small site, with a slow update rate.
Main reason to visit it would be if you've already paid for a sub to Dirty Flix.

01-05-22  09:10am - 988 days #4
LKLK (0)
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RabbitsReviews (a companion site to the PU site) states:
Money Back Guarantee
We have deals with many of the sites we reviewed to guarantee that you'll enjoy their website. If you're not satisfied within three days of joining one of our trusted partner site, we'll ensure that you get your money back!

Money-back Guarantee If you see this symbol, you know we offer you a money-back guarantee. (Note: does not apply to cross sales offered by partners)

If you join through a link from the RabbitsReview site, they should work to give you a money-back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with your membership to that site (guarantee is for the first 3 days of your membership, I think).

And they should be willing to help you with any problems you have with your site membership.

RabbitsReviews state that CCBill and Epoch are billers used by that site, but your information is probably more up to date.

But Rabbits Reviews (or the PU staff) would have much more weight in resolving any issues you might have with the site, than a simple porn subscriber, obviously.

For what it's worth.

As I stated, I've never joined this site, or used their biller. So I can't offer any concrete details on their site or biller, except that Rabbits Reviews and the PU staff are normally willing to help resolve any issues of payment or membership a PU member has with most porn sites they cover.

01-05-22  12:33am - 988 days #2
LKLK (0)
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The Best Porn (companion site to PU) lists CCBill as the primary billing agent, with Epoch listed as a secondary billing agent.

I've never joined this site, but you should be able to join the site with either biller, both of which billers are trusted agents, in my experience.

12-28-21  10:42am - 996 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Old timey revolvers were called 5-shooters, because they were supposed to be carried with an empty cylinder under the hammer. For safety reasons. Old timey revolvers didn't have a reliable safety.

Or she could have been carrying a cheap Saturday night special.

But I agree that modern days handguns from America (and most places) have good safety features. And won't fire accidentally when dropped.

12-28-21  08:21am - 996 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Here's a woman who needs lessons in gun safety.
A gun is made to protect yourself.
Enquiring minds want to know: who will protect us from ourselves?

Macon Telegraph

Alabama woman drops gun at store, shoots her foot, cops say

Shopper drops gun and accidentally shoots herself at T.J. Maxx store, Alabama cops say
By Mark Price December 21, 2021 7:35 AM

Christmas shopping took a frightening turn at one Alabama T.J. Maxx when police say a woman dropped a loaded pistol and accidentally shot herself. The identity of the woman was not released, but she survived to shop another day, officials said. It happened around 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20, at the T.J. Maxx store on Tiger Town Parkway in Opelika, which is about 110 miles southeast of Birmingham.
“Upon arrival, first responders located a 55-year-old woman suffering from a gunshot wound to her foot,” the Opelika Police Department reported on Facebook.
Christmas shopping took an odd turn in in Opelika, Alabama, when a T.J. Maxx shopper dropped a pistol and wounded herself Monday, Dec. 20, police say.

“Officers learned that the woman accidentally dropped the firearm, which caused it to discharge, striking her in the foot.” The shopper was taken to a hospital. Police did not release details of her condition. No injuries were reported among other shoppers or staff at the clothing and home decor store. Detectives are continuing to investigate the incident. It happened five days before Christmas, a period when stores are often packed with shoppers racing to make purchases before businesses close on Christmas Eve.

12-24-21  10:35am - 1000 days #4
LKLK (0)
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Filth Flix is offering a Rabbits Review special discount of:
$4.95 for the first month;
$48 for the first year;
$150 lifetime membership.

Filth Flix is a site/network that offers hardcore videos from over 70 different sites.

The site/network is streaming only.
That could be a turn-off to some PU members.
But the price is very low, and there are a huge number of cute teens in these videos.

12-24-21  09:26am - 1000 days #3
LKLK (0)
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Rabbits Reviews listened to my suggestion and published a list of 70 Christmas porn deals today.
Check your inbox if you get the Rabbits Reviews newsletter.
Or go to the site directly:


12-23-21  05:53pm - 1001 days #2
LKLK (0)
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18 Virgin Sex (part of the 1 Pass For All Sites network) is having a special of $90 for a 1-year membership.
This is a great teen-oriented network.

12-23-21  05:47pm - 1001 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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A lot of sites are having discounted memberships.
PU and RabbitsReviews should put a listing of some of the major sites with discounts. That I haven't seen them put up yet.

Femjoy, for around $80 for the year. Or $10 for the first month.
Metart and Sexart, both $5 for the first month.

Many sites offering 1 year memberships for the lowest price of the year.

Many quality sites offering a one-month membership for $10 or less.

Look around, there are plenty of specials, you just have to find what interests you.

12-21-21  07:30am - 1003 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Manchin is a US Senator.
He knows lots of poor people, because he represents West Virginia.
So when he says poor peole are druggies, he has the experience to know what he's talking about.
Don't give poor people money, because they will only use it to buy illegal drugs.
Also, don't give poor people paid sick leave, because they will only use it to go on hunting trips.
You can't trust the poor to do the right thing: only rich people can use government money to make America great again.
Enough said.
Joe Manchin privately told colleagues parents use child tax credit money on drugs
Tara Golshan
December 20, 2021, 7:48 AM
Scroll back up to restore default view.

WASHINGTON — After months of haggling with President Biden and other Democrats, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) dashed his party’s hopes on Sunday by announcing he wouldn’t vote for the Build Back Better legislation.

Publicly, his biggest gripes are about the cost of the bill. But privately, Manchin has told his colleagues that he essentially doesn’t trust low-income people to spend government money wisely.

In recent months, Manchin has told several of his fellow Democrats that he thought parents would waste monthly child tax credit payments on drugs instead of providing for their children, according to two sources familiar with the senator’s comments.

Continuing the child tax credit for another year is a core part of the Build Back Better legislation that Democrats had hoped to pass by the end of the year. The policy has already cut child poverty by nearly 30%.

Manchin’s private comments shocked several senators, who saw it as an unfair assault on his own constituents and those struggling to raise children in poverty.

Manchin has also told colleagues he believes that Americans would fraudulently use the proposed paid sick leave policy, specifically saying people would feign being sick and go on hunting trips, a source familiar with his comments told HuffPost.

Manchin’s office declined to comment for this story.

In a statement on Sunday, he said he opposed the Build Back Better agenda largely because of its cost.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) in November. On Sunday, he announced he would not be voting for President Joe Biden's Build Back Better bill, essentially ensuring that it will not pass. (Photo: Tom Williams via Getty Images)
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) in November. On Sunday, he announced he would not be voting for President Joe Biden's Build Back Better bill, essentially ensuring that it will not pass. (Photo: Tom Williams via Getty Images)

“My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country even more vulnerable to the threats we face,” Manchin said. “I cannot take that risk with a staggering debt of more than $29 trillion and inflation taxes that are real and harmful to every hard-working American at the gasoline pumps, grocery stores and utility bills with no end in sight.”

Manchin’s refusal to support the bill likely means December’s child tax credit payment will be the final one for the 36 million households that have been receiving the benefits since July.

The credit pays $300 per child under 6 and $250 for kids under 18 for two-parent households earning less than $150,000 annually and single parents earning less than $112,000. Parents don’t need to have earned money or to owe taxes in order to qualify.

Manchin previously suggested Democrats should impose “work requirements” on all the social programs in Build Back Better, but he seemed to drop that demand after the White House released a framework of the legislation in October. The White House said the framework resulted from negotiations with Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

Low-income households that receive the credit have reported spending the money mostly on necessities like food, utilities, clothing and school supplies, according to monthly survey data from the Census Bureau. Four percent of households have reported using the money for “recreational goods” such as sports equipment or toys.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), a top proponent of the child payments, said he had heard of Manchin’s remarks about the money going toward drugs but wasn’t paying any mind to it.

“The stories I hear the most, if you put it in categories, are child care, school supplies, college fund, phone bills,” Brown told HuffPost last week. “My focus is getting this program — which is the best thing Congress has done in 25 years — making sure it continues.”

If Mr. Manchin and Republicans and anybody else who thinks struggling working families, who have a hard time raising their kids today, should not be able to continue to get the help ... they’ve got to come forward to the American people.Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

The concern that some parents would use the benefit for drugs echoes years of conservative talking points on welfare. During Barack Obama’s presidency, Republicans in Congress and state legislatures around the country sought to add drug testing to requirements to nutrition assistance, unemployment benefits and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides monthly cash benefits to poor parents.

More than a dozen states enacted drug testing policies from 2011 through 2017, resulting in less than 1% of applicants actually testing positive for drugs. States lawmakers have generally lost interest in the policy in recent years.

Since West Virginia launched its TANF drug screening program in 2017, just 131 applicants have tested positive for drugs ― a small fraction of the thousands of program beneficiaries. Nevertheless, state lawmakers this spring opted to continue the screening program for another five years. The puny number of welfare recipients kicked off the rolls might not save the state any money, but it sends a message: People on welfare can’t be trusted, and we’re making them prove they deserve help.

Manchin told HuffPost last week that he has always supported the child tax credit, but he refused to say whether he supported the version of it that Democrats were hoping to extend through 2022, calling the question “bullshit.” He later said that if Democrats want to continue the policy, they should do so for 10 years instead of just one.

Since the credit costs more than $100 billion per year, a longer extension would be costly, and it would force Democrats to drop other programs from the Build Back Better agenda. Democrats want their enhanced child tax credit to be permanent, but included a one-year extension to reduce the cost of the bill, arguing that it would be easy to extend the credit at a later time. Now the policy may expire after just six months.

Democrats’ frustration with Manchin began to boil over last week even before he announced he wouldn’t support the bill.

“If Mr. Manchin and Republicans and anybody else who thinks struggling working families, who have a hard time raising their kids today, should not be able to continue to get the help — that’s their view — they’ve got to come forward to the American people and say, ‘we don’t think you need help,’” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Thursday.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

12-20-21  07:04pm - 1004 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Happy holidays to everyone.
There are lot of holiday specials being offered.
If anyone has some extra cash.

I download very little any more.
Mostly, I join sites I've already joined.
And I'm trying to be very picky in what I download.

I used to download lots, and rarely looked at it afterwards.
Now I want to be more selective, and try to download only what I really like, and will look at more than once.

That's just me.

12-19-21  04:06pm - 1005 days #10
LKLK (0)
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Christmas special discounts now being offered.
Lots of sites having discounts.
I see Hegre for $75 for a year.
superbemodels $9.95 for the first month.

12-15-21  04:36pm - 1009 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Billie Eilish, the American singer and songwriter, says she started watching porn at 11 years old. It destroyed her brain. That's why she is able to write songs, and to sing, and to make tons of money.
"I grew up with no money," she says. (I'm not sure how you can grow up with no money. Don't you have to eat food, and sleep somewhere, even if it's just on the side of the road? And it takes money to eat food. Even if you can sleep for free.)

Anyway, she's now worth an estimated $53 million.
Pretty good, for a zombie with a destroyed brain. That started out with no money.
Billie Eilish Says She Started Watching Porn at Age 11: 'It Really Destroyed My Brain'
Dan Heching
December 14, 2021, 5:04 PM

The Howard Stern Show

Billie Eilish is opening up about how she feels "incredibly devastated" by her exposure to pornographic images at an early age.

The Happier Than Ever artist, 19, visited SiriusXM's The Howard Stern Show Monday and told host Howard Stern that "as a woman, I think porn is a disgrace."

"I used to watch a lot of porn, to be honest. I started watching porn when I was like 11," Eilish continued, explaining that she thought it would help her feel like "one of the guys."
Video: Billie Eilish says she's 'not happy' with her body

RELATED: Billie Eilish Details Bout with COVID-19: 'If I Weren't Vaccinated, I Would Have Died'

"I think it really destroyed my brain, and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn," the seven-time Grammy Award winner added. "The first few times I, you know, had sex, I was not saying 'No' to things that were not good. It was because I thought that's what I was supposed to be attracted to."

"I'm so angry that porn is so loved, and I'm so angry at myself for thinking that it was okay," she said. "The way that vaginas look in porn is f—king crazy. No vaginas look like that. Women's bodies don't look like that. We don't come like that."

RELATED VIDEO: Billie Eilish Says She Lost Followers After Debuting New Look: 'People Are Scared of Big Boobs'

RELATED: Billie Eilish Pokes Fun at 16-Year-Old Colin Jost in SNL Monologue: 'Yikes!

The "Bad Guy" singer, who hosted and performed on Saturday Night Live over the weekend, also discussed dating on Stern's show and talked about the difficulties she's faced. "I'm not a serial dater," she said. "I don't go to stuff and flirt with people."

"It's really hard to meet people when people are either terrified of you or think that you're out of their league," she added. "Last year, I thought that I'd be single for the rest of my life. I genuinely couldn't even picture myself in a relationship of any sort. I got over that pretty fast."

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The music star also opened up to Stern about her bout with COVID-19 earlier this year, and the side effects she's still experiencing months later.

"I didn't die, and I wasn't gonna die, but that does not take away from how miserable it was. It was terrible," Eilish, who had a breakthrough case of coronavirus in August, said. "I still have side effects. I was sick for, like, two months almost."

Eilish credited the vaccine as the reason she's now "fine," adding, "I think if I weren't vaccinated, I would have, like, died, because it was bad … When I say it was bad, I more just mean that it felt horrible. But really, in the scheme of COVID, it was not bad. You know what I mean? When you're sick, you feel f—ing horrible."

12-08-21  08:30am - 1016 days #3
LKLK (0)
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She might have only started a couple of years ago, but she's featured at many porn sites already.

Sweet face, large breasts, lovely smile.
She makes an impression on you.

11-29-21  06:35pm - 1025 days #9
LKLK (0)
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Porn discounts are continuing with "Cyber Monday" deals.
See Rabbits Reviews released this Monday for a short listing.

11-29-21  09:16am - 1025 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Warning: the females look kinda young. Might be underage!
But the big husky stunt cock is able to handle all the females.
Even the bigger cat that is attacking his ear.

11-25-21  05:50am - 1029 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Trump needs to move to North Korea, where he will be welcomed with open arms.
Maybe he can help North Korea/Supreme leader Kim Jong-un make Korea great again?

‘Squid Game’ smuggler sentenced to death in North Korea after students caught watching Netflix show
Naman Ramachandran
November 24, 2021, 9:57 AM

A man who smuggled copies of smash hit South Korean Netflix series “Squid Game” into North Korea has been sentenced to death, after authorities caught high school students watching the show, according to Radio Free Asia (RFA).

U.S.-headquartered independent news agency RFA reported, quoting sources, that the series was smuggled in from China on USB flash drives and that the smuggler faces death by firing squad.

“A student who bought a drive received a life sentence, while six others who watched the show have been sentenced to five years hard labor, and teachers and school administrators have been fired and face banishment to work in remote mines,” RFA reported.

In December 2020, North Korea passed the “Elimination of Reactionary Thought and Culture” act, which prohibits the entry and dissemination of cultural material like films, plays, music and books in the country. The act is mainly aimed at preventing the spread of media from South Korea and the U.S. and those found distributing or consuming these are liable to be punished.

According to widespread reports, in April this year a man was publicly executed for selling drives and CDs containing South Korean material.

“Squid Game,” in particular, has been a source of anger in the dictatorship. North Korean propaganda site Arirang Meari excoriated the high-concept survival drama as depicting the “sad reality of a beastly South Korean society.”

The RFA report suggests that there is great public anxiety over the fate of the high school students and that more people could be implicated in the investigation.

Variety has reached out to Netflix for comment.

Netflix is not available in China, but “Squid Game” has been pirated widely in the country, per reports.

11-24-21  04:03pm - 1030 days #8
LKLK (0)
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Dorcel Club is having a Black Friday special of $4.42/month for a 12 month membership.

Sometimes these sites charge you in Euros instead of US dollars.

And some offers are streaming only, not including downloads.

I don't know if this is a US dollar price, or a Euro price.
I don't know if this offer includes downloads.

But either way, this seems like a very low price to a site that seems to be high quality.

11-24-21  03:43pm - 1030 days #7
LKLK (0)
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Adult Time is having a limited time special, until December 2, where, if you pay $80, you will have lifetime access to one site, as long as you remain a member of Adult Time.
The sites include:
My Pervy Family
Evil Angel
Girl Friends Films
X Empire
Gender X Films
Taboo Heat

11-24-21  06:46am - 1030 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA
Clip of 2 UFOs invading US air space.
Warning: one of the UFOs might be underage.


11-24-21  06:04am - 1030 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The Pentagon said it will investigate UFOs.
If UFOs are found in restricted airspace, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
However, the general public will be shielded from this knowledge, due to the tendency of the public to fear the unknown, and the care of highly-placed government officials to shelter the general unwashed masses from knowledge.

Go, Pentagon, shining brightly over the unwashed masses.

Pentagon to form new group to investigate UFOs
November 24, 2021, 3:27 AM

The United States Department of Defense late on Tuesday said it will establish a new group to investigate reports on the presence of UFOs in restricted airspace.

The formation of the group comes after the government released a report in June, encompassing 144 observations, which said there was a lack of sufficient data to determine the nature of mysterious flying objects.

The new group, Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, will be overseen by the Under Secretary Of Defense for Intelligence, the director of the Joint Staff and officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said in a separate statement the presence of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) in restricted airspace poses a potential safety of flight risk to aircrews and raises potential national security concerns.

The new group which will succeed the U.S. Navy's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, will work to detect, identify and attribute objects, assess and mitigate any associated threats, the Pentagon said.

The U.S. military have spent decades deflecting, debunking and discrediting observations of unidentified flying objects and "flying saucers" dating back to the 1940s.

11-23-21  10:56am - 1031 days #6
LKLK (0)
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Also, what is happening with the view count for recent threads?

View counts are 142, 485, 530, 90, 359.
The view counts used to be less than 10, or maybe less than 20 for most threads.

Has the PU software hit a glitch, where the thread counts are exaggerated?

I'd like to think the PU site is getting more popular, but I doubt that it's suddenly this popular, based on the thread view count.

11-23-21  10:50am - 1031 days #5
LKLK (0)
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I'm seeing a lot of 3-year memberships being offered by porn sites.
The monthly price is fine, but who wants to join a site for 3 years, not knowing if the site will be around by then?

Besides, the price for a 3-year membership is close to what a lifetime membership can run.

Why are porn sites offering a 3-year membership?
Is there some new trend we should be aware of, where the world will end in 3+ years?

11-23-21  02:11am - 1031 days #4
LKLK (0)
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I just joined the Adult Prime network today for 95.88 Euros for one year.
That's around $108 in US dollars, I think.
First time I joined this network.
But the reviews are good, and I hope to enjoy the network.
Still getting used to the navigation, which seems intuitive, but the links don't seem to work.
Is it my PC, or the site?
But there seems to be at least a 100 sites or more that are priced at $10 or less.

11-22-21  07:33am - 1032 days #2
LKLK (0)
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On the Rabbits Review page listed above,
XEmpire is shown as $7.95 for the first month, a discount of 100%.
I always thought a discount of 100% would equate to a price of $0, but maybe this is the new math.

11-22-21  07:23am - 1032 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Seems like a lot of Black Friday porn discount memberships are here.

The latest edition of Rabbits Reviews


the sister (or brother) site of PU, lists a bunch of porn site memberships for $10 or less.

Most of the $10 or less memberships are for the first month only, renewing at a higher price.

Worth checking out for some very nice sites.

11-17-21  07:13am - 1037 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA

This former marine, now a former university student, is in a Russian jail.
He was sentenced to 9 years in jail for endangering the lives of two policemen in Russia.
As a former marine, he was trained in deadly hand-to-hand combat.
But he was merciful, and did not kill the Russian police.
As a lesson, Russia has put him in jail for 9 years.
But the US government is considering a prisoner swap between the US and Russia.

Enquiring minds want to know: Does the US government have room for another prisoner in its US jails or prisons?

Ex-U.S. Marine Trevor Reed says he ends hunger strike in Russian jail
November 17, 2021, 2:17 AM
Scroll back up to restore default view.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A former U.S. Marine serving a nine-year jail sentence in Russia said he had ended a hunger strike after nearly a week, having suffered health complications, according to a message shared by his family.

Trevor Reed, a university student from Texas, was convicted last year of endangering the lives of two policemen in Moscow while drunk on a visit in 2019. He denies the charges and the United States called his trial a "theatre of the absurd".

His family said last week he had begun a hunger strike to protest against his incarceration and alleged violations of his rights. The prison service denied he was refusing food or that his rights were being abused.

In Nov. 15 comments shared by his family late on Tuesday, Reed said he ended the strike on the morning of Nov. 9, having refused food and drunk only water since the evening of Nov. 3.

"They (prison staff) were ALL aware of my hunger strike. They asked me on video every day if I wanted food and I refused. They did not weigh me or give me a medical inspection," he said.

The prison service did not immediately reply to a request to comment.

Reed said he had a cough, headache, congestion, mucus in his lungs and back pain, and that a doctor had given him vitamins.

He said he was due to be moved from his cell to a punishment cell on Monday, but did not say why.

A family spokesman said: "Trevor's new complaints about his health are alarming and it's quite clear Russian authorities aren't taking them seriously. The Reeds continue to urge the (U.S.) Administration to make a deal to bring their son home."

Reed and Paul Whelan, an American who was jailed in Russia on spying charges he denied, have been touted as possible candidates for a prisoner swap between Moscow and Washington.

10-12-21  02:48am - 1073 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Our superheroes had feet of clay.
They were too ashamed to admit the truth: Either they were bisexual, or they were gay. Or whatever other term you might use to describe the alt sex cravings of these former heroes.
No longer will their behavior be whitewashed. We, the public, are entitled to the truth. No matter how disturbing it might be.
DC's new Superman comes out as bisexual in upcoming comic
Entertainment Weekly
October 11, 2021, 9:35 AM

DC Comics has a new Superman in town, and he's different from his predecessor in more ways than one. The ongoing comic Superman: Son of Kal-El by writer Tom Taylor and artist John Timms launched in July and saw Jon Kent officially take up the mantle of the Man of Steel now that his father, Clark Kent a.k.a Kal-El, is feeling his age. But youth isn't the only thing that distinguishes these two Supermen. In November's Superman: Son of Kal-El #5, Jon will officially come out as bisexual and become romantically involved with another male character.

Both Supermen certainly have a thing for reporters. Just as Jon was born of the marriage between Clark Kent and Lois Lane, he has now fallen for a young reporter named Jay Nakamura. As Jon gets mentally and physically burnt out by trying to save everyone he can in the pages of Superman: Son of Kal-El #5, Jay is there to care for him.

"I've always said everyone needs heroes and everyone deserves to see themselves in their heroes and I'm very grateful DC and Warner Bros. share this idea," Taylor said in a statement. "Superman's symbol has always stood for hope, for truth and for justice. Today, that symbol represents something more. Today, more people can see themselves in the most powerful superhero in comics."
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

John Timms/DC Comics The new Superman, Jon Kent, falls for reporter Jay Nakamura in 'Superman: Son of Kal-El' #5 by Tom Taylor and John Timms

Superman: Son of Kal-El is not an alternate-universe tale; it takes place in mainstream DC continuity. But the multimedia nature of modern DC means that other versions of Jon Kent exist as well.

"We talk a lot about the power of the DC Multiverse in our storytelling and this is another incredible example," DC Publisher Jim Lee said in a statement. "We can have Jon Kent exploring his identity in the comics as well as Jon Kent learning the secrets of his family on TV on Superman & Lois. They coexist in their own worlds and times, and our fans get to enjoy both simultaneously."

The first three issues of Superman: Son of Kal-El are available now for any readers interested by this news. Issue #4 hits stands on Oct. 19, with issue #5 coming on Nov. 9. Below, check out multiple different covers for Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 — the main one by Timms, plus a variant by Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain, and another variant by Inhyuk Lee.
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

John Timms/DC Comics Cover to 'Superman: Son of Kal-El' #5 by John Timms
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain/DC Comics Variant cover to 'Superman: Son of Kal-El' #5 by Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5
Jon Kent Finds His Identity in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

Inhyuk Lee/DC Comics Variant cover to 'Superman: Son of Kal-El' #5 by Inhyuk Lee

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10-07-21  04:13pm - 1078 days #2
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA
Republicans are willing to stand up to the thieving Democrats who stole the White House from Donald Trump, the man God Himself put in charge of the United States of America.

Who will stand with these Republicans, who demand honesty and justice for all?
At hearing on Arizona 'audit,' GOP congressman refuses to say Biden won election
Yahoo News
Dylan Stableford
October 7, 2021, 10:46 AM

During a House hearing Thursday on the recent "audit" of the 2020 election results in Arizona conducted by supporters of former President Donald Trump, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., sparred with Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., who refused to accept its results showing that Joe Biden won the state.

"Who won the election in Arizona: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?" Raskin asked Biggs at the beginning of the hearing, which was convened by the House Oversight Committee.

"We don't know. There are a lot of issues with this election that took place," Biggs replied. The two-term Republican congressman was reelected last year to represent the state's Fifth District in the same election whose results he has been questioning.

The "audit" of populous Maricopa County was done at the behest of the Arizona state Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, and conducted and funded by pro-Trump organizations. It showed Biden won by 45,469 votes — a wider margin than the official result, which was 45,109.

"There's the problem," Raskin said. "Donald Trump refused to accept the results, and unfortunately we have one of the world's great political parties which has followed him off of the ledge of this electoral lunacy, and it's dangerous for democracy."
Rep. Any Biggs, R-Ariz.,speaks during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday. (Photo by Bill Clark-Pool/Getty Images)
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz. (Bill Clark-Pool/Getty Images)

The CEO of Cyber Ninjas, the company that conducted the partisan audit, declined to appear at the hearing to testify despite being invited. Before Doug Logan and his company were hired in Arizona, he pushed unfounded claims of fraud in the 2020 election and was working with Trump’s allies to overturn the election results as early as last November.

At the same hearing, two Maricopa County GOP election officials, who oversaw and accepted the results, testified about the threats they and their families have received from Trump supporters for refusing to say the election was stolen.

Jack Sellers, chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said he has had police parked in front of his house on many nights because of specific threats against him.

The board's vice chairman, Bill Gates, said his family has been the target of numerous death threats.

"I have three daughters," Gates said. "We have been subjected to many threats over the past few months. We have been doxxed. ... We've had phone calls into the Board of Supervisors saying people were going to come slaughter us and our families."

Gates later added that he believed that a "lot of the people" who led the audit were not focused on "restoring confidence and instead, I think, it was more on raising doubts, and I think we're seeing that again today, quite frankly."
Contractors working for Cyber Ninjas examine ballots from the 2020 general election in Phoenix, May 3, 2021. (Photo by Courtney Pedroza for the Washington Post)
Contractors working for Cyber Ninjas examine ballots from the 2020 election in Phoenix on May 3. (Courtney Pedroza/Washington Post)

While the Trump campaign was contesting the results, both Sellers and Gates received phone messages on Christmas Eve from Rudy Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, who suggested that they help in the effort because they were all Republicans.

"I'd like to see if there's a way that we could resolve this so it comes out well for everyone," Giuliani said in a voicemail to Sellers, which was played at the hearing. "We're all Republicans. I think we all have the same goal."

Republicans on the committee spent much of the hearing speculating that other aspects of the election, including mail ballots to potentially hacked voting machines, called the results into question. They also cited the millions of Americans who mistrust the 2020 election results, fueled by Trump and his allies hammering baseless claims of fraud.

Polls show that most Republicans believe Trump's claims about the 2020 election, despite an absence of evidence. An August Yahoo News/YouGov survey found that 66 percent of Republicans continue to insist that "the election was rigged and stolen from Trump," while just 18 percent believe "Joe Biden won fair and square."

The conspiracy theory about the 2020 election being stolen has had real-world consequences, starting with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which resulted in multiple deaths and Trump's impeachment. Republican lawmakers in at least 18 states have passed restrictions since last November that make it more difficult to vote, arguing that such policy changes are necessary to restore faith in elections. A number of Republicans who have stated they believe the election was stolen are now running for the top election offices in their states, raising concern about what could happen if there is another close race in 2024.

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