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08-27-10  07:44pm - 5244 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
Originally Posted by slutty:

I'm curious where the puritanical fear of nipples came from in American society? Shit, its just a tit, It isn't really even a sexual organ... And if they are so evil why don't men have to cover theirs, espicially the men with hairy saggy ones?

I think you have an incorrect idea of nipples and by default the breasts they are attached to. Breats are in fact 2 major sexual organs. All you have to do is check past mentions of them on this forum and you'll see that all of us enjoy looking at them. I'd even be willing to say that looking at womens breats gets us excited and turned on. At least I hope that's the case because if it isn't then magazines like Playboy must really have made their money on the great articles. What breats aren't are reproductive organs.

If my theory that breats are sexual organs and that just looking at them has the potential to get people turned on then is it any wonder that many societies prevent women from exposing them in public. Another problem that I can see is where do you draw the line with topless beaches? Are they only for adults or are children and teens allowed to expose themselves? See if we include underage girls on topless beaches then you now have that slipery slope of possible pedophilia activities rearing it's ugly head. It makes sense for pedophiles to be near topless beaches if their are any chances of seeing and taking pictures of topless young girls. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-26-10  06:46pm - 5245 days #274
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Q: So, you and Fox have the two top grossing films of all time. Can you now get about anything you want from Fox?

A: "Do they listen to me more, now? Probably not, if they weren't going to listen to me after 'Titanic,' they're not going to listen to me now, any more or any less."

Right. Because we all remember hearing how Fox was going to pull the plug on this movie when the budget was getting higher and higher. The fact is that even with his track record. No studio would have given him carte blanche on his Avatar movie except Fox. They probably don't listen to him more because I can't help but think that for all his genious. He's an Ass and an arrogant one at that. That doesn't stop me from watching his movies but I tend to avoid hearing things about James Cameron in large part because he's a very talendted filmaker. I just don't think that makes him a great man. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-26-10  06:33pm - 5245 days #24
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by elephant:

Allie Haze, has the cutest smile ever and would be perfection for me if it wasn't for the great tattoo she has on the side of her lower stomach, its just hideous and takes away all the cuteness of her,

They must regret them when they get older, especially those big one, some of the girls on the whipped ass site look damn right scary with them all over , which is a shame cause it would be awesome to see pretty girls without tats do that site. Oh and nipple and vagina piercings too are a major turn off. I guess its my brain thinking it makes them more masculine and takes away their feminine beauty. I'm soft like that lol.

I'm more forgiving to Allie. I agree that she would be cuter if she didn't have the tattoo or if it was smaller. It doesn't bother me enough to affect how I feel about her.
Another ultra cute girls is Tori Black. She also suffers from the same affliction as Allie. The tatto is different but the position is the same. It distracts for a while but they are so damn gorgeous that I overlook it. If they had a sleave or partial sleave or God forbid a giant ass back tattoo than I would probably couldn't watch their stuff anymore.

I agree that as they grow older, some of them start to regret the decisions they did in their youth. I know I do. That's called maturing. The problem is that most of these girls are just that, girls and not very old. Allie is 23yrs old and started porn around 22. Her tattoo was already there so it means she had it done when she was 21 or younger. Tori was 19 and she also had the tatto had the time so you know she had it done at a younger age.

The only performer that I know has mentioned regreting her tattoo is Dana Dearmond. Mind you she's 31 so it took her a long time to regret it. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-23-10  07:17pm - 5248 days #20
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

You guys are lucky, are presidential campaigns start and a year and a half before the election takes place, if not earlier. I remember already hearing last year about people who were "thinking of 2012." (And not that Mayan calendar nonsense.)

I know and that is probably the on thing that would drive me completely nuts if I was an American. You are almost inviting corruption by requiring candidates to accumulate bigger and bigger debts just to stay ahead of the next guy.

I know that there's been talk that Congress would amend the rules and shorten the campaign period but I haven't seen anything happen yet. Can you imagine what a 6 months campaign would be like? You couldn't shorten it to our system because the US has 10 times our population. There is no way that you can vist 50+ States in less than six months. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  06:29pm - 5249 days #271
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Vampires Suck only cost $20 million. I remember when a million dollars was a lot of money. So I guess $20 million for a movie is chicken feed. But I sure could have a happy time on $20 million. Or even $10 million.

I think 20 millions for this movie is 19,999,999.00$ more than they should have spent but knowing Holywoods ability to see a winning movie and gamble on it then it could have been much worse. I just checked and it's all ready made 19 millions at the box office so what do I know? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  06:24pm - 5249 days #16
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Warren Buffett complaining a few years ago about paying a smaller income tax rate than his secretary[/url]--what the hell does that say about this country (besides don't be a secretary)? He probably pays a lot of capital gains taxes and writes a larger overall check for income taxes, but the percentage differences seemed to be skewed towards easing the burdens on those with the Scrooge fortunes. I bet a lot of these guys (and gals, if there are any) would defend paying at lower rates because of their donations to charity though these arguably do nothing for the economy.

Good Old Warren. Mr number 3 on Forbes billionaire list.
Estimated net worth of 47 billion dollars. He is only surpassed by Bill Gates at #2 and Carlos Sim who's #1. At least Bill made is money by owning a company that employs thousands of people. Warren and Carlos made theirs with the stock market. Mmm isn't that strange that 2 of the richest people in the world got their money from the stock market???

My biggest problem with Mr BUffet is that he has been called a genius of the stock market. Where exactly was he before the crash? I don't remember him going to Congress and saying that laws had to be put in place or the US and most of the world was going down a dangerous road and might very go into a long term recession. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  06:14pm - 5249 days #15
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I hope you're not being too serious. Eight years is plenty for the vast majority of these jackasses we

I was serious about a maximum of 2 terms because it's well known that many president's second term is more about their image and legacy and less about what they wanted to accomplish.

I agree that limiting a president to only 2 terms means that at some point a president like say Bush will be gone from office and can never comeback. It also means that if you have a great President that is getting things done but will need more than 2 terms to do it, is also limited by that 2 terms system. Americans have the ability, like any democratic society, to vote whomever they want into office and in return vote out anyone they want. I would think that a society that prides itself on the greatness of it's democratic system would be against anything that limits those rights and freedoms.

I think the one major advantage Canadians have over our Americans neighbors in that there is no such thing as long term campaigning. The Prime Minister can call an election when he wants to or he can wait until the designated date is reached but either way we only get two months of campaigning. It's less expensive this way then in the US. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-22-10  05:37pm - 5249 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Pink is correct about many of our forum threads veering in a completely different direction than the original poster wanted it to go but we always seem to get back to the point.

I won't get into the shemales are really males with breast or vice versa. I'll simply say that I only enjoy shemales if they are exclusively with females. If there is a guy in the scene then sooner or later he`s going to get a BJ from the shemale and then probably F..k him/her. That's where they lose me. A guy fucking anyone that has a penis falls within my definition of gay porn. I've got nothing against it but it does nothing for me. On the other hand if it's a girl and a shemale or a group of shemales then that is great. Mind you that kind of shemale porn is rare.
You more often see shemales and guys or other shemales.

I suspect that you don't see that many girls with shemales in large part because of the aids fear. Most of the ones still producing it are either in South America and italy.

Here is an interesting site that I found about shemales and females.

http://web.newsguy.com/ReaLi5TiX/OutFramed/OFFPS.htm Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:54am - 5251 days #269
pat362 (0)
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I don't know if Vampire Sucks will suck as much as Furry Vengeance but to give you an idea. Furry only got a 7% favorable review rating and they earned 32 million at the box office. The movie cost 35 million to make and that doesn't include marketing and so forth. I actually had high hopes or Vampire but that's before I found out that it's from th people that have made a string of hawful spoofs. I don't need much in my movies to be entertained but a spoof requires a level of inteligence and I haven't seen any in the previous work these guys have made.

The movie has to make most of it's money this weekend because it certainly won't make any after that. On the plus isde. It only cost 20 million to make so they don't have to sell as many tickets as other bombs. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:45am - 5251 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Before Obama got in, there was a great air of excitement and anticipation about what a wonderful president he would be and what he would do for our country. I think that excitement and anticipation has evaporated. And now he's seen as just the guy who won the election.

I like Obama and I'd have no problem if he was our Prime Minister. I think that no one would or could have done better with the mess the US and frankly most of the world is at the moment. I don't even know how he can fix what's broken with the US. Don't you think there is a serious problem when a tiny portion of the US are billionairs or multi-billionaires vs the ever increasing poverty rates. There are over 400 billionaires in the US at the moment. How many of these upstanding citizens want to change the way wealth is distributed or would willingly change their business attitude to save the US? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:32am - 5251 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Hey, you don't have to feel too bad--you're in Canada. We have to be put up with this nonsense day in, day out, for four years at a stretch!

I think comedian Lewis Black summed up the U.S.'s two party system best when he said, "it's a bowl of shit looking in the mirror at itself." He also said the only difference between the two bowls of shit (the two parties) is the smell.

It's a small comfort because Canadians watch just as much US made TV shows as Americans do. The only difference is that we sometimes watch an older episode than you guys.

Canada is also up the same shit creek as you guys when it comes to politics. We might have a few more parties but there are still only 2 main parties that keep getting elected every few years. The main advantage in our system is that our Prime Minister is not limited to only 2 terms.
It's still boggles the mind why once you find a great President you limit him to a maximum of 8 yrs. Who knows maybe one day Congress will change that law. I think some problem take way morew than 2 terms to fix. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:26am - 5251 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Going slightly off topic.

As I see it these talentless, meritless 'reality tv celebrities' are manufactured by the television companies.

Reality television is cheap, lazy television.

'Hey, let's just get a collection of cheap low brows & stick them in a room with a camera. That should be good for a few hundred hours of air time.'


I agree one million times with you but here is the big problem. People watch this shit day in and day out. It's the old saying: Give the People what they want. I don't think any of these stupid shows would still exist tomorrow if people stopped watching. Network executive are simply doing these shows because they are cheap to make but bring in tons of advertising revenus. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-21-10  11:20am - 5251 days #15
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

And because I have a little experience in this area: When it comes to the under 18 crowd, sometimes you have a kid that's gonna get the tattoo whether you want them to or not. If you say no, they'll resent you, then turn around and either:

a.) Forge whatever permission slip is necessary (or get a fake ID)

b.) Wait until they're 18

and do it anyway. So you just go along with it, to make sure that you're part of the decision-making process so that they can (hopefully) make the smartest decision possible about what they're doing.

It actually makes me sad to read this. I would never in my entire life had disobeyed my parents once they'd made a decision about me. I was 18 when I had my tatto done. My mother wasn't thrilled but she knew that I was 18 and I'd have to live with the consequences. I don't think any 14 yrs old is remotely close to an 18 yrs old in the way they see the world. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-20-10  07:18pm - 5251 days #267
pat362 (0)
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I visited Rotten Tomatoes and I guess I won't be seeing Vampire Sucks in theaters. It's earned a lovely 3% rating
at RT. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-20-10  07:15pm - 5251 days #6
pat362 (0)
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We now live in a society that worships fake celebrities
The Hills, Jersey Shore, Jackass and a slew of reality TV have elevated ordinary people to the status of stars. We watch what happens in their fakes lives on TV and read all the little tidbits of what they are doing on a daily basis.

It's so pervasive and destructive to the fabric of society that when the President of the United States was invited on The View. One of the questions was: Do you know who Snookie is? This is the President of the United States and this is the first time in history that a sitting President accepts to do this and you wasted important airtime by asking if he knows a usueless reality star who is now a very rich useless reality star.

Sometimes the only thing that I can think is: FUCK ME. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-20-10  07:04pm - 5251 days #10
pat362 (0)
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I don't know why they're popular and what's frightening is just how popular they are with teenage girls. Case in point was a recent visit to a waterpark. I can't tell you the number of teenage girls below the age of 18 that had one or more tatoo and not necessarily a cute bunny rabbit or unicorn but some big ass ugly things. If I see an 18+ yrs old girl then I'm not thrilled but she's legally an adult but you need your parents permission to get one if you aren't 18. What F..g idiot parent would sign a paper giving their underage daughter or son permission to alter
their body's appearance knowing full well that this may very well prevent them from getting certain jobs. What do they think that their kids will have better judgement in the tattoo they choose then in picking their wardrobe? We are talking about girls that dress like prostitutes and guys that dress like gang members. As you can see I'm not a fan of tattoos. I have one and I've had it for 20+ yrs. I don't regret the tattoo but I am also not proud of it. I was 18 and foolish and now I'm stuck with it.

I don't mind if a girl has a few earings(2-3 in each ear) but that's where I draw the line at piercings. I don't like it anywhere else but I've gotten used to seeing it in belly buttons. I don't like them but I can try to ignore them. My problem is if it's in the nose, eyebrow, nipple or anywhere on the vagina. There's a trend with quite a few mainstream perfomers. Rhianna, and Christina are 2 that come to mind that sport nipple piercings. Now that's fucked up. Another case in point. During my above visit to the waterpark I was waiting in line and 2 teenage girls were talking and the conversation turned to the subject of nipple piercing and one of the girls was discussing how it felt getting it done. Now maybe I'm old fashion but who would authorise their daughter to get that done? In case, I hadn't mentioned it. Neither girl was 18. At best they were 16. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-19-10  06:59pm - 5252 days #25
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

For me, the Alyssa Milano thing was way bigger, perhaps its a generational thing, I dunno. Probably just because Elizabeth Berkley's character on saved by the bell drove me fucking nuts.

I have to agree with you that Alyssa was more intense for me because I remeber her has a very young girl and theh to see her naked and doing simulated sex is more intense.

Case in point is Madeline Zima of The Nanny. It's weird looking at her nude sex filled scene when the last image I had of her was of a 14yrs old girl. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-19-10  06:53pm - 5252 days #266
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Watching How To Train Your Dragon in 3D gave me a bad experience, because I could not get used to wearing the 3D glasses. That's just me, because very few people seem bothered by the 3D glasses.

So I will be skipping Piranha 3D. The higher ticket price (an extra $3-4), doesn't make the movie more attractive, either.

The early reviews that I read on Vampires Suck indicate the movie will probably bomb, if the critics have any impact. But audiences often pay little attention to the critics. Word of mouth is far more important than critics' reviews.

But predicting box office for a movie is risky business. The fans at comic con in San Diego were supposed to go crazy over Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. The critics and Yahoo users gave the movie high marks, yet it opened this weekend at #5, with $10.5 million. So the movie bombed.

I don't mind the glasses too much but they can be very annoying to some and frankly I think the old 3D thing is more a cash grab than anything else. I think How to Train your Dragon would have been just as good in 2D.

The reviews aren't the reason that I'll wait until I've read a few comments on Rotten Tomatoes to see Vampire Sucks. Hollywood can't do a remake so why should they be able to make a decent parody. The last truly funny one was probably Scary Movie 4 and that's going back to 2006.
I have a bad feeling that what we've seen on Tv is all the funny stuff there is. This is from the group that made Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans and Disater Movie. Now we know how great all of these classics were.

I'm not going to condem Scott Pilgrim vs the World to an early death just yet. I really want to see it and I'd add that I'll see it over the Expendables. It's not like any of the movies that came out this past weekend have any bragging rights since the highest grossing movie was the Expandables and they only made 34 millions. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-18-10  06:52pm - 5253 days #32
pat362 (0)
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Another example that Witty is the master of us all. Great list. In our defense. There isn't much to do in Canada what with all the polar bears trying to eat you whenever you leave the igloo or the mooses chasing you through the snowcovered street. Posting can be done inside and we love to talk. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-17-10  07:07pm - 5254 days #23
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Sevrin:

I enjoyed Showgirls. I didn't care that Elizabeth Berkley wasn't a great actress. I thought she was pretty hot, and Gina Gershon, too. Did I miss something? I liked Verhoeven's other big Hollywood movies, too, except Flesh & Blood which I haven't seen, and after looking at the trailer, likely never will.

About the only other young actress from a very popular TV show to have done such a sex filled movie like Showgirl is Alysssa Milano. Embrace of the Vampire is nothing like Showgirl but seeing her naked and doing some lesbina stuff was pretty imprtessive. They were both 23 at the time of their revealing roles but I'd say that Elizabeth wins out on the fact that she was recently still playing a clean cut teenager.

Flesh and Blood is a very good movie. It's basically the story of a bunch of mercenaries that aren't thrilled
when their king decides to not pay them what they want. They kidnap the bride to be of the king's son and it's his story on how he gets her back. The scene where Jennifer Jason Leigh loses her virginity and the way she does is intense. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-17-10  06:53pm - 5254 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

pat362, Starship Troopers is actually an interesting movie. There is a lot of debate on that one - almost everyone that watched the movie totally missed the message. And Starship Troopers was very obviously tounge-in-cheek, I read somewhere that they cast Denise Richards because she was hot, and specifically couldn't act.

I don't think that Showgirls was made with the same type of intent, but perhaps it was and everyone, including me, missed it this time.

The only thing that would have made Starship Trooper any better was to see Denise Richards naked or her doing a girl/girl scene with Amy Smart. I hope you remember whay part Amy played. She was rather young at the time.

The insignia on the uniform was a dead giveaway for where he was going with this. The third installement brought Casper Van Dien "Johnny Ricco's" charatcer back. It had a pretty poor budget but it was able to copy a little the style of teh first. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-17-10  06:47pm - 5254 days #11
pat362 (0)
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What I get from reading the article is that guys can screw pretty much anything that they want because their being a virgin to their wife is not a problem. I'd say that is one hell of a good double standard. On the plus side. if guys put so much value on virginity and are willing to pay to get it then all the power to these women for having the procedure done so that they can milk these douchebags. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-17-10  06:38pm - 5254 days #26
pat362 (0)
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The Beloit mindset list for 2014 list is out.

http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/2014.php Long live the Brown Coats.

08-16-10  07:27pm - 5255 days #259
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

1. Vampires Suck, the real story on vampires, and why the Twilight movies were sugar-coated pap instead of giving us the down and dirty on what vampires really do.

2. Piranha 3D. A movie that explodes on the silver screen, with flesh-eating monsters that will gobble and gorge on the innocent and guilty alike.

Who knows, I might be forced to see The Expendables, even though I was never a fan of Stallone.

I saw the trailer and it made me laugh like crazy. My fear is that the trailer is everything that's funny in the movie. I'll wait until I hear some reviews before I bother. One very important note is that you have to have seen the first 2 Twilight movies or this movie will make no sense.

I still enjoy watching the original Piranha. I don't know if this one will do well. The eD already doesn't inspire me to see it because of it. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-16-10  07:22pm - 5255 days #2
pat362 (0)
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This is a no nonsense type of site. There is no dialogue or foreplay unless you consider a quick BJ foreplay. It's wam bam thank you mam porn. I recommend you look at TBP's info on this site and see which other sites belong to the same company. They produce similar content so you should avoid joining all them because you will be disatisfied. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-16-10  07:17pm - 5255 days #4
pat362 (0)
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Unless there is significantly more updates then what you see on the preview pages of 18XGirls then smackmybitch wins by sheer number since they currently have over 80 vidoes to chose from. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-16-10  07:05pm - 5255 days #18
pat362 (0)
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You see my point about Showgirls. It won't ever win any awards or at least none that you'd be proud to say you have but it's just as bad now as it was then and if you tought the sex scenes were hot then they still are. Add the fact that it was directed Paul Verhoeven who is one of my favorite directors. This is the man responsible for Robocop, Flesh & Blood, Total Recal, Starship Trooper and Basic Instinc to name a few. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-15-10  06:41pm - 5256 days #13
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

By no means was I badmouthing Elizabeth Berkley - I'm sure she also increased many people's desire to have sex in a pool under a waterfall (that would hopefully involve rediculous gyrations by the woman).

Also, there are quite a few entertaining drinking games associated with that movie, I think one of the DVD special editions even came with shot glasses or something.

Elizabeth may be the only actress to have graduated from playing a cute innocent high school student to playing a hot (often naked) Las Vegas Showgirl. How many fans of Saved by the Bells didn't get a major erection when they heard that she was in Showgirls and how many do you think don't have that movie at home? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-15-10  06:27pm - 5256 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I thought he had retired from performing that is until I saw the stuff he still does for pornpros.com. I always thought he was an excellent performer but that was more than a decade ago. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-14-10  05:56pm - 5257 days #28
pat362 (0)
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I hope I'm wrong, but I think that as time goes by you'll see an increase in restrictions put on the total amount of data you can download. It makes great business sense for the ISP to do that because I think that at some point they will start to remove those restrictions by offering different download packages that will of course require you to pay significantly more to download what you can do for less today.

Text messaging used to be free, but not anymore. At some point the companies that manage the cell networks realised that more and more people were texting instead of talking.
They quickly realised what an amazing cash cow they had on their hands. I guess that's going to happen to internet access and download capability. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-14-10  12:01pm - 5257 days #253
pat362 (0)
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I think cartoons can make just as much money as any other type of movie and in some cases even more money. You aren't limited by age like other types of movies and quite often the animation attarcts the kids but the jokes are designed for adults. Just look at Despicable Me which has already earned 258 millions at the box office. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-14-10  11:07am - 5258 days #8
pat362 (0)
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I don't know if I'm in the minority here but porn parodies don't appeal to me at all. I can appreciate the work that has to be done to be true to the original material but I think that humour is wasted in porn. I watch porn to get turned on and jerk off not too laugh at a joke or little scenario.

I'm not against using the original idea or plot to make a movie but it can't be based on a comedy show or movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-14-10  10:59am - 5258 days #21
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

Pat362 - I recall (and I may be wrong, age and alcohol will do that) that you live in Nova Scotia.

You're probably aware that there's been a big stink that three days after Netflix announced a Canadian service, Rogers, one of the biggest ISPs lowered their monthly limit from silly to ridiculous. Their highest speed service is now capped at 50GB per month. Netflix could prove expensive for their customers, but that's the point since it takes advertising revenue from their TV networks.

I'm a fan of regulation in some areas (like banking, where partly because of regulation Canada was largely unscathed by the recession), but here the CRTC (the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission) has been licking ass. We pay some of the highest fees for wireless an online services in the world. Regulation in this area is a failure. Americans, and some Europeans, would burn down the buildings of companies who treated their customers like this.

I have a can of gasoline and matches should my ISP impose limits.

I'm in Quebec and my internet is with Videotron my cable provider. Being Canadian has it's advantages but not when it comes to paying less for anything except medication and since it gets subsidized by the Government then we aren't really getting a deal becuase our tax dollars pay for the difference anyway.

Compatition could help but I suspect that it will be very much like gas companies. There are plenty of gas station but good luck finding a significant price different from any of them and that goes for the US as well. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-12-10  06:57pm - 5259 days #7
pat362 (0)
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I haven't been a in Sex...Oops Adult Boutique in years but I still buy DVD's almost every month. I deal with about 2 to 3 different distributors. I shop around to see what they have to offer and who's got the best price vs stock.

I'm not sure why your boutique is charging 40$ for their dvd's because most can be bought for less than 20$ and the shipping cost me about 9$. There are some exceptions like movies from Jule Jordan and some Evil Angel titles. Those are usually 24$ to 30$.

Most of the movies that I buy can't be downloaded. You can stream some of them but that's not the same thing. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-12-10  03:40pm - 5259 days #28
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Good question. Maybe French speakers are rabid film fans and constitute a big DVD market? Ethnocentrism by the film industry? I really don't know.

Hmm, maybe a conspiracy of an unknown French speaking cabal of film buffs? It's all making sense now...

One of the reasons why you have both French and English warnings on DVD is possibly because of Canada. We are enormous DVD purchasers. Canada has 2 official languages so pretty much everything has to be in both languages. If a studio chooses to release a movie in Canada then they usually have it translated in at least French & Spanish.
You could argue that the warning should also be in Spanish
if for no other reason than there is a large Spanish speaking population in the US. I guess maybe one day we will see it in 3 languages. For now movies coming to Canada usually offer English and french translation. It makes it easier if all the studios adopt one version to their dvd's so that they don't have to spend money to do a different one.

An advantage to the 2 languages on a DVD is that US DVD's can be copied with very little changes and still satisfy all the French & English speaking customers overseas. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-12-10  03:23pm - 5259 days #27
pat362 (0)
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I'm old school writing which means that I will go out of my way to write long sentences whenever I get the chance. It's probably because I didn't do that much writing when I was going to school. This means that I don't text because I'd never be able to keep up with anyone doing text speak.

The biggest problem I see with anyone that uses text speak is that if you used it all the time than sooner or later you will start to lose regular speak. Writing is like any language. If you don't use it regularly then you lose it.
I remember hearing on a radio talk show a few years ago that University professors can't use proper grammar rules or spelling to rate student papers because most if not all the classes would fail. A good part was due to text speak. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-11-10  07:45pm - 5260 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I get tons of spam but I've never thought that it was due to PU but because of the sites I visit or join. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-08-10  06:46pm - 5263 days #40
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Sasha Grey is gorgeous, but after seeing a few of her hardcore scenes, I now skip over any of her material, no matter how hard or soft. The spitting, slapping, cursing, etc. just left an unpleasant aftertaste that lingers over her image, for me.

Although I have enjoyed quite a few of Sasha's movies. For some reason I found that she was more into pushing herself than anything else. Whether it's intentional or not I have always thought that her eyes look kind of dead.
She has that look that you see on models. As though there is no one behind them. During her scne my eyes always drift to her eyes and her look kind of creeps me out. Not really what you want out of your pornstar. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-08-10  06:40pm - 5263 days #39
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

It's interesting how some women can do the craziest shit and still look hot and other women, not so much. Brigitte Kerkove is the epitome to me of the latter - she's not a bad-looking woman but her sex scenes are absolute cock-deflatingly, go-wash-my-brains-and-eyes-out, unwatchable.

I used to think she was cute when she got into the biz but the implants and facial surgery altered her appearance to the point that I had a hard time looking at her. Another thing that bothered me about Bridgette is that her more extreme stuff felt more like a circus act than a sexual one. I know some find that hot but I don't care to see how many dicks, dildos and so forth a woman can cram up her ass. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-08-10  06:37pm - 5263 days #38
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

The change in her was in her attitude towards the business. She almost comes off now as trying to prove "just how extreme" she can be. She has multiple scenes with one guy vaginal, another anal, one in her mouth, and she's wearing all 3 out.

Would you be able to directr me to the site or movie where she does that extreme stuff. I haven't followed much of her career in the last 2 years but I always thought she was hot so I wouldn't mind seeing that extreme stuff. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-08-10  07:45am - 5264 days #251
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Money, money, money--money! (The world's other major religion.)

I agree and I'd say that's the deciding factor why Miley is going down the path she is and none of her parents even tried to stop it. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-06-10  08:46pm - 5265 days #247
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Laurence Fishburne is a major star, and has been for many years. You would think, if he wanted to get his daughter into the movie business, it would be simple and easy for him to do.

I think this is the most telling statement of all. I do not think he wants his daughter to get into TV or movies. The reasons may very well be that after so many years on TV and in movies that he considers all the stuff that we don't see but hear about to be very destructive to people but more so the young ones and as a caring father he chose to shield his children from that life.

Most child actors have had miserable lives and that's a fact. It always looks glamorous at first but you realise that what you thought was a golden path to happiness is in fact made of fools gold and then your no longer a child but an adult and all the people that used to praise you now won't return your calls. Knowing all of this then Why would any sane parent want that for his/her children.

We don't have far to go to see how destructive a life in the public eye can be. Look at Miley Cirus and tell me that if her dad had made it next to impossible for her to have a career that she wouldn't be on the path that's she's currently on. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-06-10  08:29pm - 5265 days #246
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Sevrin:

I wonder what kind of audience they're trying to attract with this poster.

kids that were dragged by their parents because they loved Yogi Bear when they were groing up and it's in 3D.

How many people under the age of 20 have any clue who Yogi Bear is? How many kids have actually sat and watched Yogi Bear on a regular basis in the last decade? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-05-10  07:49pm - 5266 days #240
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I think that story went out in the dark ages. New love stories have all kinds of variations: the couple splits and find new, separate partners. The couple stays together and one of the partners finds a lover on the side. One lover kills the other, and gets on with her/his life. One partner realizes there's more to life than this joyless union, and searches for meaning and sex. There's just too many variations to list. But falling in love and living happily ever after only happens sometimes, and that's only when there is no sequel.

Let me rephrase my statement and say that the movie chose the older style of love story instead of todays style. I'm well aware that in many of todays love story. One or both of the main characters is a douche and has few redeaming qualities except that he/she always looks good when they smile so we as an audience must discover that the douche only needed true love to become an adorable douche.

The classic love story almost always used the fall in love fall out of love and then fall in love again and that one is forever. Today you don't have that recipe. Instead you tend to have: person A who's in a relationship with person B. but said person B doesn't understand person A
so you need person C who's either boorish or shy but really understands person A in a level that the movie has to demonstrate throught the film because none of us see it
since it makes no sense. At some point person A will hurt person C or vice versa but at the end everything will be all right because person A and person C are together and person B has found person D that no one saw coming.

I'm not sure if the old style of love story is no longer made because Hollywood thinks it's been done to death or because actors/actreesses, writers and directors simply can do it anymore. Maybe they've lost that innocence which is needed for those kind of stories. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-04-10  07:02pm - 5267 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I'd rather that people, especially teenagers, try condoms instead of abstinence or thinking that pulling out is a form of birth control.

From your lips to every horny teenager....which is pretty much every teenager on the planet. Sadly most of their role models don't preach that. 2 examples: Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol and Zoey 101 star Jamie Lynn Spears. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-04-10  06:42pm - 5267 days #234
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

As to the second paragraph r.e "Show me Love" I would consider it as long as it isn't too emotionally draining (girl whose love isn't immediately returned contemplating suicide, for instance .. something Bergman might do!)

I've only seen the movie in the original language with subtitles. If the text matches what is said then there is no mention of suicide. It's a rather sweet love story very much like any romantic teen movie where one person is secretely in love with the popular girl at school but in this case the person is a girl in love with another girl.
Like all good love story. They fall in love and live happily ever after. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-04-10  06:37pm - 5267 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I don't want to mentions any names because this would help promote their site but the only ones that come to mind were all this year. The reason for their becoming pretty unpopular was because of their viral attack against some members and their use of the forum as a way to promote a website. Mind you the term member may be a little too generous since they didn't stay very long and their overall contributions was limited.

It's been pointed out many times and I'd say that time has proven that we are all pretty civilized in our discussions.
We don't all agree with each other and some subjects can bring serious passion among members but the name calling, profanity and lack of respect is very rare. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-01-10  07:20pm - 5270 days #11
pat362 (0)
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PU was the first site that I joined where there was a forum
until that time I relegated myself to only reading what was written on other forums. PU is still the one that has the greatest amount of civility. The closest one to us is probably the one at EBI. They also have a pretty decent level of civility but we are still the champions.

Whether people that join us realise quickly that we don't enjoy name calling and a general crappy attitude and move on or our positive attitude attracts positive people. After all is said and done. Our main subject is still porn so why should anyone be angry about porn? Long live the Brown Coats.

08-01-10  07:01pm - 5270 days #228
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Somewhat off-topic, but I've ignored most Swedish movies ever since the few I saw that were made by the genius, Ingmar Bergman, either gave me fits of depression or put me to sleep. The only exception, The Magic Flute! Three cheers for Hollywood! Its products may not always possess artistic merit but they sure are entertaining!

I don't know if you're into horror but if you are then you should take a look at "Let the right one in" also known as
"Låt den rätte komma in". It's a very good vampire story with some actual emotion and interesting characters. The US liked it so much that they hve made their own version called "Let me in".

Another Swedish film that I really like is "Show me Love" or the original title "Fucking Åmål". This is basically a love story between 2 teenage girls where one develops a crush on the other and as the film progress falls in love with the other girl but her love isn't return immediately because the other girl is very popular at school and doesn't want to admit to her lesbianism. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-30-10  07:13pm - 5272 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Well, we must have been extremely lucky then over a long period time or this fella is right:


Let's say that this is guy is correct and you can't get pregant if the guy pulls out before ejaculating. The fact remains that most guys won't want to do that and most young men won't be able to. Add the fact that pregancy is not the worst thing that can happen to you if you have unprotected sex.

I'd rather teennagers and young people choose the safe way and use a condom. Not as fun but a lot safer. Long live the Brown Coats.

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