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06-01-09  07:17pm - 5699 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
I don't know why I didn't go see the Dark Knight in theaters because I truly enjoyed Batman Begins. Instead I bought the DVD and planned to watch it at home. It took me over 2 months before I chose to watch it. I can honestly say that I did not enjoy the movie at all.
It's not the acting or the effect. A part is the fact that everyone was raving about Heaths part in the movie. I wonder if everyone would have had the same opinion if he hadn't passed away. Frankly he was the hardest character to belive out of the entire movie. Here is this nut case who's able to bring the city to a standstill and threaten everyone. Ah well, to each is own. I think that the Dark Knight is the only Batman movie that I don't care if I never see it again. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-31-09  06:46pm - 5700 days #15
pat362 (0)
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I've yet to see Terminator Salvation but after having seen the three previous incarnation then I expect to enjoy it. Strangely I have heard that many people didn't enjoy the third Terminator movie while I really did. I think WALL-E was less a science fiction movie and more a romance one. There was very little action but one hell of a morale. The fact that it wasn't preachy about it and wasn't knocked down because of the subject matter still impresses me. It is also the first Disney movie in decades that has so few dialogue in it. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-31-09  06:37pm - 5700 days #6
pat362 (0)
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I also read the comments posted about the review and thought that the name calling was uncalled for. We can agree to disagree but once you start throwing insults then you have lost the argument.
I am still impressed by the lack of name calling and insults on this forum. It is both rare and welcoming. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-26-09  04:26am - 5706 days #19
pat362 (0)
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Thanks for everyone's suggestion on places to live. I like the Oregon idea best since it's still in North America. Englend is a little far to go for rain and wind.

P.S: If one of you does try the Preparation H trick...Please don't forget to let us know. I never tried it but since I read that it's suppose to work. I have often been curiuous. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-21-09  06:49pm - 5710 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by exotics4me:

On #4, the good thing about the 21 and over drinking age in America, at least for me, I wasn't interested in drinking once it was legal! I probably drank more from 18-21 than I have over the rest of my life.

And on #10, San Francisco is pretty windy, rainy and near a body of water. Beautiful city to visit.

I do find that it creates a desire to drink that by the time you reach legal age is almost an obsession.

Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought of SF. Now can you give me another place that isn't a large city. I like to visit big cities but would never want to live in one. I love nature too much. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-21-09  06:46pm - 5710 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Quebec is a lovely city. I was wondering: Do you speak French? Myself, I'm a typical American and only speak English. Rather sad, but true. That said, I'll be going back to Montreal soon, rather looking forward to it, it's another lovely city :-)

Also, I'm with Khan, what's the other use for Preparation H these days?

Quebec is a very lovely city. It is a very old city, so there is a lot of history attached to it. The old part of Quebec is similar to many European villages. Montreal is very nice but suffers from bad administration of it. The roads suck, but the women are gorgeous and the food is to die for.

Yes, I speak fluent French. It's too bad that not more people take the advantage of learning both languages. Unless you happen to be of immigrant background or in a southern State then it is next to impossible to learn another language then English. The good thing is you are never too old to learn one. Get yourself a French girlfriend and I guarantee that you will learn French real quickly. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-21-09  06:39pm - 5710 days #9
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by Khan:

Well great !!!

Kinda thought you'd spread the answers out but hey, if all together works for you, then we're thrilled.

Some interesting answers, to be sure. Thanks again for participating.

Oh, and I fear to ask .... what is Preparation H used for these days?

Thanks for inviting me. It was real fun and I hope that other join the group.

The 2 other reasons that I'm aware people use Preparation H. Men and women use it near or around the eyes to remove wrinkles. The other one is guys rub it on their chest.
I read that it give a better muscle tone.

I don't speak from experience but from having heard it on radio and read it somewhere else as well. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-20-09  07:15pm - 5711 days #8
pat362 (0)
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I agree with your Toadsith's assement that Lena Headley is no LInda Hamilton but I although the show is suppose to be about Sarah Connor. I was watching it for Summer Glau. That is one amazing looking girl. I just wished they could have filmed a few more episode just to see where they were going with the show. There are something that are not meant to be weekly shows. Smallville is a good example. It was great in the beginning but you can only kill or wound the same character so many time sbefore it gets stupid.

I haven't watched a complete episode of Dollhouse because it doesn't feel like aJoss Whedon show. My favorite new show is Fringe. I hope that this has a long run.

I did find that Chuck was a little less interesting charatcer wise this season but I knew the spy thing had top happen sooner or later. I wish that theyfocus less on the guest appearances bext season and more on Chuck, Sarah and the gang. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-20-09  07:03pm - 5711 days #4
pat362 (0)
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Let me fist say thanks to Khan, Rick and the rest of the people involved with PU. I'm honored to have been asked to tell you a little about myself. I'll number my answers to match the questions.

1- My typical work day usually starts around 6am when I get up and get ready to got to work. I'm a salesman for an instruments distributor. In case some of you are wondering just what kind of instrument I sell, then the answer is that if you want to measure something then I can probably sell you the instrument that will do that. My work day is 8 to 5, but I like to get to the office early. There is less traffic and I tend to stay above water since sales can be hell on most good day(donm't ask about the bad ones).

2-I do not have any higher education (ie university). I have just a junior college degree. I was foolish, in my youth, to start working at a young age and because the money was good decided to forgo the university option. I sometime regret not having gone to university
so kids stay in school. I think that one day I may decide to try university.

3-I drive a Honda Civic, but I'd love to own a Volvo or Subaru. I'm a big fan of "The Transporter" so I have a desire to drive an Audi.

4-Being Canadian means that I did not have to wait until I was 21 to legally start drinking. I sometime wish that Americans would alter that law. If you start drinking at 18 then by the time you reach 21 then you may find that it's not as fun as you tought it was. I'm not a big drinker. I mostly limit myself to Vodka coolers and white wine. I've tried a couple of diferent beers, but the taste just does not appeal. I can honestly say that I have never drank enough alcohol to make me sick or to black out.

5-Single and still playing the field. I envy people that have a significant other. Strange that most of them look at it the other way and envy me my freedom. I guess it's the old the grass is always greener on the neighbors lawn.

6-I would never want to bang a pornstar in real life. Having read enough forums discussion about the amount of STD's going through the porn wold then that makes most of them unapealing. That said in a fantasy world then Faye Reagan and Annette Heaven would be at the top of my list. I wouldn't mind spending a couple of hours in bed with Jennifer Biel. In my fantasy wold then I always had a thing for Marilyn Monroe. Shew did leave us too soon.

7-Director. I do not perform well in front of an audience and after my above comment then no way am I taking a chance on an STD.

8-National Geographic(It's not porn, but they had topless women). I guess Playboy would be my next guess. Of course my Playboy was the all natural look. Photoshop did not exist and plastic surgery was not part of their mentality. If we are talking movie then it may well have been soft core porn starring Edwidge Fenech.

9-I was born in Quebec, Canada and I have lived here all my life.

10-I don't know if I could pick a place in particular as much as a setting. If any of you know a place where there is a lot of wind, rain and near either a body of water then let me know. I wouild love to live in Space but I don't think I'd enjoy it as much as I think I might.

11-It's a mess with no logical order. My porn taste are like most of all my other taste...Varied. I like the soft lesbian romantic style to the heavy gang bang stuff. At the core I need a story to go with my porn. That is one of the main reason why a lot of todays stuff leaves me wanting and why I look for stuff that is 10yrs or more.

12-I don't look for sci-fi in porn, and frankly don't understand the appeal. I like almost every kind of sci-fi there is. Like my porn it has to have a story. One of my favorite movie of all time is Forbiden Planet. On TV then go back to the days of Lost in Space, Star Trek, Time Tunnel, Jason of Star Command, Bigfoot and Wild Boy,
Fantasy Island(the place, the plane), Babylon 5. I'm still pissed at Fox for screwing with Firefly. That show was amazing, and now I can add Terminator to the reasons for being pissed at Fox. At least Fringe and Chuck will be back.

13-I love to read. I sometime regret not having started to read books(I'm not counting comic books) wuntil I was about 14. I usually read 2-3 books per week. It depends on the length and if I am re-reading that novel. I just finished the Twilight series of books. I watch some TV since I cannot stand reality crap that is now everywhere. I go to the movie and like to take walks in the woods.

14-The thing about reality TV is that it is the exact opposite of Reality TV. A sitcom or drama is actors pretending to be somebody else to entertain us. Reality TV is suppose to be real people but is in fact actors pretending to be real people. It catters to our voyeuristic nature, because we are meant to belive that what we are seeing are real people acting like they normally do. YTou put a camerta infront of anybody and they are not being themselves.

15-I can't say that I have a specific goal for myself. I should but I haven't.

16-I am very good a reading people. I don't know if it's psychic or just a mixture of body movement, facial expression, smell or a few other things, but I can almost read what is going through somebody's mind.

17-Since I am a devote Catholic and I watch porn then I guess they can go together. As far as I know viewing porn per say is not a sin.
It's mostly what is done to others for that porn that is the sin. So I guess my enjoying porn is indirectly a sin. I could console myself that it's not one of the big ones, but I will still have to justify that one to God.

18-Of course porn addiction exist. Why should porn be any different than almost anything else. I'd describe an addiction as anything that you cannot walk away from for a long period. I'm addicted to coffee. I don't need to drink more than one cup a day, but God fordid if I miss one. The headache will be with me all day long. I suspect that if you think you are addicted and no longer want to be the seek professional help. It can't hurt and my be good for you.

19-I trust the site to handle my personnal credit card info, but that doesn' mean that the content will match the hype or expectation.
If it did then PU might not exist.

20-I don't think I have ever been tricked into a cross sale. I may have joined some seriously crappy sites, but they were the ones I picked up front.

21-I'm only human, so if you have issue with the review they let me know. I don't mind having to justify something and I love to get feedback. Criticism is not necessarily a bad thing. How else can we grow if we aren't shown our mistakes.

22-It's painless and fun.

23-My 2 favorite parts are all the great reviews that have saved me tons of money or made me spend my hard earned cash and of course the forum. I don't think I could remain a member if either of these disapeared tomorrow.

24-Hi Wittyguy. I'm still waiting for my raise you cheapskate

25-Hi Cybertoad. No I have never used Preparation H for it's primary use or for what it is now often used. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-19-09  07:22pm - 5712 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I'm eagerly awaiting this one. It looks really good. I'm not sure which plot line if any they are using. The only thing that is a little weird is that there is a kind of Transformer feel to some of the robots. Not necessarily a bad thing, but kind of out of place.
The sad part is that Fox just announced that they were renewing The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It was getting interesting. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-16-09  06:39pm - 5715 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Welcome back Cybertoad. Somehow that new avavtar seems to work for you. Cute girlfriend. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-14-09  07:12pm - 5717 days #7
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

There is such a thing. There is handful of DVDs that the flip side is all trailers.

Kinda an off point. But I wonder if one were to copy a trailer and give it to his friends if the company who made the DVD would be angry. Obviously the would be upset about people copying the feature DVD, but the trailer disk is all advertisement anyway. Just something I never thought of before.

As strange as it may seem. I believe that you could be prosecuted for burning previews that you downlaoded. Afterall a preview is stiil a trade marked article. I visit enough non porn sites and it's not unusual for a leak trailer to be yanked off the site by a lawyer's letter
as soon as the studio hears about it. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-14-09  07:07pm - 5717 days #7
pat362 (0)
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I'll miss your participation. You were always fun to read. I'd like to say thanks for telling us that you were going away, and offering the reason for it. Best of Luck. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-11-09  06:49pm - 5720 days #6
pat362 (0)
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I have never joined a Jav site or bought a actual Jav movie. The main reason has always been the mosaic. I know the reasons behind it, but frankly I would no more watch an European or US made movie if the naughty bits where out of focus.

I would watch Japanese porn for the same reason that I watch any other countries porn. Good loking women, great sex scenes, good camera work, no circus acts. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-11-09  06:41pm - 5720 days #51
pat362 (0)
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I'm a long time Star Trek fan. If given a choice of picking only one out of all the series. Then I would pick the orginal everytime. I take nothing away from the other series, but all they did is build upon a powerful cult following. That is one of the reasons why I was a little affraid of the direction they might be going with this movie. We get some tidbits of Kirk and Spocks youth, but they don't add anything major to the story.

I'll second all the Pro and Cons of wittyguy. My biggest beef with the movie is the engine room(it made no sense at all). The effects are stellar, the casting is amazing(Bones and Scotty).

The story has quantum singularity holes in it. I wish I could name some of them but ot's impossible without giving spoilers and I think that if you call yourself a Trek fan then you have to see this movie.

I enjoyed the movie, but I consider this more an alternate universe Star Trek than an actual retelling. All right when are we getting another one??? Long live the Brown Coats.

05-05-09  07:58pm - 5726 days #46
pat362 (0)
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I won't link to other peoples comment since there are too many, but I currently own over 300(non-porn) movies in my collection. Some I have watched once or twice and others I see at least 4 times a year.
I tend to be in Toadsith's camp about the pirating. Having seen a few of them. I can safely say that the quality tends to be poor to
average. I don't go to the movies as much as I used to. It's quite
expensive, and more often than not the movie is quite disapointing I didn't got see Indiana Jones in the theater, but I bought the DVD. The movie was OK on DVD but I know that I would have been very disapointed had I spent 11$ on a ticket plus 12$ for popcorn and a drink. That makes 22$ as oppose the 19$ I paid for the dvd.

Yes, I believe that Janet meant to do what she did. In retrospect it was a rather stupid move and she has paid for that mistake. Do I think that the fine was warranted then the answer is no. We can thank the media for having taken a few seconds exposure and made it into a national disgrace. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-05-09  07:26pm - 5726 days #7
pat362 (0)
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I'm probably in a minority on this but I don't want to see topless women walking down the street. I don't think that allowing women to go topless because men are also doing a valid reason.

Call me a male chauvanistic pig with nehendertal views but I find it quite sad to think that the most important thing we got from the Womens liberation movement is that todays female teenagers can dress in a manner that would make a prostitute blush or that they can walk down the street topless because a man does it. Last I checked women's breast are still considered a sexual fascination. At least they are to me.

To be fair I can say that I really don't want to see a guy walking down the street shirtless. On the beach there is very little we can do and I know I'm not wearing a 2 piece bathing suit to sdatisfy women's affront that they have to. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-02-09  05:25pm - 5729 days #24
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Star Trek afficianados might object to my referring to them as popcorn movies, but that's how I look at them - people looking for a fun one won't go wrong with the new Wolverine origins movie - Jackman's always entertaining in that character and the movie's got lots of action, humor, emotional charge - not too much CGI to make you feel like a dimwit for watching a cartoon.

And to be more on topic - my favorite of the Star Trek series' movies was the one with the Borg Queen - great images in that one.

Did you enjoy the new Wolverine movie. I was eager to see it but I haven't read a single good review of that movie.
The best someone has said is that it isn't a bad movie and these reviews are from geek fans and not mainstream reviewers.

The movie you are refering to is First Contact and that was the best one involving the crew from Star Trek the Next Generation.. Long live the Brown Coats.

05-01-09  06:22pm - 5730 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

As a fan to a fan, I'd highly recommend investing in the French version of the DVD for Transporter 2 if you haven't already. It has reworked special effects to make the explosions and such look better and it is uncensored - the silly American edition has the model's nipples digitally erased. What a waste of good nipples.

I'll post that list one of these days. As usual I've been putting off completing that movie list still. Considering it has already blown past the 10,000 character mark it is probably going to be several posts...

I know that I have the billingual version because I live in Quebec Canada so most movies are usually released with both tracks included. I'll take a look to see which version I have.

I'll wait until you release your list before I try to equal the master. I suspect that your list and mine might have more similarities than differences. I've spent the last 30+ yrs watching movies. Most of these would not be considered classics per say, but in return many of them have reached a cult following.

I just find that so many movies made in the last few yrs just want to make money rather than actually make what could be a movie talked in 20yrs time. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-30-09  06:54pm - 5731 days #20
pat362 (0)
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I'm a huge fan of the Transporter movies. I own all three and watch each of them a couple of times each year. I never for one minute believed that they took themselves all that seriously. I think that Jason stratham is one of the greatest action movie actor of the last

I'd like those of you that think that we have had 10 classic movies made in the last 10 yrs to give me your list. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-29-09  06:01pm - 5732 days #13
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by GCode:

That's just the thing about the "Blockbuster" im America, those earlier ones were epic in the way of intermingling action with a well thought out and deep story (of course there are poorly made ones but..). However, I just have not seen anything in about 10-15 years that can compare to anything made during the 70's, 80's, or early 90's. The American directors obsession with special effects and action have created downfalls in all sorts of character progression, quality dialogue, and deeper, well thought out stories. I cannot think of anything that will last in time as long as these original blockbusters. I just don't think I'll be watching these 'blockbusters' coming out these days, in fact, they are so non memorable I probably could'nt even name ten from the past ten years at all. There are no classics coming out nowadays, these films will all be long forgotten in a few years, if they aren't already :(

You have expressed exactly how I feel about most of the movies made in the last 10yrs. Too many are about the special effects and most of the others are about product placement. I also have a hard time naming 10 movies that
will reach classic level. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-28-09  07:15pm - 5733 days #4
pat362 (0)
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I'm Canadian so I have to be a hockey fan. It's written somewhere in our Constitution or something. Sadly only Vancouver is left to represent us. My moneys on Boston, but those Ducks have got teeth. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-27-09  06:55pm - 5734 days #10
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by maxmixdv:

back again. Seems Maria Ozawa is really popular in western. There are so many Japanese porn stars, endless. Sometimes, just wondering, why a such beautiful girl will become a porn star, they could find something else to do. Some of their families are very wealth, and those girls are not doing it for money. What a culture!

Sora Aoi has a great sexy body!! but I don't her acting that much.

I don't know if it's because there are so few asian porn stars that have had a career in the North American market, but I tend to find them all quite lovely. The pixalation and language tend to be the 2 greastest drawback, and the fact that a lot of Japanese porn is rather freaky doesn't help eitheir.

The reason why Japanese pornstars get into porn compared to girls from any other part of the world are likely the same. Some have issues with sexual abuse, some migrated from stripping or nude photography, some wnt the quick cash, others want to make a lot of cash, some just like the attention, and there are probably many more reasons.
The fact that most pornstars are beautiful is simply because the less appealing ones just aren't hired. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-24-09  06:34pm - 5737 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I've yet to see a negative comment from those few lucky souls that have seen this movie. Like Toadsith I've never missed a Star Trek movie. I'd have to agree that First Contact was the last really good one. I'll reserve judgement on how close they got to the original Star Trek until after I see the movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-21-09  06:21pm - 5740 days #9
pat362 (0)
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I tend to agree with pretty much everyone up to now in that I prefer more to less. I want to know exactly what I'm getting for my dollar.
If a website is quite small then of course it won't have many pages since there is nothing to put there, but if a site has been in business for afew years then I'd expect a lot more in the preview section. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-17-09  07:10pm - 5744 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I don't always review every site I join because sometimes I join a network and not all the sites available appeal to me. A good example is whenver I have joined a 21Sextury site amd got access to part of the network. I have reviewed some of the sites, while others might just get a quick mention in my comments. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-13-09  07:09pm - 5748 days #3
pat362 (0)
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My prayers go to her family and friends. The general opinion is that she was a truly nice and pleasnt person to meet and talk to. I'm not sure if it's her adult movie career or her mainstream career that first introduced her to me. I vividly remember seeing her in Rabid. Like most of Cronenbergs work. This one was disturbing to look at and yet you couldn't look away. I wonder what her movie career would have been like had it not been for the stigmatism attached with porn. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-11-09  01:56pm - 5751 days #2
pat362 (0)
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After reading your post I was curious to see what you meant. Am I correct in assuming that a large part of the sites content is from EA's video archive? How much is truly exclusive to the site? Long live the Brown Coats.

04-08-09  07:30pm - 5753 days #91
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

An icon of a bush? I think that is THE subject that really separates the generations. :-)

I like that idea of a bush icon. It is possibly one of our most obvious age specific fetish for lack of a better term. At leastr our youger membes would consider bush to be a fetish. For me it's part of my porn history. I can't remember the first time I saw a clean shaven bush. It must have been a mid 80's movie because I remember a new kind of fetish making it's apparition: shaving scenes or videos. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-07-09  07:09pm - 5754 days #79
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I would have to agree with that last sentence, GCode! :-)
When I was talking about having the age next to the nic I was thinking more of having it right by the review so that we don't always have to go to the profiles to find out how old a reviewer is. I guess I'm getting lazy! LOL.

I have a suggestion in case some people don't really want their age posted beside their name of avatar. We could have little icons. How about 18-25 is a motorcycle. That's the rebel age when you don't give a rats ass about your actions since the world is new and you have all your life ahead. 25-30 is a sporty sedan. Your more mature, ready to settle down and start a family. for the 35-45 a mini van because now is the beginning of the old fart phas. the age of driving the kids to all the activity.
I leave to you guys to come up with anything above 45 or make a suggestion. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-07-09  06:51pm - 5754 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I'm with messmer and mbaya on this one. I never look at the behind the scene in porn or for that matter in regular movies. The only exception to that rule is that sometimes certain type of scenes are hidden in the "behind the scene" section. I know that there are a few movies that contain fisting and out of fear of being prosecuted, but wishing to keep fans happy the producers will hide those scenes in a behind the scene section. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-06-09  06:41pm - 5755 days #8
pat362 (0)
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I know that this is an unpopular subject, but I want the return of bush. No not him, but the older bush that was prevalent in movies made in the 70's and 80's. I miss seeing a nice well groomed bush on a performer.

I like Goldfish idea for performers with short hair, but I'd settle for models that change their hair style or color from time to time.
The only exception are red heads. They aren't allowed to touch their hair or I will start to cry like a big baby. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-06-09  06:27pm - 5755 days #52
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Not able to leave well enough alone, the porn biz is back at it with a new pornified Star Trek movie called "This Ain't Star Trek XXX" ... although you have to give them props for a post-modern take on the name. I won't dull with the details although if you dream of Trekkie porn here's a link to the high brow cast dressed in their Star Fleet finery: http://www.avn.com/galleries/1241/.

This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I hoped for a new series. I'm still going to watch it, but mostly for the curiosity aspect of it. I want to see if the people behind it are real fans of teh shows or if they took just the name and characters.

Up to now I haven't seen a single porn spoof that I tought was hot. Some were funny but I watch comedies when I want to laugh and not porn movies. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-05-09  07:09pm - 5756 days #55
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

No I don't find it sad that some women feel they need implants to feel good about themselves. Self-image is self-image for a reason, because it about what that person feels about themselves. It isn't something I can tell them to feel or it would be called "exotics-image". And seeing that we do not have a female in this discussion, it became a typical male thing of believing they do it all for us. So we tell them we don't like those implants. Maybe they do. Maybe when they step out of the shower and look in the mirror, they feel good. I am 100% positive that they wouldn't respond positively to being called a mutilation.

I think you and I will have to agree to disagree on that last one. I do find it sad. Not because implants might make them happier but because they think it will. It's one thing to plan a new look but quite another when it involves your physical health. We aren't talking about getting your hair cut in a new style or dyed a new color. We are talking about major intrusive surgery that in some cases can lead to complication and death. The fact that we have trivialized breast implants where you now hear stories of tenage girls asking their parents for them on their sweet sixteen biryhday tells you that women now have an unrealistic idea of physical perfection.

We're talking about fake breasts as it pertains to pornstars, but frankly this can easily be applied to singers, TV and movies stars as well. I could name at least 5-10 right off the bat that fall in one of these 3 catgories. I don't think a single man told them that's what they wanted from them. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-05-09  08:19am - 5757 days #47
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

I'm glad my wife doesn't have an account here. Mainly because she wouldn't know how to type out caveman grunts that she was making after reading this thread.

Seriously guys, read some of your posts in this thread, I think the overall forum's open-mindedness scale just dropped. Women should ask men before doing something to their body? Key word being, "Their" body?

I also can't help but wonder how the young woman who just bought implants because she had self-image problems, feels about being called a mutilation?

Opinions are one thing guys, using derogatory words is another one. This thread, not all of it, but a good portion of it is a field day for a psychologist, and the sad thing is, I don't even think some of you realize how much this thread proves that some men look at women as nothing more than objects.

We must not have read the post in the same way. I didn't get the feeling that we were telling women that they have to check with us before getting implants. I think the overall message is that if you are a woman who's career
is dependant on your physical appearance then there can be consequences to altering said body. It's not fair, but then again many things in life aren't.

I might even say that there is a positive message here in regards to women and their appearance. Most of us have said that we prefer natural looking breast, but for the most part none of us have said what that natural look is suppose to be. Therefore you could conclude that no matter what they actually look like. We will much prefer them to their artificial counterpart. Yes, there can be exceptions to that rule, but I suspect that those are in the minority compared to all the others.

Don't you find it a rather sad statement that women feel they have to get breast implants or plastic surgery to feel good about themselves? Is it because of men and their fascination with women of a certain look? Is it maybe because of all these fashion magazines that are written by women for women and feature supermodels that are nothing like the average women? I'd be willing to take the blame but since I've looked at Playboy magazines as far back as the 70's and I still prefer small breasted women, then clearly that body type although nice to look at is not what appeals to me.

In regards to men's opinion on breast implants/plactic surgery. I would hope that if your wife or for that matter anybody else's significant other was thinking about getting something done that she/they would first ask for our opinion. They don't have to follow it, but I would like to think that if you married her it's because you liked what she looked like and not what she might one day look like after plastic surgery. Not to mention, but once you start to alter your appearance for the sake of well being then you venture on a very dangerous road. I'm sure many of us have seen pictures of people who for the sake of well being now look at best freakish. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-04-09  06:46pm - 5757 days #40
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

"Hi, Friends. Now, let's be totally honest about it. Did you ever think that your penis, or, as in the case of many dignified ladies, that the size of the titties themselves could lead to subconscious frustration!"
-Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, "Penis Dimension," from 200 Motels

I recently watched a two-hour bio on Jenna Jameson on TV. (YES, TELEVISION! I'm OLD SCHOOL!)

Anyway, Jenna talked about how she was told that she had to get implants in order to stay in the industry, and this was fairly early in her career. It wasn't really a choice.

The industry has it that the women must have big ta-ta's so that those will show on the cover material (vids in those days, web pages these days) and that the consumer will see the same after the "play" button is issued its command.

I'd have to agree that it was early in her career because she started around 93-94 and by 96 she had implants. Here is where it gets a little complicated. She made about 38 movies before she appeared with Howard Stern in Private Parts in 97. Many consider this to be where she aquired such a popularity. She went on to make over 100 more movies after that. Although I might be willing to believe that some idiot told her early on to get implants. I find it harder to believe that a girl who made 100 more movies after Private Parts was pressured into getting bigger implants, tattoos and major plastic surgery. As a man, I am kind of tired to be blamed for women getting implants.

Is it possible that women somehow think that implants will appeal to man and therfore get them without first asking us whether we want them??? Long live the Brown Coats.

04-04-09  11:27am - 5758 days #38
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

For PUs who like small tits, black haired models, please watch:
Natalia Forest. A newer rising star on the porn heaven..

At PixandVideo she does some of the best acting, I've seen in a long time - solo. And she's got hc/bg there too. But her first performance solo at P&V - is just amazing...if your're a member at the moment, man, watch how she moves her hips, like she's just fucking the air...
BTW: Her one performance at RealityKings is NOT that fine, but that could say more about the producers than the model...

She is really gorgeous. My big fear is how long before she disapears only to reapear with bolt-ons? Long live the Brown Coats.

04-03-09  06:57pm - 5758 days #33
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Yes, I think it is at least 12 months from your last tattoo. Even piercings are not totally safe, especially the riskier genital and tongue ones, though I cannot think of one girl with no piercings whatsoever (including ears).

Also, I would imagine the larger breast implants to be a strain on your back after having them for a while, not to mention all the implant-fetish dudes straining their necks just to see them, but that is what they are for anyways.

In Quebec, Canada it is 6 months before you are allowed to give blood once you've received a tattoo or a piercing.

Two of the most dangerous places to get a piercing are the tongue and the belly button.

I'd forgotten about the back problems common to women with larger breast. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-02-09  07:09pm - 5759 days #19
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Sounds all well and good until women start getting breast cancer from out of control stem cell growth or the stem cells migrate to other body parts like the nymph nodes and start wrecking havoc there. Always a price to be paid ... unless of course they could grow my dick, then I'd be all over that ;)

At some point in the future, not in our life times, I think there's going to be a point where most everyone is artificially modified in some way either through genetic selection as part of or just after conception, cell therapy during life and cybernetic implants. If you thought the difference between the rich and the poor was big now, wait until then when you find you can't compete for a good job unless you have an artificially enhanced IQ of 180 and have supermodel looks that costs more money than you got. People will be getting mortgages on their minds ... just hope that they don't come by some night to repossess it ... without anesthesia.

I think science should spend it's time looking to better the human condition and less time on dubious research on making women's breast larger. What I find strangest of all is that women complain all the time that finding the right bra is so difficult. Then why would you once you have a bra get breast that will require you to restart the process of looking for one again???

Take a look at the movie Gattaca for a glimpse at that possible future. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-01-09  06:58pm - 5760 days #50
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by deanpro:

It looks like they are already kickstarting the franchise...


Now all we need is a new series. Make it so Number One. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-01-09  06:56pm - 5760 days #43
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by deanpro:

I know one thing, I won't work with anyone else.

Interesting fact, Liam Neeson trained both Batman and Darth Vader. No wonder he's so tough!

I agree that no other actor could step in.

He also trained Obi-Wan who trained Luke. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-01-09  06:53pm - 5760 days #16
pat362 (0)
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If nothing else, this forum proves that not everyone that watches porn is a raving pedofile sex maniac with a low I.Q and anti-social behavior. I visit a few forums, but this may be the only one where the moderators don't have to get involved in controlling the troll attitude of it's participiants.

Happy Birthday to one and all. Long live the Brown Coats.

04-01-09  06:46pm - 5760 days #6
pat362 (0)
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More and more, it's getting to be a problem. There was a time when
the number of performers with bolt-on's was a tiny minority. That is not the case anymore. What's even worse is that those getting them weren't exactly sporting A & B cups in the first place but I've seen some C cups get bolt-on's.

I prefer small breast, but I've seen some natural C & D cups that were amazing looking. It doesn't matter if the doctor is a genius and the job he does is spotless. Fake breast almost always look like fake breast. Maybe somebody will one day invent an implant that can fool most men, but I rather doubt it. Possibly the biggest problem is that most performers don't get a minor size enlargement but get the equivalent of the Goodyear Blimp of breast implants.

I respect anyone's right to alter their body for whatever reason they may choose, but isn't it funny that once the bolt-ons appear that many other alterations follow. There are some performers that reappear and that I recognize only because of the name.

I think the best thing anyone can do in this situation is let our wallet do all the talking. If you don't like fake breast then do not buy the product. Sooner or later the sales of dvds that contain performers with large fake breast will simply fall off the charts.
As long as we buy the products then the trend will continue. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  07:25pm - 5761 days #41
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by deanpro:

Oh my god, totally didn't see that it was Shannon. Being a big fan of Lost I really should have noticed!

Join the club. I knew the actress was older than her character of 18 simply because she was playing her way too young to begin with. I hope that the DVD contains more
scenes, because that is a very good movie but plot lines stop and go nowhere.

They could easily make a series of movies using Liam's character. He made the movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  07:20pm - 5761 days #16
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Thanks, Pat. At the moment I am trying out Riffy's suggestion and won't know for some time if I'm going to be successful with burning and playing wmv on my Video Player. Thanks for the link, you gave me an option if things don't work out!

If you decide to try my option then you will at some point get a message to upgrade to a newer version. You can click yes out of curiosity. I did and it brings you to the makers website where the upgrade is not free. The upgrade message appears every time I turn the application on and I simply say no and start to convert my wmv's into avi's. I may at some point upgrade becauyse it does offer more options but they aren't for everyone.

Best of luck with this one. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  07:15pm - 5761 days #48
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Weathercamel:

One of my favorites is "The Squire of Gothos"- mainly because it has Venita Wolf in it- lovely blonde- who was in the July 1967 issue of Playboy, and also on the Beverly Hillbillies. She has VERY little web presence... but she was totally hot back then... she's worth googling and I would strongly recommend it :D

Star Trek as always had some beautiful women through out the different series. I agree that Venita was gorgeous but because the character of Trelane as always annoyed me then I've stayed away from watching that episode. I'll have to remedy that soon. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  06:59pm - 5761 days #14
pat362 (0)
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I regularly buy porn dvd's. I mostly limit myself to studios or movies that are simply not available on the net. I love lesbian porn and my favorite studio is Girlfriends Film. They do not have anything available online except on streaming movie sites. I will buy a couple of their movies each month. The other stuff I look for is older porn (mostly from the 70's and 80's). Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  06:54pm - 5761 days #13
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Someone had mentioned (Here?) that AVI (DVX) files played on regular DVD players so that was my format of choice for the test. I am really surprised because the program even created a menu for the clips I had burned.

Hi messmer. I found this free application (see link) that will convert "wmv" and other formats to avi(divx). It's not the fastest thing on the planet but it is free. Then as long as you have a divx compatible dvd player than you are home free.
http://www.any-video-converter.com/products/for_video_free/ Long live the Brown Coats.

03-31-09  06:47pm - 5761 days #7
pat362 (0)
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You know what saddens me the most is that, after reading each of your post, I've come to the conclusion that we all think the legal system just doesn't work.

It's not normal for normal for Matt Dillion to get away with such a small offense because of his star status anymore than it is for Lindsay Lohan being caught drunk driving and getting away with it.

Once laws are altered for some and not others than you open the door to anarchy.

PS: I'd fight the ticket if I were you lk2fireone. You may be right that the ticket will be a good kick in the ass. Your case is very different from someone who parks in handicap parking space and isn't one. You just forgot to put your sign in the window. Long live the Brown Coats.

03-30-09  07:01pm - 5762 days #7
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

For me, unless there is a screamin' long term deal I see no incentive to pay. If your a hoarder like Badandy, you might run into time constraints during a month but chances are you got your automatic download system and work arounds fine tuned so you don't have to to sit there all day. Why spend extra money when I can have more variety. Plus, the money I save allows me to buy all those penis enlargement pills and pheromones from all those fantastic email offers I get ;)

Pixandvideo / 21stsextury is about the only site I know of where it might be worth the long term membership because they keep adding quality sites to your package each month. I have yet to venture there for anything more than a month just because I'm a cheap bastard.

I've just joined videobox so this may be the first site that I think worth keeping a membership longer than my usual one month.

The 21stsextury group of sites all have the same offer for long term members. ie: the longer you keep the membership the more sites you get for that original investement. I like that you now know which sites you will receive and in which order, but I still don't think that it's worth as much as you will have to pay. There are a total of 49 sites and depending on which one you join then you receive access to a maximum of 35. Even if they add 2 extra sites per month. You will still pay more than 200$ for full access.

That's strange that you also get those amazing emails for cheap drugs. Here I thought I was special. I will have to complain to my spam provider. Long live the Brown Coats.

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