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Post History:
lk2fireone (0)
2751-2800 of 3618 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 10 | 18 | 26 | 34 | 42 | 55 | Page 56 | 57 | 60 | 63 | 66 | 72 | 73 | Next Page > |
02-07-11 03:28am - 5141 days | #16 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
English porn (with that funny accent), French porn, German porn, Italian porn, Scandinavian porn, Eastern European porn, all that stuff is second class compared to what's produced in the good ole USA. Or if it's not second class, then it still doesn't bring in the dollars to USA porn producers and actresses and whoever. So let's all be patriotic, and buy USA porn, and stop stealing it, or letting all those Europeans (and Japanese and Thai and whoever else) stop ripping off the American consumer. America: love it or leave it. My country right or wrong. By golly, I'm turning into a red, white and blue patriot in my golden years. ![]() | |
02-06-11 08:18pm - 5141 days | #412 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I saw True Grit today. Why didn't anyone warn me that the movie is slow as molasses? I enjoyed Miller's Crossing and No Country for Old Men. But True Grit was a waste of my money. Why critics and audiences have loved this movie is beyond me. Give me an old time western, or a Clint Eastwood western any day over this bloated piece of crap. It was crap based on my expectation of an action western featuring Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon. I was not in the mood for a character study where almost nothing happens in 1 hour and 50 minutes. Edited on Feb 06, 2011, 09:51pm | |
02-06-11 08:20am - 5142 days | #30 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
My apologies to a very gracious lady. I intended no criticism. ![]() | |
02-05-11 04:13pm - 5143 days | #28 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Pricing is a marketing decision. Although usually related to cost, it doesn't have to be (although cost is the usual reason given for the retail price of an item). One instance where the cost difference in production did not explain the cost difference in two items: What is the difference between the Intel 486DX and 486SX? The Intel 486DX processor has a math co-processor built onto the chip. The SX version lacks the co-processor, and was considered a ‘value’ processor at the time it was sold. The DX version, because it had the math co-processor, which would allow faster processing of certain types of operations, sold for a significantly higher price. The first SX chips were actually DX chips that had the math co-processor disabled. In other words, Intel (the manufacturer of the chips) built DX chips, and disabled the math co-processor on some of them, making the first SX chips. Later Intel developed a way to produce the SX chips without the math co-processor, so it didn't have to disable the co-processor. But by offering a DX chip, and also a "value" SX chip that lacked the math co-processor, Intel was able to increase profits from the chips. That is a marketing decision, rather than an engineering decision. | |
02-03-11 04:18am - 5145 days | #6 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
It would seem to make more sense to say that she has gushalized you, if she is the one that is wetting/pissing/whatever on you. If a guy cums on a girl's face, or body, do you say the girl is the one who came? No, it's the guy who came. | |
02-02-11 05:00pm - 5146 days | #10 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
"Personally I think a pay per gb model is good. We don't have a flat-rate for electricity usage, you pay per the kilowatt-hour. If you use half as much electricity as your neighbor, you pay roughly half the price." I live in California, where the rate structure for electricity is far different. We pay per kilowatt-hour, but the rate structure is based on the amount of kilowatt-hours you use in a month. There might also be a fixed-rate cost per month, in addition to the amount of monthly usage, but I'm going to focus on the way we pay for the monthly usage portion: level 1: You pay one rate per kilowatt-hour for x amount of kilo-watt hours. level 2: You pay a higher rate per kilowatt-hour for y amount of kilo-watt hours used above level 1. level 3: You pay a higher rate per kilowatt-hour for z amount of kilo-watt hours used above level 2. level 4: You pay a higher rate per kilowatt-hour for r amount of kilo-watt hours used above level 3. I forget what the math term used to describe that type of structure is, but the total amount you pay increases far more than proportionally as you use more kilowatt-hours. And the levels are set small enough amounts that even a single person, living by himself, can easily get hit by level 4 charges. The theoretical justification for this type of structured rates is that it's supposed to encourage conservation of energy (electricity). So in the name of national security and world health and the greenhouse effect, electricity companies are able to charge their customers higher rates, for increased profits, and justify it as for the common good. My, their shit smells sweet. | |
02-02-11 12:28pm - 5146 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
When I looked at "dirty" magazines, my magazine of choice was Playboy. I would occasionally look at Penthouse. I think I only saw 2 or 3 issues of Hustler. I thought Playboy and Penthouse had much more class. So I guess I was far more selective than you, back in the days when I used to read those magazines. And I did read them. The main interest was the pictures, but I read the articles, the interviews, the reviews, and the stories as well. As far as a wait interval between different paysite subscriptions, I don't usually have one. I'm normally subscribed to one or more sites all the time. I'm more focused on quality content than on quality time. When I come across some porn content (photoset or video) that I really like, I am pleased. But there have been stretches of time when I found little or no material that I thought was really outstanding or enjoyable. Sort of like eating meals at McDonald's or Burger King. Which I don't really enjoy. Or trying a meal at Jack in the Box, which I normally avoid, because I just don't like the taste of their food. | |
02-01-11 05:56pm - 5147 days | #20 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
It doesn't sound like you have to allocate large amounts of money or manpower to shut down or reduce Internet access in countries like Egypt or China. The people in power tell the Internet providers to shut down or follow certain restrictions, and the Internet providers obey. It appears to be that simple. If you, as a person working in Egypt or China, were operating an Internet Service Provider, are you going to be so brave or stupid to tell a government official, who has the force of that country's law behind him, that you are going to refuse a legal order? You want to go to jail, or possibly be shot, for refusing a legal order, for conspiracy for treason or some other serious crime? >>>>>>> <<<<<<< http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/wor...frg6so-1225997672702 February 01, 2011 12:00AM Fearful of revolution, China blocks news of Egypt protests CHINA'S powerful propaganda department is trying to block non-official news about the bloody riots shaking Egypt. The Government has stopped the use of the country's name across a popular Twitter-like blogging site and restricting the reporting of events there. Authorities have blocked the Chinese characters for Egypt on Sina.com's Weibo site, used by more than 50 million of China's 400 million netizens. The Egyptian news has been played down in the Chinese media, being relegated to the second page of the country's major website and portals. Newspapers all carry the state-run Xinhua version of the story. The Chinese authorities are sensitive to offshore revolutions against authoritarian governments, fearing such movements might spread to China. Local street protests have been swelling over corruption, the income gap between rich and poor, and heavy-handed security operations such as evictions to make way for development projects. The internet has been a key tool in spreading the protest messages from Iran, Tunisia and now Egypt. China largely blamed the use of Twitter and other social networking sites for helping to foment the deadly riots during July 2009 in the ethnic Muslim province of Xinjiang, when 197 people were killed and thousands injured. Following the unrest, China pioneered the wholesale blocking of the internet, leaving Xinjiang province -- home to 23 million people -- cut off for eight months. Egypt has followed this lead, shutting down the internet last Thursday just after midnight, as well as mobile phone access. Jim Cowie, co-founder and chief technology officer of Renesys, a company that analyses how the internet is performing around the world, said the notion that Egypt had an internet "kill switch" was not realistic. He told Digits magazine he was not aware how Egypt shut down the web, but outlined a possible scenario based on his knowledge of how the internet is structured. "Somebody in the government gives a phone call to a small number of people and says, 'Turn it off'. And then one engineer at each service provider logs into the equipment and changes the configuration of how the traffic should flow." Mr Cowie said Egypt's internet providers shut down their networks at intervals of minutes, beginning with Telecom Egypt at 12.12.43am. This suggests the decision to shut down was made about midnight and each operator was notified in succession. Internet providers pay international carriers to transmit internet data via undersea cables. Ordinarily, the large providers announce via computer code that they will accept and send transmissions. But late Thursday, the code simply switched to denial mode, blocking communications. | |
02-01-11 06:23am - 5147 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Agree with Cap'n. Very interesting reading. Thanks for posting the link. | |
01-31-11 03:02pm - 5148 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've seen photosets of nude women in the water (and underwater). And a very few videos. I much preferred seeing them on dry land, where you could see them better, and see the natural colors of their body. Especially the skin tones. Maybe if you were into this fetish the site might have some value. Otherwise, it seems more a curiosity than a mainstream porn site. There are plenty of sites out there that I would like to join (or re-join). But my porn funds are limited. As is my time. So I try to focus on sites that I think I will really appreciate. | |
01-31-11 02:50pm - 5148 days | #14 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Opinion from a plastic surgeon, who did not actually examine Crystal Harris, but probably looked at photographs: Dr. Salzhauer says, "Hugh Hefner's new fiance, Crystal Harris appears to have had a Breast augmentation and a Rhinoplasty along with Botox and dermal filler treatments to her face." (Rhinoplasty is a nose job.) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Hugh Hefner Engaged to Plastic Surgery Playmate Crystal Harris December 27, 2010 in Celebrity Plastic Surgery by Lisa Stern Playboy giant Hugh Hefner is getting ready to totter up the altar once again, this time to his latest girlfriend, Playmate Crystal Harris. 84-year old Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine, is planning a third trip up the aisle, this time to 24-year old Playmate Crystal Harris. Although separated for years, his divorce from his previous wife, Playmate Kimberly Conrad, was finalized last year. The media mogul Tweeted his engagement announcement over the holiday weekend, �Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn�t mean to make a mystery out of it. A very merry Christmas to all.� Both bride and groom will be entering matrimony with plastic surgery enhancements. In the past, Hugh has admitted to having a necklift and teeth implants and contemplating a facelift (See Make Me Heal�s story on Hugh Hefner�s plastic surgery). �I�m thinking of having a little face-lift. There is nothing wrong with plastic surgery. I think it is absolutely fine for men � I have already had teeth implants, and a few years ago I had a neck tuck.� Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer says, �Hugh Hefner has most likely had a modest facelift over the years. He seems to be leaving most of the cosmetic surgery up to his girlfriends.� Dr. Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, California says, �It is possible that Hugh Hefner had facelift at one point in addition to his necklift. If so, the facelift was performed conservatively and he does not appear overdone.� Hugh�s plastic surgery will be in good company. Like many Playmates, it looks as though Crystal has undergone a breast augmentation, with saline or silicone implants from makers Mentor or Natrelle. In addition, she may also get Botox injections to smooth her forehead and she may also have had a nose job in the past. Dr. Salzhauer says, �Hugh Hefner�s new fianc�e, Crystal Harris appears to have had a Breast augmentation and a Rhinoplasty along with Botox and dermal filler treatments to her face.� Dr. Nassif says, �Crystal Harris may have had a rhinoplasty at one point on her life, but that is about all. She is still very young, and does not appear to have had any additional surgery performed to her face.� Makemeheal.com wishes the original Playboy and his chosen bride the best of luck this time around. Read the complete celebrity plastic surgery profile of Hugh Hefner on Plasticopedia and Crystal Harris on Plasticopedia, the largest celebrity plastic surgery encyclopedia. Edited on Jan 31, 2011, 02:55pm | |
01-30-11 07:20am - 5149 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've never been a Facebook member, or even visited the site. But I am a PU member. And I proudly display my "name, photo and all". I consider myself a porno superhero, in the tradition of Batman and Superman (some people think Batman is not a superhero because he doesn't have any super powers). I fight for the rights of fellow PU citizens to enjoy a quality porno experience. ![]() | |
01-29-11 05:01pm - 5150 days | #17 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Thanks, messmer. Sometimes (often-times) I wonder if my humor is really that obscure. ![]() | |
01-29-11 12:36pm - 5150 days | #14 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
You give a very nice summary of the situation in Egypt. But isn't Internet access (and other forms of communication such as cell phone services) a part of what many people regard as a basic right (as long as you have paid for the service)? Governments take the position they control access for "the good of the people", without asking what the people want. This is true in Egypt, Russia, and even the United States. The rulers (President, Congress, Parliament, whoever, for the good of the people in the name of security, trample on the rights of people to communicate. I posted that Internet access was cut off. At the same time, I was trying to use irony to inject a little humor into a grim topic. It seems that many people at PU are blind to irony, and take whatever is written as the literal truth of what is written. Yes, I said access to porn is being cut off in Egypt. That was a byproduct of civil unrest. This site has porn as its main focus, and I was trying to make the situation in Egypt (and in China, and in the United States) topical to porn. If you don't believe that porn should be mentioned as a "freedom" in relation to civil unrest, that it's making the situation trivial instead of important, that's your opinion. I do believe people have the right to have differing opinions. I also realize many people either don't understand my attempts at irony/humor, or don't appreciate my irony/humor. Whatever. I do believe that a government that restricts/cuts off Internet access and/or telephone service is attacking the right of people to communicate. And that is an important freedom. Edited on Jan 29, 2011, 12:41pm | |
01-28-11 11:35pm - 5150 days | #410 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Finally, the movie we have all been waiting for. "I Am Number Four" is a sci-fi action adventure movie about a young man (just like all of us PU members) who turns into a man, who becomes a warrior fighting evil forces. And he even has a girl friend in this movie. What better life-affirming plot could there be? And the hero is fabulously handsome, as pretty as his girl friend. Just like us PU members. Did the actors and movie-makers join PU before making this movie, and learn our secrets, and that is why the movie will be so great? The lead actor hopes this movie will be as popular as Twilight (one of the highest grossing movies of all time). I guess he wants to be a super-star, like Robert Pattinson, and make 15-20 million dollars a movie from now on. And why not. This guy is gorgeous. And handsome. He could even become a porno star, if he really wanted to. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Rising Star: 'I Am Number Four's' Alex Pettyfer Source: Access Hollywood 2 hours, 1 minute ago Alex Pettyfer has spent most of his life in front of the camera. The Brit's angled cheekbones and blue eyes won him modeling spots as a youngster for brands like GAP, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein, but not content to just be a pretty face, he decided to turn to acting as a teen. Alex netted a few parts quickly, like the title role in the UK TV movie "Tom Brown's Schooldays," before fronting "Alex Rider: Operation Strombreaker," a young-person's adventure film, which also featured Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy and Mickey Rourke. It is, however, his turn as John Smith in "I Am Number Four" that will make this AccessHollywood.com Rising Star a household name. The thriller, directed by D.J. Caruso (who helped make Shia LaBeouf a breakout star with "Disturbia" and later "Eagle Eye"), sees Alex playing John, a teen who has to hide his true supernatural identity from friends and keep under the radar, and out of the way of a series of deadly forces whose mission is to destroy him. "[It's] an action adventure movie with a sci-fi twinge with a really strong character played by Alex, who begins the movie as a young man who's a little bit confused and ends the movie as this sort of fierce warrior who's accepted his destiny," D.J. told Access Hollywood recently of his film's leading man. The film pits Alex alongside "Justified's" Timothy Olyphant, and Alex's real-life girlfriend, "Glee's" Dianna Agron, and throws in explosions and a heck of a lot of stunts. "I think the most complicated and most fun was probably the back flip off the waterfall," Alex told Access of his stunt moves. "There was a point -- it was the last take and D.J. was at the monitor, very calm, very relaxing energy and he said I need you to get closer to the waterfall, I need your head to be closer because it's a close up of your head, of your face. And I said, 'OK, I'll go close.'... And I nearly hit my head!" Luckily he made it out in one piece, which means the actor will still be around when the fans come running, especially as this movie is already drawing comparisons to "Twilight." "I hope we have the success [like] 'Twilight.' We'll take the success of 'Twilight,' but we have not made a 'Twilight' movie. I mean, there's this compelling story of romance in 'I Am Number Four,' which drives John to what he does, but he's a reluctant hero," Alex explained. "It's about a boy turning into a man, turning into a warrior [and] having to follow his destiny," Alex continued. Fans will get their chance to check Alex out on the big screen on February 18, and again, just a few weeks later when his long-awaited modern-day take on "Beauty and the Beast" is released - "Beastly, co-starring Vanessa Hudgens. The film, which also stars Peter Krause and Mary-Kate Olsen, will be released on March 4. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. | |
01-28-11 11:07pm - 5150 days | #7 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
http://www.infowars.com/egypts-internet-...h-coming-to-america/ I used to think it was just rabid Republicans under the Bush administration that were anti free Internet. But now it appears that the Democrats under Obama are just as bad. I honestly would not have believed it. But in the name of security, the civil rights of people are being ignored, or legislated out of existence. In America, the land of the "free". Americans (the U.S) are supposed to follow China's lead for Internet control? China, which had the Tiananmen Square Massacre? China, which can jail non-violent protesters for protesting government policies? Edited on Jan 29, 2011, 12:52am | |
01-28-11 04:37pm - 5151 days | Original Post - #1 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Apparently Egypt has cut its citizens off from Internet access. I didn't see any official reason given in this article, but it's obvious that Egypt feels the Internet is a dangerous source of information that could pollute the minds of its citizens and other residents. So if you are currently planning a trip to Egypt, you could be cut off from access to PU, and possibly even your favorite porn paysites. >>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<< http://www.zdnet.com/blog/networking/the...gypt/613?tag=nl.e539 The Internet goes dark in Egypt By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | January 27, 2011, 8:55pm PST First, Egypt blocked social networks like Facebook and Twitter. I had no trouble believing the Egyptian government would do that. But, when I first heard that Egypt had blocked the Internet, I was inclined to doubt the stories. Since then though I’ve heard from a technically savvy source, Renesys, an Internet analytics firm, that Egypt really has blocked the vast majority of its Internet connections. In short, the Egyptian government has cut its people off from the Internet. According to James Cowie, Renesys’ CTO, “In an action unprecedented in Internet history, the Egyptian government appears to have ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the Internet. Critical European-Asian fiber-optic routes through Egypt appear to be unaffected for now. But every Egyptian provider, every business, bank, Internet cafe, website, school, embassy, and government office that relied on the big four Egyptian ISPs for their Internet connectivity is now cut off from the rest of the world. Link Egypt, Vodafone/Raya, Telecom Egypt, Etisalat Misr, and all their customers and partners are, for the moment, off the air.” Specifically, “At 22:34 UTC (00:34am local time), Renesys observed the virtually simultaneous withdrawal of all routes to Egyptian networks in the Internet’s global routing table. Approximately 3,500 individual BGP [Border Gateway Protocol] routes were withdrawn, leaving no valid paths by which the rest of the world could continue to exchange Internet traffic with Egypt’s service providers. Virtually all of Egypt’s Internet addresses are now unreachable, worldwide.” I checked this out myself. Using miniRank’s listing of the most popular Egyptian Web sites, I was unable to reach 22 out of the 25 sites. The only sites which were responding were those of major car companies. I presume, from the pages I saw, that I was being re-directed to sites outside of Egypt. I then looked further and discovered that many of the Egyptian DNS (Domain Name System) servers are not working. For example, as I write this at 11 PM Eastern time, frcu.eun.eg, ns.mcit.gov.eg, and ns.idsc.gov.eg are all returning server failure messages. DNS servers outside of Egypt, used by Egyptian sites, are reporting that are no records for major Egyptian sites. The Egyptian government really has done it. They’ve essentially shut off their country from the Internet. There seems to be one significant exception. Cowie wrote, “One of the very few exceptions to this block has been Noor Group (AS2092 ![]() Still, for the most part, Egypt’s citizens have been cut off from the Internet. We don’t know what will happen now. This is the first time that a government has locked its population out of the world wide community of the Internet. I fear this will not end well. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, aka sjvn, has been writing about technology and the business of technology since CP/M-80 was the cutting edge, PC operating system | |
01-28-11 11:30am - 5151 days | #4 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Cap'n, maybe I could come visit you, to see what a well-appointed English garage looks like? ![]() | |
01-28-11 11:24am - 5151 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Hanging a porn calendar on a wall? No way, even if nobody ever saw it. The same way, I don't need a tattoo on my forehead proclaiming: "I am a porn hound." Some guys might think that's a good motto to shout out, I'm not one of them. In the same vein, why did this site allow users to pick an alias? Most people want at least a little privacy for their enjoyment of porn. A book of erotic art, or a book of nudity, just seems a different category. It has a history, a legitimacy to it. There have been cheesecake calendars in the past, but I've seen no porn calendars. Perhaps I've had a limited education? Please understand, I don't mean to be critical. But I would imagine most porn calendars would be kept in a desk or drawer, not hung up on a wall. Perhaps a stud like Rocco Siffredi or Pierre Woodman might like to hang up a calendar of their conquests on a wall, as advertisement, or a badge of their greatness. Edited on Jan 28, 2011, 11:28am | |
01-25-11 04:50pm - 5154 days | #13 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
The photography at TeenFuns was just OK, but the girls had great sex appeal. The photography at Met-art is maybe 50% better in technique, but the Met-art photos lack the strong impact of the TeenFuns photos. Simple photos, but the girls were somehow stunning. Not gorgeous, just nice to very nice looking, but the photos were worth drooling over. | |
01-24-11 02:33pm - 5155 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
TRUE! It takes a real pervert to ogle a woman past the age of 30. ![]() | |
01-16-11 03:30pm - 5163 days | #19 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
pornwatcher, glad that DownThemAll fixed your problem. DownThemAll is a nice program, easy to use. | |
01-15-11 07:43am - 5164 days | #16 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've tried using Down Them All with filesonic and some similar sites. Instead of getting the file that I want to download, I get a small file titled: "not-allowed.php". You can download the file you want, by choosing the "Save File" option for downloading, instead of using the "DownThemAll!" option. I would prefer to use Down Them All, in case the file download stops and then you have the chance to resume the download. Choosing the "Save" option almost certainly does not give you the chance of resuming download, but would have to re-start the download from the beginning. Is there a way to schedule Down Them All? I use it manually, but it would be an added convenience if I could schedule downloads. | |
01-14-11 09:18pm - 5164 days | #13 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
My understanding is that some sites do not allow the use of download managers, or allow only certain download managers to be used. There are sites where I can't use Down Them All, which is the download manager I use. | |
01-13-11 11:07pm - 5165 days | #11 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Of course there were movies in the 1020s. That was the golden period of Hollywood, when men were giants and women were goddesses. I remember watching the premieres of wonderful, star-studded premieres that were truly glamorous and wonderfully exciting, with stars that seemed to come down from the heavens into our dreary lives. slutty, you weren't born unless you have lived through the golden age of movies. turboshaft realizes this instinctively. Newsreels allow us to enjoy those thrilling times. As a child I used to watch olden premieres on television, with stars like Clark Gable and Gary Cooper appearing on the screen. So there! (But I hope that turboshaft's fetish of plastic surgery scarring doesn't become widely popular. ![]() | |
01-09-11 11:23am - 5170 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I've got a slow ISP connection (150-160 KB/s download speed from DSL). And I can't even get the video clip to load. Or maybe it my laptop acting up. Whatever. Sorry, I can't even load the video. But my knowledge of(and memory for hardcore video startlets) is minimal compared to most PU addicts here, anyway. So maybe Drooler or someone knowledgeable can take a look. Oops. I see pat362 answered the question already. I knew he was knowledgeable, I just didn't realize he was that much of a porn expert. You rock, pat362! Edited on Jan 09, 2011, 11:26am | |
01-09-11 11:14am - 5170 days | #16 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
PP, I'm glad you said it. But it's true, some people are blind to anything except their own pleasure and enjoyment. And fuck anyone who doesn't bow down before them. So what if people, as some people are, were seriously concerned about the welfare of some former porn starlet they had fond memories of? Fuck them. Steve Lightspeed made good money off of her, and now he's ready to laugh and move on. By killing off her pornstar name. Except it won't be killed as long as it's a moneymaker. Why would he be that stupid? This was a stunt. Cruel. Thoughtless. But still a stunt. And I doubt he will kill the site if it's making money. The site could close, but if it's still making money, why would he do it? The publicity probably increased the people wanting to get inside, to pay for entrance, to see what the porn star was like. So he's probably laughing out of both sides of his mouth. You need a thick skin in this business, and he certainly seems to have one. | |
01-08-11 09:45pm - 5170 days | #4 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Probably a good thing. I firmly believe less hunters would be shooting other hunters if all hunters were forced to carry a large sign stating: "I am willing to surrender. Please don't shoot me first." Or maybe that rule should only apply to the hunters that are willing to surrender. The signless hunters could be shot on sight, as a national sport. | |
01-08-11 02:11pm - 5171 days | #11 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
CCBill has a toll-free (no cost) telephone number for international clients outside the U.S. I suggest you call and ask to speak to a supervisor, explain your problem, and that you have sent emails regarding the problem but have gotten no help. Ask if the supervisor has the authority to accept your credit card, or if he/she will transfer you to a person in authority who can solve the problem. CCBill Consumer Services (Customer Billing Inquiries) Hours: 24/7 TF: 888.596.9279 email: support@ccbill.com International Toll Free Number: (Country Code) + 800.6123.4500 Edited on Jan 08, 2011, 02:15pm | |
01-08-11 12:05pm - 5171 days | Original Post - #1 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Just wanted to post that warning, in case any perverts happen to visit Texas. I don't think California has passed any such law. But I am not a lawyer. Maybe WittyGuy could comment, since he seems to be our resident legal expert? | |
01-08-11 09:58am - 5171 days | #8 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
They have some nice-looking models at mypickupgirls. But I don't like the camera-work or the clarity of the videos. In some shots, the focus is on the background (the car seat, or the gravel of a parking lot), and the model giving the bj/whatever is slightly out of focus. Are we supposed to be looking at the background, or the girl giving the bj? Masha seems to be their most popular name. The site has a Masha 14. | |
01-08-11 09:39am - 5171 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I think the alias problem is more relevant for porn collectors instead of porn producers or those not interested in trying to find material on different models. The producers/webmasters/whatever are just selling a product. The porn collector is trying to build a collection, and when a particular model is of interest, it can make it very difficult to find material on a model when she is listed under different names. In other words, producers/webmasters could care less about what porn collectors want. And it would be extra work to try to give each model a unique name. Just give a model whatever name you want to. And if you give the same model at your site the same name in different photosets and videos, then the subscribers should be grateful. Some sites uses different names for the same model. Some sites use the same name for four or five different models. Should the members of PU organize a march on Washington, D.C. to protest this indiscriminate use of nomenclature? Somehow, I feel the Congress would be unimpressed by such a protest. ![]() | |
01-07-11 01:55am - 5172 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Admiral, I was never in the Navy. I was in the Army a couple of years (back in the 1960s, which seems like ancient history now). So do your orders apply to me? Are they legally enforceable over all PU members? Especially since you are stationed in Canada, which is a separate country from the United States. That brings up an interesting question: Does your rank give you authority over all PU members, or just the Canadian members that are in the Canadian Navy (I assume Canada has a Navy, even though I don't remember ever reading about one.) But it's positive you had a good response from the site, and that PU actually took an active role in resolving your problem. I agree with you that many porn sites seem to pay little attention to their members' problems, and often don't even respond to emails requesting help. Wait: I found a picture of Canada's Navy. It seems to be a combined Air Force/Navy. That brings up another question: how do they get the airplane on and off the ship? Or do they just leave the plane on the ship permanently, and use it to fire bullets and rockets at enemy targets? Canada's Navy: http://www.dailyhaha.com/_pics/canadas_navy.htm PS: I love their motto: "We get the job done." Is that still the current motto? Edited on Jan 07, 2011, 02:07am | |
01-07-11 01:46am - 5172 days | #8 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
It pays to watch out for the slimy worms that try to cheat you or mess you up. But there are hackers out there who know far more about computers than we do. And even if we try to play it safe, we can still get stung at times with malware/whatever. ![]() As an example of computer hacking: The United States has a program that is developing and building a new fighter airplane, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The planes are supposed to cost between US$89 million and US$200 million over the planned production of F-35s, depending on the model (airplanes can have different models of the same basic plane, just like cars). The United States intends to buy a total of 2,443 aircraft for an estimated US$323 billion, making it the most expensive defense program ever. On 21 April, media reports, citing Pentagon sources, said that during 2007 and 2008, computer spies had managed to copy and siphon off several terabytes of data related to the F-35's design and electronics systems, potentially enabling the development of defense systems against the aircraft. However, Lockheed Martin has rejected suggestions that the project has been compromised, saying that it "does not believe any classified information had been stolen". What the fuck do you think Lockheed would say? They are going to make billions of dollars from building the planes, and they are not going to say: "Gosh, they stole our secrets, now the United States needs a different plane that will be still be a secret. So lets open the bidding process and maybe another company will win the right to build those planes." Ha ha. A $323 billion project, and computer hackers copied several terabytes of data on the F-35's design and electronics systems, allowing the development of defense systems against the plane? Edited on Jan 07, 2011, 02:42am | |
01-06-11 02:06pm - 5173 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Regarding orientation: If a girl is standing up, portrait seems to make sense. If a girl is lying down, landscape seems to make sense. But if the girl is lying down, and you shoot her so her body is vertical to the length of the photo, that doesn't make much sense. You want to get as much of the girl into the photo as possible, normally. Why include a lot of background image instead of focusing on the girl? So the choice of portrait versus landscape depends on what you want to highlight, as well as the pose of the model. I think the normal choice is portrait, and that seems to fit most poses of models. | |
01-06-11 11:13am - 5173 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
My understanding is that it's not just exe files that can contain malware, but almost any type of file. That includes jpg (a picture file) and other file types that used to be considered safe years ago. And if you happen to visit an infected Internet site, you don't have to download anything for your computer to become infected. Just loading the site in your browser (in simpler words, going to the site) can infect your computer. | |
01-05-11 09:41am - 5174 days | #24 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Please stay tuned for further revelations! Edited on Jan 05, 2011, 09:48am | |
01-05-11 09:41am - 5174 days | #23 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
The Church of LukeWyrm Sheets is the organization (church) I founded after receiving divine revelation. The moment of revelation was when I was laying in bed, with the bed sheets around me, and the bed sheets were flooded in my moment of heated bliss. The ejaculated Wyrms are an expression of my divine bliss, and they heated the bedsheets to a rosy hue. The origin of my bliss was watching a porno of a lovely young teen, who gazed at me in adoration while touching herself with gentle fingers. | |
01-05-11 07:51am - 5174 days | #21 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Peace and good will to all. It's a pleasure to read an intelligent post, where Khan himself admits that all the PU members (except myself, of course) are merely figments of my perverted imagination. As I ascend on my path toward righteousness and goodness, all you perverts will gain goodness through me. Rejoice! lk2fireone of the Church of LukeWyrm Sheets ![]() | |
01-04-11 11:45pm - 5174 days | #407 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Is nepotism the reason Hollywood movies have lost all creativity and quality? Read how the Coen brothers used their kin to make their latest movie, even going so far as to give him a special credit for the movie. Shame on Hollywood. Shame on the Coen brothers. Is there no decency left? And what about Matt Damon, who was forced to leave his abs unexposed during the making of this motion picture? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MOVIE TALK on Yahoo! Movies * Mon Jan 3 2011, 12:37 PM Matt Damon's Mysterious Abs Double by: Michael Krumboltz "True Grit," directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, is garnering rave reviews and big bucks at the box office. Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, and newcomer Hailee Steinfeld all turn in impressive performances. However it's a little-known member of the crew with a curious job title that has people talking. Stick around and watch the credits of the western remake and you'll see something that might make you choke on your popcorn. In the editorial section of the scroll, right under "Post Production Assistant," is a far more interesting job title: "Mr. Damon's Abs Double." Wait, what? For those who haven't seen the movie, we regret to inform you that while Matt Damon does not show his abdominal muscles (though he does rock an impressive moustache). So, is this a wacky Coen-brothers joke? Actually, it's more of a Coen kid joke. The person credited is Buster Coen, 15-year-old son of Ethan Coen. Industry expert Scott Feinberg spoke with Damon at an event and asked about the mysterious abs double. Damon explained that Buster "had served as an assistant to the script supervisor on the set during the making of the film, but had indicated that he wanted a more important-sounding credit than that, and had apparently requested that one!" Should Damon win an Oscar, here's hoping he doesn't forget to thank Joel, Ethan, and Buster in his acceptance speech. It'd be the classy thing to do. | |
01-04-11 08:03am - 5175 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Scarlett Johansson has a bigger chest. (You see how cultured I am trying to be. Most of the PU members would have said Scarlett has bigger boobs. But I am above that.) You often times don't realize how large her chest is, because she doesn't flaunt it like many Hollywood starlets do. Actually, now that I am looking at some photos of both Scarlett and Amanda, the other model looks like a younger version of Scarlett (but still with a smaller chest). I didn't realize the similarity until you pointed it out. Edited on Jan 04, 2011, 09:54am | |
01-04-11 06:49am - 5175 days | #3 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Actually, when you look at photos of a single model, the appearance of the model can vary widely, depending on many factors. One simple example: If you examine photos of Carli at X-art, she looks the same from one photoset to the next. But if you see her photosets at Nubiles, she looks very different. And if you see her earliest photosets (from a different site), she looks different still. You wouldn't know it was the same girl, except for the figure 8 tattoo she has on the inside of her wrist. In my opinion, X-art, using makeup, photoshop, excellent lighting, whatever, really presents their models in a lovely way, so the girls look great. The same girls, appearing at other sites, often don't look anywhere near as good. But that's just me. I happen to like the photo style that X-art uses. Other PU members might prefer the Femjoy approach of minimal photoshop and minimal makeup. Although I've seen some recent photosets from Femjoy where they are making the photos of the models more like the way I like. But apart from age difference in a model, the use of makeup and lighting and costumes and photoshop, etc., can make a huge difference in the appeal or way a model looks. Changing hair color or hair style can also make a difference in a model's appeal, far more than you would think. At least, that's my reaction to some models who change hair color and hair style. | |
01-04-11 06:32am - 5175 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
I don't know any other sites she is featured at. But if you browse the pages that have porn thumbnails that link to sample galleries, she is sometimes seen in one of the thumbnails. That might be why she seems familiar. A good-looking girl. Not absolutely gorgeous, but her face has stuck in my mind for some reason. Or if you've been an X-art member before, you might have seen one of her earlier photosets. And that could be why she seems familiar (or that you've seen her before). But the truth is, I've seen so many porn models, that are cute or gorgeous, that some of the faces are starting to run together, and I often have a hard time trying to remember any of the many names used for many of these models. That's separate from when two or more models look very similar, and you really have to study their photos to try to figure out which model you are looking at. ![]() | |
01-03-11 07:16am - 5176 days | #11 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Capn, you make a great point: Disabling your account can express disapproval. There are many things and members at PU that I disapprove of. It's only fair that PU install an on/off switch to enable/disable my account (and other members' accounts). So we can freely express our disapproval and indignation. Better yet, give me a switch to disable all the PU members who strike my fancy. The Blue Screen of Enable/Disable will strike fear in the hearts of all Windows users at PU. And a Mac Attack is coming soon! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
01-03-11 07:01am - 5176 days | #4 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Khan, have you checked this Th3Dodg3r's birth and death certificates with some government agency? He lists his age as 100, and his place of residence as heaven. I think he might be pulling someone's leg regarding the true facts of his life. | |
01-02-11 10:15pm - 5176 days | #9 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
The purpose of a blacklist is to list the names of undesirables, that you will not allow into a club or whatever. A list of disabled members (when the disablement is voluntary, at the request of the member himself), is completely different from a blacklist, both in what it represents, and its purpose. I don't think a list of disabled members would have any power over the disabled members. After all, members have an alias or nickname that is basically anonymous. I think a few members might be posting on blogs or forums using the same alias that they use at PU. But almost all PU members are more likely anonymous to the Internet (but not to PU itself, since PU has at least one email address for each PU member). | |
01-02-11 07:46pm - 5176 days | #7 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Now that I think about it, RB posted that he was having some problem with his computer, and that he was working on it. And he was getting pissed off (or even more pissed than usual, since his normal state is pissed). Maybe that contributed to why his account is disabled: he needs to get his computer equipment + porn collection the way he wants it, and that's taking up his time. So PU is a distraction from that. Just pure speculation, on my part. | |
01-02-11 07:41pm - 5176 days | #6 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
It's hard to keep track or keep current on who's gone missing. And lately some of the major contributors or bigger names at PU have gone off to do whatever. Then they drop back in, for a brief visit, sometimes. But the reasons why they disable their account is usually unclear. Mostly, they just disable and steal away quietly. RB has made some fine reviews and great posts that are informative, provocative, whatever. Here's hoping he will soon return to us. But maybe the PU staff could post a list of members that have (currently) disabled accounts. In alphabetical order. With the date the account was disabled. If that isn't too much extra work. Because I've noticed some names seem very familiar, that have been disabled, and I wonder, as I'm sure others do, why the member didn't just stop posting, instead of actually disabling his account. | |
01-02-11 12:31am - 5177 days | #5 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Tawnee Stone's real name is Tammy Saris. That fact is easily found at different Internet sources. But there is, as far as I can find, no information on her reported death, under her stage name or her real name, except for what PP reported. | |
01-01-11 11:15am - 5178 days | #2 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
Tawnee Stone, cute girl next door, with a great body. She always seemed to have a really nice, friendly smile. I think she stopped modeling years ago. But at one time, she seemed to be everywhere on the Internet. Really popular. If the rumor is true, it's a shame. You would think that the Internet or Google would give up-to-date information on a rumor/news like that. But I couldn't find anything definite beyond what PP posted. | |
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