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09-04-09  12:54am - 5662 days #162
lk2fireone (0)
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My last post on this thread stated I will be spending less money at the theater because the prices are too high compared to watching the same movie on DVD. I like to stand firm behind my principles, but a new movie, Gamer, with Gerard Butler, is out today. This might be a strong action movie, with some story to it. I really enjoyed 300 with Gerard Butler. I doubt Gamer will come anywhere close to 300 as entertainment. Did I mention that my strong principles (not wasting my money at the movie theater) will withstand anything except temptation?

Has anyone seen this movie yet, or heard whether it's really exciting, just so-so, or what?

One possible strike against the movie is that it was not released for reviews by movie critics, so apparently the studio thought the critical reception by critics would be negative. I certainly don't always agree with the critics in my personal enjoyment of a movie, but it's still a negative that the movie was not available to critics to review.

I don't mind violence as long as it's good and entertaining. Inglourious Basterds was very entertaining. But G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra was just plain stupid and a bore and a waste of time and money.

What's the verdict on Gamer? Better to see it in the movies, or wait for DVD?

09-03-09  07:29pm - 5663 days #24
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Funny how you read the "alpha" part the way you did. I can see now how it could be interpreted that way, but what I really meant is that I'm the alpha in my house, and the little bugger has to be clear about that.

I read the "alpha" part the same way that you did. But I was trying to add a little color to my description of your avatar, the same way that people tell tall tales based on what is supposed to be some kind of "factual" basis, like Davey Crockett killing a bar (bear) when he was only 3 (in the Disney version anyway, I seem to recall).

So, since your Drooler avatar is fictional (you don't own a dog), and you are the alpha in your family (no wife, so you are probably the alpha, beta and iomega of your family all in one), I made the Drooler avatar out to be the alpha in your family. No disrespect intended.

09-03-09  04:17pm - 5663 days #21
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Denner's avatar looks deadly serious, as if he is making an important point about the deeper meaning of adult entertainment. But Drooler's looks like he just found a hot new site and is salivating in enthusiasm, to put it mildly.

I'm wondering what the point of porn is supposed to be. Is it supposed to be erotic, for our personal enjoyment? Or is it supposed to be making a statement of deeper meaning?

You can talk about great literature. Most porn is not great literature. And that's not what I'm looking for if I do read a porn story or novel or look at a photoset or video: I want something that's erotic or arousing or entertaining. Call that porn pulp, versus porn class, such as a novel by Henry Miller (Tropic of Cancer) or James Joyce (Ulysses). There's an audience for "literary" porn, but that's not what I'm usually interested in for my reading or viewing pleasure. I want something lighter that I can easily enjoy.

And that is only part of the reason why I prefer Drooler's avatar: I certainly wouldn't mind finding hot new paysites that I can enjoy, and if I start drooling over them in my enthusiam, so much the better.

Drooler's avatar, for me, captures the spirit of porn that I am aiming for: A light experience similar to a pulp paperback versus a serious work of porn literature (realizing that I am going for pictures and videos, and not much stories at the paysites).

The PU members might be serious about their porn collections, but I'm thinking they are trying to enjoy their porn on a light level, not at the level of the meaning of life. Edited on Sep 03, 2009, 04:50pm

09-02-09  10:07pm - 5663 days #8
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:


Thank God, somebody's loyal. Lol.

09-02-09  09:40pm - 5663 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I am here just about every day, reading with interest what people have to say. It's just I have gone back to being an observer rather than a contributor.

There's nothing wrong with being a lurker instead of a poster. I was lurking on this site for a long time before I joined.

If you ever do want to post again, please feel free to do so. Your thoughts and ideas would be welcome reading.

Wishing you the best, TheSquirrel.

09-02-09  05:39pm - 5664 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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In some ways the new format for TBP reviews is an improvement. On the other hand, when I read the new reviews, I get the impression that they are adding puff that praise the sites being reviewed instead of giving a balanced opinion.

Even though the reviews at PU are not written by professional reviewers, I find that some of the reviews are as good or better than what is available at TBP. I find reviews by a lot of members are easier to read, to understand, to believe (in their judgments). Some of the better reviewers include: Drooler, Cybertoad, Toadsith (who seems to have disappeared for a good while), mbaya, Wittyguy, GCode, exotics4me, Denner, and a bunch of others. The last couple of reviews by turboshaft have been awesome.

09-02-09  05:05pm - 5664 days #18
lk2fireone (0)
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Denner's avatar looks more like a wolf to me than a German Shepherd dog.
I like his avatar, but when comparing him (or her) to Drooler's avatar, Drooler's wins hands down. There really is no comparison. Drooler's avatar has strength, breeding, courage, intelligence and loyalty. And as Drooler admits himself, that dog is the alpha member of his family.

08-31-09  08:21am - 5666 days #3
lk2fireone (0)
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---Off Topic---
Sorry, need to rethink this post.
Is there some way to just delete this post entirely? Edited on Aug 31, 2009, 08:53am

08-31-09  07:55am - 5666 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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How a model is presented can make a huge difference in how attractive she appears. Some pictures/videos of a model can be extremely attractive or arousing. Other pictures/videos of a model can be boring, unappealing, whatever. A lot depends on personal taste, of course, but there can be "objective" elements in the value/attractiveness/eroticism of a photo or video.

Anyway, a model that looks bored is usually not that appealing to me. I've mentioned in some of my reviews that when a model appears bored, it detracts from the value of a photo/video.

The attitude of the model can make a huge difference in how attractive the photo or video is. A photo/video that is technically excellent, with a gorgeous model, can still be boring if the model herself is boring or shows a boring attitude.

Met-art videos are usually boring, for me. Lovely girls, nude, but boring videos. One model that has videos at met-art that are erotic/sexy is Chiara A. I don't know what it is about that girl, but she has sex appeal, and it comes across even in her met-art videos. You look at that girl, she doesn't have to be doing much of anything, you want to pound her into the ground. Which probably wouldn't be that easy, because she looks like she could take whatever you gave her and still be ready for more.

08-30-09  01:29am - 5667 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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Is that why Khan is sort of leaning to one side, from the weight of his shotgun? I thought the lean was from old age.

'nuff said.

08-29-09  06:43pm - 5668 days #158
lk2fireone (0)
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The theater experience, in truth, is not what it used to be. And even in the old days, I think the theater experience was more a matter of fondly remembering what should have been, as much as what it really was. The great sound that you should have in a theater is offset by the talking of people in the audience, the sound of a baby crying, etc. I can't remember the last time the audience reaction to an enjoyable movie really made me enjoy the movie more. The home entertainment systems today can have great sound that compares to what the theaters offer. And the benefits of lower cost for home viewing, not having to bother with parking the car, greater casualness in the viewing experience, at your own time and pleasure, being able to rewind or rewatch the parts you want, etc. etc. etc.

The price of the theater admission keeps rising, and I honestly wonder why people still continue to go in such large numbers. I paid $10.50 for a senior ticket to a matinee show (discounted from regular evening price). They charged an extra $2.50, I think, because they were showing the movie in their large-screen theater.

The movie was Inglourious Basterds. I enjoyed the movie, the plot, the acting, the visuals, the fast action (when it happened, because there was a lot of dialog leading up to the action in each sequence), etc. But I was still wondering, at the end of the movie, if I couldn't have waited to see it on DVD. I did not get any special benefit from the audience, or from the speakers at the theater, or from the larger screen, which didn't seem that extra-large to me.

When I think about it, for the price they are charging for a single movie, it's usually better to wait for it on DVD or cable or whatever. I like popcorn and soda while watching a movie, but to pay $8 for popcorn and a soda is crazy. I can do it at home for less than $2. Even when the movie is exceptional, I think watching the movie at home is better cost-wise, and experience-wise as well. So I'm going to be cutting back on my theater-going expenses.

08-28-09  01:14pm - 5669 days #151
lk2fireone (0)
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I find it mildly surprising that so few PU members are going to the movies. Based on the responses to this thread, almost no one is willing to spend time or money going out to the movies. Or maybe it's a secret guilty pleasure, and they don't want to report on what they've been doing, but I find that idea doubtful, based on their vocal responses to porn issues.

08-28-09  08:02am - 5669 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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The audio tracks on most of the porn video clips I've seen don't add to the porn experience, but instead detract from it (obviously fake moans and groans, stupid dialog, lousy music soundtrack, etc.). But like badandy400 says, "A woman making the right sounds can add a tremendous amount of eroticism." It's too bad the audio tracks of most porn clips add little or nothing to the value of the clip. But if an audio story is done well, I imagine it could be extremely erotic, just the same as reading a porn story that is well written or watching a video clip that is well done.

08-25-09  03:52pm - 5672 days #149
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Being a huge Tarantino fan, I'm looking forward to seeing his new one tomorrow - A Jews vs Nazis revenge flick - I love it!

Are you going to keep it a secret what you thought about the Tarantino flic? Worth seeing at the movies (which is kind of expensive), better to wait for DVD, or skip it altogether?

08-25-09  03:27pm - 5672 days #148
lk2fireone (0)
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Jennifer's Body, new movie coming out September 18, 2009. Film stars two attractive leading women, Megan Fox (Transformers) and Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia). Horror movie rated R for sexuality, violence, language. The preview clips are on Yahoo already. The preview clips make the movie look like a low-budget horror movie, a cheapie with not a lot of sense or class. Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are both 23 years old, and they are playing girls in high school. The girls are both gorgeous, but the previews look really stupid. Both girls are rising actresses, really hot at the moment (Megan Fox from Transformers, Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia), and you would think they would be in a classy horror film or some other movie with solid money behind it, and this movie just looks cheap and stupid. A disappointment, I was hoping for something better. I'll wait for this on DVD, or maybe skip it altogether.

08-24-09  10:40am - 5673 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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Is this college trying to brainwash their incoming students into false thinking?

From the Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2013:

"8. Tattoos have always been very chic and highly visible."

I strongly disagree that tattoos are chic. They might be highly visible, but I don't like to see them.

08-23-09  08:26pm - 5673 days #43
lk2fireone (0)
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I'm wondering what the telephone charges would be to talk to a deceased grandfather. On my telephone billing account, if I dial a number that is more than 20 miles away, they charge me the same as if I was dialing another state, even one that would be 2,000-3,000 miles away. So to call someone who is deceased, that might be considered a long-distance call, or it might have an even higher charge.
With the family of seven, were they able to reverse the charges, so the deceased grandfather was responsible for the toll charges?
I think you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Which was something I had already guessed at, anyway.
Can we blame RagingBuddhist for this digression, since he was the one who started this conspiracy discussion?

08-23-09  08:08pm - 5673 days #144
lk2fireone (0)
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I saw GI Joe today and could hardly believe how stupid it was. Stephen Sommers, the director, did the first two Mummy movies. At least those pictures had some plot to them. GI Joe was just a bunch of guys fighting and things exploding and it was hard to care about anything that happened to any of the characters. The only good thing was that we now have a new President of the United States, who is a secret villain. This movie should have come out when Bushie was still in office, because then it would have given us hope that things would get better before the next election. But now that Bushie is history, do we really need a villain in his office to give us hope? I say, let's give Obama a chance before we start rooting for a replacement for him as well.

08-23-09  08:31am - 5674 days #40
lk2fireone (0)
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There are 2 nice, simple articles that explain the controversy about the relationship between AIDS and HIV at:



Also the advertisement for a book by Dr. Robert Willner about his ideas on AIDS:


The articles say that Dr. Robert Willner injected himself with blood that he claimed was HIV positive. This was done in front of about 30 alternative-medicine practitioners and several journalists, in October 1994.

Willner, who says he also injected himself with HIV-infected blood in Spain a year previously, claims to be one of many scientists who now reject the theory that HIV causes AIDS.

In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain's most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the "AIDS hypothesis." When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind."

One statistic that I found interesting is from the Washington Post article:

"Studies of intravenous drug users and health care workers who have accidentally stuck themselves with HIV-contaminated needles suggest that Willner has a less than one-third of one percent chance of actually becoming infected from his dramatic demonstration."

If you stick yourself with a a needle contaminated with HIV blood, you have less than one-third of one percent chance of becoming infected yourself. I assume that with multiple exposure the chances increase dramatically, but in all the fictional movies, where the worker somehow is accidentally pricked with a needle or has a bit of blood hit him, KA-POW, ZOOWIE, curtains, end of the line, mister. I shouldn't have to make this comparison, but the movie version of the world can be almost totally fake.

08-23-09  07:24am - 5674 days #29
lk2fireone (0)
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badandy400, I second the vote for your new avatar. I think the design is classy, elegant, and simple. And it helps the mentally challenged (like me) that you you label the folder, to let us know what it's for (To hold your porn collection. But maybe you will need more than one folder if your collection is properly organized). Two thumbs up for your new design.

08-22-09  10:43pm - 5674 days #38
lk2fireone (0)
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On a practical basis, also maybe a coward's basis, if you are dying of some painful disease, death at least ends your suffering. If I had a painful form of cancer, I'd much rather go out fast, than linger on in a lot of pain. It depends on your tolerance for pain.

From the standpoint of the godly, morally upright Chosen (depending on which religion these bastards belong to), death can be a way of cleansing the earth and making more room for the righteous.

I'd never make a preacher, because I don't believe strongly enough in my own bullshit. Not that there aren't any sincere preachers, but there are a lot that really seem to enjoy the sound of their own voice, no matter what they are saying.

08-22-09  04:00pm - 5675 days #36
lk2fireone (0)
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There is a ton of information and mis-information to feed conspiracy theories on the internet. Is the world flat? According to some people, yes, it is. But that's probably not a conspiracy. Unless you count the time taken to teach in schools the view that the world is round (more or less), while any idiot could tell the world is flat, just by the fact that if the world were really round, people would always be falling off the world into space.

There have been huge cover-ups in history, in the United States as well as the rest of the world. But I don't think that AIDS is some fake disease. People with AIDS can and do die, which is not always a good thing. The people dying of AIDS probably think it's very bad, because of the pain and suffering and the death. I know that some Christian ministers preached that AIDS was sent by God to punish sinners(homosexuals and others), but I don't believe that. Edited on Aug 22, 2009, 04:12pm

08-22-09  10:50am - 5675 days #34
lk2fireone (0)
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Denner, thanks for posting your low-cost offers. None of the links lead to a low-cost offer, but it's interesting hearing that someone is getting these offers made available to them.

08-22-09  09:03am - 5675 days #31
lk2fireone (0)
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Denner, I want you to put me on your duplicate mailing list for the all low-cost porn offers you've been getting.
The only low-cost porn offer I get (and that's all I've ever got, I think, except for the spam offers that I dump without looking at) is from one site that I joined, and I do take them up on the very low-cost renewal.
But I sure would like a chance to see the low-cost offers you've been getting from MetArt, Babes-tv, mypreciousvirgins.com, stuffedpetite.com, Expliciteart.com, Only Tease and a lot of others.
Some of those sites are definitely worth joining.

08-22-09  08:51am - 5675 days #34
lk2fireone (0)
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As I wrote before, I personally don't like seeing condoms, because it takes away a bit from the scene. But what is more important than my minor likes is the health and well-being of the models. If wearing condoms, and getting more frequent tests, means greater safety for the performers, then that's what should be done. AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are no joke. As consumers, we should have enough respect for the models to encourage safer sex (without ramming it down their throats).

08-20-09  08:22pm - 5676 days #29
lk2fireone (0)
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Update on the condom controversy in California porn industry.
Today's article clearly states that condoms are not required in porn films in California, and that some people are urging that condoms be required.


Porn makers challenged for not mandating condoms (AP)
Source: AP 3 hours, 1 minute ago

LOS ANGELES - An AIDS advocacy group filed complaints Thursday with state officials against 16 production companies that show unprotected sex in porn movies.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation filed the action with the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, alleging the practice amounts to unsafe behavior in a California workplace.

"We will not stop until there is a policy of requiring condoms to be used in porn," foundation president Michael Weinstein said.

By law, U.S. adult film actors must prove they have tested negative for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases within 30 days of going to work on a film.

CalOSHA spokesman Dean Fryer said the regulatory agency requires workers in any industry where there is a "possibility of transmission of fluids," including health care and adult films, to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

"The employers of porn actors are required to provide a safe and healthy work environment," Fryer said.

Nearly 60 adult DVDs accompany the complaints against Hustler Video, Maverick Entertainment, Vivid and other porn production companies in Los Angeles. Many people in the multibillion-dollar industry oppose the use of condoms in the films.

Hustler publisher Larry Flynt told The Associated Press, "people who enjoy viewing adult films do not want to see people using condoms."

"While it might provide some additional protection, the sales are not going to be there to make the effort worthwhile for the actors and actresses," he said.

Flynt praised laws mandating monthly testing for adult film actors as a highly effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Vivid Entertainment head Steven Hirsch agreed.

"If we didn't think the proper testing was in place, we would do something about it," he said.

A call to Maverick was not immediately returned.

Weinstein said AIDS could be spread through the on-camera behavior and noted that many people get their sex education from porn movies.

Watching unprotected sex could prompt them to be careless during sex acts, he said.

Former porn actress Jan Meza said she asked about the use of condoms when she first started appearing in adult films in 2006.

"I was told that I would never get work again," said Meza, who later contracted herpes.

Meza stopped appearing in films in 2007 and went to work for a charity group that provides safe haven to performers who want to leave the industry.

The labor complaints are part of the AIDS advocacy group's broader campaign to mandate the use of condoms in porn.

Last month, it filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, calling on officials to enforce health and safety rules on adult film sets to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

In June, health inspectors paid a surprise visit to the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation in San Fernando Valley, a clinic where an adult film actress recently tested positive for HIV.

The inspection was part of a broader investigation into the clinic, which has reported 22 other HIV cases since 2004. At least five performers for Vivid Entertainment, tested positive for HIV that year, prompting a brief self-imposed moratorium on porn production.

Fryer said CalOSHA is awaiting a court ruling on an injunction sought by the American Civil Liberties Union to prevent the agency from accessing medical files at the clinic.

"Our elected officials and our government are treating the young people who are performing in these films as trash that don't deserve protection," Weinstein said.

Weinstein said no state legislators have agreed to sponsor the group's proposal to mandate condoms in porn movies.

Hirsch said the adult film industry would likely leave California if the use of condoms became mandatory.

08-20-09  06:35pm - 5677 days #18
lk2fireone (0)
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Regarding DILFs, isn't that what teen sites are for?

08-20-09  08:37am - 5677 days #22
lk2fireone (0)
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I'm wondering if you found this article by accident, or if you did a Google search, and if a Google search, what was your search string? Just curious about how you found the information about the porn industry current conditions. I wrote in a few replies/comments at PU that I thought the porn industry was being hit by the recession, and that was why some of the porn sites were not updating as frequently or have stopped updating altogether. But my saying that was a guess, based on the idea that the recession was still here, and that the porn industry was probably being hurt along with regular businesses. I guess I'm just asking how to use Google more intelligently to find what I want to know: in this particular case, about the health and practices of the porn industry.

I understand that a business person's attitude can be important, as far as looking at a lemon (the recession) in one of two main ways: a sour fruit, or a chance to make lemonade. But the truth is that a large amount of porn is being made outside of the US, and that's reality. The US is not necessarily the guiding light for the rest of the world, as it was in the days after World War 2, for so long. There are other bright spots that also provide intelligence and illumination in the porn world, such as Eastern Europe and Japan.

The US is a mass importer. It's part of the world economy. We're not dead yet, but we are no longer the world superpower in economic strength that we used to be.

I don't really care that much if the porn I watch is made in Russia, Japan, or Europe or elsewhere, as long as it's good. US porn is easier for me to understand, because the models probably speak English, but for most porn, you can turn off the sound, and you won't really be missing much of value.

08-16-09  08:19am - 5681 days #4
lk2fireone (0)
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You're not blind. I get 0 hits when I enter eva's garden for a PU search. Have no idea why. Some PU staff member should know the reason.
The eva's garden site sure has a fancy updated preview area. Haven't been there in ages, and this appears like a completely new preview. Noisy modern rock to show the site is hip and current. Lol.

08-16-09  08:06am - 5681 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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exotics4me is a psychologist. I would guess that he could make up a few polls, that could be posted on PU just like the regular polls, to get a solid idea of what generation gaps exist for PU members regarding porn. That would be a more rigorous approach to identifying the differences that age brings to porn addicts.

I am guessing that most PU members would be considered porn addicts by a psychologist, even if that is not the exact term the psychologist would use. I once read an article back in the 1960s that stated that anyone who consumes more than 4 alcoholic drinks per year is an alcoholic, which I thought was surprising. But that was an article published in a family magazine, not published in a psychological journal.

As for mbaya's preferences, I totally agree: "we older PU'ers like more of what porn was like when we were younger-more story, more buildup, and find hair down there to be sexy."

Actually, I prefer the term "experienced" to "older", because even though I might have two feet in the grave, they haven't started shovelling the dirt onto me yet.

08-07-09  10:49am - 5690 days #4
lk2fireone (0)
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I realized long ago there were nut cases out in the real world. How many of them infest the PU territory is unknown, but I believe we have more than our fair share.
One of the things I have always tried to do for my fellow PU members was to stand as a beacon of sanity, good manners and common sense for the rest of you to look up to and admire, in addition to writing the best reviews anyone has ever seen.
I do not believe in false modesty. I believe the truth shall set us free, and my faith will guide me ever onward and upward in my quest through life for the great porn experience to come.

In the name of Amun-Ra, Lord of Gods. Amen.

08-06-09  09:16am - 5691 days #133
lk2fireone (0)
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Film and performance critics can be aggressive. Do we want PU reviewers to behave that way?

French star Deneuve booed at Italy performance

August 06, 2009

The Associated Press

ROME - French actress Catherine Deneuve was booed during a stage performance in Italy by people demanding a refund.

Deneuve, 65, and Italian actor Michele Placido performed a reading in French and Italian at the cultural festival in Marina di Pietrasanta, Tuscany, which was greeted by whistles and boos, the ANSA news agency said Thursday.

Police had to intervene to calm down about 200 people shouting, "Thieves. We want our money back," ANSA said. Organizers responded by offering free tickets to another show at the La Versiliana festival as compensation, the news agency said.

ANSA said Deneuve declined to comment, while Placido, who also is a director, downplayed Wednesday's incident.

"These things happen," he told SkyTg24 TV channel. Placido also suggested it might have been "a mistake" to have Deneuve read her part in French without subtitles.

The two actors performed a reading from George Perec's book "Je me souviens" (I Remember) -- a recollection of memories from postwar decades accompanied by music.

Deneuve was nominated for an Oscar for her role in 1992's "Indochine."

08-02-09  09:08am - 5695 days #132
lk2fireone (0)
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turboshaft, you have both a girlfriend and a wife? How do they get along together? Lol.

By the way, I take furosemide (lasix), a diuretic. Normally I can watch an entire movie with no breaks. But when I saw Knowing with Nicolas Cage at a movie theater, I missed the end because I just couldn't wait any longer. The older you get, the more your body can start to wear out, which gives you something to look forward to. Enjoy your youth while you can.

08-01-09  08:36am - 5696 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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Drooler, may I say welcome back to your doggy avatar?
He (I think he's male, sorry if I'm mistaken) is handsome as ever.
I missed seeing him.

07-31-09  06:54pm - 5697 days #128
lk2fireone (0)
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Two ideas whose time has come:

There is a web site that advises you when to break during a movie for your bathroom needs.

There is a different web site that will be available that will tell you where the nearest restroom is.

When I was growing up, I had to find these things on my own. But with the Internet, life has been made simple.

Is the article below important enough that I should have started my own thread, that people could find it more easily, or is it OK to put it in this 2009 Upcoming Movie thread, where people who are going to the movies will more likely run across these helpful sites?



Web site helps time mid-movie bathroom breaks

By JAKE COYLE, AP Entertainment Writer Jake Coyle, Ap Entertainment Writer - 2 hrs 17 mins ago

NEW YORK - The mid-movie dash to the restroom can turn us into calculating Usain Bolt wannabes: Ah, this looks like a lull -- time to dash.

When we return to our seats, we pray the answer to "What did I miss?" isn't "Darth Vader is really Luke's father" or "the girlfriend is really a guy."

The Web site RunPee.com can help with such anxious guess work.

The site provides recommended opportunities to race to the restroom. It tells you when the action or romance wanes, and gives you a cue ("Baby O.J. is taken from Bruno") for your exit.

The site tells you how long you've got and even summarizes what you missed. Since early July, RunPee.com is available as an iPhone app, too.

Launched last August, RunPee took off earlier this summer. It's been one of the season's runaway hits -- a clever idea that has spawned a lot of word-of-mouth from moviegoers.

"Helping your bladder enjoy going to the movies as much as you do," the site boasts.

It was created by Dan Florio, a 42-year-old Flash developer who got the idea during the three-hour-plus "King Kong" remake in 2005.

Florio, who lives in Orlando, Fla., with his wife, does everything for the site, though he gets some help from his wife and his mother. He's become a regular opening day attendee of movies, busily taking notes in the back row.

On Friday, he's planning a double-feature of "Funny People" -- which runs nearly 2 1/2 hours -- and "Aliens in the Attic."

"I never intended to refocus my energies on this," says Florio. "And I never thought that I'd be seeing every single movie that comes out, either."

The site averages 3,000-6,000 visitors a day, Florio says. The iPhone app is available on iTunes for $1. It's not a huge moneymaker (Florio estimates he'll make $800 this month) but is providing him a little extra cash.

He believes that not only do moviegoers benefit from the service, but theater owners do, too.

"Lots and lots of people comment: `Ah! I can get that 64-ounce drink now!'" Florio says.

Florio designed the site to be wiki-based with break times submitted by users, but it's turned out that he's done most of the work. Finding the right moments and recording the correct time is more work than it might sound -- most moviegoers leave their stopwatches at home.

"It's not fun," says Florio. "I would literally have to pay someone to do this."

Generally, the better the movie is, the harder it is to find a break. The 96-minute "Up," for example, is one film where no bathroom break is advisable. But there are suggested options -- after all, movies that children flock to are the kind where bathroom breaks are often unavoidable.

There are, of course, limits to the usefulness of RunPee. But it's also found friends in cyberspace like WhereToWee.com, a site in the works that tells you where the nearest restroom is.

07-31-09  04:56pm - 5697 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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I'd put Met-art as best in class for teen soft-core glamor photos. With an annual membership of $99, or a monthly rate of $19.99, it's a great value.

Almost 800,000 photos, a large percent are high quality photos, a minimum of 4 updates a day, 7 free live cam shows by their models each day(14 hours, that's a huge amount of free cams per day).

They also have almost 700 videos that are so dull they will put you to sleep. Watch Met-art, the master of videos with girls that are naked and beautiful and boring. I like soft-core, but these videos are boring-core as well.

Met-art recently started a new pricing system:
Annual fee:
$99, recurring.
$109.99, non-recurring. Edited on Jul 31, 2009, 05:17pm

07-30-09  10:54pm - 5697 days #7
lk2fireone (0)
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I look mainly at the model's face and body. If what she's wearing is nice and colorful and sets off the model, that's a bonus. But getting into details like lingerie and material like cotton and silk is almost beyond my focus. I remember back in the days when I looked at Playboy magazines and they sometimes did spreads of women in lingerie, or used lingerie occasionally to set off the model's attractiveness, but lingerie in today's porn photo market seems a tiny niche. Lingerie in today's video market is the same tiny niche, I would have thought. Jeez, it's hard enough trying to find porn clips with some kind of story or plot or meaning or some emotional content beyond gonzo sex without worrying about the lingerie the model might be wearing for the first 2 seconds of the video before the guy jumps on the woman and starts banging away.

The cotton versus nylon or silk would seem to have more relevance to a real-life situation where it's you and some woman in the bedroom, rather than a photo shoot or video. But I guess if you're into high-grade visuals (and you can find them) then the actual material the model is wearing could be a factor in the erotic content.

07-29-09  01:07am - 5699 days #123
lk2fireone (0)
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Tron was so long ago I barely remember it. But if you think Jeff Bridges is a bad actor, I think you're being overly harsh. In my opinion, he is one of the best actors of his generation. Actually, I just checked imdb, and that shows he was nominated for 4 Oscars. So apparently I'm not the only one who thinks he's good.

On the other hand, I don't put a whole lot of weight in an Oscar, but they can sure give a boost to an actor's paycheck and career.

07-26-09  11:43pm - 5701 days #27
lk2fireone (0)
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If download manager shows the download file as a php, or some file type that is obviously not a video, I refresh the page, then see if the file will download as a video-type file. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. The god of computers can be very arbitrary, as far as I can tell. The only good thing about php and other file types that you sometimes get instead of a video clip, is that the file size is usually very small, so you can tell that the file is not a video clip, and the small-sized file downloads very fast, compared to a regular video file, so that indicates you didn't get the video you wanted.

Usually, I just download the files, then realize afterwards that file isn't a video file, because it won't play.

Looking at the file type before downloading is something I should get into the habit of doing, I guess.

07-24-09  10:35am - 5704 days #7
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Hollywood has had thousands of lovely actresses: Grace Kelly, absolutely gorgeous. Piper Laurie. Winona Ryder. Etc., etc. Edited on Jul 24, 2009, 11:44am

07-23-09  12:45pm - 5705 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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I realize that some of the sites I've reviewed had earlier reviews. But I always figure that my reviews are the best ones written here, since I'm the only one whose opinion is worth thinking about. I think my reviews should have won a Nobel prize for literature by this time, except for the stigma that I've been writing about porn sites.

But unless you do a direct copy-and-paste from Denner's my18teens review, any review you write should be OK. I've read your previous reviews, thought they were easy to read, with nice details, and even gave you a positive trust rating based on those reviews.

Whether or not you score the site the same as Denner, if you add some details or opinions that you have about the site, then it's worth writing a new review.

07-21-09  07:52pm - 5707 days #24
lk2fireone (0)
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Mad Men, a TV series that lasted about 2 years, is a drama about an advertising agency in the 1960s. Intelligent series, lots of subplots, interesting characters. Both season 1 and season 2 are out on DVD.

07-21-09  07:41pm - 5707 days #117
lk2fireone (0)
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My sister used to say that if you were drunk and watched Johnny Carson or David Letterman, they were much funnier.

As for Blades of Glory, if you aren't expecting that much from the movie, it's easier to enjoy what there is. It's certainly not the best that Will Ferrell has done.
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby was funnier.

I was trying to make a joke (not very good, I admit) about spirtually uplifting. The ending where Ferrell and Heder soar into the sky is a not-very-good take-off on the upbeat endings of Hollywood movies.

There were enjoyable moments in the movie.

I agree, though, if you were totally stoned or totally plastered, the movie would probably be more enjoyable. But at my age, if I have a few drinks of alcohol, I tend to fall asleep, instead of getting pleasantly happy.

07-21-09  07:04pm - 5707 days #114
lk2fireone (0)
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Blades of Glory is not an upcoming new release, but a movie that's already on DVD. This is an inspirational movie that tells of how a couple (Will Ferrell and Jon Heder) are able to overcome the challenges of life, that determination and love and honor are the basic building blocks to a better life where God and people can be served. Especially relevant is the end of the movie, where this God fearing couple soar into the sky in an incredibly poignant moment of hope and glory and love.

Recommended for all sports fans and lovers of true romance.

Please park your expectations outside if you watch this movie on DVD. Otherwise, those ideas might get in the way of your enjoyment of this spiritually uplifting film. I saw the movie on DVD today, and, because I was not expecting that much, actually liked watching it.

07-21-09  06:57pm - 5707 days #113
lk2fireone (0)
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Kubrick is all about your mind-set or what you are expecting or appreciate.

I saw both 2001: A Space Odyssey and Barry Lyndon in the movies, and thoroughly enjoyed them as visual spectacle. Neither one had that much of a story as far as I was concerned, it was more about watching the beautiful images (costumes, colors, etc.) that were on the screen.
Some people might have thought the stories of these movies were enjoyable, but I thought the plots were minor compared to the lush visual images, and the soundtrack, especially for 2001.

I have watched both of these movies on DVD, and was thoroughly bored. I've changed, the visuals don't thrill me like I dimly remember from the time back in the 1960s-1970s that I saw them originally. Neither picture had a story that interested me that much, but that is personal taste.

I grew up on science fiction, read it as a pre-teenager, had already read the Arthur Clarke stories that 2001 was based on, none of the ideas was new or fresh to me. The evil robot wasn't the first time the idea had been presented, that had already been covered many times in written fiction before then.

Quentin Tarantino is much easier for me to enjoy today than Stanley Kubrick. Tarantino is not only strong visuals, but excitement, mindless violence, lovely dialog, etc. etc. Sometimes he even throws in a fabulous woman like Uma Thurman to look at.

07-21-09  12:23am - 5707 days #110
lk2fireone (0)
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Iron Man 2 is coming in 2010.

Geez, I'm old enough to where I remember 2001 A Space Odyssey back in the 1960s, and thought that was a great picture (great visuals by Stanley Kubrick, with not a whole lot of story, but the music and the visuals just blew you away watching that in the movie theater.

And now we're already in 2009, and 2001 A Space Odyssey was over 40 years ago.

OK, Iron Man 2 with Robert Downey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson.

That's a lot of big names in one movie.

Hope it's as good as Iron Man 1.

07-20-09  05:14pm - 5708 days #106
lk2fireone (0)
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After reading pat362's short review of the new Harry Potter movie, and Wittyguy's review of the same movie, which reads like a review of an entirely different movie, I am now much more comfortable in giving my site reviews any score I want. If other people review the same site that I do and give it a different score, that's their personal opinion, no matter how much "factual" data they give to support their score. Scores are really based on personal opinion, in spite of the idea many members have that their score is based on real facts and the TRUTH (their opinion). Edited on Jul 20, 2009, 05:43pm

07-20-09  09:56am - 5708 days #104
lk2fireone (0)
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Not precisely an upcoming movie for 2009, but a comment on the current popularity of vampires today. There are popular TV shows and movies featuring new-age vampires that are different from the traditional vampire we all grew up with. The older vampire were supposed to be dangerous and sexy. The new vampires are supposed to be even sexier. The traditional vampires could only bite the female (for Anne Rice, female and the male) lover on the neck or wherever. Other than that, the traditional vampire couldn't really get it up: He was as dead down there as he was dead otherwise. The new-age vampire can get it up. The twilight vampires sparkle in the sun. Some of the new-age vampires even wear condoms, or that's what I've read.
The first vampire convention, called Vampire-Con, (probably fake vampires, not the real undead) will be held August 14th-16th, 2009, in Hollywood, CA., with a vampire-film festival, panel discussions, and what-not.

07-19-09  08:12pm - 5708 days #102
lk2fireone (0)
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GCode, probably better to use the link to Mike Judge at wikipedia instead of a link to "extract". The extract link leads to an article about the chemical process of extraction of flavors, not about Mike Judge's upcoming comedy. :)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Judge Edited on Jul 19, 2009, 08:37pm

07-19-09  01:19pm - 5709 days #99
lk2fireone (0)
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I saw Mr. Brooks, really enjoyed it. Liked both Kevin Costner and William Hurt, even though the critics seemed to trash the movie.

The same with 3,000 Miles to Graceland, with Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell, a great action flick that the critics really hated. I don't mind watching mindless popcorn movies, especially if they are done really well.

Neither movie did much at the box office.

Kevin Costner has been in a box office slump for many years. William Hurt was once considered a major actor, even won an Oscar for lead actor back in the 1980s. But neither actor is "popular" any more.

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