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Post History:
badandy400 (0)
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12-21-08 11:35am - 5862 days | #2 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Incredible pASS!!!! This one is pretty bad and we have all seen countless testimonies to what they do. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-19-08 03:48pm - 5863 days | #38 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I absolutely second this. Exactly what I was going to recommend! Also, Godfish recommends a site where the asses are not large. I would really like this. Large asses are not as nice looking. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-17-08 12:20pm - 5866 days | #12 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Hell I would not care if it where cold! I would love to watch the making of a lesbian scene live. Besides, if it is cold it just makes the girls look even better. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-17-08 09:38am - 5866 days | #9 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Yes indeed, it is a hard life. Always having to choose which to watch out of an ever growing sea of smut. So many choices!!! Oh yeah, I googled the amount of cells in a brain, they say it is about 6 trillion. So I guess I have some work to do. I must again agree with Cybertoad, these posts do not lose their kick even after reading them a few times! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-16-08 10:52pm - 5866 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
UMMM...not sure if it is a compliment or insult? Either he is saying I am dumb or I have way too much porn! Since I am getting ready to graduate with a degree in engineering I would assume it is the latter. :) Hummm....I wonder how many brain cells a person actually has, I want to beat that number now! Seriously though WittyGuy, where do you come up with this stuff. It is not like you can find these comments somewhere else on the web, they are too individualized. On second though, who cares! Just keep it coming! Anyway, gotta get off here. Somewhere there is porn to be downloaded. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-07-08 07:27pm - 5875 days | #17 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Must 100% agree with Toadsith here. One or two flashing avatars can be cool, but they get annoying after about 4 seconds. Having our cute little pictures next to our reviews would be pretty cool, assuming that is what you are talking about. I need to update mine though....I am thinking my hard drive with a nice hotti laying back on it. :) Anyway, back to the topic at hand here. I would definitely be interested in trying out your program and see how it goes for a while. I am sure I can find a way to screw it up. I manage to screw just about every program up at one point or another. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-07-08 11:36am - 5876 days | #5 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Well Sitsat, at least they showed this in the trailer videos and saved you the money of joining a site you would have be disappointed with. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-06-08 09:44pm - 5876 days | #11 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Khan. lk2fireone does make a good point, but I would not post it at the top of this page. Rather, have in on an actual site page so it would be easy to find and check for something. Otherwise people would actually have to know this thread exists. Sometimes things that were just meant to be fun are the best kind of project to have. Me, myself, and I second, third, and fourth the idea! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-06-08 12:58pm - 5877 days | #10 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
A major point that would have to be considered is that some of use have to use more than one hard drive to store everything. I am still working on a way to get everything efficiently powered and connected simultaneously. I am considering building a custom hot-swappable hard drive mounting system. I can power everything now, but it is terribly messy, but I can not connect everything to a common computer. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-05-08 11:04am - 5878 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Haha...oh Cybertoad...welcome to my world....multiplied by 15. My organization is absolute hell, but it is slowly getting better. If you do not know anything about the videos, begin separating by niche and subniche. For example, use a folder for lesbian stuff, then a subfolder for teen lesbians, and another for say interracial lesbians, and another for midget lesbians spanking Santa Clause. Well, maybe that would be the last subfolder :). This is exactly why I include the site and model name in every file I download now, or at least organize every few days before I forget were the stuff came from for those i do not include a site name. This also make life much easier when it comes time to rejoin for an update of a site. You can see what you have easier. Anyway good luck with this, and if you find anything good please let me know...I am in trouble as well! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-05-08 10:56am - 5878 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Same here Khan. I have not received anything from Twistys, even email. They also did not rip me off in anyway. So dont be shy about joining up. They were actually the first site I ever joined and I did not regret it. I am actually planning on rejoining them soon again. Plus now they give access to a few other sites. Oh and yes, welcome to PU and we hope to hear more from you. Perhaps let us know how you Twistys experience goes for you. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-04-08 09:44am - 5879 days | #8 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Hey, the kids gotta be good for something. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
12-03-08 09:56pm - 5879 days | #7 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
It certainly can be easier to donwload dirrectly from the site, but sometimes it can actually be easier to download form somewhere else. The trouble with downloading somewhere else is you do not what you are getting in terms of viruses and such, and you do not know if you missing the video you would call a total gem but is not posted. If you go to the site you are assured you will get a chance to see everything they offer and not miss the one video that having makes you feel that it was money well spent. The difference between websites and actual dvds is that you can get hundreds of hours of good video for the price of one middle of the road dvd. When it comes down to it the price of the site is not all that bad. $20 or $30 is much cheaper than a movie at the local adult store if you want something good. Granted the price of sites has been going up. When it comes down to it for me the cost of the site is the lower end of my expenses for downloading. I have to pay for internet and hard drives as well. The dsl I have cost me $80 per month because I have to pay for a worthless phone line, and I pay about $130 per month on hard drives, although that price is coming down :). So there I have $200 per month. I have 4 $10 subscritions, getting ready to end 2 of them, and one $18 to digital desires. So basically only about 20% of my monthly porn downloading budget goes towards membership fees. Of course this grows when I get a $30 membership. Paying $10 a month to Videobox really is not a big deal especially when you consider how much I get from them. It is usually more than 25 GB per day. 25 GB just in terms of space would be like 4 dvd from the store, and if I pay say $40 a piece you can clearly see which is a better deal. So why even bother trying to steal it. I will say though that it is nice to download a few ripped off videos to get a real idea of what is inside a site before joining. But the site should not feel as if it were losing anything here because if I like it I will join the site to get more. Otherwise I likely would not have joined anyway, so they lost nothing. It is basically advertising for them. Unfortunately not everyone would use it in that way. This is a question to ponder for a moment no matter if it is about internet porn, dvd, music, or whatever. Is it stealing if you download and play a song/video/picture without paying for it if you would never download it if you would actually have to pay to get it? Since it does not cost them anything if you download it from someone else's site an they were never going to get your money anyway....hummmm..kinda crosses into a gray area. Is it stealing if you go into a store that sells maps and ask the clerk for directions and he gives them to you, with out purchasing a map? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview Edited on Dec 03, 2008, 10:01pm | |
12-01-08 02:25pm - 5882 days | #46 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I see. So often we overlook the simplest solution. This method of fixing problems really does work for just about everything. I have found that my computer needs a chance to shutdown and reboot every now and then as well.....I just hate to let those precious download seconds escape! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-30-08 05:19pm - 5882 days | #43 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
HAHA. That is the funniest thing I have heard all day! I am glad it is working for you though. But can I ask how you did not notice is was not making any noise when you turned it on? After all, I have never had one of my hard drives make any noise when it was off...well except for falling on the floor and scaring me half to death. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-26-08 10:32am - 5887 days | #17 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
This is very true about Microsoft. Hell, the main features are not even theirs. The point click interface was stolen from someone else as was the idea of using "windows." "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-25-08 08:20pm - 5887 days | #40 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Watermarks are annoying to an extent. In videos i actual prefer them, but on in the first few seconds. This is a huge help when it comes to organizing, especially if you organize by website like I do. However, I did say the first few seconds. Not the entire video such as some people believe is needed. Having it at the onset of the video is enough to get the idea across. Anyone who is willing to spend the time cutting the first few seconds of a video off to get ride of a watermark is willing to remove it from the whole video. In pictures it is not so bad if it is small and out of the way. It should never, ever come even close to the model. I get SO PISSED OFF when a watermark and in some case a full blown stamp covers the model! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-25-08 08:10pm - 5887 days | #10 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I bought it because i needed a 64 bit OS. I figured I might as well "upgrade" to Vista. Boy am I sorry I did not pay the extra $20 and get XP-Pro 64. Many headaches with Vista so far. And the issues with nothing having drivers for Vista is no rumor. Most everything either needs drives downloaded, which can be hard to find at times, or it needs to be run in compatibility mode. To bad there is no compatability mode to make the whole damn thing run as XP "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-25-08 03:27pm - 5887 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I have Xp and Vista. XP is far superior. For that much RAM you will need a 64 bit sysem, sure you already know. Vista has a nice feature that allows you to thumbnail pictures in zips and actually scroll through them in the picture windows. Also, when moving files and a exact name is found it can add a number to the end automatically, plus it does not stop when this happens. It will keep going and allow you to answer this later. So if you are on the can for a half hour you dont have to worry about your transfer stopping 30 seconds after you leave. All these things can be done with XP as well, just have to find applications to do it. Draw backs of Vista really make it unwise to buy. Besides, Microsoft knows how much the sucked ass with this OS so they are making a new one that is supposed to release in a year or so. Vista nags you more than a middle-aged trailer park housewife. You can not move with it asking if you are sure. This is a result of Microsoft buttoning up all the security holes people bitched about XP having. Vista also is not readily capable of hot-swapping your HDDs. This is a huge draw back for us porn collectors. Sometimes, and I emphasize sometimes, you can have Vista recognize a drive that was not there during boot up if you go into the devise manager and have it rescan the drives. Very tedious after a while. XP had no such issues, plug in the drive, wait 5 seconds, and enjoy your porn. As Toadsith already mentioned, it is resource hungry. My Vista Home Premium machine eats up 800 MB of RAM just idling. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-23-08 07:30pm - 5889 days | #21 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
That is very true. I have used significantly more space for videos than photos. I have been getting my 1 TB drives for about $115 shipped. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-23-08 07:27pm - 5889 days | #20 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Somewhere around 17 now. I believe it is 17.5, but I have not actually counted, worth of storage. I would say about 15.5 of it is already being used for porn. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-21-08 12:38pm - 5892 days | #37 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Just hopeful for something to work that will not. It was probably only warm because the drive not in use. If it has no power it will be cold. If it has a bad power connection you would be able to hear the drive stalling. You really need to take the drive out of the enclosure. Your options have been laid out pretty clearly for you. You seem to be doing anything to beat around the bush of doing what actually needs to be done. This is likely because you have never done this before and are worried about not knowing what to do. I highly doubt you will find the quick, easy, magic solution you are looking for. You will have to do a little work here. I have likely spent more time typing in this thread that it would take to actually set the drive up and begin the recovery. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-20-08 12:47pm - 5893 days | #2 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Nice. Fortunately we are not YET to the point here were we need something like this. But, it make be a good idea to form a porn rights group before it is needed to curb the need rather after it is needed and too late. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-19-08 10:12am - 5894 days | #35 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
As has been said, you will need to remove the hard drive from the enclosure to begin any recovery process. It simply is not going to work, I suspect, because the other drive is not present. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-17-08 07:48pm - 5895 days | #33 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Yes. I have used File Scavenger on several occasions with good success. It will allow you to recover everything on the drive that is still mechanically working. This program can piece together files without having access to the file index. Since you used a spanned volume all the data for the files is stored on that specific drive is completely stored on that drive....except for possibly a small amount that could have spanned between the drives. You may lose a video or two. Just hope the drive that still works is the fullest of the two. Below is a link to a recommended software. Of course you can use whatever you would like. It is $50, but well worth it. You will also need hard drive of a large capacity than the drive you are recovering. It is possible to recover 500 GB from a 320 GB drive. So get a 750 off ebay and have the ill drive recover to is. Then reformat the ill drive and use it as another drive http://www.download.com/File-Scavenger-D...&cdlPid=10840246 What Clyde is suggesting would be appropriate if it was in fact the controller in your enclosure that failed. If this were the case, you would need to buy an identical system and swap the part and it would be able to recognize the volume, but since you have a disk failure this will do you no good. Good luck "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-17-08 03:09pm - 5895 days | #30 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Or do as I suggested a few months ago and use a recovery program yourself. If you want to send it to a hard drive recovery center you had better be sitting down when they tell you the price. It frequently runs up to $2,000 per drive. The drive that makes the "clicking" noise would need this done, but I doubt the contents of the drive warrant this. Plus, they take you money and offer absolutely no promise that you will get any data whatsoever. If the platters are not damaged they would be able to recover everything, but they could be heavily scratched. I would chalk that drive off as a total loss. if you take the top off it makes a great decorative item for your computer area. :) The other drive needs to be recovered. Messing with the USB settings would never do you any good because the system is pissed off since it can not see the second drive of the set. Plugging it directly into your computer will work only if the problem was the controller in the dual enclosure. I would suspect you will not have much luck doing that either. However, do not be discouraged because plugging it into your motherboard is a necessary step to recovery anyway. You will need to plug in the drive and boot up as usual. You should be able to see the drive in the Devise Manager...simply right click "My Computer" and click "Manage" assuming you have a "my computer" icon...otherwise you can get there through the control panel. Go to "Disk Management" and you should be able to see a drive there that does not show up under "My Computer" that will be the one. If you can get that far you will be able to run a recovery program on the drive. Just as a note, if you are using a RAID controller to plug in this hard drive to your computer you may have to initialize in that portion of the bios or somewhere along the line during boot up. I know this can sound a bit complicated, but it does work. I have done this repeatedly. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-16-08 06:37pm - 5896 days | #2 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Why not go to the join page of the site ad see for yourself? I bet it would take less time than it would to get a reply here. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-13-08 10:29pm - 5899 days | #10 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
10 PB...hum....not quite there yet, but it is a goal at least. I am hoping to have some quality time to spend on organization in about a month here. I basically separate content by website and dedicate hard drive to individual sites if the site is large enough. VideoBox and Brazzers are both more than big enough to do this. I have 4 750 GB drive that are full of content from VideoBox only and a 500 full of brazzers only. I could probably fill another 750 with VideoBox stuff I have on several drives right now and I should be using a 1 TB for Brazzers. The large sites are easy to organize. It is all the little ones that are a pain. But I am working towards having the smaller site organized by niche as well. Basically keeping small softcore sites on one drive and small extreme sites on another. This make browsing nicer as well, after all I usually do not go from sensual erotic dancing to midget whipping from one video to the next. I usually say close to the niche I am interested in at the time. So no need for the extreme porn drive to be spinning when I am interested solo topless dancing. Wittyguy. If you feel like contributing to my mission I would be more than happy to except a grant from you...perhaps any raffle winnings. :) You are right on on point though, it is very expensive. This costs me $100 per month on hard drive alone. Then add in internet bill, site memberships, time invested, hell even electric and it begins adding up in a hurry. But when porn is outlawed I will be sitting pretty for a long time.....unless of course those bastards come and take my stash because my name is all over the internet porn world! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-13-08 07:02pm - 5899 days | #14 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I know one thing for sure....the hard drive industry does not like download limits either. They want us downloading all day long! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-13-08 07:00pm - 5899 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Or you just do like I do...have a huge freaking mess! Organization has been a plague for me for some time now. Having 15 TB spread over 30 HDD makes organization a nightmare. I have been working on it though. The stuff I download now is organized on the fly. I rename pretty much every file as it comes in. The name features the website, model name, and scene description. I have so much porn right now that I have no clue where it came from and that bothers me because it makes organization an issue. A while ago I really did not care about organization because I did not need to. The reason it is so important to me know to have the stuff organized by site is I want to be able to tell where I left off from downloading a site once I rejoin it for updates. Also, I like to rename because many sites name video some time like "Video 1" while after a day or so means "zlkdrhaoi." I do not know what "Video 1" was so I have found it nice to rename stuff and it is only a matter of copy and pasting during the queuing process. As Toadsith said, many of us do not actually need to download any more, likely ever again. But, well will. We will keep downloading, hoarding all we can because we love hearing the other guy bragging to his friends about his 25 GB porn collection and thinking to ourselves "gee, I will download more than today, then do it again tomorrow and do it again..." "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-12-08 03:23pm - 5900 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I think limits either way are pretty annoying. But I agree with Toadsith on the idea that limits per hour, day, month or whatever are much more intrusive than limiting the number of connections. In Cybertoad's defense, I believe a site should offer more than one connection though. At least allow us to browse the site while a file is downloading. Granted it is not 100% neccissary to allow us to use 45 connection (done this before), it is nice to at least be able to move about the site and queue up more stuff while downloading. The Sweet Members network was like this. You could download all day and night, even use a manager so long as you were using one connection at a time and no browsing while downloading. Of course if you where to impatient to wait for the current download to finish and wanted to browse now you would have to start the download over if you paused it. No download resuming there. Digital Desire limits the connections, but in a strange way. At first you can download about 10 at a time, then it drops down to 4 and sometimes 3 and stays there until you stop downloading for a while. GlamorModelsGoneBad had a limit of five connection and if you broke it you had to wait until the next day to start downloading again. Reality Kings limits you to 15 big movies per day which is worse than a monthly limit. This sucks because there is no such thing as "roll-over" movies. So use them or lose them. Abby Winters does actually have a limit but it is less notable. The kick you off all together if you download more content than what is on the site. In other words, you cant download all the WMVs and decide to come back for he MPEGs for example (I can not actually remember of hand what file types they offered). This is bad because you have to watch this site for repeated posts. if you follow the site through a chronological order you will see a movie on a page and a few weeks later on the site see a page with the same movie plus another part of the movie on the same page, or the addition of more photos. In the end if you are not careful it is very easy to end up downloading the sane stuff twice a few times, thus eventually putting you over their limit. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-12-08 11:54am - 5901 days | #5 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Gotcha Khan. I was too lazy to look to see if was already listed and wanted to be sure he knew he could ask for sites to be added in the event they are not listed. Personally I think most of these adult personals sites are clones and end up being fruitless for most people. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-11-08 07:58pm - 5901 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Just wanted to know if you realized this is a REVIEW site? Therefore is would make a certain amount of sense to write a review in the review section. This way people looking for information about this site will actually be able to find it. Eventually this thread will end up at the bottom of a very long list of forgotten posts. If the site is not found on PU to review send Khan an email and ask him to add the site, and review it from there. It sounds like you have described pretty much all of the sex date websites out there. I have not had much luck either. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
11-11-08 07:52pm - 5901 days | #32 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I agree to an extent with differential pricing based on the quality you would like to receive. But...it must be in such a way that low bandwidth users are being discounted and high bandwidth users are not punished. Example a site with HD video and a cost of $25 per month may offer a discount for people who are willing to only download the 512 Kbit videos for $20 per month. This would basically give them back the bandwidth costs that are built into the membership but will never come close to using. this would be very good for those poor bastards still stuck on dial up. A few years ago a project, I believe called the Siemens Project, managed to send data at 100 gig/sec over a distance of 100 miles. There is a big difference between 100 gig over a distance of a few inches and the same speed over a distance of 100 miles. Those kind of speeds would be great. BUT...there would be no site downloading going on. First, hard drives can not write anything close to that, even with decent sized raid volumes. Second, that sort of speed would allow sites to follow Microsoft into the streaming only world. This would totally change internet porn! Thus I say again, download, download, download....while you still can download. :\ "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-31-08 08:26pm - 5912 days | #10 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
People seem to search out the stuff someone says they should not watch. Any time you hear about a video from somewhere that makes the news it gets pulled from places like youtube, but people then seek it elsewhere when normally they would have never cared about it. I guess it is a desire to be"in the circle" of people who know what it is others are talking about. Pat is very right, these guys are completely stupid. I wonder if they ended up regretting doing these things the next day? I still hold in my belief that if you do not want to see something you simply do not seek it out. This kind of thing is not something you find just anywhere on the internet. As for the censorship, I am tending to the side that making videos of this should not be viewed as illegal, but perhaps the actual activity should be considered, of course then someone would just say it is their religion. Video websites have the option of not showing this type of thing, so I believe censorship can be left to the people to decide on themselves and no legal intervention is needed in this case. The question still remains unanswered though. What would possess a people to willing slice themselves open? Perhaps these people do not even know themselves. One answer might be they are just looking to shock people. Okay, I am shocked, but my penis is still in one piece, theirs is not. So after the shock subsides it ends up being pointless unless for some self gratification that 99.99% of us could never understand. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-30-08 02:00pm - 5914 days | #4 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Indeed it is a tough one, and their are valid arguments that go both ways. I also saw a few of the "faces of death" series, but i do see a difference there. These people were not willingly killing or harming themselves. Granted a few of them died because they did something incredibly stupid. The reason some may see this as porn is because is focuses on the genitals. I do not believe it should be porn though. Of course "to each his own" but this I believe goes a little beyond that. What gratification can possibly come from nailing your testicle to a board, with a 1/4" thick nail? It is just to say they did it? That certainly is not something people usually brag about. Most of us would try to hide any injury to our "package" not film ourselves cutting it open! I guess what it comes down to is I simply do not understand someone doing that to themselves. Wittyguy, you are very correct about not being able to ban the stuff. As soon as we start doing that is all downhill from there. But, is and should self mutilation be legal? If you are an ER doctor, who do you treat first, the guy you stuck a knife through his penis so he found make a video, or the guy who accidentally cut his off with a power saw while at work? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-30-08 01:13pm - 5914 days | Original Post - #1 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I was just wondering what is the most messed up video you guys have seen on the internet. Please do not link to it though! PU has said this thread is okay so long as it stays a discussion and there is NO LINKING to any of the nasty videos. The reason I ask this is many of us have seen our share of disturbing videos, and they are plentiful with the war in the Middle East and cheap video recorders. But today a buddy sent me something that has redefined my classification of most disturbing video. His buddy found a promo video and forwarded it to me. The video is about extreme genital torture. TBP and PU do not review torture sites, and for good reason! I have seen a few and many of us have, of course most of us have limits on what is a turn on and this definitely crosses well over line. Anyway, this video went beyond "torture" which we usually associate cloths pins, wax dripping, and even hitting or piercing. This video actually depicted a man literally cutting a large piece of skin from penis, another completely dissecting his own, a woman cutting the skin between her vagina and butt, and even a man cutting the tip of his finger off as well as a few others beyond stupidity! My question to you is how far is too far even for extreme porn? I would like to hear some of your respected opinions on this matter. Personally I believe the video mentioned has gone to an extreme that should never be crossed. Most of us would not want to touch that sort of thing with a ten foot pole! There really must be a limit set. I am not one for censorship, but videos such as this should not be allowed to exist. They prosecuted Max Hardcore (I disagree with, but that is another story) for his porn so by that standard those who filmed this video should be hung! The creatures in these videos (they obviously are not human) would certainly have to be high on PCP or something, drugs in porn are wrong as well. They would have to be to take the pain, I dont care how tough the guy is, there is no way he was not on something. The simple fact is that porn is meant to be about pleasure. We get pleasure out of seeing and fantasizing about pleasure. There is no damn way this stuff is about pleasure, so I would urge that this is not porn and should not fall under the general umbrella of what is considered porn. This is the kind of stuff that makes porn look bad and get a bad name in some cases. Some of you may have noticed that I do not find many things to be offensive, so if even I make a big deal out of it, there has to be something seriously wrong. Again, please do not post links to any of your "disturbing" video examples. I am not trying to condone these videos in any way and TBP/PU has held firm in its nonsupport of torture sites, as well as bestiality and others. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-30-08 01:05pm - 5914 days | #4 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Now I am a true porn addict. I throw my winnings right back into the pot and use it for porn supplies. I have bought several hard drives with my winnings and am looking into another 1 TB drive with what I have left. I have been receiving payment through paypal and have had no issues with it. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-30-08 12:58pm - 5914 days | #12 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
If you think about it, this is nothing but an advertising site. The point of this site is to keep targeted people watching this site, thus viewing the advertisements. Every review and comment is an advertisement, it just happens to be placed by us the PUs. That is great for us because people tend to trust other people more than they trust businesses. I have never seen a pour page that just said "hey, this site sucks but waste your money on it anyway." You will certainly find something to that effect here, omitting the waste your money anyway part. This is a dangerous way for a site to advertise, but has high rewards as well. Kinda like old fashion western dueling. If you have all your shit together you should be just fine, but if you are sloppy you get shot. If a website is in good order and has worthy content it will be praised and this site will prove to great advertisement. On the other hand if the site is sloppy, poor quality, and service is not there we will end up slamming the site, we certainly have done this, and the site could in time be devastated by bad reputation. What I do like about this site is the advertisement is not "in your face" like many people like to use. I have never been knocked out of my chair by pop-ups, nor has my email box exploded with junk from TBP. It is more like a catalog and if you put it down it stays down. Hell, they even allow us to turn off email notices and things of that sort. I am sure the TBP Guys have been asked by companies to post purely advertising links and banners on the homepage and such. Obviously they have the integrity to turn down these offers. The more we join site through TBP (so they get the nice referral kickback) the less likely we are to see a banner of a flashing cock and balls on the homepage of PU. The work they did to have the forum certainly was not all for business, but was not all for fun either. The forum is a fun thing to have and I am sure it was part of the reasoning they had for creating it. But the reality here is that the forum gives us more to do, we dont want to write reviews all time and this gives us a way to do other things. The forum attracts new people to this site and can increase the referral revenue for TBP and it keeps us usually people on the site more. Half the time I spend on this site I am in the forum section, and I always refresh the homepage to see if anyone has posted in the forum, and sure enough I pass right by a website review. Another nice thing about TBP and is good for websites is that I see many sites posted that I likely would never have found. I have joined many sites that I would not have if I had to find them on my own. Truthfully, I tend to not join sites that are not at least listed here. And site I do join I am very careful about and have to be something very specific I am looking for. To wrap it up, TBP and PU have a good balance between advertisement, advertisement method, and user interaction. So long as the balance remains I will be around for a long time serving in this "you scratch my back and I scratch yours" relationship we all have going here. I am sure many of you can say the same thing and some have been here for years already. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-29-08 06:42pm - 5914 days | #8 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Ah yes thank you, I will be here all week. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-28-08 07:51pm - 5915 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
If I had to guess, and it is only a guess, I would say it goes something like this. TBP says they can generate traffic by posting and referring to the site. This is true since we are here, especially us that contribute and spend a lot of time here since we are also some of the big spenders on porn. Lets just say 500 different people per day come to this site, that is 500 targeted people since those that come here are most likely to join a porn site. Disney would likely not be very good at getting a high percentage of it traffic to join a porn site. So, TBP says they can get 500 targeted people to at least see the site. Now lets say 5% will join the site, that is 25 new memberships simply because the site was on the front page for a day. At $30 a piece that is $750 for those 25 people. Lets say each member will cost the site $10 for bandwidth and such that is $250. So a profit of $500. Of course TBP has to get paid somehow for it all to be worth it, after all this site is not free, they have to eat, and the raffle is not magical money. To the porn site say they will give say 2 per new member. With 25 that would be $50 for that site that day. TBP says they can get more people to join if they can offer a discount (good for us). The site agrees that making less money on a member is better than making no money and no member. So they agree to offer $20 for people joining through TBP. We can all agree that $20 sounds a hell of a lot better than $30! SO, now lets say 15% of those 500 deside to join as the discount makes it hard to pass up, after all we just cant help ourselves. Now that it 75 people joining at $20. This would be $1500, TBP gets $150 because they are so awesome, and the site gets a better deal on bandwidth because it uses more thus costing $8 per member so it profits now $10 per member. Thus the profit made is $750. Of course $750 sounds better than $500, but they had to get 3 times the members to make 50% more. Which might make it not sound as appealing, but there is one more thing to consider. How many sites do a small amount of advertising for their friends. Reality Kings certainly does. So what they get to tell their advertising clients is that they got 75 new members instead of 25. So now they would potentially get 3 times the amount of referral kickbacks from those other sites. So in the end every one wins, except of course those who join the site directly because they get no discount. Porn bastards, they should have done their homework before joining. Of course I could be completely wrong about this, I am simply working off of minimal knowledge and simply using logic. If any one knows something I do not please do add it, hell I could be missing the whole thing...(this is your cue TBP guys). :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-28-08 10:49am - 5916 days | #4 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I have seen a few other review sites and would tend to say that there is not an all around better site than what we have here. TBP staff has done a lot of work to get us good information, s platform to contribute information, discounts that add up quickly. That said I believe that we should join sites through TBP's referral system to help give back to them for all that they have done for us. Giving TBP the credit for our joining a site is the least we can all do. I know my nose is a little browner now, but they have saved me a good bit of money, time and frustration. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-26-08 07:49pm - 5917 days | #6 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Exactly. If that is something you want than you need to find a group that stays within that niche. intentionally or not. I can agree that there are some scenes where it is not appropriate. Also, being 23, I can still agree that there are some very good scenes where the actors seem like no one else is around. I particularly like lesbians scenes where the girls seem like they are really getting into each other, and this would be ruined if they looked at the camera. On the other hand in many of the hardcore scenes they are taking up positions that many people would never think of if they had not seen it done and there is no attempt at the illusion that the actors are performing out of passion. The scenes I find it to be acceptable and sometimes appealing to have the woman seem like she is looking at me and desiring me (we only wish it were true). Something that must be considered by yourself, Smoker. If most people did not like a certain thing in porn the directors would mostly avoid it because it would not sell. And the opposite hold true for things that many people find appealing, they sell so they get produced. Disliking camera interaction is your preference, and apparently is not shared by everyone. I am sure you could find some porn where that is catered to. As you said it is voyeuristic, so start there. Also, are not the Russians usually a little behind us on trends? I believe a similar discussion was made about girls who shave or women having breast implants. Porn has not been so mainstream for all that long and perhaps like many other things it will follow trend cycles. So perhaps you will see porn going back to those methods again someday. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-26-08 11:35am - 5918 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I think the point of her looking at the camera is to make the viewer feel like she is looking right at him. It is like she is imagining it is your dick she is sitting on and you are supposed to fantasize that she is thinking about you. The guy in the movie is just a tool. That is my take on why they do that. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-25-08 08:46pm - 5918 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
There really is some good stuff out there. This is a hard choice. I like hustler's "Hot Showers" series. Hot teen lesbians getting wet in more than one way! The "Double Decker Sandwich" series is good too. Two very hot, big breasted women and one damn lucky dude. Anything with Amy Reid is golden to me. She would definitely be a top choice for me for a "dream date"...hey there is a good raffle idea. Instead of giving money one week give dream dates to a few very lucky PU. I would be writing reviews all night that week, hell I might even pass Exotics in points if that happened! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-19-08 05:38pm - 5924 days | #9 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I have never been with a pregnant woman personally so I do find myself attracted to pregnant women. I am not going to say it makes a woman sexier, but it makes her sexy in a different way. I have joined a few pregnant sites and have liked some of it. When a normally good looking younger woman gets pregnant I find it extremely appealing. The ones who were not attractive to begin with do nothing for me. I have seen some where they get terrible stretch marks and such that are a turn off. On the other hand, I have seen some that are good looking to begin with and do not gain a lot of weight and look good even at 7 or 8 months. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-19-08 02:42pm - 5925 days | #9 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
I am always with Brazzers and VideoBox Currently I am working on Reality Kings, nearly done Hungarian Honeys and Digital Desire This list is always changing and I am always thinking about which site or sites to go after next. I am looking to update with FTV, Sapphic Eoritic, and MC Nudes. I am also looking to join 1ByDay for the first time "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-17-08 12:13pm - 5927 days | #2 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
You really cut down the choices when you say not the same guys and not fatter. Many of the black girl sites feature models with big butts, I guess that is their thing. I actually would not mind finding such a site either. Round and Brown has a lot of videos, but again they are bigger butts and same guys. Incredible pass as a huge variety of ethnic women, but they use the same couple guys (fat black guy, black guy with no leg and a midget) plus they a extremely degrading to the women, not to mention the site is accused by us for fraud. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-17-08 12:07pm - 5927 days | #3 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Pricing is pretty important and it has caused me to hold off on some good sites that I have been wanting to join. The thing I hate is when you wait too long and the damn price goes up again. A retention offer has to be pretty good for me to bite on it and stay for a while. There must a good amount of large updates and no more than $10 per month for me to even consider staying. VideoBox and Brazzers are the only two so far who fall under that catagory for me. Hungarian Honeys is pretty close though, I pay $10 per month for them too. They I look at it is do I really want the material as it is released or can I stand to wait a while to get it. If a site is $30 normally and $10 as a discount if you stay it can be a lot cheaper to cancel and pay full price again letter if you do not mind skipping at least 3 months inbetween joining. I usually wait at least a year, so there is plenty of new content to warrant paying full price again. This is especially true now since many updates are in HD. I do not set and actually budget for myself. I usually can stay with in reason anyway. I try to stay with only one addition site at a time, and possibly two. This way I can focus on those sites and not get my download ability stretched too thin. Like right now I am downloading from reality kings and digital desire only some of the time because they require manual input and queuing does not work well. When I am away or sleeping I download from Videobox since I can queue up days worth of downloads and only run that queue when the other sites are idle. Fortunately TBP and PU have saved me a lot of money on keeping me from joining bad sites and going out and getting discounts for us. This helps make the budget stretch a little farther. Even the raffle has helped. I have bought several hard drives using that money (thought you would like to know it goes towards porn collecting). Oh yes, Monahan brought up a very good point. The billing is very important. I like CCBill the best and Epoch is not bad either. VXS or VSX, which ever it is, I do not like because they have to send it in an email form as a "request" and it can take several days to get a cancellation notice. The fact that it is a "request" kinda makes me feel like they think they have the option of saying no. They do not call it an "order" which is exactly what it is. When I push cancel I am expecting them to say "yes sir" but it sounds more like they think they should say "well let me think it over, I will get back to you in a few days in regards to your money and how I spend it." I think some sites are getting pretty expensive. I have paid over $40 for a single site on two occasions. That is just too much money and it was not even truly worth it. For a site to command that kind of money they better be able to offer me anything I want. So, if I say I want to see a midget standing on his head screwing a pregnant transsexual while fisting another woman, that is exactly what I should be able to see for that kind of money. The fact is you are hard pressed to find EXACTLY what you want and only that kind of site would be worth that much money. Honestly I have a hard time throwing out $30 for a site, but it seems any more that is where it is going. I was going to join DDFCup a month or so ago and shit when I seen the price had gone up to $35 a month. Anyway, enough ranting on. Very good forum topic. i will be interested to see what others are saying. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
10-13-08 08:04pm - 5930 days | #21 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
Toadsith. The link you posted is dead now. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~ PU Interview | |
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