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Kink On Demand
Reply of
insatiable's Review
I agree with you. Kink is renown for recycling. One thing everyone should know is that they don't do this on their actual sites. But if you get Kink content from somewhere like VideoBox or here, you will see they are just offering you a fairly respective sampling of the content from each of their sites. You will have a lot to choose from, it will just be more varied.
04-19-12 11:25pm
Sex Art
Reply of
Abel Semen's Review
Ah, the age old not-enough-content dilemma. To subscribe or not to, that is the question. The problem here is you want sites like this to succeed, but you don't actually want o waste your own money if you think you'll get bored.
Personally, I say give them a try for a month, and see if you stick around longer. You can always leave a move on, come back a year later and maybe they've grown. OR, maybe their children are out on the streets starving and homeless because you canceled your subscription and ruined the company. Either way, at least you got to see some boobs.
04-19-12 10:40pm
Teen Core Club
Reply of
BadMrFrosty's Review
Wow, thanks for pointing this out. I hate it when sites don't update. Fold them into an archive and lose the site if its dead.
04-19-12 10:10pm
Subby Hubby
Reply of
xexbot's Review
5gb/day download limit.
03-27-12 12:57am
Ferro Network
Reply of
messmer's Reply
I thought the same thing. It's like "jeez they're really proud of themselves." Yes, it's a little annoying, but I didn't find that it got in the way of anything.
Most people already cover the technical stuff on these forums and reviews, what's the point of repeating it. LOL.
02-12-12 12:09pm
Ferro Network
Reply of
james4096's Comment
You can join a lot of the individual sites for a 7.95 trial offer. That's what I did. I took one look at one site and said "Hell yeah I'll take the rest!" Anyway, if you join just one site, they have a different kind of loyalty program. You get to pick one bonus site, then if you stick around for a month you get to add another bonus site. Of course, by this time you're paying the thirty dollar a month charge, but you have to give them props for creating incentives. If you just want to see a couple join one with the trial and pick a different kind of site for the bonus and see what you think.
02-09-12 08:25pm
We Are Hairy
01-30-12 10:44am
Replies (3)