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N/A Reply of Khan's Reply

If you would like to see some really freaky laws in the Bible (King James Edition), check out Deuteronomy 13. It gives people a ton of loop-holes to get out of the "Do Not Kill" commandment - basically if evidence is shown that anyone - ANYONE - isn't willing to follow the Bible's one true God - you should kill them with a sword. And kill their cattle... with a sword.

If you don't have a sword, Deuteronomy 17 states that you can instead stone that person to death, but only if you have at least 2 (preferably 3) witnesses. If you've only got 1 witness - you gotta hold off.

They had the bases covered at least - who can't find a stone? (or 40...) Ah yes, good stuff. How I love the Old Testament.

Oh and if you are stuck in a Motel without any TV porn - no worries! Just grab your trusty Bible and look up the "Song of Solomon", sure it is a bit tame by today's standards, but it's a start. "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins" - awww yeah. (Apparently the Biblical writers had a thing for deer... I don't know why.)

03-06-08  12:54pm

Visit All Internal

All Internal
Reply of PerfectGonzo's Reply

I'm glad to hear your improving the download speeds - they aren't exceptionally slow, but for a site dedicated to perfection in every form - they were notable. For my ISP, download speeds in excess of 1MB/s is not uncommon - I've seen as high as 3MB/s - but I generally only receive 200~300KB/s via your servers. As always with the download speed estimates YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) - I post it because other users inevitably ask it - but with location and ISP differences it isn't always the most reliable estimate for all. Frankly, it is a very good sign that it is the primary fault I could come up with.

On the other hand, I do think it is important that people know they can't freeze frame the video and get a picture perfect shot in 1920x1080 resolution - I understand that Hollywood grade camera's are outrageously expensive, so as exceptional as the video is, it isn't Blu-Ray. I personally would recommend most users skip the HD file and go for the 960x540 file as most users don't have monitors with a high enough resolution for the HD, and the 960 file will consequently look sharper, be easier to download and easier on the rig. I would have included that in the review, but as usual I ran out of space.

I did forget to mention that you guys do have a wonderful support team that responded to an inquiry of mine within hours - that is always commendable. You have a wonderful site - I just wish you would experiment a bit with the content a bit more, get outside your safety zone and see what happens. As it is, it is a strange thing - I feel I can't rate it poorly at all - the content is exactly what it professes to be - but in essence, that is its own downfall. All of the mystery is gone and we know what will happen from the moment we press play. I'm not saying pornographic films need to have a deviously complex plot line, but leaving any variability in a scene to need to be an act-of-god, that makes for a bit of a sameness to it all. Perhaps I'm jaded or just peculiar, but I felt it necessary to address the issue.


03-06-08  07:56am

Visit Rodney Moore

Rodney Moore
Reply of jd1961's Reply

Indeed, and I hardly think a site can request that of its users. You can also just click "View Source" and that combined with the Page Properties will give you the URL your Download Manager needs. Still it is an awful pain-in-the-ass for a what should be a simple matter.

I would love for them to buy a ready-made site design that handles video & photo content, sit down and convert all the DVDs to high-resolution WMVs and be done with it. I would easily give this site a glowing 95 (about as high as I'm willing to go for any site) if they could just make the site user friendly. It is bloody rat maze in there! Plus, my luck as usual, most of the content I want is older content, meaning the video quality is near terrible and downloading is a hair-pulling experience.

Oh well - hopefully sometime in the foreseeable future they will be enlightened and invest the money in a proper website.


03-06-08  02:43am

N/A Reply of jd1961's Poll

Despite the overwhelming popularity tattoos (Yes, it is spelled with three T's - sorry, that's just a pet-peeve of mine.) of late - I still find them attractive when done well. Like body piercings - tattoos only help make attractive people stand-out, if you haven't done the traditional steps of improving your look (working out, dressing well, good grooming, et cetera) - they simply won't work - and worse, may draw attention to things that should be hidden away. Specifically the so wonderful vernacular "Tramp Stamp" can draw attention love-handles poking out of too-tight jeans - or the belly-button piercing can highlight a bulging pot-belly.

If the model is fit and pretty and well put together - a good tattoo or piercing can provide that exotic touch that really makes the model standout. Typically this doesn't include barb-wire around the arm or ankle - but India's Henna style is still rather rare and can be quite astonishing on a beautiful model. Am I tired of them? No - I'll always crave the right combination of model and tattoo (or piercing). Would I say it is overused these days? Definitely, but that will pass with time.

Interestingly, 30 years ago the number of tattoos a person had was directly proportional to how Sociopathic they were (like all mental states everything is a gray area with almost no black or white categories). The recent uprise in popularity of tattoos has negated the effectiveness of this indicator unfortunately.


03-06-08  12:50am

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

Simply put: Why would anyone in this predominantly male community dislike women sharing their interest? I have noticed that thankfully we do have a few women members. I honestly think that it is a shame that culturally porn is so stigmatized for women and very little of it is aimed at women. Because, frankly - women are interested in sex and so by association should have a similar interest in porn. As the porn industry has been maturing and expanding - many a niche market has been found and tapped - and while there are videos that profess to be made for women, I think it isn't even remotely close being fully explored. In the years ahead I think we'll see more porn directed at women and more women upfront about their interest in porn. I don't understand why there should be any shame in watching porn and hopefully it will become less stigmatized for everyone in the future.

03-04-08  09:25am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Meh - this one really depends on the people involved - some producers have been blessed with quick wit and make very some very amusing commentary - I actually enjoyed the ridiculous discussions that took place on Freaks of Cock - rarely did they have a point and they'd often go off on wild tangents, but it was entertaining. I'm not a purist that requires porn to be entirely separate from the rest of the entertainment industry - if people want to do some comedy skits and are good at it - I'll gladly watch!

As for interviews: Most of the time it is dull drivel, but there are occasions you get an intelligent model and an interviewer that is actually interested in holding a conversation rather than throwing in some dialogue to build some suspense for viewers waiting for the model to open her legs.

When I do really enjoy the interviews, it is always with the people speaking in their native languages - this is especially cool when it is a foreign language that has been subtitled because I love seeing the cultural differences.

One thing I generally don't like is all that much cameramen just talking to themselves while the porn happens. If they want to interview the model while the action is going down - fine, but I can do without useless commentary like "That's hot.".


03-03-08  06:04pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I think the male models are very important. Sure, some videos treat them like dicks with feat, but the really good stars actually have a brain and an entertaining personality. For main stream porn, I generally download the videos with male stars I find funny or I consider excellent performers because, frankly, most of the girls are a dime a dozen - but the male stars endure. You know what you'll get from them, what positions you'll probably see the girls in, how hardcore the scene will be, the general atmosphere of the scene is often governed by the male star because in mainstream porn the girls are always the submissive.

Granted there are some female models I search for, but look at the stats - most girls just aren't in that many videos - so unless you are set on building up an encyclopedic knowledge of all female models, you are much better off remembering the limited quantity of male models and what the scenes with them are like. Much easier to decide if the scene is download worthy or not.

Also - I prefer the male stars to not be unattractive because I'm going to be looking at them have sex with this girl, I'd rather watch a fit guy go at it than some hairy, old guy with bits jiggling everywhere. I'm not saying I'm an advocate of the old 70's zoom on the guys face while makes orgasm expressions, but I definitely think the men need to have at least a modicum of attractiveness - I still cannot fathom how Ron Jeremy became the star he is today... I guess he is just damn good a business.

02-29-08  01:01pm

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Reply

Ah - indeed I've run into that trouble before - myself. No matter, that's what these lovely reply sections are designed to mend :-)

02-25-08  06:20pm

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Poll

Hmm - that is hardly a comprehensive selection of choices. The poll excludes Euro on one option, but doesn't actually include it implicitly or otherwise in any of the other options. Even the final "Multiple" option. Oh well, not all polls can be perfect I suppose.

Anyway, in porn movies, I'm rather liberal in my tastes for models - there are models I like in pretty much every conceivable category (excluding amputee so far... that still creeps me out). However if I had to make a generalization and choose one specific category, I'd probably say that I find Eastern European models the most reliably attractive models.

The only downside to that regional demographic is that dentistry isn't as good as it is in US or Western Europe and it seems like damn near every model has had an appendicectomy.

Take a look: You'll find a huge number of models have a 2 inch (50 mm) scar that is slightly diagonal from the horizontal just above the right hip. It isn't like it is horribly disfiguring or anything, but I'm one of those silly people that notice and obsess on the little things... like when models forget to touch up their nail paint before a scene and it is all chipped - drives me bloody nuts, I'll often end up skipping over a scene due to that. The scar actually bothers me far less than that, but it's odd that it is so prevalent on models from any of the Soviet occupied blocks.

So there you have it, while I don't confine my searches in general to specific demographics or characteristics - I do have a certain fondness for Eastern Europe.


02-25-08  07:39am

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Poll

Well, it won't be porn-inspired, but porn-related yes. Now that the High Definition format wars have been decided - I'm saving up for an HD capable projector and a Blu-Ray drive. I'm glad that Blu-Ray won, it was the superior format, despite its high entry cost.

Now that I don't have to worry about supporting two disparate formats, I can finally upgrade my projection system to HD. Of course, I don't usually use the projection system I have now for porn viewing - but the point is I could, if the need ever arouse.

I also plan on getting a wide-screen HD capable monitor in the near future as well. Enough sites are switching to HD that it seems silly to still be using a 19" monitor. So I suppose that would be a porn-inspired purchase. Of course a hard drive is always a possibility, but right now I've got about 60GB free - so I'm not hugely worried. Maybe in a month or two. Ah, money money - how I need a money factory...

02-21-08  04:41pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

While yes, there can be debates raging on indefinitely about the video / audio quality present and future for live cam sites - but I think the question is more aimed toward preference of the style of content these sites offer. I have dabbled in the genre of live cams with mixed results. One of my first porn expenses was on a live cam site, I dropped 20 bucks or so for 5 minutes or whatever it was - and it was just really stressful. A number of the girls on the site just seemed really depressed and rather desperate to get paying viewers. I felt really bad about "directing" the girl to do whatever - so I ended up just telling her to do whatever she felt like, sort of donating the money to her. The pay-per-minute scene is sort of like hanging out with a group of car salesmen each trying to sell you their body. And because they are mostly a bunch of pretty girls, I found the whole experience depressing.

On the other hand, I enjoyed the sites that offered free live cam services. Since the girls were getting paid no matter what, they were more relaxed and friendly. I was a member of MET-Art when the started BETA testing their live cam service - it was a bunch of fun - the girls liked chatting, would always be in something skimpy and would occasionally show off quite a bit if they felt like. They'd simply ignore the asses that would shout "show us your tits!" and spent time chatting with anyone interested in actually talking. I spent probably half an hour chatting with one girl in Prague about Woodchucks - apparently she had never heard of them and was quite fascinated by the little creatures. That got some strange responses from the other users but the atmosphere was relaxed enough that people just went along with it. When I join up with MET-Art again, I'm sure I'll be back chatting with the models, but I'll never do pay-per-view again.


02-15-08  09:51am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

It largely depends on the "look" the model or the site is going for. If they want a gothy or glamour look - they best not have tan lines. But a swim-suit model or biker babe type thing it can work well on. The 80's really had the tan line look down pat - open up almost any penthouse from the mid 80's and you'll see what I mean. So, my answer, is it can look great on some, lame and amateurish on others. Helpful, I know. Oh well.


02-13-08  12:35am

Visit British Hot Girls

British Hot Girls
Reply of Denner's Comment

It is hardly unknown, but I noticed you haven't reviewed it so I figured I'd give it my personal recommendation. Simon Scans is a very nice site with mostly British girls. Rather easy to navigate, and while it doesn't have any Boy/Girl Hardcore - it basically has everything else that is legal in Britain. It is rather similar to Abby Winters as it has a range of girls as far as attractiveness goes, though the photography is probably even better on this site. Good videos as well - no video interviews though, as I recall. Not that I was really a huge fan of those though. It has been a while since I was a member (6 months or so) - I'll definitely rejoin (especially since a lovely hard drive failure destroyed my old collection) in the future and add a review at that time.


02-12-08  03:39pm

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Poll

Meh - it all depends on who is applying the label. A "Pervert" being someone whose behavior or interests are perverted or corrupted from the norm - so by definition I can't consider myself a pervert as I am my template for determining normalcy. As for others labeling me as pervert - some may, some may not.

02-11-08  08:53am

N/A Reply of SnowDude's Reply

I'm shaved head fanatic of sorts but I must say the pickings are very slim. My favorite model had always been Katja Love, she can be found in some Rocco Sifredi productions and a number of other European films. I've recently run across Claudia Demoro, though I've only acquired one scene with her so far, I may have to do what I did with Katja Love and just buy her DVDs...

Oh you can find Veronika Vanoza through 21 Sextury's sites (Euro Sluts specifically) - she has one scene in her shaved-ish head mode. And I found Claudia Demoro on Anal Addicts #7 on Peter North DVD. Katja Love (like the others) hasn't performed with a shaved head the whole time, I haven't seen a scene with her head shaved on any online sites.

I would love to see a site dedicated to it, but have yet to find any.


02-10-08  02:51pm

N/A Reply of uscue's Reply

I gotta give respect for including the Midget category. Because, the truth is, no porn collection is truly complete without some Midget Porn. Gotta remember the little people. And of course Bridgette the Midget is creepily hot - she has such a beautiful face! Actually, this gives me a nice little segue to mention my favorite Porn DVD of all time - Cap'n Mongo's Porno Playhouse. An instant classic.


02-07-08  10:22am

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

I would love to direct porn, but as for being a part of it, not so much. As pointed out by others, the fantasy of the porn star is always attractive, but the reality of it is usually less glamorous.

Well - I take it back, I was at first thinking traditional "Silicone Valley" porn - but some of the sites on Kink.com wouldn't require me to be in the nude in front of a crowd - Fucking Machines for instance - of course that would be damn similar to directing porn like I mentioned above. But still, I suppose I would be interested in taking part of that sort of thing - it would be an interesting experience, no doubt about that.


02-07-08  10:13am

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

The real question is: What would be your breaking point with Ms. Knowles? Pissing? Feces? Sacrificing a goat? ...while pleasuring it? (hmmm, this reminds me of the "I never" skit with Quagmire on Family Guy)

02-07-08  09:59am

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

Haha - honestly, you can pick pretty much any random action and there will be some people (men or otherwise) out there that are aroused by it. I think the infamous "2 Girls 1 Cup" video is evidence to that effect.

As for me personally, if the performers are into the aforementioned spitting act, yeah, I like to watch it. As I said before, there are times when people obviously don't like it but still take part in it - and that just isn't fun for me.

And as for aggressive replies to your comments - I don't see why people would get that upset. Anyway - one thing I can definitely say for you Pinche, you're opinions are always very consistent! I've never seen any one of the other users focus on specific topics as much as you, lol Anyway - you've obviously got a specific vision in your mind as to what you want to see in porn - you are out in California, start a porn website! I'd subscribe for at least a month or two to check it out :-)


02-07-08  09:55am

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Poll

I find the responses this poll has generated interesting. Of the 21 votes at the time of writing, not one was cast unequivocally for spitting, yet 17 votes were against it with 1 indifferent and 3 for it in certain conditions. 17 votes - 81%. Reading through the replies, all who bothered to write talked about how much they hate it. I found it fitting that not 4 days ago the online comic PVP found spit an interesting topic: http://www.pvponline.com/2008/02/02/spit-take/

But I digress. What interests me more, is how prevalent in porn people feel spitting is. If you've read my reviews and posts in the past I'm sure you've guessed correctly how I've voted - but I'm fascinated by how much people are focusing on this. I wouldn't have thought spitting would attract so much attention. Especially with the popularity of blow jobs - a hell of a lot of saliva is involved in that folks, even if the model is careful to swallow frequently.

I'll admit, I don't like spitting on the camera lens - but a large reason for that is that it obscures the image and it is also jarring - sort of like if they threw a book at the lens as well (like in the old 3D movies). Thinking about it, I suppose there is a lot of saliva being added to porn these days, but I don't really notice it too much. Graphic, excessive spitting (like the models spitting into each others' mouths) entirely depends on the reactions it garners from the models - some are into it, some are pretty obviously not. I enjoy watching people have a good time and enjoying the activity - however if they are disgusted by what is happening - then the entertainment value is lost for me. Specifically the emotion of disgust, though.

Another thing people may forget, despite the popularization of various sexual lubricants, Saliva is a wonderful lubricant. It is 98% water, but more importantly, it contains Mucus. Mucus doesn't dry out or get absorbed too quickly and from a healthy human it is relatively colorless and odorless. You can actually hear an industry professional laud the qualities of saliva in a fisting class for Kink.com: http://news.behindkink.com/blog/default/2008/01/15/

Looking at the universal distaste for spitting, but not necessarily saliva directly (as in the blowjobs) it appears to be a cultural taboo that is more far reaching than I would have guessed. I'm certain a grad student could have a great time writing up a paper about the origins of the offensive nature of spitting. I know many people would rather be punched in the face than be spit in the face. Unless the person had Hepatitis or some other infectious disease, I'd take the spit. And if performers in the heat of the moment spit on each other, I'll happily watch it - because it is just a bit of fun, nothing to be taken too seriously.


02-06-08  05:23pm

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Poll

Generally if 10 minutes have gone by, other people have responded to the topic or reply and if I need to add anything I'll also be making some remark relating to the new replies as well, so a new reply of my own is reasonable. Most of the time, errors aren't an issue as I'm pretty careful about reading my reply before posting it. All in all, I think the 10 minute expiration is a good idea and keeps the posts fresh.

02-04-08  12:20am

Visit 3D Sex Games

3D Sex Games
Reply of asmith12's Reply

I haven't read anything about them using mo-cap for their movements, however they are pretty damn good. Sometimes you will some clipping issues, an elbow passing through the floor or if using two female models with large breasts, the breasts sometimes will pass through each other. But the actually movements are very smooth and even have a bit of variability built in to give the illusion of random movement. It as natural as most Anime - so not really human exactly, but smooth enough to make it interesting to watch.

The clipping problems can be an issue, but generally they don't show up too much, and its better than the other programs I've used. They often don't transition between positions because the models will have to move to a different part of the room, or flip over. So there's definitely room for improvement, but the movement is pretty good. I believe you can download a demo try out the program and see what you think.

I wish they upgraded the textures for high resolution machines and ironed out all of the clipping issues and maybe added threesomes - but hey, one step at a time I guess.


02-03-08  12:22pm

Visit 3D Sex Games

3D Sex Games
Reply of asmith12's Comment

Sorry, I would have responded to this earlier had I noticed.

I've tried PlaySexGame, 3D Playmate, Virtual Hottie 2, eGirl and Dream Stripper - as well as 3D Sex Games of course. 3D Sex Games is by far and above the best - the only games that I've seen rival or best them come out of japan - and they have to be heavily modified by users to make them uncensored.

3D Playmate is really awkward to use and falls easily unto the "Uncanny Valley" as certain motions are very unnatural (Virtual Hottie 2 has this problem too with a characters jaw moving or other strange movements) - 3D Sex Games avoids this problem with better movement and an approximated Anime look that makes the models easily attractive.

PlaySexGame is a great start but the graphics are quite low res and use basically no 3D acceleration as it takes place all in browser. Plus there is only one model that you simply drop into various situations - though you can change clothes, hair, et cetera. If they made a stand-alone program that took advantage of the powerful gaming machines out there - then they'd have something.

Virtual Hottie 2 tries and fails miserably - the user interface is terrible and it really isn't efficient in its code - I had trouble running it and my computer can crush games like COD4. I had high hopes for this game, but alas it was really just a test of your patience using it. Plus the login system was a pain in the ass.

Dream Stripper - amazing graphics, simply the best. But it is just a stripping game, plus the transitions between moves can be rough - the model will sometimes slide along the floor without moving her feet to get over to the pole, or sometimes instantly appear in a different position. Some of this has been fixed in the new version I've heard, plus they have more than one model now.

eGirl is a wonderful idea, mo-cap (Dream Stripper uses mo-cap too) capable of super high-res graphics, advanced textures and lighting and so on. It basically featured one model stripping and masturbating, with plans for multiple models later. They have been stuck in development forever - who knows if they'll ever make significant progress.

So 3D Sex Games provides semi-regular updates, isn't creepy as hell, runs relatively well (that had some bugs a while back, but it is out of Beta now), has multiple models and so on. The only sad thing is they got rid of their super cheap price so now it is back to $30 a month, which makes it a bit harder to justify.



02-02-08  05:57pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I definitely expect to see the model's face - granted a model can have an impressive body, but an attractive face is the number one most important thing for me.

In fact, a recent study pointed out that most humans react this way. A lovely British science magazine called "New Scientist" had a short article about a study into the factor of the face or the body in a person's overall attractiveness. About 50% of the attractiveness was based on the face. You can check out the article here: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn11833

But studies aside, I find from an artistic stand-point continually cropping out the model's head gets repetitive and boring fast. Unless the project is to focus directly on some specific body part, I quickly begin to focus only on finding a shot that shows the models face - and get annoyed when I can't. Sure, you can pull the "mysterious" card - but unless the body is outrageously hot - it isn't going to work for me. The basic fact is that most humans enjoy looking at faces - be it humans or animals - how many kitten calendars are out there with the animal climbing out of some ridiculous location but looking directly at the camera? Babies even track faces automatically (Autistics aside).

I don't recommended producers the path of hiding the face unless they are keenly aware of what they are doing.

01-30-08  01:20pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Reply

The only site that pops into my mind is African Goddesses - most of the models show their faces, but there is a significant portion that don't.

01-30-08  01:04pm

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