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N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

"I want the cum shot to be near where the penis is located"? Where else is the cum coming from? Is there teleportation involved? I thought that only occurred in photo shoots where in one photo the girl is clean and pretty and the in next her face has been completely desecrated. ;)

Yeah sorry, I know what you're talking about though. So many scenes are ruined when the couple is going at it good and strong only to suddenly break rhythm and have them change positions for the grand finale. If the girl's lucky she has time to pull her hair out of the line of fire and the guy is still somewhat spontaneous. Other times we are not so lucky and she keeps opening one eye waiting for the guy to finish until we are finally treated to an awkward jump cut with a bored girl and a guy who's about to sprain his wrist.

01-03-10  06:34pm

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Ugh, no I would not say she has a very attractive voice at all. Sorry Drooler, I'm going to have to go with RB on this one. Don't you prefer photos anyway?

01-01-10  01:43pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll


At most a national call to my credit card company, but that was unrelated to porn. If I have had a customer service problem with a site I use e-mail and never even thought of actually calling them.

Canceling an online service provider however(always had to do it over the phone)...holy fuck, worst calls in the world. The assholes on the other end should be working at suicide hot lines--you would die of old age before they let you go.

12-28-09  02:43pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

"It depends" because I think it's getting better with technology, access, and choice, but at the same time also getting worse for the same reasons. The economy hasn't helped and it just had to go south right when everyone started to go high def and hard drives started getting cheaper!

12-22-09  12:12am

N/A Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

Really, it's not? Maybe you don't live in America--land of the free, home of the prudish--considering the way we demonize sex and defend things that do end lives like guns and the death penalty.

12-21-09  01:06pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

"Yes, I sure would"--if I had my own private theater and film projector, though if I was that well off I could probably afford to privately finance my own dirty movies (this is starting to sound like "8MM"...).

But until I get my own theater, no. Isn't this the whole reason they invented VCRs, the Internet, DVDs and external hard drives? People didn't like going to a theater with a bunch of strangers who may or may not have been jerking it, so why would they want to go back? The cost of distribution alone (transferring to 35mm, making prints, the list goes on) makes theatrical releases prohibitively expensive to even the big companies.

Reminds me of an article I read recently about people who were giving up their toilet to go "green", i.e. literally shitting in a bucket. I am not joking, as they think it's best to use a waterless bucket, uh, "toilet." All I could think was "isn't this why we invented indoor plumbing and toilets in the first place, so we wouldn't have to shit and piss in a bucket?!"

Still, it must be something to see a cumshot on a 25ft+ projection screen.

12-20-09  06:49pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

In this day and age Photoshop is inevitable, whether it's cropping, fixing white balance, blurring out the owner's license plate number on the car the model is posing in, and of course the long list of natural skin ailments, not to mention the bruises, track marks, and all the other unpleasant things that get left behind.

But c'mon, what can "pass muster"? I say you better be prepared to go the whole way--no makeup, no hair dye, nail polish, etc. I mean if a hot girl needed to have her appendix taken out, who are we to judge the scar that it left behind? I just don't like the bizarre, over-touched shit that you see on so many sites, especially their intro and tour pages.

12-16-09  07:05pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

...call them out for being prudes and hypocrites!

Just kidding, but seriously you can't please everybody everywhere, so why bother worrying about what some morons think at a party? And like Jay G mentioned there are plenty of places where everyone else thinks (or has no other choice) that porn is "bad" and sex should be totally expunged from the public forum -- Saudia Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Utah...

12-08-09  08:45am

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

I agree with this view most of the time, though a good scene doesn't necessarily have to have penetration or any toys...but it certainly doesn't hurt.

Also, I would be inclined to call these scenes girl-girl instead of lesbian as I think there is a significant difference, especially in the target audience being primarily straight (if still pervy) men, not homosexual women. 'Real' lesbian porn tends to be less of a girl-only interpretation of hardcore porn and more of a focus on intimacy and emotion -- and it can still involve toys.

12-04-09  03:14pm

N/A Reply of jd1961's Reply

:0 Lol! Wasn't expecting anyone to say that, as we seem to only talk about the girls shaving and never the guys.

Not to sound weird, but I personally prefer them to be shaven since it's makes them less Hedgehog-ish and more porn star, and I figure if there's going to be a guy there he might as well not be sporting a full bear suit. Though it starts to get a little weird when he's more shaven than the girl -- legs, chest, everything -- as if he competing in the Olympics.

12-03-09  07:28pm

N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

I would say talking all the time as well as hearing direction, but so much talking is just talking, not direction, and serves no purpose other than for some ass to make stupid small talk or add dumb comments -- that's what this site is for!

I have seen quite a few European videos that sounded like they used a significant amount of ADR (automated dialogue replacement) where the talent awkwardly rerecorded their "lines" and a sleazy cheesy muzak track was added as well. It does not always make for the hottest or most natural sounding audio, but the advantage is you don't hear the usual panting, giggling, catcalling crap that is in so many American videos. Seriously, it can be a real treat to watch a video or an entire movie and not hear what should have been left in a BTS video, or better yet on the cutting room floor.

12-02-09  09:21pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

"Prepare for round two"...?

I'm not quite sure what that means but it sounds like my viewing habits. In between rounds I might go get something to eat to recharge my batteries -- never ogle on an empty stomach is what I say!

11-30-09  03:22pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I'd like to think of myself as a collector but with the sheer number of sites out there combined with the huge number of girls doing very similar acts on so many of them it can become next to impossible to find everything that certain someone has ever done. I therefore have to get choosy: crazy, stupid, mind-blowing one-off acts always get added to the pile, but the more repetitive and predictable stuff, I am sad to say, has to get organized and sometimes deleted.

What I really like is when I find someone with a little bit of material and then I stumble upon something I had no idea that she had ever done or would ever do; like a hardcore scene involving a girl I thought was exclusively solo or girl-girl, or even better, I once found a single photo of a model when she looked to be around six or seven months pregnant -- something that totally blew me away -- and I instantly saved it.

I do seem to have a thing for falling for obscure models who I discover in a single shoot on one site and then they break my heart by disappearing forever. :( No amount of searching and hunting can remedy those lost to the maelstrom of Internet porn.

11-28-09  05:14pm

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Poll

Western Digital (I hope!).

I own two and they are both still working fine -- a My Book and Passport, both 500 Gb. A lot of WDs seem to have a reputation for behaving like rock stars; fun while they are alive, but short-lived nonetheless. I don't really know what the problem is, whether they have poor quality control standards, or just manufacture so many and their intention is affordability not reliability, or it is something else entirely.

I have read some favorable reviews of Iomega external drives, though they seem to be pricier than other brands. I also own a 4yr old 300 Gb Maxtor (now Seagate) external drive, but it's actually a non-porn drive if anyone can comprehend such a thing. It's kind of nice; an on/off switch, USB and FireWire ports, but it is also a little bulky by today's standards and is pretty loud when I first fire it up.

Where's badandy on this one? I bet he could start a whole site about hard drive reliability and setup. :)

11-26-09  10:41pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I say "Other" as in all of the above and then some!

Okay, maybe "Ideas for a better sex life" isn't exactly a real possibility right now, plus, as Jay G has already noted, turning fantasy into reality comes with lots of baggage (oh, what fun baggage though!) and isn't exactly the shortest path from point A to point B when it comes to sex. Then again, you can never really travel lightly, so why not?

11-24-09  03:12pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

Oh, and I forgot to mention that it probably is a lot of fun for fans, but seeing a bunch of bulging bellies worn by a group of creepy guys in even creepier masks is the stuff that nightmares are made of.

11-12-09  01:15pm

N/A Reply of Jay G's Reply

Some Muslim countries don't even allow women to drive or show any part of their bodies beyond their eyes -- including the U.S.'s good 'ol ally Saudia Arabia -- so I doubt any porn would be legal in these places, unless it involved arresting women and then stoning them to death for looking at another man.

My biggest fear would not be legality (which is pretty a constant fear with porn no matter who's involved) but safety. You hear about these gangbang contests some female stars do for video and they do indeed include hardcore fans, though maybe not all fans, and blood tests can sometimes become problematic. The industry is largely unregulated in terms of hazards and safety, and what is done is purely self-regulation that is mostly voluntary. In other words, not the most ideal situation in which to 'act' with your favorite star.

If you had nothing but disposable income then maybe making a one-on-one video with your favorite star would be possible, and a lot safer.

11-12-09  01:12pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Reply

I guess we want to get our money's worth from sites and not waste our subscription, though a new HDD is probably a lot more than giving up a membership. I mean really, what other choice do we have?!

11-05-09  02:09pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I'm with lke2fireone; I don't watch much TV, and when I do it is definitely not reality TV.

A reality show about porn stars makes sense because they have a 'reality' that is pretty far removed from the realities of most viewers -- i.e., it's entertaining if only for some shock value -- and could probably make it for a season or two. This actually already happened with Seymore Butts and Family Business, which lasted for four seasons (though it was broadcast on Showtime). I have yet to see any of it, and after answering this poll I am not sure I ever want to.

11-02-09  02:52pm

N/A Reply of exotics4me's Reply

In regards to VideoBox, considering it was their mistake and not yours I don't feel they have much of a right to be upset with your or any of the other customers, even former ones. If they said thanks then it doesn't sound too bad, but I would have no problem e-mailing them back promising to never join their site again (and if it was VB I wouldn't consider that a loss).

Lets be realistic here: who's more dishonest, the companies who we trust not to rip us off, or we the customers who have been ripped off at least once? I will admit I have logged in to sites after a subscription has ended, but it has only worked for a few hours (which may just be a time zone discrepancy), and not exactly a major revenue loss for the sites.

I picked the first choice, even though I disagree with the 'karma' part as I am not one for beliefs, especially in regards to personal fate. Still, it always feels nice to add a little more to the collection. :)

10-29-09  02:04pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I have to say this is one of the deeper poll questions in all the time I have been a member here.

I would like to just say "Fuck it! I'm dead, assholes!" but I would not really want to hurt/deeply embarrass my family, even after I am no longer around. Seriously, no one can really read minds, so why would I want to erase a lot of their doubts with a couple o' terabytes of filth?

My friends are one thing ("Yeah, he was a perverted creep, what did you expect?") but I am presuming a lot of people in my family are still going to be alive (unless we were at a family reunion that went horribly wrong) and I don't want them to spend the rest of their lives with all that anguish, even if to me it was personal happiness.

Since I am no longer around to try and explain my side of the story, I would hope to have a personal friend or family member ready to do either some serious erasing (I am proud to think that it would take a while) or take them home to enjoy for themselves. And if it is not "unexpectedly" like the poll asks, and I am on my death bed, well, then I am going to have my drives by my side with some cables and a laptop, and my dying words will be something like "Hit erase..." or "Don't judge me!"

10-27-09  10:08pm

N/A Reply of badandy400's Reply

"I am immortal!" indeed, badandy. :)

Since you're a mechanical engineer, maybe you can draw up some design plans to have a casket cast from all the metal in your hard drives, then no perverted grave robbers will try and dig you up for your stash, no family members will be embarrassed, and you still get to take it with you. Still, you have to hope nobody starts looking at what is actually on those drives, because the plans might be quickly destroyed and your drives are just taken.

Oh, and I like to think that debt dies with the person who owes it. Okay, the government will just go after your family, but a personal debt to someone you actually know might be a little different, but unfortunately you couldn't pay them in porn if you did what I suggested above.

10-27-09  09:52pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

I have to say no, as I really don't think they are that sexy.

Bare feet (assuming they're clean) are much more preferred if I was to have a choice. To me high heels are one of those awkward things women squeeze into just for the people who might think they are sexy. I seriously doubt they are even remotely comfortable, much less a healthy choice of footwear.

I think they are at best a temporary fetish thing where they should be taken off well before the end of a scene (you could take an eye out with those things!). The problem is too many models don't seem to have a lot of experience and seem to be on the verge of tripping.

10-22-09  02:38pm

N/A Reply of alexmedia's Poll

I would have said "Film sex scenes" except the celebrities are so uptight about their bodies that they too often use body doubles and low lighting to hide themselves. I would think after all the plastic surgery, fad diets, personal trainers, and makeup artists, more would show some skin, but it still seems to be an issue.

Give me a porn girl who actually wants to be there over some celebrity any day!

10-17-09  07:55pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

"It depends," as some of these girls can look pretty wretched and ragged as early as 20 or 21...sad but true. Then there are others who look very attractive into their forties, with the added bonus that they are not completely clueless about how the industry works.

10-15-09  03:09pm

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