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24 Main Street
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Great you agree....Drooler
BTW: I got some fine stuff (videos most - from Playboy)) with this very sexy and beautifull US-girl, Divini Ray (as mentioned) - any idea where there is more???
05-21-08 02:52pm
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Comment
Good tip here, Vegas Ken - could not resist - fine price - just joined......(again)
05-21-08 02:47pm
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
Limited trials are normally worthless - with whose sites it's a matter of standard of preview.
BTW: Good previews seems more and more imported in this jungle.
Agree with Monahan - it's a waste of time and money - even for a couple of bucks.
I fell limited trial is a kind of a trap - and that seems like some kind of reason why these sites only have the limited...
On the other hand I do join full trials quite a lot - at sites I never been before. If I like what I see, I normally go back for the full month deal.
But limited trial: Never.
05-21-08 08:54am
Super Glam
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Right you are, pal....and nothing to go back for.
05-21-08 08:43am
Super Glam
Reply of
mr smut's Reply
Agree - and at that price: $38.80 - it's rip-off...and even the $19.95 via Rabbit is too much.
05-20-08 10:42am
Super Glam
05-20-08 03:18am
Replies (5)
Reply of
Wittyguy's Poll
No - if it was work, the fun would probably be gone...
05-19-08 09:58am
Super Glam
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Thanks - jolly good tip, exotics4me
I'll let you know about things - if I join.
05-19-08 02:35am
Only 3X
Reply of
Burned's Comment
Hey Burned
Not the first time this site has problems - especially with speed - not so much download ditto, but browsing-speed in general.
And for those who care: The site was once fine - but now the updates are mostly older licensed stuff.
And still: Beware - they have this trap (still) - if you want to join at the special TBP-price, you have to watch out: Look at the final price, so you don't end up paying for three months....
05-17-08 09:59am
Super Glam
05-17-08 08:22am
Replies (3)
ATK Natural & Hairy
Reply of
WeeWillyWinky's Review
Another fine and well founded (and trustworthy) review.
Good to have you here....I'm now going for this ATK N&H after this review...thanks!
05-17-08 07:56am
Teen Charms
Reply of
WeeWillyWinky's Review
Fine review there, WWW....
And I got to agree with all of your cons. - except mayby "softcore" - I dig that!
But this site is - as you mention - close to death - concerning updates.
Well, this is a US-based site for east-euro stuff and how: on license-basis.
BTW - the Drooler is abolutely right about the main content: photosets.
That's not my main ballgame and the times I've been at this Teen Charms, my joy has been quite limited....
But then again: It's good to get updated on these sites, thanks!
05-17-08 07:50am
Reply of
roseman's Poll
Roseman got a point here. Funny poll.
Are we back in the liberated times of the hippie-area or are we just seeking amusement in our sex-life.
Had this "friend" once who was into somebody else fucking his wife (at that time) while he was watching - and jerking off.
At another time my ex-girlfriend had this even more beautyfull friend and the four of us (two couples) was getting things going. (Well, folks this was back in the early 90th)
But when I started to "mess" around with this girl, she (my ex-girlfriend) got mad - and I got a slap in the face - it could have been fun though, but my girlfriend didn't want sex with the male part of the other couple.
Needles to say that this other specific girl and I got it off later in a great way of just sex all around...it lasted a year or so - with sex only, but wow, she was probably the best "piece of ass" - no offence.
Today my marrige is too good - and I do not think my wife would appreciate that "behavior"...and I don't really need that anymore (sad, isn't it)...I get my appetite at pornsites and eat at home. And getting older....
05-17-08 07:35am
My Lovely Girls
Reply of
Denner's Review
Just downgraded for one main reason:
Poor updates!
05-16-08 08:42am
Totally Teen
Reply of
Cashgordon's Reply
Just joined Fantastic Cumshots along with some bonus-sites - for one: Totally Teen.
There a fine photos at the preview-page of Christina Bella (the new one), but could only find an old video (non exclusive) - but ok, I'm used to that.
But at Totally Teen there is a preview hc-video of Kendra aka Irene (at your site). But that video is not at the site. I found a solo-video of her, thats all......
05-16-08 07:26am
New World Nudes
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Thanks for that warning, bro!
I must admit the style and concept seems a bit phoney too...
05-16-08 12:58am
New World Nudes
05-15-08 02:14pm
Replies (7)
Reply of
asmith12's Reply
hey asmith
my input was in no way an answer to your random reseach/test - in fact, I think all those random-inputs you've done was quite refreshing.
My input is a try (excuse my not so good english) to give a generel answer to the poll...
Keep it up, buddy!
05-15-08 10:31am
Give Me Pink
05-15-08 09:36am
Replies (0)
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
Let's tell all the suckers behind sites with socalled "un-ethical-biz" that we want reliable previews - all around....
05-15-08 09:29am
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
This has got to be based on a feeling...
There are maybe over 100.000 "porn sites" on the net and about 14.000 registered at TBP.
How can we get around to them all?
But one thing seems certain: There are a lot of crap out there..
But giving an estimate of how many of those are bullshitters - that's a though one.
05-15-08 08:48am
Erica Campbell
Reply of
atrapat's Comment
After this Judgement day is upon us all.....
BTW: Wasn't she getting a bit more chubby lately?
05-15-08 12:05am
Totally Teen
Reply of
Cashgordon's Reply
Try these....
that's PowerNetX
and this from Porn Inspector:
and read about the videos
BTW: Know we know about the trial!
05-14-08 01:05pm
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Hey, Drooler - great input/reply!
Think I know the feeling. What I remember best was the first times I joined 1ByDay ....and WOW! - those girls made the libido work, for sure - but the video quality lacked a hell of a lot.
Still some euro-girls I had never seen before, like.....sorry, I can't remember them all - just made every thing tick...
And today: well, the overlook, the way of quickly scanning whats in there, whats good and whats not - that takes a few hours, sometimes much less.
So yes, it's a kind of another ballgame now - and, alas, there is too long between those sites where you get - just - some of the exitement from the early days...
And maybe therefore, I too do rush into a fast review onve in a while after beeing a member for a day or two (still l like the "cooling off" bit, though)
05-14-08 08:54am
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
I like Monahans:
5 day cooling off period. Fine idea.
And I certainly agree with Droolers point of not rushing into a review a day or two after joining.
But, ok once in a while - and more rare lately - (bad english, sorry) you get exited about a new site - where you find the stuff you been looking for a long time - (though it's getting quite slim, lately) and then again, when you "cool off" you may get another view.
Still bottom line:
You cannot do more than give your honest opinion for the benefit of all.
And you can still go back and alter your review - and even down- or upgrade your scores. Most of us have done that now and then.
05-12-08 08:48am