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N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I use this site and TBP as a guideline only. I view the assessments made on both sites, then go to the site for the tour to make my final decision. I will say, however, that if the general consensus on both sites is less than 80, I am probably not going any further.
To date, this system has not let me down. When I have veered from this guideline, I've wasted my money.

02-18-09  08:01am

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Reply

I voted Other because I think that six months is too long. I would say two to three months becuase there are too many factors entering into some of these polls and there are new Users online all the time whose opinions may bring new and different lights to the poll.

01-10-09  07:09pm

Visit Vivid

Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yes, agreed, the DRM thing has got to go and it's a good campaign that we should all fight. And, I think we've won some of the battles. I dont know about file sharing sites. I've tried eMule and some Bit Torrent thing, but had a lot of problems with downloaded files. I'm not as techy as most guys though, so it was probably me.

I would like to pick another fight and that is the one against Download Limits. I will NOT join a site with a DL limit. There are too many good sites without them. Why would they have them other than to just milk their customers for more and more monthly fees. I've belonged to VideoBox for two years, at a reasonable monthly price, and they have no DL limits. Why do customers stay there? Because they put up enough damn updates to keep us on board. Sites like Reality Kings, which admittedly, has some great content, imposes these ridiculuous limits on us. I refuse to join a site like that again.

In conclusion, I'm glad this site and TBP exist and I'm very happy that there are users that care enough to help us make our decisions easier and more economical. Thanks to all.

01-10-09  07:05pm

Visit Cover My Face

Cover My Face
Reply of Brainpat's Reply

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my review. Yes, I have now visited most of your sites and will say that I am quite impressed with the content. I am not going to review each and every site, but I will add a review encompassing the Network, as I feel that a favorable review is indeed warranted on all the sites, not just Cover My Face.

In addition, I was just discussing with another member here how some webmasters pay attention to the Pornusers knowledgable members and others thumb their noses and ignore us. Your response is not only confirmation of that, but a credit to your desire to make your site and the porn world in general a better medium.

Perhaps you could chime in and let them know your demographics by not having DRM. I'm sure their demos will pale in comparison.

01-08-09  01:00pm

Visit Vivid

Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Mike (rearadmiral),
Outstanding reply and very well stated. My only wish is that Vivid and Analbolic would read this forum and pay attention. I know that some of the webmasters of sites read here because I think it was ZTOD that replied to me on this site.

Keep up the pressure!

01-08-09  12:55pm

Visit Vivid

Reply of atrapat's Reply

Yes, you're right, I didn't even look at photos as I am not a photo guy. I join the sites strictly for the videos and only occasionally look at the photos.
I was so disappointed with this site, that I just didn't bother.
I will go back and look at them and add that aspect to my review.

01-04-09  10:41am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of rome476's Reply

I was a member of Captain Stabbin and Mike's Apt before they were members of the Reality Kings Network. I never had problems then, but this time I had problems on both of my computers. When I wrote to them asking for help, they did not reply.
Now they are spamming me with three-four solicitations per day with special deals.

12-12-08  01:40pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of nygiants03's Reply

I know they have good content, but for some reason the vids were not downloading for me. I tried on my laptop with Vista and my Desktop with XP. I experienced the same problems on both. Perhaps it was my IP address was blocking or something, but you would think that they would answer my crys for help and try to keep a customer.

12-12-08  01:39pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

Hola Pinche. Yea, I was a member for a few days and asked for help about five or six times. They never emailed me back with help. Now I am no longer a member and I am getting three or four emails a day soliciting me with offers for special deals.

12-12-08  01:37pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

If she's hot to begin with I dont think being pregnant takes away. In many cases, a pregnant hottie can be hotter than before. I like the way their breasts bloat after about four or five months and the nipples seem to get firmer and bigger.

07-26-08  09:01am

Visit Only Cuties

Only Cuties
Reply of TheRizzo's Reply

Only Cuties has fixed the problem I had with the speeds. I am now downloading at very fast speeds. I guess they were working on their servers during the time I was evaluating.
It is much better now.

07-19-08  12:09pm

N/A Reply of PinkPanther's Poll

I believe with prices generally coming down (exclude European sites here) and quality going up, that sites in general are going up. I know there are still a lot of rip-off websites out there, but since they tend to be pretty noticeable, I stay away. For the sites I gravitate towards, they are definitely on the way up. If the known good sites keep feeding us Hi-res videos with continuous updates, then other sites will have to follow suit to be able to vie for our money.

12-11-07  06:13am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

This act doesn't bother me, although I do not see myself participating in something like this. But, everyone has different turn-ons and I'm ok with that as long as no one is getting harmed.
I have seen some of it that is somewhat of a turn-on to watch, but not the stuff where they piss in the mouth. That just doesn't seem sanitary to me, let alone the foul taste.

12-09-07  06:02pm

Visit Diabolic

Reply of Thagnut's Comment

You're right about the DRM on the higher quality.
Check out ZTOD (Zero Tolerance On Demand). They have removed all their DRM and you also get Third Movies with your membership.
Not only is their DRM gone, but you get much higher quality videos. I dont consider anything under 2200kbps and a 640X480 frame size to be high quality.
Next, you can check out Club Red Light. You get most Red Light District movies available for download. They use a one-time only DRM, which doesnt mean you can't watch the movies after your membership expires. They use this to prevent peer-to-peer sharing of their movies. There is some great content here and again, it is true high-res video.
Apart from those, I agree with other posters that movie studio sites are generally overpriced and under-delivering on quality.

12-08-07  08:02am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Hi-def is the best. Who cares about flaws? I love flaws on women who are beautiful; makes them more human. Let's face it, hi-def is the way of the future for those with hi-speed connections. Bring em on.

12-01-07  12:42pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I consider 200 to be average. Anything over 350 is fast. I've never seen 500 so that must be blazing fast.
I will not even consider joining a site that has d/l speeds lower than 100 on average.

11-03-07  05:10pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I use the Bitrate and the Frame Dimensions both. You can sometime get high Bitrate with small FD and the quality is just so-so. THe same came be reversed.
I look at overall quality of the video and usually it is a good combination of both.

10-21-07  08:01am

Visit Club Red Light

Club Red Light
Reply of llaurell's Reply

Thank you for the reply. Wow! This is great news. You will make a lot of people very happy, including me.
I am coming back to Club RLD today.

10-15-07  10:35am

Visit Hands on Hardcore

Hands on Hardcore
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

OK, good info, thank you. I was a member of one-by-day two or three years ago and I liked the content, although not enough hardcore for me. I do remember beautiful girls and slow servers, however. I'm going to give HOH a try and hopefully, they have improved their servers.

09-01-07  08:33am

Visit Hands on Hardcore

Hands on Hardcore
Reply of exotics4me's Review

good review of HOH. I have a question. You say there are HD vids and TBP says some of them are in HD. Do you know approximately how many of the 600 videos are offered in HD?

08-27-07  05:07pm

Visit Peter North DVD

Peter North DVD
Reply of C Spanker's Reply

Good question because I didnt even notice that in the statement.
I can honestly say NO, that I have not received anything in the mail. At least, I have not received anything of a pornographic nature and nothing that I know about.


08-27-07  04:56pm

Visit High Def Ass Fucking

High Def Ass Fucking
Reply of King's Reply

No, the video did not play because I quickly exited. I am using NOD32, which has not let me down in the past three months I've been using it.
In defense of this site, I notified them, they said they would look into it. I went back to play the demo file again and the virus was gone...at least NOD32 did not detect it. But everything seems to be fine now.

08-24-07  07:35am

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

I voted yes because while it does not expose webmasters all the time, it gives the longtime members the opportunity to make a more intelligent decision when a high rating comes in from just one person who has little credibility elsewhere.

08-24-07  07:30am

Visit Club Red Light

Club Red Light
Reply of jd1961's Reply

While I agree that DRM sites are the bane of our porn perusal, I joined this one for a month because I admire their productions. I had read that the streaming was friendlier than most...and it is.

Now, I cancelled before my month was up because I am not going to show continued support to DRM sites. They need to catch up with the sites who once had DRM and are now removing them.

08-22-07  08:14am

Visit Third Movies

Third Movies
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

I can't comment on the timing of the releases since I have not followed their productions in the past. I can say that they have some good content in there. If you preview the site, you can take a look at the list of vids offered. If there seems to be a good bunch in there that you haven't seen yet, then it would be worth it for you.
Again, it's hi-quality videos with somewhat slow download speed and nearly no DRM.

08-21-07  09:11am

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