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If a poll is rejected by PU for being similar to an earlier one, how long should elapse before it can be asked again?

Type: Our Site

Submitted by surferman (0)
1 year 32% 16 Votes
2 years 2% 1 Votes
6 months 48% 24 Votes
Never 10% 5 Votes
Other 8% 4 Votes

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50 Votes Total

Jan 10, 2009

Poll Replies (21)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Lionheart (0) I would say about half a year would be fine, by then new members would have joined by then and maybe some options have changed
01-10-09  03:35am

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TalonIcefire (0) I would agree have to agree with Lionheart. People come and go. Opinions change. Debates are ever expanding.
01-10-09  05:42am

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TrashMan (Disabled) Never, thanks.
01-10-09  06:20am

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - TalonIcefire :

You are aware that past poll questions can still be voted on and that you can even change your past vote, right?

Not trying to shade your opinion, just making sure you're aware that poll questions never really die.

01-10-09  06:44am

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pat362 (0) I'm we you guys. I think 6 months is good enough
time between each poll question that revisiting and old question isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not too mention, but since the question mention similar it implies that they weren't exactly the same. Those differences may change the entire
outcome of the poll question.

01-10-09  07:05am

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Denner (0) I voted the six months...
In this kind of line it just seems impossible, that we (PUs) now and then NOT hit something thats been "kind of" up to debate before.
And again it may be a matter of a small diffenrence in a poll - and so what? As long as we keep polls alive and well in a mix of polls suggested by PUs or placed by TBP...
And like they say in the newspaper-bussiness: Readers sure have a short memory....and frankly - somtimes I think TBP is a little fast to reject a poll, just because the subject has been up earlier.

01-10-09  08:05am

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rearadmiral (0) I voted six months, though though I probably would have selected three months if that was an option.

The issue here is what is 'similar'? The member suggesting a poll may have a particular nuance in mind that wasn't captured in the original poll.

01-10-09  08:45am

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atrapat (0) They only get the spotlight for a couple days and then disappear into the Previous Polls section. Maybe, on the home page, there could be a couple links below the latest poll to the two previous ones (title only, no results). This way, discussion could go on.

On the other hand, it's hard to know an archived poll you might be interested in has received further replies unless it was a direct reply to you. Forum automatically bumps topics to top when they get replies but polls are only sortable by creation date, total votes and total replies.

Bottom Line: Archived Polls should be sortable by last reply received and it should be the default option.

01-10-09  09:26am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #8 - atrapat :

Agree. The discussions under many polls goes beyond just the question. But unlike the forum, the discussion has to be searched for when a new poll is created.

In any case IMO, the editors should consider the possibility of resurrecting an actual previous poll if enough possibly redundant suggestions are submitted, just because the subject has continuing interest.

01-10-09  10:44am

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surferman (0) I asked this question after suggesting a previous poll about whether the majority of us prefer a model to be shaven, partly shaven, or completely natural, and it turns out a similar poll had been submitted more than 18 months ago, and so my new poll was declined. It turned out my poll was almost identical to the previous one, but I thought that with the change in PU membership, as well as the change in tastes, it was maybe worth asking the question again. Thus I wondered what everyone elses views were. My own thoughts would be about a year would be right to save too much duplication.
01-10-09  11:35am

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Drooler (Disabled) Khan's right: the poll questions never die. Yet to the users, they seem not only to have died but also to have faded into the same obscurity enjoyed by hoymen and wheelwrights. So atrapat makes an important point, too, and almost gets to the suggestion that when polls are updated with replies or votes that the users here can see it more clearly on the home page.

So I'd like to second that suggestion. I think it would be a good idea -- if our wonderful PU staff people would kindly entertain the notion.

Really, good poll questions are harder to come up with than forum threads. And why reinvent when you can just keep using what you've got? And why ask the same question again and again? It's not like we're all married to each other. ;)

01-10-09  11:54am

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Rick (Suspended) Great feedback so far.

Here's a valuable link for those wanting to view polls based on the "last reply" date. To get here, click Browse Replies from the main menu, then from the feedback selector option select Polls.

I think it's a great idea to add sorting option to the Poll Archives as well as an option and possibly the default sorting order. Look for this update soon hopefully!

01-10-09  12:18pm

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TalonIcefire (0) REPLY TO #4 - Khan :

Yes, thanks. I’m definitely aware of the poll archives. I’ve even read through a few of them. There are quite a few interesting topics and comments and no, my current opinion is not shaded with your reply. There's nothing wrong with good conversation.
01-10-09  04:03pm

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Tree Rodent (0) I voted for a year, but given the replies I am thinking maybe six months would be better.
01-10-09  04:46pm

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badandy400 (0) Well, having it again is a good idea. Simply changing your opinion does not mean as much. If I change a vote on a previous poll no one will ever notice.

Also, sometimes it is nice to see how opinions change with time. Example, video resolution...2 years ago 640x480 might have been just fine where as now opinions may lean more towards 1280x720 or such.

Some polls would retarded to revisit, but others are much deserving of being brought back to light.

Especial very old polls. We have a good handful of new members and it would not make sense to vote on the same poll. Kinda like political polls, have to keep them current to capture everyone's opinion at the same time.

01-10-09  06:31pm

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User (0) REPLY TO #1 - Lionheart :

I voted Other because I think that six months is too long. I would say two to three months becuase there are too many factors entering into some of these polls and there are new Users online all the time whose opinions may bring new and different lights to the poll.
01-10-09  07:09pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #15 - badandy400 :

Now that you've made that point, I do see what you mean about opinions changing.

So, yes, re-running a poll completely afresh after a year would make sense. But after six months seems too soon, unless the topic really warrants it. Opinions on some topics probably change slower than on others. DRM, for instance. I doubt anyone is going to hate it any less in Jan. 2010.

01-11-09  09:03am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #11 - Drooler :

I really like the idea of resurrecting an older but popular poll. New people and new ideas can be far more interesting than a poll question that seems forced just to have a new one.
01-11-09  10:05am

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lk2fireone (0) Even tho past polls are archived and can still be voted on, a current poll, even if it's basically the same idea as a past poll, just seems fresher and more relevant. A few current votes on a past poll would have little effect on most people. How many PU members actually go over past polls every few months to see what was voted for, and to see the results?
01-11-09  09:05pm

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apoctom (0) I think that there are enough new members/changes in perspective that a new poll every six months is appropriate.
01-20-09  10:41am

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C Spanker (0) I don't think it ever needs to be re asked. I'm going through the archive right now to respond as I wait for the slow downloads from a site and need something to pass the time.
02-28-09  09:08am

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