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Visit Stephanie Cane

Stephanie Cane
Reply of DpornGuy's Comment

FWIW: for me it also opens cing.com.

05-03-11  08:31am

Visit Fucking Gamble

Fucking Gamble
Reply of asmith12's Comment

FWIW, here goes my report. I've downloaded all three of their samples (200M to 900M in size), and burned them on my external LG Blu-ray burner to BD-RE disc (burning took like three clicks on my Windows 7 after downloading). All three played on my Sony player without problems, menus worked and so on. I felt that quality of the smallest sample was similar to DVD, medium one felt better than DVD, and largest one was almost like medium one, better than DVDs, but a bit worse than high-end Hollywood Blu-ray movies (it is apples and oranges, but I think it still cannot compete with titles like Sherlock).

I've decided that medium quality is the best for me (almost the same quality as high-end one but much smaller), and downloaded the whole Game 26. It took 8G for a 3 hour movie, and I think it was well worth waiting. I indeed enjoyed watching it not in front of monitor, but on a large TV screen in my bedroom (BTW, my g/f liked it too, and I will not elaborate on what happened during watching ;) ).

Pros: can watch on TV, high quality, funny menu, convenient menu structure, "Action Only" option is interesting
Cons: relatively large (medium quality is comparable to 6MBit/s clips), extras are rather basic
Things I'd like to be added/improved: printable label, quality to beat Hollywood while keeping the size (I know it is not realistic, but can't I dream a bit? ;) ), "behind the scenes" stuff and model bios in extras

Bottom line: for me, "Medium Quality Blu-ray ISO" is a clear winner over 6MBit/s and 12MBit/s clips: it is the same quality as 12MBit/s at size of 6Mbit/s, can be watched on TV, and has funny menus. If you guys will add more extra features - it will be even better, but even now it is certainly the best adult movie I've ever seen (even before taking into account the price).

04-28-11  09:21pm

Visit Totally Undressed

Totally Undressed
Reply of Capn's Reply

Sorry, didn't check (stills are not really my cup of tea), but I doubt they're worth it even for fans of stills.

04-17-11  08:06am

Visit Totally Undressed

Totally Undressed
Reply of Orb Ltd's Reply

Thanks a lot! If you could post it in site news here when subtitles are ready, it would be even better :-).

04-17-11  07:51am

Visit Totally Undressed

Totally Undressed
Reply of Capn's Reply

There are photosets, but they're nothing special IMHO. You can't see much emotions from them, and quality is mediocre (500px larger side), though they IMHO do not look as a screencaps.

04-17-11  07:49am

Visit Totally Undressed

Totally Undressed
Reply of otoh's Reply

I think they're playing "just one more step" game, going VERY GRADUALLY (stand up - take off shoes to measure height without them - a few commands to turn - now take off blouse - etc.) but for this kind of mind games it becomes absolutely important to know what they're saying.


04-15-11  04:52am

Visit Kink On Demand

Kink On Demand
Reply of elephant's Reply

As it is not changing, I've got a feeling it is just a marketing trick aiming to make us think exactly "at these prices you really might as well subscribe for a little more".

Well, at least they're not cheating us, pricing is out there, fair and square.

04-13-11  05:02am

N/A Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

> Okay, a site that has a backlog of 500 sets available but no new updates, does it really piss people off having access to _only_ 500 sets instead of 500 plus 5?
No idea about people in general, but yes, it pisses me off. And it is not about 500 vs 500+5, but about three things. The first thing is that if site hasn't been updated for 2 years or so, it can't possibly have stuff in decent quality. The second reason is that sites which are no longer updated, are way too often reselling same old non-exclusive stuff. The third thing is more subtle: if I know that some clip was there for a while, it is not new anymore, and this feeling alone has a chilling effect on me. I feel it is similar to the reason why people are paying BIG money to see a NEW movie as soon as it comes out (while the very same movie will be available for 30% of the price half a year down the road). Illogical? Maybe, but so is whole human nature.

So for me personally, update frequency is very important, and while I still can join a site which doesn't update anymore, if I have any choice, I will prefer site with recent updates.

07-21-10  04:52am

Visit VideosZ

Reply of Jay G's Reply

Frankly, I wouldn't be so satisfied with this response. I think that if they have something as "Coming Soon" in member area, they should NOT advertise it in preview. Ok, as a former member who didn't have problems there, I can give them benefit of doubt and agree that they might not do this deception on purpose, but in this case I'd expect them to apologize and pull this stuff from preview area ASAP.

P.S. There is an interesting recent trend, with webmasters replying here on PU more eagerly then to support e-mails. I think next time I have a problem on any site I'll post it as a comment, it seems to have MUCH more chances to be solved this way.

02-23-10  08:30am

Visit Naked News

Naked News
Reply of kkman112's Reply

I see your point, but in a sense "very good" and "even better" are the ONLY valid units of measurement :-) (everything else can be misused or even abused, for example, 5MBit/s sounds great, but only until you realize it is MPEG-1 or poorly encoded MPEG-4 in .MOV format from old Apple days).

If you want to know about bitrates and resolutions for NakedNews downloads, I can't provide much useful info for this specific site, because (as a fairly rare exception for me) I don't do any downloads on NakedNews (I don't see the point in storing "stale" news).
The only thing I've seen is their streaming, which is IMHO the best streaming I've ever seen. I've tried to measure it's bitrate and found that it's surprisingly low, somewhere between 500kBit/s and 750kBit/s, but visually it is MUCH better then "usual" streaming/downloads at this bitrate which you can find elsewhere.

For the record: I was their "Gold" member (the one for which they had "free 3 days" promo a week ago, not sure if it still lasts), for other types of membership YMMV (there should be some difference, shouldn't it?).

02-13-10  04:23am

Visit Sex And Submission

Sex And Submission
Reply of pat362's Reply

Ditto to it. Kink.com sites are unusual and might be love-or-hate at least for some people, but they usually provide a VERY good idea about their sites in preview areas. And I can confirm that I had never seen DRM on any kink.com site (hope they still work that way).

02-12-10  10:59pm

Visit 4 Real Amateurs

4 Real Amateurs
Reply of Khan's Reply

Oops, I didn't see it before, sorry (it's a side effect of going through "New Replies", it's easy to miss replies to somebody else).

02-12-10  10:47pm

Visit 4 Real Amateurs

4 Real Amateurs
Reply of Khan's Reply

I see your point, but as I see it now (and as I've seen it yesterday), it doesn't redirect, at least right now. It is not a big deal, but if possible I prefer if you can keep my hard work spent on writing that review :-).

02-12-10  06:01am

Visit 4 Real Amateurs

4 Real Amateurs
Reply of Khan's Reply

Shouldn't it be simply marked as 'clone' then? I've spent some effort writing review and it would be nice to see it somewhere again :-).

02-11-10  09:41am

Visit Adult 4D

Adult 4D
Reply of anyonebutme's Comment

Yes, please comment on real 3D options, because I've tried "cross-eye" method and while I was able to see 3D effect, it took too much efforts to enjoy it :-(.

02-11-10  08:05am

Visit Lost Bets Games

Lost Bets Games
Reply of Capn's Reply

Thanks for explanation. From my point of view (as a customer of LostBetsGames) getting old stuff which has already been eaten (oops, sorry, sold) isn't a good thing, so I'm going to keep revised rating of 72 :-).

02-03-10  03:50am

Visit Lost Bets Games

Lost Bets Games
Reply of Capn's Reply

What matters to me (and I think the rest) is the following: is it exclusive in the sense that this content can be found ONLY on LostBetsGames?

02-02-10  06:42pm

Visit Fucking Gamble

Fucking Gamble
Reply of Capn's Reply

Not really, thanks for heads-up (for some reason VirtualFem is not in 'sex games' niche).

02-02-10  06:36pm

Visit Lost Bets Games

Lost Bets Games
Reply of Capn's Reply

Thanks for insight, but [beep], [beep] and once again [beep] (sorry for being rude, but I cannot help it). Obviously, reselling old content is much cheaper for them then making new one, but reselling old content using new production dates is something I can't consider an honest business practice.

BTW, maybe you can submit an error report on TBP to challenge their claim that "All content is exclusive (advertised as 100% exclusive.)."?

02-02-10  05:00am

Visit Spicy Roulette

Spicy Roulette
Reply of Rick's Reply

I deny any responsibility in the matter ;-).

01-29-10  05:19am

Visit Spicy Roulette

Spicy Roulette
Reply of mbaya's Reply

Obviously it's a critical question, sorry that I didn't mention it in review (got used for this stuff to be covered by TBP :-)); I was able to find 8 games on the site, each about an hour of video. For me even $30 they're asking for is not THAT much for such original content, but obviously opinions can vary :-). There are 2 bonus sites thrown in too (MyDrFeelGood and PrivateHandjobs), but I cannot comment on them.

12-28-09  04:22am

N/A Reply of Denner's Reply

> Fun poll, asmith - It makes you kind of nostalgic.
I didn't think about this side when submitting it, but you're right - when reading it, it IS kind of nostalgic :-).

12-23-09  12:49am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

> Let's see: asmith12's answer was "Tried and got laid." ;)
Nice try :-), but I didn't answer until today.

12-23-09  12:42am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of big johnny's Reply

Thanks for warning.

12-12-09  08:34am

Visit Humiliation POV

Humiliation POV
Reply of submale2's Reply

Well, most of us here are "losers with nothing better to do". Except, of course, certain smart guys who're trying to make money out of PU by putting ridiculous ratings for certain websites, and even not bothering to write more then a few lines to justify it.

Sincerely Yours,
Loser with Nothing Better to do

12-04-09  11:20pm

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