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N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

Crikey guys, I submitted this poll about 2 years ago - just got an email saying Poll Live - forgot you lot existed !

Great to be back !

05-19-12  03:50am

N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

My, that sparked off a discussion !!!

Perhaps we should start a thread on the forums.

Of course the poll could have had 100 entries, but the one's listed are my pet hates !

The worst for me is blokes gettin in the way, being too visible or audible.....as far as I'm concerned,'Leah Luv' or 'Sasha Grey' are being real dirty with.........ME (!)....... not some dumbass geezer who thinks he's the biz just 'cos he's got a 13 inch dick !

But second, especially with South American and Russian stuff, is the fake moans from girls who immediately start a 30 minute-long orgasm when they start touching their bajingoes !

12-03-09  03:42am

N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

I realise that most people have multiple reasons.....construncting a poll using multiples would be rather difficult.

I guess, the "main" reason would qualify if it the FIRST thing you do when you login.....most times.

For me, I always check out new sites first....then have a nose around after that.

11-23-09  05:32am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Well in the UK.....enough said !

Anything you think "may" be illegal...probably is.

Fortunately, as long it involves adults, there are very few cases of prosecution, as long as you are not selling it.

I recently found out that peeing is NOT illegal in the UK.....I thought it was...and used to delete (securely)....any vids that had that (and many have).....but apparently it is only illegal if it is "onto someone else"......so guess what I did the very next day ?? !!

11-14-09  06:38am

N/A Reply of kkman112's Reply

Just use "Truecrypt" to create a "device" from an entire hard drive. It is impossible to tell if it is anything other, than corrupt data.

Windows doesn't recognise it, and asks if you want to format it......"plausible deniability"......!

11-14-09  06:34am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Reply

Nah....in hell, all your porn has to be downloaded using a Torrent program on dial up.

Also, if you ever get to watch a full video, your PC will crash, just before the cum shot.

11-14-09  06:31am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Well it was easy for me - To give head.....I am 100% hetero, so that, for me, would be extremely diificult. Wish everything in life was so cut and dry !

10-26-09  03:42pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

10 by 8 all the way.

01-05-08  08:08am

N/A Reply of elephant's Reply

Yeah me too - it's difficult scrolling and changing pics with one hand...! hehe !

01-05-08  08:07am

N/A Reply of Your News

I agree that is a step forward to prevent abuse: however, another sign that even a "registered" user may well be a person with a financial interest in certain sites and may be attempting to "skew" results, is if an individual is reviewing "too many" sites.

Very few people can afford to join more than say 2 or 3 sites a month.

Also, make sure people can only register with IP email address, ie. don't allow yahoo or hotmail etc.


02-08-07  03:28am

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

Yes indeedy...see my reviews on mayors network......apparently porn studios, or rather the stars, are a little reticent about HiDef....it means complete body makeup -- yuk !

So, I qualify my "yes" vote - not for stuff that's too hardcore. I wanna porno film in the end, not a gynaecology manual.

The problem I've noticed with the relatively small amount of HiDef available, is the overuse of closeups...the irony is clear of course: the whole point of HiDef, imo, is that you no longer NEED to use closeups - so, yes, but thw whole approach to direction and filming needs rethinking !

02-08-07  03:09am

N/A Reply of Your News

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents worth.

I feel the future is HiDef. I live in a place where we have no freedom of speech - the UK.

The only DVD quality porn we can get hold of, that is not censored, is via the net.

Please help the UK users by pushing HiDef, not so much as a "nich", but a requirement in the 21st Century.

Believe me, playing HiDef vids (720p min,.)- not that there many yet - via a decent HDMi cable to a large LCD or Plasma is a joy to behold !

The added benefit is that being compressed by wmv HD codecs they are certainly worth the extra space on the old hard drive, or on a regular DVD R disk. Due to the compression factor, you can still get a full 2 hours of movie on a 4 GB disk !

So I would really like to see the HiDef "niche" on your main site, promoted to full prominence on the site index.


01-12-07  01:59pm

Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day
Reply of Davit's Review

Totally agree with your commments on bad direction and technical work. This is made even worse when these "professionals" start playing with Hi Definition. HD is notoriously difficult to use well. They should really be sent on a course...what a waste some of these sites are...they have cash and willing girls but can't produce a decent movie to save their lives.

HiDef shoud not be held held unless absolutely necessary. This type of fil making could easily be 80% tripod based...but no...and the exposure/lighting is all to pot as well. Some of these guys may as well use a cellular phone...it would be cheaper and give just the same results.

The eastern European ones are the worst culprits. They really need a wake-up call !

Rant over.......Happy New Year !

01-05-08  08:06am

Visit 18 Only Girls

18 Only Girls
Reply of NightOwl's Comment

These problems are no more - I assure you.

Plenty of H/C and all sites are accessible. See my recent review.

04-18-09  03:47pm

Visit 1Pondo.tv

Reply of monty2222's Reply

Try clicking on the categoris on the left of the home page and you can download some previews.

Probably won't be long before I join to be honest....!!! Just saving the pennies.

10-26-09  03:39pm

Visit 8Teen Kitties

8Teen Kitties
Reply of Denner's Comment

Hmmm...and no previews either.

Me thinks it is a small site.

I always get suspicious when sites are not 100% transparent.

Think I'll steer clear for now.

05-31-09  03:35pm

Visit Abelinda

Reply of dracken's Reply

Well I actually joined both......both different.

The Ablelinda site is mainly HD - although not encoded well (very stuttery), while the TinyTyler site is low res stuff.

You have to very careful with the TinyTyler site, as there a lots of cross sells, instant upsells etc etc. I joined with prepaid card, with just enough credit to cover the cost.

01-17-10  08:05am

Visit All Teen Rev Pass

All Teen Rev Pass
Reply of OneMan's Comment


This is what I received from the Credit Card company that services the site:

"The charge of $9.95 is only a pre-authorization to ensure that the credit card
used is valid and there is room on the card if ever the membership is upgraded.
But we assure you that this is not an actual charge but just a temporary hold on
the funds that will usually fall off your bank within 72 hours once the membership
has been canceled."

Now, as far as I'm concerned, this is rubbish. I have never seen anyone take more than $1 from a credit card to check iD etc.

Besides, what the firm did not do, is to tell me that I was given access to a 3 day trial which would be rebilled at $9.99 unless I cancelled.

Unfortunately, I had no idea that I had been signed-up to it and so would not have cancelled it anyway !

But, taking $9.99 from on'es account without authorisation is 'not on', in my book !

However they dress it up, it is dodgy practice at best.

I really wanted to try out Tiny Tyler, but I no longer wish to patronise this company...on principle, if nothing else. At worst, sufring the member area which is full of instant upselling links, is not my idea of fun, as I have found to my cost in the past !

These sites that use dodgy practices should be named and shamed.
I still maintain that instant upsells are not legal...at least in the UK, Contract Law requires clear offer and acceptance.....credit card practice should not allow it...at least ethically if not legally. Disgraceful.

10-26-09  10:39am

Visit Download Porn

Download Porn
Reply of OneMan's Review

It appears that these may be downloadable, depending on how you access the site. If you see the comments re my review on the sister site: megasites.com, it looks as though, if you join from megasites.com, you only get access to streaming versions.

Given that access to both sites, when joining from TBP.com, is the same - $9.99 or 9.99 euros if in Europe - I can't see the logic to be honest.

Both sites "upsell" to the other site, at the same price. You work it out....!!!????

07-23-09  02:41pm

Visit Gloryhole Girlz

Gloryhole Girlz
Reply of mbaya's Review

Did you notice if th videos were stuttury ? The samples I saw, had a framerate of 15 fps.....25 fps is the minimum standard rate.

Also, they are now using Netcash......byt it is still $15 if you hit the back button after going to the join page.

10-13-09  05:45am

Visit Gloryhole.com

Reply of fortherecord777's Comment

Shouldn't the review be updated to reflect the fact that vids are "now shot in HD" ???

However, ALL the vids have this stamped on them, altohugh they cannot all be HD...so it obvioly begs the question....how many are ??? !!!

Still seems a little repetitive though.....same format, same cock......same old, same old.....? !!! And, TOO expensive. Halve the price and I may join.

The other "free" sites are not of the same genre and most people wouldn't find them of any interest.

10-07-09  01:58pm

Visit Gods Girls

Gods Girls
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

What I meant was a 'proper email address': ie. one linked to an isp as opposed to Hotmail or Yahoo.

It may just reduce spammers if you see what I mean, although I can appreciate some problems with certain isp's as you say.

08-30-07  02:42pm

Visit Hardcore Max

Hardcore Max
Reply of Wittyguy's Comment

Old Maxwell should seek the help of someone.....he needs it. Yuk.

07-24-09  11:43am

Visit House Of Taboo

House Of Taboo
Reply of pat362's Review

I've noticed that a lot of sites do this.

The scenes are mixed up randomly so it's virtually impossible to track the site and tell how often the "updates" are.

disgraceful, but with review sites like this their days are numbered !!!

12-11-07  04:01am

Visit Hustler HD

Hustler HD
Reply of insomniacxxx's Reply

Also, why is it called "Hustler HD", but the video rates per TBP, are around 1500 k ????

Bear in mind, that Hustler have such a massive income from DVD/Blu-Ray sales in the states, they will NEVER allow even DVD quality DVDs to be accessed for $30 per month....NEVER !

10-06-09  10:50am

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