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Only Cuties
Reply of
OneMan's Comment
Just a small point: the British pound has nothing to do with the Euro!
02-18-08 03:43pm
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Or James Hanson. Actually, don't ask him, whatever you do. He'll just find a way of linking it to global warming, like he does everything else. We'll have to buy porn credits, and be accountable for our spunk footprint. Guys with vasectomies will be taxed less of course, for 'running on unleaded' with lower emissions. And developing nations will be deprived of ever getting the porn we in the West enjoy.
You can see I've given this serious thought.
My head hurts.
02-18-08 03:34pm
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
Monahan has it right - this is all about Market Research. Although, I still fail to see how useful this info is! I mean, what is night for one person will be mid afternoon for another, depending on your global location. And in the UK it is Wednesday when it is Sunday in Australia. And they celebrate Christmas in June. And Americans drive on the wrong side of the road.
I mention these important details in case they are relevant.
02-18-08 02:18pm
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Glad you mentioned about the '29 day' thing. I've been stung by that too, when I was convinced I'd worked out my calendar correctly (I mean, dir, how hard is it to count 30 days!). And I always included the day I joined, even if that was 11.57pm or whatever. So as you said, it must be a time zone thing, i.e. I'd joined at say, 2am, but the time zone put me at 11pm the previous day, or something.
Twice I have cancelled on the 'last day', only to have been billed again for another month! So now, when I join a site, I always get it cancelled within a few days. It's not the odd day I quibble about - it's the extra month's fee!
02-18-08 02:12pm
ALS Scan
Reply of
daveboy's Reply
So, if a guy has the right kind of voice, you 'love' it?
I'm assuming you're not gay, so I'll just resign myself to total confusion, and leave it at that.
02-17-08 03:30pm
ALS Scan
Reply of
daveboy's Reply
I know what you mean about design, Dave - but when I said 'design' I was thinking more in terms of navigation and layout, rather than cosmetics.
But you're right, design comes a far second place to actual content.
As for that camp guy's voice making you 'feel like you could be there holding the lights', I'm sure that's not what most of us fantasise about when we watch porn (not that I'm criticising you). If it were a female director, then for me that would be a whole different thing. But none of my fantasies involve the sound of a camp guy - any guy for that matter - in my ear. That's my biggest issue with the site. To be fair, judging from other comments, I reckon I'm in a minority with this opinion.
02-17-08 07:40am
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
Not the most interesting of polls this. Not exactly sure what we're meant to gain from this, but for the record I answered 'weekday/night' as it tends to be night when I watch porn, and I'm more likely to be home weekday nights.
02-17-08 07:32am
ALS Scan
Reply of
daveboy's Review
Gotta say, I find a score of 90 way too high for a site with such poor content, bad site design, and a bloke with a camp voice that talks all over the movies. Just my opinion though, glad you enjoyed it. :)
02-16-08 06:19am
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
I have tried a few, and been ripped off. Once I wasted several minutes (and British Pounds) on a girl that just ignored my every request. I complained to their customer support, and was just told "You can't order the girls to do stuff, they're not robots!" But I was being perfectly polite, but she just ignored me! So, fair enough, i just never went back again. Their loss. (Unfortunately I can't remember which one it was).
On the other hand the best one IMO is Streamate (and there are probably other websites that are clones of this and take the same cam 'feeds').
You will find girls on here that genuinely CUM - I mean proper thick creamy white girl-cum that pours from their pussies; not piss from the urethra that so-called 'squirt' sites have.
See my review for it. I like also, but I find Streamate the best value, because for a cheap monthly fee you have access to ALL the recorded shows on the site! It is also full of gorgeous filthy girls that are also responsive to your requests. And for as little as $2 a minute.
If anyone can recommend another as good as this (and the same value) I would love to hear about it.
02-15-08 01:01pm
Club Dorothy Black
Reply of
matyko's Reply
Thanks Matyko, your reply was much appreciated. I am certain that the site will improve greatly, judging by your positive response. I wish all webmasters/customer support were as positive as you have been.
I look forward to visiting the site again at a later date once the upgrades are in place. With this in mind, I shall delay my full review until then.
Once again, thanks for your friendly response. This means a lot to customers.
02-15-08 12:45pm
Reply of
roseman's Poll
Me thinks Pinche protests too much! Haha! ;)
02-14-08 02:39pm
Reply of
Pinche Kankun's Reply
Hi Pinche, I never said you were gay. Even if you are, it's nothing to be ashamed of, so you shouldn't feel you have to deny it round here.
I'm only joking Pinche! ;)
Peace. :)
02-12-08 02:52pm
Reply of
ace of aces's Reply
Ace, STD means 'Sexually Transmitted Diseases'.
02-12-08 02:44pm
Reply of
RagingBuddhist's Poll
I think I might be a pervert, given that I love to see lesbians licking each other's pussies and aresholes, etc, etc.
In the true sense of the word 'perverted', I am perverted by images I have seen, so that something I would have 'naturally' found attractive is now kicked into second place by something that is 'unnatural' in the real sense. In other words, if it weren't for DVD/internet images, there's no way in my life I would be subject to such images in the natural world.
But by the same token, you could say most of modern life is 'unnatural' and that we're all 'perverted' in one way or another, not necessarily sexually. There's hardly anything 'natural' about modern life anymore anyway.
Do I feel guilty about my obsession (for that is what it is becoming)? Yes, definitely, because it is at odds with the accepted norms of the society I live in. It also surely has an affect on my relationship with my girlfriend (who does not even know I watch porn) as it surely influences my sexual behaviour. How could it not! And a large part of me suspects my life might be more fulfilled without porn, as I would fill my time in more meaningful ways. But I'm hooked, just as I am with cigarettes, so until I decide to bite the bullet and go cold turkey or whatever, I'll continue to watch it and get my 'fix'.
But the bottom line is - I know I'm still an decent honest guy who wouldn't harm a fly. There are so-called 'clean living' guys out there that would never watch porn but are nasty evil bastards. So on balance, I'm probably doing ok!
The fact that a person feels guilty at all, is actually a good sign in my opinion, not something to be denied - it means we have sensitivities, and worry about our actions and how we live our lives. A person devoid of guilt is a person that doesn't care for himself or others.
Yes, guilt can destroy a person if it is too deep or not dealt with - but it also guides us in a positive way - it's our conscience talking to us.
I'll shut up now! :)
02-12-08 02:39pm
Reply of
Pinche Kankun's Reply
Sounds horrible to me, Pinche. But that's my subjective opinion - I don't enjoy seeing naked guys and dicks and spunk in my porn. I just wanna see gorgeous sexy babes! Each to his own, as they say.
02-09-08 08:04am
Reply of
Goldfish's Poll
I voted 'who cares', but I really mean 'who cares as long as the girl looks gorgeous and sexy'.
One of the absolutely most sexy babes out there is Cameron (otherwise known as Lisa) who appears in many Viv Thomas productions. I think she might be retired now, which if that is the case is very sad, as she is just one of the most naturally sexy older (mid 30s) porn stars out there. And she has always had shorter than average hair. I don't think she'd look any better with long flowing hair.
And long flowing hair has the annoyance of easily blocking the camera's view when the girl is going down on another girl, unless it is tied back, of course.
02-09-08 07:58am
Reply of
ace of aces's Reply
Gotta say in response to that comment, Ace, if you think dying of some STD is a fair price for a fuck on a porn movie set, then it's probably just as well that, like most of us, you'll never get the opportunity!
02-07-08 10:41am
Reply of
roseman's Poll
I think it takes a special (shallow?) kind of guy to be able to do that. To perform under that kind of pressure for the camera, with all the crew watching, and stopping and starting every 2 minutes for various takes and angles. No matter how gorgeous the babe(s) is (are) I reckon I would just be too intimidated by that situation - the fluffers would be working overtime!
Nah, I voted 'I would never do that'. I suspect porn is a whole lot more fun to watch than actually make.
02-07-08 10:35am
Reply of
RagingBuddhist's Poll
I agree that cost should not be factored into the site's score. The main reason for this is, there are some truly awful sites out there that are a complete waste of time, but only cost literally 2 or 3 dollars to sign up to. If cost was a factor, you would have these bullshit sites getting higher scores than, say, Club Sandy, which is a fine site, but quite expensive.
I say: mention the price in the review by all means, but base the score purely on the quality/quantity of the content.
02-06-08 02:14pm
Reply of
Pinche Kankun's Reply
Not sure about your idea of 'political' porn, Pinche. Unless they finally released the CCTV video of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski in the oval office. (What was it Bill said during the investigation: "Yes, she sucked mah dick - but she did not - and I wanna make this clear - she did not swallow.")
No, I think it's more a case of producers making porn that they *assume* everyone is going to like, even though there is no research to back it up. True, we all have different tastes. I like lesbian and solo girl. Pinche, you like BG where the boy cums on the girl's body. We're all different. But there are a few standard things that the vast majority of us would not choose to see, regardless of general genre. And this poll indicates that the majority of us are not fond of spitting.
Big up to Porn Users for this latest poll. We need more polls like this to show the industry where they are doing things right - and where they are doing things wrong.
02-06-08 02:00pm
Reply of
Goldfish's Poll
The result so far (80% say either 'not my thing' or 'it's disgusting') proves how far removed porn producers are from the audiences. For me personally, it's a real turn-off. It's not only horrible to watch IMO, it's also usually pointless: why spit on a pussy just to lick it off, for example? And if the spit is just for lube, surely a good squirt of oil or cream or whatever is far far sexier!
I know it seems a bit prudish - but I hate to see spitting in the street, and by the same token, I don't want to see it in my porn either.
02-05-08 11:55am
Reply of
Pinche Kankun's Poll
I have found the 10 minute limit a bit annoying on a couple of occasions. Admittedly, it's always been my own fault - missing a glaring spelling error, or writing something in the heat of the moment and regretting it half an hour later!
I think 10 minutes is just a little bit stingy, if I may be so bold! Half and hour would be nice.
(Yes, I'm still talking about the subject of post edits, in case you're wondering!)
02-04-08 03:58pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Could have done with an option for "I would prefer to see the face if she's not bad, but if she's ugly then yes, please keep it hidden, and still film her as long as she's a dirty little minx. But if she's neither pretty or dirty, then she's in the wrong job".
Just got to work out how to put that into a few words...
01-31-08 11:40am
Reply of
Toadsith's Poll
I just have one folder for each website that I've been a member of - modified to display the logo of the site (obtained by googling images of the website).
Then within each folder I have 2 sub-folders: 'Movies' and 'Pics'. And that's about it.
At one time I started to build up a separate folder of shortcuts by model name - but then I realised it was taking up a lot of my time, and was somewhat sad! So I deleted it and now if I want to find a particular model's movies, I just perform a quick search.
All my movies are named by model name plus an indication of the sourced site, e.g. Peaches-Zafira-SE.wmv (where 'SE' stands for Sapphic Erotica). That way if I make copies of the movies to store elsewhere, I can see instantly where they came from (without having to click each movie to see the on-screen watermark). I name my picture set folders in the same way. Solo girl movies/sets consist of model name plus site's description, e.g. Bridgett-mellow fruits-CS.avi (where 'CS' refers to Club Sandy).
01-29-08 01:50pm
Reply of
nygiants03's Poll
I think Pinche Kankun needs to take his pills and lie down.
Anyhoo, I reckon this poll is pretty evenly split. But forget all this deep-throat shit. And as for watching some stubbly-faced bloke licking pussy, that's an even bigger turn-off. I just don't get why any hetro guy wants to see naked guys in porn!
I wonder how split this poll would be if the question were: 'Do you like to see a girl deep-tongue another girl's pussy and ass'.
Now, that would be a no-brainer.
01-27-08 04:25pm