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N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I picked somewhat but only because I have joined some sites that didn't have thousands of updates and therefore it didn't take long to go through all of their content to find the ones that I wanted. It's a complete difference if you have thousands of updates because the time required to go though all of them and download the ones you will keep will be so long and time consuming that you need that search option to help narrow the search.

09-16-13  03:33am

N/A Reply of turboshaft's Poll

I'd say teens to mid-20's because porn life can be quite hard on people and porn performers tend to age prematurely fast.

09-12-13  03:40am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked somewhat likely because I have done this a couple of times in the past but the number of sites and/or networks who's content and reliability is top notch is tiny. I probably wouldn't do it at this time if for no other reason that the porn moratorium may use up whatever unreleased content a site has and you'll essentially be paying for older content.

09-10-13  03:35am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've got one on my upper right arm that I got when I was 18 so long before they became what they are today. I can't say that I regret getting it but I also can't say that not having it would be an issue.

If I had to do it over then I would have skipped getting a tattoo and used my 72$ US dollars to do something more interesting during my vacation.

09-08-13  11:10am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I much prefer picking my one in large part because some sites don't allow you to access the page where their generated password is located so you need another web page opened on your email to see the password. The other annoying thing is that their password is often really complicated so remembering it is hard for me.

09-06-13  02:35pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It's really not my thing but that doesn't mean that if it's part of a scene with more than just that than that would be okay. I put hand-job more or less on the same level as a guy rubbing a girl's pussy. It's part of foreplay but I need the rest that normally follows that.

09-04-13  02:33pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I normally pick the name she is best known by since by default most of the content should be under that name.

09-02-13  07:59am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have two. One stand alone and the one that comes with the Playstation.

08-31-13  06:38am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Yes it is because you usually get more than what you put in but that doesn't mean that every site is like that. There are plenty of sites that are going to make you regret paying anything for their crap.

08-29-13  03:31am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Face is always the first thing that I look at and more important than some of the other choices. I can't pick only that one because the rest does come into play when if I'm going to save the scene.

08-28-13  03:32am

N/A Reply of Claypaws's Poll

All of the above.

08-27-13  05:50pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't particularly care for pics myself but a site always looses points when it doesn't offer that option because I wouldn't like to be the one that has to manually download a 100 photos.

08-25-13  05:22am

N/A Reply of turboshaft's Reply

Thanks for the info. I am aware that its the law but I was talking about the reasons behind the law that seem to be more cultural than anything else. I mean we are talking about a law that originates in the Meiji Era of Japan which is late 19th century to about 1912. Many of Japans law were altered by the occupation force after WWII. It's just that they didn't see any reason to alter the ones regarding pornography but then again their idea of pornography is different than ours today.

Japan has had 60 years to alter the law but they haven't so there has to be some kind of cultural imperative that prevents them from doing it. The strange part is that japan already produces a lot of non-pixelated porn as long as it's for Foreign sales.

08-23-13  05:51pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't like it and that's one of the reasons why I almost never watch Japanese porn but it's not the only reason. I know Pixelating the genital area is a cultural thing for the Japanese but we're in 2013 so it would be nice if they shot more porn without all the blurring.

08-23-13  03:34am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No but that's nothing new since there as never been a reasonable amount of ethnic diversity in porn.

The only exception to the rule are Japanese women because they are very well represented but the bulk of the material with them in it comes from Japan so the diversity is really International in nature rather than in North America.

08-21-13  03:40am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've used pretty much every CC processor on the planet and I have never had an issue with any of them.

08-19-13  03:48pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I first picked under two years but I changed my vote because I'm pretty sure that it's now closer to 3 or even 4. I know that I had to buy a new one when I bought Win7 because it would not run on my old computer.

08-17-13  07:59am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Plump is okay but fat is not really something that stimulates me. The problem is that what I consider plump is maybe what somebody else's thinks is fat. I guess it really depends on the model and what I consider to be a BBW performer.

08-15-13  03:46pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

I honestly don't know and the current trend doesn't inspire me with confidence that it will be the kind that I care to watch.

08-13-13  06:19pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I picked other simply because I never watch them so I don't know if I'd enjoy them or not. Of course since I don't watch them then one could deduce that I don't like them.

08-11-13  07:57am

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

I picked 24 but I think that even 48 is acceptable but only in some instances. If you cannot access a site that is active then someone should get back to you within 24 hours. That does not mean that they have to have fixed your problem but that you are at least notified that they are working on it.

Now if the entire site is down then I think it is reasonable that it take longer to get back to their members since everyone is affected. That said. I would start to get very nervous if we are in the 72 hours and longer.

08-09-13  03:34am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I know it appeals to some people to receive an article of clothing that the performer of their dreams has worn but it doesn't interest me at all.

I don't want to sound gross but just thinking about what might be in those panties makes me think that their should be an hazardous sign on the box when it gets delivered.

08-07-13  02:40pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Seeing as there's another case of syphilis then can you imagine what a condom would do for the women currently working in the industry. It's not the be all and end all of STD protection but it's better than nothing. We may never know what most performers really think about condoms because their overlords make sure that they don't say anything or say that they hate them. You know that is a lie when even the performers that have always worked with condoms say they don't like them.

Wicked which is a condom only company is on the no condom side. How fucked up is that? Mind you maybe they don't want any competition?

08-07-13  02:35pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

My first love is scenario porn so story line and setting are super important. Of course since so many scenes no longer have much of this then I'm mostly left a major disappointment in most of todays porn.

08-06-13  03:26am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Since I haven't looked at female bodybuilder in a long time. then I Googled the words to see which images would come up Some of the women who came up in the search are attractive but they are in the minority. The vast majority look way too manly for me to find them remotely beautiful and I'm not just talking about their body but their face as well.

08-03-13  08:58am

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