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Panda Fuck
Reply of
BadMrFrosty's Comment
But is it sexy? I've seen this site advertised but it doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm not sure who it will appeal to, but at least they're trying to break out of the porn norm, I suppose.
02-28-12 06:00am
Passion HD
Reply of
metem's Review
Great first review. Welcome to PU.
08-12-13 07:53pm
Reply of
rearadmiral's Review
Great review Admiral, thanks for the information. I have to admit I wouldn't have thought of touching this site with a bargepole until your review. My expectations were as low as yours. Not many cons, I would have expected many more.
03-05-12 04:53pm
Perfect Gonzo
Reply of
rearadmiral's Review
Another very good review admiral. I seem to be following in your footsteps, this is another site I was thinking about joining.
11-27-13 10:06am
Petites Parisiennes
Reply of
messmer's Comment
Thanks to PU and TBP, I think this sort of thing happens less than it used to, nevertheless it still does happen. It makes people afraid to give their credit card details, so download for free instead. There are a lot of reputable sites out there, but you still sometimes see that old rip off, fleece em once, cheap gangster mentality.
02-23-11 02:03pm
Pigtails Big Tits
Reply of
badandy400's Comment
I have just checked it out for myself. Not only does it say limited trial on the sign up form, there is a cross check for another sign up on the form too. So watch out.
01-20-09 09:42am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
MargulisAZ's Comment
I was a subscriber about three years ago, but would never return because of this policy. They will kill themselves (hopefully).
07-17-13 11:29am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
MiztaBlu's Review
Sounds like a very accurate review given my experience with the organisation. They have some very good material from a year or two ago, but the rest leaves a lot to be desired.
07-07-10 10:09am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
host2626's Reply
That offer must be for 3 months, or it's the first reverse discount. Congratulations you have a first! Reminds me of Reginald Perrin - "great sale offer at Grot Shop...20 per cent on everything."
01-03-09 06:37am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
host2626's Reply
Yeah that sucks! Ask them for the discount rate. Sometimes a site will go with the TBP rate if you quote it. But as I have said elswhere, it does look as though Pink are practising Regional Discrimination. They did change the name of Teens For Cash to Pure Cherry Girls, and it was exactly the same site in everything except name, so that's why I thought it may be the same thing with the MILF site.
01-01-09 01:55pm
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
host2626's Comment
It's possible MILFSeeker has become Hottest MILFS Ever. That site is available on the Pass. Also if you use the link from TBP you should get a $10 discount to make it $29.95 instead of $39.95. Beware of the cross check sign ups. I was nearly suckered when I tried to sign up but I noticed. It meant although I liked the site I have not resubscribed.
01-01-09 11:53am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
Khan's Reply
If it's any help I clicked the link from the UK and it showed a price of £23.95 so it does look like they are practising regional discrimination. It also looks like some sort of discount applies using the click, as otherwise the amount would be more in pounds. $39.95 would work out at more than £23.95. But $29.95 should be less than £23.95.
12-22-08 06:07am
Playboy Girls
Reply of
graymane's Reply
I think most of the regulars read the regulars' reviews, but don't leave replies, so I would imagine quite a few will have read your review, and will have appreciated it, even though they don't comment. I read tons of great reviews, and have to admit I often don't leave a positive reply, when I should.
For me the most annoying thing about doing reviews is taking the trouble to do one, then ten minutes later seeing it replaced on the "front page" by one about ten lines long that took all of five minutes to throw together. No, it shouldn't bother me, and yes I know how PU works, but it does.
Yeah I occasionally now do the Ctrl V thing. It's when I don't that something usually goes wrong. For reviews I simply open a file and over the period of membership, jot down any pros, cons, and bottom lines, whenever I think of one, then begin to put it all together after a few weeks.
10-14-12 04:31pm
Playboy Girls
Reply of
graymane's Reply
Cheers graymane, it's obvious you take the trouble to put together a really good review (which applies to most of the regulars here).
I have to admit to mostly reading reviews by regulars. Some newbies take to it like a duck to water, others take time to get used to it, but the best reviews for me are the ones with the required facts along with a unique slant that only that particular taste and personality can bring.
I have more than once had an hour's plus hard work wiped out by pressing the wrong button (NOOOO!!!) or my computer having a mind of its own. That can't happen with pen and paper - unles you do a Richard Pryor while writing.
10-14-12 06:18am
Playboy Girls
Reply of
graymane's Review
Excellent, well written and informative review. I shall take note of your warnings. Some may be expecting more, given the name behind the site, but it looks like one to avoid.
10-10-12 01:14pm
Porn Pass For All
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Comment
One day later and I did actually receive a reply. The strange thing is, did anyone know analteenangels wasn't open? The reply is below.
"the site analteenangels is not open, it is not updated. the pornpassforall bonuses are listed on the first freetour page, there are two lists: the sites in the first will you get immediately, and the sites in the second list are the loyalty bonuses."
01-20-09 06:05am
Porn Pass For All
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Comment
In fact I probably wont bother subscribing at all, even if the do answer. They will probably take my money and then I will find somehow my membership or password doesn't work, or mystically other people have used it to log in so I'm banned and forfeit my money.
Yes, it was a rude email. But if these people would care to answwer some fu**ing emails occasionally, they may get some more customers and actually divert some people away from piracy.
If they have so many customers they are oh far to busy to answer emails, then the solution is to do them a favour, and lessen their load, by not signing up in the first place.
01-19-09 08:46am
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
elephant's Comment
Be very very wary of this one guys. TBP refused to link to them at one point, but for some unknown reason started doing business with them again. Plenty of comments about shady practices from PU members. Take a look at their history.
09-01-12 06:26am
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
lk2fireone's Comment
This is the site that used to be known for dodgy practices, then suddenly TBP starts to give it good reviews but without saying why. Pink Panther brought this up in a comment. I avoided the site even though it looks like it has good material. Once a bunch of dodgy scumbags, always a bunch of dodgy scunmags.
10-30-10 06:06pm
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
PinkPanther's Comment
Yes, but we're still wondering how the site goes from incredibly dodgy practises to legit? Change of management? Taken over by the mafia? Rick taken over by aliens? Answers please. Anyone?
07-31-10 06:46pm
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
PinkPanther's Comment
Yeah I'm with you on that one. I thought haven't I heard that name before with regards to bad reviews and dodgy behaviour? Then I checked and saw all the bad stuff that was reported going on. Run run run away. Not touching the place with a barge pole. Thought I'd let a senior member of the forum make a comment before I said something. Good question - so why the sudden change from BP to Greenpeace?
07-30-10 05:26pm
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
Toadsith's Reply
Yeah I have to say it's the sound of those ads which I think would annoy me the most. I'm figuring if I'm paying for something, I don't want to have a ton of annoying ads in there. That would really piss me off, and give the impression of a really cheap and nasty site run by cheap and nasty people.
11-26-08 09:30am
Porn Pros Network
Reply of
Toadsith's Review
Great review. The positives make me want to check the site out, but the negatives sound so annoying it makes me want to not waste my money.
11-26-08 07:16am
Porn Ultra Pass
Reply of
wiild1's Comment
Thanks for the warning. Definitely worth a trust vote.
02-28-09 05:15am
Reply of
messmer's Reply
A lot of the stuff is recycled. For instance the Pornstar Tryouts videos have material from 4 or 5 years back and have it down as new. The Bree Olson video has been labelled as "added yesterday." A few days ago it was supposed to be added last year. Last year I downloaded it as a clip from I think 2006 or thereabouts.
But there is still stuff that is surprisingly good. The pictures are quite good for a cheapo site too. If I ever find that perfect site you have been looking for I shall notify you immediately. You might think it would be easy to find, but it isn't!
03-22-10 05:08pm