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Visit Oldje

Reply of pat362's Review

Nice review, covers what seems to be the main points.

Two main strikes against the site for me:
1. Site seems very expensive at around $38/month.
2. I'm not into young-old fetish.

There are other cons you noted, but the high price alone is a deal-breaker for me. Unless there was a lot of really excellent content that was easily accessible, I can't see paying that much money. There are plenty of good sites that cost far less.

You didn't mention bonus sites. With a membership, is this the main or only site? Or do you get access to a bunch of other sites as well?

I know I'm spoiled, but paying $20/month for Met-art, which is a mega-site, makes paying for a smaller site seem very expensive. I like some video network sites, but paying for a limited 1-site membership, unless that site is exceptional, is a poor use of my porn dollars.

11-22-10  01:14pm

Visit Naughty Amateur Home Videos

Naughty Amateur Home Videos
Reply of tangub's Reply

There are few limits when it comes to ways people can grab more of your money.

When I bought my first computer, many years ago, I bought it from a mail-order company. The company was out of state, which means it was located in a different state from the one I lived in. I live in the United States. At that time, and it's still the case, out of state sellers did not charge state sales tax (no sales tax from the state of the seller, and no sales tax from the state of the buyer).

But I was charged my state sales tax on the purchase of the PC, by the seller.

In theory, the seller was supposed to turn the "state sales tax" money over to the state I lived in.

On a practical basis, there was no way to check to see if the seller did turn the money over to my state, or just kept the money.

And legally, I believe the seller could keep the "sales tax money", and claim that it was holding the money to turn over to my state. If the matter had ever gone to a court of law.

But my guess is that the "VAT tax" would be kept by the seller, with the intention of turning it over the the British government. This would happen when the seller dies, and goes to heaven, and does pay the British government it's fair share of all revenues.

11-21-10  11:52am

Visit Naughty Amateur Home Videos

Naughty Amateur Home Videos
Reply of Willard's Reply

I just checked, and I am seeing the $19.95/month special price.
But I live in the U.S.
So I guess you are being hit with regional pricing, if the price you see is about $30/month.

I used the PU hot link to go to the site. Did you remember to use the PU hot link?

My apologies, if the question is obvious.

11-21-10  08:18am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Firefox almost exclusively.

11-21-10  02:49am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

graymane1777, I'm not saying this situation can't happen in real life. But I think it's far less common than it's portrayed in porn: The younger girl going after the older man.

I knew a guy whose wife left him for another man.
The first guy and his ex-wife had a daughter. After living with the woman, the second man dumps the woman, and married the daughter.

True story.

Actually, I don't think the young girl, or the ex-wife, were chasing after the second man: I think he was the one doing the chasing.

But RustyJ and I are not saying your life is a porno film: If your life really was a porno film, you wouldn't have the time or energy to spend on porno subscriptions. :)

11-20-10  07:48pm

Visit Sell Your GF

Sell Your GF
Reply of Khan's Reply

Thanks for the fast response checking the facts. So the site has downloadable videos only, without any streaming.

I changed the title of my comment from:

"Site appears to be streaming only"


"Is this site streaming only?"

11-19-10  12:36pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

It happens much more in the imagination or in porn videos than in real life. Also the babysitter, etc.

My guess is the bored wife is the most real of the common sexual fantasies, because there is an awful lot of extra-marital sex going on.

11-19-10  12:14am

N/A Reply of RustyJ's Poll

Score should be an indication of the value of a site. If a site has very little content, even if the content is extremely high quality, then, unless the price is very low, the score should be adjusted to reflect the small amount of content.

The score of a site should reflect:
1. the quality of the site content
2. the amount of the site content
3. the ease/difficulty of accessing the site content
4. the price of the site
5. If the site gives access to other sites, then that should be reflected in the score as well.
6. So I don't believe the score for a site is a precise number set in stone, but a judgment on the part of the reviewer
7. And different people can come up with very different scores for a single site, depending on how they value the site contents, and ease of site access
8. And there can be other factors affecting the score of a site, such as pre-checked cross sells in the signup form, or regional pricing for people living outside the U.S. Which could be considered part of the membership price, or as separate items that can affect the membership price.

11-17-10  12:58am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't see hairy legs or armpits on females very often, but I don't understand what all the fuss is about. The first few times I saw male porn guys with shaved pubic hair, I thought it was strange, and then I started reading that female porn girls were supposed to be disgusted when they had to do a scene with a guy who didn't shave his pubic hair.

I prefer seeing a female model with some pubic hair. That's what I grew up with, and I think it's more erotic for a female to have some pubic hair. The bald look is ok, but some hair down there shows the girl has reached the stage where she has started to grow some fuzz of her own.

Fashions change, and I can't wait until it becomes fashion mandatory for guys to shave their armpits, chest, legs, groin and ass, and take it all off the top.

Then the girls can start to grow their hair long all over their body, to show that women are taking their rightful place as rulers of this planet. Will they be able to do a better job of running this planet than the men? Probably not. But they probably wouldn't do much worse.

Power to the women!

(I'm thinking of getting a sex change operation when the women take over, because it always pays to stay on the right side of power.)

11-15-10  04:33am

N/A Reply of graymane's Reply

Thank you, graymane1777. You are now being considered for the position of my number 1 acolyte, for recognizing what I revealed to the PU community: lk2fireone is Truth.

11-13-10  02:27am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

The bidding has now opened. What am I being offered for my collection of fine erotic videos from the Rocco Siffredi website?

Let the bidding start at U.S. $25,000. (I need the cash.)

11-13-10  12:35am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Based on the way the poll question is worded, some of the possible answers seem invalid.

If you are forced to get rid of your porn stash, you can't hide it. Hiding it would still be keeping it.

The same for asking a friend to keep it for you. You are still keeping it, or keeping control of it.

The logic is slippery, the answers are slippery.

Just like President Clinton was speaking "truthfully" when he said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinksy. His definition of sex didn't include a bj. Spoken like a true lawyer. Or a true liar. What's the difference between a lawyer and a liar? I'm not sure if there is a difference. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

But if I had to get rid of my porn, I would just delete it from my hard drives. To be 100% certain, I would have to trash the hard drives, or throw them into the trash.

On the other hand (isn't there usually another hand out there somewhere?), if you are faced with a difficult decision, it's only human nature to change reality to come up with something that better fits our desires.

So instead of trashing my hard drives, I could swallow hard and say, "That's not porn. That's erotic art." And poof. My porn stash has disappeared. I now have a collection of erotic art.

And there is a lot of truth in that. Because what has been considered porn or smut has often changed to become art or erotica, and could now be valued in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

11-13-10  12:22am

Visit X-Art

Reply of paul76's Review

Welcome to PU.

Nice start with your first review. But adding a few more facts or opinions to the bottom line would make your review even more complete. That's just a suggestion, I do like what you have written, it's just that your review seems a little short.

On the other hand, the reviews I write go on too long, and I wish I could write them shorter, but I tend to ramble, and use a lot of words to express an idea.

11-12-10  02:06pm

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of PinkPanther's Comment

I agree with tangub. How many of us are going to give a Christmas gift of a subscription to a porn site to one of our friends? Even as a joke. If you're in college, you might be able to get away with it, because you're still supposed to be "young and wild and carefree". But anyone older than early twenties would be shooting themselves in the foot by giving a subscription to a porn site as a gift, unless they knew the friend was into porn and would accept the gift willingly.

Actually, I could easily imagine lawsuits arising from this gift. It's very easy to sue in the U.S. (and elsewhere). And I could easily imagine people suing because they don't consider the "free membership" a joke or acceptable behavior.

11-12-10  11:21am

Visit Cheating Whore Wives

Cheating Whore Wives
Reply of RustyJ's Review

Nice review: short but comprehensive. I need to learn to write more leanly like you. :)

It seems like a lot of sites are starting out with a very nice update schedule, and then, less than a year later, some in 3 or 6 months, stop updating altogether. I think the financial downturn, which has been with us for years already, lasting much longer than usual, might be partly responsible: sites start out with good intentions, but apparently the money for updates runs out. And it's also partially because networks want to advertise as many member-sites as possible, to lure more subscribers in. The more sites a network has, obviously, the more wonderful it becomes. Except when most of the member-sites are no longer updating, and many of the member-sites might have little content.

You find a site you like, because of the model selection, or the good video or photo quality, and it's a real disappointment when the site stops updating. Lack of updates definitely affects the value/score of a site.

11-11-10  02:03pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I picked "other". I like long reviews, that are full of site details and personal opinions. But there are reviews that can be fun or interesting to read because of the writer's talent: Toadsith writes the most professional reviews, he even wrote a couple of guidelines on how to write a review and what points to include, that are well worth reading. There are others who can inject some welcome humor or really interesting point of view. And there are many more writers who can give you a clear idea of whether a particular site might be a worthwhile join for you.

The reviews and comments (and some of the threads) can provide really useful information about these sites: both the positive and negative values.

11-11-10  01:48pm

Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network
Reply of dracken's Comment

Not a direct answer, but Devils Film has some parodies:
Big Love
Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Mad Men
New Moon
The Biggest Loser

I'm still a member, but I haven't watched any of them. So I can't tell if they are much good. But personal taste varies so much anyway, what I find funny might be boring for you, and vice versa.

Devils Film (and its network) is available for $9.95/month through PU/TBP.

11-09-10  03:59pm

Visit Jessica Jaymes XXX

Jessica Jaymes XXX
Reply of Cybertoad's Review

Welcome back. I thought you had died and gone to toad heaven. It's great to see you making an appearance here. Hoping to see much more of you. (But I really liked your previous avatar, with the lovely red member.)

11-09-10  12:55pm

Visit Teenamite

Reply of Denner's Reply

Thanks for the kind words, Denner. And it would certainly be a lot easier, as well as cheaper, if all networks sold a general admission membership to all their sites (hopefully, for the same price they charge for membership to a single site, or a selected number of "bonus" sites).

But why would they want to make it easy on us paying customers? Their job (as they see it) is to try to grab as many dollars and euros as they can from our outstretched hands. That is the beauty of capitalism: helping people get rid of their filthy lucre. :)

11-09-10  10:00am

Visit Teenamite

Reply of Tree Rodent's Reply

Fuck Studies is part of the TeenMegaWorld network, or maybe it's called the Royal Cash network, or the Royal Cash network.

That network is a solid teen network.

If you do sign up for that network, be sure to look for the pre-checked trial that will sign you for a 3-day trial to some other site. That trial turns into a high-priced subscription to the other site unless you cancel if you are accidentally hooked into a subscription. There's no reason to get the trial, so make sure you uncheck the box.

Only a few of the sites in the TeenMegaWorld network are currently updating. But there is plenty of hardcore teen content to look through.

The navigation is poor, the search is poor. But you can't have everything.

There are some very sharp (good clarity, good definition) videos at this network (TeenMegaWorld). The action is almost all gonzo: 2 or more teens banging away. But you have a lot of good-looking teen girls at this network.

The above is talking about the TeenMegaWorld network, not the TonyBucks network of my review.

11-09-10  09:42am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Unfortunately, I'm past the vigorous stage. Except in my fantasies.

11-09-10  01:33am

Visit Fuck Studies

Fuck Studies
Reply of pat362's Reply

Thanks for the reply, and taking the time to edit and check the update facts at the different sites.

My impression (which could easily be wrong) was that at the time I joined TeenMegaWorld, the fuckstudies videos were not part of the TeenMegaWorld content. I definitely know that the fuckstudies site was not one of the bonus sites at the time I joined.

At the time I joined TeenMegaWorld, when you joined any one site in the network, you got, as a bonus, access to most but not all the sites in the network. The specific sites you got was arbitrary: It changed depending on which site you joined through, and the date you joined that site. Also, when I last joined (July 2010), if you joined through the PU/TBP link, you got a discounted price, but you were penalized by getting access to a smaller number of bonus sites.

I posted a comment about the smaller number of bonus sites when joining through PU/TBP link, and Khan or someone else at PU contacted the network to get the higher number of bonus sites for the PU/TBP link.

So Khan and the PU/TBP team are looking out for us. Sort of like a big brother, or maybe like the mafia? Lol.

11-08-10  10:57pm

Visit Fuck Studies

Fuck Studies
Reply of pat362's Review

I joined teenmegaworld back in July, hoping that fuckstudies would be one of my bonus sites. But I didn't get it as part of my membership. So I am giving fuckstudies a fucking low grade of 30 because I never got inside the members area.

Regarding anal versus vaginal, there doesn't seem to be all that much of a difference, except when the guy sometimes pulls out and shows how enlarged the anus is. Which doesn't turn me on very much.

So maybe I should drop my score for the site another 10 or 15 points. What do you think?

I did see a few videos from the site, and they seemed to be very sharp in focus and clarity and color with good action with good looking models. Which is why I wanted to get into the site to see what else they had.

So which site did you join that gave you fuckstudies as part of the package?

11-07-10  09:17pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

I actually saw "I, a Woman" back around 1966, which was considered an extremely erotic movie. The Mr. Teas series was erotic comedy, I think, but I'm not an expert on these classificatons. Depends on your definition, I guess, because the novel "Ulysses" by James Joyce was banned as porn for many years after it was written, but I studied that novel in college in the 1960s because it was then considered a classic. But in the 1960s movies (unless they were real porn) did not show actual penetration or pussy shots. But just watching a guy stick his hand under a woman's skirt and feel her crotch (without actually seeing the hand or the crotch) was considered massively erotic. That's about all I remember (or think I remember) from "I, a Woman". There was also the idea that an unmarried woman was having sex, and with more than one man!

This was before VHS tapes (and DVDs), so I saw it in a theater, but I don't remember if it was a mainstream theater or what.

Even then, I did not consider "I, a Woman" as porn, but as an extremely erotic movie. Today's audience, especially the PU members, would not consider it porn. Today's younger PU audience would laugh at the idea that "Ulysses" was considered porn.

11-07-10  11:08am

Visit Springtime Beauties

Springtime Beauties
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Thanks for the update on My Precious Virgins. I'm not perfect, but I try to be generally factual in my reviews. So I wrote in the review: "Or choose the My Precious Virgins site, which has a similar photo style, and is supposed to be currently updating."

I did not know if they were currently updating, which for many smaller sites can be an on-or-off proposition, which is why I wrote the "supposed to be currently updating."

But since you were a recent member, you have the facts to back you up.

Also, a large part of my reviews are personal opinions. So even though I gave the SpringTime Beauties site a low score, someone else might find the site to be a much better value or experience.

Sometimes, when you read movie reviews by "major" film critics, you wonder if they are writing about the same movie, when they can score the same movie so differently, both high and low.

11-07-10  09:54am

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