None of the above. First porn movie I saw was at a stag party, it was an 8mm film, that I thought was crap. I did not watch the whole thing.
Later, in the 1970s, when porn movies had really improved and were becoming more commercial, I saw my first porn movie in a regular theater. It was Emanuelle. That was a good porn film. I also saw The Story of O when that came out in the theaters. That was also a very good movie. Both those movies had an interesting plot, good looking girls. Both those movies would probably be considered softcore by today's standards. But I believe they were X rated at the time.
I have copies of Emanuelle and The Story of O on DVD that were commercial copies. But the video quality is not up the standard of the movies when they came out. They keep putting out new releases of those movies over the years, but why they can't make a high-quality version I don't know. Maybe because they can't find a good master to copy from?
I personally like Win XP better than Win 7. Win XP just seems easier to use. But the new computers all come with Win 7, and I'm not going to pay extra (a large amount of dollars) to add Win XP to my PC.
Microsoft charges a large amount of money if you are buying an OS separately from them. Nowadays, the cost of the Microsoft OS is what, maybe $200, and you can buy a low-priced PC for $500 with all the hardware and software that comes with it.
The price for buying items separately instead of bundled with a new PC has always been high, but it seems even higher nowadays. Unless you really know where to buy, and can do it yourself, instead of having a PC tech guy do it for you.
There's also supposed to be a Black Screen of Death and a Red Screen of Death out there, but I've never seen either one of those, that I can remember. The Blue Screen of Death pays me a visit every so often, and has ever since I started using a home computer.
Do you have any opinion on the value of the site? And old review from about 3 years ago rated the site very low, a score of 50. And the replies to that review also say the site is poor. One old reply even mentions the site had DRM.
RB, I've been getting a big increase in the number of spam emails the last few days as well. I can't prove who the source is, or the cause. But I can say that the spam emails I've been getting from AmateurMatch are almost certainly from my partial signup at porn pros.
So my feeling is that the rest of the increased spam came from the same source, my partial signup at porn pros.
Have you been getting any emails from AmateurMatch as well? It wouldn't prove anything, but it would be an indication that your signup at porn pros was the cause of some of your increased spam.
If money didn't mean anything, I would join a lot more porn sites than I do.
But since my funds are limited, I try to join sites where I think I'm getting real value for my money.
There are plenty of sites out there I would like to join, or at least look over to see what they have, but my funds are limited.
The first few times I saw it, I thought: Ugh.
Then, after seeing it so many times, I think: Ugh.
Unless it's done by a girl who can really act like she is enjoying it, I would prefer they come up with some other action to show how hot they are.
You should make that fact a separate comment, BadMrFrosty, because the fact a site stopped updating in 2008 is a major factor in the value of a site or network. It would certainly stop most people from choosing any membership that went beyond one month.
A comment gives the fact greater prominence than if it's buried in a reply to a comment. :)
Thanks for the kind words, Denner.
As you say, it's the $9.95 offer through PU/TBP that makes the network so appealing.
At a much higher price, I would be looking elsewhere to spend my money.
Excellent, comprehensive review. Lots of good details and opinions, giving a solid basis for the high site score. Also agree that nubiles is one of the best teen sites with material that goes beyond softcore. There are truly excellent softcore photo sites, but nubiles has fine videos that are both softcore and hardcore.
I personally think a 100% is easily doable. In all modesty, if I were rating myself, I know that I deserve at least a GB%. And with the way I'm improving day by day, I will soon reach the next step of greatness, with the TB% rating.
For porn sites, the more modest 100% is a goal to be aimed for, rather than achieved, because 100% in theory would be a perfect porn site.
Something is obviously very wrong. I gave MetArt the highest score I ever gave any site in my review. And all of my comments on the site were extremely positive.
Denner, a beautiful story. As good as any porn novel I read back in my younger days (Nowadays, I watch porn on the Internet instead of reading it.).
I dimly recall my first bj. I didn't feel disbelief, but it was a blissful experience. Except my first intercourse was even better. Memories. I haven't thought about either of those experiences in many years now.
If you do decide to join the TonyBucks network, check to see which site offers you the best deal. Joining through Teen Burg gives you 6 bonus sites. Joining through Spunky Bee gives you 9 bonus sites, for the same price. The Spunky Bee membership includes the Teen Burg site and almost all the TonyBucks sites.
The models at this network are the standard Eastern European models. Not any skinnier than usual. There are even a few girls that have breasts that are medium to large sized. But most have the smaller breasts that are grown in the wilds of Eastern Europe. :)
Once I got past high school, it was definitely porn that gave me the most education about sex. And then, many years later, the Internet showed me even more amazing things, many of which I would gladly have passed on. There is a ton of crap out there in pornoland. And the fetishes you can come across: Geez, no thanks!
Comments serve a variety of purposes. You can give useful information about a site, your personal opinion about a site, specific problems or, more rarely, valuable features of that site. Or you could ask general or specific questions about the site, hoping to get a helpful response from a PU member who's been a site member.
PU allows us wide freedom to post our thoughts in a comment, but they also reserve the right to censor our comments. Unless the comment is total spam, they usually let you comment (and post in the threads) however you like.
Which makes for the question: why is the PU site so member-friendly, where the people are courteous and helpful to one another. We aren't saints, but this is one of the nicest sites I've been a member of.
For many sites, where you have an open membership, you have a large number of people who enjoy being idiots and flaming other posters to show their superiority.
But any disagreements at PU are usually mild. The members seem to respect one another, even when they have differing opinions and tastes. And the tastes of the PU members go all over the place, in their search for "enjoyment". Lol.
So if you want to comment on the tour area of a site, go right ahead. I know that's what I've done a number of times in the past.
The tour area of a site is a major introduction to a site, and can be a valuable resource. Or it can also be a waste of time. More sites should put more effort into making the tour area an attractive source of information about the site, that gives you a good idea of what the site is like.
mbaya, in case you do get into trouble, don't think that you will be safe just because you try running off to Canada.
Back in the 1970s, protesters and deserters from the US Armed forces could run off to Canada and be safe.
But in today's more security-minded climate, the Arm of the Law has been strengthened.
Case in point: Randy Quaid:
(I think the man needs counseling as well as legal aid because of the recent legal problems he's been having. He's apparently lost or spent a huge amount of money on bail money because he does not show up in court to face his criminal charges. And his criminal charges are not what should be major crimes: using a bad credit card, breaking into a house he formerly owned (because he did not realize he no longer owned it?).
Randy and Evi Quaid Arrested in Canada
Source: The Hollywood Reporter Fri Oct 22, 2010, 1:00 pm EDT
Actor Randy Quaid and his wife Evi have been arrested in Vancouver for alleged Immigration Act violations, the CBC is reporting.
The arrest follows a California judge issuing $50,000 warrants against the couple after they failed to show up to a Santa Barbara court hearing on Monday.
Vancouver police issued a statement on Friday saying that an unnamed couple, which the CBC identified as the Quaids, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon.
"While checking the identity of a man and a woman at that location, they learned that the two were wanted on outstanding warrants from the United States," the police statement said.
The couple was turned over to the Canada Border Services agency and was due to appear before the Immigration Refugee Board on Friday afternoon.
The Quaids are facing felony burglary charges and misdemeanor counts after allegedly moving back into and damaging a home they once owned in Santa Barbara, CA.
Perhaps you should apply for a green card, mbaya, in case Homeland Security stumbles across your Internet records. Better safe than sorry, I always say. Lol.
Or maybe a passport would be more appropriate? I need to speak to a lawyer about this. In case I move out of California to some other foreign state, like Nevada to visit the gaming tables. I was born in California, but the wanderlust bug has bitten me and I yearn to roam free. A little green stuff would help.
That's what we all want, a site "to do something for me". But as we get older, that changes. When I was an early teen, looking at a copy of the Sears catalog (the women's swimwear or lingerie sections) would do it for me. But now I can look at a catalog of Victoria's Secret, which is far more colorful and explicit than what I ever saw in the Sears catalog, and
Victoria's Secret is just a catalog, even though it has beautiful women in lovely lingerie.
I used to be exclusively softcore. Then I joined PU, and I've been getting into hardcore. I'm still mainly softcore, but I'm looking for new material and new sites that I hope I will find entertaining. Most of what I find doesn't really appeal to me. But I keep searching. Because there is a lot of good content out there, somewhere. :)
As far as your score for this site, that's an entirely personal opinion. I used to worry when I gave a site a score whether it was the "right" score. But then I finally realized that a site score is very subjective. Some people think a site's score is based on objective factors, and they even have a rigorous system to create a score based on specific factors. But I personally believe a score is both subjective and objective, as long as the basic factors of download speed, ease of navigation, basic quality of contents, basic amount of contents are at the site. And each person's standards of acceptable varies, as does the person's tastes and opinions.
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