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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Hmm, maybe slightly less. I was in a long-term relationship before and watched porn about 3 times a week. Now I'm single I watch it pretty much everyday but porn will always have it's place for me, even if I was in a relationship where the sex was great. Let's face it the novelty wears off after a while. I agree you can't really beat the real thing but it's good having a choice of movies featuring all different hot women.

02-24-08  11:20am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

Some of the free stuff is okay if you like mostly amateur content and average quality video but nothing compares to the quality and content of a really good paysite. You do get what you pay for usually.

01-21-08  03:52pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

I sometimes used to feel guilty when I was with my girlfriend but now I'm single I don't feel so bad. I do enjoy femdom and fetish sites which some people view as 'naughty' or 'dark' but I think everything is okay in moderation and as long as both parties consent (a lot of men enjoy being dominated by women but rarely like to admit it!). So, no I don't think it's morally wrong. We all have our sexual urges and porn helps to satisfy it. I do think I spend more on it than I should though. This past year I've spent around £600 which works out to $300.

01-10-08  03:40pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I think porn will always have it's place. Let's face it even if you have a stunning girlfriend who is great in bed it's pretty much a fact you'll get somewhat bored of her after a while (unless you keep changing what you do). Like I said there are so many great sites available offering high quality movies with all different girls for peanuts. The internet has made porn so much more accessible to everyone and I'd say overall it's a good thing.

01-02-08  09:43am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

Currently not getting any. Split with my girlfriend about 3 months ago after a long 6 year relationship. It just wasn't working out but I do miss the sex. I think porn is good for filling the gap, there are so many different sites that it's hard to get bored of it. The real thing is still great though.

12-31-07  08:57am

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Poll

I'd say no. I know that the price has no bearing on the actual content, however some sites charge silly prices for what they offer. Also, equally some sites offer very good exclusive content for cheap prices. I do think it should be included in the review. I always look at the price of membership before I join a site.

12-29-07  03:01pm

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

It all depends on the individual site and what they offer. If they have really good content which can't be found anywhere else on the net then I may consider spending over $30. Otherwise I don't generally like to spend more than this.

10-07-07  01:53pm

N/A Reply of Your News

Yeah, this is a good idea which should help keep the ratings as genuine as possible (difficult to make it 100% reliable). I also agree that users should not just give 'NO' trust ratings without a reason why. You're all doing a grand job of keeping this the best porn review site on the net!

08-25-07  04:31pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I generally take a long time when looking round preview pages as money is fairly tight for me. If a site is expensive I'll check it out even more thoroughly but if it's cheap I'll sometimes take the risk. Occasionally I'll make a bad choice and regret it. However, even if a site is bad there is normally something worth downloading from it.

08-22-07  10:56am

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

The overall shape is obviously important but I do really like a woman with nice shapely legs. Tits comes a close second.

07-04-07  04:05pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

Yes I think they should offer trials although only with limited access or a download limit otherwise they will lose too much money. Everyone would just go for the trial and download everything on broadband within a couple of days and then just cancel. Unlimited trials would be great for the consumer but the webmaster needs to make money to keep going.

06-26-07  11:22am

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

For me it's usually late at night if we've both still got enough energy. If not, sometimes we'll do it early morning just after waking. All depends on how we feel. Very rarely it happens during the daytime.

06-20-07  09:07am

Visit Only Blowjob

Only Blowjob
Reply of jd1961's Review

I agree about DDF's tech support. They are very good and do care about what the customer wants. Shame not all sites are the same.

06-07-07  03:08pm

Visit Hands on Hardcore

Hands on Hardcore
Reply of Raven's Reply

Thanks for replying. Just another quickie.

Do all the categories have the same number of videos? I ask because I'm only really into boy/girl classic and FFM. I like straight porn and blowjobs mostly and I wonder if there would be enough in these 2 categories.

I'm currently debating whether to join this or 1-by-day. Tough decision.

I know the quality will be good, it's a DDF site!

05-28-07  03:26pm

N/A Reply of djwolf's Poll

Glad my poll has generated some comments.

I have a long-term girlfriend and we 'do it' about 2-3 times a week, we don't get that much time together as we live apart and have work commitments. This is probably part of the reason I need regular porn but also like other people have said, there's something great about a fantasy (often the reality isn't as good) and I like variety. Also, I'm into femdom and other related fetishes so the internet fills that gap for me. My girlfriend knows I look at normal porn but she doesn't fully know about my other fetishes.

05-28-07  03:19pm

Visit Ema's Place

Ema's Place
Reply of djwolf's Comment

I've had a good browse round the preview pages and I agree she's fresh and attractive looking with her full make-up on but without it she is not that special. It also looks to me like they edit and enhance the images a great deal.

05-11-07  06:12am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I like to view most videos as large as possible with the player open rather than at true full screen as you normally lose picture quality.

05-09-07  04:34pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I love it when the woman wanks the cock til it shoots in her mouth!

04-09-07  03:01pm

Visit Cucciolo Page

Cucciolo Page
Reply of King's Reply

I suppose the site design could be better but I've seen a lot worse. All members content is sorted into categories and I found it easy to browse.

04-05-07  06:03am

Visit Woman Worship

Woman Worship
Reply of Marianna's Reply

Fair enough if you don't like the site, that doesn't mean you shouldn't trust me as a reviewer.

04-02-07  02:41am

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