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Visit MetArt


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - The obvious: Beautiful models.
- Easy to navigate, easy to use.
- No download limits that I encountered.
- A surprising number of models with very natural tan lines. I'm going to type it again just because they're so attractive and I'm surprised no one has started a niche site based on them. Tan lines.
- Not the same setting for every model. FWIW, I didn't recognize any repeats.
- Very few, if any at all, fake breasts.
- Did I mention tan lines?
Cons: - Aliases for some well-known stars.
- User tags not as complete as they could be.
- Pretty limited in age, color, and body type.
- Naming is a bit odd. Lots of single letters after first names to differentiate from models. Made up example: Lori B., Lori G., Lori H., and Lori L. Not a big deal, but noticeably unusual.
Bottom Line: For perspective, my average site rating is 77 and the best score I've ever given is a 91.

I decided to finally see what all the fuss is about, and I'll be damned if the site didn't live up to its reputation.

Know what you're getting into. It's not hardcore. It is gorgeous women photographed well by people who know what they are doing.

This is the first time I think I've really experienced a hydra. A very, very pleasant hydra, but a hydra still. You can click to look at a model's set, and either the "previous set" or "next set" thumbnail will show a different model's scene that you're going to click on to look at, too. And then it will happen again with that set and another model. And again. And again. And again.

Most websites find you browsing through multiple scenes to see the ones you DO to view. This one is the opposite. You'll realize that you are having trouble finding sets you DON'T want to see. Word of warning: If you join, you won't just be a member one single time. It might not be month-to-month, but you'll probably be joining this site again.

Beautiful models. Not "hey, those are beautiful models for an adult site," but beautiful in the women-in-general sense. I prefer older women, but there's no denying that almost every single model would turn heads in any room she entered, and more than likely be the prettiest one there. Even the models you decide to skip over are attractive, and if the skipped-over one were to approach you at the beach or grocery store (much less a bar) and began chatting with you and showing even the slightest bit of interest, then you'd do your best to see her again. And she's one you'll skip over on the site.

Every shoot I saw had small (10-ish mb), medium (50mb or so), and large (80-500mb) zip files, and the images can also be viewed on-screen with a choice between small, medium, and large as well.

Did I mention tan lines yet? It's indicative of why the site is so good. It's not simply tan lines, but all-over tans, pale skin, hairy pubic areas, completely shaved, etc. It's so great to see different women look like different women.

Everything isn't perfect, though. Letting users add the tags is a pretty inefficient system. While "sexy", "gorgeous", "pretty face", and "perfect 10" are nice, they're very subjective and not extremely useful. Very basic tags from the photographer/webmaster like curly hair, brunette, lingerie, etc. would be appreciated since the tags can be clicked on to pull up any other set that has the same tag.

There is very little ethnic variety, and is 95%+ beautiful white women. That's not a big deal for me, but if you prefer women that are more towards the darker side of the spectrum be aware that you're not going to find too much variation here.

You'll recognize a few stars here and there (the lovely Lorena Garcia comes to mind, and I was very glad to see her), but for the most part it's unknown amateurs.

I didn't download or otherwise investigate the videos at all so someone else will need to give input on that, but I have no reason to suspect they're anything other than superb.

Bottom line:

A great site. If you have any appreciation for the female form, join. Will I join again? Definitely.

Webmaster: Do you run (or does anyone else know of) a MILF website with similar photography? Anilos is great and I've been a repeat member off and on for years, but there's a definite difference in styles and I'd really like to see some older women handled with Met Art's artistic approach.

08-13-16  09:17am

Replies (0)
Visit Bang.com


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - An almost inconceivable amount of content
- Newer stuff is HD
- Apparently the entire Videosz.com library but with Bang watermarks
- No download limits
- Long timeouts for download links
- No constant auto-logouts.
- Content dates back at least to 80s in some cases, maybe earlier.
- Original content specific to Bang
- Streaming and downloading available
Cons: - No photos that I've seen, but I haven't looked too hard.
- Older content isn't HD (not much of a con because technological limitations)
- Some actresses will be listed but won't have any content available
- Old content is pretty poor quality
- Ads inside
Bottom Line: Holy cow what a site. It's enormous. The site claims 117,000+ videos, and I believe it. It is one of those sites that you join and think to yourself, "Yes, this is how this entire thing is supposed to work." Search for an actress and (most of the time) there she is. Often with a dozen or more clips available. Want content from an actress? They've probably got it.

There are options to choose "channels" such as "Bang Originals", "Glamcore", "Hot Step Moms", and others, and there are tags to direct you to other clips. I find those a bit too vague, but something that is really nice is that the clip usually has the name of the actress, the name of the movie, the name of the series, and the name of the studio all underneath the streamable video, and all clickable. You also have options to make playlists and create favorites.

Even with the most recent Bang Original clips I've only seen up to 1080p video downloads offered, so that might be a con for some. I find the video quality to be acceptable and appropriate for the size, but most of the time the smaller 720p offerings look just as good to my eyes. Most of the middle-to-older content seems to be available in up to 540p, and it looks decent considering the source material. The oldest stuff is 360p or worse, and it looks it. That's not a dealbreaker, but it's something you'll encounter often if you look at actresses who worked a couple of decades ago.

Every video that I clicked on was available for streaming.

The content is apparently shared with Videosz.com, so if you join Bang you get all of the other site but not vice versa. I think there's a good case to be made to join Bang over Videosz for that reason, but I'm not a member of Videosz.com and can't say what may or may not be an advantage to lean the other way.

Every video's page has ads on the lowest part of the page, which counts against the site every time. I paid to be in here, guys. If you want to offer *me* discounts, make a page I can click on to re-direct and join with the affiliate link. Those ads aren't there to save *me* money, even though they ultimately may. Those ads are there to make the website money off of the same people who have already paid money to get past the paywall.

A nice touch is that there are additional actress suggestions underneath every video that is being streamed or downloaded. I'm not entirely sure if they are related to anything or might just share some similar tags, but it's a good way to discover actresses you might not know about.

The actresses will sometimes have duplicate scenes, but it's fairly forgivable just because of the vast amount of content available. Many actresses I clicked have over 100 clips to download. Wow.

The search option works well, and if you give it a moment while you type it will try to match your entry with suggestions in real time.

Also, it might be worth a look around to see what other sites share content. I saw some stuff from partyhardcore and some other familiar content, so you might save money at the other sites while also getting thousands of other clips.

Bottom line? One of the best adult sites I know of. Fairly vanilla but with wildly varying movies available, and it includes some raunchy stuff like gonzo, shemale, etc., too.

Well worth a look.

03-27-18  08:30am

Replies (3)
Visit Love Hairy

Love Hairy

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Low price for specialized interests
- High quality images of beautiful women
- Download managers work
Cons: - Ads inside the paywall. Not so much ads, but camgirl stuff. Which are still ads.

- Overall size of the website?
- Not every single image set is enormous with amazing resolution?
Bottom Line: Love Hairy is a sort of “best of” compilation site of Metart, Errotica, and other sites under the Metart umbrella that give collectors with specialized interests access to their particular flavor of beautiful women. And it’s great.

The site offers pages and pages of beautiful young women who are groomed but not shaven. I didn’t see any scary legs or bizarre hairy nipples. I only saw one or two models that would probably be considered “dyke”-ish. The majority of the models, and sets, are of women who just happen to look like actual grown women down there.

There aren’t many with underarm hair or stubble, but every so often you’ll happen upon one. Interestingly, the women are often so attractive that it’s not all that disturbing even if you don’t generally care for that sort of thing. Seriously, click through and find one and ask yourself if you’d shun her advances, refuse to sleep with her, or consider it a deal breaker in real life in any meaningful way.

Most sets offer multiple sizes of .zip files to download, with some of the more recent sets’ largest option being absolutely huge. There are occasional videos as well, but the photos are where the site really shines.

The online viewing of photos isn't my favorite, but I guess old-fashioned pages full of fast loading thumbnails you click to go to another page where the image can be viewed is, well, old-fashioned. Still, I would much rather have the option of choosing it over a site with thumbnails that you click and some sort of script puts the image in front of the open page of thumbnails until you close it. I know that's the direction everything has gone recently, but I don't care much about an "experience" when looking at nekkid pictures. The means of viewing them should be intuitive, fast, transparent, and un-annoying, and the modern flash/java/whatever approach often isn't.

My other gripe is the cam girl advertisements. They're at a point on the screen where you'll often drag your pointer across them and THEY'LL pop out to cover the content you actually want to see. A minor gripe but still one that should be mentioned.

Regardless, it's well worth the $8 if you have any interest in photos of beautiful women who don’t shave everything completely bald.


May I suggest some similar sites for tanlines? How about freckles and redheads? I bet the tanlines one would be a decent draw, and I would suspect you have a thousand or more sets that would apply when you think that even the slightest bikini line would equal content. I’d definitely pay my $8 for it. Heck, I’d pay $10 for it. :)

03-03-19  11:18am

Replies (2)
Visit Girlsway


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Big name actresses and some less well-known performers
- No download limits
- Good production values
- Clean actresses in tasteful settings and clothing. Or not, depending on the story requirements.
- Multiple download formats/sizes
- Photos available for viewing and downloading
Cons: (All fairly minor complaints overall from a person who thinks he's usually overly critical)
- Large-ish, but not huge, site that's still growing.
- Some scenes seem a bit repetitive, but that's likely unavoidable considering the content.
- Logouts/captcha logins.
- Fake tits and tattoos, but that's the state of the industry these days.
- Videos sometimes shot intentionally in lesser quality just to promote a particular fantasy. Explanation below.
Bottom Line: I'd joined almost entirely to add to a certain actress' collection, and this site has been one of the most pleasant surprises I've discovered in a very long time. The scenes are filmed well, the lighting is good, the action is visible without being noticeably direct (legs or arms aren't at odd angles just so the camera can get a shot), and there is even a bit of acting here and there.

The thing that surprised me the most was how much many of the videos reminded me of older Sapphic Erotica scenes before the site lost some of its mojo. Remember back when the scenes would have eroticism, tribbing, entire-mouth-on-labia deep sucking, and somewhat forceful, involved oral sex between the women? Remember seeing clips and the entire thing seemed fairly believable? That's what quite a few of the Girlsway scenes reminded me of. There is sexual energy in a lot of these videos that rivals those old SE clips. I'm sure that's in large part because of directing, and kudos to the people responsible. Keep it up.

One of the better premises and filming techniques is the lesbian POV scenes, but they're a bit worse than they should be because often they switch to the POV perspective by showing what they film with the ipad or whatever tablet they're holding in the scene. While this is true to the fantasy aspect of the girls filming themselves with the device, it's a bit jarring to go from a crisp HD image to what appears to be a less-than-HD, or at least a less-HD, video setting (not to mention one would think the devices would look much better than what is presented). I appreciate the idea of giving the POV angle a bit of graininess for the sake of the fantasy, but it's sort of disappointing to have a POV scene of a favorite actress pleasuring another gorgeous woman and not have every available pixel working to its fullest to show what's happening.

And then there are other clips where the site truly shines. One memorable example is a scene with Mindi Mink and (IIRC) Samantha Hayes that is probably worth the price of admission. The two seem to actually enjoy themselves, and the oral attention given to Mink is not only convincing and enthusiastic, but also filmed in a way that shows Hayes' long hair falling onto the stomach and hairy pubic mound of Mink. Those are the types of inspired scenes and small touches that make this site worth joining.

Bottom line- I'm surprised at how good this site was, and I'm sure most of the credit for that goes to whoever is in charge of directing the scenes. If you have any interest in girl-girl scenes involving beautiful college-aged women (which seems a bit silly to even write, doesn't it?) and the occasional MILF thrown into the mix, have a look at this site.

Would I recommend? Absolutely.

12-02-16  05:26pm

Replies (1)
Visit Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: $5 promos in your spam box

Lots of attractive actresses. Some well known, some less well known.

Good site to build an immediate collection of various and quality material.

Very good variety. Euro, milf, hairy, old/young lesbian, bisexual MMF, etc.

No download limits

Good speeds

Multiple streaming and download options
Cons: Like the sister site Euro Angels, the encoding is strange on some videos and seems to be much, much too large when compared to other videos of similar length on the same site.

I can't confirm, but I believe another reviewer said the scenes are shared with another separate site, so this might be considered a best-of or greatest-hits situation.

The "favorites" option works poorly. A set amount displays on-screen and there are no page numbers to see the rest. To see them you have to remove actresses and refresh.

Not a huge con, but an actresses' total available scene count can be deceptive since they'll include behind-the-scenes, cumshots, foreplay, and other DVD-extra type clips in the total count. Some people may enjoy those, but it sucks to see that (arbitrary name) Bailey Bae is in four scenes, but when you click into her page you see that three of them are BTS or compilations and she's really only in one actual scene.
Bottom Line: I was surprised at how good this site is when I'd recently been a bit disappointed at Euro Angels and its associated network.

This offers a tremendous number of quality videos, good speeds, and photos from a variety of niches, and it's offered as a single site.

One of the things I was most surprised at was the directing/lighting/camera-work in a number of the clips was so professional. I haven't joined any of the couples hardcore sites like Erotica X yet, but there were scenes I'd imagine were very similar to their offerings.

The sweet spot for downloading seems to be their 540p clips. I downloaded some 720p of my favorites, but the quality doesn't seem quite as good as it should be at that resolution. Their 1080p is the same. I'm not sure if they're using lower-grade HD cameras or what, but it often doesn't make sense to get their highest quality 2gb+ 1080p offerings.

Photos are available in zip files for download but the file size often seems way too large for the quality and quantity. It's still probably worth getting your favorites, but not up to the standards set by the rest of the site.

If you're so inclined, the 100+ Bimaxx-quality MMF bisexual clips in HD is probably worth the $5 by itself.

03-20-15  07:58am

Replies (0)
Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Beautiful, clean women as convincing lesbians.

- Great speeds (can saturate my 6Mbps DSL)

- Allows full use of download managers. Downthemall in my case, and the site didn't restrict me from setting up videos to download overnight. Well done, sapphicerotica.com.

- No gonzo mascara-running, gagging, put-a-foot-on-her-head-while-penetrating-her nonsense.

- Very few fake breasts. Two thumbs up. The women are young, slim, and (mostly) natural.

- Did I mention beautiful women smooching on other beautiful women?
Cons: - Some scenes are a bit too "charged" to be convincing. Being so immediately orgasmic is likely a medical condition.

- Some scenes are a bit silly. Not typical American XXX silly, but a bit much. I enjoy looking at four gorgeous women in tennis outfits coming in after a vigorous match and stripping/licking, but it's a bit unbelievable.
Bottom Line: - A great site. Seriously. Especially the older stuff, and especially for the price. I think it's one of the few sites that everyone who enjoys XXX and finds women attractive should join at one time.

- Flashiness and web design are personal style preferences, but I really like the simplicity of the site.

- A pretty good model index.

- "Clean" was used above, but I can't stress enough how nice it is to see attractive models who look like they've used shampoo within the last eight hours on a site.

- The approach that some of the older, wonderful oral scenes used is being a bit neglected. Now there seems to be lots more fingers and toys and anal-licking. That's fine, but when you join and see the older vids and the girls sucking their lover's entire labial folds into their mouth and really dwelling on them... well, you'll see. The older videos have something the new ones lack.

- Most women are fairly unknown, so it's a bit odd to see big stars in a few scenes. Kathia Nobili (although in my top 5 favorites) and Nessa Devil seem very out of place.

- Probably 90% of the women are completely shaved in their pubic area. A personal preference thing, but I'd like for more of the women to have hair down there. Nothing unusual or fetishistic, but just natural and trimmed adult women.

09-08-11  05:03am

Replies (0)
Visit Perv Mom

Perv Mom

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Photo zips available
-Good video quality and production values
-Attractive MILFs
-Appropriately priced
Cons: -Not a huge site. Big enough to warrant the $10, though.
-“Stepmom” thing is a bit played out. Friend’s mom should play bigger role.
-Quite a few tattoos
Bottom Line: Pervmom is a very good site about stepmoms doing very bad things. It has high production values, gorgeous older women, and even some decent acting here and there. It’s mostly filmed in a POV style (the male talent probably has a camera mount on his head). It’s a similar POV approach as VR, but in 2D.

The majority of scenes are MF, but you’ll even find a rare lesbian scene or two. The one with Mindi Mink and a younger blonde is possibly worth the price of admission all by itself.

There are established names like India Summer and Ariella Ferrara and some less well known talent like Olivia Blu and Sofie Marie. Something that was a very pleasant surprise was seeing actresses that I haven’t seen in a long time and how they’d matured. Marie McCray comes to mind. I was never a huge fan of hers, but she has aged nicely and makes a great MILF. Vanessa Cage comes across similarly. She was always an attractive young woman, but her MILF stage is – for my money - probably her best.

Photo zips are available for each scene, but the ones I’d looked at appeared to just be still image grabs of the videos. The videos are high quality so that’s okay if you go in knowing what you’re getting, but it’s still comical at times because the image creation tool grabs a shot in between focusing and there will be a blurry grab every now and then.

Download managers are allowed and the videos are offered in different sizes. I’m showing 960x540 / 2800kbps for the smaller file sizes (250MB or so for ten minute clips) and 1920x1080 / 12000kbps for the HD version of the same, which comes in around 1GB. The HD is certainly clearer and the better option, but the non-HD is very high quality and would’ve been considered great looking quality-wise not even five or so years ago.

It’s a small site but priced accordingly. Price your services reasonably, get customers, put money back into site, grow, get more customers, put money back into site, grow, etc. I was impressed and I’ll likely join every year or so for the new content.

Bottom line: Recommended

11-06-18  02:27am

Replies (0)
Visit PornDoe Premium

PornDoe Premium

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Videos and pictures
- HD offerings for everything I saw
- Very large site
- Download managers allowed
Cons: - Photos often seem to be stills from HD video
- Tattoos, tattoos, and more tattoos
- No cancellation link or email with login info, so pay attention to your info at signup
Bottom Line: It's not a mega site like Realitykings or Brazzers, but it's very large. Hundreds of videos of beautiful (and sometimes not so beautiful) European women.

There are quite a few different niches covered. They have everything from a silly and less degrading version of bangbus where a couple of goofballs drive around and pretend to pick up women who are willing to do all sorts of things in the passenger section, to gorgeous lesbians, to very average middle aged and older women swinging, to a few shemale clips.

The only glaringly obvious thing that I didn't care much for, and it's completely a matter of personal taste, is the prevalence of tattoos. I know that's the direction the world has gone in for the moment, and the porn industry is just a reflection of society, but there are still a LOT of otherwise very attractive young (and old) women on the site who have a LOT of tattoos.

There are also a lot that don't, though, and quite a bit of seemingly feminine focused scenes. Not glamcore, but filmed well with filters to soften the lighting, etc. Speaking of, if you're a fan of the lovely blonde named Caprice, this is the site for you. She is in dozens of clips here. I honestly think that you could grab all of her stuff and find you had gotten 1/10th of the site's total content. She's in that much. She gives convincing performances, though, and is terribly attractive, so I didn't mind.

Multiple download options and the smaller HD and near-HD resolutions are appropriately sized. No 800mb "HD" videos that look like you could be on a tube site. FWIW, I don't recall seeing any non-HD clips offered for any of the videos, but I didn't click on every single one.

As I mentioned in the cons, a lot of photos appear to just be stills from the videos. Go into the site expecting mostly video content and you won't be disappointed.

Bottom line: One of my new favorite sites/networks. If you've been on the fence, give it a shot.

01-23-18  03:51am

Replies (1)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Status: Was a member approx. 5 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Gorgeous models
- Above average productions
- Download managers work.
- No download limit (note that another recent commenter has had issues that he thinks might be token related).
- A ridiculous amount of available content.
- HD except for older content.
- Multiple video encoding options.
- .zip files for photos.
Cons: - Video quality of older content isn't that great, but the site has been around a long time so that's forgivable.
- Can be repetitious.
- Not much variety in skin color.
Bottom Line: To me DDF is a Euro equivalent to the big sites like Naughty America, Brazzers, etc. There is little to no gonzo-style gagging or the like, but there is a substantial amount of foot fetish, watersports, and bondage in addition to the standard formulated and fairly vanilla sex. The modern stuff somehow leans more to the tasteful side of things even in the raunchier corners of the network.

There are different sites in the network dedicated to the above as well as lesbian, busty, blowjobs, etc., but when you go to the main page all the scenes and updates are organized together.

Speaking of, the sorting options are nice. You can choose a specific year if you want to start at the beginning of hundreds of videos, or you can pick the months in that year.

The majority of models are gorgeous, and the hair and makeup artists are obviously very skilled. Even the less attractive models look good, and it's shocking to see some "casting" style photographs of the models before seeing them in photos and scenes later. Some are almost unrecognizable (in a good way).

I didn't encounter any download limits, and it was no problem at all to pick the model, load up a bunch of links in my download queue, and come back later with it still chugging along and a few dozen gigabytes downloaded.

HD video (720 and 1080), but I didn't see any 4K options when I was a member through the end of January 2016.

Bottom line- Great site for collectors in general and especially those who enjoy European models.

Would I join again? Definitely. It's one of the only sites I've ever bought an annual membership for, so yes, absolutely.

05-05-16  02:53pm

Replies (2)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Tremendous amount of content.
- Varied niches in multiple sites.
- Good mix of skin color, body types, etc.
- HD videos.
- No download limits.
- Good navigation and search function.
- Download managers work.
- Promo offers
- Great preview. You can pretty much see what you're getting right up to the point of watching the videos.
Cons: - Lots of girl next door types, but he innocent young girl mystique is easily broken by yes-I'm-a-stripper tattoos on some models.
- "Innocent young girl" seems a bit forced at times. Silly oversized glasses, pigtails, big hair bows, striped socks, etc. I get the fantasy aspect, but often less is more.
- Um... Let's see... Not enough MILFs? (Joke, btw.) Seriously, there are very few cons I can think of. If you lean towards college-aged girls, you probably need to try this site.
Bottom Line: This review will be fairly sort of short mostly because there is very little to criticize. Ads inside (and what kept the review from being in the 90s), some rare broken links, and... yeah, that's about it. This is definitely one of the better sites I've joined so far as the user is concerned. I'd put it right up there with Anilos / Nubiles and Sapphic Erotica as a site everyone should probably join at least once if they have any interest whatsoever in the content. It really does seem to be geared towards the user. Even the preview of the site gives a surprisingly good idea of what's inside before joining.

There are multiple video options, and a "best of" choice that is similar to (IIRC) Naughty America's small 5-minute clips. I really appreciate sites that do that, and the only other request I would ask is to offer it in varying quality as well.

There's the occasional oddity like a broken link here and there, or pleasant surprises like the majority of the site being typical American BangBros/NA/Brazzers style of filming before stumbling onto strangely attractive and very European models and filming. Luna comes to mind:


But the good very much outweighs the bad.

Bottom line:

If you like this genre then definitely give this site a shot.

Webmaster- Do y'all run a MILF site?

03-28-16  05:48am

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Dreams

Teen Dreams

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - 4K available for newer videos
- Tons of content, both photos and videos
- Download managers are allowed
Cons: - No way to mark favorite actresses that I could see
- Download files are often huge when considering the resolution
-That distinctly Russian style of recent videos
Bottom Line: Teendreams is a huge megasite with thousands of images and videos going back well over a decade. I saw what were clearly old photo sets that had 2009 as the “last appeared” date, but I’d be surprised if they were any newer than 2005 or so. I could be wrong, of course, but that’s just an eyeball guess.

And that access to older content is a very good thing. No, the quality of the older sets might not be achingly sharp, but they can’t be compared to modern photos and videos because of the limitations of the times. Just having access to the older content is a good thing, and the site is probably worth joining for nothing else other than seeing some favorite models in the earliest days of their careers.

Irina Bruni is a good example. I’m a big fan of hers and saw some early photo sets from 2010 or so that I’d never seen anywhere else. There are lots of other examples of this kind of discovery all through the site. I’d probably recommend it just on this element alone.

Download managers work, and the site doesn’t log you off constantly and require you to re-login. Good job webmasters. That’s the kind of thing that keeps paying customers coming back to give you more money.

The new videos are offered in resolutions up to huge 4K files if that's your thing.

The not-as-good:

It’s not uncommon to find an actress with two or three different sets under different names or in a different set including another actress’ name. It's more an inconvenience than anything, but you always get the feeling that you’re probably missing some content when you find sets of a favorite actress.

The distinctly Russian style of some newer videos is off-putting at times. You know the characteristics: The guys have mullets (often buzzcuts on sides), the women will have flat bangs and/or brightly colored plastic jewelry/socks/etc., and the scenes will seem washed out or overly beige.

The sets will download to your drive with no identifying elements whatsoever, so you’ll end up with a bunch of “10101_1242” style zip files or “49387_85844_1080” video file names. Again, not a huge deal, but a definite inconvenience and something that requires extra work if you want to organize scenes by a particular actress.

None of it is bad enough that I would discourage checking the site out if you have any interest.

Bottom line: Recommended, with a few reservations. I'd definitely re-join.

12-24-18  03:51pm

Replies (1)
Visit Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Adult Mobile, formerly Mile High Media

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Lots of content
- Quite a bit of variety.
- Frequent updates
- Photos available with the video sets
- HD videos available
- Download managers allowed
Cons: - Lots of behind the scenes filler
- Scenes probably aren't always exclusive
- Navigation can be a bit irritating
- In house biller
Bottom Line: Milehighmedia.com is a megasite offering quite a few different niches and a strong value. There's everything from milfs to lesbians to masturbation to bi MMF scenes, and everything in between. With the pornusers discount it's worth a shot because you're going to find something you like, and probably a lot of it.

I realize I mostly just wrote the "bottom line" section right at the beginning of my review, but that's okay. There's very little wrong with the site, and it's well worth spending the $15 to try it out and another $15 every few months to see what's new.

The videos are generally filmed competently with good angles and lighting, and they are offered in multiple sizes. I don't remember seeing any 4K offered, but there were 720 and 1080p choices available for downloading. There are usually other sizes, too, and the 540p still seems to be the best choice for finding the best balance between size and clarity. Older videos will have non-HD choices, but that's sort of to be expected.

The complaints are few. Not using Epoch or similar for billing is one. To cancel you'll be directed to "fameaid.com" and enter your info there. Not a huge strike against them, but I always feel better using Epoch.

The "tour" leaves a lot to be desired. A huge site and you get one page of image stills and are directed to the pay portal when you click on one of the other page numbers? You'll get a LOT more buyers if you let the consumers see what they're about to spend their money on, guys.

One of the worse things about the site is the navigation. There is lots of content, and each page will have thumbnails showing what's available. The problem is that the options for moving forward or backward are extremely limited. I remember ten or fifteen pages being linked from the page you're on, so if you're on page 12 and want to go to page 44 because you closed the window and are starting over and need to get back where you stopped browsing, you have to click multiple times to get there. It's more an annoyance than anything, but it's something I noticed.

There are filters to prevent you from seeing genres you're not into. Unfortunately there are no filters that I could find that would remove the behind the scenes videos from showing up everywhere.

Bottom line part II: Would I recommend? Yes. A large, mostly user-friendly site that offers good value for the money with the PU discount.

And thank you, webmaster, for not incorporating expiring links for paying customers. I suspect that level of user friendliness is one of the biggest reasons customers become repeat customers, and I would wager that allowing paying members access to the content they paid to have access to is probably a great way to discourage piracy of your product, too.

06-05-18  02:54am

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Visit My XXX Pass

My XXX Pass

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Large "network", lots of content, and good variety
- Big name actresses and up and comers
- Multiple video encoding options
- HD videos
- Good PU discount
- Very large site
- Good site if you're a fan of blowjobs and POV
Cons: - Weird/huge encoding options on numerous videos (Immoral Live is the worst)
- Now that I think about it, Immoral Live is the letdown overall
- Definite pornstar site. Lots of fake tits, tattoos, etc.
- "Network" could just as easily be offered as one large site.
Bottom Line: Mommy Blows Best and 1000 Blowjobs were the better sites on the network for my dollars. Only Teen Blowjobs is pretty good if you prefer college aged girls, and throated is for all of you who enjoy drooling, running-mascara, fake-eyelashes-stuck-to-cheek BJs. Sunlust was good if fairly by-the-numbers XXX, as were the remaining sites other than Immoral Live.

Immoral Live held the least appeal of the bunch to me. Imagine pornstars hired to X with no premise beyond achieving X while being filmed with prosumer home-video filming. Hey, there's Penelope Pornstar! We hired her to (spin the wheel) give a blowjob! Hey, there's Penelope now giving the blowjob, and she does while looking bored through the entire passionless too-huge video.

The encoding for the sites were pretty good, and the scenes were appropriately sized for the HD and non-HD choices. Except, again, for Immoral Live. There were often scenes that would be 1GB downloads on any other site on the same network that were 4 to 6 gigabyte downloads on Immoral Live, and they didn't look any better.

Bottom line: Large site with good oral content and only a few irritations here and there, and definitely worth a look at the PU rate if you're a fan of oral.

Would I join again? Yes.

07-03-16  05:33am

Replies (0)
Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Saturated my 6 Mbps DSL connection
- Downthemall works
- No download limit that I encountered.
- Multiple encoding rates and formats, recent movies offer portable sizes up to 1080p
- You can download clips from a DVD or the entire DVD. Nice.
- Scenes include photo .zip files for downloading as well as screen captures.
- Even the reasonably sized ipad/iphone .mp4 clips are decent quality on a larger computer screen.
- It doesn't seem to log you out arbitrarily. Thank you, webmaster.
- Lots of short haired actresses if that's something you're interested in (not a category or tag, just a function of having a lot of actresses in general).
Cons: - Some photo zips are just low-res screen captures
- Ads inside
- Site didn't seem as responsive as it could've been, and I suspect it's because there is SO much going on in every page. It's a very, very visually-busy site.
- Apparently a very traffic-busy site as well, because I ran into a few "connection reset - server is too busy" pages while the downloads from the site continued along fine.
- When you click on the scene or link you want to visit, a HUGE full-page banner promoting the latest movie/actress/scene is at the top and you are forced to scroll down past it before you can see the content you were looking for. Very irritating, and so annoying I searched for browser add-ons to try to disable it.
- Can't find a way to mark actresses as favorites.
- Seems a bit silly, but there is no logout button that I could find.
-Their older videos are watchable but poor quality by today's standards.
- To be continued (nothing too bad, just a few more notes)
Bottom Line: Cons continued:
- The page layout can be very annoying. For example, if you click on updates, you get a scene/DVD/scene/DVD/scene/DVD layout, with the page and scenes/DVDs all sort of running together.
- Big size gap between video quality/encoding options, and wacky encoding options/sizes.
- Video download links expire after a day or so.


First and foremost, it's nice to not have to login and get past a captcha every hour or two after being logged out automatically. I don't think I was prompted to log in past the initial join date. Nicely done, NS.

A large site with a lot of content and quite a few hidden gems. For example: I saw that they only had one (1) Nicole Aniston scene and I was disappointed. When I click on it I discover the one (1) Nicole Aniston scene is her with short hair and her natural breasts. Full disclosure- The site review might've started at 110% because of that.

Seriously, though, there are a lot of actresses/scenes like that. If you've got some time it's worth digging through (even with the irritatations that will be addressed later) simply because they have a lot of stars I'd forgotten about or who are no longer active that you'll stumble across.

The site is heavily focusing on the stepson/daughter/brother/sister/mom/dad angle. Not my thing, but it's all fake exactly like every other plumber or pizza delivery guy setup.

The majority of the actresses are college aged, but there is a good MILF representation, too. Great mix of skin colors, hair length/style/color, etc. Looking for some short haired actresses? This is the place to visit.

In a reverse of what I usually see, the video links are only good for about a day in your download manager while the photo .zip links seem to last indefinitely. That's probably a fairly reasonable approach on the business end to keep people subscribed, but on the collector-consumer end this is a huge site with lots of content that you're not going to get unless you want to take a lot of time each day setting up new links.


A lot of the "glamcore" style movies are way too dark. I think they're aiming for artistic, but it just ends up looking like porn without adequate lighting.

Size/encoding- I don't get this at all. The newer movies are in HD, but the same clip in different resolutions will be named the same thing. EVERY .mp4 of a clip, from the mobile to the ipad to the 720 to the 1080, will be named "something_something_1920.mp4".

BIG gripe: You think you can maximize content downloaded but still get really good quality by grabbing the 720p clips, but they are often the exact same size or nearly exactly the same size as the 1080p clips. I can't see any advantage to downloading the 720p offerings when they offer 1920, 1440, and 720. I'm guessing all the others are converted down from the 1920, but I don't understand why so many sizes are identical.

Example: Ashley Jensen has a scene where the 720 and 1080 mp4s are nearly the same size (.84GB and .87GB respectively), and many of the full DVD offerings have 100% exactly the same size downloads for both 720 and 1080 offerings. I don't have a fast enough connection to test, but it makes me wonder if the resolution is exactly the same and only the screen size is manipulated when encoded.

It's a HUGE site, although that's tempered a bit by the way they pad each actresses' scene stats. Clicking on an actress gives you her scene, followed immediately by the DVD the scene came from as a second option. It often ends up looking like a repeat of itself. A better approach would be to have the DVD mentioned with the scene (for example, a clickable link saying "From the DVD "Everybody Loves This DVD" that goes to that DVD), but not repeated directly underneath.

For example: Choose Bobbi Starr. She's listed as having 35 scenes (woohoo!), but there are only 9 or 10 actual clips. The other 25 are the same clips in the full DVDs, the "party" version of the DVD (no xxx), bloopers, behind the scenes, etc. I didn't count off any points for that approach, but I view it as technically correct while still deceptive.

Lots of lingerie and nicely done "wife" style scenes, but quite a few silly striped socks and backwards baseball caps to force the "hey look, that 25 year old clearly just graduated high school" type fantasy, too.

I'm really surprised at how good this site is content-wise, but it's way too busy and not very pleasant to browse and view.

***It's the first paid site I've ever joined where I researched image blockers for Firefox to cut down on some of the clutter and get rid of the HUGE banner at the top that you have to scroll past every time***

The images are associated with the links to the videos, too, so it didn't work.

Webmaster- See Mile High Media / Famedigital for a more intuitive and pleasant user experience.

Bottom line- Get past the little annoyances and it's a large, good site with quality content. Would I join again?


06-11-16  11:49am

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Visit Anilos


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: **Maybe the best website I've seen from a "collector" standpoint. Well done, owner/webmaster.**

Attractive older women, most in their 30s and 40s.

Good download speeds (can saturate my 6Mbps DSL).

Not only allows but encourages download managers.

Multiple video formats (MPG, MP4, MOV, WMV, and Flash).

Two sizes of photos in downloadable ZIP files or galleries.

Some surprises here and there in models you might not have seen before (we're looking at you, Scarlet).

A fair price with the PU discount for what is possibly considered borderline niche material (older women).
Cons: It's a matter of taste, but most content is masturbation. I'd wager 30% or less is hardcore MF content.

Another matter of taste, but there seems to be quite a few fake boobs.

The HD videos are less sharp than those offered from some other sites, but the reduced sizes seem very reasonable for the quality. Probably a decent tradeoff.

The high-res photos are the same. They don't offer the incredible resolution of some of the artsy softcore sites, but they're still high quality and probably a reasonable tradeoff on size/bandwidth.
Bottom Line: I've never seen a website set up to allow me to grab the pictures and videos of particular models so easily. I used a download manager and could click on the woman's name/image, go to her associated page, and, by using the filter option for downloading specific items, I could right click and add that model's pics and videos links to the download queue simultaneously. No individual clicking on links, no wading through multiple pages to get to each separate set, and no dead links a couple of hours after adding them.

From their FAQs:
"Download as much as you can, we encourage that."

Again, well done, Anilos.

FWIW, and if the webmaster (or other sites' WMs) is reading this, I didn't have much interest in the Nubiles.net sister-site, but this approach encouraging customers to add to their collections will make me join.


04-15-12  07:49pm

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Visit Trans Angels

Trans Angels

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Multiple download resolutiomns
- Photos and videos available
- Download managers allowed
- Exclusive videos
Cons: - Not the biggest site
- Watch out for pre-checked “offers” on signup
- In house billing. Can’t do the trick to force an error and get to epoch.
Bottom Line: A very good site if this is your flavor of kink. Good production values, a decent amount of effort put into presenting an atmosphere and premise. SM-SM, SM-M, and SM-F scenes.

HD videos are available but even the lower resolutions look good. Download managers are allowed but the site will log you off occasionally. Not a big deal - and very much not like the sites that kick you out every 30 minutes or so – but something to check on if you queue up a bunch of clips and walk away for a few hours.

The videos are exclusive to this site and look nice. Good lighting, good angles, and overall competent film-making.

There’s a good mixture of different types of action. To me the scenes involving genetic females are some of the high points, but again, it depends on your taste in kink. Not all of the actors can do everything (I’d imagine hormones affect that particular ability), but I’d say the majority of the shemales on the site can perform intercourse with the other participants.

There are some good scenes waiting to be discovered, too. A sleepover with Jessica Fox (SM) and Bailey Brooke (F) is fairly ridiculous in its setup, but the action overall makes it forgivable.

Interestingly, although the videos are offered in HD and the high resolutions look very crisp, I found it’s often better to go with the lower resolutions in order to not see some of the obvious scars and other things that disrupt the “futa” style fantasy.

Bottom line: Recommended if you like this sort of thing.

11-13-18  06:57am

Replies (3)
Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Big names like Veronica Avluv, India Summer, etc., and less known actresses as well.
- High production values (very much not a romance site, fwiw)
- Attractive models doing raunchy things
- Great value. Lots of content on each site plus additional large network access
- Good PU discount
- Download managers work
- Photos available
Cons: - Niche. Be sure you're into what they're offering
- Doesn't seem as responsive with more than one tab opened
- Photos zips are huge.
- Videos seem to be padded a bit with BTS and "best of" style compilations here and there, but still an enormous network.
Bottom Line: Very much a gonzo network.

Enjoy anal, choking, matted-hair, running mascara, etc? Enjoy spit, gagging, ATM, stuff coming out of throats and noses, feet-on-head during the anal sex (even when it's lesbians using strapons) in your adult films? Like a few shemales alone or with men and women here and there? This is the network for you.

The site/network will log you out every so often. I couldn't see a particular pattern, but you'll want to check in every so often if you're hoping to grab some videos with a manager.

The video quality is good to excellent, although I didn't see any 4K. That's not an issue for me, but the highest offering I saw was 1080p. One of the best things about the network is that most of the newer clips are offered in everything from 160p to 1080p for download. I thought the 540p offered the best size/quality tradeoff, and the HD clips often weren't significantly better looking to justify the three or five times size differences. The older clips might only be in 360 or 480, but that's fairly acceptable considering their age.

Production values are generally high in the newer scenes.

Actress-wise, There are some good scenes with stars like Lou Charmelle, Courtney Cummz, Dana Vespoli, and others. BUT, if you see an actress you like, you'd best want to see her doing some pretty degrading stuff. If that doesn't float your boat, reconsider pursuing your favorite actress on this network. Again, anal is ever-present, as are choking, gagging, drooling, etc.

There were some surprises in the actress list, too. It was nice to discover some unknown work by Jessica Nyx, Alysha Rylee, and others. It's always pleasant to stumble across those kinds of things at a site you were visiting almost entirely because of previously unknown work by another actress.

There are photos and photo zips available, but the sizes seem way too big for what they are. 300MB for a set wasn't uncommon, but 50MB would've been more appropriate for something that is essentially complimentary to the video. The lighting in the photos was worse as well, and often too dark. It was a strange contrast to the overly-bright videos.

Bottom line- Anal. Choking. Drooling. Running mascara. Sound good? Join.

11-07-16  09:08am

Replies (0)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Huge site
- Lots of different niches in the network (MILFs, natural bush, lesbian, etc.)
- Good video quality overall, even with the non-HD .mp4 downloads.
- .zip files of pictures and screengrabs
- Lots of variety in body types, hair, and skin color.
- Some good unknown actresses
Cons: - Wow at the ads
- Quite a few of the good unknown actresses apparently only did one scene and then disappeared forever.
- Sometimes only .zip files of picture sets OR screengrabs, but not both
- Some sites are no longer updating.
- Can get a little repetitive and, unfortunately, boring.
- No in-between video sizes. You can either get the smallish, easily-downloaded, lower-quality .mp4, or you can get the huge 3gb 1080p clip. Take your pick.
- No 4K that I saw as of late April 2016
Bottom Line: I was pleased overall. It's a huge network with a ton of content. Most of it is fairly vanilla, but I bet you'll find something you like. The preview of the site allows you see most actresses and stills of scenes IIRC. Kudos to the site for this.

Ads EVERYWHERE. It was mentioned in the previous review, but I wanted to reiterate it. I do approve of the lock icons on things that apparently aren't included in the membership, though.

The Milfhunter and Moms Bang Teens sites were standouts for me, with MH having lots of attractive and seemingly legitimate MILF models, and the energy in the MBT scenes seemed to be a step above most other sites'. Not to mention MBT's great combination of gorgeous MILFs interacting with college aged couples.

Video quality in the newer clips was good, but there was little to no in-between sizing. Huge and good, or small and okay. Take your pick.

Hey websites: There are still quite a few of us who aren't on 100Mbps internet connections. Put something in between "Enormous HD" and "still way too big considering the fairly mediocre quality" sizes. See Milehigh media or Tainster to get an idea of how 540p can be a viable option.

Download managers are a mixed bag. They work, although you'll likely run into login requests by your manager if too many downloads are queued up. Downloads that have already started will continue to work long after you've been logged out of the site, though.

Other people mention a download limit, but I never encountered it. It was probably a combination of my connection speed, scene choices, and download manager, but it wasn't a problem for me.

Bottom line: A huge site and hard to beat for a cheap price. A few inconveniences here and there, but a good way to get some good scenes from your favorite actresses.

Would I join again? Yes.

06-24-16  09:29am

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers


Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Pics zips
- Various video formats available
- 1080 and 720 HD videos
- An enormous site with lots of content
- Download managers work, sort of
- No download limit that I found, but I'm on a slowish connection
- Discounted promo rates
- Tremendous amount of MILFs, which is definitely an added bonus for my tastes.
- Lots of variety in actresses. Blondes, blacks, Hispanics, Euro, etc. If you like it they've probably got it.
- Lots of stockings, lingerie, and glam hair when I didn't expect it. Again, added bonus for my tastes.
Cons: - Not all clips have photos, and not all photos are .zipped
- Actresses are sometimes listed twice (Chastity Lynn is in both "C" and "L" sections). Might not be padding, but still.
- Very, VERY much a pornstar site. Yes there is some glam and stockings, but it's overwhelmed by thigh tattoos, breast, butt, and lip implants, etc. You won't go through more than a couple of scenes before you run into ridiculous fake tits (why, ladies?)
- Advertisements inside paid area
- Questionable video formats/quality
- Download managers seem to be hit or miss
Bottom Line: Brazzers was on my radar for a while and I'm glad I finally tried them. It's one of the big names of the industry beside NA, BangBus, etc., and I'd already tried the others, so...

This might not make much sense until you see it, but I really approve of their non-gonzo approach to filming women giving oral sex. If face-fucking can possibly be considered tastefully done, then Brazzers has figured out how to do it. There is often quite a bit of sound involved, but little to no drool and none of that degrading gonzo-style "woman laying on her back and saliva coating her hair and making her eyeliner run before the man puts a foot on her head while entering her from behind" that so many sites have embraced.

There's a lot of campiness involved in some very unbelievable scenes. Alana Evans having unnoticed sex with a friend while he and two other men (one her "husband" IIRC) sit on a couch watching a ball game comes to mind, but they're fairly easy to excuse, too. I'm not knocking points off for that sort of stuff, just noting it so it's not too surprising when you see it for the first time. It's a comical setup to a pretty good follow up.

I'm a bit particular about video encoding rates/efficiency, and I really didn't get their approach. They list the bitrates on the video choice when you choose your download, and there is a huge jump between 2000 Kbps and 8000 Kbps 720p clips.

Put another way, there are either enormous (1 or 2+gb) 720p and 1080p options, or you can choose a near-unwatchable by modern standards blocky and poor-quality option that is a drastically smaller download.

Big gripe- I'm fairly sure there were multiple time-based downloadable clips when I joined (if you just wanted to grab the five minutes at the end for example), and now they're gone. That's very disappointing.

Download managers work, but the links time out or you will be logged out of the site and you'll only get a couple of the clips you queued up.


Offer something between the crappy SD clips and the enormous 720p and up ones. Give an in-between HQ option to bridge the gap. Look at Milehighmedia for examples.

Bottom line:

Some irritations, but a huge site with a lot of content, and it's one of the very few sites I carried on with an annual membership.

06-03-16  05:19pm

Replies (0)
Visit Sexy Hub

Sexy Hub

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Multiple encoding options for videos, 720 and 1080 included
- Photos available as .zip files.
- Multiple options available for size/quality of those .zip files.
- Gorgeous women and a good mixture of MILFs and college aged women. No silly forced "youngness" that I saw (pigtails, striped socks, etc.).
- Actual pubic hair on a few models. It's not a hairy site and there are more shaved than not, but thank goodness, and please let this be the beginning of a trend back to grown women looking like grown women again.
- Download managers work.
- No download limits that I found.
- Good searchable naming system. Actress and site names included in the video/photo file. Example: Mom_Nancy_12345, meaning from the "Mom" site, starting Nancy. Good job, site designers. I'm amazed that seems so difficult for most sites to incorporate.
Cons: - Ads inside. I know that's becoming more and more common, but I still paid to get in. Want to advertise? Offer two prices. One slightly cheaper and ad-subsidized, one a couple of bucks higher and ad-free. (FWIW, if the ads are subsidizing a reduced rate/discount then I don't mind so much. I suspect they're there for everyone, though.)
- Scenes won't always have model's names listed. Members will often make a comment below noting who it is, but that's the site's job, especially when linking to all of a model's vids.

- George.



- Occasional dead links
- Models will be named in the video (literally- their name will be part of the video file name), but the actress won't be listed on the website. See Kirschley. OR vice versa. The actress will be listed, but the video links will be dead. See "Afternoon Rubdown" and "Her Plaything".
- Not all videos have photo sets.
- Can be a bit repetitive.
Bottom Line: Overall a good site with fairly good navigation and just a few flaws here and there.

Gorgeous models. Almost all are European.

Download managers (downthemall at least) worked fine with the videos, but the photo .zip files would often time out.

The site logs you out occasionally, but it's more of an inconvenience than an irritation.

HD video options exist, but the lighting/filters/quality often makes the 1080p clips look a lot like the non-HD option. The 480 clips look very good and are very reasonably sized.

There are hundreds of scenes over four sites on the network. MILFs (Mom), lesbians (lesbea), reality-show type lesbians (girlfriends), tasteful sex (dane jones), and massage room scenario (appropriately named "massage room").

There are models that I've never seen anywhere else and who apparently did nothing else (Nancy IIRC), and a few recognizable stars (Zuzanna, Szilvia, Klarissa etc.).

There are also a few pleasant surprises like finding the beautiful and nicely-aged Rene, a favorite from Sapphic Erotica that I haven't seen in years, starring in multiple scenes on the lesbian sites.

I would guess George is in at least half of all the m/f scenes. Go George, but it gets sort of old seeing him everywhere.

Very vanilla sex and lots of creampie or stomach finishes on the m/f scenes. I don't recall any anal, and definitely no drool-streaked-eyeliner-and-that-guy's-foot-on-her-head-while-roughly-entering-her-from-behind sort of stuff. Thank goodness. This is all just attractive, tasteful couples with good, if sometimes a bit soft, lighting.

I'd like to see a bit more age-appropriate lingerie including teddies, stockings, garters, etc., but there's nothing wrong with what is in place.

Would I join again? Yes.

04-06-16  08:16am

Replies (5)
Visit Scoreland


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Big, often beautiful women
- Lots of focus on big breasts
- Large site
- Videos and photos available
- Download managers work
Cons: - Sometimes more big than beautiful
- Lots of fake tits
- Downloads fail just before finishing fairly often
- Flash/java heavy = often unresponsive site design
Bottom Line: Scoreland is a site that offers a large amount of content containing mostly larger women. It’s not always larger women, though. Sometimes it’s average sized women with large breasts. To my eyes more often than not those women have huge fake tits, but occasionally some of those will even have natural breasts.

The good:

There are often only photos for the older material, which is fine considering how long Score has been in business. On the bottom of the website they note that they’ve been in business for 25 years, and I’d guess that there are still a lot of offerings on their website that span that length of time. And that’s a good thing.

The newer offerings are usually available in multiple formats and even five minute clips of those multiple formats, and I commend the website for taking this approach. 720p is the highest resolution available for download as of September 2018. They look fine, but topping out at 720 is noticeable in this modern day and age of ultra high definition and virtual reality offerings. There are none of the latter that I saw, by the way.

There are often photos and videos available for the newer shoots, but occasionally you’ll find only one or the other.

The not so good:

Download managers work, but it’s not unusual to try to download a video and see it fail right before it finishes and yield a “server error” message. And my “right before” I mean the last 10% of the download. I never could determine that it corresponded with a particular time of day or file size. Sometimes the file would finish and sometimes it wouldn’t. It’s irritating and could certainly influence one’s view of the site.

The site seems to be based heavily on java script. So much so that it won’t show you anything if you’re running a blocker. I also noticed sluggish responses and images that wouldn’t always load unless you scrolled the page down. That would somehow trigger the images that should’ve loaded when the page was initially visited. Not a huge deal but definitely another annoyance.

Bottom line:

A good site with a lot of attractive larger ladies. There are some minor irritations here and there, but I would join again.

10-16-18  04:19am

Replies (0)
Visit Hard X

Hard X

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Good lighting, video quality, etc.
- No download limits that I encountered
- Multiple video sizes available for download
- Big names and up-and-comers.
- Decent mixture of white and non-white actresses
- The anal isn't the degrading foot-on-her-head gonzo style that is so popular these days.
Cons: - Checkbox cross-sales when subscribing (webmasters, is that one-time $30 or so worth a user never, ever subscribing to any of your sites again?)
- Anal in almost every scene, although that's probably a pro for some. "Hard" in this usage = anal.
- Photos intermittently available for downloading. Seems odd for such a new and well-designed/planned site.
Bottom Line: A good looking, responsive, polished site featuring attractive women having anal sex or being gangbanged. I'd guess there are 200 or so videos. There is a decent mixture of college aged women and MILFs. Occasional tattoos but not really prominent. The same with fake tits (why, ladies?). There is some running mascara here and there, but even the gangbangs didn't really strike me as gonzo-style porn.

If you're not into anal/DPs/gangbangs you'll get bored pretty quickly. I'd guess there were only a dozen or so videos out of what I glanced at that didn't involve anal sex, and it makes one wonder the "analx.com" domain was already taken when this site was developed.

Video download options went from small portable-friendly clips to 1080p with four or five options in between, and even the middle option (540p) looks very good considering the size and quality tradeoffs compared to the larger HD files. Kudos to the site for this.

I think offering a "best of" HD clip of the major points or finale similar to what Naughty America and Team Skeet provide would be beneficial to this site. Offering a clip with the anal and ATM edited out might increase appeal to more subscribers as well.

Would I recommend? If you're into anal, yes. It's an attractive, well-done site with high quality videos.

09-22-16  05:34am

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Visit Wankz.com


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Large site
- Epoch as payment processor
- Lots of variety in actresses, scenes, etc.
- 4K content
- Didn't encounter any download limits (FWIW, I don't have the speeds to churn through the site and grab a bunch of 4K vids like the other reviewer mentioned)
- Photos often available for download
- Lots of variety in skin tones, sizes, hair, etc.
- Good exposure to some really great stripper/porn star names. My personal favorite: Strokahontas
Cons: - "Embed" instead of a download link was encountered more than once. Not really sure how that's supposed to work on a paid subscription.
- I'm not positive it's not just a clone of the Lethal site. It looked very familiar. Can one of the PU admins confirm with the owners?
- Photos would be an option, but there would be no photos on the linked page and nothing available to download
- Listed video sizes and .zip file sizes were consistently wrong.
Bottom Line: The less-good. None is really too bad and none are deal breakers, but it was noticed more than a few times:

Pics and vids organization is a bit of a mess. Sizes will be listed beside the downloads, but 50%+ are incorrect. 1080p sizes will be listed as the same as the 720p clips, and photos' zip sizes will often not seem to correspond to anything in particular. It was nice to have the sizes listed, but many (most?) of the time the sizes listed for the larger video and photo download options were wrong. No big deal, but it was always very noticeable.

I had been a member of Lethal a long time ago, and quite a few of the videos looked familiar to me. I'm not sure if they weren't just similar scenes with the same actresses, but I left wondering if Wankz and Lethal are the same or at least share a lot of content. Maybe admin can confirm with the sites.

There were some dead-end links that led to photo pages with nothing to view or download, and there were occasionally download links that led to tiny ~4kB files that were clearly not the 30 minute clip you were trying to download.

The good:

One of the best parts of this site is the naming structure. Yes, I know it has little to do with video quality or quantity, but let's consider it a rare quality-of-life situation. I run into so many sites that allow download managers and unlimited downloads, and after you load your queue up with clips you discover the video that came from a page titled "Beautiful Milf Kayla Synz Gets Some Help Folding Her Laundry" ends up being saved in your download folder as something like "39030_01_HD" or the even worse "video." Not Wankz. If you download a clip from a page titled "Sexy Secretary Alana Evans gets drilled just right," you will end up with a video titled "sexy-secretary-alana-evans-gets-drilled-just-right."

Even when the video doesn't mention the actress by name, it will at least give you an idea of what is happening in the scene. For instance, "an-office-romance-gets-really-hot-and-heavy" is an actual name of a clip. You might not immediately know who is in it, but at least you have an idea of what's happening compared to 77327_02_HD.

Well done, Wankz.

They offer 4K downloads. I don't have anything that is able to properly view or oherwise take advantage of downloading those huge clips, so I can't comment on quality. Many/most of their newer clips offered portable, SD, 720p, and 1080p download options, and the older clips would often be a choice between two fair-to-decent quality options. They looked okay and the quality was acceptable considering they were older scenes.

Content-wise it's fairly standard stuff you'd see at competitors like Reality Kings, Brazzers, etc., but I never got the feeling this was on the same level. It's still a good site, but it's like watching your local college play football before going to see the playoffs. The first guys were fun to watch and did a good job, but the top teams are almost playing an entirely different game on an identical field.

Would I recommend? Yes, and what especially lifted them out of the "average" range is the recognizable naming of files. I understand it's a little more work, but the coordination between files seems like it would be easy to do when setting up the system, and it's a shame we can't see that from websites more often.

11-21-16  02:44am

Replies (1)
Visit Bi Maxx

Bi Maxx

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Probably the biggest player in an underserved niche
- Lots of content dating back years (300+ scenes according to TBP), but be aware that updates are sparse
- 1080p and 720p available for most if not all content
- .zip files for photos
- Quite a few big name Euro women
- Download managers (downthemall) work
- Not degrading or humiliation based.
Cons: - Infrequent updates
- Went through a bizarre party / orgy stage and a page or two of content is dedicated to that
- Files have no distinguishing naming characteristics
- A bit pricey when it used to be part of a network (IIRC - see comments below)
- Uninspired acting/directing in many scenes and too many scenes where the woman is nearby but not really participating or even really invited.
Bottom Line: Not a bad site and one of the main options for the genre, but it has some things about it that aren't ideal.

I joined back in 2011 or so, and rejoined recently. I was pretty disappointed to see there weren't many updates in the five or so years in between my memberships. Don't misunderstand, though. There's lots of content, just not if you've been a member before.

I think it was part of the Tainster network at one time, and the network offered tons of Euro MF/MFF content along with the bi site. Now you just get a membership to a gay site called guysgocrazy.com, too. That's fine since there are bound to be some gay guys who are straight-curious (is that even a thing?), but there's not really any incentive for guys who are more into women to stay on for more than a month, while bimaxx being in the Tainster network would probably be something to consider an annual membership for.

The new videos are all named exactly the same thing when you download depending on the resolution you choose. Interestingly, it's the same naming structure as Jim Slip's site. I'm guessing there is a central figure creating or managing these sites that sets them up this way. Regardless, it's a bad way of doing it. You'll end up with a folder full of files all named "1080p_complete" and with no idea what the scene is. It wasn't always this way, btw. My old files have the date (filming or release I'd imagine) and resolution. Not much better, but at least you could tell they were different without looking at the size column.

The content is fairly predictable hitchhiker, TV repairman, etc. setups. There are some good and passionate scenes hidden in the humdrum ones where there is actual energy between the men and women, but unfortunately there are way too many scenes with obviously homosexual men who are doing their homosexual male thing while a woman is sitting nearby and not welcome or necessary.

It's kind of surprising to realize how decent the acting and directing in the Reality Kings "Moms Bang Teens" scenes are, and that type of guidance would be very useful for this site.

The site went through an orgy period that I found ridiculous and awful. I doubt I was the only one since it looks like they moved away from that and back to the couples +1 scenes.

Bottom line- It's worth a try since the good outweighs the bad and since there aren't many choices in this genre.

05-19-16  10:45am

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Visit Blacked.com


Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Attractive, clean models
- No connection problems or other hiccups
- Competent direction (a step or two above typical pizza delivery porn setup)
- Very good videography
- Small file sizes are decent quality, which is good because of a sister comment in the cons
- Download managers are allowed
- No download limits that I encountered
- Photos are available
Cons: - HUGE video sizes for anything HD.
- Site design seems really nice and clean until you actually try to download something.
- Ads. I paid to be here, guys. Want to run a site with ads? Run it at a reduced cost with the subsidies.
- Poor choices on site design
- Gets predictable after the first three or four videos you watch.
Bottom Line: Blacked is, as you may have guessed, black men having sex with white women. It's a much different approach than Blacks on Blondes (and thankfully lacks the download limit that dogfart claims doesn't exist) in that the setting is usually a well-dressed, well-spoken woman in a nice home being seduced by, or seducing, a clean --- although often heavily tattooed --- black man.

It's a good site and I recommend it if you have any interest. The models are attractive and often dressed up in nice clothes or lingerie, and the scenes are filmed extremely well. It's a very good buy if you like the premise and or actresses.

It's not a perfect site yet, though.

It's still sort of small, although I obviously think it's reasonably sized and mature enough to join.

If you're on anything under 25Mbps you should expect to spend two or three months there if you want the HD and 4K clips. It's a bit ridiculous, really. I can't see much of a reason for there to be a jump from 500MB for the very crisp and clear SD version to a marginally better 720 version that is 3GB.

The videos are fairly predictable, and it seems like it's nearly the same script for all of them. This premise, the woman does A, the black guy does B, the woman and black guy do C, D, E, and F, and at some point around C or D the wife will say her husband never does that.

As I've said before, Want to advertise? Offer two prices. One slightly cheaper and ad-subsidized, one a couple of bucks higher and ad-free. If the ads are subsidizing a reduced rate/discount then I don't mind so much. I suspect they're there for everyone, though.

The most glaring problem is the site design after you click to download anything. Lots of sites are taking this complicated approach these days, but it's a problem on Blacked. Click the download link and a popup (java?) covers the entire screen to offer you your choices. Click on whichever choice you want and it will occasionally start the download. I'm not sure why it has so much trouble, but it's almost like the clicks register but the system doesn't care. Left or right clicks won't don't do anything at nearly equal rates. Eventually the link will register and give you the option to save, but often an error message will appear. It's almost like a timeout, but it happens within ten seconds or so. Very weird site choices.

TL;DR - Put download link choices on the page under the video, and don't require three or more clicks to get to the content. Done and done.

Would I join again? Yes. The good outweighs the bad by a large margin, and the bad is mostly little annoyances.

08-07-17  07:36am

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