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Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #2 from monty4321: (Advent's Reply)

This might be a little different. But there are times when I stay away from an ATK sight for awhile, then I would go back in case there was anything new. But I would hesitate about which ATK sight to join because I'm afraid of being disappointed. If there was some kind of 2 sites for 1 deal, or maybe an extra 5 bucks for second site - there's a better chance that I would bite. Because most of the time I would just shy away, and I never pay for more than one site per month, I only get a membership maybe once every 3-4 months.

07-17-11  08:16pm

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #2 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

I'll add that I e-mailed "support@amkingdom.com " right at the start of the hour when I was unable to log in - still no response 3+hours later.

So a major fail by ATK for this member.

06-29-11  09:17pm

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #1 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

Nope - not a bit - I saw nothing but the clock showing that I had no more time to wait for it. Not any thrill, I'll tell ya. My cache should have been pretty fresh since I had just turned my computer on just minutes before the show, not like I'd used up my memory for hours.

06-29-11  08:29pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)


Cap'n. :0)

06-14-11  12:14pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #2 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Despite the major revamp ( largely a hit with me) there are STILL no custom zips.

This has been an outstanding request for well over a year now.

Somewhen never?

Cap'n :0(

06-03-11  06:59pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #3 from 2 Free K: (Advent's Reply)

Anytime. I must add, too, that I appreciate the effort you've been putting into making the ATK sites as good as possible. Great customer service, great interviews, and great value for the dollar - keep it up! Karups and Nubiles try to cop your style, but ATK gives so much more, thus my allegiance is strong. The old folks have Playboy, I have ATK.

06-03-11  08:34am

Visit ATK Exotics

ATK Exotics
REPLY TO #2 from Drooler: (Advent's Reply)

Ok, thanks. Nice to hear that improvements are coming.

All the best ...

04-05-11  06:54pm

N/A Reply of Advent's News from Douggie:

Wow, Was looking forward to knocking out several reviews but figured I should give your company the benefit of the doubt and wait.

I have been a member for less than a week and only had 1 evening that your site worked. Its been down all weekend...sent several messages with no reply.

I tried to join your forum so I could let you guys know that way and the required verification email never came through.

I noticed your site says its running with a beta program....ehem, almost 2 years? What is the three stooges your tech people?

To be honest and the reason for my delay in rating is this....
The ATK movie site...2 year beta testing or not. Is the worse site I have ever been to. I can deal with the expense part. I have never been to a site that runs, is set up or has been out of commission like this. All this BS from a high fee site? EVERY free site features better streams, Better search functions and 100% more reliability.

The pros:
It has a video only format
Lots of videos


The site is SLOW...Im not talking "Man I wish this site were faster" slow...Im talking Pounding my head on the desk screaming "WTF is this so damn slow" Slow.

Mega gateway Errors. YUP...havent seen them for years. But get them numerous times from this site.

Almost 2 years of Beta testing? Common!

Only offer (and the customer pays a lot for) stream. The problem is the download is so slow that theres a little black rebuffering box that is on the video 1/2 the time.

Tech Support....Well that goes along with the overal site..Its been over 4 days and I havent heard back from you...site has been down 4 out of 5 days now.

Search engine...There is a ton of work that needs to be done with it.
OVERALL, I cant justify your fees. Inshort (out of space) Its the WORSE site I have ever been to. With possibilites of being one of the best. But that being said...will it happen in this millenia?

02-15-11  01:02am

N/A Reply of Advent's News from Douggie:

Hello melissa,

I just previewed this site and it looks interesting.
A few thing I noticed that couls use improvement.

1) To be honest, the fees are rather high. If I were to go with the minimum. I would be able to watch aproximately 5 movies. Granted most are exclusive. But Ive seen some that arent. With the little detail given whats to say the video Im about to watch is what Im actually looking for?

2) The search engine is less than mediocre. You either have the ability to look at a very broad search...like for instance masturbation. You end up with more then just what youre searching for. Or hope that its in the title....my search was vibrator (5 pages) what I know theres a ton more. magic wand Which pulled up one. Or massager that pulled up about 5.

I realize its about making money. But for 20.00 I would expect to have the ability to search and play for most an evening. Although you have a ton of content and this style of billing may work at other sites. I think your company would be better off billing a 30-40.00 monthly fee.

Im sure youve heard this before....The site is slow. I read somewhere that youve combined all your sites to one server. That wouldnt be an issue if I had a whole month to view the movies.

Overall I think youre site is on the right track. That is without actually viewing the content. At this point, Im kind of scared to join. With billing like that, I could see myself dropping 100.00 an evening.

Any discounted deals going on? Like the first time mebers get 40 crowns with the 20.00 purchase?

02-07-11  11:31pm

Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

I suppose given that we now have a Sunday photo update, photo lovers aren't actually losing out on updates.

Cap'n. :0/

01-21-11  04:03am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

OK Thanks for the update.....

I'll keep waiting then. :0/

Cap'n. :0)

05-24-10  10:15am

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
REPLY TO #9 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

No problem, Advent - you've got good sites and I'm glad to give suggestions that I hope will help make them even better.

One other thing I was thinking about - I had been looking at the preview of ATK Premium and was rather surprised that all of the pics that I checked out in the preview had a copyright date of 2005. Someone checking out that site could easily reach a conclusion that ATK Premium is a site that hasn't updated in years. You might want to pass on a suggestion that you would be well-served by freshening those pics up on a regular basis to give potential members a more realistic impression of the life of the site.

Take care

03-30-10  10:21pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
REPLY TO #7 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

The current design of the site seems to be one that hides the content rather than pointing members to the content - rather than all the "View More" huge buttons, when it comes to individual models, you might want to even have a count of the "more" that is in that direction.

The other thing is that the thumbnails frequently don't look good, then when you click on the pic, I'm amazed at how hot the pics are - I'm looking at the site now, and there's a blurry-looking pic of Lexi in the "Bonus Photos" area - doesn't look particularly inviting, but when I click on it, the gallery pics show just how freaking hot she is - and then I have to click through several more screens to see how much content you have of her - you've got a dozen galleries of this incredibly hot babe - and 5 vids - but finding that out takes a lot of clicking through screens that show a portion of the content and don't give you much info on what else there is.

There's also a design problem in the way that the vids and photos are designated. I look at the way things are presented and I'm constantly wondering - Is this where the photos are or is this where the movies are? It's just rather confusing.

But, as I said in my topic of this comment, despite the confusion, what makes or breaks a site is whether or not it has good content - and this one has quite a bit of good content - it's just not presented in the easiest way to be able to find it.

03-30-10  07:23pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
REPLY TO #4 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

User Defined Custom Zips ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

03-30-10  09:32am

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
REPLY TO #3 from Drooler: (Advent's Reply)

Here's a summary of pointers (mostly from the long post I'd make about Petites, but was in the Galleria review section at PU):

1. Use a clearer color scheme. It shouldn't distract so much. Use a lighter background and darker text for links.
2. Make it work for 1024x768 and other lower screen resolutions so no horizontal scrolling is needed. Web pages should always be completely visible from the left to the right side of any screen.
3. Organize more clearly. Put ONLY the exclusive model material in one section, and the "from other ATK sites" material in another.

Those things alone would really improve the design, IMHO.

And (I'll add): Get better photographers who do things like Suzy Black, ATK Galleria, 77 babes 4, 78 babes 1, and 78 uniforms 2. That stuff was GREAT! I think it's a shame how fine looking girls like Amia Moretti and Sammi Rhodes are showing up for what turn out to be mediocre photo shoots.

03-30-10  09:17am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

I thought that might have been the case.

I have sent you an e-mither! ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

02-24-10  04:48pm

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #10 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

How's it coming?

I haven't seen any changes to the Archive site yet or reference to a network deal?

Cap'n :0/

02-20-10  12:56pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #14 from Ray O: (Advent's Reply)


Just an update. Advent followed up with me and was true to her word. I appreciate her honesty and her efforts. We are lucky to have a responsive person representing a site, that actively replies to customers. Most sites do nothing. I am giving ATK another chance. Still a lot of good stuff there!

02-13-10  08:17am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #8 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

That sounds promising.

Are changes imminent or still a few weeks off?

Cap'n. :0)

01-29-10  11:02am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #6 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

It is difficult to get excited about something, when you don't know what it is. ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

01-29-10  10:44am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #4 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Would that be before or after the custom zips function for ATKNH? ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

01-29-10  10:16am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #2 from Capn: (Advent's Reply)

Any further word on this, please?

Cap'n. :0)

01-29-10  09:33am

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #6 from PinkPanther: (Advent's Reply)

Keep on sending me those offers that RB doesn't like - I took advantage of your new ATK Galleria offer - mmmmmm - nice stuff you've been posting lately - I'm happy!!

01-25-10  07:49pm

Visit AT Kingdom

AT Kingdom
REPLY TO #3 from RagingBuddhist: (Advent's Reply)

Thank you, Advent. That link worked.

01-24-10  04:44am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #12 from Ray O: (Advent's Reply)

Sorry, I am in A foreign country right now and have been working all day. Long day. I think we are 12 hours off from each other. I responded to your email just now.

01-14-10  10:01pm

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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