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Do you hate it when they dub foreign porn in another language?

Type: Content

Submitted by pornwatcher (0)
Yes 48% 20 Votes
No 21% 9 Votes
It depends 31% 13 Votes

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42 Votes Total

Jul 18, 2010

Poll Replies (17)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) I would rather have subtitles than dubbing, but I don't often see subtitles for porn.
07-18-10  12:24am

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hodayathink (0) I'd prefer subtitles too, but mainly because I want to hear the actual performers fucking. If they dubbed dialogue scenes and kept the actual sex noises, I'd be okay with that.
07-18-10  12:29am

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bjajlt362 (0) I moan is a moan, doesn't matter the language.
07-18-10  01:28am

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nadiencendia (0) As a Spaniard, I grew up with dubbed movies (including porn), and I have to say that Spanish dubbing is in general really good. But now, I cannot stand dubbing any more, it always sounds fake and out of sync. In porn, I would rather have a movie with subtitles, or even a movie in a language that I don't understand at all, than a poorly dubbed movie that seems fake...
07-18-10  03:38am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - hodayathink :

You've summed up my feelings exactly!
07-18-10  04:27am

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Drooler (Disabled) To me, dubbing and "rubbing" just don't mix! I remember seeing this flick of Julie Silver and some guy and it was dubbed in Italian. The female voice artist really put her libido into it, but it was weird just the same, as I know what the moans of Julie Silver sound like.

And subtitles? No! Add those to the watermark and the usual shitty camera work and hey, with that much visual clutter, why even bother?

07-18-10  04:37am

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Denner (0) Yes!
But they do not do it much these days, do they?
A lot of more vintage stuff was in that way, though...

And, BTW: I still hate it, when I hear John Wayne speaks German...

07-18-10  06:17am

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Sevrin (0) I must have missed John Wayne's porn flicks.

I don't like dubbing, but subtitles can be fun. I liked the ones in Viv Thomas's Sex Tapes movies a lot. I like chatting during sex, and would like to know what's being said.

There was actually a thread over at the VT forums where a Czech speaker took offense at the liberties taken with subtitles. It turns out that in some (not the Sex Tapes movies) scenes, the subtitles were based on the lines models had been given, while the models just ad libbed.

I find it's a shame when Euro girls just moan rather talk to each other. My guess is that's done because too many Americans are offended at having to listen to foreign languages.

07-18-10  06:45am

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pat362 (0) I've seen quite a few movies that were dubbed and for the most part they were better than if they'd been in their original language. Since i prefer porn with actual dialogue then it stands that I have to understand what they are saying to enjoy it. I agree that it would be better to hear it in the original language but since I only speak French and English then, for now, I prefer my movie in either language. Given I choice I'll pick French. Somehow I finds the French have more words to use for their porn.
07-18-10  08:08am

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badandy400 (0) I use mute a lot so it is not as important. Subtitles in porn would be a deal breaker for me.

"Oh yeah" is international, at least so I thought...

07-18-10  02:10pm

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Capn (0) Not that bothered.....

Dubbing can add to the 'cheesiness' which can be amusing. :0)

07-18-10  03:13pm

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graymane (Suspended) Have you ever noticed how good the audio is on some of those scenes dubbed in another language? Opposed to many of the original English versions wherein they sound as if they're chewing on cud.
07-18-10  03:28pm

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apoctom (0) hodayathink nailed it: I would prefer to hear the actual girl rather than the dubbed in girl.
07-19-10  08:32pm

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dracken (0) I also prefer the subtitles, but I'd rather have it dubbed that nothing. The lack of translation is the only thing that keeps me away from many russian sites.
07-19-10  09:32pm

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BadMrFrosty (0) I usually watch porn with the sound muted so it does not bother me at all
07-21-10  06:57am

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nostromo (0) i would forbid all forms, kinds and shapes of dubbing. I would probably choose to do so a tsarist ukase.
09-21-10  03:02pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) I dont like dubbing, but subtitles help
05-27-20  07:29am

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