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Visit Karup's Hometown Amateurs

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Karup's Hometown Amateurs

Type: Pay Site


1. Amateur Girls
2. Young Adults

EENT, Inc.
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Partner: XXX Rewards

Monthly: $29.95 (recurring)
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View all Karup's Hometown Amateurs Site Facts at TBP.

Feedback History  (43)

Active Reviews 0
Newbie Reviews 24
Active Ratings 0
Newbie Ratings 1
Comments 18
Review by TheBestPorn:

TBP Review

Date: 05-12-24

Type: 2.0

+  Enjoy All Kinds of Amateur Porn
+  Check Out a Massive Collection
-  Older Content Is Lower Quality
-  Some Functionality Issues

User Reviews (23)

 User reviews consist of pros, cons, and other thoughts.

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Douggie (Suspended) 11-25-14  01:28am
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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MiztaBlu (0) 06-03-12  04:30pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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ezride (0) 02-05-10  03:12am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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Willard (0) 12-15-09  09:35am
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BabyGetReal (0) 08-23-09  06:27pm
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Torn4do (0) 03-17-09  07:11pm
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Goldfish (0) 03-14-09  08:38pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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memememe (0) 02-27-09  09:56pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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TrashMan (Disabled) 02-17-09  08:18pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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WeeWillyWinky (0) 10-20-08  09:54am
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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*Newbie reviews and ratings don't count toward a site's overall score/rank until the user reaches the Rookie status level (5 points). This rule is needed to help prevent fake (or heavily biased) profiles and reviews.

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User Comments (18)

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standard (0) 12-02-17  04:09am
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Avoid. Heavy Download Restrictions.

See comment under Karups for more info.

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MiztaBlu (0) 02-25-13  09:55am
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Addition to my review

I did a review last summer, and for the most part, I stand by my score and everything I said about the site. I recently joined again, mainly because I recently became a fan of picture sets. I commented on it last time, but after getting into the picture sets more, I have a few things to add...

+There are alot of cute girls that are softcore only, so the picture sets are often the only way to see some of these girls. I guess you could put this as a con aa well, but its a nice surprise.

+The vast majority of the girls, unlike on Karups Older Women, are at least moderated attractive, and most Id say are very attractive. There are approximately 1500 girls on the site, and Id say 1400 are pretty hot. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so that may vary both ways depending what you like.

-This site suffers from alot of the same downfalls as KarupsOW. Some of the photoshoots...even newer ones, are poorly shot. Whether its poor lighting, poor focus, or just poor direction, there are many sets than werent up to par. The biggest problem with these, like with Older Women, is the fact that they often focus way too much on vaginal shots. Like I said, I like pussy as much as any heterosexual male on this planet, but they show too many of the same shot and dont focus nearly enough on the rest of the girls body. There were several sets where they girl had a beautiful ass or just body in general, and they either focused way too much on cooter shots, or they kept the girl clothed. Some girls were completely ruined altogether because of horrible direction.

-The site has no consistency whatsoever in terms of the picture sets. Some of them arent labeled properly, so you have to create a seperate folder to download them too to keep track. Not a huge deal, but I dont what is so hard about being consistent and labeling the sets in the same format. And its not as if this just applies to older sets. Alot of newers sets arent labeled properly either.

-For some reason, some current picture sets arent in high def. I get older ones, but I was just looking at a few girls that were shot in late 2012 that didnt have high def photos. WTF? There are sets from 2010 and 2011 that are high def....but now, every fucking set should be shot in high def.

In conclusion...its still a quality site thats worth a look, but so many little things drag it down. These are all things that are correctable, but seeing as how they just repeat the mistakes over and over, Im not confident they will ever change.

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PinkPanther (0) 01-22-13  09:43pm
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Former Members, Keep An Eye on E-mail

I received quite a nice 1-month offer, which I took advantage of. If, like me, you're a former member, keep an eye on your e-mail - you might like what you see.

Some of their recent updates are REALLY nice!

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nostromo (0) 02-28-11  02:38am
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Beware, if you sign for a monthly...

membership and cancel a few days later, then, exactly two days later, you are not allowed anymore in the site. I signed on February the 24TH and cancelled the 25th, well, soon enough, on February the 27th i can't access the site.

This is what they write to you when you join the site: "Your transaction has been processed by EENT, Inc. through RSBilling. You can cancel at any time and your membership will continue for the remainder of your subscription. After the initial period (30 days) you will be billed 29.90 every 30 days."

It seems that they do not fulfill their promises.

And be sure that i have typed endless times my username, password and the verification code.

On february the 27th i received this e-mail: "Dear KarupsHA Member,

You are receiving this e-mail because your membership is expiring today. We thank you for being a member and hope to see you again sometime in the future. We have recently created Facebook and Twitter pages for our fans & members, where you can get sneak peeks of new models that continue to be added regularly."

So i was member for a total of four days, some deal i made.

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GCode (0) 07-11-10  09:40pm
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Question Regarding Karups

I am a bit confused about the two sites, Karup's Private Collection and this site, Karup's Hometown Amateurs. Basically, what is the difference between the two sites? Anyone that can help me with this distinction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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Jeffrey99 (0) 03-21-10  06:40am
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Anybody else having problems downloading?

Just subscribed today and while it works great for viewing and downloading photos, I can't download any videos. I can stream the new HD ones that have flash videos available and I can download the HD but any video from less then this year I can't download.

I also can't use my download manager, is that normal for this site? Everytime I try it, it saves it as a html page that when I bring up takes me to the members login area. So not really sure what's going on. Anybody have any ideas?


UPDATE: Not really sure what happened but I guess Firefox got corrupted or something. Tried downloading the photos and videos on another PC also using Firefox and they worked fine. So decided to come back to this one and update Firefox. Everything has worked fine since then.

As for download managers, once I allowed "third party cookies" in Firefox, DownThemAll worked perfectly for queing up and downloading/resuming the zips/videos. So my thoughts on the side have went up a ton since signing up.

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Capn (0) 09-06-09  09:19am
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I liked it.

It has some really cute models.
Mainly photosets.
Good strip sequences.
Update rate could be higher.
Videos I won't comment on as I don't use them.

It was the price which made me cancel.

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Mr Fountain (Suspended) 05-14-09  09:40am
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Any current/ past members had a problem with Karupsha's payment processor?

I've been checking out this site. The only thing is the payment processer EENT? Never heard of that one before. I usually go through ccbill. Any current members had a problem cancelling or logon through this processer?

The payment processor is a big deal if I don't recognise it. This issue alone can turn away members.

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Colm4 (0) 01-19-09  02:48am
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Question on softcore movies

I'm mostly interested in girls using toys. It's a bit hard to tell from the preview if all the softcore movies are like that. Or are most of these movies just girls undressing and showing of their body? If so, what's the ratio?
Is there some sort of search feature or preview of the movies so you don't have to download them all to check what they contain?

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TrashMan (Disabled) 01-13-09  03:09pm
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Mmm, there is this very cute girl named Kayla on the site, with a pseudo-tattoo over her private area (its not an ink tattoo, it looks more like a super sun-burned in outline of a heart). Wish I knew where to find more content of her. KarupsHA is one of the few sites with hardcore b/g content of this girl.

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