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02-25-09  07:19pm - 5796 days #18
badandy400 (0)
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Posts: 869
Registered: Mar 02, '08
Location: ohio
Once again I agree with Exotics on pretty much all accounts. The only item I am not 100% about is the Eve Angel, I would prefer Amy Reid. I believe if they had Amy I would crack the PU system just so I could give it a 101 score. :)

I am curious Exotics, when the people on the other forums said they did not how to start reviewing did you give them a few pointers and tell them to just have at it? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-25-09  07:04pm - 5796 days #14
badandy400 (0)
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Do not get me going about bottled water. Soon they will be looking for ways to charge us for air. People who pay for that water have a few screws loose. The only way i ever have bottled water is if someone gives it to me, then I refill the bottle 40 times at a tap somewhere. Even if I want water and I am going someplace that has terrible water I will simply take some from home.

Same with porn. Just take some from home. If you are out of town just put it on your laptop or keep a magazine in your bag. This is exactly why the UMDs for the PlayStation Portable did not take off. It was a neat idea, granted the screen is much larger than a cell phone, but no one wants to pay from the same movie twice. Even if I wanted to put a little porn on my phone I would rather download it full size and shrink it down to fit. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-25-09  06:15pm - 5796 days #37
badandy400 (0)
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DVD reviews would be best on DVD review sites. This is a website review site. So I do not think reviewing dvds would fit in all that well. Now assuming you meant to have mention to other sites where reviews of dvds can be found I am sure it would not hurt, but it is not up to me. It is up to the staff to decide who they do business with and if they want to venture into that sort of market.

Now if there is a DVD that you have seen that you must go off about and tell us how much we have to see it than go ahead. But you may want to make a new thread for it. You should not would not go off and review every dvd in your collection though, but if there are one or two that are simply must-haves for any porn collector than please let me know. After all I use some dvd rental sites as well and would not mind looking into them.

Now those other site you mentioned might be good places to ask if people are interested in website reviews. Just the same as you mentioned the dvd sites in this forum. I never knew of those places, I never looked, and I am sure many people there may not have heard of this place. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-25-09  06:01pm - 5796 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
That is true enough. Personally I do not care what color he is or if he would happen to get a little "manly" action on the side so long as he does not screw thing up. If the things he does during his four years helps us and get the USA back on its feet then I do not care if he paints the White House pink and purple, makes the secret service guys wear tight leather pants, and runs around with little fairy wing! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-25-09  04:29pm - 5796 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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Obama is not actually a "Black" guy anyway. There is no African in him! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-25-09  12:17pm - 5796 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
Hum....we pay thousands of dollars for big screen TVs and breast implants because we like things larger than life just to try to watch porn on the smallest screen we can find? Seems to be a little irony there. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-24-09  09:19pm - 5797 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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If you look back there have been a few threads about college football and even a discussion about a few different sports cars. Which is good and bad. I have no issues with people talking about other thing, I just do not want to see the forum taken over by non sense. But, I do not think that would happen knowing those who normally contribute.

I agree with not having raffle ticket given for forum posts. Even though I would get a lot of tickets from posting, I think it might bring more unwanted posts.

Now about the small newbie reviews. We were all new at some point so I say to leave a little slack for them. Truly bad reviews (short) usually end up being removed anyway. Not many 5 line wonders make it through the screening.

I can not complain at all about PU and TBP getting paid for linking. They need money to buy porn too you know! The censorship is practically non existent on PU when it comes to us writing reviews and comments. We are allowed to give one site high praise while bashing another site. If we all speak poorly of a particular site few people will join and of course PU gets no money from that site. But the trade off is that people will continue to check sites out here first because they feel it will help them make good choices, so in turn PU gets money from different sites and more of it in the long run. So money is good, and the freedom we are given is good too.

Worth mentioning as well is that it seems the reviews are somewhat sorted as well when you check a specific site. The better reviews tend to be toward the top.

All around I give PU a 95. The is always room for improvement, but most things are set up well and it is obvious that the site is well thought out. Most of the time when a topic of how the staff runs something comes up I look at other options and how they would impact the site. Nearly always I conclude, in my personal opinion, that the current method is the better choice. It truly does show and it is part of what keep me here and checking the site may times throughout a day.

Perhaps the best part about this site is the overall intelligence of the users. People have their egos in check here, ids I believe to be correct for you brain doctors. :) You can step on someone's balls a little about something and they will come back and explain things to you rather than get revert back to 2nd grade and begin cluster bombing the forum with insults. I also like that when a question is asked it is responded to by several people with helpful insights. Lastly, and certainly not least, I always look forward to WittyGuy's next comical classic that somehow manages to peg all of use exactly.

After all, how many review sites actually bribe people into submitting reviews!?!?! Getting paid periodically for doing something I like to do is hard to beat. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-19-09  06:33pm - 5802 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
You can add a comment to the site. It is on the right hand side of the review page.

I would say the videos are good enough for laptop use. I watch them full screen on my 20" and they do not look bad. Granted other people have done much better though.

A lot of times long term billing does not recur, but I can not tell you 100% for Brazzers. One thing I can tell you is that they frequently have $10 per month deals, which of course do recur, but would end up being the same price for a year. Plus if you do not wish to stick around for a full year you can save a little money. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-17-09  01:43pm - 5804 days #17
badandy400 (0)
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I do not think they will be getting rid of them anytime soon. The trust votes are user to user thing that the staff seems to try to keep a little distance from and for good reason.

Now I do not think you will be getting any negatives for this. I believe you are right about those guys and they do not deserve that rating.

The trouble it that the person(s) who left those negatives likely is either no longer a user here or simply does not remember that they did it. I frequently forget if I have voted for someone or not. Of course since it is recorded as anonymous the staff will be the only people able to even see who it was and ask them. I doubt anyone that uses this forum has voted against them, and I also doubt that those who did vote against them will ever read this plea.

You are right, you will get many people saying that it does not really matter. But in reality it does. It is a pride thing and for those who have spend that much time here contributing. After all those guys have submitted likely around 20% of all the reviews to date. I have had negative votes before, but at least the voted actually said who he was and I was able to talk with them after a while and reason with them. These guys do not have that opportunity which is unfortunate.

I honestly had thought about mentioning this exact thing before, but I did not for the reasons listed above. I do not believe these people visit anymore or even know/care. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-16-09  08:08pm - 5805 days #16
badandy400 (0)
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I will agree that Nero takes resources to run, but I have found it to do a decent job. I do not have to throw many disks at people. I have personally been using Nero for about 8 years or so.

I checked out that media drive. Look interesting, but expensive! There are cheaper ways of doing that and that allow you to use your entire PC as storage. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-16-09  07:55pm - 5805 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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Drooler. The only problem with not updating reviews is that the site can changed dramatically since the last time it was reviewed. Obviously if you never go back you should not do much to a review. But, if you return to a site I believe it is a good idea to at least mention that you rejoined and found most thing the same or different. Point being that you 2 year old review is just as useful and trustworthy as a review you may have submitted yesterday if you update it by only saying that the review is still accurate here in February of 2009.

On to other comments here. We all have our tastes as many have said. The trick is to make sure readers understand that we have these tastes when they influence a review. At the beginning and end of the BL in most of my reviews I spell out which biases might play in the review and if a which tastes the site would appeal to. This way everyone knows.

Exotics, and option you may wish to entertain is to simply add onto the review. If I am not mistaken the space in the BL has grown, so there should be room for extra comments and insights into your changing views even though you may have maxed out on space before. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-15-09  09:40pm - 5806 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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DRM means that the video can expire at some point after which it legally becomes useless to you unless you stay a member to the site. Many sites that use DRM have the rights expire as your monthly membership expires. and if you stay a member you simply relicense the video.

There are several threads here that discuss this much farther. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-15-09  12:42am - 5807 days #20
badandy400 (0)
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Gee, JD I though every guy jerked off in his girl's hair! Seriously though, even from being from a younger generation of porn viewers I agree tend to agree about the lack of introduction to the scene and lack of feeling that the performers actually know each others names takes something away from the scene.

I also am not a fan of degrading porn. Hair pulling, spitting, slapping and so on simply does not do anything for me and honestly would not feel bad to see it removed. I like to think of the women as people, not just fuck dolls.

Part of the problem is that it is so easy to get material out now. All someone needs a few willing girl, a cheap camera and $50 motel room and they have the start of a porn studio. Many people do not realize that because they spent a load of money they did not have on equipment does not make them professionals. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-14-09  11:27pm - 5807 days #14
badandy400 (0)
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Agreed. POV is something I can do without. A little is okay, but it is being used too much. It can be nice if done properly, but too many people are using it is an excuse to make porn with themselves and a girl, that is it. Like someone said in another thread, it is basically prostitution on tape in many of these low rate scenes. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-14-09  11:24pm - 5807 days #14
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
Picking one would be pretty hard. Videobox and Brazzers have been term sites for me. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-14-09  11:21pm - 5807 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Exotics. Any site that features a few scenes with Amy Reid will have that reflected in their review, but only as that. I will mention that I was excited to see some of her stuff, or some other major favorite.

How many videos of Amy the site has is independent of quality of the videos. Matts Models has one of the first videos of her that I know of, but that does not mean the videos is good quality or that the site is great.

Opinion or fact? Well that would depend. If someone reads one of my reviews they can usually expect to see technical facts. Other reviews place more emphasis on opinion. Last time you tried to make an educated decision on joining a site did you onlu read one a review, or did you read a handful. Hopefully most people read a few reviews to get a more rounded view of the site.

How you review sites is up to you, same as how I review them is up to me. None of us review the same way. We each have our own little set of important topics to go over and if two people have the same list than there is no sense in them both doing the review since it would be about the same.

I frequently say that a site has X GB of videos and Y GB of photos. That is just one of they things, call it a signature part of my reviews if you wish. If I say a site has 200 GB today, in six months you can usually assume it is at least 200 and hopefully a good bit more. I believe it is useful information and can be used by many people.

Of course, not everyone cares about the size of a site so much. Perhaps they have a small monthly bandwidth cap. In which case my review might not be as meaningful. By an opinion laden review might tell them if this is a site they are interested in.

Must also consider that simply because a site has hundreds of GB of content does not mean the content is any good or what someone is looking for. I do not care if the video quality is extremely high and there are thousands of videos if the camera work sucks and the women are butt ugly. Those are all opinions, but need to be mentioned as well.

I think I strayed a bit from your exact topic. To answer your question. Review exactly how you feel you should. Times change and review style may need to as well. If we sat down and came up with a standard review style there would be no need for this site. The point is to catch different styles and opinions.

Personality need to be maintained in the reviews. Without it they would get pretty boring. If you had any biases simply say what they are. I do that all the time. When I reviewed Abby Winters I did not knock them for having a lot of girls with body hair. It certainly is not my thing, I prefer Nair everywhere, but I understand others might like that.

If a reviewer lets their personal tastes show in a review and someone that find they share tastes it can be very helpful to that person. They may say to themselves "hey, this guy seems to like about the same stuff I and they liked this site, it may be safe to assume I will too." In this case the certain biases show to be beneficial.

Simple answer: say what is on your time. That is why the reviews themselves get reviewed by the PU staff. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-13-09  06:42pm - 5808 days #83
badandy400 (0)
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It means nothing. USB 2 is usually backwards compatible with USB 1. I hard drive usually will work no matter what type of USB port it is using. The difference is the speed that the data will travel. If I plug a USB 2 hard drive into a USB 1 plug, I get data transfers at a USB 1 level.

Of course it is not forward compatible. A USB 1 device will will not run at USB 2 speeds when plugged into a USB2 port.

There are come devices that require USB 2 to operate. Web cameras are a good example. They require a certain amount of bandwidth to send the data through. Unlike a hard drive this data must be sent in real time for it to work properly. A hard drive usually will operate slower if need be and the only effect is that speed. So a 10 minute transfer takes 30 minutes instead, or whatever the ratio is. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-13-09  11:51am - 5808 days #81
badandy400 (0)
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Indeed they do. The speeds will of course conform to the weakest component. It is almost never safe to assume things about computers anymore. Everyone likes to do things differently and as soon as you get used to one way of doing things someone comes along and changes it. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-13-09  10:37am - 5808 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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Valentine's Day is simply a commercial holiday and is no longer about showing affection. It has become more about will a guy pay $300 for a couple flowers that will be dead in a few days. I believe flowers send the wrong message anyway. To me flowers mean "Good while it lasts" which is more of a one night stand thing, not a long term relationship.

I try very hard to avoid getting caught up in valentines day, but her birthday is the same day, so I am screwed anyway! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-12-09  09:15pm - 5809 days #9
badandy400 (0)
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TurboShaft. I agree. I was actually a little disappointed when I first seen Amy Reid in a hardcore scene. For a while all I had of her was girl/girl and solo. I actually liked it better that way. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-12-09  09:07pm - 5809 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Cell phone porn just would not do it for me. Now of course if one could store a bit of porn on their phone and plug it into a TV in a hotel room it would be a different story. The size of the screen is a turn off for me.

I do not think cell phone porn will catch on as well. There will be some market for it, but I do not believe people will turn to it for their erotic needs. It is simply too impractical.

I certain hope our work here on PU and the work of TBP will be undermined. I do not think it will be either. Even if the the device we view it on changes, the content and site likely will not change that much.

You are correct WittyGuy, I do not see many of us jumping up to hoard all the iPorn we can get. Besides, I have 40 HDDs the way it is, imagine how many damned cell phones I would have to carry around to store all that! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-12-09  09:09am - 5809 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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When it come to POV I thinkit was a good idea and can be nice if professionally done. The issue is that too many people took it as an excuss to have only two people there for the scene. The girl and the camara-man/male performer. Basically this is prostitution with the hope of selling the video of the act. These nealy always very poorly put together because the guy simply does not care nor have the money to do so. Making the video was not his point, screwing the girl was the point.

I am not a huge fan of b/g scenes. I do get into b/g/g scenes a litte more. I prefer lesbian the most.

I do not feel that a guy liking b/g is gay in any way. After all it is the natural way. It most closy resembles what most of us desire.

I think that part of the reason I do not get into b/g scenes is that I do not imagine myself in his place. I usually take it for what it is, watching the act. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-11-09  01:21am - 5811 days #79
badandy400 (0)
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Of course they will. USB is USB. Just want to be sure that it is USB 2 otherwise it might be a bit slower than you would like. Actually, some devices yell at you if you plug them into USB 1. Most newer computers are USB 2 pretty much everywhere.

The only problem you can run into is it may look a little less attractive if that is a concern to you. You could also look into a cheap USB hub to keep everything tucked away neatly in the back. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-10-09  08:13pm - 5811 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Yes, what a fella. Who would have though that people would want a website that only talked about porn rather than actually displaying it. Well he got it right though. I likely spend more time on this site than I do on porn sites, and I check this site's forum and such about as often as my email.

Please do tell us what the crystal ball of porn it telling you. Will downloading porn ever become a sustaining profession!?!?! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-10-09  08:07pm - 5811 days #75
badandy400 (0)
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Plan B. Seems like you have a thing for external drives! 7.4 TB is not chump change. LaCie drives tend to be a little above what I am willing to pay for them.

If you want to expand in the future I would recommend using internal drives in the new $20 Sans Digital 5 HHD rack and using a Raid controller. It would be cheaper this way, although possible not as neat as true external enclosures. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

02-10-09  07:59pm - 5811 days #73
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
Of course you can paint your hard drive, although that might not site well with the warranty.

Hard drives have a rotating disk. It is basically a glorified CD. Since it is rotating it become more susceptible to physical failures. Bearings go bad and people drop them on the floor while rotation at 7200 rpm. Just like a record spinning, if you tap on it, it will rub and do things you would rather it not do. Also, their is a mechanical arm that must move across the disk to access data, just like on a record. There is a time lapse (although short) between the drive reading data from one part of the drive to another.

Flash storage is storage with no rotating mass and no seek arm, thus all else equal, a fast drive. In portable devises these are nice because moving around does not harm them. In desktops they are nice because they have more speed.

Striping a drive set is a RAID function. There are a handful of functions now. Lets say for a moment we have two 500 GB hard drives. Normally when we plug them in they show up as two separate volumes. We have the option of making them show up as a signal drive, a spanned volume. Doing this will make them show up as a 1 TB drive, and as we download porn like no tomorrow the first drive fills up and then spans over to the second without interruption. Spanning actually is not necessary a RAID function.

Mirroring a drive set is just as it sounds. We take the two 500 GB drive and end up with 500 GB of total storage. We see a single 500 GB volume on the computer, but everything we do to that drive is copied verbatim to the second. The point being if a drive were to fail the other drive would till contain all our porn, exactly as expected. This is a live backup, which means it is absolutely current. The trouble with these set ups is that they require you to buy twice as much drive space as needed, and of course offer no protection from the wife deleting the porn collection or a virus from giving all our favorite picture the HIV and herpes. As I said, it copies EVERYTHING.

Now to your specific question about the Striped sets. This is like a spanned volume in that if we use two 500 GB drives we end up with 1 TB. But this set up is for performance. Instead of writing to one drive until it files up and then moving on to the second it write to both drive simultaneously. So if we download a 500 MB video half goes to the first drive and the second have goes to the second. Now for simple download thing make no true difference. but for video capturing and higher intensity processes this can be extremely useful because it raises the write speed of the drive. I do not believe it is actually double in a two drive set, but it does increase. Of course the more drives introduced the faster the set can perform since the drives share the load.

One of the issues with a raid set such as the striped set with 2 drives is that if you lose one of the drive you likely lose most of your data because it was split up and now each file only contains half the data. The more drives used in the set the more likely you could recover damaged files due to a failure.

To solve this issue they simply set up a mirror-strip set that acts just as a strip set in performance, you just have an extra set doing the exact same thing all the time.

Some people use a Raid 5, and a few 6. This is a striped set that uses all but one drive, or 2 in a raid 6. The extra drive is called a live backup. I do not truly understand these set ups. But the idea is that if a drive fails in the set the backup drive become active and the missing data is restored to that drive. Once that happens the performance of the set drops off, and we simply replace the bad drive and act like it did not happen. Raid 6 is just for paranoid people who worry that 2 drives could fail simultaneously. For a Raid 5 you need at least 3 drives and there is always 1 drive unused. Say we have four 500 GB drives, we would see 1.5 TB on the computer.

There are some others out there, but I doubt anyone cares to hear about them. These were the main ones you may hear about. Thing to keep in mind to is that generally once a raid set is made all the drives need to be present for it to work properly. Some set up allow more freedom, but this comes at a price.

Spanned equals bigger, capacity of both drives
Striped equals faster, bigger, capacity of both drives
Mirrored equals safest, half of capacity of total drives
Raid 5 equals speed and safety, capacity of all but one drive

I recommend a mirrored striped set. That would look the coolest. PU green strips and mirror finish in between them. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-09-09  09:22pm - 5812 days #17
badandy400 (0)
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I agree with Willaim here. The interaction would be much better if it were another woman.

This thread reminds me so much of BangBros and how much they drove me nuts, especially with their BangBus series. The first 15 minutes of most videos does not even include a woman, it is just them driving around bull shitting. As if we really care! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-09-09  06:05pm - 5812 days #71
badandy400 (0)
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That sort of speed simply is not worth that kind of money, especially for porn. It would be much cheaper to use a striped raid set. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-07-09  11:21pm - 5814 days #66
badandy400 (0)
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Toadsith, I checked them out. I am thinking of giving them a call and seeing what they would say. I bet they would not be willing to accept my system. They would likely call it more than one computer. I am currently at 18-20 TB of porn alone. At $50 per year and unlimited space they would never recover even the hardware cost, even if they use lower end consumer class drives.

I believe part of what they do to limit the volume is limit the connection speed. They even state on the site that it will be slow due to "current DSL and Cable speeds"....? Plus me being on asymmetrical DSL I could never get it uploaded with out going somewhere else to do it. It would still be pretty funny though. It seems like they want to keep people limited to a few dozen GB by limiting the upload speed. Since the program runs without user input I do not figure I could tell it to use several connections. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-07-09  10:04pm - 5814 days #65
badandy400 (0)
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Morqentau. That systems looks pretty cool, but is very expensive. $700 is hardly worth an enclosure with no drives. If the thing was loaded with at least 750 GB drives it might be a little different. Creating multidrive enclosures is not an expensive thing to do, buying them ready to go is. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-07-09  10:00pm - 5814 days #8
badandy400 (0)
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The best thing I can think of at this point is that you have it set to create a video that will actually work in most dvd players. You need to set your program up for a data disk, not video. I do not know what you are using to burn the disks, but I do know that Nero does a decent job and would solve this issue for you. I am sure that one of you buddies would have a copy of it. A OEm version comes with practically all dvd writers now. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-07-09  12:39am - 5815 days #8
badandy400 (0)
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Ah yes, Toadsith makes a good point as usual. Having more than one drive will make difference, particularly if it is an external drive connected through USB. If it is connected through ESATA or SATA it usually is not bad.

Another thing to consider ia if you use any download acceleration. I Was for short time on a fairly week computer and found that the file merger time was sometimes longer than the actual download time. In this case, the second status bar was the progress of taking the split downloads and gluing them back together. This is great for download speed when downloading one file at a time on a nice connection, but can really bit you if you download multiple files at a time and have an older machine that is a bit lazy. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-06-09  04:22pm - 5815 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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Drooler, I believe I have an answer that sounds good enough anyway.

When you download things they are not saved exactly where you say to save them. In fact, usually, they are saved to a temporary place as it is being downloaded. The idea is that it is not going to its destination fold, thus you can not mess it up by trying to move or rename it.

When the download completes the file is then moved to the destination folder where you told it to save to and suddenly it shows up completed and ready to use. The noise comes into play because there are moving parts in the hard drive moving back and forth and a bit of strain is placed on other areas of your PC for the few seconds it is copying that file over.

Many download managers work the same way. Especially when you download a file with several connections at once, because then it also has to piece the file together.

One advantage to downloading to a separate place and then moving the file is if you back things up on dvd or whatever. If you have a half complete download and you back up that folder onto dvd you are also backing up the half completed download which for obvious reasons does you no good. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-06-09  11:30am - 5815 days #62
badandy400 (0)
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WittyGuy. That is not a bad idea at all. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-05-09  11:40pm - 5816 days #59
badandy400 (0)
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Alright. This is getting a bit ridiculous. I have had an ongoing project for the longest time to come up with a scalable, economical solution to storing all my hard drives. I believe I have found a decent solution and am currently putting it together, hopefully will be testing it this weekend assuming UPS meets their delivery schedule. While getting the drive set up in these new rack-mounts I just got I notice that I have a 1 TB and a 750 GB drive that I did not even know I had. Of course they are already full, but that is 1750 GB that managed to go unnoticed during my last count a week or so ago.

This brings the count up to 24 TB with about 4 TB of free space.

I was also thinking about how to back everything up, or if it is even worth it. Anything would be expensive, but dvds would be the cheapest. Of course with would take about 4000 dvds at $0.20a piece and 8 minutes to write, which is over 500 hour of solid writing.

Hard drive backup would be ideal, but even at best prices per GB it would be $1850. Blu-Rays are down to about $3 for a 25 GB disk. Which would cost a bit more than the hard drives. About $2400. However, the price of Blu-Ray has been dropping. If we say it gets down to a dollar per disk that is only $0.04 per GB which is about the price of a dvd per GB. Or course 25 GB is a lot better than 4.7 when writing many TB worth of data.

If the 50 GB disks become reasonably priced I would not be surprised to see people using them in place of hard drives for porn and such. Perhaps soon massive storage will become much cheaper, assuming you do not mind changing disks to get to different parts of your collection. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-05-09  08:23pm - 5816 days #58
badandy400 (0)
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Oh WittyGuy, you gotta stop it! You are cracking me up!

I guess I would be anal about others having porn too if I could not keep it. Imagine having to search out sites that have been ideal for 10 years just to find content that you can actually load up on your machine.

I remember using a Commador 64 way back when I was a young pup who did not know porn existed. Now my calculator could beat the snot out of that machine. Back when floppy disks where actually floppy. Yup, I will not not be trading in my stuff to get in touch with my "root" anytime soon. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-05-09  01:21pm - 5816 days #55
badandy400 (0)
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I kinda like your analogy TurboShaft. I have solved the too much food you my stomach issue. Doggy-bags! Basically, keep it around for later. there is nothing wrong with porn leftovers. They keep better than real leftovers too! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-05-09  09:06am - 5816 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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Could I actually name a big name guy that is not gay....probably not! But surely there has to be at least a few. Or perhaps that is part of what it takes. Seriously though if I were to do a porn scene I would at least want to be with someone I find at least somewhat attractive.

I can see some of these guys that perform every other day eventually going gay. They say normal sex grows tiresome and they need to do something a little more freaky to get off in their personal life.

I guess I still have a hard time envisioning my self being scared gay by beautiful women. But what would you expect from a straight guy obsessed with women... "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-05-09  08:58am - 5816 days #29
badandy400 (0)
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I have never been to Zazzle, I will have to check them out.

Checkout this shirt, it is very appropriate for this forum

Although, it seems their site is not working too well, there is no prices on anything and the cart is not working...oh well.

Either way, I think it would be a pretty cool idea and i would definitely buy a few. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-04-09  11:06pm - 5817 days #27
badandy400 (0)
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Personally I am all for T-Shirts and such.

Hell make a 4th place on the raffle. The 4th place person gets a shirt, hat, whatever. And also make them available in a shop on the site, or look to someone like cafepress.com to produce the stuff for you. Just a thought out of the air.

I definitely would wear PU shirts and such. I am sure WittyGuy could come up with some funny ones, like his awards forum. :) I want a shirt that is like a jersey....PornUsers with my screen name across the back. You have to admit it would be cool to see someone else in Walmart or whatever wearing a PU jersey with their handle on it, or perhaps a bit creepy. Although, I am not sure if I would be proud or pissed if I seen someone wearing a PU jersey with my name one it.

Will shirts actually produce more members, porbably not enough to worry about, but it would be cool non the less. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-04-09  10:30pm - 5817 days #52
badandy400 (0)
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I am damn glad they are not that high now. Hum....perhaps I should go back in time....think about it, a 1 GB drive would b worth a million at that rate. I could have over 22 billion dollars!!! Hell yeah!! Where is my time machine? :)

Dont worry though, these SSDs will come down in price. They would be ideal especially for laptops and such. But for a normal desktop I do not think the demand will be there for a while, particularly for just storing bunches of porn and other stuff (porn). Unless you do some hardcore HD video capturing and such it really is not necessary to speed up the drive's capabilities. Obviously they are more than fast enough to read 8 Mbit videos and write at the same time.

Basically, for as long as there is a cost difference between the two, I will be sticking with the normal drives for simple storage. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-04-09  04:47pm - 5817 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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You do not need to worry much about the big name people. Especially since most sites never see your address anyway. If you go through an outside payment processor they verify everything and simply forward the money and user/pass information to the site.

Besides with all the credit card offers we get everyday anyway, what is one more piece off junk mail. At least that mail would be a little more fun to look at! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-04-09  04:44pm - 5817 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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Part of the issue is that the guy needs to not entirely be into the girl anyway. For example if I were making a scene with say Amy Reid I promise I would blast her with the mere thought of betting to do a scene with her. Same goes for having sex at home, if I am all excited and into it i do not last all that long. But, if I am not in the mood I can go all day and have to make a true effort to actually cum.

The producer probably does not want guys that are going to nut after only a few minutes....hell they would have to do the cum-shoot first! That is no to say that all of the guys are like that and none of them are attracted to the women, but it would take a lot of self control to not get over excited when performing with a women they may have fantasized about a few times. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-02-09  08:17pm - 5819 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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Wittyguy.....dont get me started on that!! Once I start about hypercritical religious businesses I simply can not stop.

I would like to think that taking photos and such of people entering medical clinics could be considered a violation. That would be like asking a psychiatrist in the grocery store if someone you know is a patient of theirs. Even saying they are a patient is violation of privacy and tells some of the story. So I would say the same should go for the abortion clinics. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-02-09  08:08pm - 5819 days #50
badandy400 (0)
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That is a somewhat annoying precess. There are programs that will automatically backup files for you and all you have to do is put in the blank dvds. They will even cut a large file into two pieces and place the parts on two different dvd to make sure each dvd is actually being filed. The problem thee is that you need to know the order of the dvds to get both pieces. So I guess hard drives are still the ideal way.

I can not wait for solid state drives to explode in size and come down to affordable prices. Obviously I am not going to pay $1.60 per GB just to store videos and such when I can do it for $0.09 per GB with normal hard drives, and even less on dvd. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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02-01-09  09:54pm - 5820 days #47
badandy400 (0)
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Squirrel. I do not want to scare people away from using them, I just want people to be aware that they will fail at some point in time. Most of them out life their practical life span. How many of those old 2 GB hard drive from 10-15 years ago do people keep around? It very well may be that by the time our new drives are being considered "old" that we will not even need them anymore because there will be petabyte or larger drive drive at the same price we pay for a 80 GB now.

Elephant, I feel your pain! 3 MBit is the fastest that is offered where I live. They can get 4.5 Mbit out here, but the next tier is 5 MBit and they will not allow me to go part way in between. Otherwise my connection could be 50% faster. So until they beef up the lines a little I am stuck at 3. Certainly beats the hell out of dial up though! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-31-09  11:00pm - 5821 days #42
badandy400 (0)
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That sucks Monahan.

As a rule of thumb currently do not pay much more than 10 cents per gig, 11 cents is getting high, and 12 is just robbery. I was paying $65 for 320 GB drives about 2 years ago, not I am twice as much for a drive that is five times the size. Larger drives nearly always yield lower costs per GB.

Currently the best deals are on the Seagate 1.5 TB drives which can be found with free shipping on ebay and wmave.com and surely other places. The 750 GB drives are being seen in the $80 range now. These are from Seagate and Western Digital so you get at least a 3 year warranty. There is nothing wrong with refub drives, but they typically have no more than a 1 year warranty and most have only a month or so. Although there have been great advances in bearings and other mechanisms, hard drives still contain moving parts which are susceptible to fatigue and other forms of mechanical failure as well as controller issues. Basically, it is not IF a drive fails it is WHEN. So a longer warranty is always desirable, but a well built drive should go well beyond the warranty.

I had a 500 GB Seagate pair about 8 months ago that when I first plugged them in one sounded literally like a steel ball dropping and steel bench. I bought the pair off ebay, but sent the drive to Seagate. It cost just as much to send it to them as it would to the seller. Seagate in return sent me my first 750 GB in return. While even a 10 day warranty would have covered that, it is nice to know that even in 4 years from now the those drives would still be replaced at only the cost of UPSing the drive to them. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-31-09  07:39pm - 5821 days #40
badandy400 (0)
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TalonIcefire...damn dude!!!! You could have bought a lot of porn for that! You need to get your priorities straight!

Seriously though, I am jealous. That puts you at about 10 TB of storage between the two systems. That probably ran you $1500 right there at current prices. I hope it is all full of good porn. :)

I want to know what the PU Staff has. I figure it is either a Pentium 133 with 32 MB of RAM and 2.5 GB HHD....or they have some $500,000 server and quietly laugh at me when I childishly brag about by now 22.1 TB. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-31-09  07:26pm - 5821 days #39
badandy400 (0)
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Go with a hard drive. Obviously I would say that, hell look at my avatar! It is faster, easier, can be rewritten, and more reliable. You can have your computer periodically synchronize the folders for you so all you have to do is push "GO" and anything that is not backed up will be automatically.

Hard drive cost more than dvds per GB but are so much more practical. Also, I would consider taking your "gem" files and putting them on dvd as well as the external hard drive just to be extra sure that you absolute must have, willing to die for, favorites are safe. But an entire collection would be a little less practical, especially if it is decent sized. Of course if it is absolutely huge dvd might become for appealing because they are cheaper. Can get a TB HHD for $100 but can get a TB worth of dvds for about $45 off Newegg with free shipping.

If you choose to go with the hard drive route ebay usually has some of the best deals on hard drive. You will have to decide if you want the drive internal or external though. External is nice because you can take it with you. I have about 20 external SATA enclosures I am looking to sell dirt cheap, send me an email of you are interested (sorry if that broke any rule). Your second option is to have the drive internal, which is nice because it takes up no extra space. All you have to do here it remove the power cable when you do not want to use it. You can leave the data cable inserted. Only real issue is how easy is it for you to get into your case, but if it is only once every few weeks it is a valid option and it is free. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-30-09  04:58pm - 5822 days #9
badandy400 (0)
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I absolutely despise the people who do that. When was the last time you seen a porn company publicly mocking a church? It just does not happen because it should not happen. Do not get me going about porn and religion! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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