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01-30-09  04:52pm - 5819 days #32
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
We all started somewhere. It also depends on how much of the content you see do you actually download and keep. I am an absolute hoarder so I keep everything unless is is truly terrible.

The problem is that it certainly in not free to store that much information. It always irritates me, slightly, when I think that a year ago I was happy paying $140 for a single 500 GB drive, and now I will not pay more than $130 for a 1.5 TB drive. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-29-09  09:12pm - 5820 days #30
badandy400 (0)
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TurboShaft. thanks for the props! It is true. i am working for the Russian and we are getting ready to overwhelm the internet with Russian porn to overload the American network thus putting the States in an network ice age. This is why the US is going all digital. They need to free up that bandwidth in an attempt to hand the extra bandwidth all you guys will use when you realize how much porn there is to be downloaded all for free. :)

WittyGuy. I have seen several states on just the written content of the LC and they all say between 10 and 20 TB. Of course they have video and photo content as well which drastically tips the scales in their favor. So for now I am just going after the written content...gotta keep the goals reasonable.

Porn Ambassador???? Hummm....I kinda like the that. Oh wait you said Ambassador to the Internet.....same thing! If I had internet access like that for a while they can send me to Texas, at least I would be out of the Ohio snow. Tacking on the site membership fees to the bailout, sounds more productive than half the stuff they are going to use that for anyway. :) So does that mean I get your vote?!?!?!

Back to Turboshaft. I am working on a better set up right now. I found these great little 5 driver racks for $20 that will greatly help my storage issues. Right now they sit on a small shelf next to my computer with the wires all hanging out. I switch the second power supply and SATA cables around to get which ever drive I need at the time. I am hoping by the end of next week to have a much better setup for this. It will be much neater and safer for the drives.

I would have done something long ago but needed something that was scalable since I am always adding new drives at a rate of about 1 TB per month.

I guess for now I will have to settle for downloading myself and no government grants. If I were Ambassador to the Internet the first thing I would do is delete all the websites for Rosy O'Donald, Opera, and Elan and all the other man-hating shows. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-29-09  02:32pm - 5820 days #27
badandy400 (0)
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Location: ohio
See I have seen several different number, and they tend to vary greatly. I have heard the 10 PB before and I have heard some very small numbers as well. The trouble with this comparison is knowing if they are including video data. The number I read the other day was considering written information only. I read somewhere that they have over half a million videos'

Either way I believe I have plenty to download yet, and I do not intend on quiting any time soon. They just keep making more and they know I have to have it....the bastards.

Anyway, stop bursting my bubble WittyGuy.....I was proud of myself for a moment there.

I still want to here what some more of you guys have set up. I am hoping someone is doing it in a more effect manor than me so i can steel their secrets. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-28-09  08:01pm - 5821 days #25
badandy400 (0)
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This thread has been buried for a while, so I am curious to hear about what some of the newer members have. It seemed appropriate for us to brag about our collections given the current polls about porn addiction. So I will offer a little insight to the degree of my addiction.

This is a current list of my hard drive capacities.

1x250 GB
1x120 GB
1x300 GB
2x400 GB
6x320 GB
12x500 GB
7x750 GB
3x1000 GB
2x1500 GB
Grand total of 20.64 TB

Of course this is not 100% full of porn. I likely have about 16 TB of porn save to hard drive. Plus the 1.5 TB drives are not installed yet, hoping to do that this weekend.

I guess this makes me thoroughly addiction to the collection of porn.

Anyone wondering about the quote I use from Toadsith in my signature, here is a link to how large things are.


As you can see the Library of Congress is quoted as 10 TB. In which case I have beaten them! Besides, my stuff is much more useful than what they like to keep! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview
Edited on Jan 28, 2009, 08:11pm

01-28-09  07:15pm - 5821 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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I have never really been into porn stores, although it has always been a dream to run one. :)

Internet and mail order give that added privacy that people are looking for, at when it comes to being seen in the store or parking lot. The trouble is that stores tend to be much more private if you pay with cash anyway. There is no record of who made the cash transaction, unlike the sits we join and stuff we buy with a credit card. Somewhere all that information is being stored, just waiting to come back and bite us if it ever has the chance. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-26-09  05:32pm - 5823 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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It seems they are doing the opposite and raising the prices. Not long ago the normal price for a membership was about $20 and not $30 is an everyday thing. Basically what is happening is they are seeing a 20% drop in volume so they raise they raise the price accordingly.

It would be nice to see prices drop but I do not see it happening. Raising is a possibility.

Fortunately I do not believe it will ever go away though. Thee will always be porn being made. After all, food, drugs, and sex are the three things guaranteed to be in demand at all times. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-26-09  05:15pm - 5823 days #12
badandy400 (0)
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I noticed I had not heard much from Cybertoad, but I had no idea about Willy. Damn that sucks, I liked those guys.

Not sure why they would high tail it though, this place is free. Perhaps their "old ladies" found out and were less than approving, but who knows.

Anyway, I hope to see no more casualties from the regulars here. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  11:19pm - 5824 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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That is true WittyGuy. I actually do read the articles in my magazines. I do not subscribe continuously to magazines that only feature pictures. Hustler does a good job mixing things up and having a little bit of everything as does playboy. I do not think Penthouse does quite as good of a job.

Hustler has great cartons! Although I always have trouble finding the carton editions they have been putting out. Hell those are the best part of the magazine. I love the jokes they print as well in Playboy and Hustler. I like those reader advise forums as well. There can be some funny stuff in there.

OH MY GOD!!! EMPs are bad!!! I would cry for a year if that happened and I lost all my porn. If someone wants to start a war with the States and invades that is one thing, but if they ruin my porn I will go Rambo in their asses! >:) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  11:08pm - 5824 days #10
badandy400 (0)
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I agree there. Anytime spam pops up and we reply Khan should just delete the thread. Or, perhaps if we really went off with some good stuff simply delete the spam and replace the first post with something like "Spam Was here" so we all know what it is we are going off about.

On second thought.....just delete the shit and be done with it! :)

I guess we are best with the current set up of telling the spammers to go to hell and then hit that "report" button. I guess the PU guys thought of everything! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  04:22pm - 5824 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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Did you give them a correct email address to send it to? I know some people do not like giving their actually email address out fearing a spam beating.

Also, many times the notices go into spam folders or are blocked all together. Or of course they may have never sent it to you. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  12:23am - 5825 days #15
badandy400 (0)
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Glad to see this is working out for people. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  12:20am - 5825 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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If they are having an issue with their systems than they might give you a free month's membership. This would only be fair. Besides, if they do not make things right you can always come here and tells us all about it. That always makes people feel better! :)

Do let us know what they do to correct this for you. It always says a lot about a company when issues arise and how they deal with them. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  12:15am - 5825 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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I tend to agree with Toadsith, imagine that!

Khan and his minions do a good job of keeping the vermin out. So unless the celling explodes with new members posting and chatting I do not see any need for us to babysit ourselves. After all there is only a handful of regular posters here.

One possible method might be to have people with less than say 5 posts have their new thread starts reviewed before posting live. This way they can be screened before they ever hit the public. Of course with would not interfere with the regular posters since many of us have hundreds of posts and more respectable members have at least a few posts. It would not mean a new member could not start a thread, it would simply have to be reviewed before posting. Just a thought....

....but then of course they would just do something else anyway....the little bastards! >:( "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-25-09  12:03am - 5825 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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I was working on building up a good collection of Playboys and now have pretty much everything from the 70's on and little of the 60's.

Honestly I am more of a fan of the newer style and greatly prefer the clean shaved look. I started into porn right at the end of the hairy hairy days so I appreciate the clean look and Playboy does an excellent job of showing just the right amount to grab my attention by the balls but leaves just a little out to make me yearn for more!

For my greedy little reasons I hope hair does not make a comeback, otherwise I will be forced to Nair bomb the Playboy Mansion! :)

You are correct about history repeating itself, especially with fashion. It seems like someone digs something out of their grandma's mothball closet and thinks they invented something because no one has seen it that actually gives a rat's ass. We see this with clothing all the time, same thing with cars like the newer mustage. I am sure in 20 years it will be cool to use corded phones and people will want to start watching TV in low definition.

Anyway, back to the bush thing. It did seem that the bush disappeared find quick and complete. I am kinda surprised that there are not more sites and studios that still go after girls with bush. I know a lot of older guys who want to see that and the last time I checked their money was the same color as mine. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-23-09  05:33pm - 5826 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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It does not make much sense for VideoBox to spam this site, it is not like they do not get a good amount of talk here anyway. They get great reviews from people, so it just does not make sense for them to sink down to spamming. Somehow I do not believe it is them. But who knows. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-22-09  08:19pm - 5827 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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I am a little at a loss here as well.

Oh yeah, didn't you just ask for links to free porn? In this post are say that you pay for it. So which is it? "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-22-09  08:16pm - 5827 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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Hell, I usually write "khan, please delete this spamming asshole" or something to that effect if I am the first one to see a spam post.

Anyway Shovon, try freevirusdownloads.com

(I hope that site does not actually exist!) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-22-09  08:11pm - 5827 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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I can not say pussy farts are any more appealing than an ass fart. I have heard them on occasion but do not get into it.

Squirting I would be into. I do not know anyone that does, but I would love to have that experience.

But as we say, to each their own.

The trouble with squirting now is that is seems to have become somewhat popular in video and thus it has become mostly fake. Most of the videos we see now the girl is simply peeing and a fair amount of back pressure. And my understanding of actually female ejaculation is that there is no urine in the ejaculate. Of course when it cums to watching a video it does not matter much to me. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-22-09  07:59pm - 5827 days #10
badandy400 (0)
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Mbaya has a trust rating of 29 right now. I already voted for him, so lets somebody throw him a bone for that deserving 30 and a badge!

This might not be the best forum to post this in, but I was just looking for the first one with trust votes as the topic. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-17-09  06:58pm - 5832 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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Consider this.

You have a small website and I join it. I download the whole thing in 2 days and then immediately give the membership to a good friend. Also, assume that I never log in again. This is what you are saying correct?

basically what happens is I download everything, which I guess is fine. But, my friend gets to download your site too, and you see not a single dime for it. In fact it costs you money because you had to pay bandwidth usage fees to your provider.

But what if my friend gives the password to several of his friends, and so on. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-15-09  10:00pm - 5834 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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I have done some bloody batting, but honestly it is not my thing. I am not much of a fan of oder either. I have been with a girl that smelled pretty good though. If I had my way people would not have any smell anyway! :)

Smell fetish is not all that compatible here though, I do not believe we will see "oder pics" any time soon.

For me it needs to be clean. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-15-09  08:54am - 5834 days #71
badandy400 (0)
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About that. I use a Newsgroup server and guess what!?!?! I have actually joined sites because I like the videos that where posted there from their site. It kinda worked like advertising, in my case anyway. I know many people will leach the videos and the creators will never see a dime. but would they have ever seen that dime?

Even though I can download everything for free off the newsgroups I still subscribe to the sites. The sites are much more reliable, file naming is better, and I am sure to get everything this way. Typically the newsgroups only have the more current updates. Which in it self is great because I can see how the site is doing and decide if the quality is worth going after. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-12-09  07:46pm - 5837 days #66
badandy400 (0)
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Fortunately, this is not done in the US. However, I can not say what is done outside the US by other people and the US. There is a difference between killing and copying a movie or removing DRM.

I will not pretend to know what goes on in the world, and I do not mean to sound righteous about piracy. Piracy in a certain sense can be good. Consider, if a movie becomes too expensive for many people they will simply steal it. Piracy can in fact help enforce a celling on prices since the sellers do not want to perpetuate piracy.

I do not want to pay $20 for movie or a website anymore than you do. But, the people who make the movies and websites do deserve compensation and the right to preserve their work. As a whole, piracy is wrong and there is no way to deny that. It is just that sometimes piracy is more wrong than others. Just as there is a difference between stealing from a dumpster and stealing from the shelves of the store that the dumpster belongs to. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-12-09  07:35pm - 5837 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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Alright, found it. Check out queenylove I noticed a few weeks ago someone did a review on this one and i checked out the guest page. if you check out the guest page look at the bottom, you will notice the describe a scene that sounds like you are looking for. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-12-09  07:25pm - 5837 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Yes, recently there was a site described as this. I will look for it for moment and leave another post. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-12-09  05:45pm - 5837 days #64
badandy400 (0)
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Ergo Proxy. That is exactly what we need to do. Simple leave the people who want to use DRM out to dry. Hopefully, with time, they will learn that DRM simply will not do.

ANytime someone mentions DRM my attention is peaked. And when a site uses DRM, even for a portion of their collection, they do not get my money! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-11-09  08:04pm - 5838 days #60
badandy400 (0)
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As I said before, what you do privately is your business so long as it stays private. I never said I condemned nor condoned piracy. I just do not believe it is something that one should flaunt.

Getting rid of the DRM on videos you download for personal use is no better than anything else. you are still doing exactly what the creator wishes to prevent. This creator my see the downloading of videos as a form of renting. Just like Netflix, you can watch the video as many times as you like so long as you are paying for the service.

Of course people will continue to find ways around piracy prevention. After all the programs have only until the release date to figure out how to prevent piracy, well at least until the date they begin writing the media onto disk or whatever. There are 1000 equally skilled people trying to break the prevention for every person creating it and the have from the release date until forever to figure it out.

Since the media makers must pay for this piracy prevention it drives the cost up for the product for those who actually pay the retail price for it.

Would you be pissed if you spend all day for several years creating something that should set you up for a lavish early retirement only to find you made no where near the amount you thought because 45% of the people you though would buy it ended up hacking it and now use if for free? Of course you would!

No of course there is a flip site. Is it stealing if one copies say a movie. This movie that was copied they would never actually pay to see. Yes they see the movie, but there was zero potential for the creators to get paid. For example, is it stealing if I download a Garth Brooks song when there is no way in hell I would ever pay for it even if paying for it was the only way of getting it?

I can not say that I agree with TheSquirrel. He sounds like he is very bitter about something. Laws are there for a reason. Now admittedly some do not protect the interests of the consumers, but overall most laws have good reason. Squirrel, I believe the reason you "love piracy" is because you have always been on the pirate end of the stick. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-10-09  11:34pm - 5839 days #54
badandy400 (0)
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Get'em Khan!

Khan is right. The DRM is there for a reason. I do not agree with it being there and believe to get ride of it we simply need to avoid those who use it. Natural selection will take care of the rest.

I hope I do not step over any lines here. Monahan....the stuff is very easy to get a hold of and use. Basically it records a certain window or area of your screen. Kinda like siting a video camera in front of your TV to copy a movie or whatever. However; it does about as good of a job as that. The video takes a great deal of space and looks pretty much like shit. So I will save you the time. The only real use for those programs is to make tutorials of how to use a program, or record a video game you are play and post on line. Again, in a lower quality, but the point is to brag about your high score or show someone what to do. Quality is not paramount there.

Ergo Proxy. We do not care about your moral feelings toward piracy. if you do that it is your business and not ours. We prefer to keep it that way as we prefer to keep this site running. If you want to talk about porn or other legal activities we would love to talk with you. However, if you want to talk about piracy methods and other illegal activities please be forewarned that the staff here will not tolerate it and I will jump all over your ass about it.

Another note worth fact. They are working with the idea of hardware DRM. The laws are different when hardware is involved; thus, the legal penalties are significantly stiffer. My understanding of this is if a person attempts to circumvent the hardware DRM they are looking at prison time in the range of 10 years!

So lets try not to give them more reasons to actually release this sort of thing. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-10-09  06:37pm - 5839 days #5
badandy400 (0)
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Try going to your moms house and try looking behind the air vent in your old bedroom....you might have hid it there! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-09-09  11:50am - 5840 days #13
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Then there is that pesky Fleshlight. I must admit I'm kind of tempted to get me one of those. No nooky for four years now. Not good.

Dont give into all those emails!!! Just hang on brother, have faith, and your pecker will find the promised land! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-07-09  09:47pm - 5842 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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About a month ago I seen a report on the news about a Japanese guy who created a robotic Real Doll with AI, full motor control, and speech.

This doll would please him, talk to him, and even clean for him! All for $18,000.

18K sounds like a lot, but in reality, that is not that bad. The doll was very impressive, and if you are okay banging a robot, then this is much cheaper than a real woman.

No need to feed her or take her out. She does not get fat! No need for birth control, and you do not even have to buy her real diamonds!

Sounds like this guy is smarter than all of us!

One down side, and I could see it happening to me. She is giving head and just as I am about to blow....the bitch runs out of battery! :( "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-07-09  07:21pm - 5842 days #14
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

Well, I'll see you in about...err...30 years then.

Uh oh. I hope it does not take 30 years to go through 600 GB of porn. Otherwise I am in for a couple life sentences here! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-05-09  08:06pm - 5844 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Hummmm...since I started I have always had a few going. Brazzers and Videobox have been keeps for me. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-04-09  11:00pm - 5845 days #3
badandy400 (0)
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I have seen info about this. It is tempting, but you can get a lot of the deals here and get the discounts right away. Call me a fanboy, but I will keep my business here. The guys that put this site together for us deserve to have a few referral bones thrown their way. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-04-09  10:56pm - 5845 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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If you let Khan know you are interested in reviewing a site that is not listed just email him. They are pretty good about getting the site checked out and listed within a day or so.

However, since he reads the forum as well, I am sure he will get the message that way.

Once posted, please submit a review of the site. Most people will not page through the forum looking for information about a site, especially a lesser know site. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-03-09  11:17pm - 5846 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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There can be a certain appeal. Chasing after something that is unattainable. Just watching and hoping for that one nip shot that they did not notice before posting. It can take one back to when there were and full nudity was unheard of, rather the more voyeuristic approach was there. Perhaps they are chasing the excitement they felt when at a friends house and hoping his friend's sister would accidentally pop out of her small top.

Admitting my own weirdness here. I have been watching a chick who sells cloths on ebay....never shows her face, but has very nice breasts. I have one picture so far of a shot where you can see her nipple. A nip slip is not exciting that it is a slight picture of a nipple, of course I can look anywhere and get so much more. Rather it is a little more exciting in that I know it was not supposed to happen.

Another side of non-nude models is that they maintain a certain innocence.

Also consider than some girls look absolutely gorgeous in lingerie, a nice dress, or just about anything. While that same girl might not be so pleasant to see nude. No woman has natural cleavage. It is all artificial. Whether it is created by a bra or by implants, it is still not natural. And who does not like cleavage?!?! :)

I personally do not go much for non-nude sites. But I greatly prefer sites to feature scenes where the women and dressed from the onset...or and the end for a little change up. Many of my truly favorite photos are of the women before they are nude. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-02-09  08:48pm - 5847 days #7
badandy400 (0)
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I do not like this thread! My 29-0....so close...yet so far! Oh well, what can you do :)

Seriously though, good work! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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01-01-09  11:00pm - 5848 days #13
badandy400 (0)
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I have been using Firefox for a long while now. It has served me well, except for the new version. It seems to not be compatible with my download manager and I had to revert back to an older version. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-29-08  11:55pm - 5851 days #9
badandy400 (0)
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Ah yes, I did enjoy that TNG episode. Who would not love seeing Scotty coming back.....or forward for that matter. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-27-08  12:07pm - 5853 days #8
badandy400 (0)
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I do not have a problem with it, as long is it does not get too dirty. Hell, some of those guy's dicks are as big as my hand!

If you watch stuff from ALS Scans, of the InFocusGirls bunch you will see a good bit of girl on girl fisting. But in this case the girls fists are pretty small anyway. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-27-08  12:02pm - 5853 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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The messy stuff like this I find to be best if it is girl on girl. There is something about a guy being involved with it that makes it seem like it is less fun. But for it to work the girls need to seems to really be into it. If you ever check out Ghetto Gaggers and the related sites you will find girls being spit on and slapped, but most are not into it. A few are though, and it is not bad, but again would be best if it were girl on girl. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-24-08  09:10pm - 5856 days Original Post - #1
badandy400 (0)
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It is 12:05 here, so I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (or whatever you are calling it). :)

It has been a fun year getting to know each other, teaming up against evil porn sites, arguing the finer points of what makes good sites and reviews, and just doing what we all are passionate about.

So, thank you everyone for making this a fun place to be. And a special thanks to all you guys who provide this porn haven. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-23-08  09:23pm - 5857 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Anyway, spammers are never subtle, so we shouldn't go feeding our paranoia.

But our paranoia is so hungry, besides it is christmas time!

You bring the tar, I got the feathers. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-23-08  09:04pm - 5857 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Hummm...gonna need to be a little more specific than that.

Try using the advanced search option on TBP and select POV and any other factors you can think of. You might find something this way.

And welcome to PU, where all us porn addicts go to make ourselves feel better in knowing that others are as hopelessly addicted as we are! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-23-08  09:00pm - 5857 days #23
badandy400 (0)
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Indeed. Do keep in mind that we customers have the pleasure of always getting the last laugh in. So lets all try to get along. WittyGuy is very correct about being defensive. One must be careful when confronting a group of porn addicts whom have gotten to know and trust each other on a topic such as porn. That would be like arguing with Mike Tyson about how to properly bite someone's ear.

So, now that we have established that you know what you are talking about and are simply looking for "expert advice" from us self proclaimed "porn experts" please direct some more specific questions at us. We will bitch amongst ourselves for a day or two, call you incompetent, and eventually give you a reasonable answer. :)

Seriously though, do feel free to question us and get our input. If you take our suggestions to heart and incorporate them into your site where reasonable, we will notice it and reflect this in our reviews.

As it is, I dont think Williamj will be getting that special discount we were talking about! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-23-08  12:24am - 5858 days #11
badandy400 (0)
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I hope we are giving you some good information to go on. Perhaps the best thing to do when trying to decide what to do is to ask yourself "if a site did this to me, would I be pissed off?" This will answer many of your questions.

Of course you will get slightly differing opinions here because you are getting them from many different people, but as a whole they will reflect the opinions of your customer base. After all, we are the customer base!

Most of us here take our porn pretty serious, so assuming you are serious about becoming a big name site w can be pretty useful. Definitely invest some time into reading the reviews posted here for a variety of sites. You will pick up on what we look for and expect from a good site. You will also find many small details about site design that you may or may not have considered that we nit-pick about, sch a file names and dating the updates.

You will not get clear cut answers about many details here and that will ultimately be up to you. Such as, how often to update and picture resolutions. But, many things will be clear. Do not use DRM, update regularly, do not overcharge, do not use an insane amount of advertising, and keep navigation simple.

The biggest thing is to keep your ear to the users. Ultimately, we decide who does well and who sinks. When we are happy, you are happy.

BIG HINT....if you get Amy Reid to do a photo set or especially a video for you....I will throw money at you! "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-22-08  07:20pm - 5858 days #8
badandy400 (0)
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If you want to get some cash flow you will want to consider videos, even if they are just of the photoshoots for now. Also, please skip over the quality evolution and just go straight for the good stuff.

Have a few months worth of updates already there. I do not want it to feel like it was the first month of operation.

Another thought is to make a special offer. For those who join up during the first month, give them a deal. And make the deal stick. Lets say $10 that recurs at $10 as long as we stick around. This will make it easier for us to justify sticking around for a smaller site, and give you some cash coming in right away. Otherwise, we will either only joining for a single month, or will wait until the amount of content grows. Either way you get less money.

Keep the adds out of the way! They piss us off, and if they flash or anything like that we will pee on your house! :)

Another biggie is to keep a fast pace update schedule. You cant be half assed here. Photos should be at least 5 days per week. We are greedy people, and dial up is dead! The more you work (look at naked girls!) the more updates you can have and the more customers you will have. The more you update the faster you become established.

By the way. I wish you much luck on your venture here. I would love for you to get a quality site up and running. If you continue to turn to PUs for suggestions we will be able to help form you into a formidable porn site.

Lastly, if you put download limits and make your site download manager unfriendly we will simply kill you, then pee on your house! :) A definite NO-NO. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-22-08  06:52pm - 5858 days #34
badandy400 (0)
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Again, all these things can be cone simply be reading the reviews. I am not 100% against a blacklist, but i do believe it may cause more harm than good.

The problem with reporting offically about the precheck tick boxes is that the webmaster can change this very easily. Also, it can be the payment processor doing this. If say CCBill has this, but Epoch does not than the site gets a bad name for something it did not do and not everyone will run into. We all know to check the sign up pages from top to bottom.

I truly believe the best thing we and/or TBP can do is to post an "Awareness Page" that is easy to access. This page can detail what has been seen and done, and what things a user can do to watch out for themselves.

People need to be able to watch their own backs. I can just see it now, someone comes one here with fire ants up there ass because they got ripped off by a site that was not on the blacklist. All around it spells out problems. It would be nice if it could work, but I think we should stick to what we have.

Besides, I really do not care if "Big Gay Bob" is ripping people off, so I do not need to see it. However, I do care if FTV Girls is ripping people off because I am thinking of rejoining them, so because of this interest I will be looking over all the comments and reviews. So if anyone has had any issues with them I will read about it and be informed before joining. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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12-21-08  09:03pm - 5859 days #43
badandy400 (0)
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Same here, I usually fast forward through the oral unless it is girl on girl or there is something amazing about it.

Lawless, check out pretty much any all oral site. Should be able to find a decent number of scenes that way. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-21-08  08:38pm - 5859 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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Squirrel, the problem with an official "blacklist" or "shit list" is we then must derive the criteria for making the list. What one person calls a bad site another my not. If you look at the Incredible Pass page here at PU it is evident that as a whole we are blasting them. Anyone who looks at the reviews for a site before joining it would see this.

I believe the PU/TBP guys were correct when developing this site when they decided not to feature a "blacklist."

In a way they have flagged out sites in extreme cases. Incredible Pass is still listed here but they list a strong warning and disabled the link. They also got ride of the mentions to Max Hardcore as a CYA move. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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