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07-05-12  12:23pm - 4572 days #12
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by graymane:

OK, Mess, I'll see your slightly drooping boobs and raise you six sometimes-underdeveloped-teen-breasts.
It's gettin' on, so ......
You wanna call or cup in another handfull of droopers.
But before you do that ,though, lets Remember the words of one of Kenny Rodgers biggest hits. in part, as the song goes, "you gotta know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em, know when to cup'em to your lips , and know when to run. You never count your titties -- while settin' at the table, you can do all that when the dealing's done.

I'll call, graymane! I got the better hand!

07-05-12  11:25am - 4572 days #11
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Of all the girls I've seen in porn, Tiffany Hopkins personifies the perfect breast on a perfect body - there is something about her that hits the big "appeal" button for me. So it's hard to describe cup "size" as a criteria for that appeal. It's just the breast attached to the body that fits nicely and there is no cup size involved. It is what it is - so if you're curious what the appeal is you'll just have to go look up a nude photo of her.

But other women have a body size and a matching breast size that has appeal. Being a big girl (as in height not weight), Sarah Twain gets kudos as does Dani Woodard (the matching part not the size). Not that they had anything to do with it except not to screw around with perfection.

While I suppose size matters, it's really about the relationship of the size & shape to the body type.

While I am generally opposed (99%) to breast implants, few are better than most. Take for example the Brazilian actress Fernandinha Fernandez who's early breast size were very diminished (this description is not a criticism nor unappealing, just an observation) and then "plumped" them up just a bit, leaving them still attractive and not looking over inflated. Of course, time will tell what the visual appeal will be in ten years.

I feel like with opening up this thread, it might seem to indicate I like big boobs, but as you can see from the aforementioned stars, that is NOT the case. The thread was meant to provide hope to those porn dogs who do like'em big that there may be technology to expand the size without the plastic. I realize this might seem to be a somewhat paranoid disclaimer, but I just wanted to be clear, with examples, of what I think is appealing in the breast category.

Interestingly, though this tread is about breasts, I've always considered myself a "leg & ass" man, though if I'm looking at a woman's legs I tend to gravitate toward the size & shape of her ankles as the pass/fail standard of her legs. Go figure.

I guess it just goes to the fact I have no expertise regarding breasts other than I know what is appealing (read, I have an opinion) and what I find unattractive or gross.

I must look up Tiffany Hopkins! Where can she be found? And I agree with your: "While I suppose size matters, it's really about the relationship of the size & shape to the body type."
And if they can find a way to enhance a breast without silicone I am all for it as long as they leave the droop in!

07-05-12  11:21am - 4572 days #10
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by Reveen:

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about and thats my favourite type of boobs because its what you naturally find on a woman. I do like D and DD as well but not any bigger, like those chicks on score with boobs bigger than yer head lol

Someone like Princess Cameron had gorgeous boobs, its a pity her site was one of those "shoot a lot of stuff in a short period of time and never update the site again" type of single model sites.

Just had a quick look and you are sooo right! Princess Cameron possesses Grade A boobs!

07-04-12  06:48pm - 4572 days #5
messmer (0)
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To get away from mammoth boobs for a moment, I wish they had a site that featured slightly drooping, smaller boobs! Yes, you heard me right.

To me there is nothing as sensuous as putting my cupped hand underneath a breast like that and lift it up to my lips. You can't do that with the firm or sometimes underdeveloped breasts of teens nor with those over-inflated "enhanced" monstrosities that stick out straight! Size b or c with a droop that's my dream breast!

07-04-12  06:36pm - 4572 days #18
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

Oh yes .... forgettin' almost that we're being asked why we liked porn:
Well, at my age, I simply don't have nothing better to do.

Ruefully, I suppose that might've applied also dating back to the time I discovered the stuff .... onto (I might add) the present.

You know, you hit the nail right on the head, graymane, that would be my answer too: I have nothing better to do! Porn even overtook my love of gaming a couple of years ago. It's a lot more exciting than shooting aliens!

07-04-12  06:32pm - 4572 days #17
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I guess that means you approve.

I thought it was a deliberate play on words, graymane:

messmer - mesmerize!

Sorry that I didn't make that clear!

07-04-12  10:33am - 4573 days #2
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by pat362:

I know I should have posted this yesterday but better late than never.

Happy 4th of July to all our US friends.

Ditto from me to all our American friends!

07-04-12  10:25am - 4573 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I'd like to add messmer's beautifully keen thoughts on this thread is mesmerizing .... as well as that of Pat362.


07-04-12  10:23am - 4573 days #12
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Thanks for the thoughtful response, slutty.

I've never really understood why men enjoy fake boobs. Natural breasts are wonderful things (as are men who appreciate them).

Take heart: something tells me the fake-boob era may be waning. And as a carrier of "the smaller sizes," I have no intention of making any adjustments, save for the occasional push-up bra on special occasions.

Good for you, Heather. You may have noticed in this forum that most of us men are dead set against fake boobs! I don't know who the guys are that prefer the artificial look to the real thing. Natural is the way to go and I hope your prediction will turn out to be right.

07-03-12  06:50pm - 4573 days #5
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by pat362:

I think that women should spend more time thinking about all the stuff they do that make us wonder what's going on in there and leave porn alone.

Here are some examples of things women should look into.

-Why are women so mean to each other?
-Why do women always seem to pick the bad boy when there is a decent guy around?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the body she has?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the face she has?
-Why do so many (North American) women seem to have a fascination with larger breast?
-Why do so many women read fashion magazines when they know the model in the photo is either unhealthily thin, a genetic freak or was photoshopped to appear like a WWII prisoneer or war?
-Why do they go to a restaurant and order a salad when they really wanted the burger?

All true Pat, especially your second example. That one still hurts to this day. My mother had drilled it into us boys, always be a gentleman, until I found out the hard way that the girls my age were not looking for gentlemen.

But that still leaves the question: why do men like to watch porn? Am I going to be the only one to address that?

07-03-12  10:13am - 4574 days #2
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Why do we watch Porn?

Chronologically speaking:


1) You find or see something sexy by accident (eg. Dad's stash) that makes the blood roar in your ears from excitement ... and you'll end up looking for the same thrill for the rest of your life.

2) Performance anxiety. You are young, you are not an alpha male but a rather shy teenager so the thought of meeting the girl of your dreams and then not being able to perform drives you into the arms of something safer. A private activity where no one can laugh at you.

Young manhood:

3) You're not quite sure how "it" is done properly so you are looking for tips.

4) Desperation: you are not an aforementioned Alpha male and because most young girls and women love the scent of danger and flock to the confident, aggressive types and so .. you guessed it ... you learn to make do with the next best thing to a real relationship.

Middle age:

5) You've now been in a solid relationship for years and the frequency of sex has dropped to once a week (name day of choice) because you've basically done it all and most wives are not receptive to the kinkier aspects of sex. So, off to Kink.com.

6) You simply don't ask your wife or partner to do the nasty things you are fantasizing about. It just isn't done if you want to keep her respect so you furtively start looking at dps and anals and facials .. whatever you are sure your SO would not stand for.

Old Age:

7) One or both of you (if in a relationship) are no longer as fit as you once were.

8. You've now been in a relationship that spans generations and the thought of sex hardly ever rears its formerly beautiful head!

9) The sex drive is still there but strangely enough all of your contemporaries look so damn "old," (excluding you and your SO because you never get old to each other) so in order to fulfill your need for something esthetically pleasing to look at you are now subscribing to MILFS and Cubs, to cover the whole in-between field, because, in real life, those who are a generation or two younger than you would certainly be disgusted at the thought of "Young - Old Love." So Porn once again triumphs!

10) Because ALL men like to look!

Disclaimer: Only semi-autobiographical in parts. Edited on Jul 03, 2012, 10:18am

06-23-12  07:03pm - 4583 days #8
messmer (0)
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I have been a member of PU since 2007 and of this forum almost from the beginning and it is my only social networking site because of its civility.

There have been a couple of posts that made me angry over the years but only because of their subject and never because I thought anyone was being insulted or attacked.

I was all too used to see regular flame wars when I was still a member of the usenet and posted in various groups over a long period of time, so this came as a pleasant shock and has made this my home away from home.

It could be that this civility indeed originates in the fact that "we have accepted that we love porn and are unapologetic about it" as the squirrel put it, but it could also be because we are in a minority.

A friend of mine once told me "I love to be around smokers because they, as a group, are far kinder and more tolerant of other people's failings because everybody looks down on them nowadays!"

Maybe because society at large still looks down on us and on porn this might have made us more understanding and patient as well, who knows?!

All I know is that I am happy to know all of you. Thanks, Brother Denner, for bringing up the subject.

06-20-12  11:52am - 4587 days #6
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Welcome back! Cruise ships are a good opportunity to get caught up on one's reading, but suck for porn, no doubt. Course, they can be great for people watching, so it evens out a bit...

Not always true, despite our advanced age, my wife would give me a good swat if my people watching were too obvious, yet, for some reason, she is tolerant when it comes to my porn habit (closes her eyes to it.)

06-20-12  10:06am - 4587 days #2
messmer (0)
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Hey, glad to see you back, Denner. I was wondering what had happened to you!

06-17-12  10:33am - 4590 days #471
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

This one is added now. You may enter your remarks at:

We'll look forward to seeing your review.

Thanks, Khan!

06-15-12  11:37am - 4592 days #467
messmer (0)
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Khan, once you are feeling better could you please add: NaughtyNylonGirls.com. Thanks.

06-15-12  11:36am - 4592 days #35
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by Claypaws:

It is not listed at TBP (I guess they could be asked to add it) but it still exists and seems to be updating.

Just put NaughtyNylonGirls into the address bar of Firefox and it will find it.

We have some similar tastes and shared frustration of the difficulty of finding sites that meet all our precise requirements! Never having encountered Camilla, I just found her site. I see what you mean

Okay, I found it! What a tempting site. I especially like the fact that "You will now find most of my photo updates come with a set of suitable images in a SUPAWIDE 16:9 Format which allows members with wide screen monitors to display my pics in full screen mode."

This is exactly what I have been whining for since 2007:

landscape format pictures for the new wide screen monitors rather than portrait. This would definitely sell the site to me and even re-convert me to collecting pictures!

I must ask Khan to add it to TBP/PU!

06-14-12  07:39pm - 4592 days #33
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Claypaws:

I agree that a collection of the best from SC would be a good site. The photogs obviously have the rapport with their SOs, so they can capture the playfulness and personality. I would not want to swap the photogs for professionals but I think they could use some help with colour, sharpening and compression issues.

I completely agree with your last sentence, Claypaws! There are many models at SC who are shot in too amateurish a way: blurred pictures, red eyes, out of focus, lighting that is too dim. I've always steered clear of them after seeing some samples.

I subscribed for a long time to the site of an English model called Camilla, not only is she gorgeous but her husband sure is a pro (in a good way) because her picture sets are a joy to behold.

P.S. I have looked in vain for NaughtyNylonGirls on TBP and can't see it listed anywhere? Is it still in existence? Edited on Jun 14, 2012, 07:50pm

06-14-12  07:31pm - 4592 days #32
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

Messmer, you ever tried In The Crack? I'm sure there's a joke there, but In The Crack does usually showcase the model's body in clothes. They'll never say and I won't push for an answer, but there was another site, Give Me Pink, that is now dead that really excelled at everything before nudity. Once to nudity, both kind of risk going off the deep end, like Denner says, "I'm not interested in gynecology" with their closeups, but both of those sites do (In the Crack still going) and did (Give Me Pink is an archive site now) have a lot of teasing in clothes.

This is something else I've started to notice. Look for models who are good at teasing. Most studios these days do seem to be playing to the strengths of the models. In my years, I have always thought the European models were the best teases. I know this is far-reaching and his site does seem to be dying down, but Pacino of Pacino's Adventures loves dressing his models up and having them strip, so much in fact, at least one of his sites is non-nude. The other good thing about checking Pacino's site out is that you won't find many tattoos or implants.

I don't know why I never thought of mentioning his site to you. Amateur models, I would say 95% start clothed and tease, little to no tattoos or implants. I would recommend anyone bored with current porn to download his sets of the model "Jessica". One of the best natural bodies I've ever seen and the amateur factor plays a huge part in her scenes. There are still members posting on his forum asking for more of her, but she only shot 3-4 sets for Pacino, took the money and ran as far away from the porn business as she could, but her sets are some of the sexiest and most believable I've seen. You can find some samples by searching, "Pacino's Adventures Jessica".

Thanks, exotics, for the great tips. I did subscribe to one of the sites (ITC) some time ago and liked it a lot. But as with so many other sites that I liked, and even gave high review scores to, they just didn't give me what I was really after. I am grateful for the leads (Pacino's Adventures and Amateur Models) and will check them out. So, thanks again! Edited on Jun 14, 2012, 07:42pm

06-13-12  07:47pm - 4593 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I hope he gets well soon. I got chills reading about the ankle. Mind you I have such a phobia about my eyes that I think I'd rather take the broken ankle to someone messing with my eyes.

You, too, hunh? I just had my Optometrist put off my cataract operation for another year. Can't stand to have anyone near my eyes. Have yet to get an eye drop in without blinking and ruining the whole thing!

06-13-12  07:42pm - 4593 days #25
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

We NEVER tire of your rants, partner. Your roars are at the fore-front of opening the door to scores of worthless, repetitive, and frivolous junk foisted on us by Web-sited Bozos whose sights are frozen in tunnel-vision-mode.
Keep up the speed, big-guy....... you're "fighting the good fight." (a Churchill moment)

I think you are quickly becoming my hero, Graymane. Or did I say that already?

06-13-12  07:41pm - 4593 days #24
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

We shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the stair landings,
we shall fight in the studios,
we shall fight in the bathrooms and in the kitchens,
we shall fight on the hills;
we shall never surrender!

We shall fight for more bras,
We shall fight for more panties,
We shall fight for more stockings,
We shall fight for more garter belts,
We shall fight for more zest until the
photogs finally put their lame stuff to rest!

06-13-12  07:33pm - 4593 days #23
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Thanks, Claypaws! I love Lexi Blue, I have a few sets of hers from SC. I've always been tempted to tell the professional photographers on the regular pay sites to go to SC and watch how the amateurs do it. Most models are shot by their husbands, boyfriends and most of the ladies still know how to dress, or should I say undress, with the eroticism of the whole strip still there.

Their SOs also seem to have a great love for sexy lingerie because there's hardly a model on that site who doesn't feature it prominently. I had a subscription to a couple of the SC sites over the years but gave them up because the picture sets weren't zipped. I suppose now with Firefox' "Down Them All" it would be a lot easier to grab the set.

I still maintain (past talks with the Cap'n) that if someone combined 4 - 5 of the better looking mature SC models into one site, with pictures zipped .. then they would have exactly what I am looking for when it comes to pictures.

As long as they don't switch to professional photographers.

P.S. Almost forgot to thank you for the trouble you took to give me greater insight into NNG! So thanks for taking the time. I must take the tour. Edited on Jun 13, 2012, 07:36pm

06-13-12  01:26pm - 4593 days #19
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Claypaws:

I am one of those who download based on the model's face and facial expressions. I then try to find everything (photos only) she has done on all sites and get as much of it as possible before I look at any of it, regardless of theme.

But I do much prefer it when the theme includes slow strip from elegant clothes, via pretty lingerie, to full nude with lots of pink on show.

I think you have already been a member of virtually everything I have joined (and then some) that caters to that preference. When you refer to the site "Vintage Lingerie", I assume you mean "Vintage Flash", which you not only joined but reviewed. I was last a member there in November 2011 and rate it very highly. I asked them to increase the photo resolution and I would be very interested to know if they have done so. I might rejoin in two or three months from now. I notice you have moved to the dark side (are now tending towards video rather than photos). Their videos seemed to be excellent quality but you know that already.

I also loved SuburbanAmateurs but I see you have been there too.

ATK Galleria has a lot of clothed to full nude via lingerie and it has a defined category for lingerie and a method to search for lingerie sets. I think it is the biggest source of such photos.

FETS does not seem to have been mentioned. It is many years since I was there. Its free area appears to give access to full search by category and all thumbnails of all sets. It is definitely a theme site. It has a 7 day trial but I have not poked around enough to work out if it is full access.

And, though I am not into video, one performer who has done video that I enjoy - actually I think she is a in a league of her own - is Sophie Moone. I have not checked if you ever joined SweetSophieMoone via 21stSextury. I did, as I adore her to bits. I even downloaded video of her. Yes, even I can occasionally like video. Problem there is the video resolution. 720x540 mp4 is the highest and a lot is 512x384 mpg. But she was sooo hot and she wears some great costumes. I can kind of get used to the low resolution.

AllOver30. Yeah, you have been there!

WeAreHairy - you have been there!

NaughtyNylonGirls is another one to check out. When I joined (for a month at the end of 2009), it was exclusively Laurita, who I like lots. Now it seems to have more models too. It has a very cheap membership (too good to be true?).

Best of luck.

We seem to have been members of quite a few similar sites, Claypaws! Yes, I made a mistake with Vintage Flash and corrected it this morning! That one, so far, is my favorite site, except that I wasn't too keen on the quality of their photos and therefore downloaded mostly their videos.

ATK Galleria: got boring (some older sets were fair.) There was also a fair bit of mislabeling because lingerie sets often contained nothing but a girl who was wearing panties for once!

ATK Exotica: is boring (this one caused my latest outburst)

AO30: got boring (old sets contain far more dresses and lingerie).

WAH: got boring (too many young girls wearing young girls clothes.) Which means possibly a pair of cotton panties now and then for the lingerie lover and for me they belong to the same category as tights. It's either something silky and smooth (nylon, satin, silk) or I don't want it!

Your NaughtyNylonGirls sounds good but I have been disappointed in the past by sites with similar names because most specialized in pantyhose (which I despise).

What does this site feature when it comes to nylon: stockings, panties, nighties, teddies, slips? Or the accursed PH (or tights?) Edited on Jun 13, 2012, 01:30pm

06-13-12  10:18am - 4594 days #54
messmer (0)
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You might have something when you say that you are getting royally screwed in the "North Country" .. because it seems the farther north you go the more screwed you get when it comes to prices. I live on the Atlantic Coast, so just imagine how screwed we are!!

Not only that but we are considered to be a minor market which means that we usually get what's left over after Ontario and Quebec get their pick, or so it seems! So, not only high prices but also poor choices all around. We are hardy and stout folks though .. we shall survive! Especially with the help of Steakhouse Burgers!

06-13-12  09:36am - 4594 days #8
messmer (0)
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With a lot of sympathy I wish both of you well and hope for a speedy recovery. Khan is greatly respected by us and we will miss him and look forward to his return.

06-12-12  07:48pm - 4594 days #51
messmer (0)
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Thanks, Toadsith, you made my day! Glad you enjoyed our Steakhouse Burgers! Why did they withdraw them from the American market? Not enough demand? Or the health craze?

And please send those roving Canadians back to my side of the border, our local merchants are missing them badly! Traitors, one and all. Not only that but don't they realize that not all Canadians live within a couple of minutes drive from the border and have to look on with raging envy as they get their chicken and cheese and other goodies practically at half price just because of someone's protectionist ideas!

06-12-12  07:28pm - 4594 days #15
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I can't comment on their recent content, but one of the strengths of Abby Winters' older content was their tendency to shoot models in the homes of said models and to encourage those models to wear their own clothing. It automatically added an nice bit of randomness into the sets and helped add some three-dimensionality to the model's presented personality as well.

So frequently models are provided the clothing by the production company and the sets are reused. It saves money and relies on the differences of the models as the selling point. It is sort of like one the tactics that drove the Detroit automotive industry into the ground for a bit there. They'd produce one basic car and then slap different badges on it and hope the customer would perceive them as different cars.

One does have to account for the expectations of the customers. A recent poll, as limited a sample size as it may be, showed that most of us expected a site to update multiple times a week. That is a massive amount of content production. You figure multi-million dollar television shows generally produce at maximum 24 episodes a year. This of course excludes the daily shows like news and other hosted shows, which some porn does compete with. If a porn site was only expected to produce 10 videos in a year, perhaps we'd all be members of HBX to watch the amazing acting, production values and entertaining writing in its hardcore production of Game of Bones. Alas, we want at least 104 videos made a year, preferably more, and we don't want to pay much for it.

I believe there is an old adage about business: It can be built well. It can be built quickly. It can be built cheaply. Choose two.

I will always have a fond spot in my heart for Abby Winters. It was the first erotic site (I hate to call it porn) I ever subscribed to. And I agree with you completely that the randomness of the clothing the girls wore added much to the excitement and color of the site.

As to loads of updates .. there too I agree with you. I would rather have quality and fewer updates than the MacPorn that has been churned out lately.

I have a few select sites that fit the bill when it comes to quality and relatively few updates as compared to others. In their case I subscribe for a month, put them under "favorites" at the end of that month and remind myself to re-subscribe in 6 months or so when enough material has once again accumulated.

I simply made the mistake of going back to other (formerly) favorite sites over and over again because I liked them at one time and now find that their huge updates are too imitative of each other and quite dull .. to me, I must hasten to add!!

For a while last month I had four sites going, two of them were for a three month period. I gave them the last two months of the subscription as a gift because of the boredom factor and took them off my data base, the other two are at present nothing but churners out of stuff. They used to be good but now I look at each update in despair because they have dropped originality for quantity!

And, no, I have not become jaded, nor do I need to take a break from porn. Sometimes that's a good idea but not in this case. I simply need to see some of the tease factor put back into porn. To this day I cherish older picture sets on my hard drive that had that oomph! And videos that had a story! Edited on Jun 12, 2012, 07:32pm

06-12-12  07:09pm - 4594 days #14
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Reveen:

I'd agree with much of what you say, it certainly is tough to find quality these days.

I like to see women in good lingerie for sure but even normal everyday panties and bra are fine (as long as they aren't dirty and ratty!) as long as there is a good strip. Only tease is great for this, the major problem with their network being in the name, its all tease and no-payoff, a lot of the girls don't even do full nude.

What I'd ideally like is a sort of a hybrid of Only Tease and something like I feel Myself, a good strip followed by a good masturbation scene. It seems though that you either get one thing or the other, rarely both.

Agreed. Every day clothing with bra and panties is fine with me! It is the tease factor you are mentioning that makes things exciting for me and for that you have to draw out a set a bit rather than reveal all on page one of the gallery.

Talking about OnlyTease. I have always had a problem with their pictures for different reasons. I find them too soft .. not as in "softcore" .. but not sharp enough in detail otherwise they would be a good choice along with the other "Only_x" sites. The site that matches my taste the best is called "Vintage Flash." I love their videos and will re-subscribe soon. Those English Ladies sure know how to perform a good tease! Edited on Jun 13, 2012, 09:44am

06-12-12  07:03pm - 4594 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by BubbaGump:

In Fairness to the photographers, there is only so much you can do without getting repetitive. There are only so many ways to photograph the human form and only so many clothing items, poses, and toys, etc. Most sites probably shoot for what the avg subscriber finds appealing or interesting. I assume they find out what people want via suggestions or ratings. If you fall outside the average, you likely are not going to get prime cuts of material that suit your tastes.

I have found that if I find nude photos unnapealing or boring, it's usually because I have been looking at too much porn. To put it candidly, if I take a break from porn, I find that after I view it again, I grow wood over stuff I used to find boring or commonplace.

I think there is truth to the folks who say those of us who view porn a lot get desensitized to it and need more and more stuff we aren't used to seeing in order to get arroused. Kind of like drinking--the more you drink, the more you will need to get a buzz. I cut back on my porn consumption a while back and subscribed to only one site the the past months after dumping one site that ripped me off. I vew it on occasion now as opposed to pretty much every other day. I appreciate it more as an art form and as an enchancement to my sex life.

I know that sounds odd, but I think the only way to keep it interesting is moderation. Otherwise, you just keep subscribing to stuff and spending a lot of money until you come across the few images that get your attention. Then you repeat etc....

Anyways, my two cents. understand what you are saying, though. A lot of material does seem to be pretty sterile in terms of general things like poses etc..I attribute this to the demands for volume. The goal is to keep churning out materail to keep customers subscribing.

I do agree with much of what you say, Bubba. One can get desensitized if one watches too much porn and needs ever more extreme or unusual material to get the same kick out of it but I am talking about something that is actually more moderate than that: I would simply like the ladies to be clad in more than just some cut-off jeans (or jeans) and short top (or blouse), as one example. That to me is sterile because you can indeed only do so much with that.

In my opinion the difference between one set and the other can only come in if you change the way, from model to model, how she dresses. Have some of them wear nice, summery dresses, complete with bra and full panties, others in lingerie getting ready for bed, others indeed in jeans or cut-offs etc. etc.

Just make the sets different from one another a bit so they don't all look cookie-cutter. You are right, when it comes to the human body there is only so much you can do. After all, postures are basically the same, body shapes and sizes vary a bit but after downloading one set of a model because you like her you have seen it all ... unless ... again ... you are able to download sets that have her in more than three, four pieces of clothing. Edited on Jun 13, 2012, 09:41am

06-12-12  03:59pm - 4594 days #48
messmer (0)
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Yep, I agree as well! There is no fairness in regional pricing. The way they usually do it with Canadians is to take U.S. Dollars and convert them to Canadian Dollars at today's rate and charge accordingly. I think it should be done this way with all countries.

06-12-12  03:54pm - 4594 days #9
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Superfluous though it might be, you know I am on the same page here.


Never superfluous, my friend! Maybe one of these days a webmaster might actually do the unthinkable in response to this thread (as well as previous ones) and figure out that there really IS a market for our type of picture set.

m. still waiting for the pendulum to swing back!

P.S. I have a blistering review coming up concerning this subject, if it isn't being rejected by management!

06-12-12  02:24pm - 4594 days #7
messmer (0)
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Bless you, Thomas! Second one from the U.K. to agree with me today. Maybe it's a European thing??? (See my note on having a German background)

And I completely and utterly agree with you when it comes to lingerie ... that's been my consistent beef in many of my posts: there are simply not enough shots of women clad in their erotic finest. Just some very abbreviated casual wear and then nudity has been the norm for some time.

06-12-12  01:55pm - 4594 days #5
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

You must be an educated person. Or one with a German background.

I didn't understand your idiom until I looked it up on the internet. And even then, my understanding is slightly vague.

The meaning of "one man�s meat is another man�s poison" seems more straight forward.


One man�s meat is another man�s poison

08 June 2009

Yes, we�re all structured differently, so what�s good for one person, may touch a raw nerve in another. The idiom goes back to the year 1576 (T. Whythorne Autobiography) and is so well-known in the English-speaking world that it�s often shortened to a simple �one man�s meat�. It doesn�t apply just to meat though, but to all sorts of things, like jobs, books and friends.

The most literal German translation is Des einen Brot ist des andern Tod (one man�s bread is another man�s death). A translation that might be a little more expressive is the Northern German Was dem einen sin Uhl, ist dem anderen sin Nachtigall (one man�s owl is another man�s nightingale). Traditionally, the owl was seen to bring bad luck, whereas the nightingale and its song were seen as a harbinger of great fortune � though this belief may, of course, just be another matter of �one man�s meat�.

Yes, I do have a German background, lk2fireone!

In my youth we said (your quote): "Was dem einen sin Uhl, ist dem anderen sin Nachtigall (one man's owl is another man's nightingale) however we interpreted this in a different way which makes more sense, so far as my signature goes:

Owls generally don't sound very melodious, while a Nightingale's song is sweet, yet there will always be those who will prefer an owl to a nightingale.

I simply take it to mean, tastes differ, and try to remind myself of that even though I often forget (as in today's post ).

BTW, because I grew up in a different region of Germany my version (dialect) was: Ei Mann's Uhl isch an andere Mann's Nachtigall.

06-12-12  01:28pm - 4594 days #3
messmer (0)
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Thank you, Marcus! I do feel lonely at times when it comes to the subject of "what makes a good set?" It seems that most don't see a problem with the way things are done now, otherwise all those sites would not keep shooting the same way day after day. Edited on Jun 13, 2012, 09:51am

06-12-12  12:23pm - 4595 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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I know I've been repeating this ad nauseam during the past year or so, but no matter what photography (or mixed) site I subscribe to I see the same boring sets with the same skimpy outfits that are being shed on page one already, leaving one with a series of nude studies in the other five pages or so.

At first I was going to make this comment on the page of a site I had just subscribed to but then thought that wouldn't be quite fair to them because they all got into the same habit, from teen sites to mature (30-40) and that is models who will be asked to wear three basic items of clothing, top, bottom, bra or panties .. that's it.

There must be an awful lot of folks who either download or rate a set by a model's face or who will download anything that is presented to them on a given day.

Pictures were my first love but these days I am leaning more and more toward videos, but even there (in places like VideoBox) there can be a numbing sameness to their updates on many a day.

I think that from now on I will restrict my subscriptions to sites that give you a bit of a build-up before the action starts. Sites I scorned in the past but now find the most satisfying, like Bang Bros., Brazzers, NA, Reality Kings etc.

I know, I know, by necessity the sameness factor has to rear its boring head there as well but at least they don't start out naked or in the middle of action already and that's a big plus for me. Now if only they reduced the number of enhanceds!

End of rant .. no answer required, I simply had to get it off my chest .. AGAIN!

06-09-12  01:51pm - 4597 days #4
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I am going to go with Messmer on this, as It would be nice to see a site like that. But I think Mature like 40+
I would like to add those have masturbation scenes included would be nice.


06-09-12  11:05am - 4598 days #2
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by bibo:

With so many sites out there, offering all kinds of stuff, what themes/niches would you like to see getting more attention? Or do you actually have a special interest that's not covered by a website as of yet?
For a starter, I'd like to see a website dedicated to shorthaired girls.

The usual for me: A site with mature ladies, fully dressed but wearing wearing alluring, erotic lingerie underneath doing a slow strip and ending up fully nude!

06-08-12  10:22am - 4599 days #13
messmer (0)
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Hey, CT, my warmest congratulations as well.

06-03-12  11:25am - 4604 days #16
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^I think I can partially answer your question in regardss to the expression respect when it comes to talking about porn performers. There is a percentage of people that post in the different porn forums who have a very very low opinion of porn performers and the language they use to describe them is proof of that. Calling a girl that does porn a whore, slut and worse is not a sign of respect and these guys aren't right wing anti-porn people either but guys that watch these girls have sex on video.

I agree that respect is something you earn but every single human being is born with a certain level of respect and unless they cross a line then they should be afforded that respect. Don't use language to describe someone on a forum where people can't see you that you wouldn't use to the persons face.

Thank you, Pat. That's exactly how I feel!

06-02-12  10:00am - 4605 days #52
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

Well, nipping at the heels of 80 is one thing.
And, as I get uncomfortably close to that number come Oct....... I believe messmer might be the only one who trails that's even close.
(Anybody else out there who's that old?)

Yep, still right behind you at 76, graymane! And thanks for missing me!

06-01-12  06:38pm - 4605 days #46
messmer (0)
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Darn, and here I was ready to emigrate to Australia. I'll stay right here in Canada now. So there!

05-26-12  10:54am - 4612 days #5
messmer (0)
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I dislike BTS videos because they destroy the illusion of what's gone on before, same as I dislike hearing the director's instructons during a scene.

05-25-12  06:37pm - 4612 days #5
messmer (0)
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^ I bow to an expert, Pat. All my remarks were based on guesses while you are the master of facts.

05-25-12  03:46pm - 4612 days #2
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Former president Bill Clinton has a new cheer squad. During a photo op at a gala in Monaco, Clinton was snapped with Brooklyn Lee and Tasha Reign. You might recognize them from a porn film near you. That's right. They are porn stars.

I am not sure about the "respected" part but they appear to be more accepted, or at least tolerated by Western Society. Or does it just appear that way to me since I move daily in PU circles?

Could be that the general public would still find a photo op like this shocking, unless they are French, of course!

04-23-12  04:12pm - 4644 days #8
messmer (0)
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Well, I tell you, I am really shocked that there was no outcry about that true obscenity from anyone. I believe in freedom of speech and all, but those jokes were more offensive than the rawest porn I have ever watched or read. But of course if jokes about farts are funny why not take it a step further and make it really, really funny by seeing how disgusting you can make your humor. This is it for me. I thought I was in civilized company, and for the most part you are but for the first time since I took part in this forum I feel I've been in a cesspool.

Well, this time you will know why I'm gone! I'll miss the decent perverts in your midst, you've been an important part of my life for five years and I wish you all the best.


04-23-12  04:04pm - 4644 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

I have to admit that in porn they are all trying to make guys look like bad ass thugs. The problem is most of these boys are from the Valley in So-Cal and they aint no thugs, just as we called them posers.

I really hate most guys portrayed in films. Women do such a better job at being actor then the men.
I mean you can see, oh Hayden Winter look like and innocent girl or nymph all within a few days of shooting. And we believe allot of what we see. When we see a twenty five year guy pretending hes 16 we laugh our asses of at what dumb ass he looks like.

Oh well just my take .


If only they did use twenty-five year old guys. I swear I saw guys close to their thirties in one of those cougar and young cubs thingies in Naughty America.

That's where my dislike of caps really started. Always the same scenario: Knock comes on the door, there stands this mature guy, who's got to be very close to thirty, in sneakers, with shorts half-way down to his ankles and baseball cap on backward asking if the Cougar's/MILF's son is home .. and things develop from there. Arghh. It shouldn't be that hard to find a real young guy to match the fantasy.

04-23-12  03:57pm - 4644 days #12
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

I can ignore the guys in caps. As I think has been mentioned on here before, the guys are just props. Me? I want the women to take off the damn high heels!

I don't mind the high heels, RB, but I keep thinking darn they must be hard on the furniture.

04-23-12  12:20pm - 4645 days #8
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

I think it is probably an age related thing.

When I was a kid, folks did not even wear a cap indoors, let alone when sitting down to eat.


And now they do, Cap'n? Outside of porn and movies made for the very young? Honest question because I haven't had a visitor who wore a cap in at least ten years so I am really not clued in on what is proper behavior or not these days.

As to the age related thing, my friend jberryl is 65 according to his statistics! Way to stay young, jb!!

04-23-12  11:57am - 4645 days #35
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

As CT said, you can use Windows movie maker, even if it isn't pre-installed on your computer, I believe it is free. It is pretty simple, I'm not sure how compatable it is with some of the codecs used, but I would assume most common mp4, mpg, and wmv files would be supported (I haven't used it in quite a while).

There are lots of programs to use, and I am not particularly fond of any of those that I've tried, so I hesitate to mention them. The Cyberlink product was okay I guess, but I believe it is like $100. Adobe stuff was the worst I have used, but I know people who prefer Premiere so I guess it is just personal preference.

For the most part, they are all pretty easy to use, it is usually just editing a video as you would expect (splicing parts together, adding audio, slowing, cropping, etc), I'm sure you could handle it (my father can - with home videos, not porn as far as I know...)

Thanks, slutty! That's helpful.

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