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Visit Met Art X

Met Art X

Site was pretty small when I visited

I visited this site a couple of months ago on an intro offer from Met-Art. The site is very small and includes masturbation videos of many of the girls you see on Met-Art. These are a little more interesting than the videos found on Met-Art, but not much. If you like the girls on Met-Art and can't find them doing harder stuff on other sites, then this might be a good place to find them.

12-08-16  08:00pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of superjank's Poll

Very good question. The vast majority of sites don't update frequently enough to warrant a continuous subscription, but I do have annual subscriptions to a few sites that have one or more updates a day. The annual rate, especially when a special is offered, are often equal to 3 months or so and if I'm going to rejoin a site more than once or twice a year, I'll consider it. Right now I have 4 or 5 annual subscriptions....and waaaay to many monthly ones.

12-07-16  09:57am

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

I download a lot of stuff and watch it once or twice before moving on to the next download. Sometimes I'll go back to look at old stuff and am pleasantly surprised when I find something good that I either downloaded and didn't watch or forgot about. I probably don't go through and get rid of old stuff often enough. As a result, I have several terabytes of video....

12-07-16  09:51am

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

I currently have...5 annual subscriptions and I usually have 1 or 2 monthly ones that I change regularly. I bookmark them and go through them in a particular order. Once in a while, I will start with a video I downloaded during a previous session but didn't watch.

12-03-16  07:00pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Drooler makes an excellent point. There are usually only a few things in a scene that interest me and a few that are totally deflating. Sadly, very few videos have more than a few minutes of the things I really like so I often find myself fast forwarding to the good stuff. I wonder if there has ever been a study on the formula for this....

12-02-16  06:18pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I won a leg-lamp once.....

12-01-16  08:56am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Ummm. I came of age in South Florida in the early 80's when picking up girls in bars was a fairly common thing....so were drugs. (But Penicillin cured everything.) I woke up more than time in a bed in a strange house next to a girl I didn't recognize. Once there was nobody home and just a "Thanks! Let yourself out." note! If I ever saw that girl again, I wouldn't know it.

12-01-16  08:54am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Cable stuff is even cheesier than regular porn! (Is that possible?) Once in a great while I will watch Co-ed Confidential just to watch Michelle Maylene in softcore.

12-01-16  08:40am

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

Eh. I don't often have all day to watch porn. My typical window is about 30 minutes and that includes time for finding and downloading whatever it is you are going to watch this time or next. (I'll submit a poll question or two about that....) The anticipation factor builds up while you search the internet for today's content, so a 10 minute video is fine.

12-01-16  08:19am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have several email accounts on several different domains but access them through the same client software. The account I use for PU and related personal recreation is a catch-all that I also use for on-line purchases, and "give us your email to get into our site" retail sites. It gets about 70 emails a day that are mostly spam and mostly filtered. Of course, with the opportunity to win a gift card on occasion, I would never filter out PU. :-)

11-27-16  03:48pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

I'm with Drooler on this one. I worked in retail long enough to know that Black Friday is not when store prices are lowest. It is when the store companies want you to shop. Now, if you have kids and need to get the latest toys and are worried they will sell out, OK, go for it. But items for adults will be cheaper later. I do about 97% of my shopping on-line and have not been in a mall in several months. If I visit one before Christmas, it will be after 9:00 at night when the mall is open but most people are at home.

11-26-16  08:56pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I'm sure most here know that getting a hard-on is sometimes a reflex mechanism when you have the urge to pee. Morning wood is a good example of this. But there is also kind of a tail-wagging-the-dog thing that makes men more likely to get erections just before they actually sense that they need to pee. For me, that is when I have gotten a raging hard-on in public. Many years ago I did end up dating one girl from work who noticed when this happened. She was a very pretty girl, but was still flattered that somebody actually had a hard-on for her. I never told her it was probably just because we were in a long meeting and I had to pee.

11-10-16  08:29pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

The question is highly context sensitive. Typical 18 year old girls think any male over the age of 35 and/or not pushing a stroller around is a dirty old man. But (for me anyway) any woman between the ages of maybe 35 and 45 who implies that I'm a dirty old man (or equivalent) is probably flirting.

11-08-16  06:48pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Every choice has consequences, good or bad. On a scale of 1 to 10, my biggest regrets rate about a 3, with maybe one or two 4s. Let's see. Investing in tech stocks in the late '90s. Not selling off fast enough in 2008. Those are things I could have done that would have had a positive impact on me and my family.

On a slightly different note, I am now living life specifically with the idea of avoiding regrets in the future. I will not regret not travelling because I'm doing it. I will not regret not having a classic convertible because I bought one. I may regret doing those things when I'm 90 and broke, but not now. Refer to first sentence.

11-01-16  06:16pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

First off, nope, nope, nope.

From a practical perspective, I think most men are visually oriented...certainly our little group here is. So the idea of using one of these things first-hand is counter to our nature.

10-31-16  10:47pm

Visit My Free Cams

My Free Cams
Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

Thanks for the info. I tried POVlive a couple times and that seems like a pretty straightforward buy a chatroom site. Also tried the Met Art live site, metcams. Metcams was a decent site, but they kept telling me my account had been hacked and cutting me off. I think many of these sites are all run by the same parent company/master website, but I can't think of the name.

10-23-16  07:23pm

N/A Reply of LPee23's Reply

Sadly, Real Beluga Caviar has been illegal in the US since 2005 due to over fishing the Russian Sturgeon fish that provide it.

I'll gladly join you for some flank steak though! Flank and skirt steaks are getting harder to find in the US because so many restaurants use them to make fajitas.

So I'll settle for a nice Filet and a baked potato.

10-23-16  07:12pm

Visit POVD


Site now has 200 videos

This site has grown pretty significantly (200 videos) and the network has matured also. I rejoined this site and then added the $69 option to join all of the network sites and there is a ton of good content here. Lubed and Tiny4K are also good. I wrote a review about Tiny4K that is a more current impression.

10-18-16  09:39pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

We're talking scenes where a supposed husband allows/watches some other guy fuck his wife? Well, no, that doesn't really interest me at all.

Thinking about this a little more, as a straight guy, I don't really like any porn scenes with more guys in it than girls. Guys are usually the surrogate me in the scene, so two guys doesn't work.

10-18-16  09:01pm

Visit 18 Closeup

18 Closeup

No updates since 2015? Oh, wait...there are some!

I just joined this site for the first time and initially it looked like there are no updates since 2015. How does that happen? Well, the webmasters are posting updates on the updates page, but they are not updating their update log page or model info. So it looks like the site is not updating until you scroll down on the specific updates page.
Earliest sets are from 2007 and there are quite a few videos and photo sets of some popular Eastern European models from years past. I'll try to write a review later.

10-16-16  08:20pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Feedback to the webmasters? Not really. I send feedback to the customer service email address or web form, usually when something is wrong. My ratings for a site are often influenced by the responses I get from that communication.

I also add comments to sets that have a comment section on sites like Femjoy or Met art. If a set is really nice, I'll tell the photographer in the comments. However, if the set has issues, I'm not shy about commenting on that either. Bad focus, graininess and bad lighting are peeves that I usually comment on. It's never right to be a dick about things, but people need to know when something is wrong with a site or set.

10-16-16  01:24pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

This depends on many factors, but it is always nice to see the model in a few images where she is fully clothed. As LPee23 said, some models are really good at peekabo, etc., to create some added excitement.

10-16-16  01:18pm

Visit My Free Cams

My Free Cams

Um....I'm not sure I get it.....

I joined this site and instead of finding girls ready to go to private chats, I find kind of a carnival of spin games and similar antics. Most of the girls are clothed or partially nude, mostly just talking or chatting with their viewers. Guys are throwing tokens at them and there is NOTHING HAPPENING... The girls sell things like snapchats and videos and have posted lists for things like flashing and other activities. It really seems like this site is set up to sort of milk money from viewers who are very hard pressed to "make friends" with the girls. There are a few active "shows" and lesbian things going on, but it doesn't really seem that exciting. What am I missing here?

10-08-16  08:03pm

Replies (3)
N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

That's a good point. There is something oddly nostalgic and somewhat comforting about going back to your old material. I tossed nearly all of my magazines and will probably never see those 1980's models again.

10-08-16  06:54pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Kind of a funny question. Years ago a girlfriend found my porn stash and we ended up watching it and fucking for two solid days. Another girlfriend stole some of my magazines and videos when we broke up (supposedly she took a drawer full of stuff when she moved out and didn't notice the porn in the bottom. It was my bedside drawer....hmmm ). A few weeks later, she returned it and wanted to get back together. The "started watching it" might be a viable choice if the survey were posted on some religious psychology site, maybe. I will admit that it is a vice but must add that it is one of the most stress-reducing activities I can think of. So all that is left is "pay too much for it". Well....I look at it this way. I spend about the same in six months on-line as I would in one night in a really good strip club. And I can't keep going back to the strip club again for free!

10-08-16  06:51pm

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