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N/A Reply of merc77's Reply

This sums up my attitude. Lots of porn actors that have no appeal to me at all, and fortunately there are many who do. But I'm not "refusing to watch" I'm just watching someone else.

05-23-19  02:40pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of exotics4me's Review

I log in to MetArt every day and have for years. I'm probably the person you refer to who was interested in the orientation of photos (landscape v portrait) because I'm primarily interested in photos for wallpaper slideshows. MetArt is rich in landscape photos, although a few photographers only shoot that for crotch shots or boob photos that chop off the model's head.

Crotch shots have become far more common than they once were on the site and some photographers include far too many for my taste. Spread butts and emphasize on the anus have also become prevalent for some photographers, which plays very well for a few of the more ardent regular commenters. I personally enjoy more whole-body, or medium close-ups.

I simply ignore the monthly masturbation video. Initially I found it annoying but as long as they don't try to substitute it for one of the four daily sets, I'm fine working around it.

02-19-19  03:44pm

Visit The White Boxxx

The White Boxxx
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I lucked into White Boxx awhile back and, yes, some of the most gorgeous women and erotic porn I've seen exists there. The rest of the sites in the network had some good-looking women but they're all pretty gimmicky and repetitive. The truth is it's really difficult to get creative when the theme is "fucking in a taxi". "Picking up girls on holiday" is a little better as long as you're willing to suspend all disbelief and the models tend to be fine, but I don't think I've kept a single video from any of the other sites. YMMV, of course.

01-13-19  08:28am

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

I had forgotten about SuicideGirls for some reason. Maybe I used to occasionally see them on Tumblr, which I dropped. At any rate, you reminded me about them and I checked out their website. There's a tour of sorts that supposedly has 200 photos (I'm pretty sure I didn't see anywhere near that many). They are all very attractive girls and a lot of them aren't photographed with dense ink, but the thing is a few of them are staggeringly beautiful. I do love the usual glamour sites, but some of these models make MetArt models look just a bit shabby. Of course, I'm perfectly fine with tattoos in general and also a big fan of perfect, unadorned complexions. People who shudder at ink would do best never to check out SuicideGirls.

01-13-19  08:21am

Visit Wow Porn

Wow Porn
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I rejoined Wow Girls/Porn a month or so back when they dropped the overcharge for downloads. It used to be my favorite network for a long time. When I joined this time, I only had access to two sites, although it's impossible to tell much of the time which is which or whether there is any real difference between them.

After reading your review, I took a look and discovered that, without notice, they had bumped me to Diamond and I had access to All Fine Girls. Which meant there was a lot of new (to me) content and finding it without confusing it with Girls/Porn is very easy. What does surprise me is that there are a lot of girls who are exclusive to All Fine Girls, with no overlap with the other two sites.

As to the quality of the models, I should note that a number of them will be familiar to fans of the Met Art sites, although you may not have previously seen them with a semen mustache.

11-24-18  04:16pm

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply


10-29-18  11:32am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I'm sorry but I didn't see your request until just now. Not sure why I didn't get an email.

Most of the videos I saw were, I think, at Classic Porn(?) where a huge percentage of their content was German and French. It has been awhile but my memory is that the term "classic" was loosely applied. Many of the videos were not particularly old.

10-27-18  02:30pm

N/A Reply of Loki's Reply

Sounds like you're an old guy like me. I too prefer women that look like grown-ups rather than 12 year olds.

10-25-18  12:54pm

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

I've seen a lot of really hot women in French and German porn that don't appear anywhere else. And so much is coming out of Russia and Eastern Europe without dubbing (thank god) or subtitles, I'd be missing out on a ton.

10-20-18  12:36pm

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

MetArt. I've been off and on with them for at least a decade and probably more. Some day I'll get a life membership, if I live that long.

09-08-18  11:06am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of skippy's Reply

Oh, it's still being run by some of the photographers that he trained, but none of them have his reputation or his chops.

02-26-18  12:07pm

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of skippy's Reply

I was a big fan of Digital Desire back in the day but it's really gone downhill of late, with very few new models. They've been showcasing models that haven't worked with the site for years. I'm sorry to say, but Stephen Hicks died in 2013 and I believe it was his solid reputation and professional attitude that drew in so many beautiful models. I actually had a sporadic correspondence with Hicks and really appreciated his dedication to his craft -- and his taste in women. He died way too young.

Thanks very much for your prompt and helpful responses.

02-26-18  05:59am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of skippy's Review

Finally someone who can answer my only question about this website. On the limited previews I've seen, all the photos are in portrait mode. Since I'm primarily interested in photos for wallpaper, I want as many landscape (horizontal) photos as possible. If there are none, or very few, I wouldn't want to join the site. (And I'm guessing this would also apply to Amour Angels, which seems to be an identical site.)

02-25-18  03:26pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I'll be dead, so why would I care if my son finds my porn?

01-13-18  10:55am

Visit Hegre

Reply of skippy's Reply

So my take is completely different. As much as I appreciate full body shots, I prefer them in some sort of context (preferably a bed) for the fantasy aspect. Taking the model out of the framework of a room (not a big fan of outdoor shoots, especially not beaches) spoils the mood for me. I've had to adjust a few of Natasha's photos, true, because her experiments don't always work and I really do want to see the model but I find her images far more erotic than Herge's. Then again, I'm not a great fan of Stefan Grosjean, whose models are stunning but invariably surrounded by gilt and gaudy sets. It's a balancing act.

12-14-17  08:55am

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

I haven't deleted any of my August Ames files (although I was shocked to see how paltry my collection was compared to her actual output) but I can't imagine myself tugging one out with her on the monitor. Very sad and so ridiculously young.

12-14-17  08:48am

Visit Hegre

Reply of skippy's Reply

She's Elin at MetArt and Aya Beshen at Hegre. I have to say, I'm disappointed with his shoots compared with Natasha Schon's (MetArt). She's pretty controversial there; people either love her more artful, less graphic photosets (that would be me) or they hate them because there are never any spread legs and Schon experiments with lighting quite a bit. I found Hegre's photos of Aya to be really pedestrian and unimaginative, although there is plenty of good stuff among the other models. And, yes, the models are insanely beautiful.

12-13-17  08:44am

Visit Hegre

Reply of skippy's Comment

The PU price is said to be $19.95 recurring but CCBill reports that it goes up to $29.95 after the first month.

12-12-17  05:24pm

Visit Hegre

Reply of skippy's Reply

Thanks for writing the review, skippy, very helpful. By a coincidence I fell onto hegre while searching for a particular model I "discovered" on MetArt. Hegre has a huge number of galleries for her and I'm curious how his vision differs from the MetArt photographer. Your review was extremely encouraging.

12-12-17  05:14pm

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

Not asked, but my LEAST favorite ending is some Russian guy, who has been in the tailpipe of a gorgeous young girl for the last half hour, taking 10 minutes to jerk himself off while she licks his balls (occasionally glancing at the director) because of whatever drugs he needed to get erect in the first place.

12-12-17  04:42pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Pretty much exactly what I would have written. You can generally clip out 50% or more of a porn video because it's just some guy (not me) getting blown. Sometimes they're OK because, like you said, boobs.

10-20-17  02:54pm

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

A few of the MetArt photographers seem obsessed with close-ups of anus and vagina with a significant percentage of photos in a set dedicated to pink. As someone who uses photos for desktops, I get frustrated by this coupled with the fact that these photographers only use landscape for the close-ups, and mostly portrait mode for the rest of the set.

08-31-17  10:35am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I used to proudly say that I never watched Reality TV and then I remembered watching three seasons of Last Comic Standing. One of those years the winner was Iliza Shleshinger who is HOT!

04-29-17  02:51pm

Visit Twistys

Reply of skippy's Comment

Thanks for the tip. Twistys used to be a go-to site but this is absurd. It looks like wow porn is doing the same thing: charging a good discounted rate but only for streaming. $10/month for downloads. This is not a good trend.

04-28-17  03:46pm

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire

Shadow of itself

Before Stephen Hicks' unfortunate death, Digital Desire was one of my favorite websites. Although I know others found it too vanilla (esp. videos) it was a treasure house of gorgeous women, with absolutely flawless photography. Hicks was a longtime photographer with a penchant for busty women and an apparent master at recruiting models. Makeup, color balance, design -- everything was done at an extremely professional level. Scanning through the model directory, which includes "flashbacks" from decades ago, that ability to find and hold onto beautiful women is obvious, but it doesn't take much time clicking on profiles to realize most of them are at least several years old. Very few are new models and the new models are, well, just not that hot.

I think the big draw at Digital Desire was Hicks' reputation, honestly, and that without him the competition from other sites is just too great. The PU discount is so huge right now that I rejoined to pick up some older sets and check out the current models, but I won't be sticking around.

04-28-17  02:00pm

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