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Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Highly professional glamour photography with extremely attractive and experienced models. Settings are designed to highlight the model and are generally beautiful. There don't seem to be any tacky motel rooms, for example.

Models are almost exclusively Russian and Ukrainian and typically slender and very fit. Bodies are apparently all natural and accessories very minimal.

Some of the models have more than 100 galleries/films. Updates occur every two days. Galleries tend to be 60-100+ images. Recent galleries are available as zips in 4000px, 2000px and 1200px. Much older galleries are largely available in 2000x and 1200px. There are currently about 400,000 images.

Videos are available up to 1920 x 1080. Videos are sorted as Explicit, Lifestyle and Sensual. There are currently about 800 videos.
Cons: MPLStudios is more likely than most sites to offer familiar models under unfamiliar names. If you're a collector, this requires some research. For example, Monika Dee is a familiar and welcome MetArt model and is known as Kaitlin at MPLStudios.

Zipped galleries are named with 8 digits. No photographer, no title. On the website the galleries include that information but it does not transfer to files.

There are no customer comments. IMO, this is a mixed bag. The comments can be helpful at times but they can also encourage bickering and/or snotty comments about pubic hair.

Biographical information is minimal. Almost nonexistent, in fact, other than debut age, nationality, and breast size.

Models are almost exclusively slender white girls. That happens to be my type, so not always a con.
Bottom Line: I'm a great fan of glam erotica and for many years my loyalty has been to one website & family of websites. However, over the last few years that source has lost its, er, glamour for me. A few of the photographers with long histories have apparently quit trying. It's not unusual for one of them to take a beautiful woman (and they are, for the most part, beautiful) out to a rocky ledge or a lilac farm and put her through the same series of gymnastics over and over, without venturing into new territory. There are some long-standing photographers who take their art seriously, and these are most likely to get hammered in comments especially if they're not explicit enough. My personal taste is for natural-looking positions, so feet behind the ears so we can see her anus has limited appeal especially when it's repetitive.

That particular website has at least four updates every single day, which means they need a lot of material and the glory days of a boundless supply of models seems to be gone. A lot of the models are simply decent-looking women willing to take their clothes off for the camera. It feels like the webmaster is throwing images against the wall to see what sticks. Photographers often rely on quantity over quality and I frankly tire of shabby motel rooms.

True debut models at MPLStudios are rare these days and most have a solid track record with lots of experience either here or at other glamour sites. They are, virtually without exception, drop-dead gorgeous and the settings, whether indoors or out are likewise. MPLStudios takes models to glamorous locations, singly or in groups and spends time with them in those locations.

Rather than a lot of different (or indifferent) models, the website focuses on a smaller cast. Which means, for instance, that I recently sorted through more than 4,000 images of Lana Lane to select material for my personal screen savers. This was not a painful process.

Once upon a time, Digital Desire exhibited this level of professionalism and had seemingly cornered the market on knock-down, drag-out beauties. That was due to the experience, professionalism and reputation of J. Stephen Hicks. After his untimely death in 2013 all that was lost. MPLStudios feels to me like it's filling that gap.

Webmaster is very responsive.

09-05-22  01:53pm

Replies (4)
Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of LKLK's Reply

That makes a lot of sense, and it's a shame. It would explain why the home page hasn't been updated for a year.

10-01-22  12:11pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of LKLK's Reply

I think the real question is why are you a Newbie when you have written a few thousand reviews? I get the distinct impression this website is on autopilot.

09-27-22  02:00pm

Visit The Emily Bloom

The Emily Bloom

New site since last year

This is now emilybloom.com, but it doesn't seem like Emily has gotten the word out very well. Worth a visit, IMO, because Emily and her friends are gorgeous. Like me, Emily seems to really like busty girls so they are quite prevalent in the current (7/30/22) updates.

07-30-22  01:10pm

Replies (0)
Visit The Emily Bloom

The Emily Bloom

Site redirects

Site redirects to emilybloom.com. Actually, you have to select a button that redirects you but the point is the site has a new url.

07-30-22  12:28pm

Replies (0)
Visit All Fine Girls

All Fine Girls
Reply of LKLK's Review

I've been bugging the people at WOW to give photo credits. I think their galleries are equal in quality to MetArt these days and I'd love to thank the photographers. In fact, their photography is consistently of a very high technical quality where some of the MetArt photographers can turn in occasionally 2nd rate work.

These days there is an increased cross-over between the hardcore models and MetArt (and other MetArt sites). There was a period when comments about "hard core" models appearing at MetArt were negative, claiming that doing hard core ruins a model's looks but I've noticed a lack of that nonsense lately. Freya Mayer just got the highest customer score I've ever seen without a single complaint about her scenes elsewhere.

03-17-22  01:41pm

Visit Erotic Beauty

Erotic Beauty
Reply of LKLK's Review

Counterpoint: If you've never been a member of the site but have collections of MetArt models from other MA sites, there are a lot of terrific galleries here to add in to what you have. Currently running a $9.95 special but even the standard discounted rate is now $9.95, recurring at $29.95. You can easily harvest everything worth finding in one month. Two galleries of Jenya D isn't much, unless you add it to 127 galleries from the mothership.

11-21-21  03:09pm

Visit Skokoff

Reply of tangub's Review

I'm very interested in the models on this site but doing a preview I've come up with a question: Does Skokoff ever take photos in landscape format. Everything I've seen is portrait but that might be a result of the previewing software.

07-10-21  05:08pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
Reply of Tom D Admin's Reply

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

07-07-21  10:14am

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites


My browser has blocked the website, warning me of a Trojan. It strongly recommends not proceeding to the website. So I didn't. Anyone have any information about this?

07-04-21  01:45pm

Replies (2)
Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of tangub's Review

I have no idea why I never seriously considered this site before and hadn't even looked at it. Now I'm playing catch up with masses of content to d/l. Image sizes are much larger than my usual choices at sites like MetArt but the batch conversion feature of IrfanView is very helpful, just adding one more step. It also allows renaming, which counters the irritating "number only" labeling of photos.

Model names can be a pain in the neck but I can find most at indexxx.com. Thanks for the review and, I agree, having so many models from the Southern Hemisphere is a nice change.

04-04-21  11:16am

Visit A Girl Knows

A Girl Knows
Reply of LKLK's Review

I'm one of the members who complained about download times. The response I got included this explanation:

"Because we don’t keep files cached if they are not required, if you are the first user to request a specific download, instead of downloading from a server closer to you (faster), it will download from the original storage server (slower)."

Which is not something I've ever heard from a website. Maybe the real answer is that they don't have sufficient servers to run such a large network of sites. I could run the question by some of the network admins I know but it might be a little awkward. I do know that the original Porndoe site never had these problems. And I really would like access to White Boxx again.

09-14-20  01:52pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of The Doctor's Review

I don't understand your use of the word "amateur". All these models, men and women, pose and have sex in exchange for money. That's pretty much the definition of "professional."

05-02-20  02:30pm

Visit LetsDoeIt

Reply of LKLK's Reply

Really, the computer is not the problem, nor is my Internet connection. Like I said, no problem with other websites. I did send a report to the Support team but haven't gotten a response. I'll give it another day or two before I start complaining and cancel. Before that happens, there is one video I'm willing to wait 25 minutes for: Jia Lissa fucking a man!

04-26-20  09:21am

Visit LetsDoeIt


Slowest website ever!

I used to really like this website, particularly the White Boxx. I very recently decided to rejoin and it's been nothing but a headache. Pages take forever to load -- and these are the pages that have to load before I can log in. After a login, I get another series of sluggish pages that are all ads for other websites, videos that play w/o being requested and then, finally, when I try to download a video it takes, literally, 20 minutes or more.

Initially, I did get two videos to dl in a normal time, 4-5 min. but then the third said it would take 25 min. I canceled and tried again (having a vague memory of port issues with the website a few years ago) and got the same result. Restarted my PC and... same. Tried a different computer and ... same.

That was yesterday. I tried again today and honestly it was a solid 10 minutes until I was actually in the website. So I went back to Whiteboxx and tried where I had left off. Same. Meanwhile, I tested two other sites I'm subscribed to and had no trouble with dls. All normal speeds. I'll send a note to Support if I can; yesterday I kept getting dumped back to one of their ad pages.

Whiteboxx has some of the most gorgeous women in porn, no question about it, including a number that are new to me. But this is bullshit.

04-23-20  11:48am

Replies (2)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Review

Over the years I've gotten a lot of videos from this network but once they introduced VR the trend I noticed was that all of the really attractive models were exclusively (or nearly so) in VR--and I like regular porn, thank you. I can't get past that. It's not that the network is expensive but if I keep seeing all the hotties as essentially unavailable, I'm not interested in joining again.

03-22-20  10:36am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

When I first became aware of websites using tiered pricing the price difference was far too great for me to justify paying for downloads. It seems as if the owners of those websites realized it wasn't a workable business model.

03-10-20  05:19pm

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment

I was subscribed earlier this year and never had download issues with the site itself. I only left after I was caught up on existing videos because they don't update frequently enough for me. It's too bad, because I've always liked their models and the videos tend to be very good.

12-29-19  11:36am

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of Pyrenees's Review

Your review was persuasive and eventually I dumped other unsatisfactory sites and have been giving Adult Time a spin. All that you say is true; it's almost intimidating how huge the network is and everything I've looked at or downloaded in the last week has been exceptional. Even the tired stepmom/stepdad videos I saw on other sites have been replaced with better stories, better direction and (mostly) more attractive models.

The search feature is a little iffy--I noticed models whose names are not tagged in some videos although they're clearly listed. Those videos do not show up on the model's pages.

Other than that minor quibble, wow!

09-11-19  11:47am

Visit Bad Teens Punished

Bad Teens Punished
Reply of LKLK's Review

I just terminated my subscription to Nubiles Porn, which includes Bad Teens Punished. All of the sites in the network have such a rigid structure to videos that even the cutest girl being spanked becomes incredibly uninteresting because the scenarios are soooo boring.

Step-dad is always a jerk and incredibly controlling. The step-daughter either hangs around the house in her underwear or masturbates with her bedroom door open. Or takes too long in the shower so dad has to burst in on her. Jerk dad yells a lot and then announces she's being punished and starts spanking her. "Oh my god, you're all wet, you're enjoying this!" says stupid dad. Girl giggles and proceeds to blow dad and they screw a lot while dad demands she promise not to tell mom. Girl loves dad and why not? His cock is huge.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Porn does require a suspension of disbelief but this porn pushes the limits of unbelievable with very little reward. YMMV

08-23-19  11:27am

N/A Reply of FreddieAdmin's Poll


08-23-19  11:14am

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

I admit, my vote was colored by this: I was thinking of suicides and August Ames came immediately to mind. Her early photo sessions and scenes are just too painful for me to watch.

08-09-19  12:41pm

Visit Sis Loves Me

Sis Loves Me

Not really a network

TBP review mentions that Sis Loves Me is now part of Team Skeet and I was curious what that meant in real terms. I suppose if you're already aware of Skeet none of this is a surprise, but it was an eye-opener for me. Even as a member of SLM, it takes an effort to get to content because it means constantly wading through tons of ads for the affiliated sites. Even getting to the next page of content means more ads--which you will see more than once if you click on a preview because exiting a video will take you back to page 1.

If you click on a model's profile link you're likely to see a half dozen videos featuring your new heartthrob; if you're lucky, one of those videos will be available to you in Sis Loves Me, but the others will be spread across several other sites, which you cannot access without joining--and unless there's a sale on that specific site, it will cost you the same as if you had joined from scratch. These aren't upgrades but offers to join yet another Skeet website.

Scenes are all predictable considering the niche. Stepsister either needs advice on how to please her b.f. or POV "stepbrother" is worried about whether or not his dick is big (hint: it is). Scenes are usually several mini-scenes in which the "sister" becomes more and more comfortable banging her "brother". The girls are actually very charming and likable and even manage to get through all the cornball dialog without choking. None of them look like high school girls, obviously, but they also don't look like the guy's mom. The guys are mercifully invisible; most of the scenes are POV and when the guy is included his face is pixelated. Not sure why that is done but I don't miss the guys at all.

06-15-19  01:41pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

August Ames being a case in point. Took her own life very young and lots of her videos are still readily--sometimes freely--available. I can't look at any of that.

06-08-19  04:59pm

Visit Vixen.com

Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

If this is the same model, she shot a lot of work with MetArt as Melena A and the Vixen scene is definitely h/c b/g. I'm a little confused, though, because she looks a lot like Melena in this scene except hair color (easy) and eye color (can blue contacts be that effective?) and her breasts seem just a little more full (bodies do change, I know). There's some intro material with "the girl" setting up the scene and her voice sounds convincingly American. It's possible that a Russian could speak like that, I suppose, and it's also possible that someone else is doing the voiceover since we never see the model speaking lines. She's incredibly gorgeous, whoever she is.

06-06-19  01:37pm

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