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N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

When I first became aware of websites using tiered pricing the price difference was far too great for me to justify paying for downloads. It seems as if the owners of those websites realized it wasn't a workable business model.

03-10-20  05:19pm

N/A Reply of FreddieAdmin's Poll


08-23-19  11:14am

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

I admit, my vote was colored by this: I was thinking of suicides and August Ames came immediately to mind. Her early photo sessions and scenes are just too painful for me to watch.

08-09-19  12:41pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

August Ames being a case in point. Took her own life very young and lots of her videos are still readily--sometimes freely--available. I can't look at any of that.

06-08-19  04:59pm

N/A Reply of merc77's Reply

This sums up my attitude. Lots of porn actors that have no appeal to me at all, and fortunately there are many who do. But I'm not "refusing to watch" I'm just watching someone else.

05-23-19  02:40pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

I had forgotten about SuicideGirls for some reason. Maybe I used to occasionally see them on Tumblr, which I dropped. At any rate, you reminded me about them and I checked out their website. There's a tour of sorts that supposedly has 200 photos (I'm pretty sure I didn't see anywhere near that many). They are all very attractive girls and a lot of them aren't photographed with dense ink, but the thing is a few of them are staggeringly beautiful. I do love the usual glamour sites, but some of these models make MetArt models look just a bit shabby. Of course, I'm perfectly fine with tattoos in general and also a big fan of perfect, unadorned complexions. People who shudder at ink would do best never to check out SuicideGirls.

01-13-19  08:21am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply


10-29-18  11:32am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I'm sorry but I didn't see your request until just now. Not sure why I didn't get an email.

Most of the videos I saw were, I think, at Classic Porn(?) where a huge percentage of their content was German and French. It has been awhile but my memory is that the term "classic" was loosely applied. Many of the videos were not particularly old.

10-27-18  02:30pm

N/A Reply of Loki's Reply

Sounds like you're an old guy like me. I too prefer women that look like grown-ups rather than 12 year olds.

10-25-18  12:54pm

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

I've seen a lot of really hot women in French and German porn that don't appear anywhere else. And so much is coming out of Russia and Eastern Europe without dubbing (thank god) or subtitles, I'd be missing out on a ton.

10-20-18  12:36pm

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

MetArt. I've been off and on with them for at least a decade and probably more. Some day I'll get a life membership, if I live that long.

09-08-18  11:06am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I'll be dead, so why would I care if my son finds my porn?

01-13-18  10:55am

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

I haven't deleted any of my August Ames files (although I was shocked to see how paltry my collection was compared to her actual output) but I can't imagine myself tugging one out with her on the monitor. Very sad and so ridiculously young.

12-14-17  08:48am

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

Not asked, but my LEAST favorite ending is some Russian guy, who has been in the tailpipe of a gorgeous young girl for the last half hour, taking 10 minutes to jerk himself off while she licks his balls (occasionally glancing at the director) because of whatever drugs he needed to get erect in the first place.

12-12-17  04:42pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Pretty much exactly what I would have written. You can generally clip out 50% or more of a porn video because it's just some guy (not me) getting blown. Sometimes they're OK because, like you said, boobs.

10-20-17  02:54pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I used to proudly say that I never watched Reality TV and then I remembered watching three seasons of Last Comic Standing. One of those years the winner was Iliza Shleshinger who is HOT!

04-29-17  02:51pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

My first wife introduced me to anal sex and initiated it on special occasions. Of course, I'm not hung like a porn star and we always used plenty of lube. I also never lasted very long because the sensation is intense. She was a really horny woman but I doubt she ever had an actual orgasm while I was up her butt. Then again, I rarely believe in the orgasms I see in porn either.

04-08-17  03:27pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

My answer was based on the assumption that we were talking about masturbation videos, but I was clearly wrong. I love dirty talk in those -- Emily Addison & Brett Rossi are/were great at this -- but I haven't seen it done well often in b/g videos. Too often it's just a lot of fake screaming and repetitive dialog -- oh baby oh baby -- that I find distracting as hell.

01-21-17  05:07pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I'm more or less a freak, I think, because I'd prefer my favorites rarely do anal and never do DP. Ditto spitting, choking, rimming and gang bangs. And no problem with only going g/g or someone like Marry Queen who quit doing b/g after being hardcore. Bonus points for a solo scene with lots of dirty talk.

08-05-16  12:30pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Considering it's all on external hard drives... no problem.

05-18-16  10:36am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Does PU count? Otherwise, no.

04-05-16  12:28pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Your poll doesn't work properly, because it makes me choose just one. The answer is kitchen, bathroom, car and back yard. Oh, and on a Greyhound bus.

01-29-16  11:03am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I should have said "other" although the man's shirt kills me. My trigger, in person or on screen, goes back to my youth: tight blue jeans, a flannel shirt (and long hair).

01-20-16  02:17pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Books and good bourbon. Oh and gin. And rum.

10-20-15  03:31pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have to be very confident that the website will continue to offer material I enjoy, taking into account the fact that I will have cleared out all the archived material I want within a couple of months at the most. The reality for me is that very few sites meet these criteria.

07-02-15  11:50am

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